fanroi · 7 years
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Mischievous Charles is the best Charles in my opinion :)
Hope you like it!
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fanroi · 7 years
Five things meme
I was not really tagged but I wanted to do this when I saw other people do it. Hehe.
Napkins. I have terrible allergies so my nose is running all. the. time.
Bottle of water. Can’t go without it anywhere.
A little teeny tiny journal/sketch book. A doodle random things I see and write things I think about when I’m on the move.
Random makeup, hairbands etc. I don’t use a lot of makeup but I carry it around and I always leave the house with my hair open but I get frustrated because it’s so long so I always tie it up at some point.
Embarassing amount of random trash. This is the reason I never find anything from my bag.
.... needless to say that I carry around a really big purse or a back bag.
A LOT of photographs framed on my walls. I love old fashioned photographs and I have them from all points of my life (parties, trips, vacations, school things) and couple of old photos of my parents and grandparents. My favorite ones are the ones of my paternal grandparents from 1930′s. They died when I was little and I absolutely adored them and still do :)
Books and papers all around. I have a lot of books, which sadly I rarely have time to read, but I pet them lovingly from time to time. And just papers; workstuff, drawing etc. etc.
Music stuff. Two guitars, a keyboard and loads of cd’s, old and new.
Blankets and blankets and blankets. I get very cold easily and I live in Finland so in the winter time it gets very cold so I’ve surrounded myself with the loveliest of blankets I can cover myself with when the cold hits.
Quite a bit of technology. I have four laptops (windows 98, windows XP, seven and 10), three consoles (playstation 1, 2 and 3), tv, dvd player and a vinyl player of my fathers that has a sticker “rock’n’roll” on it form 1970′s
Go to New Zealand. Haven’t had the money but one day.....
Learn to play a Banjo and an accordion.
Get a lot of cats and two big dogs.
Get involved in making a movie. I don’t really care what I’m gonna do, I can get everyone coffee but I just want to do it.
Go hiking in all these different places. I did Scotland last year and next I’m thinking Canada.
My friends. I have the nicest and funniest fiends I like spending time with and do all of these crazy antics together.
Seeing the seasons change. I love them all and obviously I’m really loving spring at the moment even though it was been very cold here....
The fact that I’m getting my masters and then be finished with school by Christmas (this is a promise. I will do ittt)
My god daughter who is the sweetest thing on earth and I could spent ages just hanging out with her. She is five and everything is no new and wonderful to her :)
Being creative and doing things with my hands. I’m a worrier and a thinker whose brain just never stops and doing creative things lets me relax and enjoy myself.
Doing my master’s thesis 
Get into sports again. It’s so much harder to find a club to do something as an adult. I want to play tennis or football but I have no friends to play them with :(
Finish some fics and arts and POST them. I have tons and tons of stuff half started and some even finished but I’m for some reason very bad at posting them heheheee
Doing this annoying thing for work that I’ve been putting off and now it has come and bit me in the arse.
Get a plant for my room and keep it alive for a change.
I’m a huge fantasy nerd. Tolkien is my favorite but almost everything goes.
I enjoy drinking fancy alcohol. I’m not a huge drinker, I party but not really much but I like to buy nice bottles of Scotch or Wine or Port or Gin and then enjoy them with friends.
I get scared of things and situations but I’m so stubborn that I usually just fight through them.
I speak five languages. Some of them not as well as others but I can get by with them. I hope. I’m prolly a bit rusty on some of them. 
I have a tattoo on my side! A quote from the “All that is gold does not glitter” poem from Lord of The Rings. 
I had to do a lot of thinking, almost couldn’t fill all the points. I don’t know who to tag but do it. It was fun!
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fanroi · 7 years
The Interpol, the FBI and a gunshot
So agents, gunshots, Charles being stupid and Erik worrying
Hope you like it! :)
The whole world is spinning, there is a vague sense of pain on his left shoulder but it doesn’t somehow feel like it’s his own. Actually it kind of feels like it does when he is in someone mind so Charles tries to reach out with his telepathy, but it is not there. He panics, he gets scared, and he does not know what’s going on.
“Charles, you’re going to be okay, you hear me? Don’t panic, please, you’re just going to hurt yourself more.”
Charles opens his eyes, but everything is out of focus, so he closes them again. He recognizes the voice though so he smiles a little.
“Oh you know me Moira, I’m always A-Okay.” This is all he can say before he passes out again.
Charles has been in hospital enough times to know when he is in one, although he has no recollection on how he got there. He peeks under his eyelids and is relieved to find that there are no bright lights in the room. It’s nighttime and Moira is there sleeping in a very uncomfortable looking chair beside his bed.
He lifts his hand to his shoulder, where he can feel some discomfort and when he feels the bandage, he remembers what happened. He got shot. He’s a stupid idiot who is really lucky that he is not hurt even worse. Running into the house without backup could’ve gotten him killed, but he just couldn’t let the suspect to run away again.
He approached the suspect and he is pretty sure that he put him to sleep but the suspect unfortunately fired at the same time and his shoulder was hit. Charles grunts and lets out a sigh. Erik is right about something at least. He is always saying that the protocols that restrict the use of his telepathy on suspects are stupid and…
Erik. Has someone told Erik that he has been shot?
Charles goes on to get up. The machines surrounding him rattle and beep when the accidentally shakes them, waking Moira up.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she says and grabs his hand. Moira looks tired and angry, but Charles chooses to ignore her. He tries to turn so that he can swing his legs over the edge of the bed but he notices an IV attached to his hand.
“I need to go, Moira. I need to call Erik. He must be freaking out and---”
“Who the hell is Erik?”
“He is my fiancé! Oh my god, how long have I been here?”
Charles opens looks around to locate his phone and nearly misses the look of surprise on Moira’s face. If he wasn’t so worried about Erik’s mental state he would’ve laughed. Luckily Moira isn’t a one to stay surprised for long.
