#ninjago oni warlords
nameless-oblivion · 8 months
What if the Overlord was an Oni Warlord.
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Last post for the night.
Since I now headcanon Mystaké to 1. Be Cole’s grandmother and 2. Be the Oni Warlord of Deception, would that make Cole destined to be an Oni warlord?
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(Guess what. I lied. My perfectionism didn’t let me not fully color and shade the page)
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My favorite boy
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nyaskitten · 9 months
Hmm y'know what... the more I think, the more likely the idea of the Source Dragons (and hypothetical Source Oni, I won't shut up about this idea) created magical tools to allow other beings to harness their power as their own long-distance Conduits.
Wojira's Amulets and the Oni Masks are my sole examples/reasons for believing this. Wojira's Amulets are ancient, Glutinous had no idea what they could possibly have been made from, and it's likely no one else did either. But it's not like Wojira MADE those powers, no, the Amulets let her HARNESS those powers. I think maybe the Water Source Dragon could've made one Amulet, and a hypothetical Wind Source Dragon (or the Lightning one idk) made the other Amulet, and both were carried by Wojira, to spread throughout the lands.
As for the Oni Masks, when we see someone wear them for the first time, they struggle greatly, and the more they use it, the easier they are to wield. This is kinda similar to the Conduit stuff we've seen with Lloyd, the first time he passed out for days, but then the second time, it's WAY easier to use, so I could imagine both Oni and Dragon made magical tools to gift their power to those that couldn't wield it.
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weirdfelladotcom · 2 years
Okay but when I saw Garmadon's new form with that lion hairstyle, the first person that came to my mind was this oni guy ->
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(art by @joshuad17 on Tumblr)
Garmadon ->
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frootertooter · 5 months
Rewatching early Ninjago seasons really is just,, Lloyd you sweet kid, you have no idea how much you’ll go through in the coming years 😭
Basically a spoiler for the whole series vvv
The list of Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon’s misfortunes:
Having to “kill” your dad bc prophecy told you to, seeing your friend die, having to banish your dad after you just got him back, getting possessed, actually having to kill your dad to save the world, having your uncle vanish with no trace, failing your mission to save the royal family and having them die on you, getting deeply betrayed by the one you love to the point you stop trusting new people for several years, having your dad come back but not remember you + almost kill you, losing your powers during the most crucial time, thinking almost all your close friends were killed by your dad, finally getting your friends back but then thinking you lost one again, literally dying and meeting god aka your grandpa, your dad leaves you again, having to deal with an electric chicken, almost dying in a lava trap, finding out your lost friend turned into a genocidal warlord who took over an entire realm and wiped out a species, thinking you’re reuniting with the dead loved one who betrayed you but finding out she’s just a simulation before getting virtually killed, having your mom be kidnapped for months, getting framed for the assassination of a king, watching your friend almost drown to death, losing a close friend bc she became one with the ocean, seeing your other friend isolate himself in a tower for a year, getting thrown in jail, reuniting with that supposedly dead loved one who betrayed you, finding out she’s behind basically every catastrophic thing that’s been happening for the last few years + she tries to manipulate you again, finding out your dad who left you has actually been chilling in an apartment for months, seeing ur dad basically loves a plant more than you 😭, thinking you lost your dad again after you just got on goodish terms with him again, finding out he lied to manipulate you, and then the god damn merge happens 😭😭😭
Not to mention the absurd amount of times he’s been kidnapped and put in a cage,, or the fact that he’s probably gonna outlive everyone,,,,
Wildbrain/post oni trilogy era Lloyd went THROUGH it man,, and he just keeps taking more and more L’s ;0; so glad ninja never quit bc I would have quit back in season 4
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abunnsburrow · 2 years
Since we're talking about Oni recently I wanna mention something that I find interesting
The Oni that we see in March of the Oni, don't they look... sickly to you?
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Baggy skin that is practically hanging off of them, all throughout their bodies. This is strange, isn't it? It's especially interesting considering the other Oni we see, Mystake:
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See her? She's perfectly healthy! And we can't say this is age because of the fact that she's probably just as old as the rest of the Oni. She was around all the way back before Ninjago was created and was hired to assassinate the First Spinjitzu Master. Meaning that she was most likely one of the stronger Oni at the time.
