#nick bosa x you
hubbvrd · 5 months
Can you write more stories with Nick Bosa please 💕
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summary — Nick and you have been dating for some time now without having revealed this publicly anywhere. It was supposed to stay that way. But when suddenly loads of photos start appearing online and you start getting not-so-nice messages, you decide it's time to have that one conversation with Nick.
pairing — nick bosa x reader
words — 1524
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It wasn't exactly easy to date someone who was in the public eye and who was also adored by countless women.
There was no perfect way or right words to help you deal with such situations and certain words that weren't exactly nice.
And that's exactly the situation you're in right now.
A few weeks ago you had met the 49er defensive player at the gym, the first time you had ever entered a gym in your life and everything was new to you.
You had haphazardly tried out one device or another and had been sure that you had done them correctly until a nice man, who looked like a male teddy bear, had come over to you and helped you and improved yourself.
When you invited Nick to a coffee afterwards, where you got talking straight away and you both felt like you'd known each other forever, you exchanged numbers.
And now almost a month later, you're dating. 
It's not easy to date a football player in secret, so immediately after your first date there were a few photos and references on gossip sites on various platforms.
At first, your identity remained a secret until a few fans used their stalker skills to get your name online, along with a few not-so-nice messages.
Right now, you're sitting on the sofa with your phone, scrolling through your unread messages on Instagram.
A few of them are really nice, so words like "Nick has been beaming ever since he started dating you. Thank you for making him happy" ; "You're so pretty! Nick is so lucky, wow!!!".
But you can count these nice messages on both fingers, so it's mostly the not-so-nice messages that reach you and don't seem to be getting any fewer.
The urge to know what strangers think about you has won, so that countless tears are now rolling down your cheeks and won't stop.
It's not fair that strangers who didn't even know you wrote such nasty things, some of which were below the belt.
You knew that dating someone famous wasn't easy and wasn't all positive, but you just weren't prepared for news like this.
A quiet sob escapes your lips as you carelessly throw your cell phone on the sofa and get up.
You start pacing back and forth in the living room as you keep glancing at the clock hanging on the wall.
A few minutes ago, you called Nick and asked him to come to your house to talk to him about everything.
Nick knew that there were some photos of the two of you together online, but he didn't know that they had found your Instagram account in the meantime and were sending you private messages.
You wrestled with yourself for a long time and thought about whether you should continue to keep this from him or tell him the truth.
After a lot of back and forth, you called Nick over to your place.
When the doorbell rings, you flinch, startled, and wipe your eyes with the sleeves of your sweater.
Your eyes are still pretty red and puffy, so Nick will know immediately that something is wrong. But it makes you feel a little better to wipe away the new tears.
Before you open the door, you take a deep breath and then open the door with a forced smile, which doesn't stay firmly on your face.
Nick's happy face at seeing you again slips right off his face, so that within a few seconds a worried expression appears on his face.
Without saying anything, he pushes past you into your apartment, only to pull you into his strong arms a few seconds later.
And this embrace causes everything inside you to literally collapse like a house of cards again and endless tears begin to stream down your cheeks.
Without saying anything, Nick holds you tightly in his arms as his hand strokes your back again and again to soothe you.
Sobbing, you bury your nose in his shirt so that his scent envelops you and slowly begins to calm you down.
As the last sob leaves your lips and the shaking of your shoulders subsides, Nick lifts you up without further ado and carries you over to the living room, where he lays you carefully on the sofa.
With a cuddly blanket, he lies down next to you to cover you both and then wraps his arms tightly around you and pulls you back against his warm chest.
You feel him carefully rest his head on yours and brush his hand over your arm.
"What happened?" He asks a short time later into the silence, causing you to flinch in shock.
"They know. They know everything," you whisper quietly, your voice sounding almost hoarse from all the crying.
"Who knows what?" Nick checks again to make sure you're on the same subject.
Because in the time he's been holding and comforting you, he's actually thought that this must have something to do with you and the fans.
You gather your courage and start to tell Nick everything. From the photos of the two of you that have appeared to the account you found and the nasty messages.
As you talk, you hand him your cell phone with the messages, some of which Nick reads through and then spreads an apologetic and pained expression on his face.
You can see how these words that have reached you are hurting him and how guilty he is starting to feel, even though he is not responsible for these nasty words.
"Y/n, I-I..." Nick more or less begins to apologize. But you shake your head.
"No, Nick. Please don't apologize for those words. It's not your fault that people can be too mean and nasty."
You slowly sit up so that you can look into Nick's brown eyes, in which tears are slowly gathering and causing your heart to contract slightly.
You've never seen Nick even remotely this upset, so it hurts more to see Nick like this now than to have read the words yourself earlier.
"It really hurt to read that at first, Nick. I am honest with you and have questioned all of this and wondered if this hate is really worth us continuing to date. I know how much hate destroys people. No one deserves this hate."
You carefully place your hands on Nick's cheeks so that Nick's gaze slowly wanders up to your eyes.
He looks nervous and scared at the same time. But you can't blame him, because if you were him, you'd be just as afraid of your next words.
"But I also know that none of them know me the way you know me. Everyone will probably never be able to accept me. But it's the same outside of social media, isn't it? You don't get that in real life, but it's the same. That's why... That's why I've come to a decision."
"Y/n...I understand if this is all too much for you and you'd rather have more privacy. If that's what you want, I'll accept that and we can be friends."
Nick's hands move up to yours so he takes your hands in his and squeezes them gently, his eyes still on yours.
"I don't want to be just friends, Nick. I'm falling in love with you. So I'll tell you now: I don't care what they say. I want to be with you." Towards the end, your voice gets a little quieter and shakier.
"Y/n..." Nick starts again, but you interrupt him again.
"No, Nick. I don't want to throw away what we have because of crap like this. I like you far too much for that. I can't just ignore or dismiss my feelings because some woman thinks she's better for you than I am and tries to belittle me with her words. I'm going to deal with it. I'm not going to read one more message and stand over the fact that I, of all people, get to be by the side of a man as great as you."
"God, y/n..." Nick whispers as he rests his forehead against yours. "I'm so glad we found each other and I'm falling in love with you, this special woman."
Your eyes start to burn again, which causes new tears to gather in your eyes.
But this time not with pain, but with happiness.
Nick and his words just make the pain turn to happiness in a matter of seconds and you can't believe you have someone so amazing in front of you.
And you can hardly wait to take the next steps with Nick. Deep down, you hope that the hate will lessen and that the fans who hate will see how happy Nick is.
But even if the hate will never go away, you will find a way to deal with it even better.
Because that's the path you're going to take so that you can continue to be by Nick's side.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 6 months
What a joke
Travis Kelce x Reader
prompt 88 “you? beat me? What a joke” requested by @sorryidonttreatulikeagoddess hope you like it!
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“Oh come on!” Travis shouted, throwing his hands in the air while you smiled in victory.
It was date night every week you would both turn off the phones and spend time together and this week it was pizza a chess, while it doesn’t happen often this is when you’re reminded how sore of a loser he is, and you loved it.
“It was one game don't get cocky.” He grumbled seeing your facial expression
“It was five games actually baby, but dont worry you’re still the checkers master.” You giggled picking up the plates to take them to the kitchen Travis following not far behind.
“Listen sweetie I’ll let you have this win but just remember I’ll win any other game.” You could feel his smug smile even before you turned around. Matching his position you leaned back against the counter and folded your arms.
“Any game you say?” You prodded, knowing it would draw him in, doing exactly that he stepped forward pinning you with his arms caging you against the counter, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Any game.”
“Even football?” His laugh echoed through the kitchen. “You? Beat me, at football? What a joke”
You waited for him to sober up before continuing with the idea in your head. Travis straightened little laughs escaping his lips. “I’m serious put your team together and I’ll pick mine, we can make a whole thing of it and donate to a charity of the winning teams choosing.”
You had his full attention as you spoke of course you would turn a competition into a good thing and he loved you a little more for it. He thought it over but you knew by the smile on his face he was in.
