#nik cassadine
bklynmusicnerd · 5 months
Spencer telling Nik he can't go with him because he has a life with Trina is so hilarious/sweet to me. I just really love Spencer logic and the fact that it's actually very similar to Nik logic, and that's why Nik just understood.
Cause Spencer did not say, "I can not kidnap demon spawn with you because that is wrong", he basically said, "I can't kidnap demon spawn with you because Trina would not be cool with that".
At least he has some plausible deniability now, if he had actually run off with Nik, he would have been truly fucked. It's very funny to me that loving Trina might be the thing that saves Spencer's ass yet again.
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soapsudsblog · 1 year
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burned-lariat · 3 months
I don’t agree Trina having a baby = Trina never being able to have a degree or a job that she wants in the future. Does it make it 1million times harder… absolutely. But if Alexis, Laura and now Liz, Kevin etc were willing to step up to help with Ace it really shouldn’t be any different for the Cassedine heir. If I didn’t read spoilers (and they actually took the funeral seriously), Trina being pregnant would make Spencer’s demise more believable. It keeps the Cassedine line going 🤷🏾‍♀️
Yeah, that's my thing. Realistically, it makes things harder. But on this show, at least under this former regime, she'd never get back on the wagon. They reduced women's roles to traditional BS. And yeah, since Ace is next in line now (until Spencer returns), he is the heir who needs a name change.
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anyathefandom · 9 months
Look I'm going to need nikolas to man up for once and go back to PC TO GET HIS FUCKING CHILD to get his life back together asap.
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Sidenote: no one is holding this man captive so it's even worse that Nikolas is avoiding his family and responsibilities.
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halfwayinlight · 5 months
ok, but I really am looking forward to Laura finding out what her grandson and idiot son have done
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Laura still being one of Spencer's three favorite people after how all the writers try to shit on the Laura/Spencer relationship is a testament to Genie and NAC chemistry and acting abilities.
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pic cred: @ jelevision on twitter (or X. bleh Elon)
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mauvegardens · 1 year
You know what would be fun...
So, Nik is keeping Elizabeth onboard with the kidnapping using his “she’s going to hurt the baby” nonsense.  And it works on Liz.  For a while.  But then either Liz sees that Esme loves the baby or she wakes up and realizes this isn’t worth going to prison over and she’s just...done.
She gets Esme alone and is like, here’s the deal.  You don’t rat me out and I’ll get you out of here.  Esme agrees.  They hatch a plot.  They are almost home free.  But then Nik catches them.
And he flips.
Goes after Liz in a full blown rage.
But then Esme hits him on the head.
And he’s not just passed out, he’s gone. 
Liz is all “you saved me” and they have a genuine “thank God we aren’t dead moment”.  Then life crashes back in.  They have GOT to do something about the body/crime scene.  But Esme is REAL pregnant and Liz is REAL messed up. 
Then someone comes across them at the docks/hospital ambulance bay/Wyndemere.  Esme, pro that she is, turns on the waterworks.  “Thank you so much!  He kidnapped me! He was going to kill me and take my baby!  I don’t know what I would have done if Liz hadn’t come along!”
Fun, right?
I just don’t know who would come across them before they can clean up the scene.  Can’t be a Cassadine.  Can’t be Cam or Laura.  I REFUSE for it to be Finn.  Ava wouldn’t cover for them.  Ditto Carly.  Nina...probably would go along with a cover up.
Nina and Sonny?  Just Sonny?  Either Brooklyn or Chase could be interesting...but BLQ is more down to scheme, Chase would just turn her in.
Yeah.  I’d watch that.
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mxtantrights · 2 years
okay it made me kinda of sad that Spencer had no little quip for Sonny about how he imploded his own life / marriage even though he had a couple of lines for Britt when she was trying to help him...
like you couldn’t give me one good zinger to Sonny??? come on let’s have some FUN.
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zombetty666 · 2 months
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Many Moods Many Musings.....
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saintlesbian · 1 year
as an Esme enjoyer (NOT APOLOGIST!!!!) I have lots of conflicting Thoughts ™️ on her current character rn. maybe it’s bc AKP is such an entertaining actress or maybe it’s bc I only started watching recently (so I kinda missed out on most of her really unethical behavior) but. there’s something about this fucked up little skrunkly animal of a girl that draws me in sorry.
like esme’s sociopathic snark was funny to me. the whole thing of her being manipulated by her father into manipulating the cassadine men in order to try and break up Ava and nik’s marriage was entertaining to me as a supporter of Women Who Scheme… and she’s doing all of this to gain the attention and affection of her father who is kinda Incapable of Love and is preoccupied with his Ava obsession at all times. like I can get why she would fuck nikolas to try and screw over Ava since to Esme, Ava is the main obstacle standing between her and her father’s love. and Ryan’s manipulation def bled into the way she interacted with the rest of the people she supposedly cared about since she literally alienated herself from the entire rest of the YA friend group by COMMITTING A SEX CRIME???? AND FRAMING TRINA FOR IT???? all to sow discord among them, isolate them, and ESPECIALLY to isolate spencer so she could keep manipulating the shit out of him.
