subitaneousybill · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {SYBILL TRELAWNEY}? SHE is a {SIXTH YEAR RAVENCLAW} and I’ve heard that they are {SOFT-SPOKEN and OPEN-MINDED} but can also be {FLIGHTY and TACTLESS}. There’s also rumours that they are {NEUTRAL}, and maybe that’s because they are {HALF-BLOODED}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {ZENDAYA COLEMAN}, but I don’t see it myself.
Name: Sybill Patricia Trelawney Nickname: Sybs Birthday: march 9th Age:  16 House: ravenclaw Sexuality: pansexual Relationship Status: single Patronous: non-corporeal, otherwise a bulldog bat (rare with an extremely loud warning call) Boggart: a crowd of faceless peers disproving her every prediction, telling her she’s not magic enough to be here  Wand Type: 9½“ hazel, unicorn hair, very flexible MBTI: INFP Clubs: Divination, but that’s hardly a shock. Allegiance: NEUTRAL (but with Order leanings)
key points:
As she’ll no doubt reiterate to anyone who will listen, she is in fact the great-great granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, making her the first with The Sight in generations.
she is an only child and functions as such.
she has no concept of personal space. if she sees something, meaning Sees something, she’ll grab hands, get alarmingly close to examine a person. if you tell her to back away, though, she does so quickly and with a rush of apologies as she attempts to tell you what it means.
she will still tell them whatever she saw. she frequently comes off rude during her readings, whether on accident or on purpose 
she knows there are loads of people who do not take her seriously and does not care for them or their short-sighted behavior.
her mother is one of those funny Muggles who refer to themselves as witches. it’s how she met Sybill’s father. her father lovingly called all the meditation and prayers to the goddess “just a different type of magic”.
her mother works in a Muggle shop and her father works in quality broom analysis, checking for dark magic and silly things like turning radius. he flies brooms to make sure they all function properly before heading to Broomstix. most don’t even know that’s a real job.
her family, as you can imagine, is far from well off. they live in a small but well kept flat and her parents are happy for the most part.
Sybill prefers Hogwarts for its warmth in the winter, the plates that are always full, and a bed she knows will always be there. she loves her parents, but Hogwarts is home.
she is not incredibly magically inclined and spell effectiveness is hit or miss, but she’s always up on her assignments and is a great test taker.
all of this said, she’s very happy that Voldemort is gone. happier than she maybe ought to be, like a muscle she wasn’t aware of unclenched for the first time in her whole life. hm. 
wanted connections:
a best friend
Divination enthusiasts
love interest 
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cxntrasts · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {AMYCUS CARROW}? {HE} is a {SEVENTH YEAR + SLYTHERIN} and I’ve heard that they are {CALCULATING & PERSISTENT} but can also be {CRUEL & IRRITABLE}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {REBELS (DEATH EATERS)}, and maybe that’s because they are {PUREBLOOD}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {JACOB ELORDI}, but I don’t see it myself.
HI meet amycus!!!! he is another BIG newbie to me so pls bear with me while i stumble around for a bit writing, trying to find his speech patterns and general behavior n such 
this intro is a big mess hehe
tl;dr he sucks
he’s always been angry, amycus. always. he came into the world screaming and he’ll leave the world screaming, sooner or later (and, he reckons, it’ll be sooner).
the only son of the carrow family, where alecto had to work harder for their parents’ love, amycus was constantly watched. trained to be an heir and carry on the family name and everything that came with it
(cw: implications of abuse in the next few points) he was never too much the brunt of their parents anger - that was always alecto. they might as well have been joined at the hip as kids, and when alecto was in trouble amycus was right there with her
but alecto seemed to get in trouble more, and amycus would try and cover for her, he’d argue with their father and try and turn the anger towards him instead, and then he would fight back.
amycus fell into the wrong crowd at hogwarts, but what else was to be expected of him? he fell into the role of pureblood slytherin boy perfectly, and the anger that had been aimed at his father for the first eleven years of his life could now be aimed at other students, namely mudbloods. cheers!  
things changed with alecto, too - where they were once always together, she was sorted into ravenclaw. now they were their own person, after eleven years of being each other’s support.  
