peridans · 5 years
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           𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘.   embraced in the swell of dancing and drinking in the heart of blaenau’s dancefloor, it is difficult to avoid the lavish giggling of his younger sisters draped across men they hardly know.   he sips the glass of whiskey in his fingers as he moves through the rambunctious swaying crowd beneath the band’s music.   somewhere a glass shatters and a cheer rings after it.   peridan simply smiles, shaking his head as he approaches the shadow in the corner of the commotion.
          squinting, he can barely recognise the woman before him   (  perhaps this was the secretary lieutenant edwards had been gushing over the day before?   or maybe lord cavendish’s second-cousin-twice-removed?   no...   this lady seems far too uncomfortable to be either  ).   but she could be anyone;   he can only recognise ABOUT A THIRD of the guests here tonight.   consciously making an effort to smile, he asks,     ‘  can i get you a drink, miss?  ’
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emcads · 5 years
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         ❝    I’ll have you know I attend mass DUTIFULLY.  ❞      oh, so all pirates are GODLESS heathens then ?    is that it ?      ❝   most ardent confessor second only to SAN AUGUSTIN.  ❞ // @nikolacvna​
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4-6-4-1-9-blog · 5 years
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— "𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 nice girl like you doin’ in a part’a town like this?” funny, tommy thinks that every time he returns home to his wife. this place is a fucking shit hole; he wouldn’t recommend anybody living here, and yet ... it’s his home. if only for the reason that beth is here with him. otherwise, any goddamn place could be home, for all he cares; “ain’t exactly a -- ‘upstanding’ place to hang around.”
@nikolacvna   /   liked for a starter!
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wantlonger · 5 years
nikolacvna​ liked for a lyric starter:   3/5   //  goodnight, my someone
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“true love can be whispered from heart to heart when lovers are parted, they say.”
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vinterhjerte · 5 years
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@nikolacvna​ sent:      ‘⌘’ ( yeehaw babe try your hand at agnarr!! )
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍 had always brought a warmth to the king’s eyes, and this was no different. From the moment he knew of his eldest’s existence, Agnarr had carried a flame of love for her in his heart. And from her earliest days, that love that been joined by a sharp knife of fear.
Her magic had emerged in the first few days and from that moment on he was afraid for her. Afraid of what others would think, of how they would react. Iduna was calmer about the situation, had passed some of those feelings on to him. And it was obvious how happy the magic had made Elsa, which made it all the easier to accept. Her cackles of delight upon creating a small flurry of snow was hard to resist and so they all ignored any possible dangers. Until that night.
“She’s a very bright girl,” he said, pride lacing his tone, a smile upon his features. Agnarr was always pleased to boast of his children. “Always one step ahead of where we thought she’d be, always pushing the tutors to their limits with questions and knowledge.” Knowledge gained from hours upon hours of loneliness in that room of hers. Books were more the princess’s companion these days than any human being. “Elsa has a quiet but quick wit, often surprising me with her insights. And she’s so incredibly... loving. Sometimes I wonder how one heart can contain so much feeling. It worries me some days, and others I look at her and know she will manage.”
Send ‘⌘’ to hear my muse’s father or father-figure talk about the muse.
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tatterdhearts · 5 years
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@nikolacvna​ asked :  ❝ even if i’m far away, i’ll hold you in my heart. ❞ for gleb!
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it brings him a sense of comfort to hear her words. to think about going back home to face whatever consequences for his actions was daunting. perhaps he was stalling for a bit more time in paris. to stay a little longer. to be in her company for only a moment. dark hues look up at the other before speaking. “would you STAY--just for a little while longer?” it might be foolish to ask. that he already has so little time left here. and she has no obligations to stay with him any longer than she already has.
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anastcsie-archived · 5 years
welcome back starter call  --  @nikolacvna​   ( golden slumbers -- dua lipa )
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       “ once there was a way...  to get back homeward. ”
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skyfulcfstars · 5 years
“ are you flirting or starting a fight ? ”
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         “yes.” persephone answers, cheeks flushed and sporting a grin around the rim of her glass as she takes a long sip and replaces it on the bar. she’s watching the two men she’s had her sights on all evening, both of whom are watching her - she tries not to make it obvious, and turns to tatiana instead. 
          “oh, come on. just a bit of fun, and besides. they keep buying me drinks. good for business.”
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sovietorphan-aa · 5 years
@nikolacvna​ liked x.
