nixalegos · 1 month
Escape for that ask game w/ Uinen (idk I've never done rp asks before LOL)
Escape - Find Uinen trying to run away from something or someone.
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Somewhere in Suramar They were still after them, some footpad with a knife in hand and desperation in their eyes, darting from shadow to shadow, visible only long enough to be seen before stepping into another, reappearing closer. They'd timed their pursuit perfectly, the guards were just about to change over, where they were at their least aware, their edges dulled by hours of mundane boredom, and the fresh faced and fully awake replacements dilly dallied to take their place. Not that they were likely to call for the guards. Still, the chase led them, or perhaps corralled them, down alleys and side streets, a narrow opening between high, but empty, wine casks and a merchants closed up stall led out towards a major lane, to safety. A faint hope of safety, if they threw all caution to the wind. If they let down their guard to try and squeeze past the obstacles. The faint song of steel swinging mid strike came at their back- And was immediately cut short by the sound of a minor explosion, a flailing crash of a body against the alleys wall, followed by a pained animal scream. "Phutrec Sathoder." Came a now familiar voice. "Where. Is. My Gold?" Their 'accidental savior' that same hooded Sin'dorei who'd they only just met a few days ago. It seems his pursuit of business in the fair city wasn't complete with just reagent selling. "...Miss Ulmondur?" He said as he spotted them at around the same time, seemingly just as surprised by them being in the same alley as he. Sathoder, as it was, couldn't introduce the two, as a Shivarra demoness took that moment to appear, kicking the nightbourne theft and thrill killer repeatedly while they were down, not giving them a chance to deal with the immolating fel flames licking and lapping at their flesh. "Is that whats happening? You're shaking down nobles for the gold you owe me? Two weeks. I gave you TWO WEEKS to pay what you owe me." The Sin'dorei growled at the man being assaulted as he walked closer to Uinens, hands up in a placating gesture. A reassuring one, just as the scrying eye he seemed to have following him everywhere slipped over the nearby rooftops to hove at his shoulder. "Miss Ulmondur, what strange circumstances, are you're alright? You weren't hurt were you?" He inquired, shifting his body so the majority of the ass beating happening behind them was blocked by his body.
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azerothtravel · 1 year
What are your favourite questing zones? Even the stuff that’s been removed by now
That's a tough question! I had to think about it for a while since there's so much to sift through. I'll do one from each expansion just 'cuz this is gonna be long enough. I think overall...
Western Plaguelands (Vanilla version). Gathering the Scourge Stones for the Argent Dawn. Meeting Chromie for the first time. The big fight with the lich. Having to be so strategic getting to and away from those cauldrons. Fordring family drama. Most of vanilla had this really nice feel of just wandering around getting into trouble, but WP had a like "now it's serious" vibe that was really fun.
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Netherstorm. Man, I loved Netherstorm. The biospheres, the cursed Kirin Tor village, Socrethar, the netherdrake area, the BE's mana pumps, the whole place felt like the wildest thing that had ever been in WoW to that point. Dr. Boom! All that crazy stuff up on the north with the Consortium. It was a ride.
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Borean Tundra. It's really hard to pick from Wrath, but I just loved the intro experience. Investigating the destroyed Horde camp, meeting the tuskarr, that gnomish airfield, using tanks for the first time, the assault on the necropolis, and of course Saurfang's big hero turn in that one quest. So much cool stuff. A great way to get an expac started.
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Twilight Highlands. The world PVP elements really stick out to me from this zone. I spent so much time in the dwarf vs. orc conflict. But also founding the Horde base there, the Krazzworks was absurd, getting our first gross look at the Old Gods stuff that was coming in the final raid, the Gob Squad, Alextrasza Vs. Deathwing... It was a cool zone.
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The Dread Wastes. I loved leveling in Pandaria so much. It felt like a return to the wandering adventurer vibe of vanilla, now with stronger storylines. But the entire Klaxxi storyline was such a weird surprise. That zone was so bizarre, so unexpected. Waking the Paragons, finding that fishing village, my big homie Kovok... I had a lot of fun in that crazy place. Naturally they betrayed me, but what else could I expect?
