#nico's bat au verse
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Kristen Kringle in my Rogues Headcannon Au:
- She is from Metropolis (ew) and since my version of Riddler lived in Metropolis from age six to sixteen the two happened to go to the same middle school.
- She is a bissexual trans woman and while Metropolis by itself is a progressive city there's still a lot of assholes there. Her parents were actually very supportive and at 11 she had already socially transitioned.
- Unfortunally when news spread that she was trans a lot of parents and students alike were opposed to her and tried to banish her from competing in sports and using the right bathroom.
- That was when the bathroom brigade was formed by Lisa Jerkins (my unimportant OC who's main fuction is give Ed extra trauma later) and Eddie Nasthon, they would scoult her to the bathroom, even if it meant just getting up in the middle of class and getting detention, to protect her from being attacked by biggots.
- They were inseparable during middle school.
- She was the first person Edward came out as transmasc for and also his first kiss.
- Unfortunally after two years of suffering attacks from classmates, parents and even some teafhers, her parents decided it was better to her to move schools.
- They keept contact at first, but after his dad broke Edward's phone during a beating, they stopped talking.
- They later meet again in the Iceberg, Kristen was hanging with her new work friends on the Iceberg. One of the girls went to the bar to flirt and grab some drinks and came back crying because some douche she had tried to flirt with had called her "easy, boring and stupid". It was Edward. He wasn't even being purposifully rude, he just has low emphaty and was understimulated and feeling ignored by Oswald witch makes for a very cranky Riddler.
- Kristen of course went to confront the guy and got even more angry when she found him talking with Penguin's underage secretary. Until she realized it was Eddie and he was helping the girl do her homework of all things (in my AUverse Miss Tuesday is Oswald secretary and she bullies/manipulates Ed into doing her homework a lot). So instead they catched up.
- They rekindling their friendship may had resulted in Edward mudering her abusive boyfriend during the most akward double date on history (Edward brough Selina - who was already his ex - because she had shown interest on Kristen and Ed has no common sense or understanding of social norms and is just lucky he was born with a huge charisma status anyway). But hey, he is a known criminal, he is one of the less murderous members of the Dark Knigth Rogue Gallery, but he is a known criminal.
- Selina had the time of her life. No one else did. But Selina enjoyed herself. She got to pet Kristens cat, made a pretty woman blush, stoled a gourgeus astray, helped in the murder of an abusive asshole, she and Ed showed their sick dance moves. It was great.
- To everyone else it was a really bad night. And it almost ended Ed's and Kristen's friendship forever (and Tom was literaly dead by the end of it). But Selina had fun. And that is what really matters.
- No but really. Edward did not murder Kristen, because he isn't a misoginistic creep here and was not trying to convince her to not be mad. He was actually trying to convice himself that he didn't mind she was mad because he was right and is great and fuck her.
- They did slowly recovered their friendship though. With some meedling for Selina, because she cared about the fact other people didn't had a great night.
- Kristen did had a one night stand with Selina at some point.
- She somehow ends dating Doctor Joan Leland who in my AU is - personality wise - closer to Gotham's Lee than this version of Leslie Thompkins.
- The fact Leland is Jonathan Crane's psychiatrist (and the only member of the Arkham staff Jon - bregrundgly - respects, witch is what made her survive being Jon's psychiatrist because Crane is famous for making them became suicidal and quit) is not really important, but I'm briggin it up anyway.
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hylianengineer · 5 months
Fic rec friday
Welcome back to fic rec friday! This one includes three whole fandoms because I finally dug myself out of the rabbithole that is my PJO bookmarks.
1. I Thought Animals Hated You? by prettyboydotexe (Percy Jackson)
“I’m not hurt, I’m fine,” he gently swatted Will’s hands away. “Look,” he untied the fabric, revealing the tiny, half shriveled face of a little creature tucked between his elbow and his chest.
It's Solangelo with a baby bat, it's so cute I'm gonna cry, what's not to love?