This isn't just something Mystake has either, Garmadon also doesn't have this bagginess!
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So the question is, what caused these Oni to become so sickly, so unhealthy? They're powerful, able to spread destruction through a giant mist. Isn't that odd though, that they're able to do this? I mean, Garmadon and Mystake don't as far as we've seen.
My theory is because the Oni have embraced destruction fully.
Looking back at what we see of the Oni prior to their introduction in Season 10, we see that they have made multiple things. The temple, the masks, the stronghold in the first realm. Do you see a pattern here?
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They make temples, structures, and build civilizations! Sure the purpose is for war but it's still creation! They make things, they do the very opposite of what they apparently embody. They even carve pictures into their walls, making maps and telling stories, they clearly weren't just purely beings of destruction. They had a system of hierarchy based on the Oni masks being worn by Warlords.
The Oni most likely lost the war against the dragons, based on the fact that they had to flee their home realm and that there's not a single sign of one in Season 9. Now what would a war mongering species do in response to defeat?
Simple, become more powerful.
And they did! They can destroy realms now! They have become purely beings of destruction, yet they're sickly, why?
Because they don't have balance.
Their own destruction is most likely hurting them. Oni that create and have it as part of their lives, like Mystake and Garmadon(prior to being resurrected), are healthy. They have some semblance of balance and that keeps their bodies from being overloaded with destruction.
The rest of the Oni though have obsessed themselves with destruction to the point where they're destroying themselves.
Thank you for reading this if you did (:
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thecatundertheladder · 5 months
FSM during march of the oni, how they feelin'?
Eeeeeee I'm so glad you asked because the thoughts I have had about this.
First of all some (potentially unnecessary) background info.
1. So Mystake is one of The Oni Warlords. This is canon. What isn’t canon is which one. While I haven’t fully decided on which one she’s going to be I’m leaning towards Venge because of a whole backstory and character arc that I haven’t written yet. But it’s not overly important right now.
2. Mystake and the Fsm have a parent-child relationship in this au. Mystake is also one of the people he learnt to fight properly from.
3. In this au the Oni Warlords are gods. But unlike Fsm, who simply can't die, they can be killed. However their deaths aren't permanent, and they always find a way to return, whether its by healing their own bodies, or by simply constructing new ones. Though depending on who kills them it might take longer to come back.
4. Because Mystake is a Warlord herself, it the other two they took around a thousand [the time may change] or so years for them to come back after she killed them. As a result, there was enough time between the Warlords leaving to chase the Fsm across The Sixteen Realms, and all three returning to the First Realm, that The Omega had time to rise to power. However, they were no where near as as powerful or beloved as the three Warlords were, so it didn't take long for them to be overthrown again, and The Warlords restored to power. The Warlords, along with the Fsm, ended the war between the Dragon and the Oni.
But The Omega had already gained a following of Oni who either did not want the war to end, or were outraged at The Omega being overthrown. So they bided their time, waiting for the perfect moment to get revenge on The warlords beloved half-breed. This revenge, of course, involved invading Ninjago. The reason there is such a large gap in-between the ending of the war [while I haven't got an exact timeline yet, I'm thinking it ended a few thousand years before Garmadon was born] is because they were waiting for a) the Fsm to be out of Ninjago and/or distracted (the Overlord's return fits this category nicely) and b) for a natural pathway to open between the First Realm and Ninjago (like the one in the Wailing Alps.)
5. Garmadon never died, and Mystake never died either (not that is would have been permanent if she had).
6. Wu and Garmadon lost their powers when Garmadon got banished to the underworld (this is also what caused the rapid aging). Since the Overlord's second defeat, they've slowly been coming back. But during March of the Oni they are on the same power level as a regular elemental master, otherwise the probably could've have taken out The Omega's army themselves.
So as of March of the Oni, the ninja are all fully aware of both Fsm being alive, and Mystake being an Oni Warlord. However, when the Oni attack, both of them are taking a vacation in another realm, so Ninjago City is still covered in darkness.
At this point Wu and Garmadon have switched to their true forms but with their powers being weakened, it only helps a bit. They are also trying desperately to contact either their father or Mystake through either prayer or magic. However, they don't succeed until they've already been barricaded in the monastery.