“Better get your team together because it’s on.” He held his and out to shake but the second your palm touched his, he pulled you into his chest. “May the best team win.” He whispered against you lips before pulling away and immediately going for his phone no doubt calling Pat, good thing you had your own phone calls to make.
You waited until you heard the shower turn on before your struck. Running as quietly as possible into Travis’s office, grabbing his headphones Jasons face popped back up on screen.
“Heyyy Y/N hows it going.” He boasted you’re glad you were wearing headphones or Travis definitely would’ve heard.
“Hi it’s good soooo I’m assuming you’ve heard about the game between Travis and i?” You asked pleading tone seeing him shake his head “Sorry i already told Trav i would play for him.”
“Oh come on.” You begged before a lighbulb went off. “What do you like more, supporting your brother or beating him?”
You watched as it sunk in your fingers tapping anxiously on the desk as you waited.
“So I have some ideas for our jerseys.” And just like that you had a center.
After months of planing the day has come you were decked out in the shiny gold Jersey Jason wanted standing across from Travis and Patrick on the field.
“The time has come baby you can back out now” Travis sang, ever for the dramatic he announced every member of his team as if it was a UFC match. Which to no surprise to you included most of the chiefs players.
“I think you’ll change your tune after you meet my team.” You smiled, taking the microphone from the announcer.
Thank you for everyone coming out to support a good cause and to watch Travis lose against my team today,” you paused looking to the stands as people cheered.
For our center may i introduce… Jason Kelce!!” He ran out of the tunnel to stand next to you while Travis dropped his jaw. “You said you had an interview with ESPN today!” Travis yelled pointing.
Jason shrugged “I probably will after this.”
“My own brother that’s cold” you smirked at his words moving on to the next players
“And next up on defense we have all the way from Miami, Jaelan Phillips! And the cheetah!” (Go watch hard knocks episode 2 trust me)
“And the man who broke the internet with his skims campaign…NICK BOSA!!” Travis rolled his eyes knowing the small crush you had on Bosa before you got together.
“Now for the quarterback. I know we needed something big and might i say i think we delivered.” You paused for dramatic effect, you saw Travis glance at Pat to make sure he wasn’t pulling a switch like his brother.
“The only man to have beaten Patrick Mahomes in the playoffs..Joe Burrow!!” The Crowd erupted as he came running out coming to stand on your other side. you met eyes with Travis “You can back out now baby” pulling his words back on him handing the mic back to the announcer to do his thing while you left your team to run to the sidelines with Kylie. “Now this will be a good game.” She spoke actually wearing the golden jersey which surprised you since she only wears eagles gear but as she said it wasn’t a real team so it doesn’t count.
“Let’s just hope they win.”
(I do not know enough about football to write the game but I’m learning)
Later that night you and Travis found yourselves back on the couch large trophy sitting on the coffee table. “You, beat me at football what a joke.” You repeated in a comically deep voice while giggling.
“Yeah yeah next week we’re playing checkers.” He pouted with his arms crossed gearing at your trophy. “If you promise not to throw a chair this time sure” You joke ending with a yelp as he lunges at you.
Hey guys my first time writing NFL hope yall liked it check out my other works here
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mysunshinetemptress · 8 months
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Tesoro mio, La mia vita
Alessia Russo x Bosa!reader
Warnings: none just Fluff,it’s really short just a little thing, some really bad Italian cause it was taken from Google, but Surprise here’s a short one for Valentine’s Day
You were walking into London Colony when you were suddenly stopped by Mark, Arsenals media director “Hey Y/n, how have you been.” You smiled at the camera “all good Mark how are you.” Mark smiled zooming in on your face slightly before speaking “I’m good thanks, just wondering what’s your phone screen.” You laughed lightly pulling your hands phone out of your back pocket before looking down at the photo and smiling. It was no secret you and Alessia Russo were dating, she’s the reason you played for Arsenal but what fans didn’t know was how long your relationship had actually been going on for. Turning your phone you should the photo “it’s a picture of my two brothers Nick and Joey, Tesoro Mio Alessia and both her brothers Luca and Gio.” You paused allowing Mark to zoom in before continuing on “it was taken at the NFC Championship game in 2019, which was Nicks first season in the NFL and all my family where there as well as Alessia’s as we all brought our partners and their family so it was a big day but I love my brothers, and when I’m here Gio and Luca are like my brothers and of course I love Alessia so yeah that’s my screensaver hasn’t changed since 2019 and it probably won’t anytime soon.” Mark laughed thanking you as you walked away with a red face.
It was a quite night both you and Alessia where cuddled up on your couch in St Albans when you both got a notification from the media team saying their latest video was out, you both normally ignored them but you wanted to see Alessia’s reaction to you telling the world how long you had been together so you turned it on. “Oh I love these, it’s such a cute trend.” You laughed as Alessia buried her head further into your chest as you ran your fingers through her blond hair. You smiled as you watched yourself come up on the screen and felt Alessia tense slightly “oh my god, Sole.” You blushed as she looked up at you “I can’t believe you still have that as your Lock Screen.” You mumbled kissing her head “of course I do it’s my favourite photo.” Alessia stretched up to kiss you before turning back to the Tv listening to you explain the meaning behind it before it cut to her walking into the training ground.
“Morning Alessia, how are you.” Alessia beamed happily at the older man “hi Mark all good thanks and you.” Mark smiled at the blonde “I’m good, just wondering what’s your screen saver.” Alessia looked at her phone “it’s a photo of Ella and El mio sole Y/n at the Euros in 2022, Ella pulled her over the barrier with the help of my brothers and then proceeded to jump on Y/ns back and then this photo is of me and Y/n after winning the NCAA I asked her to be my girlfriend shortly after and the rest is history.” Mark smiled “so the photos mean a lot to you.” Alessia smiled nodding “definitely both her and Ella mean a lot to me and that moment is something I just love looking back on.” You turned looking down at the blonde “you’re going to make me cry.” Alessia sat up grabbing your face laughing “naw don’t cry, I love you and I love those moments and memories with you.” You leaned your head against hers “I love every moment with you.” Alessia pecked your lips “Te amo, el mio sole.” You pulled her forward locking your lips together as you kissed her passionately “Ti amo, La Mia vita.”
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kinzis-writing · 5 months
Requests 🫶
Hey all! I am back from my hiatus, I decided to put writing on hold while I finished this semester of school. My last exam was Friday, so now I am done until august. This means plenty of time for writing! My requests are open. I only have two more requests to post, and they will be up between tomorrow and Friday.
These are the characters I write for currently:
☑ Mattheo Riddle (Harry Potter)
☑ Lorenzo Berkshire (Harry Potter)
☑ Theodore Nott (Harry Potter)
☑ Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
☑ George Weasley (Harry Potter)
☑ Fred Weasley (Harry Potter)
☑ Josh Allen (NFL)
☑ Tee Higgins (NFL)
☑ Nick Bosa (NFL)
☑ Jeremiah Fisher (TSITP)
☑ Other NFL players by request!
☑ Other fandoms/People are available by request! Just send me a message or inbox me!
If requesting a Harry potter imagine and you want a specific imagine. Please be sure to leave me what house you would like for me to write as (what house the reader is in).
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joeys-babe · 1 year
Joey B Imagines: On The Road Again*
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Summary: When you and Joe are put in the back row of a van during a road trip with Sam Hubbard and Nick Bosa, you find yourselves trying to be as quiet and discreet as possible.
Warnings: Smut (Joe has a sex dream, BJ in the back of a car with unsuspecting people inside, sex in a rest stop bathroom.)
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Baby, I Love You
“we’ll take the third row” - Joe stated mater-of-factly
it was still off-season, just a few weeks before OTA’s were gonna start so Joe and a couple of his close friends decided to take a road trip.
it was going to be Joe, me, Sam Hubbard, Sam’s girlfriend Jess, and Nick Bosa.
it was the old ohio state friend group, and i was familiar with the two boys since joe and i started dating when he was still at ohio state.
sam and joe were lucky enough to end up playing with the same nfl team, while nick ended up in san fran with the niners. before training camp, nick decided he wanted to take this road trip together before him and the boys were back to being opponents.
nick flew down to cincy and was currently staying in sams guest room. he was in charge of renting the car used for the road trip.. but he was the one 30 minutes late.
sam and jess made it to joe and i’s house 15 minutes before 9:30 which is the time we agreed on meeting here.
so here the four of us were, sitting in the living room and watching tv while waiting on nick.
nick said the type of car was a surprise, but that it was a four row van. the last row was being folded down for more room to put our luggage.
since nick was the only one of the three guys not bringing a girl along, he decided he was gonna take the middle row so he could sprawl out and make a bed.
sam said he’d drive while jess was “passenger princess”, so that meant the back row was left for joe and i.