“Okay, calm down. I will tell an agent to get your phone from your clothes, they are still in evidence and meanwhile you’re going to lie down and tell me all about Erik, okay?”
Charles is a rational person and he knows that it’s his quickest way to contact Erik, so he lies back down. After Moira has sent someone a text she sits back down too and levels a stare on him.
“We’ve been engaged for four months. You’ve met him. He’s from FBI and we met during that one case, the one with the serial killer targeting mutants from two years ago?”
“Wait… Erik Lehnsherr? The grumpy, anti-social bastard, who made you absolutely crazy during that investigation? That Erik?”
Charles finds that he very much enjoys the look of surprise on Moira’s face and chuckles.
“Well, it seems that we were both enjoying each other’s company more than we let on. We, well… I think you don’t want to know all the details,” Charles does not usually blush, but although Moira is more of a friend than a supervisor, he feels like she would not approve or enjoy knowing about of everything they did with Erik during that case and later on.  Moira clears her throat and a sly smile is now appearing on her face.
“So that is why you were so eager to get the transfer to New York? I knew you weren’t telling me everything, because you loved staying in London, but this is definitely not what I imagined. Why didn’t you tell me? And more importantly why isn’t Erik your emergency contact?”
“Well you know… We didn’t really want to broadcast our relationship to the whole Interpol or FBI and… well we just didn’t think to change it at first and then we just forgot.”
Moira nods and then the agent comes in with Charles’ phone and when he sees that he has 34 missed calls from Erik, he quickly picks Erik number and calls him.
“Charles!? Where the hell are you? I’ve been calling and calling and I would’ve tore a second one to everyone in your office if you had fucking told me where it is!”
“Oh, Erik. You have never asked me where my office is. It’s not a secret.” Charles laughs and he is a little bit ashamed to notice that he is tearing up.
“Charles? Are you crying? Are you okay? Where are you!?”
“I’m fine, darling but… I need you not to freak out, I’m in the hospital.”
There is a silence on the other end and Charles grimaces, Erik’s silences are very telling.
“Which hospital?” Erik answers and based by his tone, he is furious.
“The Presbyterian, but Erik, I’m getting out in the morning. You just get some sleep.”
“I will be there in half an hour.” And then the line goes dead.  Charles looks at Moira who gets up from the chair she’s been sitting in and looks at him pointedly.
“You are getting what you deserve. I was going to lecture you, but it seems that it can wait until you come back to the office.”
“Noo… Moira, stay. Erik won’t rip my head off if you’re here.”
Moira leans in and takes Charles’ hand and squeezes it.
“I’m really glad you’re okay Charles.”
Charles smiles and squeezes back.
“Thank you, Moira.”
Now that the adrenaline surge from worrying about Erik has passed Charles realizes how tired and sore he is. It was probably very stupid to think that he could’ve gotten up and go home yet. Usually those kinds of antics are Erik’s specialty and Charles chuckles to think about how Erik has rubbed into him during their time together. The doctor comes in and explains what has happened to him and that he has so stay in the hospital overnight but is going to be released in the afternoon if everything is going smoothly.
He fights to keep his eyes open. Erik should be here any minute. Moira said that he gave orders to the hospital that they should let Erik inside even though it’s not visitor hours and knowing Erik, he will find a way inside even though he would be denied of access.  In order to stay awake Charles tries to focus his telepathy enough to catch Erik when he comes inside, but finds that it is too hard to do that with the drugs still in his system and the exhaustion he has.
Charles dozes off but wakes up when the door to his room is almost ripped of its hinges.
“Sir! Do not disturb the patient! You are not allowed to be in here!”
Charles opens his eyes and sees a harried, exhausted looking Erik with wild eyes and some poor nurse trying to block him from entering. He clears his throat.
“Please, let him in. He’s my fiancé. I will throw him out if he’s of nuisance, I promise,” he says and after the nurse shoots a disapproving look on Erik, she leaves and Erik walks to his bed and takes his hand.
“Are you okay? Really okay? What happened?” Erik truly looks terrible and Charles feels bad that it’s him that made Erik to look that way. Charles smiles and lifts Erik’s hand to his lips. Erik drags the chair closer and cradles Charles‘ face with one hand and keeps his other holding Charles’
“I’m okay. Better now that you are here. We were pursuing the suspect and I got shot in the shoulder. But it’s fine, love. I just lost a bit of blood,”
Erik purses his lips together and it’s pretty clear that he does not share Charles’ view of the fineness of the situation.
“There is something you’re not telling me. There is no way that you wouldn’t have called me if everything went like it was supposed to be. How much is a “bit” of blood, Charles?”
Under Erik’s stare, a blush rises to Charles’ cheeks and he knows he is going to get the lecture that Moira so graciously didn’t give him.
“I… I went in there without backup. I was tracking him alone when I found him. But I couldn’t let him go, so I entered the building and… he must’ve had some kind of mutation because he knew I was there and as soon as I entered he shot me. I… managed to take him out with my telepathy but… I was there for a while before anyone found us.”
Erik isn’t big on interrupting but Charles can see, he can feel, that Erik is getting angrier and angrier while his story progresses. There is a long silence and Charles’ actually manages to open his mouth to say a joke to lighten up the situation but Erik lifts his hand up and Charles stays silent.
“So basically, you could’ve bled to death because you didn’t put your safety first? Is that it, Charles? Hmm?”
“Well… yes. But you would’ve done the same! You can’t get angry with me when you would’ve done the same!”
“Yes! But I can make sure that the suspect doesn’t shoot me! And you cannot blame me for getting angry at you when I love you so much that it makes my blood run cold to even think of you entering a building with a serial killer, without backup and…” Erik takes in a shuddering breath and lets it out with a long sigh, “I love you, you stupid idiot. I’m going to get angry every single time something like this happens and I know that you’re going to get angry with me if I someday do something as equally stupid.”