2. the apple to my pie by Rosyredlipstick (Percy Jackson)
They weren't always a 24-hour pie diner. There were few factors that had led to this present 24-hour fact, events that had been placed in motion and happened that were now long over, but the aftermath remained. And the aftermath made these three facts - Nico di Angelo now owns a 24\7 pie diner on the corner of Main and Keystone. Nico di Angelo has several loyal employees who help run said pie diner. And one unloyal. (Leo always swears he's going to defect and franchise a Denny's across the street which - disgusting) And the last - Will Solace is a midnight customer, and this might all be because of him.
It's fluffy, it's funny, it's romantic, and I am such a sucker for restaurant AUs - don't ask me why, I have no clue.
3. Get Some Rest by EtherealSpaceJelly (Star Trek The Original Series)
When you get back from an unexpectedly long and taxing away mission, uninjured but completely exhausted, Jim and Spock put you to bed. There is no use of Y/N. Gender-neutral pronouns are used, and there is no physical description of you. There are some romantic undertones, but it can easily be read as platonic, too. This is very fluffy and self-indulgent lol.
Star Trek TOS reader-insert (ambiguously romantic or platonic) with gratuitous fluff anyone? It's fucking adorable.
4. Vess 'Verse by jadrea (M*A*S*H)
A nameless newcomer arrives at MASH 4077 and is tight-lipped about their origins. Set around Season 3.
A series of fics, everything from fluff and humor to heavy angst and hurt/comfort, centered around a nonbinary war correspondent and dedicated rule-breaker who finds their way to the 4077 by breaking several laws. You know, as you do.
5. Last Request by destiny919 (Batman)
"Any last words, Replacement?" Red Hood casually crouches down in front of him. "Or how about a last request? I'm feeling generous. I'll do you one last favor before I clip those little wings. Whatever you want. Sky's the limit." There's only one thing he's ever really wanted from Jason Todd.
A Titan's Tower AU with tons of emotional whump and also some hugging. It's heartbreaking and sweet and if you check out the related works, there's also a really great sequel in which there is more hugging and some fluff.
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Voici la semaine parrain thug qui bat son plain avec des series dinterview voici celle de Gérard butler qui joue le rôle de Don Franco Sr .
G.B : quand on m'a apeler pour le rôle je me disais que c'était bizarre je n'ai pas le profil pour jouer un mafieux tout sa .
Mais nico ma apeler personnellement et ma raconter ce qui voulais avec ce projet il chercher un acteur puisse être un personnage important et qui soi ce que Alessandro va ou pourrai devenir . Sa la touche et j'ai accepter .
Don franco senior est un n'est seulment le chef d'une grande mafia il est aussi le pilier d'une grand famille et un genre de anti héros malgré les bisness illégal qui fait il rend service a la population il n'est pas crain mais il es admirer la population lui verse les taxe de quartier mais le fot avec plaisir parce que derriere il lui rendent avec des present des festivals il rend des services payant mais il le fait bien . Il a beaucoup d'ennemis mais il fait pour proteger sa famille et il sais qu'un jours il va devoir passer le flambeau maiq il aime trop son fils et il voulais lui épargné ce genre de vie c'est pour ça qu'il envoi au état unis chez son père .
Ce qui etait interessant cetait de voir l'impact qu'a Dfsenior sur alessandro mm apres sa mort il est là il viena travers son fils il lui apprend tout au long du film a être un homme . Dhabitude dans une Origin story on ne sattarde pas sur le personnage secondaire le commencement alors que la dans PARRAIN.ORIGIN une grosse parti du film se passe de avant la naissance de alessandro et a ça naissance même ce qui laisse de la place a la genese de ce personnage mais aussi de la place a l'histoire de Don franco senior . Jouer dans ce film etait incroyable
Cest une épopée unique a travers le temps lhistoire d'un enfants qui va embrasser son héritage encore plus qu'on pouvais l'imaginer. Dans PARRAIN'S FALL il passe au statu dhomme a légende...
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