“dear god, where is he?” - joe grumbled
“he’s 30 minutes late but i mean you know how he is joe. he’s gonna show up with some decked out van.” - sam
“i don’t care what it is, i’m just hoping for working AC ” - you
“true that.” - joe
“sam, how is nick so late isn’t he literally coming from your house?” - you
“well yeah, he is… but he slept in. when we were leaving to come here he hadn’t even left to go get the car.” - sam
joe groaned out of annoyance and you let one of your hands fall to the top of his head to play with his hair.
“someone’s impatient” - you laughed
“we’ve been together for six years, you should know that by now.” - joe
“bro you are not one to talk, i dont see an engagement ring on her finger. you’ve been together for six years, you should know she’s the one by now.” - sam joked
“i don’t like being rushed! it’s coming though, i promise baby.” - joe turned to you and gave you a wink before glaring at sam
we all talked for a little while longer until we heard car honks coming from outside the house.
“thank fuck!” - joe shot up off the couch and speed walked over to the door
sam, jess, and i followed behind him and when we made it outside we all stared at the vehicle in shock.
“nick what the literal hell is that?!” - joe yelled
“you like it??” - nick hung out of the window of the van
“absolutely not.” - joe turned around to walk back into the house, but you grabbed his arm before he could and turned him back around.
“it’s an old church van, it’s all they had left since i was late to pick up the one i rented originally so someone else got it.” - nick
“damn it, nick!” - joe
i wrapped one of my arms around his waist and placed my other hand on his chest, trying to calm him down.
“it’s gonna be okay, joe. we don’t need an entire RV.” - you
“i don’t even know if i can fit in the back of that thing y/n!” - joe
“we’ll make ya fit. now please go get our bags from upstairs?” - you
“fine” - joe mumbled, you pecked his lips and said thank you before letting him out of your grasp
when joe was back in the house, sam and nick both let out a sigh of relief.
“if you weren’t around i don’t know how he woulda turned out.” - sam laughed
“yeah for real” - nick
“i try.” - you did a bow jokingly and smiled.
joe returned shortly after. he was rolling his suitcase on the ground while my bags lined both of his arms. talk about hot.
“baby, we’re going for the weekend. not moving in.” - joe mumbled as he walked over to the back of the van where sam was loading the bags up.
“i know that joe! i just need outfit options!” - you
“okay, okay!” - joe laughed
once sam had finally gotten all of my bags off of joes arms and loaded into the trunk, joe looked down at the red marks on his arms from the friction of the bags.
i walked closer to joe and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“my bags bother your arms?” - you
“not at all, just the marks. it’s really nothing to me.” - joe shrugged
“my big strong man” - you smirked before putting your lips on his
joes hands found their places on my hips to pull me against him as our kiss deepened. it was like we were the only people in the world.. until sam cleared his throat.
we pulled away from each other and giggled, joe moved away to try to get the door open and i couldn’t help but laugh when he couldn’t figure it out.
“how the hell do you open this?” - joe
i opened it first try, and he just glared at me before i motioned for him to get in first.
watching joe climb into the van was hilarious. he was a big dude standing 6’4 so he had to practically get on his hands and knees to get into the seat.
“stop laughing at me!” - joe
i had to bite the insides of my cheeks to stop laughing and i climbed in behind him.
i was significantly shorter then joe, so if i bent over i could stay standing inside the van. my luck, i dropped my phone in the floorboard so i had to bend over to get it. joe was getting a real nice view right now.
“fuck” - joe muttered
i knew exactly what got that reaction, but i played dumb.
“you good?” - you
“oh uh yeah.” - joe
when i sat down i noticed that joe was nowhere near comfortable, his knees were practically to his chest and he kept scooting around trying to get comfortable.
“can you not get comfortable?” - you
“no.” - joe sighed
i instructed him to sit sideways, his legs being the entire length of the bench-like seats as i did the same. joes legs were on either side of mine as my feet were on his lap.
“you good now?” - you
“yeah but this fuckin cup holder is like in my back.” - joe
i laughed at how whiny he was being before tossing him a pillow to put behind his back.
“now are you okay? any more complaints?” - you
“aye you’re the one asking! but no, i’m good now.” - joe
a few minutes later, everyone was finally situated and we were on our way to our weekend getaway.
it wasn’t even 20 minutes in and i was already bored. joe had his earbuds in, mouthing the words to whatever song he was listening to while bobbing his head and absentmindedly rubbing my feet with one of his hands.
i stared at him, waiting for him to notice me so he would see that i was bored but when his blue eyes locked with my eyes all he did was give me a small smile.
joe noticed that my face didn’t light up like it usually does when he smiles, so the hand that was on my foot wandered to my shin.
“you bored?” - joe
i nodded and joe chuckled before taking his earbuds out of his ears.
“watcha wanna do?” - joe
he got a shrug in return, and joe reached down for his backpack in the floorboard. he unzipped it and pulled out one of those travel activity booklets you’d do as a kid before handing it to me.
“ooo fun!” - you
“i had to get you one, it reminds me of the first time i went on vacation with you.” - joe
“my parents watched us like hawks!” - you laughed
“we were like 20, that’s what i don’t get.” - joe
“they wanted to make sure we weren’t gonna engage in any adult activity” - you
“didn’t stop us though, remember?” - joe smirked
“joe!” - you laughed
“god that shower sex was amazing.” - joe
“joseph lee! stop!” - you
joe laughed at how flustered i got, while all the rest of the people in the van looked slightly traumatized.
“you guys are disgusting” - nick
“ooo someone’s jealous that i have a girlfriend and he doesn’t.” - joe
“i’m far from jealous. i’m havin plenty of fun being single.” - nick
“sureee” - sam laughed
a few minutes later all the commotion died down and the car was silent.
“wanna help me look for license plates from all the states?” - you smiled up at joe
“yeah sure, come here” - joe
at first i was confused to what he meant but soon enough i moved to sit on his side with my back to his chest, his legs still on either side of mine.
joe immediately put his chin on my shoulder to see what i was looking at, and his arms snaked around my waist.
“love you, y/n” - joe mumbled into your neck
i had to grin at his soft side coming out, he usually wasn’t like this in front of the guys so for him to be so openly affectionate was adorable.
“love you too, joey” - you reached a hand up and patted the side of his head
the next few hours consisted of stopping for food, gas, and bathroom breaks until it eventually fell dark outside.
nick was passed out asleep, sprawled out across the three seats in the middle row of the van. jess was also asleep in the front row passenger seat.
the only noises you could hear were the road sounds and the radio playing in the background.
joe laid down - to the best of his ability with how tall he was - and i rolled over onto my stomach to cuddle into his chest. there were two blankets layered over top of us, our legs entangled under them.
and eventually we fell asleep.
(joe’s pov)
when i woke up i immediately checked my phone, the high brightness about blinding me till i turned it down. the screen said it was almost one in the morning.
everyone was awake except for sam, and i could tell i definitely wasn’t going to be able to go back to sleep.
i was so damn sweaty. maybe because of the two blankets on top of me.. or the heat radiating off of y/n.. or maybe it was because of the dream i had just had.
the dream being a replay of the insane shower sex y/n and i had over 5 years ago.
i could feel my cock straining against my shorts, but there was literally nothing i could do about it. y/n was asleep, so there goes that… and there was no way i was going to be able to get myself off without waking her up or having a very very awkward interaction with sam if he heard me.
my mind kept drifting off and i thought i was honestly going to bust in my pants, until panic set in when y/n started stirring in her sleep.