(cw: abuse implications again, cheers lads) holidays home grew progressively more tense. maybe it was because he felt she betrayed him by being sorted into ravenclaw, maybe it was the influence of his new friends, maybe it was a little bit of both. amycus once stood in the way to defend his sister, but now he was watching his father from the corner of his eye. he couldn’t bare to face alecto’s pain head-on, but he could watch and learn.
he thinks it’s all funny, this shit with the death eaters and the rebels and blood purity. it was funny before voldemort died, how everyone was losing their shit, and it’s funny now how the other side is losing their shit. sure, it’s his side, but it wasn’t like he had any major stakes in the war. he’s still trying to deal with school.
amycus knows he’ll be fine. he has his parent’s protection if any aurors come knocking on their door. besides, they’d definitely get sent to azkaban before amycus, seeing as he’s just a poor kid and all.
he can be decently charming when he wants to be but its rare that he wants to be lol. mostly just to professors and the classmates he actually tolerates
baaaaaasically he’s a big pain in the ass who doesn’t feel remorse for any of his actions (unless it comes to his sister but thats complicated uwu), hates muggleborns, is probably going to work some shitty job at the ministry after his hogwarts career is over unless he finds something better to do, and just wants to cause trouble. cheers!
deeeeeep down is he afraid of who he’s becoming and kind of hates himself? for sure but we sure as hell aren’t gonna get into that shit
other fun things:
he has the dark mark uwu, his sleeves normally cover it but he also doesn’t go out of his way to hide it
on the slytherin quidditch team as a chaser, he used to be a beater but he took the title of that role a little too seriously and the professors made him switch lol
his pet is a hawk who lives in the owlery with all the other owls, probably bullies them, he doesn’t know doesn’t care. he trained that hawk when he was a kid and it scratched up his arm enough, he’s gonna keep it at school with him. if anyone questions him, he just keeps telling them it’s an owl, even though it’s very clearly not.
the hawk doesn’t have a name, it’s a hawk.
biiiiig fan of unforgivable curses, especially the cruciatus curse heehee, he was for sure the type of kid who burned ants under magnifying glasses except he just tortured them with magic :-)
pls dont call him amy he hates that very much
actually really, really into wizard chess. playing chess is Amycus’s Big Boy Calm Down Chill Out Time
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daizyhookum · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that DAISY HOOKUM? SHE is a SIXTH YEAR and a RAVENCLAW and I’ve heard that they are INTELLIGENT and CURIOUS but can also be AWKWARD and SHY. there’s also a rumour that they are part of the NUETRAL and maybe that’s because they are HALFBLOOD? . they also look really similar to COURTNEY EATON, but I don’t see it myself.
Full Name: Daisy Miriam Hookum
Nickname: None
Birthday: Decemeber 29th 1959
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single(ish)
Blood Status: Half Blood
Patronous: Sparrow
Boggart: Getting Lost in the Woods 
Clubs: N/A
Aesthetic: Notes in the margin of your favorite books, coffee with just a dash of milk, the smell of lilac, ink stained finger tips, the sound of rain at night, 
Daisy is the youngest daughter of a muggle born father and a half blood mother. When Daisy’s father received his Hogwarts letter his deeply religious family sent him away to live with an older aunt, unable to accept his magical capabilities. From that point on Daisy’s father turned his back on the muggle community, he was a wizard first and foremost and never looked back. The Hookums were a prominent family in the Welsh wizarding community and Daisy was rarely exposed to the muggle world that her father came from and the family she never met, but it always fascinated her none the less.  
The youngest of four Daisy was always a bit of an afterthought. Her parents loved her but by the time Daisy came along they were both busy with her and three other children. Daisy was often left to her own devices, and could be described as a latchkey kid. She didn’t mind, she liked having her own independence, even as a child. 
Daisy was one of the faster sortings in her year, the hat barely took any time before sorting her in Ravenclaw, just like her parents. She was studious, quiet, shy and like many Ravenclaw’s always had her nose in a book. She particularly liked books about other people’s adventures and muggle history books. 
Over the years Daisy outgrew her shyness and made a strong group of friends. She was neither exceedingly popular nor unpopular, she was just Daisy. Even though she had grown out of her shyness she was still quiet and slightly awkward, and found more comfort in books than people. In the pages of a book she could escape, and imagine all the adventures she would have once she finished school. She dreams of becoming an author and journalist when she graduates. 
It’s always the quiet ones, after spending all day in the library you could always find Daisy at a party. She may not seem like the type to be throwing drinks back nightly but she could drink with the best of them. After a few drinks the quiet girl comes out of her shell and Daisy is a whole other person. 
Literally anything
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misscharityburbage · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {CHARITY BURBAGE}? {SHE} is a {5TH YEAR + GRYFFINDOR} and I’ve heard that they are {BRAVE AND RESOURCEFUL} but can also be {STUBBORN AND ARGUMENTATIVE}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the { NEUTRAL/ORDER LEANING }, and maybe that’s because they are {PUREBLOOD}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {ALIA BHATT}, but I don’t see it myself.