“You mean “when” not “if”?” Charles says but really cannot fight with Erik, and doesn’t want to, now that Erik is here and is still holding his hand gently. They bicker a lot but that is just how they are, and this time Charles actually realizes his own stupidity and is feeling bad that he made Erik worry about him.
“Go to sleep, Charles, you look awful.” Erik chuckles and pets Charles’ hair. Charles smiles and let’s his eyes droop and when he is going under he hears Erik whisper. “I’m glad you’re okay, Schatz,”
The next afternoon Charles is back at home and very glad that he is. He doesn’t particularly like hospitals and now that he’s home he can just relax for a while. Moira called him that the serial killer they had been hunting is being transferred to France to await his sentence and that he can take the week off from work. Erik’s boss also called him and told him to stay home and take care of Charles, since he terrorized everyone with any connection to Interpol while he was searching Charles.
They ordered Thai food and are now watching nature documentaries, which Erik finds a little bit dull, but Charles finds that getting shot earns him a few perks and Erik just plays with Charles hair, while Charles just lies in his lap and tells Erik the most intriguing bits of information on any given animal that appears on the screen.
“Maybe for the next time we could go for a holiday somewhere where we could swim with the sharks?” Charles asks and Erik just shakes his head.
“Whatever you say. Maybe I could just watch you walk around in your wetsuit and sip on a great mojito and then get you out of the suit at the end of the day. That would be enough for me,”
“Well. I don’t think that wetsuits are not really that sexy. Maybe you can convince me otherwise when you put on one too. I think you would actually look quite dashing in one.” Charles says and wiggles his eyebrows at Erik making him laugh.
“I know that you look sexy in one, Charles. That was the moment I really fell in love with your body. The first time I saw that I saw that photograph of you trying to surf in your Facebook”
“Really? You old stalker, stalking your crush on Facebook”
“I was trying to figure out what kind of idiot I had to work with. So I wasn’t crushing on you,”
“Mmmm… Whatever, I’m still telling everyone that you stalked me on Facebook before we got together. I’m glad that Moira knows about us now; she is going to find the story absolutely hilarious.”
Charles expects Erik to joke something back but he falls silent, so Charles bends his head so he can see Erik’s face. He is thinking about something so Charles lets him think and continues to watch the sharks swim around in the deep blue ocean. Then Erik moves his thumb so that Charles looks at him again.
“I’ve found out a solution to the problem of you always doing something stupid and making me worry about you. I’m applying for work with Interpol.”
This makes Charles turn around and hiss in discomfort when his wound twists in the wrong way. Erik frowns and helps Charles move so that he can now stare Erik directly on the eyes.
“What did you say?”
“You cannot stop me. I’m getting tired of worrying about you when I know that you are doing something dangerous and I’m not there to help. I know that you are not going to quit your job so this is the second best solution there is.”
Charles doesn’t really know what to think. He knows that they make a great team and he cannot really say that he doesn’t worry about Erik as well when he’s out there, but he’s really not sure that it is such a great idea. They could be stationed in different parts of the world and there is no way that their relationship would stay a secret when they are working in the same organization. Charles tells Erik this but it only makes Erik shrug.
“The Interpol has been after me for years. I speak six different languages and have a mutation that is very helpful in our line of work. Furthermore, you have so much pull in Interpol and together we can say that if we are not stationed together we’ll go work for CIA or we just go and live in Westchester as hermits. It would suit me as well. At least then you would be out of harm’s way,”
Charles has to admit that Erik has a point so he deflates and lies back down.
“Well, if you’re sure. But when I become your supervisor you better not step on my toes,”
Charles buries his face on Erik’s stomach and inhales the scent of clean clothes and little bit of sweat. Erik brings his hands back to Charles hair and hums.
“Well, we’ll see about that.But first we are going to make each other our emergency contacts. Tomorrow.”
Charles smiles against Erik’s stomach.
“Sounds good, darling, that sounds good.”
I know nothing about FBI, Interpol or gunshots what I haven’t seem form movies but I hope you enjoy it anyhow
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fanroi · 7 years
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“Who’s really in charge?”
(ramblings under the cut)
I’m trying to keep the art looking cleaner because I always want to ramble :D
So mob boss AU! 
This is not really inspired by one of the great mob boss stories in this fandom, but all of them. I couldn’t really choose.
Maaaan, maybe when I really know how to work this website I’ll make a mob boss ficrec of some kind, but until then just please accept my love and gratitude. (I read all the mob fics while I had a really busy week at work)
Love and love and hope you like it!
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fanroi · 7 years
The pictures of us
Well, there you go. This is somewhat inspired by something that happened to me. I went through the photos of my high school years recently and noticed something that made me write this. Please tell me what you think and I hope you’ll enjoy it :)
”I can’t believe that Emma is making us do this,” Erik says and scratches his head. Charles smiles and pats his friend on the shoulder, while waiting the computer to start.
“It’s not Emma’s fault that I have all the pictures from high school. You don’t have to help me but it would be highly appreciated, my friend.” Charles answers and laughs when Erik just grumbles something about getting water and leaves the room.
Their ten year high school reunion is approaching and Charles promised to take care of the slideshow of old pictures that they are going to show at the midnight. When they were in high school, Charles used to carry a small pocket camera around all the time, so the lion share of the pictures that exist of their classmates in high school is buried somewhere in Charles’ old computer.
Erik and Charles have stayed friends all through college and after and when Emma told Erik that if he does not come to reunion, Emma will tell everyone that Erik died, Erik chose to come and stay in the Xavier manor for the duration of the reunion. Erik’s mother moved into the city, after Erik finished high school so the decision was only practical.
Charles taps his fingers on the desk, while his old computer makes noises and tries to start. Charles is not sure that he wants to see the pictures, he was always such an awkward child, but he already promised and he can’t back out now.
“Did you find them?” Erik asks when he comes back after a while, bringing a glass of water to Charles too. Charles hums and points to the screen.
“These are all the pictures from that camera. There are tons of these and it’s going to take us a while. I’m sorry, Erik. You can go to sleep if you want to. It’s my fault that I left this so late.”
