#brief OC mention
Rumble & Eject (Shattered EarthSpark AU)
Original post here. Variation/part of "Decoy" and happens around the same time. I still need to write everything between the original post and this one, but this idea wormed in first so it's being written first. Long post ahead.
Megatron heard Optimus release a strained growl when his sensors finally realigned themselves with his normal settings. His blue optics immediately spotted the fleeing orange humanoid shaped cassette-bot and the green bird cassette-bot, the forest quickly hiding their advance.
"Where is Steeljaw and Eject?" Megatron asked, looking towards Optimus as the former Autobot looked towards the forest, then somewhere behind Megatron, before finally looking at him.
"Frag if I know," Optimus answered. "Best guess is that they fled at the start of that attack."
Megatron's optics narrowed, then said, "We cannot allow Soundwave to know what happened here."
"You've said it yourself before: No one can hide anything from Soundwave," Optimus deadpanned. The purple and black bot looked behind Megatron again. "And why are you here, Dr Meridian and... whatever your name is?"
Megatron turned around, quickly seeing Atlas Meridian and Stevie Lister come out from some of the nearby bushes. "How long were you there?" Megatron asked.
"We just got here," Stevie countered. His skin was on the darker side, eyes and hair were the same deep brown near-black color, and hair somewhat messy and kept under a pale lavender helmet. He also wore a jacket with an odd pattern on it, switching between white, charcoal grey, and the same lavender as on the helmet. His pants were also charcoal grey and white, though his right hand was gone, replaced with a mechanical variation. Whether that went beyond his hand or not, he couldn't tell due to the jacket.
"All we heard was not telling Soundwave," Atlas continued.
Megatron vented, looking away briefly as Optimus said, "Well, if you want to get on Soundwave's good side, as like all you brats like to do, feel free to tell him."
"Optimus, no," Megatron snapped, his helm snapping to look at Optimus. The white and blue bot rattled as the purple and black mech snorted.
Atlas sighed, shaking his head slightly as Stevie asked, "Why shouldn't Soundwave be told, though?"
Megatron froze as Optimus stated, "Short version, Frenzy." With that, he former Autobot turned and walked back towards the base, saying, "If you need me, I'll be seeking out Twitch."
"She's currently at the flight deck with Tarantulas," Atlas informed. Optimus made a noise in reply before fully walking away.
The moment Optimus was gone, Stevie asked, "Who's Frenzy?"
"That... is not my place to say," Megatron answered before he transformed. He flew back towards the base, not noticing the looks he got from the two humans.
"Who's Frenzy?"
Soundwave blinked at the sudden question, then looked towards where the voice came from. Thrash was there, with Stevie perched on his shoulder. Thrash's alt mode was a motorcycle, whose colors came in as a near black and red, with some bits of slate, and his optics settled on a golden color.
Soundwave quickly realized that the question came from Stevie, if his staring and Thrash's still shy demeaner was any indication.
"Frenzy: cassette perished in the war," Soundwave stated.
"Cassette?" Thrash quietly said, confusion clear in his voice.
Soundwave tilted his helm slightly, allowing his bright red and deep blue plating reflect what light there was in the room. "Query: How did Stevie find out about Frenzy?"
"Optimus mention 'em when I asked why you shouldn't know about whatever they were talking about," Stevie answered.
A darkness stabbed his spark as he was reminded of his last remaining cassette. Like how he didn't learn into later that Rumble...
He shook his helm and requested, "Stevie: overheard?"
"No," Stevie replied, "I only heard the tail end about not telling you."
His visor darkened a bit, then said, "Soundwave: thanks Stevie." Soundwave stalked off, ignoring how Thrash decided to look at him during the process before he left.
"Hello, Soundwave," Optimus blandly stated, causing Megatron's attention to snap towards where Optimus's voice was directed to. The bright blue visor of Soundwave looked at Optimus, then glanced over to Megatron.
"Query: What do you wish me to not know?" Soundwave asked. Optimus glanced over, but didn't say a word.
"Pardon?" Megatron questioned.
"Stevie: Relayed you two wanted to hide something," Soundwave continued. "Hide: from Soundwave."
Out of the corner of his optic, Megatron noticed Twitch, Thrash, Stevie, and Atlas by the entrance, staring at Soundwave.
"I told you he would find out," Optimus commented in his usual bored tone. Megatron glared towards Optimus, but the former Autobot was already back to going through reports.
"Megatron: tell?" Soundwave requested.
Megatron was quiet for a moment, then sighed and said, "Yesterday at about noon, myself and Optimus encountered Steeljaw, Sundor, Eject, and Rumble."
He could immediately tell Soundwave's emotions took a dive through his field. Carefully, Soundwave asked, "Rumble: harmed?"
"He hurt us more than we hurt him, if that's what you mean." Optimus replied.
"Optimus," Megatron hissed.
"No," Soundwave interrupted. "Eject: looks like Frenzy?"
Optimus didn't answer, leaving Megatron to do so. Megatron looked towards the ground and answered, "He... looks less like her compared to during the war."
Soundwave was quiet, then asked, "Rumble: still thinks Eject is Frenzy?"
"It... still appears so, yes," Megatron hesitantly replied. Soundwave's field seemingly got darker and the red and blue mech let out static.
"Does Rumble still blame me?" Soundwave quietly asked, breaking his habit.
Megatron went silent for a good few moments. Once those moments passed, he answered, "From what I can tell... he still does."