“shit” - joe mumbled under his breath, trying to stay as still as possible
“joey? you okay?” - you whispered
“uh. i- yeah” - joe
“you sure? your chest is heaving and your heartbeat is so fast it woke me up.” - you
“i’m sorry, i’m okay..” - joe
“okay then.” - you yawned and moved around to get into a comfortable position.
when y/n was trying to get comfortable, her ass brushed against my hard-on and without thinking a semi quiet groan slipped out of my mouth.
“oh.” - you
“sorry- just go back to sleep, baby.” - joe
by this time my eyes had adjusted to the dark and i could somewhat see her face. she nodded her head no and placed both her hands on my chest once she was fully facing me.
“what’s got ya goin?” - you grinned
“i had a dream.” - joe
“musta been a real good one huh?” - you fully strattled him, making sure to add pressure where it mattered as you started grinding on him.
“fuck..” - joe groaned
“tell me about your dream, joey.” - you continued
“we were uh in the shower..” - joe
“mhm” - your mouth hovered over his neck as you encouraged him to keep going before you started leaving wet-open mouth kisses on his neck.
“you sucked me off.. and then i fucked you.” - joe
“you’d love that right about now, huh?” - you
“so fuckin much, baby.” - joe
“want me to ask sam to find the nearest rest stop?” - you
my eyes left her face for the first time as my eyes adverted to the floorboard. when i turned back to her, i pulled her face down to where i could whisper in her ear.
“i say you get on your knees for me right here, my love.” - joe
“joe.. i’d don’t know..” - you
“don’t worry about it.. for right now just keep grinding on me till i tell you to stop.” - joe
she smiled down at me before connecting our lips and continuing the movements of her hips.
a minute later, i was breathless and needing release.
“ease up babe, imma cum in my pants if you don’t.” - joe nervously chuckled
y/n nodded with a grin on her face as she maneuvered herself off of me and lowered onto her knees in the floor.
“can you see me over the seat?” - you
“no..” - joe
“okay good.” - you motioned for joe to sit normally, now facing you.
she reached up to the band of my shorts, and i barley lifted my hips for her to pull them down.
as soon as i was free from the restraint of my pants, she immediately wrapped her hand around my dick and started pumping.
one of my hands found its way into her hair as the other was covering my mouth.
i wasn’t super loud during sex, but i also wasn’t dead silent either.
after a few more pumps, she released her hand from me and just traced one of the prominent veins on my cock with the tip of her finger. once she was to the head she wiped the precum off of my tip and stuck her finger in her mouth, licking every last bit off.
holy fucking hell was that hot.
the next move she made was retracing the same path up the vein to my tip, this time with her tongue. god, i was really struggling to be quiet.
once her tongue was flat against my tip, she wrapped her lips around me and started taking every awaiting inch into her mouth.
my head was rolling all around in every which way, if sam looked in the rear-view mirror it would be obvious that i was back here getting earth-shattering head.
to try to be more discreet i propped my elbow up on the cup holder that was digging in my back earlier and laid my face in hand to where my fingers covered my mouth. now if i closed my eyes it would just look like i was sleeping.
for the first time i looked down at her, my dick getting even harder at the sight of her already looking up at me. 
she was using one hand to pump what she couldn’t take like she usually would when she sucked me, but after a minute she took it off and tried to test her limits.
now most of my cock was in her mouth, and i can honestly say my head can’t get thrown back any farther. this felt so fucking good.
i wanted to praise her so bad like i always do during activities like this but i knew i couldn’t without letting a groan or moan slip out.
not much longer after that i took my hand out of her hair and placed it on the crown of her head, fluttering my fingers to notify her i was about to cum.
she pulled off completely, licked up the underside off my dick before swirling her tongue around my tip and taking it back in her mouth. that’s what had me cumming down her throat.
y/n pulled off and pumped my erection a few more times before leaning back completely, also trying to regain her breath like i was.
i pulled my shorts back up, a tent still painfully visible and motioned for y/n to sit down next to me.
she happily obliged and leaned her head onto my shoulder, rubbing along my bicep.
“that was fuckin insane. has to be top 3.” - joe
she laughed and used her hand to lace my fingers with hers.
“glad you liked it, baby” - you kissed joes cheek
“but i’m not gonna lie, i don’t know what’s harder. trying to stay quiet during that or my dick right now.” - joe
“you’re still horny after that?” - you giggled
“probably more now than i was before.” - joe
“oh my lord, what do you want?” - you
“you know what i want, baby.” - joe
“what’s that?” - you grinned, playing dumb
i pulled her face towards me to whisper in her ear.
“i need inside you, gorgeous.” - joe pulled his face away after whispering and kissed your cheek
“hey sam? can you find the nearest rest stop? it’s a girl emergency.” - you raised your voice so he could hear you
“oh yeah.” - sam typed something into has phone to start getting directions before announcing it was five minutes away.
(y/n’s pov)
five minutes later, joe and i were climbing over nick and out of the van before scurrying inside the rest stop.
“there’s the family bathroom” - joe pointed, and you went in that direction.
thankfully it wasn’t occupied and once the door was locked, joe’s lips were on mine hard.
joe mumbled “jump” into the kiss so i did, my legs wrapping his waist before he moved across the bathroom and placed me on the counter next to the sink.
my arms were around his neck and his arms were around my waist.
“we gotta be quick so let’s get straight to it.” - joe
“you’re the one in control here, joe.” - you
“i know, i just wanted to tell you what i’m doing before i do it.” - joe smiled sweetly
my heart swooned at his sweet smile and words and i placed a small peck to his forehead before we got down to business.
joe pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the other side of the counter, his boxers and shorts following behind.
now his rough hands were on me, pulling my flowy shorts and undies down.
i watched him pump his cock a few times before lining it up with my entrance and looking up at me with sincere eyes.
“ready?” - joe
i nodded and wrapped my arms back around his neck, putting my lips on his as he entered me.
joe was big, and it took me some time to get used to him- well i really still haven’t fully. he always waited for me to tell him i was ready for him to started moving.
his stare never left my face, and i nodded to tell him that i was ready.
his pace started off fast, i could tell this had been on his mind and he had been waiting for it.
“fuck, joey!” - you moaned when he bottomed out
“you feel so good..” - joe’s head fell back
joe’s thrusts were fast and hard, his quiet moans making the experience even more enjoyable.
“you’re taking me so well, my love.” - joe
“faster.. please baby.” - you
“i got ya” - joe did exactly what you asked
joe let his head fall onto my shoulder, he was feeling so fuckin good and almost couldn’t handle all the pleasure.
“damnit” - joe mumbled into your neck
“im- gonna cum, joe” - you
“i’m right there too.. come on y/n, cum on my cock, baby.” - joe
his words had me moaning embarrassingly loud but it didn’t seem to bother joe. it did the exact opposite actually, i could feel his dick twitch inside me followed by a groan from him.
a few thrusts later i released all over joe, he finished not even 5 seconds after me.
now we sat holding each other, panting.
“that was so good.” - joe
“i cant think straight.” - you
joe laughed and pressed a kiss to my forehead. we sat there for a bit until he pulled out, both of us hissing.
he moved a couple feet away and grabbed paper towels out of the dispenser to clean me up.
aftercare was always my favorite thing about sex with joe, well other than the sex itself. he was the sweetest boy ever, always making sure to clean me up while peppering my face with kisses as he whispered words of praise.
i watched him slip his clothes back on before he moved back over to the counter and took my hips in his hands to help me down. once my feet were flat against the ground he handed me my shorts and undies.
“i love you” - joe pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth
“love you too, sweet boy.” - you slipped your bottoms on before ruffling his hair up and kissing him
joe grabbed one of my hands and we walked out of the bathroom together.
“i’m not gonna lie, i’m kinda hungry now.” - joe
“you’re always hungry, joey. plus that was like a full body workout for you. we can go get snacks at the little shop if you want?” - you
“please?” - joe smiled
“of course, baby.” - you
we walked through the shop hand in hand, joe wasn’t a fan of PDA but it was 1:30 in the morning and he didn’t care who saw him love on his girl.
i grabbed a coke and bag of sour cream & onion chips. when i looked at what joe had grabbed i couldn’t help but role my eyes.