When the Fsm hears his children screaming in his head for help, he is understandably worried, it's not often that their kids are in true peril after all. When they finally manage to get the story out of their kids, they are furious in a way they haven't been in thousands of years. They quickly explain the situation to Mystake, who is (almost) as livid as Fsm, before teleporting them them to the monastery.
(They cause a lot of commotion once they get to the monastery. The civilians who had sheltered had not expected two massive beings to randomly appear in there midst. Especially since one looks similar to the beings they just escaped, and the other resembles the children of God. So it's up to the ninja to calm them down. Unfortunately telling them that the First Spinjitzu Master himself has arrived has the opposite effect, but at least they're less scared now.)
Upon arrival Fsm is momentarily thrown off by the civilians in the monastery, but they have spent their entire life being noticed and stared at, so the awe and fear that the civilians express doesn't bother him.
Fsm quickly transforms their clothes into proper armour (think crystalized style) and launches themself over the monastery walls and into the battle (Mystake doesn't follow him, she knows better than to get in the way of her child when he is on a warpath). Fsm proceeds to absolutely thrash The Omega and their army; burning them, freezing them, and throwing them off of the mountain. He makes the Oni regret ever conceiving this idea. The Fsm pays special attention to The Omega, and rips out their heart with their bare claws, because how dare The Omega think that they can just take his home, his family from him. They will pay for this in the life and blood, and no being in the sixteen realms can help them now. He will wipe them from the face of Ninjago.
And for the first time, The omega truly realises that just because the First Spinjitzu Master put an end to the war, it does not mean that they are a pacifist. It does not mean that they cannot rage with all the fury and savageness of a full-blooded Oni. They are balance incarnate, this does not make them good, and it's The Omegas fault for assuming that they were.
And so the Oni are banished and destroyed by the god of the land they sought to conquer. When the fighting stops, Garmadon creaks open the monastery gates to look outside. Fsm is covered in the Oni's blood, looking (and feeling) like one wrong move from someone is going to send them into a fit of madness. But they relax a bit at the sight of their eldest child safe. After making sure Garmadon is all right, the Fsm stalks back to monastery to find the rest of his family. And also to change out of their armour and clean up because there is blood in the seams and on his face and it's gross.
Once he enters the monastery he herds Garmadon, Wu, Lloyd, and even Mystake into the monastery, and they are wise enough not to argue with him. The First Spinjitzu Master is understandably agitated, and Mystake, Garmadon, and Wu know him, and their general Oni instincts well enough, to understand that they will barely be let out of his sight for the next few days (Lloyd, at this point, hasn't really experienced the full might of an Oni's possessiveness, but he will just have to get use to it).
Eventually the rest of the ninja sort out the civilians, and set them up in a nearby village while Ninjago City is still covered in darkness (the monastery has enough room for all of them, but the ninja aren't willing to find out what the First Spinjitzu Master will do to any "intruders"). At some point, Mystake sends for the other two warlords, who clear Ninjago City of the dark fog.
So yeah, Fsm is absolutely enraged that The Omega is attacking their home, and ends up reverting to the base instincts of 'defend your territory', 'defend your pack', and 'destroy anyone who harms them'. After he calms down he ends up a bit embarrassed about how he handled it, but before he can dwell on it too much he collapses from exhaustion.
But what a way to re-introduce themself to the wider population of Ninjago.
And in case you’re wondering where Morro is in all this, he's busy vibing with Nyad, who has all her memories because this au is incredibly self-indulgent.
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Little redraw of a scene I did for Inktober day 3 (path), I'm autistic so, of course, I immediately thought of my favorite scene from the Garmadon comics!
This gives me the perfect opportunity to talk about them cause holy shit they have a huge grasp on my psyche lol (Remember this is all for fun and the haha sillies so please be nice):
The comic was so genuinely good and captured Garmadon's character SO WELL! Like they made him such a fantastic character (I thought he was before but this just reinforced it) and I loved the way it showed he was impacted by everything that happened and how he feels about himself like UGH it was so great.
Also, I'm sorry but the scene where Other Garmadon is like "Did Wu warn you or did you only wish he had?" Is so sad cause like 1) He wanted to believe someone tried to stop him, that there was someone looking out and trying to save him but ALSO 2) this means that he kinda made himself think it was HIS fault for not listening, which kinda feeds into the narrative of him feeling like there was only one path for him.