He trembled as it kept replying in his helm. He knew Miscom didn't mean it, but it broke his spark nonetheless. His spark... and his cassette's sparks.
"Why didn't you tell her!"
A crying scream broke him out of his thoughts, looking towards the yellow frame of Rumble, but his mind only said that his cassette lost his beloved twin sister.
Rumble hiccupped and twitched and rattled, continuing, "Y-You could've said tha- that Eject had the same color, b-but you didn't and sh-she's dead! I can't feel her, why c-c-couldn't you save her?" Even with the visor covering his optics, tears streamed down Rumble's face. Much more softly, but in a much more broken voice, Rumble asked, "Why didn't you save her?"
"Rumble-" Laserbeak attempt.
"NO!" Rumble cried, quickly turning and running out of the room, his hiccups echoing across the room and hall.
Laserbeak pressed herself against Soundwave's leg. He absentmindedly placed his servo on her helm as Ravage buried his helm in Soundwave's side and Buzzsaw simply lowered xyr helm.
Soundwave lowered his helm. He was quiet, then he stated, "At least one of my beloved cassettes is still alive."
"Is he, though?" Optimus suddenly stated. "I mean, Rumble is Blaster's cassette now and despite Blaster being captured, he technically hasn't switched sides again, has he?"
"Optimus," Megatron warned as Soundwave tensed.
"Am I wrong?" Optimus shrugged, finally turning to face them. "Sure, the war's over, and we have no scraping idea what happened to Cybertron, but there's still Autobots who haven't yet or never will surrender. Knowing Blaster and his cassettes? I doubt they ever will change, especially with how unstable Blaster's code is and how it affec-"
He didn't get to finish as Soundwave suddenly bolted over and punched Optimus in the faceplate. The former Autobot didn't move as Soundwave turned around and stormed out of the room. He didn't even seem to notice Twitch, Atlas, Thrash, and Stevie, who moved out of the way as the communication specialist left the room. Megatron just stared, optics wide, staying where he stood.
Moments passed after Soundwave left before Megatron said, "Optimus, why?"
"I'm not wrong and you can't tell me that. RAPTR can confirm it for you, if you want," Optimus deadpanned, lifting up his helm and turning back to his work station.
Atlas finally made himself, Stevie, and the Terrans known, clearing his throat to get their attention. "Should we... assume not to approach Soundwave for a while?"
"Yes," Megatron sighed. "You'll have to forgive him. A... sensitive topic came up."
Twitch's optics narrowed at them as Atlas nodded and moved to shoo away the Terrans and Stevie. The group left, though Twitch stared at Megatron for a few more moments before following them.
"Watch Waspinator be the last one to find out," Optimus stated.
"Don't doubt xem. Sure, xe doesn't like GHOST or RAPTR, but xe watches over Stevie and Thrash well enough," Megatron replied.
Optimus rolled his optics. "Sure, keep telling yourself that and believe GHOST can hold Jazz for long. You'll believe me in time."
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Kristen Kringle in my Rogues Headcannon Au:
- She is from Metropolis (ew) and since my version of Riddler lived in Metropolis from age six to sixteen the two happened to go to the same middle school.
- She is a bissexual trans woman and while Metropolis by itself is a progressive city there's still a lot of assholes there. Her parents were actually very supportive and at 11 she had already socially transitioned.
- Unfortunally when news spread that she was trans a lot of parents and students alike were opposed to her and tried to banish her from competing in sports and using the right bathroom.
- That was when the bathroom brigade was formed by Lisa Jerkins (my unimportant OC who's main fuction is give Ed extra trauma later) and Eddie Nasthon, they would scoult her to the bathroom, even if it meant just getting up in the middle of class and getting detention, to protect her from being attacked by biggots.
- They were inseparable during middle school.
- She was the first person Edward came out as transmasc for and also his first kiss.
- Unfortunally after two years of suffering attacks from classmates, parents and even some teafhers, her parents decided it was better to her to move schools.
- They keept contact at first, but after his dad broke Edward's phone during a beating, they stopped talking.
- They later meet again in the Iceberg, Kristen was hanging with her new work friends on the Iceberg. One of the girls went to the bar to flirt and grab some drinks and came back crying because some douche she had tried to flirt with had called her "easy, boring and stupid". It was Edward. He wasn't even being purposifully rude, he just has low emphaty and was understimulated and feeling ignored by Oswald witch makes for a very cranky Riddler.
- Kristen of course went to confront the guy and got even more angry when she found him talking with Penguin's underage secretary. Until she realized it was Eddie and he was helping the girl do her homework of all things (in my AUverse Miss Tuesday is Oswald secretary and she bullies/manipulates Ed into doing her homework a lot). So instead they catched up.
- They rekindling their friendship may had resulted in Edward mudering her abusive boyfriend during the most akward double date on history (Edward brough Selina - who was already his ex - because she had shown interest on Kristen and Ed has no common sense or understanding of social norms and is just lucky he was born with a huge charisma status anyway). But hey, he is a known criminal, he is one of the less murderous members of the Dark Knigth Rogue Gallery, but he is a known criminal.
- Selina had the time of her life. No one else did. But Selina enjoyed herself. She got to pet Kristens cat, made a pretty woman blush, stoled a gourgeus astray, helped in the murder of an abusive asshole, she and Ed showed their sick dance moves. It was great.
