nightlifeseries 5 months
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nightlifeseries 5 months
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nightlifeseries 10 months
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Mama Diamond has joined the party.
What will Diamond do?
She is running the Newcrest Nightclub - Fighting with Queen
She just found out she is pregnant
&& Her once true love Jermaine....has been left in the dust.
Where is her babydaddy Lionel?
At this point she is a single mom. She isn't with Lionel or Jermaine. But so what. An educated Business Management Major - no need to feel sorry for her. She knows how to get to the money. Lionel may or may not be involved physically or financially. Diamond is scared but she is a badass. She got this. She will slay motherhood like she slays business. Effortlessly.
people deco credit @xldkx-cc 鉂わ笍
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Breaking the news to Lionel again... pt 4
Lionel: How long have you known about this?
Diamond: I just found out a few days ago. I also got confirmation from the doctor, yesterday.
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Lionel: Hmmmmm...
Diamond: Hmmm? What does that mean?
Lionel: We weren't exactly careful. Are you sure it's mine? Were you with that other guy? Jerry?
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Diamond: You mean Jermaine? No. I haven't been with him since before November. The doctor says I am only 11 weeks.
Lionel: How much time is that?
Diamond: 2 and a half months.
Lionel: Well November was just 3 months ago.
Diamond: I conceived in late December/Early January.
Lionel: How do you know?
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Diamond: The doctor confirmed it! My conception date was "After" Christmas on the days I called you to come over.
Lionel studies the test and walks away from Diamond. He sits down on the couch. Diamond follows behind him and watches his expression.
Diamond: Well?
Lionel: I know I was a jerk the last time. I don't want to overreact. We have been getting along better these last few months and I want to believe you, if you say the baby, is mine.
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Diamond feels a bit relieved.
Lionel gestures for Diamond to sit on his lap. He takes off her shirt and holds her around her waist tightly, resting his head on her chest.
Lionel: We will take this one day at a time. Ok Diamond? Let me listen to your heart.
Diamond: HmmmmmHmm
Diamond hides her face by Lionel's ear so he can't see her tears. Maybe it won't be as bad as she thinks. 馃懚馃徑
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Another Ultrasound - Diamond Pt 3
Casey: Diamond? The doctor will see you in room 1.
Tami: Come on..... ssshhhhh Get yourself together. We are coming. Thank you!
Diamond: *sniffle* Oh... k. Here goes nothing.
Walking down the hall toward the room feels like walking to a guillotine. Diamond isn't sure if she should be happy or sad. But for one thing, she is nervous as hell.
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Dr Todd: Alrighty, your file says you were pregnant before. Uh... *reading chart* about 6 months ago. When was your last cycle?
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Diamond: *blank stare* I really can't remember. Sorry.
Dr. Todd: So you think your pregnant? Any notable symptoms?
Diamond: Nausea, vomiting - lack of a cycle. Fatigue. Sore breasts.
Dr. Todd: How long has this been happening?
Diamond: I really couldn't say. Sorry.
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nightlifeseries 11 months
Not again.... Diamond PT 2
Tami: GIRL ! I have been trying to call you for days! What happened?!
Diamond: I have been in a daze. I have been so sick.
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Tami: Are you feeling alright? You look unwell.
Diamond: No.......
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Diamond: I don't know how to say this.... but please don't be mad at me. I f**ked up. Literally and I'm scared.
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Tami: What happened?!
Diamond: I am pregnant.
Tami: WHAT! You got back with Jermaine? Why didn't you tell me? How long have you know-
Diamond has a blank stare. She didn't confirm or deny anything. She just started to cry. All she could do was shake her head no and hold her forehead.
Tami: Diamond?!
Tami knew that look. Diamond allowed her anger to make poor decisions. She messed up this time and this time, it can't be helped. Tami knew what had happened, but she wanted to remain positive and a supportive friend.
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Tami: OMG .... *sniffle* excuse me for a second. I left something in my room.
Diamond: Are you ok? *sniffle*
Tami: Yea (yells from the other room)
Tami goes into her bedroom and closes the door. She doesn't want Diamond to see her cry. She knows Diamond had been sleeping with Lionel. Diamond promised it was only that one time, but she let her emotions get the best of her. Diamond sits in the living room for a few moments, waiting for Tami to return. Tami can be heard sniffling in the room. Diamond decides to enter the room and join her.
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Diamond: I know I let you down. I'm sorry. You were right. I let my emotions take over and I lied to you.
Tami: So, what are you really saying? I don't *sniffle* want to assume anything.
Diamond: I'm pregnant and I haven't been with Jermaine in months.
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Tami: *whispers OMG in her hands*
Diamond: I think I am a few months along. At least 2 or maybe three. But I need to know for sure. Can you go with me to the doctor?
Tami: Absolutely! We will figure this out.
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Diamond: Yes. We will. I appreciate you as a friend. Even when I f**k up, you are always so supportive. I love you.
Tami: You're my girl. I will always be here for you.
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nightlifeseries 11 months
Not again.... Diamond PT 1
Being with Lionel felt like the right thing to do.... until it wasn't.