“I’m here, so I might as well help you. Let’s just start so we can get to sleep at some point.”
Going through the pictures is even more hilarious that Charles could’ve imagined. He can’t remember the last time he laughed this much and Erik is not faring so much better. They found pictures from graduation, from school events, from parties and from trips and one after another they were only getting better.
There is one of Emma having a rough hair day, one of Raven getting pranked with saran wrap, one of Tony and Charles conducting an experiment and burning the lawn of the Xavier manor, Tony passed out and Erik and Charles drawing on his face, giggling and several of each of their classmates’ having candid pictures taken and making faces that they wouldn’t have made if they knew that someone was filming.
While they were going through the pictures they abandoned the desk and are now lying on the couch and grinning at each other. They decided that they would divide the workload so now Erik has the computer and Charles is just chilling and waiting for a moment when Erik finds something that is worthy enough to go on the slideshow. They are almost done so Charles just lies on the bed and enjoys the clicking sound of the computer and the warmth of the fireplace.
Erik has been suspiciously quiet for a good fifteen minutes and Charles peeks at him around the computer. Erik’s face has grown serious and he seems to be thinking about something very hard. Charles doesn’t look into his thoughts even though he wants to. Erik will tell him when he’s ready but when he sees that the iron letter weight is turning around in the air he decides to ask.
“What did you find? Is there naked pictures of me or something?” he asks, going for a light approach. The letter weight falls to the ground, making Charles flinch a little.
“Do you have nude pictures in here?” Erik asks, smiling and Charles grins back, maybe it isn’t anything too serious.
“No, I don’t” he laughs and Erik shakes his head.
“Well there you go then.” Erik makes a few things and then puts the computer down. “It’s ready now. It’ll have to do and if it’s not up to Emma’s standards, that’s too bad then.”
Erik doesn’t get up. He just lifts his legs on top of Charles’ and steals some of the blanket. They both stare at the fire in gentle silence and Charles notices that he is almost falling asleep. He thinks idly that they should go to bed but then Erik speaks:
“I noticed something in the pictures,” he says and turns so that he can look at Charles, “There was… I mean… You had a lot of pictures of me there.”
Charles barks a laugh and kicks at Erik’s leg.
“Of course there are a lot of pictures of you. You were my best friend and you still are.”
“No, that is not what I mean, I… Okay look,” Erik lifts the computer and clicks on a series of pictures of himself. They are nothing abnormal. They are of Erik laughing and fooling around, and Charles does not get it at first. But then he does.
“Well… I had a huge crush on you in high school, Erik. Maybe that is why you were my favorite person to photograph.” Charles sighs and in the quiet night, his biggest secret of high school does not seem so big. And it really is not. Everybody knew and it really was such a long time ago. Erik doesn’t say anything at first and Charles is starting to get a little bit nervous.
“Come on, Erik. Say something. It not a big deal. Everybody knew!” Charles knows that Erik is not angry or anything like that, he is just thinking. He has known Erik for so long and knows how he works.
“I didn’t,” Erik says simply and lifts his gaze back to Charles. Charles doesn’t really know what to say because Erik face is very open and raw so he just stays silent. Erik regards him for a moment and then the clears his throat.
“Would you like to go out to dinner with me?” Erik asks and there is a soft smile playing on his lips. Charles opens his mouth to say that they do dinner every Thursday but then he catches Erik’s meaning and his mouth just stays open. “Or am I ten years too late?” this time there is a hint of laughter in Erik’s tone.
“Oh… Umm… Yes. I mean no, you’re not too late and yes I would like to go out to dinner with you. Yes.”
“Good.” Erik turns his eyes back to the fire but looks so calm, but Charles’ hands feel cold and his head is spinning. He reaches out to take Erik’s hand but doesn’t and gets up instead. He doesn’t want to do anything to spook Erik and he fears if he stayed in the room for one more second he might do something that would definitely spook him.
“We should go to bed,” he says and tries to keep his voice level. He turns but Erik takes his hand and tugs him to turn back. Erik gets up too and then slowly, eyes searching for something, he bends down and presses a kiss on the corner of Charles’ mouth.
“Good night Charles,” he whispers and leaves Charles to stand there. His heart is racing and he is quite sure that he hasn’t been simultaneously so afraid, so glad and so frustrated in his entire life.
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fanroi · 7 years
13: Name one movie that made you cry and 47: What is your favorite series of books? :)
13. Hummhaa I’m such a crier. I cry in every movie :D But the last movie I watched and cried seeing it was Patch Adams. One of my absolute favorites that I had forgotten. 47. Lord of the Rings. Hands down. I don’t get the chance to read a lot for fun anymore but I used to read a lot. I love fantasy, sci fi and historical novels in general.
Thank you for asking! :)
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fanroi · 7 years
1: What is your name and does it mean anything?
2: How long have you known your best friend?
3: What position do you normally sleep in?
4: Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
5: Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?
6: Do you wish to travel a lot?
7: Did you participate in any sports while in school?
8: Show a sample of your handwriting:
9: Have you ever given blood?
10: Do you like the way that you grew up?
11: Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?
12: How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
13: Name one movie that made you cry.
14: Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?
15: Things about someone that you find attractive?
16: What song are you currently listening to?
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
18: A random memory from you childhood:
19: Where did you grow up?
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
21: Do you think you’d make a good parent?
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
23: When is your birthday?
24: How many pillows do you sleep with?
25: Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
26: What color is your hair?
27: Name 5 facts about your appearance:
28: What is your favorite soda?
29: What is a strange talent that you have?
30: How’s the weather right now?
31: Why did one of your friendships end?
32: Who do you miss right now?
33: Why did your last relationship end?
34: Are you still figuring out who you are?
35: Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?
36: What is your favorite restaurant?
37: What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
38: Would ever adopt kids?
39: What is your favorite kind of pizza?
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
41: When was the last time you got really really happy and why?
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
43: How do you start a conversation?