- To everyone else it was a really bad night. And it almost ended Ed's and Kristen's friendship forever (and Tom was literaly dead by the end of it). But Selina had fun. And that is what really matters.
- No but really. Edward did not murder Kristen, because he isn't a misoginistic creep here and was not trying to convince her to not be mad. He was actually trying to convice himself that he didn't mind she was mad because he was right and is great and fuck her.
- They did slowly recovered their friendship though. With some meedling for Selina, because she cared about the fact other people didn't had a great night.
- Kristen did had a one night stand with Selina at some point.
- She somehow ends dating Doctor Joan Leland who in my AU is - personality wise - closer to Gotham's Lee than this version of Leslie Thompkins.
- The fact Leland is Jonathan Crane's psychiatrist (and the only member of the Arkham staff Jon - bregrundgly - respects, witch is what made her survive being Jon's psychiatrist because Crane is famous for making them became suicidal and quit) is not really important, but I'm briggin it up anyway.
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miss-conner3 · 6 months
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En Español: Aquí
This was going to reference a sibling dynamic meme, but I got too excited XD
Brief context: Height difference in a future where Ando becomes a wandering traveler and the lamb digivolves until it reaches its maximum potential.
Or something similar to that, hehe (ouo)
I hope you like it!
Extra: A little idea regarding my two sheep!
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"Forever is a long time, little lamb..."
This is the moment where I comment that I like light angst, but it's rare that I prioritize it, so don't worry (?)
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hazsofties · 2 months
Aftercare headcanons for the bois? Thank you so much.
Aftercare With Vox, Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husk W/ Gender Neutral Reader
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
During, Vox was an extremely good communicator that encouraged you to be honest with him and was very respectful of your boundaries. He offered reassurances when needed and ensured you felt secured and loved.
Afterwards, Vox immediately asks how you're feeling. He listens attentively, gently stroking your hair. He feels quite protective of you after the fact.
If you're happy he's happy, telling you, "I'm glad you liked it, sweetheart". If you feel any shame towards your feelings, he helps talk you through them. He assures you, "It's okay to feel that way. You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to feel ashamed of". He reminds you it's a feeling as natural as sadness or joy.
He checks in a few times to see if you need anything. Water, a snack, a cuddle, to talk, etc. If you say you do, he's happy to oblige.
Even if Vox has work to attend to, he wants to stay close to you and constantly visits you as you relax in bed. If he doesn't, he offers to take a shower with you (promising you that you won't be electrocuted).
Vox is attentive to you for the entire rest of the day or night, clearly anxious about you being unhappy or upset with him, but you assure him his is far from the truth and that you're happy to have such a caring partner.
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During, Adam enjoyed showing off his skills and making you absolutely melt. However, he respected your boundaries, immediately stopping and apologizing whenever something made you uncomfortable.
Afterwards, Adam immediately compliments you, saying things like, "wow, that was amazing, babe!". Along with bragging about his own skills, of course, constantly asking you, "Did you see when I did that? Good shit" and "you should have seen the look on your face! Classic".
If you're happy it gives him an ego boost and he says, "Well duh! I am the dickmaster, after all!". However, if he detects any hints of shame he says, "Hey, babe, it's okay. I've got you. Just tell me what's going on". Adam listens to your worries and assures you that you did nothing wrong and everything is "all good".
Adam is a big cuddler, wanting to snuggle and hold you with his wings and arms to show just how much he loves you.
If this is your first time doing something like this together, Adam wants to celebrate with you about taking your relationship to the next level.
Adam is happy to help you clean up and already has water and a snack prepared for you if you want them.
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During, Alastor takes great pride in servicing you, following your lead and encouraging you to request what you want and decline what you don't.
Afterwards, Alastor immediately helps you clean up and encourages you to rest, saying, "Such activity can take a lot of energy. You deserve the rest, my dear". He cuddles with you and helps you drift off to sleep.
When you wake up, it's to find Alastor has made a home cooked meal for you, either one of your favorites or a comfort food, telling you to dig in.
Once you've eaten, Alastor says, "So, I suppose we should discuss things". He reassures you into being honest about how you felt about the act, what worked and what didn't, and how you feel now.
If you're happy, Alastor looks satisfied. If you feel any shame, Alastor assures you that you did not make him feel uncomfortable and that you did nothing wrong.
Alastor happily spends the rest of the day with you to show you he is not only physically dedicated to you, but emotionally as well.
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During Lucifer is wonderfully dorky and caring. He's a bit self conscious, but he pushes through it if you want him to take charge. He is happy to let you take charge as well. He doesn't push your boundaries and makes sure you feel safe.
Afterwards, he's nervous, checking in with you and ensuring you liked it too. He doesn't take it personally if you feel ashamed or concerned, and sooths over your worries.
He lets you guide what you do afterwards. If you want to cuddle, he's fine with that, if you want to clean off he'll help you, if you need water or some food he's flying to the kitchen, and if you need a moment alone he respects that too.
Lucifer doesn't mind if you need to talk through your feelings, assuring you it isn't a bother and that he wants to hear from you. Even if you're awkward about the subject, he doesn't mind at all, admitting he's a bit awkward about it himself.
If you feel any soreness or anything, Lucifer offers to give you a massage or draw you a warm bath.
Lucifer feels extremely connected to you after the fact and assures you know this.