Diamond didn't realize her cycle never arrived, for several months. Her anger clouded her judgement. In between being in the bed with Lionel and crying herself to sleep every night - time flew by. Rooms started to spin; voices sounded like fast-forwarded VHS tapes. Nausea and vomiting became a regular occurrence. But Diamond didn't know if it was from the thought of Jermaine being with nasty club dancers or her getting close to Lionel. Feeling sick became a regular thing and when she couldn't keep her food down - the little voice in her head told her to get tested.
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Diamond: F**k.
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There it was. Two dark lines. The sight of it made her vomit violently.
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Diamond: OMG
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Diamond: How long has it been?!
Many nights she drank herself to sleep. She heavily medicated herself in order to stomach being with Lionel. She felt bad.
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Rage has a way of making time fly. See when Diamond found out about Jermaine's infidelity ... it was in early December. It was now almost Love Day. So that means, she could be almost 3 months along.
Diamond falls to the floor and cries, and curses and screams until she nearly passes out. How could this happen? Again? How could she be so careless. && with Lionel of all people!
Diamond checks her phone and sees Tami tried calling her. If she sits in the apartment any longer - she may hurt herself. She goes to visit her friend.
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nightlifeseries 11 months
Not again.... Diamond PT 3
It must have been 12 weeks before Diamond was able to get with Jermaine. Diamond was losing her mind. After speaking with Tami, she took 10 more pregnancy tests, and they were all positive. What does this mean? Diamond doesn't really know how pregnant she is. She has mixed feelings. She hates Jermaine and what he did but she doesn't want to be with Lionel. She wants Jermaine's babies. A small part of her didn't want to let him go. She didn't want to feel she lost to someone like Queen. In Diamond's sick mind, sleeping with him could change the paternity results and possibly repair her relationship. Diamond finally returns Jermaine's call and agrees to meet him.
Jermaine: Hey Diamond. How are you? Thanks for taking my call....
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The site of Jermaine made Diamond sick. Or was it the pregnancy? Either way, Diamond was having flashbacks to that dreadful day.
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Jermaine: Diamond?
Diamond: Huh? What did you say?
Jermaine: Can we get inside? It is cold out here.
Diamond: Sure.
Diamond enters the house and smells a warm cooked meal.
Diamond: Wow ... were you expecting me to show up?
Jermaine: *chuckle* Why wouldn't you?
By this point Jermaine has taken off this top. He prepares their plates and sits next to Diamond.
Jermaine: Are you alright? You seem very uncomfortable.
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Diamond: I haven't seen you in a while. I don't know how to ... look at you.
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But in reality - that guilt is kicking her ass. Being with another man was never a thought in her mind when she got with Jermaine. He was her entire world. She agreed to meet with him in hopes of sleeping with him. She wants to cover up the fact that he didn't father the baby she is currently carrying. Of course, the question is, well if she doesn't want it - why is she going through all this trouble? Well, after losing that first child - the experience was too traumatic for her. Going through that again is not an option.
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Jermaine: I can put my top on if you need me to......
Diamond: No. It's fine.
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Jermaine: Well, are sure you are alright? You just seem... different.
Diamond: You haven't seen me in weeks. Do I look bad?
Jermaine: I can't put my finger on it. You look beautiful.
Diamond: Excuse me for a sec. I need to use the restroom.
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nightlifeseries 11 months
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Diamond here, you rang?
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Breaking the news to Lionel again... pt 1
Diamond wakes up the next day dreading life. She has to meet with Lionel to discuss her pregnancy and she is on the verge of an anxiety attack.
Lionel has a penthouse across town in San Myshuno next to the art district. Diamond makes it there in 15 minutes.
*knock on the door*
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Lionel answers the door after a few moments , shirtless.
Lionel: Morning. Come on in. You look petrified. Are you alright?
Diamond: *snicker* You shouldn't answer the door like that.
Lionel: Like what? When you get like me and pay $10,000 a month for a place, you can do whatever you want.
Lionel: Can I get a hug?
Diamond: Sure.
Lionel: What did you need? Do you want some of this anaconda?
Diamond: Omg *eye roll* Look .....
Diamond reaches in her bra and pulls out the test.
Lionel: What? *chuckle* Why else would you - What is that?
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Diamond: I have something to tell you. But I can't deal with you freaking out. I am under a lot of stress as it is. Can you promise you won't yell at me?
Lionel: I .... don't know. But I can try. Let me get a drink first....
Diamond: I swear if you yell at me I may just stab you!
Lionel: You need to shut that sh*t up. This is My house!
Diamond: Lionel come ON!
Lionel: Don't rush Me Diamond. I see you look bugged out and I'll think twice of my response. But don't come in here barking orders. I could be in a meeting right now. You could have told me this over the f**king phone, since you want to be so rude.
Diamond stands in the kitchen, visibly upset and stressed. Lionel pours himself a shot glass and continues to talk sh*t to Diamond with his back turned to her.
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Breaking the news to Lionel again... pt 3
Diamond hands Lionel the pregnancy test.