I would like to point out there could kinda if you squint be an allegory for like queerness/anyone rejected by society HERE ME OUT! This is obviously a stretch I'll admit but like the demonization of oneself, literally fighting another version of himself until he comes to accept he isn't only the bad parts of himself and can grow and change and is a person! Also, Garmadon is just kinda fruity in general side-eyeing his """"Roommate"""" Vinny Folsen of NGTV News and his WHOLE dynamic with Clouse in Tournament of Elements (Garmadon a Bi icon).
Anyway yeah I love Garmadon and yall should to, fuck crystalized, I hope we get more of Garmadon in Dragons Rising and lowkey I think it would be super funny if the first canonical queer rep in Ninjago was Garmadon an ex-warlord son of god who happens to also be Oni and just Vinny who is literally just A Dude tm.
That's all from me, I am now going to fade into the abyss until I finish the Spinjitzu Brothers books when I will surly return with new opinions! BYEEEEEE!
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
Will we ever find out how the fsm and mystake met?
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Though I obviously plan to go into deeper detail with it, it’s already canon that Mystake was one of the Oni Warlords that was sent to follow the FSM with the mission to turn him on the Oni side (or kill him). They don’t reach the Realm of the Endless Sea (now Ninjago) until long after the FSM forms the island (but before the Overlord manifests), and the FSM is well into adulthood at that point.
Mystake was the first to find and confront him, but he wouldn’t submit. Instead of fighting Mystake, he took the chance to show her what had he created and exactly what he’d hoped from his own realm. Mystake falls in love with the world and the FSM and subsequently kills her fellow Warlords and hides the three Oni Masks they brought with them, and then turns her mission into supporting the FSM in his ideals of balance.
And then, after the first sealing of the Overlord (and the Golden Essence), the FSM divides his remaining Elemental Powers into sixteen and disperses them among his most trusted companions, friends, and other individuals, creating the First Generation of the Elemental Alliance. He is not only left with the Green Element for himself, but also grants Mystake, his wife, the Element of Surprise…for there was no greater surprise in the realm to him than her unwavering support for him <3
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only-lonely-stars · 2 months
Orange is the New Black (Chapter 2 - Doppelgängers)
[Chapter 1] // [Chapter 2 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of @ninjago-fic-fest!
A rift opens in the sky above Ninjago City just as Cole continues his track record of falling from tall places. The place he wakes up in isn't the same as the one in which he fell... and who's the kid with a man bun who looks just like him?
Chapter summary:
Cole receives a few mediocre explanations and meets some "new" people.
Cole stared at the teenage boy in front of him. “Uh… care to run that by me again?”
‘Cole’ glared at him. “You’re not the Black Ninja. So who are you? Are you impersonating me?”
“No! Dude, you’ve got it all wrong.”
The boy scoffed. “Garmadon put you up to this, didn’t he?”
“Garmadon? Woah, woah, woah. I’m not working with him!” Cole crossed his arms. “Now I’m sure something weird is going on.”
“Yeah, it’s weird that you’re impersonating me!”
“No, not that kind of weird!” Cole laughed in disbelief. “Geez, kid. You gotta believe me here, I’ve already said it twice. I am not trying to impersonate you. How do I explain… it’s like I’m from an alternate dimension, okay?”
The boy scoffed, but before he could argue the shorter boy piped up, “That’s impossible. There are no alternate dimensions.”
“Actually, there are! There’s sixteen. Yours must be one of them.” Cole reached out a hand to shake his. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy was hesitant, but he shook it. “...Lloyd.”
“Lloyd Garmadon?”
“Yeah. But I’m not like him, honest!” The boy looked on edge, close to panic. “Trust me, I don’t want to be a warlord and attack the city all the time. I don’t even live with him. I just want to be a normal teenager!”
“Woah, chill!” Cole put his hands on the kid’s shoulders, ignoring how the other Cole gave him the stink-eye. “I believe you. I’ve got a Lloyd back home, and he’s not like his dad either. Our Garmadon even turned good, if you can believe it.”
Cole scoffed. “That’s not possible.”
“It is, but that’s irrelevant.”
Lloyd laughed, but it sounded a little hysterical. “My dad is an evil warlord. He cries lava! I couldn’t do that, even if I tried.” 