“boy please, a bottle of water and a protein bar?” - you
“i’m on a diet, y/n!” - joe
“joe.. baby, one bag of chips is not gonna derail your entire diet. it’s not gonna make you gain 5 pounds, and honestly i so wouldn’t care if you did.” - you winked, thinking maybe some buttering up would help him let loose
i watched his cheeks turn a shade of pink as he grabbed a bag of doritos and started towards the counter.
either the worker was sleep deprived or just wasn’t a fan of football because she looked over joe completely, she even complemented my bracelet that joe had gotten me for christmas last year.
we thanked her after joe paid and started towards the exit. joe had the bag of goodies in one hand and my hand in the other.
“here we go, on the road again.” - you
“like the willie nelson song!” - joe chuckled at his connection of your words to the song
“you know who willie nelson is?!” - you
authors note: that was just slightly unhinged. hope you enjoyed! ❤️🫶
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lostaurorax · 8 months
pairing | nick bosa x fem!reader
authors note | hi guys 😊😊 i am alive & well. life has been very crazy lately but i feel like i always return at this time of the year write a few fics then disappear sooo here i am again! i love nick and their is no fanfic for him on here :( yet again here i am writing fanfic for an underrated nfl player 😉 i hope you enjoy this i love you sm and hope you’re all well!!!! lmk if you want more or have any reqs for me pls <33333
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you and nick had been seeing eachother for a few months now. you had meet through mutual friends and you instantly clicked. once the NFL season started he had you in a suite at every single game. you absolutely loved making friends with all of the players partners and watching nick play every sunday.
it was the last game before the super bowl that would determine if the 49ers made it or not. you and all of the girls had been on the edge of your seats the whole game. the 49ers were currently 17-24 against the detroit lions.
the lions had fumbled the ball and the 49ers got it back. purdy threw to kittle and got a touchdown then made the field goal making the score 27-24.
“oh my gosh!!! yes yes we still got it!” you screamed as you hugged claire who was george’s wife
“omg y/n i think we’re gonna make it!!!” she screamed back and you hugged eachother
“oh i know we are.” you said back to her intently watching the game
the 49ers had gotten another touchdown and then the lions got one 2 minutes later. the score was still 34-31 and the 99ers were in the lead. a few minutes of waiting for the clock to run out was the most nerve racking few minutes of your life.
“and the san francisco 49ers are going to the super bowl!!” the announcers had said causing mayhem to erupt in the stadium
“THEY DID IT!!!!!!!” you screamed to kristin and claire as you all hugged each other.
“HELL YEAH BABY WERE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWl!!!” kristin said excitedly
“let’s go see our men!!!” claire said as you all left the suite giddily to join your boys on the field
you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest as you walked on the field looking around for nick. you weren’t exactly an official couple but everyone knew you were together because you were always with him and he was always with you, but you never said that you were boyfriend-girlfriend.
“do you think he’s gonna ask you?” claire whispered in your ear as you were walking towards the boys. secretly she had known nicks plane as george had already told her but she would never ruin a surprise and a little teasing never hurts.
“what? uhh i don’t know….do you think he will?” you replied nervously as you looked at her
“if he doesn’t ill have george kill him.” she said with a wink as you walked up to george, nick, and kyle
“oh my gosh i’m so proud of you!!!” you said with a big smile as soon as you saw nick in front of you
“couldn’t of done it without you watching of course.” he said with a smile just as big as he engulfed you in a hug
“i knew you could do it.” you whispered to him as you hugged him back. you were meet with silence for a moment as he just held you and rubbed his hand up and down your back
you had no idea that behind you george and claire had been scolding him to ask you
“so y/n..” he said as he slowly pulled away so he could look at you as he talked
“yes nicky?” you said using the nickname he hated but you loved calling him
“wanna come to vegas with me…as my girlfriend?” he said with a shy smile
“oh nick yes, i would love too!” you said happily as your lips meet with his.
“yeah buddy!!!!” george said from behind
“God finally. i thought i was gonna have to ask her for you…” christian said as olivia lightly pushed his arm
“YAY Y/N!!! you’re officially one of us now!!!!” kristin said as she and the girls also smiled
“alright alright! let’s go party and win this thing!!!” nick said causing everyone to cheer and disperse to party for the rest of the night
once everyone was gone you turned back to nick.
“is it too early to say i love you? honestly i don’t care because i do.” you said as you rested your chin on his chest
“i love you more y/n. forever.” he said as he leaned down to kiss you
“lets go party girlfriend…” nick said cheekily as he pulled away and stuck his arm out for you to grab
“sure thing boyfriend..” you said back with a big smile as you wrapped your arm around his and walked him to the locker room
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Being a kecle and dating nick bosa and having both brother give her the silent treatment or they blow up on her till. nick goes and talks to them like after each time he's played them so he wouldn't even talk to Jason til the championship game
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Welcome to the Family - Nick Bosa x kelce!sister
(sibling cold shoulder stuff; SFW)
His girlfriend didn't make the trip to Philadelphia to see him play against Eagles. She was back at their home in Santa Clara, nursing a bad cold and holing herself up in guest bedroom away from Nick to prevent him catching her cold during the playoffs.
Nick thought it was ridiculous. She was very sick at first, causing him to consider not even playing in the Dallas game until she chewed him out for it. He was worried about her and the cold she caught, but couldn't seem to shake off.
He was moments away from contacting Mrs. Kelce when his girlfriend finally let up and allowed him to come in the room if he promised to keep a distance and didn't try to kiss her.
Now, she was feeling much better and he was relieved about that, but he was still worried about her. Thankfully one of his teammate's girlfriends, who didn't make the trip either for personal reasons, stopped in to check on her.
He was now in the middle of chatting to his mom and brother before it was time to head out of the hotel when he heard a woman's voice call his name.
He turned around to see the warm, smiling face of Donna Kelce staring back at him.
He was surprised at the sight of her before smiling and accepting the hug she offered him. "Hi, Mrs. Kelce! Great to see you."
She chuckled and chided him, "Now Nick, we spoke about this the last time you saw me. You can call me Donna."
Nick turned and looked to his mother and brother who were watching on curiously. "Mrs. Kelce - Donna, this is my mother, Cheryl Bosa, and my older brother, Joey. Guys this is Donna Kelce. Angie's mom."
Both parties greeted each other warmly, Nick's mom complimenting the split jersey Mrs Kelce was wearing in support of both of her son's playing today.
"I spoke with Angie on the phone a bit ago. I had no idea she was sick!"
Nick nodded and sighed, "Yeah she's been stubborn about it all. She kept herself locked in the guest bedroom the last two weeks, but finally let up about it this past week and let me in to take care of her. She thinks she picked it up at work since it's going around."
Mrs. Kelce nodded, knowing just how stubborn her youngest child was. "Yes, that's definitely something she has in common with Travis. Well - Jason too. They're all stubborn brats at times." She joked.
Nick nodded, saying nothing to the last part, but agreeing whole-heartedly.
His relationship with the Kelce brothers was odd. Her parents were friendly and greeted him with open arms. Her brothers did not.
Travis was the first to finally accept and come to terms that his sister was dating a fellow NFL player, and approached Nick after the 49ers loss earlier in the season to the Chiefs.
Travis had approached him and shook his hand after the game, saying, "Tell Angie I'm stopping by tonight before we fly out tomorrow."
Nick nodded and they parted ways.
That night, Travis sulked a bit at the couple's kitchen table as his sister chewed him out for being an asshole the last couple of months. Nick said nothing and stayed out of it.
Neither man was surprised when she then got to serving dinner and asked to say grace together. That was just Angie's way.
Things were good after that. Sure, they weren't best friends, but an understanding and respect formed between the two of them with Travis even occasionally reaching out to congratulate him on his team's win.
It was just Jason.
Who was still being, "a stubborn asshole whose ass I will kick," according to Angie.
Nick had yet to meet the older brother personally, but knew the man didn't care for him.
Mrs. Kelce gave him another hug again, telling him good luck and saying goodbye to his family as she made her way out of the hotel.
His mom complimented her decision to stop by and greet him.