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Angel Dust
During, it is clear Angel knows what he's doing, and he uses that expertise to help you have a good time. If you're inexperienced he helps you along. If not, he lets you guide the act as much as you want. He constantly reminds you, "We don't have to do anything you don't want to. Just be honest about how you're feeling, okay?".
Afterwards, Angel gives you a moment to breath, smiling at you before asking, "So, what did you think?". He is receptive to what you have to say, and helps you work through any shame or anxieties if you have them.
Angel already has a care package ready for you with everything you could need to clean yourself up, drink, eat, or take a nice nap.
If you're feeling awkward, Angel has plenty of jokes to crack to get a good laugh out of you and help you feel less self conscious.
You two talk a lot afterwards about this and that, only interrupted by Angel going, "hey, you know how much I care about you, right?".
Angel seems very energized being around you and, despite his complicated relationship with sensuality, clearly feels very good about your shared act.
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Husk (TW brief alcohol mention)
During Husk is very flirtatious and the most confident you've ever seen him. Throughout he asks, "you doing okay?" and uses your responses to know what he should and shouldn't do.
Afterwards, Husk asks the same question again, encouraging you to "take your time". If you feel completely good about it, Husk says, "Good, I'm glad. I feel good about it too". If you feel any shame or worries, Husk encourages you to just let it out, and reassures you that he doesn't see you differently.
He offers you a drink, alcoholic or non alcoholic depending on your preference, and you two lounge around together drinking and listening to music.
This is the most relaxed you've ever seen Husk, and you can't help but stare. When he notices, he playfully teases you, staring at you back and telling you just how beautiful, handsome, or gorgeous you look, whichever title you prefer.
Husk is purring the entire time you spend time together, unable to contain his loving smirk at you.
Though Husk isn't super cuddly, you conclude this time together with a hug and the reassurance that Husk will talk to you again soon.
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 5 months
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man thank god kakyoin lived guys I don’t know what id do without him
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nattikay · 7 months
How to use tìftang (the apostrophe thing) when naming your Na'vi OC
The most important thing to note here is that tìftang is not decorative!! It’s not just there to make words/names look cool! It’s a consonant and represents an actual sound (specifically a “glottal stop”, aka that little catch in the back of your throat when you say “uh-oh”). Adding tìftang to your OC’s name will affect the pronunciation of said name.
When using tìftang in your OC’s name, you want to make sure it’s next to at least one vowel (a, ä, i, ì, e, u, o) or diphthong (ay, aw, ey, ew).
✅ Ka'ul ✅ Ka'nul ✅ Kat'ul
It CANNOT go between two consonants—this is a VERY common mistake!!
🚫 Kat'nul This is not pronounceable! It’s like having a character whose name is meant to be pronounced “Bob” or “Jimmy” but for some reason spelling it “Bokb” or “Jimtmy”.
The reason for this is Na'vi syllable structure. Tìftang can start or end a syllable, but it cannot go in the middle of a syllable, because it cannot cluster with other consonants.
For practical examples of what that means, let’s look back at the previous examples:
Ka'ul can break down into either [ka'][ul] or [ka]['ul], so tìftang is either ends the first syllable, or begins second syllable.
Ka'nul breaks down into [ka'][nul]; tìftang ends the first syllable.
Kat'ul breaks down into [kat]['ul]; tìftang begins the second syllable.
So what about Kat'nul? There are a few ways to break it down, and none of them work. [kat'][nul] and [kat]['nul] are both invalid because, while the tìftang is at the end/beginning of the syllable like in the other examples, it’s clustering with t or n. Remember that tìftang cannot cluster with other consonants!
The other way to break it down—and probably the way most people unfamiliar with Na'vi would be thinking—would be [kat]'[nul], with the intended pronounced syllables just being “kat” and “nul” with the tìftang thrown in to look cool and alien. This doesn’t work because again, tìftang is not decorative! It is a letter with a sound (one that’s not even really physically possible to pronounce properly between a t and n even without the syllable rules), not a punctuation! Kat'nul-pronounced-Katnul the Na'vi is just Jimtmy-pronounced-Jimmy the human. Just spell it Katnul!
Speaking of clustering, here’s another mistake I see sometimes (though a little less commonly):
🚫 K'atnul
This is also not pronounceable, because while yes the tìftang is next to a vowel, within its syllable it’s clustering with k. Remember that tìftang can only begin or end a syllable; it can’t go in the middle of one like [k'at]!!
Now, here’s a quick thing to be aware of. Remember earlier on I mentioned that tìftang must go next to a vowel or diphthong? Let’s talk about diphthongs real quick:
A diphthong is what you get when two vowels merge into a single sound. Na'vi has four of them. They are written ay (a+i), aw (a+u), ey (e+i), and ew (e+u). That said, you could have a names like these:
✅ Kaw'nul ✅ Key'nul
…but not like these:
🚫 Kow'nul 🚫 Kuy'nul
Why does the first set work but not the second? Because in the first set, the w and y are not standalone consonants, but rather part of the aw and ey diphthongs. In the second set, however, ow and uy are not diphthongs, so the w and y are regular consonants, which means Kow'nul and Kuy'nul don’t work for the same reason as Kat'nul: tìftang cannot go between two consonants. (changing the spellings to Kou'nul and Kui'nul would work, however!)
tl;dr - to assess whether you are using tìftang correctly in your OC name, ask yourself three questions:
1.) Is it next to at least one vowel (a, ä, i, ì, e, u, o) or diphthong (ay, aw, ey, ew)? ✅ Ka'ul ✅ Ka'nul ✅ Kat'ul ✅ Kaw'nul 🚫 Kat'nul 🚫 Kow'nul
2.) Does it begin/end its syllable? ✅ [ka'][nul] ✅ [kat]['ul] 🚫 [k'a][nul]
3.) Is it clustering with other consonants? 🚫 [kat'][nul] 🚫 [k'at][nul]
If your answers are yes, yes, and no, in that order, then congrats!! You have used tìftang correctly!
