#nil inadvertently saves kotallo
poppypopp · 2 years
Kotallo doesn’t recognize the fletching on the arrow that pierced the Bristleback — and likely saved his life. The ragged wound in his upper arm hurts, but it’s only a flesh wound. With stitches and time, he’ll be as good as new. He bore worse injuries during the Red Raids.
He doesn’t see anyone on the horizon who might’ve made the shot, but he knows it came from that direction. Whoever they are, they must have incredible aim.
In the aftermath of the battle, when the Nora girl has killed Grudda and Regalla has slithered away to fight another day, Kotallo returns to it while the marshal escorts gather the tags to be returned to the Grove.
Pale wood, red fletching. All of the marshals use white or gray fletchings. The Nora, he notes, use blue. The rebels had black.
He breaks the fletching off and raises it, inspecting curiously how the red catches the light, as deep and vibrant as blood.
Who fired the red arrow that saved his life?
He slips it into his belt pouch. One day he’ll find out and thank them properly.
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