Name: Charity Burbage 
Nickname: Chari
Birthday: june 28th
Age: 15
Sexuality: demisexual
Relationship Status: in a relationship with Regulus Black
Patronous: granian
Boggart: death eaters
Wand Type: aspen and unicorn hair, 9 1/2, swishy
Clubs: slug club, potions, charms, chess
Quidditch: tba
Allegiance: neutral/order leaning
key points:
Charity grew up as an only child. Her parents both members of respectable pureblood families dedicated their lives to the protection of muggles and the defense of muggleborns. 
If not for her mother belonging to one of England’s oldest pureblood families they would’ve been named blood traitors. 
Charity grew up surrounded by people who would rather advocate for pureblood supremacy and the protection of magic, it was these interactions rather than the influence of her parents that made charity want to follow in her parents footsteps. 
Starting school proved that she was not alone with the feelings that consumed her, but rather that there were like minded people who also wanted to fight for the protection of muggles. 
She forged friendship with half-bloods and muggleborns, taking a special interest in learning all about muggle culture. And sharing her experience of the year her family lived like muggles when she was six years old. 
What charity didn’t count on was that the war would change her life forever. Voldemort followers murdered her parents, leaving a message for all others who would follow their example, they would not tolerate the betrayal from their own kind, blood traitors were to be eradicated. 
Charity was placed under the care of the Lestranges until she graduates from school and Burbage state passes to her. She has been forbidden from continuing her parents work, even if the end of the war favors their view. 
Charity was raised in forgiveness and giving second chances, but a part of her isn’t sure what she’ll do if she finds out who was responsible for her parents death.
wanted connections:
coming soon
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tildentooty · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that TILDEN TOOTS? HE/THEY is a 7TH YEAR + HUFFLEPUFF and I’ve heard that they are KIND AND GIVING but can also be FLIGHTY AND RESTLESS. there’s also rumors that they are part of the NEUTRAL, and maybe that’s because they are HALF-BLOOD? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to ARON PIPER, but I don’t see it myself.
Keep reading
Full Name: Tilden Theodore Toots
Nickname: NOPE
Birthday: May 15, 1959
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Patronous: bloodhound
Boggart: His sisters, dead.
Aesthetic: Roses, crystals, flower crowns, grass stains. 
full bio
wanted connections—
fellow herbology enthusiasts 
fellow halfbloods 
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adelaidebeaut · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that Adélaïde Beaufort? SHE is a 5th YEAR + SLYTHERIN and I’ve heard that they are AMIABLE and LEVEL-HEADED but can also be INTOLERANT and DECEITFUL. there’s also rumors that they are part of the UNDECIDED, and maybe that’s because they are PUREBLOOD? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to ANYA TAYLOR-JOY, but I don’t see it myself.
Full Name: Adélaïde Marie Beaufort
Nickname: Adélaïde is a perfect name, why ruin it? 
Birthday: October 31, 1961
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Patronous: Swan
Boggart: Herself, dead. 
Aesthetic: Lipstick, silk, rose. 
full bio
wanted connections—
fellow purebloods
someone for a Good Time 🌝
academic rival
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lestrangexrabastan · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {RABASTAN LESTRANGE}? {HE} is a {6th YEAR SLYTHERIN} and I’ve heard that they are {CHARISMATIC AND LAID BACK} but can also be {SELF-DESTRUCTIVE AND MEAN}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {REBELS (DEATH EATERS)}, and maybe that’s because they are {PUREBLOOD}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {DOUGLAS BOOTH}, but I don’t see it myself.
Name: Rabastan Lestrange 
Nickname: Rab, Stan, Lestrange 
Age: 16
Birthday: August 15th  
Sexuality: straight (most of the time) 
Relationship Status: it’s complicated 
Patronous: Runespoor
Boggart: A dementor
Wand Type: ebony, dragon heartstring core. unyielding. 11 inches.
Clubs: care of magical creatures, herbology, chess 
Quidditch: as if he was going to sweat
Allegiance: Rebels/Death Eaters 
key points:
The greatest thing that could happen to Rabastan was being born as the youngest son. He was no heir, there was no legacy to carry on, no weight to carry on his shoulders, that responsibility had fallen to his brother and he was forever grateful for that. 
 While not completely neglected –the Lestranges were of course wealthy and he never wanted for anything- Rabastan was not the focus of their parents. He passed from nanny to nanny, until it became clear he was the problem. A penchant for misbehaving from a young age, Rabastan was described with one word: trouble. 
As he grew up his behavior became more destructive, he cared for nothing, for no one. There was nothing for him except have fun and enjoy the moment. A desire to get the attention he never got at home, drove Rabastan towards the wrong crowd. 