If your answer is no to the first two or yes to the third, you can fix it one of three ways:
Move the tìftang to a valid position: 🚫 K'anul -> ✅ Ka'nul
Remove the tìftang completely: 🚫 Kat'nul -> ✅ Katnul
Add a vowel: 🚫 Kat'nul -> ✅ Kate'nul, ✅ Kat'enul 🚫 K'atnul -> ✅ Kì'atnul 🚫 Kow'nul -> ✅ Kowa'nul
Now go forth and tìftang responsibly! :D
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amity206 · 10 months
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The markets of the Isle of Dawn, and a mysterious traveler who offers you potions and is more interested in the stories you have to tell than your candles…
When you leave, satisfied with your recharge potions, you see her talking to another traveler - a figure clad in brown, wearing a wide hat with glowing orbs dangling from the edges. As she moves, golden loops of jewelry clink together.
Possible reference for an OC… it’ll need more refining but they’re a traveling potion maker who loves gossip, stories, shiny things, and good company. In addition to potions they carry magical ingredients, scrolls, message boats, and other trinkets.
Feel free to ask any of my OCs (or me) questions in my inbox, I’d love to share more hehe
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luckyfailuregirl · 17 days
chat . chat did i cook/j
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(Lyrics from Limbo by Freddie Dredd, OCs besides Lucky by @shadow-9x , @cosmic-corporation , and my brother Ziggy!)
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rak-radial · 1 month
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I just can't ressist dressing this mf in the coolest clothes ever.
Oc featured: Malva (she/her)
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bunchofavatars · 2 months
There was a ding as the bell at the door rang when the door opened, and Ariya stepped into the bookshop. She glanced around, bag on her back, looking for someone who works there
"Hello, anyone here?"
There was not a lot of people in the shop. There was a group of three, one talking widely with their hands about a book one of the others held. There was one about to leave. Another, shorter and darker person stood and put up books on a shelf. Briefly glancing towards the person who entered.
A younger man, no older than 18 or 19, stood by the till. He looked up as the door opened, face full of freckles.
“Hello! Can I help you over here?” He seems to already be prepared to leave his spot if needed.
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townofcadence · 21 days
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"Let's see what the future holds... and see if we can't stack the deck."
Finished commission for @castleemporium/@vonraptor of his OC James and Susan being ominous and doing a scry with some homemade scrumpy cider :D
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waffelz-png · 21 days
I redrew my ramshackle oc,,, Joseph,,,
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I kove seeing my art evolve
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oldworldwidgets · 5 months
while the city sleeps
ive been thinking about delilah a lot lately (shocking, i know) so when my friends were discussing what their ocs’ companion quests would be like, i decided to write one for her!! for story purposes, the player character here is a male sole survivor named nate. this quest must be completed before delilah can be recruited
2.7k-ish words
you can read this as a make-your-own adventure/quest or just as a story :3
To begin this quest, Nate must enter the Third Rail bar in Goodneighbor between 10pm – 4am. Delilah will be behind the bar, tending to the drifters seated there. When Nate initiates dialogue with Delilah, she will ask if he’d like anything to drink. He answers however he chooses, then asks if she’s heard any gossip or has any work for him, since bartenders have a reputation for knowing these things. Lilah does, of course, and will send him to run a few errands for various Goodneighbor residents. Once he has successfully completely a few of these errands and shown that he can be trusted, Lilah will give him a job that is personal to her.
Her husband, a man named Marowski, had been acting strangely. He’d been keeping things from her, going out at night or coming home late, and just generally acting seedy. Then, a few days before, he hadn’t returned home at all. She requests Nate’s help to uncover whatever shady business is taking place in Goodneighbor and find Marowski. If Nate agrees, Delilah will stress that she is very worried about Morowski and just wants him to stay out of trouble. “Please,” she will beg quietly, “bring him home safe.”
Nate must then question the residents of Goodneighbor, noir detective style. If he leads the conversation by asking about Marowski or his whereabouts, the residents will clam up and give no further information. If he leads by asking about shady business in Goodneighbor, the residents will give a response such as, “Ha! Which one?” Nate can continue asking about shady operations in the town until the residents mention “Marowski’s chem operation,” but they will once again clam up if Nate continues to pursue this line of questioning. One resident will direct Nate to Irma at the Memory Den, who will direct him to Daisy at Daisy’s Discounts, who will direct him to Fred Allen at the Hotel Rexford. For a price (and a guarantee that Delilah will not learn who gave Nate this information), Fred will inform him that Marowski was not only involved in Goodneighbor’s largest underground chem operation, he was in charge of it. The kingpin. Hell, he owned half of Goodneighbor, including the Rexford itself. However, Fred will also inform Nate that Marowski has not been seen in a few days and the door to his office is locked from the inside. Fred will point Nate toward the office and, if Nate successfully picks the lock, he will find Marowski’s body on the floor.