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
45: Do you come from a family “of money?”
46: Do you have a bucket list?
47: What is your favorite series of books?
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
49: Where do you go when you’re sad?
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
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fanroi · 8 years
Prompt for a good home
So there is the app jodel/yik yak or something like it and in our city and university there is a channel “uni cruches” where everyone essentially posts that they met a cute guy/girl in the uni and they describe the meeting or something something. So basically the cutest thing ever.
So Erik has a reputation of being a some kind of bad boy and an antisocial grump but in anonymous  platform he produces poetics about the guy he meets in the uni, about his blue eyes and red lips and warm smile who is Charles of course. Erik does this semi regularly and these messages become really popular. Everyone is trying to figure out who these two are and telling the message sender to ask the guy out already. Everybody telling Charles that he is the guy in the messages, but Charles laughs at them. Erik, being a big softy at heart he is, not really know how to approach his “uni crush”.
And then shanenigans and a happy ending :))
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fanroi · 8 years
Sometimes a little bit of worry makes you see things clearer
This is a piece of fluff with just a pinch of angst, that just appeared on my screen when I was trying to do other stuff. I hope you like it :)
Erik is feeling anxious, there are some communication issues and a happy ending. Featuring Dadneto, Charles, Wanda and Azazel
”Why are you so depressed dad? I thought you would finally be happy now that me and Pietro are in college.” These are first words Wanda says to Erik during their weekly Skype session one November morning. It takes a while that the words register, during which Erik notes how mature his little girl looks and how messy her dorm room is.
“Wanda, what happened to your… wait what? I’m not depressed!” Erik says and cringes when Wanda bursts out laughing.
“Dad, I can see it on your face. Something is wrong. What is it? Is there something going on between you and Charles?”
Erik’s shoulders slump in front of Wanda’s stare. He can’t lie to her nor can he lie to himself.
“I don’t know. Nothing is wrong. I’ve just been feeling a little useless lately. With you and Pietro gone, I don’t have anyone to take care of anymore.”
“Aww, dad, you old sap.” Wanda laughs and smiles at him, and Erik grits his teeth together. It’s always little humiliating to see how easily Wanda sees through his grumpy exterior. Even though Wanda and Pietro are not Charles’ biological children, it’s obvious that they have inherited some of Charles’ tricks. “What about Charles? Or have you stuffed your head so far up your… sorry dad. Or have you forgotten about him?”
“Charles doesn’t need me to take care of him; he is annoyingly good at taking care of himself and me.” Erik grumbles, choosing to let Wanda’s near profanity slide.
“Dad, you’re stupid. Of course Charles needs you, just…” Then there is a knocking on Wanda’s door and Erik never hears what he needs to do because Wanda says a quick goodbye to him and goes out with her friends. With a sigh, Erik closes the computer and drags himself to the empty living room. Charles is still at work and the house is silent.
Next Friday, Azazel asks Erik to come for a drink to a nearby bar, and because Charles is grading papers, he urges him to go. Erik leans in for a kiss, which Charles gives him with a smile and then shoos Erik out and tells him to have fun.
“I think Charles is getting tired of me.” Erik blurts out without even saying hello. He prefers getting straight to business and he felt like he was going to burst, if he couldn’t tell someone. Azazel shakes his head and mutters something incomprehensible before signaling Erik to sit down on the stool next to him.
“You’re an imbecile, Lehnsherr; the man thinks you hung the moon or something. He’s not getting tired of you. Order a drink and get one for me too, won’t you. I have a feeling that this conversation is not over yet and I’m going to need something stronger to get through it.”
Erik does as he’s told and tips the bartender maybe too generously, while deep in is thoughts.
“Azazel, I’m telling you. Since Wanda and Pietro left things have been different. Charles has always been the one that has kept me together while I tried to raise the twins and maybe he now has realized that I’m really a lost case.”
“Aah, that’s what this is about? You don’t know what to do with yourself now that the twins are gone and you’re projecting your emptiness into thinking that Charles has changed. Erik I always knew that you were a little bit dim, but surely you must realize how stupid that is.”
Erik lets out a deep breath and stares at him beer. What Azazel is saying makes sense but if this is how that has always been, surely Charles is feeling a little bitter. He loves Charles, maybe too much, but he has never been particularly good at showing it. He is so lucky, having Charles in his life and he doesn’t like this feeling, a feeling like his luck maybe running out.
“Erik. Go home. Talk to Charles and he will say exactly same thing. I don’t have a clue why, but that man adores you.”
When Erik gets home Charles is still sitting in his study grading the papers, but now he is not smiling anymore. Charles is muttering to himself, and when Erik opens the door after a knock Charles seems surprised. Erik frowns because that is not normal; it’s very hard to surprise a telepath.
“Erik! You came back already! I’m sorry, love, I’m…” Charles smiles ruefully “These papers are killing me. I get so frustrated when I know that people could’ve done better but they tend just to write these on the last minute.”
Erik feels a smile spreading on his face. Charles is so… good and… handsome. Erik must be the luckiest man alive. When Charles came into his life he was over his head with two five year olds and no clue how to raise them. Then Charles came and saved him. It was not always easy for them: they fought about everything along the way but still 13 years later they are still here. Both older and grayer and Charles a little balder.
The thoughts about losing it all and thoughts about his own usefulness prompt him into action, and with his powers he flings the pen from Charles’ hands.
“Let’s go and finish the movie we started last night. You’ve done enough for today and your back must hurt like hell. I’ve told you that we need to buy you a new table, that one is much too low for your chair.”
Charles laughs delighted and wheels after Erik, out of the study and to the sofa. Erik sits in the corner and when Charles gets to the sofa Erik manhandles him so that Charles is sitting between his legs, his back against Erik’s chest. Then he turns on the TV, switches on to Netflix and starts kneading Charles’ neck between his hands.