Following the Dark Lord was a highlight for Rabastan, finally receiving the praise he always craved, finally getting a purpose in life: protecting magic and the pureblood way. 
Rabastan finally felt like he had a place in the world, a sense of belonging. But it all ended on that faithful day. It was over before it could truly made a change in the world, his involvement was cut short and he had so much to give. And Rabastan was thrust back into a society who cares little for him, a family who was indifferent. 
There was no hesitation in joining the rebels, as soon as the rumours reached him, Rabastan knew what he had to do, he hopes that one day they will be able to complete what the Dark Lord started.
wanted connections:
coming soon
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cissablxk · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that NARCISSA BLACK? SHE is a FIFTH YEAR and a SLYTHERIN and I’ve heard that they are ELEGANT and CHARMING but can also be VAIN and COMPLACENT. there’s also a rumour that they are part of the UNDECIDED but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to ELLE FANNING, but I don’t see it myself.
Full Name: Narcissa Iris Ariande Black
Nickname: Cissa
Birthday: June 8th 1960
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Relationship Status: Single
Patronous: A white cat 
Boggart: Herself, horribly scared and deformed 
Want Type: 11″, Aspen, Dragon Heartstring, Flexible 
Aesthetic: White lace, freshly clipped flowers, silk sheets, a shimmering lake at night, a rose with no thorns, smeared lipstick, the smell of perfume lingering in the air, an empty ballroom, a neck dripping in pearls and diamonds.
            Druella Black’s final pregnancy was an a difficult one, after two girls and one miscarriage the Blacks were desperate for a boy before Druella could no longer have children. After eight months, and nearly losing her last child the Black’s welcomed their third girl. While they had been wishing for a boy, they couldn’t be disappointed with Narcissa. With her blonde hair, rose colored cheeks and crystal blue eyes she looked like an angel and acted like one as well. Even as a baby Narcissa was already nothing but sweet as honey, especially compared to her sisters who had kicked and screamed their way through infancy. Despite her gender she was the crowning jewel of the Black family, and as she got older she only got lovelier. A true pureblood lady if there ever was one, she was beautiful, sweet, talented in the arts, charming when she needed to be and most importantly, docile and demure. It didn’t take long for Druella and Cygnus to realize that if they couldn’t have a boy of their own, it wouldn’t be hard to get a son in law at the top of society with a daughter like Narcissa. While Bellatrix and Andromeda were just as eligible, it was Narcissa that was taken under her mother’s wing, primed and preened at all hours of the day, all so that she could live up to her “full potential”, and live up to it she did. All her mother’s work had payed off, Cissa had bloomed into a true young woman of society, the perfect white rose, that everyone wanted to pick.
             When she arrived Hogwarts, it was her palace and she was it’s queen. When she walked down the hall she shone like a star, and everyones head would turn, even a few Gryffindors. She knew what her affect was on people, not only was she beautiful but she could mesmerize people with her voice that was as soft as velvet and words that were as sweet as honey. One look and anyone would be transfixed by her blue eyes, you were hers and hers alone. She was perfectly aware of the affect that she had on people, the affect that her bodyhad on people, and she loved it. It was the only time that she was the best, the only time that she ever truly felt worth anything. Her whole identity was wrapped up in being the perfectlady.  It was what made her valuable, and Narcissa knew that without it, she was nothing, just a shell, ready to be brushed to the side. She wasn’t strong or smart like her sisters, independent like her cousins, powerful like the rest of her family. But she was beautiful, and oh so charming, it was her weapon and she used it without discretion. She loved the way she could bring a boy to his knees with a bat of her eyelashes, or how she could get her friends to do anything for her just because they believed that, perhaps, if they stayed in her good graces, maybe a bit of her beauty would rub off on them. It was her drug, and she was long past addicted.
             Narcissa as very confident in some ways and very insecure in others. She grew up with all the pressure on to uphold the family values on her shoulders. Bellatrix could uphold the blood purity but she wasn’t exactly a classic “lady” and Andromeda was too rebellious, Narcissa was everything a lady should be. She believes her value is completely wrapped up in her ability to be a proper, young, pureblooded, woman. Beautiful, charming, demure and someone believes in keeping the blood pure. She has become the master at becoming what everyone else wants her to be, a beautiful white rose, with no thorns (at least none that people can see).