When Nate returns to Delilah, he must choose to tell her one of four things. From 1-4, each option is a more difficult speech check:
The truth: he uncovered the chem operation that Marowski was leading. The pressure of the organization became too much, and Nate found him dead in his office.
He uncovered the chem operation, and Marowski was involved. He was a grunt chem peddler, and he is dead. (yellow)
He uncovered the chem operation, but it seemed separate from Marowski’s disappearance. Perhaps he just ran away?
He did not find anything, but he wishes her well in trying to find her husband. Perhaps he just ran away?
Delilah is very perceptive. Unbeknownst to Nate, each option carries negative affinity weight. Even if he passes the speech check(s), he will lose affinity proportionate to each option’s amount of untruth. 1, as it is the truth, will not affect affinity. If he fails the speech check, the lost affinity will double.
If Nate passes the speech check for 3 or 4, Delilah will accept this answer and thank him for trying. She will then become unrecruitable.
If Nate passes the speech check for 2 or tells the truth, she will thank him thoroughly before giving him the next piece of the quest. If he fails any speech check, she will frown and scoff at him, inform him that she does not believe him, then give him the next piece of the quest.
Delilah will beg Nate to find out what happened to Marowski. If she was not told that he is dead, she will ask Nate to find him. If she is told about his death, she will ask Nate to find out who killed him. She will be crying when she asks this, and Nate can accept or decline. If he accepts, Delilah will give him an unmarked, unplayable holotape that she believes may help. She will tell Nate that Marowski kept it in his sock drawer, and she found it when she was looking for clues as to where he might have gone.
Nate must return to the Rexford and examine the body. He will find that Marowski was shot in the head, and that there is a 10mm on the floor of his office near his right hand. If Nate successfully hacks the terminal on Marowski’s desk, he will find terminal entries with logs of his chem operations, lists of his active runners and Triggermen, and a journal. If he reads the journal entry, he will find five entries locked behind a password. The entries can be unlocked by loading the unmarked holotape into the terminal.
The sixth, most recent entry is a suicide note. The pressure of the chem operation, alongside the ring’s copious amounts of debt that will never be repaid by their customers, was too much for Marowski to juggle. Suicide was the only way he could keep Delilah safe. He wanted to keep her away from his debt and out of the dark corners of his chem operation. The note ends with an apology and an expression of love to Delilah. This discovery prompts Nate to return to Delilah (optional) with this answer if he is satisfied with it.
The other entries, however, contain more information for Nate to uncover if he so chooses. The fifth entry is corrupt and will not open. The fourth details how Marowski’s tentative deal with Bobby No-Nose to get them out of debt had gone awry, and he had been fending off her goons for the week-or-so before his death. He stressed that it was of utmost importance that he stay away from the Third Rail to keep them away from Delilah, who did not deserve to be put in danger because of his bad decisions. The third covers Marowski’s excitement about Delilah. He had been in love with her since he set eyes on her in the Third Rail, and now, she’d fallen in love with him, too. They had just moved in together at the Rexford, which was going to make it harder to keep her out of the line of fire, but it was worth it.
The second entry is corrupt and will not open. The first entry logs Marowski’s concern about his dwindling Triggermen numbers. He started noticing that he would send his men out on runs to acquire or deliver chems, but they would not return. His pool of runners was getting shallower and shallower, yet he had not noticed more people fiending for his chems. Everyone in Goodneighbor seemed perfectly drugged up and satisfied, which struck him as strange – who were they getting their fix from if not from his men? This was not good for his numbers.
After reading these entries, Nate will have three quest goals:
(Optional) Return to Delilah
(Optional) Speak to Bobby No-Nose
Find out what happened to Marowski
Return to Delilah
If Nate returns to Delilah and informs her that Marowski did, in fact, kill himself and present her with his suicide note, she will become inconsolable. “I didn’t want to believe you,” she will cry, “but you’re right.” She will tell Nate all of the red flags/shady things Marowski did that now makes her believe that he was involved with the drug ring. She will thank Nate for his help, give him 500 caps, and send him on his way. Delilah will then become unrecruitable. 
Speak to Bobby No-Nose
Nate may continue to investigate based on Marowski’s entry re: fending off Bobby’s goons after a deal gone wrong. When he speaks to her about it, she will tell him about Marowski’s debt he owed to her and his evasiveness in paying it back. They made a deal about it once, but it went awry when one of Bobby’s men got too bold. Marowski continued to refuse to pay until his death. Still, Bobby maintains her and her men’s innocence. Yes, they were heckling him, but for his money; the dead don’t pay debts. If Nate asks Bobby where he can find another lead, she will flippantly tell him that if he wants information on Marowski, he should speak to Marowski’s men instead of hers.
Nate must then interrogate three Triggermen about their boss. The first will say that he knows nothing and inform Nate that he should stop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. The second will be “shocked” that Marowski is dead and ask Nate what happened, as if he wasn’t there to get information in the first place. The third will accuse Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighbor.
When Nate questions Hancock about Marowski, Hancock gets gruff and defensive. It’s clear that the mayor did not have a high opinion of the man, likely because Marowski’s power over the Goodneighbor residents threatened his own. He will be avoidant about answering Nate’s questions unless Nate mentions that he’s doing a favor for Delilah, in which case Hancock will be forthcoming with any information Nate needs to “help that poor thing.” With a sly smile, Hancock will tell Nate to “check with the Rexford’s front desk when Clair ain’t around,” whatever that means. The information is discoverable with or without this clue.