like i think she saw trina, being friendly and reasonable with Spencer, as a threat to her relationship bc she’s insecure as hell and doesn’t have a model of healthy attachment to base her experiences on. and she sees joss and cam being happy together (maybe still wanting cam a little bit bc he was one of the few people she showed a softer side to??) and gets jealous as fuck bc she doesn’t have that kind of happy relationship. so she kills two birds with one stone, records the caoss revenge porn to sabotage their relationship and pins it on trina to isolate her from her friends… except even with all that reasoning behind it it’s still like GIRL??? you really didn’t need to do any of that??? like Ryan didn’t even order her to do that she just picked up a little sociopathic side project for herself. the crazy roots ran deep with this one. god forbid women have hobbies I guess
so to have those roots ripped out of Esme with the amnesia plot, it’s kinda like they sucked out all the meat and left behind a shell of Esme, this panicky waif, this sopping wet animal in the rain, directionless and loveless. I kinda imagine this is just what she was like before she started communicating with Ryan, and with the recent death of her adoptive family she just latched onto the first family she could find, with Ryan, modeling all of her behaviors after his orders. and even after the amnesia she still latches onto the first family she can find, with Laura the maternal figure and Kevin her uncle, who looks just like the father she can’t really remember.
she’s def not a victim tho, despite the two different hostage situations she was in recently. those were mostly her own fault lol. I think for Esme to have any shot at a meaningful redemption she does still need to face the consequences of her actions, whether she remembers them or not. jail time 100% for the revenge porn thing bc even I can’t make an excuse for how yucky that was. but what would really seal the deal for me is if she actually got her memory and a little of her personality back. scared animal Esme is fine and all but I’m starting to miss her snarky side… I think her redemption would be more satisfying if she had to deal with the guilt of her past atrocities and come face to face with everyone she hurt and have them all lay into her.
and I think the specter of Ryan should haunt her. like how she used to hallucinate him telling her to hurt her baby… I think that should be an ever present threat in esme’s head. like esme should def keep her snark and mild criminal behavior, but also when faced with the chance to fully revert to her old ways, she should be actively choosing not to be evil, rather than it just being a byproduct of her blank slate status. also this bitch needs therapy for sure but I’m wondering what impact talking to Kevin would have on her fractured subconscious…
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bklynmusicnerd · 7 months
Trina: "Well you know what the solution is for that! But where does that leave us?"
Spencer: "Trina don't ask me to choose between you and Ace, you're not gonna like the answer"
Trina's "are you fucking serious?" face in reaction to a statement that I am sure Spencer will go on to regret for years to come, is so perfect that it should be memorialized. Just the perfect mix of incredulousness and rage.
It's such an offensive, bullshit claim from Spencer that there could be no other reaction but the face she made. Trina sacrificed her chance at getting justice/closure over being framed for a crime she didn't commit, because she saw how distraught he was over the idea of demon spawn being raised in jail. She risked her life multiple times on a ship full of terrorists to help him get that demon spawn back to safety. She has bit her tongue while he coparents with the girl who drugged her and framed her (and continues to be passive aggressive toward her) because he said that's what demon spawn needed.
The idea that Trina is now the enemy too, that she's all of a sudden this selfish person who would ask him to choose her over his baby brother, is so disconnected from reality that there really wasn't much else for Trina to do but end the conversation at that point. I think the worst part of this is that Trina was so earnest in asking him where she fit in all these desperate, delusional plans to keep raising demon spawn and he responded by basically attempting to threaten her. Get with the program or else.
It's kind of sad, and a testament to how fucked up Spencer is, that the second Trina admits to loving him, he tried to weaponize the idea of him leaving her to get her in line. It is the ugliest, most Cassadine thing he's done in ages. And the most pathetic part is he thinks this is him being noble. This is him being a better man than his father was by letting his girlfriend know that demon spawn comes first.
Problem is, Trina never asked him to choose. That's been consistent with her. She was trying to get him to see that he will never have sole claim to demon spawn like he wants. He is destined to lose. But he doesn't want to see that so that puts Trina in the column of "jezebel trying to lure him to abandon his family" which is also the same bullshit column he used to put Ava in when failing to process Nik's abandonment of him.
I don't even know if Spencer realizes that he basically just threatened Trina with abandonment while claiming to be the guy that won't abandon anyone but that's the level of cognitive dissonance we're at with this one. He demands Trina's full emotional labor and support at all times while refusing to really listen to her as she attempts to express her own needs.
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soapsudsblog · 1 year
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Nikolas and Gia make love for the first time on Valentine’s Day
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burned-lariat · 4 months
PM will be good for Sprina because during his Guiding Light days he wanted to create/write for an interracial couple and was told NO. He is still upset about that to this day. And he loves Cassadines. So, I think he's gonna love Sprina. He will also be good for Alexis and she'll probably get her law license back.
I am worried for Laura. When he wrote for her, it was when Nik was revealed to be her son. And for 3 or 4 years, all Laura did was cry over Luke, Lucky, Nik, and Stefan. And was scared of all of those men. No back bone. But hopefully with Laura being 60 and not 35, he will write her with a back bone.