             While she has a lot of external confidence (even though it could easily be derailed by one scornful comment from her mother) she has very little internal confidence. She has never been the smartest in the room, often struggling with academic subjects, and has always been out shown by her two sisters personality wise. She often doubts herself in all things except her beauty and ability to wrap people around her finger. Deep down she is strong and independent but it’s buried by insecurities and doubts, and the pressure her parents have put on her.
best friend
secret crush/lover
secret friendship
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edgesofthesword · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {JACKSON FLINT}? {HE} is a {7th YEAR GRYFFINDOR} and I’ve heard that they are {PROTECTIVE & DARING} but can also be {NARCISSISTIC & DISOBEDIENT} .there’s also rumours that they are part of the {NEUTRAL/LEANING TOWARDS REBELS} and maybe that’s because they are {PUREBLOOD}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {DACRE MONTGOMERY}, but I don’t see it myself.
Patronus- Hyena (Cunning, Fierce, Assertive)
Clubs- Slug Club, Potions Club, Ancient Runes Club
Zodiac- Aquarius
MBTI- ESTJ (Executive)
Alignment- Neutral Evil
Thinks he was sorted into Gryffindor as a joke because the Sorting Hate hates him.
Planning on joining the Rebels, but is dragging it out to piss off his parents.
He can be social (not with most of his own house), but would throw anyone he needed to under the bus to save himself.
Doesn’t care for drama or gossip.
If he cares about you, you probably won’t be able to tell, but he would protect you if needed.
Hates parties and big gatherings, but will go to them because he is used to it.
Has a younger brother that annoys him, but he still loves.
Enjoys very few things, but Ancient Runes and Potions are two of the things he likes.
Wants to be a potioneer, but knows he will have to work in the Ministry after Hogwarts.
Hates being the heir and likes to do things just to irk his family.
Annoying Friend ( Someone he doesn’t like, but they keep trying to be friends. )
One Close Friend
Pure Blood Friends
Drinking Buddy
Someone he backstabbed for some reason.
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pandoraiisms · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {PANDORA SELWYN}? {SHE} is a { SIXTH YEAR RAVENCLAW} and I’ve heard that they are {INGENUITIVE AND IMAGINATIVE} but can also be {ECCENTRIC AND OBSESSIVE}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {NEUTRAL} but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to { JUNO TEMPLE}, but I don’t see it myself.
• Pandora is the only daughter of Gregory and Eliza Selwyn, the quirky offshoot of a rather proud pureblood family.
• The Selwyns are one of the sacred 28 and rumored to have been supporters of Voldemort, Pandora and her parents were not, but they were considered oddities and almost a social taboo in the pureblood community, so they were shunned from the rest of the family. Not that she minds, who would want to deal with all that. .
• Pandora was excited to be placed into Ravenclaw. Her mother was a Ravenclaw, and she felt that maybe she would finally find a place she belongs.
• Sadly not everyone in the Ravenclaw house is like her, and she still finds herself ridiculed from time to time, but she has found good friends and tries to not let others get her down.
• Pandora is a genius in her own right, especially in potions, but is often seen as eccentric and obsessive with her experimentations, often having to be reminded to do basic things like eat and drink.
• Pandora loves to dance, it is a stress relief for her. Nothing fancy, just moving to the music in her head.
• She has a cat named Tibbie who is her favorite creature, and she spends a lot of time with him.
• Many teachers are torn whether they find her to be a delight or a nuisance.
• Pandora is a glass half full type, always looking on the bright side, hoping that each day will be better than the last.
• Pandora is always up for a new experiment, often trying crazy and outrageous things that often end up with her either injured or in trouble, but she claims it’s in the name of science.
• It’s not that she aims to get in trouble, and tries to be very well behaved in class, but well, when she gets a spark she just can’t help herself.
• Pandora considers herself neutral as she really did not participate in the war. By no means does she support the former death eaters, or any of Voldemort’s followers, but she would just rather everyone moved on and forgot about him, if she was honest.
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xmulciberx · 4 years
hey, isn’t that {GISELLE MULCIBER}? {SHE} is a {SIXTH YEAR SLYTHERIN} and I’ve heard that they are {LIVELY, CRITICAL} but can also be {BRATTY, STUBBORN}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {REBELS (DEATH EATERS)}, and maybe that’s because they are PUREBLOOD? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {ALVA BRATT}, but I don’t see it myself.
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- i really needed a bratty character who doesn’t end up having the happiest of endigns lol so this is basically what giselle would be.
- giselle is the baby of the mulciber family so that brings uncounted perks. giselle tends to get whatever she wants-she just has to throw a smile and a little bit of added puppy eyes sometimes and then she gets everything she wants.  she uses that perk shamelessy, especially towards close people to her.
-she might act more innocent than she actually is most times, only so she can get where she wants.
-  boggart : tornado ;  Her boggart is a tornado, which is  ironic regarding the fact that she has been compared to one on more than just one occasion. The first time that she  had faced a boggart, she was not expecting a tornado to show up -   something as powerful and unpredictable. Tornadoes can destroy everything  in a second and there isn’t anything that anyone can do to stop it. That’s her fear, that things can get so twisted that nobody could ever do something about it. That she won’t be able to do something about it.