After speaking with Hancock, Nate will have four quest goals:
(Optional) Return to Delilah [will trigger same interaction as above]
(Optional) Investigate the Hotel Rexford
(Optional) Accuse the suspect
Find out what happened to Marowski
Investigate the Hotel Rexford
Regardless of what time of day Nate returns to the Rexford, Clair will be stationed at the front desk. Nate must ask her about Marowski, and she will not leave the front desk until he does. She is avoidant and tells Nate that she knows little about Marowski at all – only that he owns the hotel and pays her to run its operations. After this conversation, Nate can return to the Rexford between the hours of 10pm – 4am to find the front desk unmanned. He must hack into the terminal at the desk, where he will discover that every entry on Marowski’s terminal was not an entry but rather an email. The contents of Clair’s terminal are identical to those of Marowski’s, aside from logging her own replies. It also successfully saved copies of Marowski’s fifth and second “journal entries” – which had been private communications rather than journal entries all along – that had been corrupted on his own terminal.
In entry #5, Marowski informs Clair that he has found a way to pay off their debts and get them out of the red: logging each time the hotel lodged a patron who was suspected of being a synth, then sending that log to Bunker Hill weekly. To pay off their debts, Marowski was acting as an Institute informant.
In entry #2, Marowski informs Clair that he has solved the mystery of where their Triggermen are disappearing to. The Third Rail seemed to have found itself a new bartender – Delilah, the woman called herself – who was not happy with the way Marowski’s men were treating her. Over a drink at Delilah’s bar, Marowski offered her a deal: if she stopped killing his men, he would cut her in on the deal. She could deal his chems under the table at her bar and keep a portion of the profits if she let up. She countered: she would stop killing her men if, and only if, they stopped treating her like a piece of meat. That was her only requirement. Marowski agreed in earnest, and the pair shook on it. Then, Delilah requested that he make her second in command in his drug trade anyhow. This took Marowski by surprise, but Delilah explained: she knew that Marowski dealt his chems indiscriminately (ie, to children if they simply asked), which is a detail that would derail his entire operation if let slip to Hancock. She knew about his debt, too, and she was convinced she could get him out of it. She would pose no threat to him, either, if he slipped her into the operation under the guise of her being his newest arm candy. She could accompany him everywhere, attached to him at the hip, and no one would be the wiser. For Marowski, this plan was almost all pros and no cons. At the sacrifice of a few caps per sale, he would get out of debt, keep his secret from the mayor, and tote around a beautiful woman like a gold watch. He accepted.    
After reading the emails, Nate will have one quest goal:
Accuse the suspect
Nate can formally accuse any one suspect he speaks to over the course of his investigation.
Accusing Delilah
If Nate chooses to return to the Third Rail, Whitechapel Charlie will be tending the bar no matter the time of day. Nate must ask Charlie where Delilah is, then buy a beer before Charlie will give him the answer. He tells Nate that Delilah is at her and Marowski’s suite at the Rexford, surely mourning. When Nate returns to the Rexford, he must pick the locked front door to enter. The lobby – and the entire hotel – is empty aside from one dainty figure sitting cross-legged on the front desk. “Sure took you long enough, sugar,” she will say sweetly, twirling her hair and trapping him in dialogue.
This will positively affect his affinity with Delilah, similar to “Delilah loved that.”
Accusing Bobby No-Nose, Triggermen, or Clair
The suspect will become hostile. Before Nate can pull his gun, the suspect will pull him back into dialogue and act disproportionately afraid. “No, I’m sorry, I swear it wasn’t me,” etc etc. Nate is not given an opportunity to respond. Instead, he is trapped in dialogue with the person now standing behind him: Delilah. The NPC he was accusing will run through the door behind her while she speaks. “I really thought you'd catch on quicker, big guy,” she will tell Nate.
This will put Nate at Delilah’s lowest recruitable affinity.
Accusing Hancock
The mayor will nearly laugh in Nate’s face, and when Nate pulls his gun, Hancock will just shrug. “Do what you gotta do,” he will say, “but I’m telling you, you got the wrong guy. Ain’t that right, sister?” Nate is not given an opportunity to respond. Instead, he is trapped in dialogue with the person now standing behind him: Delilah. Hancock will waltz out the door behind her while she speaks, ghosting his hand up her arm and shoulder as he squeezes past her. “I really thought you'd catch on quicker, big guy,” she will tell Nate.
This will put Nate at a low affinity with Delilah and lower his affinity with Hancock.
Regardless of who Nate accuses, Delilah will then explain her involvement in Marowski’s drug ring. She was killing any Triggermen who tried to get in her pants; the extra caps and chems was just a bonus at first. Once she got a whiff of power, she couldn’t leave it behind. After she worked her way in with Marowski, she eventually became more in charge than he was. He eventually became little more than just the face of the operation. She was perfectly happy with this setup, considering it kept her powerful yet still in the shadows (and allowed her to skim caps and chems as she pleased). Unfortunately, Marowski got involved in shit that was too shady for her (informing for the Institute) and she had to end that quickly and quietly. She wrote the suicide note and killed Marowski in a way that looked like the gunshot was self-inflicted, then inherited the ring. She is the kingpin. She had been the entire time. This whole mission was nothing but a wild goose chase.