“Oookay, so ours doesn’t do that, but he really did get better!” It seemed convenient to leave out the part where the evil version of Garmadon had been resurrected as an Oni monster, so Cole ignored it. “Anyway, that’s not so important. Are you a ninja too? If you guys are both ninja, do you have a team? Maybe a teacher?”
Lloyd and ‘Cole’ looked at each other before Lloyd spoke. “My uncle, Master Wu, teaches us. We can bring you to see him.”
“Yeah, that’s great! I’d love to. Maybe he knows how I can get home.”
It was wishful thinking, and Cole knew it, but it would have to do. If Wu didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to think about what kind of trouble he’d be in.
Besides, this world was weird. Seeing Wu would really help. It wasn’t as good as talking to his own Wu, but it was something. Cole already missed him… and the rest of the team too, even though he’d barely been separated from them.
These days, any time apart was like a wound.
On the walk to the Secret Ninja Force’s base, Cole learned several important details.
One: The other Cole wasn’t quite the same as him. For one, his last name was Hence, not Brookstone. Cole wasn’t used to hearing his mother’s maiden name so much, but it helped to just call the other him ‘Hence’ instead of his own name. Hence didn’t seem to mind it too much, besides the odd eye-roll.
Two: Dragons didn’t exist in this world. At all. The only dragon either Lloyd or Hence knew about was Lloyd’s dragon mech, which obviously didn’t count.
Three: The Ninja kept their identities secret here. Why? Because Lord Garmadon didn’t seem to know who his son really was, and apparently, no one wanted him to know. There wasn’t a prophecy, so they could keep this going indefinitely. 
Cole remembered Garmadon being a pretty good dad when it counted, always showing up when he was needed most. Apparently in this world, he was a warlord and a deadbeat. Already, Cole’s opinion of him was in the dumps.
It was a crazy hour or so, all told, but Cole felt like he was pretty caught up on the differences… until they arrived at the Secret Ninja Force’s warehouse base.
Hence and Lloyd brought him in through the back door, expertly disguised by a neon yellow sign.
In Cole’s opinion, it was not the best hiding place.
Lloyd pushed open the door, the two gestured for Cole to enter, and Hence flanked him from behind. They came out next to a bank of bright red lockers, of the type Cole remembered from Marty Oppenheimer’s School for Performing Arts. The back was messy, filled with video game consoles and mis-matched furniture, with a clunky old refrigerator in one corner.
The rest of the warehouse was an enormous garage with a retractable ceiling, filled with six incredible mechs.
Cole was grinning at the thought of driving one when four teenagers suddenly showed up in front of him, the first skidding to a stop in front of the other three.
“Lloyd!” A brown-haired boy dressed all in red with a bandaged temple reached out and hugged him. “Hey, Green!”
Lloyd laughed softly, hugging back for a moment. “Kai, hey, what’s up.”
“Dude, we’ve been waiting for you!” Kai was about to say more when a girl stepped up, pulling out a knife from somewhere Cole couldn’t see. 
“Who are you?!” 
The rest of the teenagers gasped, but Cole snickered. “Hi. Nya, right?”
“How do you know my name?!”
“Because I know you!” Cole snickered more, glancing at Hence. “C’mon Hence, help a doppelgänger out here.”
Hence rolled his eyes, but he stepped forward and leaned one arm on Cole’s shoulder. “Guys, this is me from another dimension.” 
Four pairs of wide eyes watched them in disbelief. “What?!”
Cole snickered, even as the team crowded around and gaped at him. Their versions of Kai and Jay were curious, though Jay seemed oddly shy, and Kai had no problem with touching him and messing with his hair and gi. Cole let him, feeling oddly nostalgic. It felt like when Wu had been going through his ‘fussy toddler’ stage.
Their version of Zane– oddly robotic and with a stiff smile on his face, but with the same piercing blue eyes– trundled over and looked him up and down. “You are not a cool teenager like us!”
“Nope. Sorry, buddy, I’m almost twenty-seven years old.”
“How does it feel to be a geriatric ninja?”
Cole laughed. “Geriatric? Who are you calling geriatric, tin can?”
Other Zane turned his head in confusion. “I am not a tin can. I am a regular, teenage ninja.”