- honestly? this girl just wants to know what’s up and to win her way. she would try to get it just with not the best of intentions, you know.
- did i mention she is a brat???
- characters that she is inspired from:
nora ( skam) + lizzie saltzman (the originals) + cher (clueless)
Monster -- EXO 
All the good girls go to hell -- Billie Eilish 
Lost It All -- Black Veil Brides 
 Dead Girl Walking -- from The Heathers 
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hey, isn’t that {ROB DARCY/ROBBIE SKEETER}? {HE} is the {FLYING PROFESSOR} and I’ve heard they are {KIND-HEARTED AND LOYAL} but can also be {PERFECTIONIST AND DEMANDING}. i’ve heard rumours that they are part of the {ORDER}, and maybe that’s because they are {PUREBLOOD}? but who knows. they also look similar too {SCOTT EASTWOOD} but i don’t see it myself.
Name: Robert Darcy Skeeter 
Nickname: Robbie, Rob
Birthday: october 16th
Sexuality: demisexual 
Relationship Status: single
Patronous: hippogriff
Boggart: his sister in danger and he’s unable to help her
Wand Type: cherry and unicorn hair. rigid. 12 ½ inches.
Former house: ravenclaw
Occupation: flying professor/quidditch coach. he used to be the keeper and captain of the montrose magpies.
Allegiance: the order
key points:
international quidditch star sensation rob darcy was born robert darcy skeeter to elise and richard skeeter, robbie was welcomed into the world destined to be the golden child. 
having their first-born be a male is a sign of good fortune, as there is an heir who would continue the family name and legacy. but as robbie grew up it became clear that his goals could not be further from those of the family. 
first labeled as teenage rebellion, any talk of even acknowledging muggleborns as people with the same abilities as purebloods was outlawed at home. 
robbie felt out of place in his family, and thrived once he got to hogwarts, where for the first time he was around like minded people, after growing up in pureblood society where the only thing people craved was power. 
there was of course a downfall to actively trying to go against his family, and that was his little sister. 
rita meant –and still does- the world to robbie. their parents were not the kind of people who raised their children, so they appointed nannies to care for them, of course the world saw them as a happy family, but they hardly had time for their kids. robbie took it upon him to make sure rita knew what it was to be loved and cared for. 
but then his father asked robbie to take the dark mark, richard being a very prominent death eater. and everything changed. robbie knew he had to leave, for a moment he considered taking rita with him, he had been more of a parent to her than their parents ever were, but they were at war, and robbie knew she would be safer at home, their last name would keep her safe. 
leaving her behind was the hardest thing Robbie ever had to do, but it was the right thing –or so he kept telling himself. 
he not only refused to join the death eaters, but he actively wanted to fight them. as soon as word of his actions got out, an invitation to join the order arrived, he did not hesitate. 
growing up in the skeeter household robbie learned than influence and a well placed PR opportunity could do things that even the best strategies couldn’t. during his time at hogwarts robbie was a skillful and talented quiddicth player, with a promising career. and so he used his talent to become a quidditch star under the name rob darcy. and that placed him in a position where he could help the order across the country, and if needed on an international level. 
the battle was won, and as robbie prepared to return to professional quidditch, dumbledore asked him to take a teaching position at hogwarts. despite his last name they had trusted him enough to join the order, now it was time to pay that trust back, and so robbie accepted. 
he was the keeper and captain of the montrose magpies, and will now be taking over the flying classes and coaching of the quidditch teams 
a part of him cannot wait to see his little sister again, but he also knows that she has a right to not want him in her life after all he was the one that walked away leaving her behind.
wanted connections:
best friend(s)
former classmates
professor buddies - he’s new to teaching so he would need some teacher friends to help him along the way.
the people we used to be - someone who immediately knows his true last name, maybe they used to be friends before he walked away.
suspicious activity - robbie’s following orders about keeping an eye on things. maybe someone let’s something slip.
order friends - people he fought side by side during the war
quidditch fans and fans of teams who played opposite him
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domyaxley · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {DOMINIC (DOM) YAXLEY?}? {HE} is a {SIXTH YEAR + HUFFLEPUFF} and I’ve heard that they are {DEPENDABLE and EARNEST} but can also be {IRRATIONAL and TEMPERAMENTAL}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {REBELS / DEATH EATERS}, and maybe that’s because they are {HALF BLOOD}? but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {AVAN JOGIA}, but I don’t see it myself.