“Oh you’re a lovely man, Erik, truly lovely.” Charles groans as him shoulders relax and Erik’s heart jumps to his throat. He knows he is being stupid, he does, but sometimes he feels a little inadequate. He is still thinking when Charles turns his head and looks up to him.
“Is something wrong, Erik? I know you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately. I haven’t been peeking but I know you. If you want more space we don’t need to talk about it yet, but promise me that we will.” Charles turns back and pats Erik’s hand. “I feel weird when you feel weird, love.”
Erik sucks in a quick breath and lets it out slowly, slumping against the sofa.
“I have been feeling weird, “ Erik admits “Everybody has been saying that it’s just because Wanda and Pietro are in College and it’s just the two of us. I…” Charles stiffens in his arms and turns around again. Charles is feeling so anxious that it’s bleeding over, startling Erik.
“Erik… No… I…” Charles says and his voice is strained and Erik sees that his eyes are gleaming and his blood runs cold.
“No! Charles! I’m not leaving you! How can you even… No!” Thousand thoughts are running inside Erik’s head, but mostly he’s just appalled at Charles and at himself. At Charles because he even thinks of things like that and for himself that he never made Charles doubt the two of them.
“Okay… okay…” Charles’ next inhale is shaky but then he smiles. “Raven said that I was being idiotic. I’m just not used to not knowing what’s bothering you… You are usually so forthcoming with your emotions and when… well… That’s over now. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’ve been telling everyone how I feel useless and maybe you’ll now realize how useless I am and how you don’t need me!” Erik says and the absurdity of the situation would make him laugh if it wasn’t so serious.
“You’re not useless, Erik! There are some days I don’t think I would stay sane without you. Look at me. You need some time to think and I become a nervous wreck. I love you, Erik. You drive me insane sometimes but you… I love you.” Charles maneuvers himself around and props himself up so he’s staring Erik straight into eyes. “Who would give me massages, or play chess with me, or let me rant, or… well you know, if you wouldn’t be there?”
A relieved grin rises on Erik’s face, a grin that made Wanda and Pietro giggle when they were little, and he wraps his arms around Charles so that Charles plants on his chest with an oomph. It is remarkable how bad they are at communicating and how Charles always knows what to say to him. Charles laughs against his chest and let’s Erik squeeze him, with the movie going on, forgotten, on the background.
They stay like that for a while and suddenly an idea comes to Erik’s mind. It’s an idea that he has thought about before but never with such a certainty.
“Will you marry me?”
Charles wrangles out of Erik’s death grip and looks at Erik, searching for something. Erik lets his emotions free, projecting his love, joy and certainty. Then after a moment Charles looks happy too.
“Yes, yes I will.” He says and Erik grasps him into his arms again. All of Erik’s worries seem so stupid now, with Charles laughing and warm in his arms. Erik has always known how lucky he is, but now he feels even luckier.
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fanroi · 8 years
It's cold outside and my apartment is cold af and it always makes me think about Charles and Erik huddling for warmth during cold winter months. It makes me think about it so much that I want to write/draw/read something, but alas, if I start doing anything now I can kiss my sleep and tomorrow's good mood goodbye. Quite a conondrum.
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fanroi · 8 years
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Good morning
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fanroi · 8 years
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Harry Potter AU part 1
“Seventh year in Hogwarts was the happiest time in Charles’ life. There was school and the threats against the peace in the wizarding world, but during those long nights in the library with Erik all seemed possible. Any career he could want and a peace to live as he wanted, with Erik on his side. In the end of the year the war against Voldemort broke, shattering those dreams at once.”
 Well if anyone remembers the Harry Potter Au I mulled on ages ago, this one goes to the same universe. I have been writing something, but run out of inspiration so this is my way to try and gain it back. Hope you like it!
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fanroi · 8 years
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(Another) Football AU
It was after one game they won. Charles was smiling, sweaty and radiant and that is when Erik knew that he was in love with him. After taking the sight in like a hungry animal, he hang his head down and exhaled. This was not good, not good at all.
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fanroi · 8 years
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When they bought matching parkas for the winter Erik felt stupid, he doesn’t like parkas and finds couples that wear matching clothes pathetic. Then Charles puts on Erik’s underwear and promises that Erik can get them off with his teeth later, Erik finds the idea of wearing matching parkas for a walk in the snow not so stupid after all. 
When the frost bites Charles’ cheeks and Charles bites Erik’s similarly frost bitten nose, Erik decides that Charles needs a punishment. He doesn’t get to the punishing part though, because he’s too busy making Charles laugh by threatening him with said punishment.
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fanroi · 8 years
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In the excitement of the new Gilmore girls episodes I decided to do this little thing. Hope you like it!
Erik is the usually grumpy diner owner and Charles is the charming single parent with a tea addiction. They run around in circles with each other, denying there is anything going on, but everybody else knows that is not true.
(If there’s any gg fans out there they might notice that I used Luke’s diner from the series as a reference for this. It was fun ehehe)
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fanroi · 8 years
Charles' night out
Charles is drunk. Very drunk, but that was the plan for the evening, for Raven’s 25th Birthday. Charles hiccups and presses a kiss to her cheek, making her laugh and slap him on the shoulder gently. The winter wind is unforgiving on their cheeks, when they stand on line to get in some hideous nightclub that Raven wanted to go to. But Charles doesn’t mind, not really, he plans on getting acquainted with the bartender very well and doesn’t plan on getting acquainted with the dancefloor, at all. Charles hiccups again and sways on his feet.
“Your, I.D’s,” a gruff voice says and Charles turns to it. There’s a big, hairy man glaring at their little party eyebrows raised. The girls laugh and fish out their I.D’s and walk into the club in high spirits. Charles smiles and tries to follow them but the bouncer stops him. “Your I.D, bub.”
“W-what?” Charles sputters, he knows that he looks younger than he is, but eighteen? “I’m 30!” he croaks, little too drunk to comprehend, what’s happening.
“You can be 80 for all I care but without an I.D, you’re not going in.”
