fictionkinfessions · 11 months
for the mystery canons ask game: glen lantz from the original nightmare on elm street. i've never watched my source and i'm not sure if i ever will, but i still have a bunch of memories that turned out to be completely accurate (#🪐)
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That moment when you realize you kin a freaking dream demon who's a sick fuck in the head 😬 *cough cough* Freddy Krueger
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Sup, I’ve been meaning to do this but uuh I just didn’t lol. Anyway, I’m Freddy Krueger from the OG stuff but I remember Quentin Smith! Feel free to hit me up even if you're from the remake or a different horror movie! Warning I’m not on this blog very much so if I take a long time to answer it’s not cause I’m ignoring you! Also, feel free to just randomly call me a bitch I deserve it!~👑😴😱
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
So I realized I kin Freddy Krueger, and honestly I’m still trying to accept it.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
for the "kins you don't like kinning" ask game: i only have one kintype that fits the bill, and that's glen lantz from the original nightmare on elm street. not only do i have a very low tolerance for gore (to the point that i haven't even watched my source), but most of my memories from that life are rather... unpleasant, to say the least (#🪐)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
@ 713948772074504192: it definitely depends on the kintype for me. memories of living on a spaceship with my friends? fuck yes, give me more of that please. memories of getting killed by freddy krueger? hm. no thanks (#🪐)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Kinning from Nightmare on Elm Street is all fun and everything but then I’m reminded how fucking dirty I was done and it pisses me off. I’m so mad they killed me first and made my nightmare be ABOUT ME BEING DEAF FROM ABUSE??????? JFC. — Carlos (#🌸⚡️)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Please please post this on the 23rd mpc. So it’s uh not official(the only way you can see it was in September are like wikis and stuff). But I do know for a fact today is my kin birthday. I will not disclose my age though bc honestly. It’s kind of weird. Like do I count the age past the years I started as a dream demon or just from the exact day I was born as a human. Anyways happy birthday to me.-💤Freddy Krueger
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Kin ages? I know most of them weren’t too old 30 or so at most. Like if I did age as one as I’m unsure if I did or not tbh nearly 80(Freddy Krueger FYI)is the oldest aside from my 2 different Pennywises who were around before the fucking universe existed. I don’t know HOW long before I just know it’s one of the few book elements (maturin existing and being behind the existence of it are the other two) I’ve got for both, given it never stated how long the miniseries or film Penny existed.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Can the fandom please stop calling the entity from Wes Craven’s New Nightmare me for once. Just once please call him the entity. That’s his actual fucking name. His name is not Freddy Krueger. He’s not ‘new nightmare Freddy Krueger’ he’s the fucking entity. Stop it. 💤Freddy Krueger(who’s sick and tired of this shit the character being an ancient entity who’s taken on many other forms and mine was just a recent one was even spelled out in the goddamn film ffs)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Anyone who’s made pizza or bacon face jokes owe me 2 dollars and add 2 more dollars to every single other time they made that joke/j-💤Freddy Krueger(original)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Shout out to fanartists making me realize I sometimes emphasis on sometimes had floppy pointy goblin like ears-💤Freddy Krueger
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I feel like I should feel completely awful for kinning terrible characters who did horrific things like Freddy Krueger(original mind you not that imposter who dares use my name from the 2010 movie) and the ‘17 Pennywise but save for some moments where I remember things I actually regretted as them or in Freddy’s case childhood memories shifts for them are oddly comforting. I feel like I should feel bad about that too really.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
RTFD Eggman voice:I miss my daughter Tails, I miss her a lot. My wife too but mainly my daughter. -💤Freddy Krueger
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Please post on Halloween. Happy Halloween to y’all -💤🎈Freddy Krueger and Pennywise the Dancing Clown(2017/19)
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Please please publish this kinfession on the 27th. Happy 34th anniversary to Dream Warriors which was the film that truly made me realize I kinned Freddy. I think it happened around halfway into the film that everything just hit me and I was like ‘yeah this is definitely a kin’. Everything after that happened both in that movie and every other movie(minus Freddy vs Jason) was just ‘this happened alright.’ Sure I kinfirmed him after finishing the first film but it wasn’t until this one that I truly knew it.-💤Freddy Krueger
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