He appreciated it too.
Nick was deeply upset and hurt as he limped his way off the field. It was crushing to lose so badly like this.
It was if the well oiled machine of the 49ers just came apart in the span of minutes the second Brock went out and Johnson came on.
Everyone there or watching knew it too.
They injury on his ankle was just the icing on the fucking cake.
Just as he was getting ready to leave the field and find refuge in the locker room, wanting so bad to just go back to his girlfriend, he was interrupted by a hand clapping his left shoulder.
He looked up in irritation, both at being interrupted from his gloom and at himself for not realizing someone was likely calling his name just moments ago.
He was surprised to see the serious face of Jason Kelce staring back.
Both were quiet for a moment before Jason held his hand out to him, "Good game, man. I'm sorry it didn't turn out in your favorite tonight. You guys have been killing it all season."
Nick cleared his throat and accepted the handshake. "Thanks. Yeah.. I guess that's just football." He said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say to his girlfriend's oldest brother.
He had overheard the phone argument that day she had with Jason, and had heard the stuff Jason said about him.
He was pissed for the longest time over that, but soon realized that it wasn't really about him at the end of the day personally, but just a man trying to look out for his baby sister.
Still, this was awkward.
"Look," Jason stared away for a minute before looking back at him, trying to ignore the loud cheering of the stadium around them. This wasn't the best place to hold a conversation, but he clearly wanted to do it now and Nick, while exhausted, knew it was pretty important too. "I've been an asshole. I'm sorry for the shit I said to Angie about you and your character. I'm sorry I upset her and made her cry too. She's my baby sister and I am always prepared to step in when necessary. I know that's not much of a consolidation in all of this, but I am sorry for causing any strain on your guys relationship. It wasn't right."
Nick just stared at him for a moment or two, processing what he was saying, before responding back, "I get it dude. I really do. Things have been tough and if I had a younger sister, I couldn't imagine how protective I'd be too of her. Just know she means a lot to me and I'd never go out of my way to cause her hurt."
Jason nodded and reached his hand out once more, "I'm glad we could talk a bit. I don't want to hold you up any longer as I see cameras coming this way. I'll reach out to Angie tonight. I know she's going to have a shit ton of stuff to say to me when I do, but I'm ready for it. We'll need to link up at some point."
"For sure." Nick said.
They shook hands again and parted ways.
Nick was still in his head as he made it off the field and to the guest locker room, muting out the noise around him as he thought about what just happened.
He knew the cameras were recording for a distance as both of them spoke, and he knew Angie was likely watching from home and saw it too.
He was sure his phone was blowing up with texts from her.
After he finished showering and changed, he took a seat in front of his locker as he watched his teammates solemnly pack up and change quickly to get the hell out of that stadium.
He had a few minutes before he had to go talk with the media.
He opened his messages and immediately saw Angie's at the top.
Angelina 🤪 I'm so sorry baby. :(
What did Jason say to you? I will fly out there and kick his fucking ass! Let me make sure I pack my inhaler tho
That was over an hour ago and Nick for a split second was worried that she would be crazy enough to fly out here just to rip her brother a new one.
He quickly texted her back.
Nicholas 🐻 Thank you, babe. And he actually was apologizing. He said he'd be calling you later to see about getting together to clear the air.
You feeling any better?
Her response was immediate
Angelina 🤪 I am feeling a bit better than earlier. I'm glad to know it wasn't him being an asshole. Cause he knows I will come out there if I have too.
Nick quietly chuckled a bit to himself at that, knowing how true it was.
Just then his name was called to go out and speak to the press. He sighed and slipped his phone into his pocket as he got up.
While his season was now over as well as his team's chance at the Super Bowl, he'd take the personal win of making amends with his girlfriend's older brother.
Now, if only Angie doesn't kill him when he tells her his plans of not attending the Super Bowl..
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teenagesublimefan · 1 year
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
Please take a minute to read the paragraph below, Thank You :)
All Characters are organized by fandom and alphabetical order. I do not claim any owner ship of any fictional character I write for. Please read my request guidelines before requesting a character from this list. Any character I scratch out I am currently not taking requests for. It will always be x female reader unless otherwise stated.
PEAKY BLINDER'S; alfie solomons, thomas shelby SONS OF ANARCHY; kip 'half-sack' epps, jax teller TOP GUN: MAVERICK; bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace
THE BOYS; colby brock, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam golbach, zach justice
MANESKIN; damiano david, victoria de angelis
NFL; andrew beck, joe burrow, nick bosa, tj watts, travis kelce
STURNIOLO TRIPLETS; chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, nick sturniolo (platonic only)
MISC. PERSONS [and select characters]; jenna ortega, noah kahan, santiago 'pope' garcia, tom hardy ie. james delaney
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
UPDATED [2/23/24]
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kitc0nn0r · 8 months
Icon gay black superstar Lil Nas X or Trump-supporting Nick Bosa?
I would've picked Montero even without your little trap (bitch)
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Send two guys and I’ll tell you which I find more attractive
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happeehippie · 7 months
could you please write a fic about nick bosa x reader and they have a family together and they just won the Super Bowl
I posted it!! I’m sorry that it’s kind of short, I’m just not super familiar with Nick Bosa’s personality so I didn’t know how to write him well. I hope you’ll send more request!
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toastedkiwi · 8 months
Can you do more of nick bosa x kelce!reader please
Anything specific you wanna see?
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hubbvrd · 5 months
Special gift | Nick Bosa
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In which Nick gives y/n a special gift to help her not miss Nick too much on the days he is away.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Being in a relationship is not always easy. Especially not when you haven't seen each other for the last few weeks.
That's exactly how it was with y/n and Nick.
Y/n had a lot to do at work, which is why he had to work overtime almost every day. While Nick had slowly started training again to prepare for the upcoming season start.
And so it happened that the two saw each other only briefly in the morning and had a breakfast together before the two went in separate cars on the way to work.
Then, while Nick stood on the court and trained, y/n fought through reams of paperwork that dragged on until late in the evening, so she usually didn't enter her home until the sun went down.
Some days Nick was still awake at that time waiting for his girlfriend, but on other days, on which your training was too exhausting, Nick had already sunk into the land of dreams.
And also today it looked as if y/n would again have no togetherness with her boyfriend.
Because when she closed the front door it was already dark in the whole house and not a single sound could be heard.
She sighed sadly as she quietly closed the door behind her and slipped out of her tight shoes, in which her feet had been aching for half the day.
A hint of exhaustion spread through her as she slipped barefoot into the kitchen to grab a snack from the fridge.
Turning on the light, she was startled to discover a small folded cardboard house on the kitchen island.
Confused, y/n frowned and dismissed the thought of the snack for now, because the little cardboard house, which even had her name on it, caught her attention.
Slowly she opened the cardboard house at the top of the roof and carefully took a look inside.
Out came a pink plush frog wearing a mini 49ers jersey with Bosa flocking. Next to it was a small note that read "Look what I made for you...do you like it?" , it said.
Quietly y/n giggled up and pressed the fluffy frog against her chest.
She loved stuffed animals, especially cute frogs. She already had a few of those, but this pink plush frog was definitely her new favorite.
And the highlight was definitely the Bosa jersey.
"Press his heart" , she suddenly heard a deep voice behind her, which made her jump around, startled.
Leaning against the wall, her boyfriend Nick stood with his arms folded in front of his chest, watching his girlfriend with a smile.
Y/n was sure he had been standing there for a few minutes, but she hadn't really noticed him because the cardboard house had caught her attention directly.
"Excuse me?" , she asked her boyfriend as she looked at him, perplexed.
"You have to press here." Nick approached his girlfriend, carefully grabbed her hand and together with her pressed the spot of the frog's heart, whereupon she felt a small resistance and shortly after Nick's voice filled the kitchen.
"I love you"
But it was not Nick who had said those words, but the frog that had Nick's voice in it.
Y/n's eyes grew wide as she looked back and forth between Nick and the pink frog.
Nick had actually made her a frog at Build a bear and added a personal message.
"This...This is the cutest thing I've ever gotten!" , y/n whispered, touched, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, which Nick gently wiped away.