PM is good with witty and smart dialogue. So, if anything, dialogue between characters will improve.
As long as he treats Laura with respect, especially more respect than these last head writers gave her, AND writes like he did in his GH heyday, then his presence is welcomed.
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anyathefandom · 1 year
My thoughts on Monday's episode:
Shallow note: Trina's dress is so cute! Honestly taby's Trina fashion is always on point.😌
Okay I got a feeling that Laura is definitely about to be on Ava's ass next because she is pissed about everyone getting their lick in on nik.🙈
Adam huss really be bringing it to every scene he's in. Mans is menacing and now I'm punching the air because we didn't get to have him as Nikolas for long.😭
Tj describing Spencer: Zero impulse control, good guy, Vulnerable, A well of deep intense feelings,and lonely. Me: Exactly! And it's so sad that not that many people see beyond his bravado but at least the people who really know Spencer sees that.🥰 Also when are we getting the tj x Spencer bromance? Like I would to see them hanging out whenever William can't film.👀
No because you can tell tj actually was really fond of kid Spencer with the way he talks about him. I really need to see them hang out.🥺 Also I can already tell we can add tj to team Sprina.😌
Okay but can we talk about how josslyn supposedly has know Spencer longer and even she can't describe Spencer the way tj has. Like please writers give up on that friendship altogether.🥴
It's wild how Laura is breathing down Spencer's neck about blackmailing Nikolas instead of breathing down Nik's neck about what Spencer has against him. Like yeah we see her ask Spencer what it is he has on Nik but it just seems like she wants to know just so she can tell Spencer not to take it to the police. Like ma'am are we for real right now?🙃
Laura: Drop what? My feelings for you and your father? Spencer: No, not for me but for my father I do think that he is a waste of your time: me:
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Why are the writers setting Laura up like this?🙈 They got her mentioning how Spencer used to worship his father is a kid as if that is relevant as of right now. Like ma'am Nik as done some unforgivable shit since he's come back and knocking Esme up was the last straw for Spencer.🤷
Laura really making me wish she would go vacation again because sis making herself look so crazy by taking up for her dumbass son. Laura that man is grown give it up.😩
Like Laura needs to look into a mirror and realize she's giving Victor right now and that's red flag number 1.🚩 You never want to be giving Victor. Sometimes you just got to say "Fuck uniting the family" and that's okay.❤️
Trina: I mean I can text Spencer but it's really easy to lie in a text. If I see him I'll know. Me: And that's on soulmatism.🤷
I mean I don't have strong feelings on tolly but I can say that tj comparing Sprina's "Friendship" to the tolly partnership should be Trina's wake up call that they are more than friends.🤭
Tj: How long have you known Spencer? Trina: About a year and a half but it feels a lot longer because of everything that's happened. That soft smile when she spoke about knowing for a year and half makes me just go "Even though they've been through so much you can tell she doesn't regret knowing him🥹"
Oh Trina got a set of wheels. Thank goodness she can easily collect her stuff from Curtis's raggedy castle and leave when shit hits the fan.😌
Also I would love to see more Trina and tj scenes. I loved this talk so much because you can tell Trina was relieved someone in her family wasn't bashing Spencer and she didn't have to fight for that boy's honor😂.
I mean I definitely still don't want Spencer to get custody of that kid but laura is acting like first time parents are professionals when their not because they are FIRST TIME PARENTS.🙈 Like you don't need to have babysat a baby just to be a parent.
Laura trying to keep Spencer in this cycle of toxicity with his father is just taking me out still. Leave Spencer alone at this point.😬
So Nik what exactly is sonny supposed to be doing why you try and take Avery away?🥴
Spencer basically to Laura: Sorry grandmother but my father has maxed out his "The Good Cassadine" card and I'm not dealing with the bs anymore.🤷 You deal with that shit show if you want but I'm out.
Ava to Nikolas the minute he decided he wanted to try the right bitch:
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halfwayinlight · 1 year
Things I'm absolutely sick of, in no particular order:
Portia. Portia talking. Portia existing. just... Portia
Joss & Dex. it's going nowhere. she's being a whiny, entitled brat again and ignoring the family she'd do "anything" for
This road to nowhere with Willow. I don't even care any more. live or die, just pick one and DO it
Nina and Carly. separately or together
Gladys. She's sooooo bad at being crafty
Drew and everyone fawning over him for doing... almost nothing??
Esme in all forms.
Curtis. plz go away. join the WSB and adventure elsewhere
Things I'd rather have:
Kevin Collins
Charlotte Cassadine
Ava having an actual plot
Laura having ANY plot that's not about her being mayor or Nik or a grandkid in danger
Cameron Webber
TJ Ashford
Violet. omg my kingdom for some Violet but sans her dad & grandad
Leo Falconeri
Tracy Quartermaine
Avery Corinthos
Trina Robinson being a student, talking about art, without her family drama or just sprina (I like sprina but round her out again)
Nneka getting actual plots
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melanieexox · 1 year
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