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      jack along with most of the children that occupied the orphanage were all equally surprised when it was announced the GRAND DUCHESS would be visiting The Home. he couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to visit what jack deemed ‘THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH’. and yet within the hour she was being given the finest tour of the dingy halls of The Home. “ you should go back to your fancy house. ”
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peridans · 5 years
          @nikolacvna   ♡‘d   FOR A STARTER
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          𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐔 𝐈𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃.   at long last   —   though armistice of ballgowns and feasts is short  —   chippingford engulfs itself in a moment of quiet.   it presents the perfect means to escape.   (  where courtiers have bothered him for days, and will no doubt bother him in days to come, one day can spare him of the de-energising rush  ).   this is a moment they can fly to the true beauties of his home...   the part not tarnished by lavish displays and sight-seers.
          fingers delicate in adoration, he leads tatiana down the woodland path.     ‘  keep your eyes closed for just a tad longer, my dear.   we’re almost there;   I PROMISE.  ’
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dramatispcrsonae · 5 years
                  he had expected to be alone. at least, that had been his hope. the truth was, there were days -- most of them, in fact -- when he wondered why he kept agreeing to this. why he kept allowing himself to be persuaded to stand for a seat in parliament. it was never a role he had relished, and yet here he was again -- in london, too far from cornwall, from his wife and children, and once more suffering through some dreadful party his leadership had insisted he attend. not even caroline was in town to provide more pleasant company. his only solace was to find a quiet corner to escape to. the library had seemed a worthy choice, and their host’s collection of books was impressive enough. but when, not long after he had settled in, he heard a brisk footstep behind him, he could not help but snap his impatience.    “  yes? what is it?  ”   but when he turned and saw the intruder, his expression softened slightly, almost abashed.    “  i’m sorry, i -- you merely caught me off guard, ma’am...  ”   //   @nikolacvna​ liked for a starter from ross poldark!
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icansavetoday · 5 years
@nikolacvna said: “We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.”
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Steve hasn’t prayed in years. 
He doesn’t begrudge anyone else their faith, but he finds no solace in it, cannot bring himself to believe in much of anything these days, not after everything he’s seen, lost. In fact, the last prayer Steve said was echoed over a fresh grave, sprinkling a fistful of dirt atop his daughter’s coffin. Nothing since. Not after his first glimpse of the trenches with Chief. Not before his first flight.  Not even while backed into a corner during a mission gone wrong. 
Some might say now would be a good time to start -- confined to a hospital bed, stuck in enemy territory -- but that won’t be what gets him out of the bind he’s in. He still listens, though, eyes flickering to the young nurse, wondering if the end of that plea is a hope for unity in a war-torn world. It’s a sentiment he can appreciate, if that’s truly the meaning behind the words, but he still can’t echo them,  won’t dare to ask. Not when a ‘lost’ voice is the only way he might survive in a country where he doesn’t even speak the language.  
It makes his next move difficult, but after devoting the appropriate amount of silence the prayer requires (his own patience rapidly decreasing), Steve tugs on her sleeve. A plea to wait while he pulls out his compass, an old letter. What’s on the paper is irrelevant, but he makes a show of unfolding it, placing the compass on top of it. It’s a map he needs, or a location at the very least.
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wantlonger · 5 years
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nikolacvna​:   👫 (from petersburgprince / dmitry!)
in the brief time dmitry is staying in the land of the dead as a living soul, dolores tries to make him as comfortable as possible. she knows he needs food (although there is none down there), she knows he needs to rest. dolores would make him a makeshift bed out of anything comfortable she can find -- pillows, old clothes that the dead were buried with and later discarded, etc. 
if dolores is the first to learn dmitry must die for their marriage to be binding, she will not tell him. likely, another soul slips the news to the living man. it’s too much for her to ask that he give his life for her. she would rather he just stay with her in the land of the dead for as long as possible as a living person, even if that means they are not technically wed.
she would also be fiercely against him killing himself, even if dmitry did agree to die for their marriage. dolores would rather call off the wedding together, entirely in tears, until dmitry calmed her down. eventually, dolores would tell him that, she feels, if she allowed him to die for her, she would be just as evil as leroy.
sometime before their wedding, perhaps even after they find dmitry’s mother, dolores would tell him about her life before she met her ex-husband. she knows that it’s hard to see a person beyond the decay and her tragic past, but that’s not what dolores wants to be to dmitry. she wants to be someone he could genuinely love, even if they are from different worlds. a woman with interests, passions, and dreams, and a past that once wasn’t one big cautionary tale. 
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vuulpecula · 5 years
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@nikolacvna​ inquired: “I have no right to inquire into your feelings. They only concern your conscience.” 
anna karenina sentence prompts | not accepting. 
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      "You have every right, Tatya,” she amended softly. It was not often they were able to sit quietly as thus, with their own thoughts. A moment to breath between training and looking after the helpless souls that surpassed the doors of the hospital. “I worry that we do not do enough,” Fox admitted, her hands open and empty in her lap. “Even with the training there is still so much we do not know and I -- what if there is a life that is lost because of our own ignorances? How are we to sleep peacefully knowing what we did was not enough?” 
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pastfound-a · 5 years
       @nikolacvna​ :  “fan favorite”!!
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aur.ora  ru.ffino  or  ele.anor  tom.linson !!
send  “fan  favorite”  for  who  i’d  pick  as  a  new  or  an  alternative  fc  for  your  muse.     accepting !
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tatterdhearts · 5 years
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@nikolacvna !
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