"I know we don't see each other too often right now, which of course will change again soon when you have less to do and I'm more back into training rhythm." , gently Nick reached for his girlfriend's hands and looked into her eyes. "I know how much you miss me and I thought the frog would be a good substitute for me when I'm not around."
"It is," y/n assured Nick as she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and again pressed on the frog's heart and Nicks' "I love you" echoed through the kitchen once again.
"The most beautiful gift I've ever received. And definitely a good replacement for you, but really no one can replace you" , y/n murmured against Nick's lips before she put her lips on his teaching and kissed him.
And even though it was already pretty late, the two of them didn't care for a few minutes. Because now was the time when they could finally spend a few minutes undisturbed again, before it would start tomorrow morning again with their separate everyday life.
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joeybosa-aaronjudge · 4 years
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Nick Bosa x Reader
Requested: yes
Warnings: smut. cursing.
Smut Prompt List: 2. Make me
17. I’m going to have you screaming by the end of the night
Nick was gone for practice so you got some things done around the house while he was gone. You felt a little disgusting when you were done cleaning up around the house so you got into the shower. You knew Nick was going to be home shortly from practice. You were still in the shower when he got home and he heard you in there so he came up to the bedroom and sat on your guys shared bed while waiting on you to come out.
You got out of the shower and dried yourself off and wrapped your towel around your body. Your boobs were spilling over the top of the towel a little bit you didn’t care so you walked out and went to head to your walk-in closet to put some clothes on. You didn’t expect Nick to be sitting on the bed when you walked out so you jumped a little when you saw him. He looked you up and down and licked his lips. You saw him do that and you knew what he was thinking. You continued walking to toward the closet while smirking.
“You would look so much better with the towel on the floor. I think you should take it off.” He says smirking.
“Oh really? Make me.” You say turning around and walking into the closet to pick something out to wear.
Nick walks up behind you and sets his hands on your waist and starts to kiss your neck. You bite your lip to hold back your moans. His hands come around to the front of you and goes up the front of you to the top of your towel. He grabs where the towel meets and unwraps it and lets it drop to the floor. He grabs both of your breast in his large hands and massages them while pinching and twisting your nipples.
“I wanna hear that pretty mouth of yours moan for me baby. I know you want to honey.” He whispers in your ear.
He pulls you closer to him and you feel his bulge against you. He continues to kiss your neck and you moan loudly. He leads you over to the bed and you help him strip out of his clothes. He lays you down on the bed and hovers over you.
“I’m gonna have you screaming by the end of the night.” He says wrapping your legs around his waist while his tip is sitting at your entrance.
“Please fuck me already baby.” You moan.
He slowly pushes into you and you moan as your eyes roll back. He picks up the pace and fucks into you hard. You knew that you’re going to be sore in the morning but you could care less right now.
“Oh fuck baby. Oh hell right there.” You moan as he hit your sweet spot.
You wrap you arms around him and scratch down his back.
“You make me feel so full and so good daddy.” You moan.
That’s the first time you’ve ever called him that and he let out a loud moan.
“God baby. Call me that again.” He moans thrusting into you hard.
“Fuck daddy. Right there. You make me feel so fucking good.” You scream.
“That’s it baby scream for me. Let everyone know who’s making you feel so damn good.” He moans in your ear.
He was deep inside you that you felt so full and it felt so amazing. He reached down between the two of you and started to rub your clit with his thumb. You scratch down his back again while moaning loudly.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum daddy. Oh hell.” You moan clenching around him.
“Oh shit. Fuck baby. Cum for me princess. I’m gonna cum too.” He moans.
“Cum for me daddy.” You scream.
Your legs start to shake from all the pleasure and you cum hard all over him. You feel him twitch inside you and he pulls out of you and you whine as he releases his warm thick load on your stomach. You scoop some of his cum that’s on your stomach onto your finger and bring it up to your mouth and suck it off your fingers. Nick lets out a moan watching you do that.
“That was hot watching you do that just now.” He says.
You wink at him and giggle in response. He goes into the bathroom and grabs a towel and cleans the rest of you up. He wraps you up in his arms and kisses the top of your head.
“That was amazing baby. I love you.” You say looking up at him.
“I love you too honey. Yes it was amazing. Honestly I think you should call me daddy from now on. I loved it when you called me that.” He said laughing.
“It just slipped when I said it. I didn’t realize you had a daddy kink.” You say laughing with him.
“I didn’t either until you said it. Let’s get some sleep baby.” He says.
You hum in response as you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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junker-town · 5 years
Which player can be the secret X-factor in Super Bowl 54?
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49ers middle linebacker Fred Warner will play a key role in Super Bowl 54.
In his pre-Super Bowl Week mailbag, Geoff Schwartz picks one player we should be talking more about and how to limit the damage Patrick Mahomes can do.
It’s time for the Friday mailbag, a week ahead of the Super Bowl 54. I’ll be in Miami starting Monday and then be staying through the game. It’s going to be a wild week, and we at SB Nation will have plenty of coverage on the big game.
It should be awesome. But before Super Bowl Week begins, let’s get to the mailbag. And, as always, if you have a question, you can shoot me a note on Twitter or Instagram.
If you had to pick a “dark horse” player to make an impact in the Super Bowl that no one is talking about, who would you pick, and why? — @D2k112k
Fred Warner, the 49ers’ middle linebacker. He will be a key for their defense trying to stop the Chiefs’ lateral speed attack. The Chiefs love to run side to side, whether in the run game (I’m including those “passes” that are fly sweeps), or the pass game.
Warner can fly and he’s going to be busy going sideline to sideline. Plus, he’s got to travel with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and make sure he’s taken care so he doesn’t go off like he did last time these two teams played in 2018 (eight catches, 114 yards).
Why don’t teams play Patrick Mahomes like the Patriots do? Two safeties over the top and make Mahomes have to settle for small passes the whole game and drive down the field? — @Coopsage
This is a great question and one that I’ve seen a bunch.
The Patriots built their defense to face the Chiefs. Starting up front, they have multiple players who can attack the pass protection unit, keeping Mahomes guessing. They have mobile linebackers who can play in space. And, lastly, they have man-coverage corners, or at least one in Stephon Gilmore, who can lock down one side of the field. Then, the Patriots can play their two-high safety look behind it.
The Patriots mix up coverages against the Chiefs, but they loved playing two man (man coverage with two high safeties). With man coverage, you can be physical at the line of scrimmage and attack the smaller Chiefs receivers. You hope to hound them during their route. Then, the Patriots double-team a receiver, most often Tyreek Hill. The Patriots’ favorite way to defend anyone is this: They take Gilmore, put him on the No. 2 receiver, and then double the No. 1. Now, both WRs are covered. This is why Kelce always puts up numbers against the Patriots.
Back to the question: Teams have tried to run this style of defense, but they just don’t have the personnel to make it happen. When you play two man, you need a pass rush to get home, or at least get close to Mahomes. Otherwise, the speed of the Chiefs’ wide receivers will make the defenders pay. Well, the Pats can make that happen.
The Niners can as well, but they are a zone-coverage team, so I don’t expect man coverage. What I do expect is laid out perfectly in this thread. It’s well worth your time.
I said y'day I'd go into more detail about what LAC did to limit KC. The thread linked in this tweet discusses briefly where Mahomes & KC are most threatening & why. In short: over the middle b/c Reid lines up his best guys to attack it & loves deep over routes. LAC shut it down. https://t.co/aIxemctQfi pic.twitter.com/2tsbfQAcNC
— Scott Geelan (@Scott_Geelan) January 23, 2020
The key is to limit the big plays in the middle of the field, hope to harass Mahomes, and keep the damage at a minimum.
Will Kansas City provide help for Eric Fisher on Nick Bosa, or will they try to test Fisher and see if he can hold his own? — @Tra4Duce
I assume the Chiefs will use a running back to help either Fisher or Mitchell Schwartz for pass protection, but that’s about it. The reason why you wouldn’t pack the box to help the pass protection unit is because you want those offensive players, either the running back or the tight end, working into the route concept.