Hi this is Dom!!! He’s a lil bitch boi and this got really rambly but please come love on him and also hate on him THANK YOOOOOOU
also he is VERY NEW 2 ME and fun fact i’ve never written a death eater before lmao soooo pls be kind while i figure this lad out, his personality might be a bit over the place for a bit 
Corban Yaxley was a strong, powerful Pureblood wizard who just happened to have an affair with a Muggleborn witch. This was a fact she kept from him until after Dominic was born (the same day as his half-sister, no less), and a fact that has made Dom’s life a bit troublesome.
Still, Dom was brought into the Yaxley family. He was still Corban’s blood, after all, even if that blood was dirty. He never actually met his mother, though; his father wasn’t exactly happy about her lies.
(Abuse TW) - Corban was equally as awful to all of his children, but in Dom’s eyes (whether true or not), he was the worst with him. Everything Dominic did was scrutinized to no end, and he constantly found himself at the other end of his father’s wand. He guessed it was because he wasn’t born a Pureblood; he needed a bit extra to teach him how to be a proper wizard under the Dark Lord.
And then of course - of fucking course - he had to be sorted into Hufflepuff. He hadn’t even considered that a possibility until the hat was on his head shouting that stupid word. Hufflepuff. The shit house, where all the shit wizards went and became bloody fucking bakers or magizoologists or something equally as ridiculous.
If it weren’t for him trying so hard to be this hardened badass, he’d actually fit in quite well in Hufflepuff. He’s very loyal (though not necessarily loyal to the right people), and honest, and his friends can depend on him and he’s hardworking when it comes to things he’s passionate about. He has a kindness in his soul, but it’s buried so deep behind his insecurities that it rarely comes out.
He eventually got over it, but his first year at Hogwarts he literally refused to speak to anyone in his house unless necessary because he absolutely would not accept that he was a Hufflepuff.
Now he’s actually quite defensive of his house. He’ll hex anyone he overhears talking shit about Hufflepuff, because that’s his house, damnit. Talk shit about the people all you want, but the second you bring Hufflepuff into it? Absolutely not.
Doesn’t mean he isn’t awful to most everyone in Hufflepuff - he’s extremely prejudiced and is a general brat and terror to be around.
He’s pretty shit at school, barely passing most of his classes. He needs a tutor for sure, but also isn’t willing to get a tutor just yet.
Joining the Death Eaters was a major goal of his. It was his way of proving himself, proving that he was more than his mother and and his house and everything. Seeing Mack get the Dark Mark just fueled this desire even more - he admires his brother more than anything and looks to him as an example (not that he’d EVER admit it).
Then Voldemort died and his father fled and Mack took over the Yaxley household. This is extremely bittersweet - on one end, Dom’s glad that their father is out of their life, but on the other hand he’s a bit resentful that Mack now has everything while he still has nothing. And without his father to protect his place in Pureblood society, he doesn’t know where his standing is anymore.
Some other quick things:
He’s a chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, which is perfect for him and getting out his general anger. He’s probably got the most penalties on the Hufflepuff team by far.
His pet is a black cat named Biscuit and he loves Biscuit more than life itself so don’t fucking TOUCH Biscuit
He’s a big ol brat who is generally resentful and mopey and sarcastic and yeah but he can also be kind of sweet and caring to those who know him well and who he knows he can trust and break down those walls.
He’s got a big thing for Dark magic, loves the stuff. Hexes and curses and ALL OF IT.  It’s fun and it makes him feel more powerful than he really is.
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manthegreatlight · 4 years
hey, isn’t that KENNETH TRAVERS? HE is a SIXTH YEAR RAVENCLAW and I’ve heard that they are BRILLIANT AND CHARISMATIC but can also be NONCHALANT AND ARROGANT. there’s also rumours that they are part of the REBELS (DEATH EATERS) but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to LEE HONGBIN, but I don’t see it myself.
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Kenny and his twin brother were raised with very strict expectations, like most pureblood families. However, the Travers put more of a value on intellect than anything else. They believed that true power and true wealth came from intellect, which is probably why both boys were sorted into the same house, Ravenclaw.
Out of the two, Kenny is absolutely the louder one. Big ass flirt (though he’s straight like a coward), known to shoot winks at anyone who he catches staring (which is a lot). Also very confident in his own abilities and looks; he’s a babe and he knows it.