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Frostfire Ridge. Kind of similar to Borean Tundra, I guess, just a very memorable intro experience. Starting your garrison, meeting Thrall's family, and all the drama therein. The first time you assault Bladespire Fortress, seeing Thrall unleash the elements, climbing that chain... That was fun. And despite the results on this list so far, I've always really, really loved snowy zones, so there's that too. Also: I spent hours and hours and hours in vanilla climbing every mountain I could, just to see what was up there. The answer was almost always "nothing." But WoD, and Frostfire more specifically, was the first time they started hiding cool items and little events in random spots for me to go find while exploring. Finally, a reward for my wandering! So that really sticks out, too.
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Suramar. This may be controversial, but Legion is my least favorite expansion. Gameplay-wise, it was great, don't get me wrong. Artifact weapons were cool and all. But it had a combination of the most absurd, lazy retcons they have literally ever done (How are have all these civilizations been living on these islands for 10000 years if Gul'dan raised them from the bottom of the sea 30 years ago?????) and some really annoying zones. Val'sharah is my all-time least favorite zone, I felt like I constantly got lost or couldn't get where I wanted to go from where I was. But then came Suramar. The Nightbourne are stupid, literally the exact same thing as the blood elves ("Oh, no, we're another race of arcane loving elves with a well of power who're addicted to magic and whose once-noble leader has thrown in with the Burning Legion, totally different!"), but damn if I didn't get totally absorbed in the revolution storyline in the city. Helping Thalyssera recover, finding like-minded people, basically spending the whole zone doing espionage and terrorism against a corrupt government in what was, at that point, the most expansive city in the game... It was fun, I can't lie. That daily challenge with the lil withered army. The masquerade. The winery. The zoo part??? It was a really different experience.
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Zuldazar. Leveling sure was weird in BfA, huh? Each side getting 3 zones and all. And, like, despite my obvious Horde preference, I feel like the Alliance got the cooler ones (Stormsong Valley and Drustvar in particular). On the Horde side, tho, Zuldazar was pretty good. Finally, a look at a troll civilization still at full power, lush environments, dinosaurs, conspiracies, creepy temples, it had a lot going for it, and was really pretty, too.
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Maldraxxus. Gotta give it up for my hometown, baybeeeee! I was not excited to choose the Necrolords in Shadowlands. They just didn't seem as interesting as the others, and I've never had much affinity for the undead, and they kinda looked like just the undead place. But the whole lore kit of them being the army of the afterlife, and me being a warrior and all, and then I find out Draka's there, and I'm an orc? No choice. But imagine my surprise when Necrolord turns out the be the absolute most fun Convenant, no question, and their zone turns out to be full of weird, wild experiences, a really compelling storyline, and the most lore characters per capita of any zone (Mograine! Lady Vashj! Mankrik's wife!!). I had a great time running around that zone for not just the leveling experience, but the whole expansion.
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Azure Span. Maybe too early to call, but Dragonflight has no zones I don't like. This is unheard of in the history of WoW. I think I like Ohn'ahran Plains the least, but I like all of 'em! But I think Azure Span wins. For one thing, snowy zones. For another thing, the glorious return of the tuskarr, who I have loved since Wrath and badly wish was a playable race (Gormorash has only had "of Iskarra" as his title since I got it. Come back for soup!). Plus, a bit of justice for Sindragosa, Kalec's storyline in the zone is remarkably touching, the Kirin Tor stuff is weird and frequently funny, the Rannan and Lathos storyline hits pretty hard... Even surrounded by really memorable zones, it feels the most memorable.
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Well, I guess that's my very long answer! I hope it was interesting! Honestly, it coulda been like twice as long, there's so many zones that I think of fondly, but this seems like plenty. Thanks for asking!
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cacy11 · 10 months
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ok nvm i caved. nightbourne death knight rythian
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terrible-mmo-names · 5 months
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For the blog's first showcase it only seems fit to drag myself.
There was a precise moment I stopped caring about respecting the lore for the nightbourne and it was around day 45 of reputation grinding in the worst minigame in WoW's history.
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ofravensandseas · 3 months
🌹 "Your kindness is very welcoming though we've only just met. Please accept this." - @etienesidri
Alois didn’t say anything to the Nightbourne, or as she is now, Etiene. He saw the rose on the table as a gift and offering. Perhaps friendship? His mind could only wonder. He makes brief eye contact with her and a closed smile comes to be.
It was like he was listening to her and knew what she was doing. He could sit and watch what else she could come up with. What other gifts or ideas that she had in mind.