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He just stands there in silence.
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He has a shocked look on his face at first.
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Diamond: It's positive.
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Lionel doesn't say anything. He only studies the test. He goes through several emotions silently. He doesn't want to break his promise of not yelling at her again.
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nightlifeseries 11 months
Another Ultrasound - Diamond Pt 1
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Diamond spaces out and replays the last 5 months in her mind. There were definite signs of cheating that she ignored. She didn't want to believe it. Was she not good enough? Did she not please him? What did Queen have, that Diamond didn't?
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Tami: Hey sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?
Diamond: Hey... no. The doctor is running late. You are right on time. How are you?
Tami: I should be asking you. You look like you want to cut someone. Are you alright?
Diamond: You know.... I've been thinking and you were right. I wasted many years on Jermaine. I was never going to leave him. Maybe this is what I needed.
Tami: What? Are you feeling alright?
Diamond: I went to go see him the other day. It was so freaking weird you know? Like he wouldn't apologize. He never even brought "it" up. Then he made love to me like I was her or whoever he's been f*cking on... he has never made love to me with such passion, like ever. 3 F*cking years. My tears and moans made him go harder. It was amazing and disgusting at the same time. He wasn't making love to me - Diamond. Someone else was on his mind. For sure. If there is a warm wet orifice - he's happy. We should have never slept together. That's how I know he isn't sorry. He doesn't care. Then I told him don't call me anymore - he didn't try to stop me or ask me to explain myself. It's really over.
Tami: [sigh] Ok....ssssshhhh (wipes Diamond's tears) I'm sorry he didn't own up to his infidelity. All I can do is pray things get better. You have a long road ahead of you. I'm not sure "this" particular situation is what you needed though.
Diamond: I feel relieved to be out of his chokehold. To be honest - I went to sleep with him so I could pin the baby on him. But when he couldn't admit his wrongdoing - it was like a light went off. I don't want to be stuck with someone like that.
Tami studies Diamond's face and only rubs her shoulder. She nods in agreement.
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nightlifeseries 10 months
This can't be happening!- Diamond - Pt 1
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Diamond: Like seriously Tami, why are you being so positive?
Tami: DIAMOND. This is not the place to speak about this. Ok? Let's go!
Diamond: Why? Maybe he has some advice. Sir what can I do if I don't want to keep this child?
Dr. Todd: We have a nurse who can speak to you about your options. We have an adoption coordinator who can assist.
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Diamond: Adoption?
Tami: Diamond please...
Diamond: What if I don't want to go full term. Like I what if I'm not with the child's father. I can't be a single mom.
Dr. Todd: With the laws as they are, I am afraid we do not provide abortion services.
Diamond: What?! Are you suggesting I have this child?!
Tami: OMG I am so sorry. Diamond Please let's go
Dr. Todd: I understand.
Diamond: No You DON'T Understand Sir !
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nightlifeseries 10 months
A dangerous love Triangle & a Baby- Diamond
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Diamond manages the nightclub quietly from the comforts of her apartment in San Myshuno. Jermaine has been banned but he heard from the grapevine that she was pregnant. By who? Could it be his? Jermaine doesn't know but he is destined to find out. Lionel sends Diamond money and helps in any way she will allow him. But no, they aren't together. He's too controlling. It would never work.
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Oh baby - Diamond - Pt 2
Diamond was in shock. Tami was at a loss for words. Her bestie was having a baby in the most unexpected way possible. Either way, Tami was going to support her friend and give that baby all the love in the world.
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Dr. Todd: *typing on the keyboard*
Diamond was speechless, as she watched the little embryo jump around on the screen.
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Dr. Todd: Any questions Diamond? Would you like some pictures?
Diamond was stuck. She couldn't get her words out. There's a baby in there. She is going to be a mother. All the crying and drinking she had been doing has to stop. She was hurting her baby and she didn't even know it.
Tami: She will take some pictures. Sorry about that.
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Tami rubs Diamond's shoulders and reassures her that everything will be alright.
Dr. Todd: Diamond?
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Tami: Sorry. She is just in shock. Give her a second.
Dr. Todd: Oh I understand. I will make sure to send you home with plenty of resources and some prenatal vitamins. Everything looks good with your baby. I can also get you scheduled for your next prenatal appointment.
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nightlifeseries 10 months
Oh baby - Diamond - Pt 1
Dr. Todd: Diamond? Would you like to look at the screen?
Diamond doesn't say anything. She looks over at Tami who has seen the screen. She has that confirmation look that she was hoping wouldn't appear.
Diamond: *deep breath* (turns and looks at the screen) OMG
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Dr. Todd: You are very pregnant.
Diamond: OMG... omg... what do you mean?
Dr. Todd: You are measuring ... *types on keyboard* ... at 11 weeks and 5 days. You are almost in your second trimester in 2 days.
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Diamond: OMG ... is the baby healthy? Will it make it?
Dr. Todd: The baby looks great. We are going to draw your blood to make sure. You are really pregnant.
Tami: *gasp*
Diamond looks over at Tami who is covering her mouth with her hand.
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