He’s definitely a shit to his siblings, constantly throwing insults, but he’d be there in a heartbeat if they needed him. (rip anyone who breaks his sisters heart)
he’s brilliant, like an actual genius, but he doesn’t care enough about classes to study. He does his homework (barely) just to make sure he doesn’t get any howlers from his parents; anything less than an “O” and he wouldn’t hear the end of it. He figured eventually he would be married off to some other pureblood and they’d have enough money he wouldn’t ever have to work, so why bother putting in more effort than he had to? 
he even turned down being a member of slug club. He doesn’t even know how they found out, but his parents were definitely pissed.
he likes quidditch, but he doesn't have the motivation to be a leader so he didn’t go for captain. Another thing he’s great at but can’t be arsed to work too hard at.
he’s a firm believer in death eater ideals, and was pretty bummed when voldemort died. Becoming a death eater was one of the only things he was actually motivated about, but now that that’s gone... he’s just back to coasting until graduation.
Huge fuckboi. FWBs for days. He’s just trying to have fun before he’s forced to marry someone and he has to settle down.
He goes by Kenny or Ken. Kenneth is reserved for his brother and sister, and even then he hates it.
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mollyiisms · 4 years
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hey, isn’t that {MOLLY PREWETT}? {SHE} is a { SEVENTH YEAR GRYFFINDOR} and I’ve heard that they are {MATERNAL AND CHARISMATIC} but can also be { OVERBEARING AND OVERLY CHATTY}. there’s also rumours that they are part of the {ORDER} but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {LILY COLLINS}, but I don’t see it myself.
• okay so Molly is totally the mom friend.
• Like did you eat this morning? No, take this extra biscuit she has. Your trying to party instead of doing homework, I don’t think so, let’s get at least half your homework done so you don’t fail.
• Molly used to hate the idea of knitting, thinking it for old people, but when things got stressful her mom taught her to knit, and now you better believe that if your her friend your gonna get so many sweaters.
• Molly may have a hoarding excessive collecting problem. She can’t help it, everything has a use, so why get rid of it. Like you never know when things will come in handy.
• So people assume mom friend molly is all cautious though, right? Like mom friend molly, nah she doesn’t do anything fun… man your looking at one of the best beaters the Gryffindor has seen in awhile. She is totally different on the quidditch field, like seriously watch out, she plays to win.
• She may help bandage you upon once she’s done, but man does she pack a mean punch, she has no issue fighting if you threaten her friends. As the saying goes “A lady does not start fights, but she can finish them.”
• She wants to be a healer or shop owner when she graduates, not that she wants to graduate yet, that thought is just scary.
• She totally moms her brothers like 24/7.
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marlecne · 4 years
hey, isn’t that {MARLENE MCKINNON}? {SHE} is a {SIXTH + SLYTHERIN } and I’ve heard that they are {INTIUITIVE, BROAD-MINDED} but can also be {STUBBORN, SECRETIVE}. there’s also a rumours that they are part of the {ORDER} but who knows if that is true. they also look really similar to {YOOHYEON}, but I don’t see it myself.
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Patronus: Polar-bear - Those with a polar bear as their patronus are very adaptable individuals, but stubborn. They put up strong emotional barriers and are very oriented on one aspect of their lives, such as a career or volunteer work. This can make them seem cold to others, and they can be blunt in their ways of communication. Despite this, they are very connected to everything, however small that connection may be.
Boggart: Tornado. Which is ironic regarding the fact that she has been compared to one on more than just one occasion. The first time that she had faced a boggart, she was not expecting a tornado to show up - something as powerful and unpredictable. Tornadoes can destroy everything in a second and there isn’t anything that anyone can do to stop it. That’s her fear, that things can get so twisted that nobody could ever do something about it. That she won’t be able to do something about it. And, it actually came true.
+ INTUITIVE : Possessing the ability to understand complex and emotional things. With this comes wit and the knowledge of knowing when to stop and when to start pulling out tissues.; Marlene has never let her feelings drive her- her intiution is always right and being over emotional had never seen her cup of tea anyway. ;
+ BROAD-MINDED – She has been believing in everything since a very young age,
.- STUBBORN - Her ideas are the best and she will make sure she finds a way to show the others that she’s right. She doesn’t care what it’d take to make it happen.
- SECRETIVE - While it makes her feel good that she doesn’t feel the need to share anything to anyone, it makes her more untrue to herself from time to time and feels like she puts a strand to her own self by being…too much. She needs a balance, that she sometimes forgets to find.
INTRO ; parental death TW.
born in a big family- the mckinnons are known for respect and their unique ways of doing things. marlene was the youngest of four- and the only girl. who of course brought some controversy here and there but it was all for the best of course. when she was in her third year at hogwarts- her mother died and it was the thing that bothers her still to the day.
it has been three years now but she still struggles with it sometimes; it is what brings her to the perfect self though.
despite being in slytherin in a  family where everyone was a gryffindor-she holds onto believes quiet clearly and is friendly- although yes, she does hang out with most gryffindors due growing up with so many of them.
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