If Nate asks why she would send him following such an entangled web when she was pulling the strings the whole time, she will shrug tell him that she wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into with her.
Delilah is now recruitable.
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katkit-drops-alt · 4 months
So a few days ago I made a blank scripts OC named Mell, and ever since I made her I’ve been just thinking more little tidbits of more for her, so here’s a silly little doodle page I made ^^
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(lore + close ups and ver w/o effects below!)
- Mell is a NPC who often lurks in the shadows of the dungeon watching and observing everything and everyone
- She is incredibly shy and introverted towards others, often avoiding the ‘janitors’ and any unlikely visitors
- She has a boyfriend :0 his name is Zephyr, and he is another NPC! He’s just a silly farm boy who gets into trouble a bunch and hurts himself on accident a lot. He’s very affectionate and clingy, which Mell doesn’t mind at all ^^
- ^ she’s pan!!
- Mell likes the guard dogs of the dungeon, often getting sorta bitter when others find them ‘disgusting’ (she thinks they’re pretty cool)
- Fun Fact: her apron is WAY too big for her, which is why the ribbon is tied around her waist two times
- She’s has a restrictive eating disorder! She can only eat meat (meal-wise; desserts and candies are fine for her)
- If she actually existed IRL, she probably would be rlly into fundamental paper education (which I kinda based off the background on!)
- She absolutely HATES when there’s too much light in one room. It just gives her so many sensory issues to where she will cry if she can’t get out of a bright room
- Autism rep? Autism rep.
- Mell likes to infodump to her small group of friends, and will absolutely try to impress someone with her knowledge if she finds them rlly cool
- Another fun fact: she likes playing with her bones and feeling the texture on them, and even sometimes lets Zephyr to touch them if they’re just walking around doing nothing
If you want to know anything else about Mell and/or Zephyr, just let me know :D I like infodumping abt my silly ocs and would be more than happy to share them w/ you
Vers / closeups!! (CW: Blood)
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 5 months
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gay people will do anything but say I love you
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
Before the beginning for the ask game!! Any story you like in particular!!
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yayyyy just gonna make this an excuse to write a quick thing about jace in college. i got kinda carried away fkklsdgdjf
There are so many reasons why Jace shouldn’t be here. 
He has to be up at 8am for Grimoire Development tomorrow. He hates going to Titania’s, it’s the worst bar on the strip of bars that opposes the Arcane Arts Institute’s campus, but it’s the only one that doesn’t have a cover charge. That must be why they’re still in business, because it’s definitely not the atmosphere. 
The live band sucks, the lead singer can’t hold a note, warbling through a cover of some atrocious alt-rock song. He takes a swig from the amber-colored bottle in his hand absentmindedly and chokes on the bitterness. Gods, it’s gross. Not just the beer; the floor is littered with dented plastic cups, his nice new boots sticking to the linoleum with every step. Everyone around him is sweaty and covered in a thin film of grime, the air smells like cigarettes. 
He glances around, finding that his stupid soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend ditched him, like an asshole, even though he’s the one that dragged Jace out here. And now he’s stuck wearing his stupid leather jacket over his stupid band t-shirt alone in a crowd full of people he doesn’t care about impressing. He looks ridiculous, he feels ridiculous, and he wants to leave. 
A Misty Step, and he’s outside, in the alley behind the bar. It’s freezing; he can feel the cold air through the rips in his tight black jeans. He checks the time on his crystal: 1:24 AM. The exhaustion hits him like a ton of bricks, what a waste of a night. 
He’s about to Teleport back to his apartment when the back doors swing open and a tall goliath stumbles outside, falling flat on his ass against the brick wall. 
“Hey, you okay?” Jace asks, offering a hand. 
“‘M good,” the guy slurs, trying to get up and failing. “Swear.” 
He needs to sleep if he wants any chance of being able to make it through his classes tomorrow. He has no idea who this guy is, or if he’s a serial killer, or… 
The goliath heaves, vomiting onto the pavement, head lolling miserably. He’s been there.
“I can Teleport. Where do you live?” 
Large, beautiful brown eyes brimming with tears look up at him. There’s a pause, before the guy says “my keys,” and hands him his keyring, a metal tag on it reading If lost, mail to Dagbert Machtiger, 1290 South Cinderroot Lane, Apartment 306
Jace takes it, grateful to have an associated object as he Teleports them to an apartment that’s moderately less shitty than his own, with a plastic-looking couch and small coffee table in the middle of a tiny living room. The goliath sinks into it, slurring out a “thanks, man,” before he passes out. 
He leaves the keys on the coffee table and lets himself out, checking his crystal. He’s not too far from his place, about a half mile. If he’s quick, and he doesn’t stay up the rest of the night, he can be in bed by 2, then be mostly ready for class tomorrow. 
His crystal rings as he’s taking the stairs down to ground level, and he answers it without thinking. “Hello?”
“Jacey, did you leave already?” His definitely-getting-dumped-tomorrow-boyfriend asks. “You wanna head back to mine? You can stay the night.” 
He knows what that means. He’ll be staying up for another hour, at least, and it won’t even be that good. Ugh, he shouldn’t be fucking around like this.
“You know it,” he says. “Meet you there.” 
He shuts his crystal with a clat and sighs. Tomorrow. He’ll grow a spine and start saying no to these things tomorrow. He swears. 
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