Before Cole could push it any further, he was interrupted by the quiet voice of Jay. “Why are you carrying so many weapons? What if someone sees you and figures out you’re a ninja?”
“Because it’s not an issue?”
“But ninja are supposed to keep their identities secret,” Jay insisted, slowly seeming to become more confident as he realized Cole wasn’t about to snap and eat him… or whatever weirdness this Jay expected. He couldn’t be too different, even if he was quiet, and Cole knew Jay well enough to know he never had a quiet moment inside his mind.
So Cole launched into his explanation, telling the story of how he’d arrived. The rift, landing on the football field, meeting Hence and Lloyd. It felt like telling a story to a bunch of school kids who sat on the floor with rapt attention, listened closely, and asked all their burning questions.
He didn’t mind it. Not really.
Even if Lloyd was fidgeting and pulling on his hoodie strings like he did when he was nervous. Jay buried his face in his bright orange scarf so he could barely be seen. Kai had scratches all over, most of them without bandages. Nya toyed with a knife. Zane sat too still and smiled too widely. Hence, most normal of them all, didn’t seem to be able to sit still at all. 
The whole world was knobbly and scratchy and bumpy and wrong. 
When he got to the end of the story, Cole took a deep breath and delivered his summary. “So, I’m stranded in your version of Ninjago. I think you guys are probably my only ticket back, so I need your help.”
The teenagers looked amongst themselves as Lloyd spoke for the group. “We don’t really know anything that could help.”
Before Cole could speak, he was cut off.
“Then it is a good thing I do.”
A chorus responded to the interrupting voice. “Master Wu!”
Cole looked around for the source of the voice. He found it above him, the ninja master sitting on a railing near the ceiling. Upon eye contact, he leaped from his perch, sprung off a wall, and landed as nimbly as a cat on the cement floor.
Master Wu looked at Cole with calculating eyes, shrewdness hidden under a faint layer of secrets. It was at that moment Cole knew he was truly Sensei Wu, no matter what he did or said. Only Wu could look like that. 
Wu folded his hands behind his back, his shoulders seeming a little strange as he did so. “Students, who have you brought to your secret base?”
The whole team began to protest at once, giving excuses.
“We didn’t bring him here!”
“It was Lloyd’s idea!”
“He just showed up!”
“Master, he said he’s me–”
“We are just clueless teens, Master.”
At last, Lloyd spoke over the cacophony. “Master, he says he’s another version of Cole! Cole and I didn’t know what to do.”
“Cole?” Wu raised an eyebrow, glancing at Lloyd and Hence. “So that is why you brought him here.”
“I didn’t know what else to do. He’s a ninja too, and he knows all of our names. He’s not a real stranger.”
Wu scrutinized Cole with the watchfulness Cole remembered from his first few weeks of ninja training. Seeing weak points, exploiting them for students’ benefits and drinking far too much tea… it was all present in this wizened man’s face, staring him down from where he stood. “You’re right, he is not a real stranger. Who did you train under, young man?”
“Uh… under you, Master. My version of you. It was a long time ago, I’ve been a master ninja for years.”
Wu hummed, then nodded several times. “How did you arrive here?”
Deep down, Cole suppressed a sigh. Would he have to explain the story again in full? “I just fell through a rift in spacetime. It was magenta, it looked like this place. Then I arrived, and I want to go home already.”
Wu brushed off his homesickness. Instead of sympathizing, he pulled a wooden staff out from behind him. He put it to his lips, and as Cole watched in amazement, began beatboxing and playing it like a flute. A short rendition of The Score’s “Going Home” came through, somehow sounding right despite lacking every background instrument.
Cole glanced at the rest of the team, who seemed frustrated as they rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Secretly, he wished for a camera. If only his brothers could see this Master Wu!
“Master,” Lloyd complained as Wu was coming to the end of the tune, “What do we do? We don’t know how to get Co– him home!”
Wu, finishing his ditty, brought the flute down on Lloyd’s head with a quiet thwack. “You interrupted my music. Not very ninja of you.”
“This isn’t a very ninja situation!”
“Not important. Not my problem.” Wu turned to Cole with a grave expression. “Yes, we must send you home. I know of a magical device which will return you to your own realm.”
“Really?” Cole laughed in delight. “Talk about fast.”
“Not so fast, young ninja.”
