nikipaprika · 5 months
have a good day! :)
oh hey! i only just saw this message as i have been taking a break from tumblr, but thank you so much, and i hope you have a good day too! 👍
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meowm1x · 1 year
oh god idk if someone already said but Unfortunately i did see this one so. it was on a post basically address how weird people can be about rap, someone replied saying country is supposedly the real worst genre of music and the op replied to that person disagreeing w/ them by slightly rewording the original post to be about country. and then. there's a screenshot of someone with literally negative taste, saying that jazz is the worst genre. i don't have a link but i'm p sure about that summary. however take this part w/ a grain of salt: iirc the jazz hater was a self identified "swiftie" or w/e they call themselves
(regarding this post)
SORRY tumblr didn't alert me about this ask, i only found it in the notifications just now. another mutual of mine filled me in about the situation, thank you for reaching out to explain as well!
but yeah nah like, people shitting on jazz and gospel specifically VERY MUCH reeks of antiblackness, especially considering how integral black music was to the development of the music we have today so i VERY much do NOT trust anyone who shits on those genres. i didn't see the swiftie part, and so i don't want to say anything for certain, but given taylor is currently dating an outright racist, and most of her fans are also white women who defend her, it's one of those "dunno if true, but wont be surprised if it is", sadly.
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meowm1x · 3 years
honestly i thought they released legends arceus so quickly after bdsp was because they had another studio working on it and that ledgends was THE pokemon game for this year?? gamefreak leadership is full of shit and i hope the devs get more personal time
this is what i thought too :I and legends is honestly really fun! they're really flying way too close to the sun trying to shoot out all these projects at once (not to mention all these apps with in-game currency bluh). like... imagine how much more hype people would be for a main series game if they had time to work on it for a few more years and give it a unique style and add new features that add to the game, not just gimmicks. it's just... such ashame the route the execs are forcing pokemon down :(
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meowm1x · 4 years
apologies ahead of time if this is unwanted -- but for the tendinitis, see if you can get ahold of some arnica massage oil. my doc suggested it to me last summer when i had it in my wrist and shoulder, and it really helped a lot! (the specific one i got was from a brand called majestic pure cosmeceuticals, but as a warning it's also pretty heavily scented.) in any case i hope it clears up soon! i know how much it sucks when you want to do art but your body won't let you
no worries! thank you so much for the suggestion :D
i got a prescription on topical painkiller gel just before i saw this message, but i’ll be sure to check this out for some care once the worst of it is gone away too. thanks again!
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meowm1x · 4 years
just an fyi but hobbikats answered a DM of me asking why she follows matt walsh by saying she’s going to get her lawyer to deal with the tumblr post because it’s defamation lolol 🙄 it’s baseless.
bkjfhbkjgfskj defamation?!? she unlocked her account today and you can clearly see the fashy/right-wing idiots she follows (and last time i checked, matt walsh was still there!). her likes contain anti-BLM, pro-police rhetoric. i even recorded a video of it in case anyone claims it was doctored. i’m just a nobody online who really loves cats and was actually a huge fan of the hobbikats channel, who was then upset seeing that the owner follows fascists (and transmisogynists, that’s why those links are red, it’s the shinigami eyes app). it sounds like she’s mad that some people don’t like priotising cats over racists 😐
yeah tbh i don’t think this is gonna go anywhere, but thank you for the heads up anyhows! i appreciate it!
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meowm1x · 4 years
the funny thing about comparing ao3 to FFnet is that FFnet at least has a pm feature. ao3 does not.
Sorry omg i only just fuckin. Saw this message because tumblr mobile is absolute shite, but YEAH! You're right!
But it takes ao3 ten years to implement a filtering out system that is just the same filter they had but reversed, and that makes them above criticism apparently???
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nikipaprika · 5 years
Did you happen to make a fan comic a few years back for wtnv based on the episode where adult Cecil meets his teenaged self? I've been thinking about that comic lately but I looked through your blog and cannot find it. I'm sure it was your's based on the art style. Did you delete it on accident? Or maybe posted it somewhere outside Tumblr? It's been killing me thinking about it and your works are so good. Thanks in advance, and sorry if I was mistaken.
sorry, tumblr being what it is, for some reason i didn’t get notifications of these asks. i went to check, and also thanks to tumblr, it apparently got flagged as inappropriate. thankfully i can appeal it! and they’re usually quick to get it overturned. i’ll keep an eye on it and update this ask if there’s any changes! thank you for letting me know though, and thank you for the interest! ❤
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meowm1x · 4 years
hi! my name is niko which is almost your name but not quite and I think that's fun. anyway, I saw you add to a post saying that godstol is bad and I totally believe, but I happened across a post of theirs and went to their blog and I scrolled and searched but couldn't find anything that was super red-flag. basically I'm just asking, like, how you know? what sorts of things have they posted that show they're fascist/racist/anti-semitic? I want to know how to be better at spotting people like that
hi there, i unfortunately can’t provide you anything concrete because i’ve had them blocked for a long time and i don’t really want to unblock just to scroll through and find some rancid things. they post so much stolen content that buries all his other posts that it can be difficult to find, but basically something to always pay attention to is who they reblog from. at the time i blocked him, a way back i saw some memes filled with fashy dogwhistles (thing like “Traditional Family Values”, Wojack, "ironically” posting about killing degenerates), but mostly it was also that they were reblogging from people who are brazenly, openly fascist on the site (sandman-/-/daddy is one i definitely remember).
wi cryptos, it’s just always important to see who they reblog from, because even if they don’t have anything super telling on their blogs, the company they keep says a lot about their values! i hope that helps a wee bit o:
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meowm1x · 4 years
Ooh ooh I might just be in time! Happy birthday!!! I hope you had a great day!!!!
You are! Thank you very much!!! Today's been really nice 😸💖👌
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meowm1x · 4 years
HAPP BIRTH!!!! 💙💙💙
THEMK!!! OWO 💖💖💖
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meowm1x · 4 years
o h niki ur so nice ur so nice u cool like ice hey niki *clap clap clap* hey niki (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIEND!!!!)
HEHEHEHE thank you for the song i really appreciate it i love you!!! 😸❤💖
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meowm1x · 4 years
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're having a great day!
Thank you very much! It's been a really great day today :D
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meowm1x · 4 years
Happy birth!
Thank you very much!!! :D
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meowm1x · 4 years
you should try firealpaca! i promise you will not regret it. i used sai exclusively and then i installed firealpaca and now i don't use anything else
awesome! definitely gonna have a wee shot of it soon :D
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meowm1x · 5 years
I hope you're having a great day! I love your blog, you are fantastic
aaawww :D thank you so much for this lovely message, anon! hope you’re having a great day too! 💕
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meowm1x · 5 years
i got super behind on wtnv several years ago and kept meaning to catch up. i finally started relistening from the beginning and man i’d forgotten how much i love it. when cecil said “everything about him was perfect, and i fell in love instantly” i had to force myself not to tear up in the bus
goddd i know right! i’ve gone back and relistened to some of the earlier episodes recently and even just the way the characters have all developed over the years, even down to the actors’ delivery of them, just gets me so emotional!
“who is he? what does he want from us?” he wants to LOVE you, cecil! you fool!
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