#niclaz things
xylitolictrolls · 9 years
You are trying to keep your head down as you walk home from your job, thinking about the improvements you’ve made lately. You’ve been working out, getting stronger, and using new types of strife specibi. You haven’t spent a lot of time with your matesprit lately, but you intend to fix that soon. You’ve got a steady job at a food place, and on top of that, you get money from your commissions. It’s startling how much life can change for the better when you get your shit together, you think to yourself. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’re not busy- you don’t mind so much when life is this bright, though.
You’re passing by an alley when you hear it. It’s a hissing noise, and then the sound of claws on concrete. You try t0 ignore it, but the hissing comes soon again, and a soft thump that sounds like something hitting the ground. Maybe more curious than you should be, you look around quickly before darting into the alley.
It’s darker in the alley, with the walls raising above you blocking out the soft light of the moon and stars. Your eyes quickly adjust, however, and you inhale sharply as they come into focus on a dark shape just by the mouth of the alley. There’s a lusus there, surrounded by a puddle of jade-colored blood. It’s a strange-looking lusus, one you’ve never seen the likes of; its skin looks leathery, and it has the head and neck of a serpent, while its body looks feline, and its feet end in talons. You crouch to look at it for a moment, wondering what could’ve killed it, when the claws-on-concrete sound from earlier comes from somewhere in front of you in the alley. 
Slowly, you stand, squinting to look into the gloom. There’s another shape there, pacing, and suddenly it turns to look at you. You wonder why until you hear the echoes of the pebble you kicked by accident- and by then, you’re reaching for the lance in your strife specibus, bringing it out just in time to keep the thing’s claws from tearing into your chest. It’s another lusus, but this one is twice the size of the other and looks like a canine of some sort, minus the feathers it has in the stead of fur. 
It snaps and snarls and lunges at you, and you can feel the strain it’s putting on the lance as you continue to hold it back. You feel beads of sweat rolling down your forehead, and swallow thickly, before using a surge of strength and adrenaline to push back on the lance enough to send the thing flying. 
You don’t hesitate as you get to your feet, standing over the lusus, stunned from hitting the concrete. You drive your lance into its forehead, wincing at the sight of the purple blood that spills from it. You hope that there’s not a clown out there who will be very unhappy with you.
You’re about to leave the alley, satisfied that you have alleviated any threat that might be here, when you hear the hissing. It’s coming from a crack in the wall by which the second lusus was waiting, and you approach with caution. You look in and see two large, entirely jade-green eyes staring back at you. The thing blinks, then slowly emerges from the dark hole, and you can feel yourself turn pale.
Your name is Niclaz Niovyl, and you have just found an orphaned grub.
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xylitolictrolls · 10 years
Just thinking and
Niclaz is the type to
Stop in the middle of something he's doing and find a secluded place
and think to himself, "i could've been so much better than what I am"
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xylitolictrolls · 10 years
but do u all understand that this boy goes around with his only weapon being a spray bottle of mace
literally his first and only line of defense is pepper spray rn
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xylitolictrolls · 10 years
Okay but here's a thing about Niclaz- he wants to be able to wear dresses and skirts and cute frilly things sometimes but he's worried that people will invalidate his identity because he wears traditionally feminine clothing mixed with the fact that he is biologically female if they were to somehow find that out
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xylitolictrolls · 10 years
I drew Carter and Niclaz in class today and it made me realize how much Niclaz would love having a possessive moirail who would spoil him fucking silly
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