“Young?” Kai sputtered. “He’s older than all of us!”
“Hush. We must travel a long, long way… to the Wanderlust Woods.” Wu pointed toward the back wall of the warehouse with his staff. “That way, on the other side of the island.”
“We’re on an island?” Cole frowned, glancing around as if the unseen scenery could help him verify the claim. “I guess we can take the Bounty, or maybe mechs…?”
“No!” Wu now brought the flute down on Cole’s head, a thwack making his scalp sting for just a minute. “‘Cool mechs are weapons first, not vehicles. We will walk. It is not far.”
The teenage ninja all groaned. “Come on, Master, we can’t be gone that long!”
“Today is Thursday. We will go after your classes end tomorrow.”
“Master,” Zane commented, with little emotion, “we have homework.”
“And what will our parents think?” Jay added. “My mom said we’re going to the flea market this weekend…”
“You will figure out something to tell them.” Wu shook his head, clearly not amused by his students’ excuses. “Not my problem. You are ninja, you will need to find a way for yourselves to remain secret. You do not need my help.”
The six teenagers groaned, but they didn’t argue any more. Instead, they turned to talk amongst themselves. Cole heard snippets of whispered conversation, mentioning clones and call it a sleepover at my place and are we sure this is a good idea?
He tuned them out, deciding to talk to Master Wu instead. He opened his mouth to speak, only for Wu to cut him off.
“You have no place to stay here.”
Cole blinked twice. “Uh… yeah. That’s what I was going to ask you about– one of a few things.”
“Come to my ship, the Destiny’s Bounty. You will stay with me.” Wu turned and gestured with his staff, walking to the other side of the warehouse and its great bay doors. “Come. Let them decide for themselves.”
After a moment of hesitation, Cole followed him. “Yes, Master.” 
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oshawottarchive · 1 year
More about the Oni warlord stuff
All Oni warlords are made out of darkness, including Lou
Cole is partly made of darkness, giving him a slight resistance against dark magic
Lou is the Warlord of Veneer, and his original name was Lyre
Cole is the new Warlord of Vengeance, and his Oni name would be Reaper
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ask-the-oni-warlords · 10 months
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“Of course it did,” Ha’eed said, allowing a slight, proud smile to escape him. “It is the first trick any Oni in the Clan of Hatred with the gift learns, and arguably the most important. You will need practice, however.”
He reached down and grasped Pup by the scruff, lifting him over his horns to settle him on his shoulders. Tiny claws wrapped around his horns. “Will you teach me?” Pup asked. “Decer is my mentor, but she’s from the Clan of Deception. She doesn’t have the same gift.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Ha’eed agreed. “I will teach you.” Decer needs to be notified immediately, he thought. His gift already seems as strong if not stronger than mine. His own power had been the strongest the Clan of Hatred had seen in centuries. It had been one of the reasons he won his title as Warlord. He began picking his way back through the jungle, ducking lower than usual under branches as to not slam Pup’s face into them.
A slight smirk twisted his lips. But the pup belongs to my Clan after all, no matter where she found him. She isn’t going to be pleased she lost that wager.
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ninjamelissajulien · 2 years
AITA for bringing the Green Ninja’s Father back to life?
So I [16 F] was orphaned at a young age because Lloyd Garmadon [??? m] released the snakes that in turn awakened the Great Devourer that attacked Ninjago City. My parents tried to save me, but they were killed in the building collapse (rip mama and papa), this later led to me being adopted by the Worst:tm: parents ever, the Emperor and Empress. So, hating my new life as a Princess, I decided to start a cult to resurrect the late Warlord. Sure, I lied and backstabbed and blew up the palace which inevitably killed the emperor and empress and set a trap that nearly killed all of the ninja and used dark magic to resurrect Garmadon from the Departed Realm. So yeah, maybe a lot of people died, Ninjago city fell, my hero was risen from the dead because of necromancy and forbidden Oni magic, but Lloyd is upset at me. 
TLDR; raised a former warlord from the dead using dark magic and now step-bro is angry at me. AITA?
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nyaskitten · 2 years
I've decided to make the worst decision of my life; sharing my beginner art, from September 26th and October 1st, 2018
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I hate this I can't believe I'm actually sharing these.
I think these were my og concepts for the Oni Warlords? No clue
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