#ninjago loredump
artyfartyperson · 11 months
Me on my way to lore dump about Trinity!AU Morro I just think he’s neat. (also doodle down the bottom if you’re interested)
Morro specialises in one-on-one combat. He prefers to sneak up on people from behind and to rely on surprise as an advantage.
His element of wind makes him able to separate a group and take each person at a time, or he can leave the rest of the group to whoever he is fighting alongside.
He can use his element of wind to allow himself to hover for short periods of time or to blast him up into the sky. He cannot use it to fly
He usually fights with two Katanas. He and Lloyd can also share if one of them lost their weapons or smth.
Morro is the most reserved compared to his other siblings. His love for people only goes so far thus he prefers to keep to himself.
The eldest of three siblings, Morro had spent all of his childhood training to become the green ninja, as it was stated that one of them do so in prophecies. It was believed that he would be the green ninja. He and Akako seemed to bond over this training and she supported him through all those years.
Their father Garmadon didn’t often show up, nor did Misako. Thus it was up to Wu to raise the three kids. Their childhood was built of mostly training, and not much ‘playing around’. Akako did slack off there and again with the youngest, Lloyd. But Morro consistently worked hard to earn the title of the green ninja.
When the time finally came, Morro was shown the golden weapons, and unfortunately not being chosen for the green ninja— to everyone’s surprise. After a heated argument with Wu and in a fit of rage he ran away. To him the past 17 years of his life were ultimately for nothing. He didn’t plan on returning, or even saying goodbye at this rate.
Both Garmadon and Misako blamed Wu for Morros’ disappearance, for building up his false sense of hope. In fear that Wu would turn to Akako or even Lloyd they had decided to take the two after a year or so when Morro was presumed dead.
Morro had been constantly travelling, and didn’t plan on settling down. He didn’t have anywhere to go in all honesty. He began studying said prophecies, trying to make sense of it all, why he wasn’t the one chosen of the three of them.
He had eventually discovered the existence of the cloud kingdom, and how they were the ones who wrote everything that was to be. He became obsessed, trying to find a way to find this kingdom. This is what lead to his obsession with the realm crystal.
This obsession however would lead to his demise, as his bones still remain today in the Caves of Despair.
After his spirit being banished to the Cursed Realm, his extensive knowledge on the Realm Crystal came to light, and was manipulated enough by the Preeminent to locate the realm crystal for her own twisted needs. She did this with the use of his rage towards Wu and the prophecy of the green ninja, especially since the youngest sibling, Lloyd, had been given the role of the Green Ninja.
He had possessed and tortured Lloyds soul in the events of Season 5. This possession had given Lloyd wounds under his eyes, to which the scars still show today. By the time he had abandoned Lloyds body, Lloyd was absolutely exhausted. When he had obtained the realm crystal he had put the preeminents' needs over his own, and opened the portal in order to curse ninjago and the 16 realms. However this plan failed when Nya had reached her true potential, defeating the preeminent.
In the final events Wu had tried to save Morro’s life, promising that they could start fresh. Morro however believed that he was beyond saving, and gave Wu the realm crystal before being dragged into the sea.
The events during day of the departed follow as usual, however when Morro makes amends with Wu and his soul is cleansed, he too is revived alongside Cole.
In the events that follow Morro does little himself to earn the trust of the ninja nor Lloyd. However Akako and Wu both try to attempt bonding with him again. Akako is more successful, and he loosens up just an insy bit. He eventually joins the ninja, now rocking teal lets go baby 💪💪💪💪
Him and Lloyd still have some healing to do, but itll come with time.
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nyaskitten · 5 months
I know I already rambled about how much I dislike the medium they chose to tell the FSM lore dump in "The Temple of the Dragon Cores," but it just KEEPS bothering me. With previous installments they had styles that fit, and while this style DOES fit the idea of like "they're in a big tree so wood" it's just... it feels so cheap, and like the easiest way to do it.
If depicting the Source Dragons in a normal loredump was too hard... why not just use their symbols for the loredump like you already did for the boring-ass wooden statue one...
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Day idk of me begging the writer's to give Misako a personality
IDK if ParachutingKitten touches on it in her video but the treatment of Misako in the series is awful, they build her up as someone who is capable, smart, and interesting... Only to just make her a loredump machine.
Like despite not being an EM, Wu took her on to learn spinjitzu, she did so, she married a guy she HAD to know was going to turn evil and had a child w him only to be abandoned, then raised that child before she made the difficult choice to give him up in an attempt to keep him safe, dedicated her LIFE to trying to make sure neither he nor his father/her husband had to die... Plus she's one of the few people to bring out a different side of other characters like Wu, who is such a closed book to his students aside from his occasional goofy/emotional moments
She has so much potential but she is CONSTANTLY just another damsel. Like in DotD when she and Lloyd are attacked she does NOTHING to defend the two of them which is insane, she and Lloyd should've been fighting together!!!!
It makes me irrationally angry, sorry to blow up the askbox but your thoughts tonight have my gears spinning and overheating /pos
Parachutingkitten's video DOES touch on this, and how her and a lot of other women take on the exposition-dump role when it's most convenient, and how stupid that is. It ALSO touches on how Ninjago... never touches on Misako for whatever reason which is really dumb! Whenever you have the chance actually you SHOULD watch it it's great, best non-consecutive 4 hours of my life ever.
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