“Oh, honestly…” Charles rummages through his wallet and when he sees his driver’s license he holds it up triumphantly. “Ha! See! Year of birth 1986!”
During his quest to find his I.D, another bouncer has appeared and he’s wearing a wry smile, clearly amused by Charles’ expense. Before he can work himself up for a huff, he realizes something. This bouncer is gorgeous and Charles blushes. Normally Charles would be all over him, but even in his drunken mind Charles remembers the last time he tried to hit on a bouncer. He got thrown out and a slap from the bouncers girlfriend and he also would’ve gotten punched by the bouncer himself if he had not been working.  
“Good evening.” he says and rushes past the bouncers and inside the club.
Charles has been steadily drinking for an hour now and is dying to go for a smoke. The club doesn’t have smoking rooms and Charles finds them disgusting anyway. Charles bids farewell to the bartender with a promise to return, but the bartender just shakes his head. Charles didn’t like him that much anyway, he was trying to replace his beer with water, but luckily Charles was onto him.
Getting through the sea of people is not easy and Charles makes a fatal mistake of trying to get his coat on while walking and he knocks some glasses to the ground. He apologizes profusely to a group of young people the glasses belonged to and gives them some money to repay the beer and vodka he spilled.
The cold air is a relief when he finally gets out, but he still tugs his coat and scarf tighter around him. His fingers shake from the cold when he goes for a cigarette.
“You should give your scarf for me.” A voice startles Chares so that he drops the whole pack to the ground.
“Excuse me?” He says and flushes when he sees that it is the cute bouncer from earlier.
“Your scarf. It looks warm and I have to stay outside the whole night.” The pout on the man’s lips is cute but Charles is horrified.
“N-no! You most certainly cannot have my scarf! It… It’s mine!” This makes bouncer laugh and only then Charles’ mind catches up. “Oh… You were joking weren’t you? I’m sorry. I seem to be a liiiitle drunk.”
“You’re not the only one.” The man laughs and Charles picks his cigarettes up. He squints his eyes at the now sodden pack and sighs. He sniffs and pouts.
“Well since the cigarettes have now gone… bad, I will head back inside.” Charles declares and smiles to the bouncer. “Here… You can have it if you promise to give it back when I leave!” Charles reaches for his scarf and little clumsily ties it around bouncer throat. Charles squints his eyes again. Bouncers cheeks are pleasantly pink so Charles touches them and nods. “That’ll keep you warm.”
The bouncer tries to say something but he looks little confused so Charles says his goodbyes and thinks how the bouncer is much nicer than the bartender.
Charles feels mightily pleased with himself when he goes back to the club. The club is warm and now is the cute bouncer. Everything is order.
The rest of the night pass as a blur. There are more drinks and some dancing and when the club closes Charles has to be carried away from the bar and Raven and her friends from the dancefloor.
“Okay, okay, ’m going!” Charles tells to the bartender who is escorting him out. “Bloody… Are you sure that I cannot get a beer. Just one I’ll not tell anyone. Pinky promise!” Charles sticks his pinky out, but the bartender pushes him forward and out of the club.
Charles staggers on his feet and tries to find his sister amongst the crowd leaving, but is having no luck. And his scarf is missing too. Great. It will be a bloody awful walk home in the wind.  
He spots Raven already walking home on the other side of the road so he tries to run after her only to trip on a pavement. He distantly feels his knees and hands throbbing but is too dazed to do anything about it when pair of warm hands help him up.
“You were in so much hurry that you almost forgot your scarf.” Charles leans on this marvelous warm creature with nice voice.
“Why do you have my scarf?” He mumbles against a funny smelling jacket.
“You… You gave it to me.” At this Charles lifts his head and when his eyes focus he can see who he is talking to.
“Oh… OH! The cute bouncer! I’m terribly sorry… I am a little bit intox- intoxicated.” Charles takes a step back and almost trips again, but the bouncer holds his arm.
“Where do you live? How are you planning to get home?” Charles thinks for a minute.
“I’m gonna walk. I live in… I live in that direction.” Charles points his hand towards the city center. The bouncer huffs and walks him to the taxi line and opens a door for him. Charles can hear the taxi driver and the bouncer talking and he hums but when the bouncer gives the driver money Charles is quick as a lightning.
“No. No,no,no, no absolutely not. I can pay my own taxi.” He slurs and hiccups after but the bouncer all but bullies him to go inside the car and shoves the money to the driver.
“Just get him home. If there is any… extra trouble, just call me in this number and I’ll pay.”
Charles tries to mumble that he’s not happy with the situation, but no one either hears him or they don’t care. Then the cute bouncer comes to check on him again and tries to give him his scarf back.
“No. Keep it. I- I aspire to keep all the cute bouncers warm tonight and you… you are definitely the cutest one.” Then Charles snorts at himself. “I would be happy to offer to keep you warm tonight in other ways as well but I think I might puke on you.” He aims for a wink but it probably looks more like just blinking. The cute bouncer stutters a little but collects himself quickly.
“Just… just get home safe, and we can… we can revisit this on a later date yeah? Here…” The bouncer takes Charles’ hand and scribbles something to it. “Now don’t wash it away. I intend to give you your scarf back,” he clears his throat “You’re the cutest drunkard I’ve seen for a while.” And the bouncer winks and his wink goes so much better than Charles’. Then he slams the door closed and Charles’ taxi takes off. Charles mumbles his address to the driver and falls asleep.
When Charles wakes up in the morning he finds his scarf gone and a number on his hand and no memory of last night what so ever. The number is unreadable as well, more’s the pity.
Got bored and wrote something. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!
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fanroi · 8 years
Dancer!Charles and artist!Erik forced by Raven to dance together part 1/2
So, um, treat this as a backstory for what I really wanted to write: a dance that is borderline erotic, but as I’m me, I can’t write anything without a backstory.
Surely Raven is really a professional, only disguised as an amateur. How else she could’ve transformed the banged up gym, that Erik trains in, to a real studio. There are lights, white canvas, buckets of something on the sides, cameras and a whole bunch of people puttering around, and this all is making Erik a little annoyed and a little nervous.