— @etienesidri
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iruthomlogs · 6 months
Scirlenn Odristraenn bio
Scirlenn Odristraenn is a female Nightbourne rogue.
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wowtalesofadventurers · 8 months
Scirlenn Odristaenn bio
Scirlenn is my friend @legofanguy1999 Nightbourne rouge
Scirlenn Odristaenn is a female Nightbourne rouge.
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aethermage1 · 2 years
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Okay spoilers for a side quest but INEED TO TALK ABOUT. THIS? I’m- THIS GUY IS GIVING ME RUNAS VIBES? Maybe a relative? Idk but this last part of the chain is making me question things- The first half i semi-expected. sure. the temptation to keep magic item.  BUT- Sorry this is rambly but one of my favorite chains in Legion was Runas’s story. I kinda hope thats mentioned again sometime. Could just be a nightbourne saying so. I may be jumping on the wrong bandwagon
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friesian · 4 years
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still working on learning blender..... made a wallpaper for myself!! this is my himbo mage
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worldoftransmogs · 5 years
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It's been a while and after finally getting joshing the suramar QL lately on my rogue I felt compelled to make this meme 😊.
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nipuni · 6 years
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May commissions!! thank you so much everyone!! 💕💕💕
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nothiel · 6 years
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Missed a few days but Inktober is back!
Sketch for a friend of mine, of her Shal’dorei.
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In The Morning’s Light
Entry: 1 Silvermoon City
The morning sun poked out through the window as Margaux’s eyes opened slowly. She grinned as she looked over to see her raven-haired lover sleeping soundly beside her, his long hair loose down his back. Slowly she untangled herself from his embrace and rose quietly to don one of her dressing gowns.  It had been an unexpected evening. This whole journey to Silvermoon and out of her bubble had been unexpected.
This apartment was far smaller than her estate in the city. She had been paid well for her services to Elisande despite that fact that her skills with most magics had been lacking. But there was no need for flamboyant magic when she could swing her axe down upon their foes.  But now that time had passed, and so she paced in this tiny studio apartment as she waited for the kettle to boil on the tiny wood stove. 
But no one could have foreseen that Elisande would turn traitor.  Margaux had not expected to leave her home and find another, perhaps,  in the arms of a raven-haired man and the red banner of the Horde. She did not expect to stumble upon this group of mercenaries called the Keepers of Shadows and soon set sail to a land filled with trolls.  She shuddered a bit.  She was not too fond of trolls, but they were a part of this Horde...
Also it promised payment, and she needed to regain her wealth so she could get a better place. Something more worthy of what she was. It felt like a step backwards, but all things had their prices.  All she had left were the two bottles of arcwine she had taken with her and her memories. Would she ever go back to that dazzling city? 
She’d rather be free to choose though, something she hadn’t in that bubble. Her eyes looked back to the sleeping man in her bed.  That surely wouldn’t have happened if she was still within Suramar, for sure. She let out a soft chuckle as she thought about it. 
Still now there were more possibilities than ever. Margaux thought about a few nights ago when she met up with Holt and his now girlfriend. She had seen the instant connection in their eyes and could sense they would be good together. Their blooming love was something the poets would write about; a sweet innocent flower. Matchmaker.  Margaux laughed again at that.  Now that could be a good fallback if bashing heads  or guarding didn’t work, though relationships in Suramar were mostly based on riches and connections rather than love, and also took centuries of planning. She didn’t know if it was just luck that this one worked out , or if she really had the knack for it.
Needless to say all that wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t followed Silgrin and her true convictions.  So maybe she should stay this course and not look back anymore though she missed her silken sheets and large windows, and the parties.Those could be held anywhere though now, the world was vast, and she had a lot of reading and catch up to do. 
It was time to step back into the light,  and rejoin the world.
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ragnaroast · 6 years
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Star Man is excited to tour the Horde cities! 
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Hey, I drew like, a lot of sketches of my guys High Mountain Tauren Huulwah, and my Nightborne Aurore Roselight, and I’m a little garbage about them, but like? It’s really cute?
Running Antorus sort of means a lot of waiting between pulls, so I’ve just been doodling and thinking about lots of ways they’ve sort of helped each other learn about their own cultures. It’s been a lot of fun so far, and I genuinely love the lore of both races, so it’s had a lot of neat rp! I’m really looking forwards to how things develop through Battle for Azeroth! 
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My new Nightbourne Priest, Arieste  💖
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