Ideally, the players you trust to pass protect, especially at tackle for the Chiefs, have to get the job done. Also, what makes the Niners’ pass rush so tough to scheme against is they have four guys who can beat you. If you help the right tackle, well, the other three rushers can win. There are going to be plenty of opportunities for the 49ers to win up front.
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boltupbitches · 8 months
Dropping two updates later tonight! I’m excited to get them out to you all! Again, I’m sorry for the delay in updates the last few weeks. We had an unexpected death in my family on the 31st and it’s been really tough between that and the demands of my job.
Tentative plans (not concrete):
This weekend:
- Lover part 4 (Nick Bosa SDMs spinoff)
- A requested Justin story from last month’s submissions (city girl in the great outdoors)
Next weekend:
- One Kiss part 6 (Nick Bosa x older woman OC)
- A requested Justin story from last month’s submissions (relationship issues angst -> happy ending)
End of the month
- Sliding in the DMs part 17 (Joey Bosa fic)
- Nick Bosa one shot (Italian girlfriend and travel in the off season)
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chainmeter8-blog · 5 years
NFL Mock Draft 2019: Los Angeles Chargers get beefier
The Chargers made large strides last year that no one saw. The Chiefs were amazing fans and media alike with their high scoring offense and starting 4-0 while the Chargers were 2-2 (and were down 17-6 in game 5). People were already writing them off as “same old chargers”. But the chargers fought and persevered. While the chiefs were putting up 50 on Monday Night football, the Chargers were stringing together a 6-game winning streak (a task that no other team in their division could manage). The chargers played consistent, tough football. After finishing with the same record as the #1 seed in the playoffs. They unveiled a version of Quarters defense that had 4 defensive linemen, no linebackers, and 7 defensive backs. The chargers hoped they were able to contain the middle with their 4 defensive linemen and use their defense backs and their speed to contain Lamar Jackson. While this plan worked for the Ravens, the Patriots hoped and prayed for the chargers to use this defense. When the Chargers used the modified quarters, the Patriots ran the ball down their throat. Any time the Patriots ran the ball, the Patriots would get a consistent push up the middle. They wouldn’t out run anyone, but they would get a healthy running game at 4.6 yards and 4 touchdowns. Once they established the run, the defensive backs starting biting on run fakes worse than Kurt Coleman. In a NFL that is attempting to get faster, the Patriots show that the power running game is still useful, in fact they rode the running game to a Super Bowl victory (fun fact, last person to throw a touchdown in the Super Bowl is Nick Foles). If the chargers are going to run this modified Quarters defense they will have to stop the run. They need a space eater who will generate a push. They need someone to force running backs outside to the speed of the team. They need Dexter Lawrence
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You can’t teach 6’4”. You can’t teach 342 (ok maybe with a few pizzas, burgers etc etc). The largest player on Clemson who earned the name “Hulk” would be a smashing addition to a stellar defensive line that includes Bosa, Ingram and Brandon Mebane. Adding Lawrence would demand double teams, take the pressure from Mebane in the middle, while forcing one on one match ups for Bosa and Ingram. They would be able to reduce the power runs up the middle and allow the Charger speed to get to the edge, creating a defense that could get pressure without blitzing, and I think that works well
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Now a man-eating nose tackle like this won’t have great stats, in fact he only had 15 solo tackles, and 1.5 sacks. Hulk’s job is to smash and let everyone else shine. This pick makes an already impressive line elite. As a run stopper he already has the grade, but what about the passing grade, let me cherry pick something from Pro Football Focus like everyone else does:
Enormous frame with intimidating combination of size and power
Healthier and much quicker in 2018
Impressive athletic ability for his size
Footwork allows disruptive power to travel down the down the line
Agility to defeat or recover quickly from cut blocks
Possesses booming upper-body power
Disengages from single blocks whenever he wants to
Able to thwart seal blocks and mangle down blocks that miss the target
Has potential to eat double teams and let his linebackers roam free
Ball carriers are finished once he gets his hands on them
Punishing bull-rusher with leg drive to constrict pocket space
Has been unable to equal impressive production from freshman season
Average rush talent likely to limit draft value
Lacks looseness as rusher to find edges
Basic rush counters relatively ineffective
More reliant upon size over technique at this stage
Gets caved by double teams when he doesn’t sink his post
Inconsistent hand placement/quickness for early control at the point
Occasionally shortcuts flow to the ball causing him to lose his fit
How does the Hulk measure up
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Oh he’s a damn monster, posting a wingspan, weight, and bench press in the 96% percentile or better. Lawrence isn’t a flashy pick. But the chargers are fine not being the flashy team. They want to beat them. They want to smash them, and what better way to smash, than with the hulk.
Do you approve of this pick?
(139 votes)
(16 votes)
155 votes total Vote Now
2019 BGN Mock Draft Order
1) Cardinals (Philliesandthebees): Kyler Murray
2) 49ers (SakPrescott): Nick Bosa
3) Jets (thealien2696): Quinnen Williams
4) Raiders (SisyphusNoMore): Josh Allen
5) Buccaneers (EAGLESBSU): Montez Sweat
6) Giants (ablesser88): Dwayne Haskins
7) Jaguars (20Safety_Hazards): Jawaan Taylor
8) Lions (89Tremaine): Ed Oliver
9) Bills (drc242): Jonah Williams
10) Broncos (ItownBallers22): Devin White
11) Bengals (Phoenix X Maximus): Cody Ford
12) Packers (Palaniappan K M): Brian Burns
13) Dolphins (wildcatlh): Andre Dillard
14) Falcons (Happy24): Rashan Gary
15) Washington (roberticus01): D.K. Metcalf
16) Panthers (JALupowitz): Clelin Ferrell
17) Giants (KevinDont): Devin Bush
18) Vikings (Eagles701): Noah Fant
19) Titans (Big Schmoopie): Christian Wilkins
20) Steelers (J. Wil): T.J. Hockenson
21) Seahawks (NickfoleonDynamite): Chauncey Gardner-Johnson
22) Ravens (GMinTraining): N’Keal Harry
23) Texans (EaglesRock94): Byron Murphy
24) Raiders (SummersInVA): Greedy Williams
25) Eagles (I Need a Username): Garrett Bradbury
26) Colts (Nolo0oo): A.J. Brown
27) Raiders (SLC Eagle): Josh Jacobs
28) Chargers (LBCeaglesFan!): Dexter Lawrence
29) Chiefs (Boxer Madness):
30) Packers (Kephas):
31) Rams (Matthieuck):
32) Patriots (Zett_66):
Now it’s time for you to vote for who YOU think the Chargers should pick in the 2019 BGN Community Consensus Mock Draft.
Who should the Chargers draft at No. 28 overall?
Dexter Lawrence
(56 votes)
Jerry Tillery
(16 votes)
Jeffery Simmons
(7 votes)
Dalton Risner
(8 votes)
Kaleb McGary
(2 votes)
89 votes total Vote Now
2019 BGN Community Consensus Mock Draft
1) Cardinals: Kyler Murray
2) 49ers: Nick Bosa
3) Jets: Quinnen Williams
4) Raiders: Josh Allen
5) Buccaneers: Montez Sweat
6) Giants: Dwayne Haskins
7) Jaguars: Jawaan Taylor
8) Lions: Ed Oliver
9) Bills: Jonah Williams
10) Broncos: Devin White
11) Bengals: Devin Bush
12) Packers: T.J. Hockenson
13) Dolphins: Andre Dillard
14) Falcons: Rashan Gary
15) Washington: Drew Lock
16) Panthers: Clelin Ferrell
17) Giants: Brian Burns
18) Vikings: Noah Fant
19) Titans: Christian Wilkins
20) Steelers: D.K. Metcalf
21) Seahawks: Chauncey Gardner-Johnson
22) Ravens: N’Keal Harry
23) Texans: Cody Ford
24) Raiders: Greedy Williams
25) Eagles: Garrett Bradbury
26) Colts: A.J. Brown
27) Raiders: Josh Jacobs
28) Chargers:
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/4/18/18507113/nfl-mock-draft-2019-los-angeles-chargers-dexter-lawrence-defensive-tackle-clemson-first-round-pick
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