Annoyed because he’s still not fucking sure why he said yes to this. Raven is his friend, yes, but Erik is a grown ass man and not really a performer of any kind. He’s a mechanic and an artist, but he’s a kind of a loner, always making sculptures and paintings, he’s not made for talking and moving in front of a camera. He shouldn’t have said yes to helping Raven when she asked him. To be fair, he thought that Raven wanted him to paint something to the background to her ridiculous… he is not even really sure what Raven is making, he only knows that Raven has been directing lesbian and gay couples doing different things at different parts of the relationship. Beginnings, honeymoon phases, established relationships and breakups.
The reason Erik is nervous is related to the part that he is supposed to be doing. Raven came to his studio couple of days ago, moaning about being tired and desperate. Then there was some mumbling about a dancer dropping out of her senior piece and then Erik was thrown into rehearsing choreography with an hairy, eccentric man, who got a little too much into the seduction part of the beginning, making Erik very uncomfortable.
The man was a great dancer but since Erik’s part was mostly just standing and following the other man’s lead, responding like he would normally do in such situation, he found it little overwhelming and awkward. The man had said something about intimacy and trusting him and finally something about the intimacy and trust issues and it made him a bit mad. Erik can dance, he took a couple of courses when he was in college, he’s not great but he can do it.
Erik stands by the door, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another, trying to ignore the stares of people passing him. Everyone just looks so freaking young, and of course they’re young, they are probably waiting to graduate from college, just like Raven, but Erik, with his 29 years, still feels decades older than these people.
Hopefully the guy he’s dancing with is someone he is able to be a little more comfortable than the guy he rehearsed with, and hopefully he is little older than the rest of the crew. But also, Erik thinks growing a little red, he is not too attractive. The dance was a little too much like slowed down porn for Erik’s taste and if the guy is too attractive, Erik fears that he’s going to be too distracted to do anything.
“Erik! You’re here!” Raven peeks behind the massive camera and then walks to Erik. “You can undress here or in the locker room. Did you..?” Raven gestures vaguely to Erik’s crotch area, making Erik roll his eyes.
“Yes, I’m wearing the boxers you gave me. I know how to follow instructions.” Raven’s answering smile is blinding and Erik sighs. “Let’s get this over with. Who am I dancing with?”
“My brother, Charles. He is not here yet, so you can sit down for a while. We are going to set up.” At that Raven goes away, leaving Erik to find something he can sit on. He chooses a big metal box, probably for storing the camera equipment, so that he can see the door at all times. He wants to see his partner as soon as he walks in. Someone might call Erik childish, but he’s not a professional so he doesn’t need to be professional about this.
About fifteen minutes later the door opens with a bang and a guy walks in, immediately almost toppling over when his foot bangs on the doorstep, and Erik snorts. This guy cannot be his partner. Raven’s brother is supposed to be a really good dancer and surely dancers are not that clumsy. But then Raven lets out a shriek and runs to the guy and throws her arms around the guy’s neck, and the guy says greets Raven as “dear sister” so Erik fixes his eyes on the guy.
He is short and slender, but Erik is sure that under his clothes there are muscles, evident from his posture. The guy, Charles, is wearing a simple white shirt with dark grey waistcoat and pants, normal and not really that striking. Then Raven points at Erik and the guy turns and walks briskly towards Erik with his hand offered for a handshake.
“So great to meet you! I’m Charles Xavier, Raven’s brother and your partner today”
Okay, the guy is pretty cute, Erik admits to himself while taking the hand and introducing himself. He can’t think anything to say but it doesn’t matter because Charles barrels on.
“I’m sorry that my sister forced you to do this, but I must say that it won’t be difficult to pretend to be in love with you.” The accompanying wink of this statement makes Erik sputter.
“Are you flirting with me?” Erik is flattered, really, and the thought is not unpleasant, but he was just not prepared. He blushes and tries to collect himself. Charles just laughs and claps Erik on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry, my friend. I thought I’d break the ice, but I’ll save my seduction for the camera.”
Erik is annoyed at himself for being tongue-tied. He’s a great flirt dammit, but the longer Erik looks at Charles to more attractive he finds him.
And then he remembers the dance. Well, as Charles said, it’s not really going to be difficult to get into the dance, and Erik’s fears are somewhat settled. Charles feels like someone who is very professional and easy to get along with and although Charles is attractive, he’s not overtly so and Erik feels pretty confident.
“Okay, Erik and Charles you’re up. Change and then come here.” Raven calls them and Erik decides to pay back Charles flirting and just takes off his shirt and pants while Charles is opening his mouth to say something. When Charles’ eyes trail down on Erik’s bare chest and legs and he blushes, Erik smirks.
“Are you going to..?” He says and enjoys when Charles tries to find his words.
“Oh, um, yes. I’ll go and change.” he squeaks and turns around. Erik walks to Raven smiling widely.
“Stop looking like you’re going to eat someone” Raven snaps as she manhandles Erik to his place. “My brother is a nice boy at heart and he doesn’t need scaring.”
Erik’s smile boarders even more and Raven sends him a glare.
“Stay away from him, I mean it.”
“I thought you wanted me to get close to him. I’m just doing what you ordered me to.”
“Stop that you know what I mean!” Raven hisses, making Erik laugh but then Charles walks to the light and Erik’s laughter is cut short.
Charles looks stunning. He’s wearing nothing but white, loose pants that stop at his knees and some make up around his eyes, and only now in the bright light Erik sees how brilliantly blue they are. His hair is wet and what immediately snags Erik’s attention are the beautiful tattoos covering his arms and the muscles of his upper body as he stretches. We’ll he knew that dancers must have muscles but this…
Fuck, Erik thinks as Charles walks close with a spring on his step and a warm smile, this is going to be a lot harder than he imagined.
Second part coming soon (I hope)
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