#ninni shepard
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Virmire! Went EXACTLY as well as expected pffff. Cried a little less than first time but felt just as dreadful. xD
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replied to your post:
“I have a problem which is: I have had like a year’s break from Mass...”
What are the downsides to B?
Not actually playing the game! Didn’t specify that very well, but basically b is like ‘play Ninni, New Shep is completely in headcanon and not actually played’
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giggleangels · 6 years
Mass Effect website: Mass Effect is a game IN SPACE and itS science AND YA SHOOT PEOPLE and also ALIEN FRIENDS!!!!
me: Thane Krios gets his son back and also shepard is there i guess???? also pretty asari ladies uwu
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Slowly picking up the gang. I’m uh. slightly terrified that I’ll mess up and people I don’t want dead get killed like last time lmao. :’D OH WELL. I AM supposed to play Ninni style so. if something happens, it happens.
Anyway: I love Kasumi a lot, Miranda is surprisingly kinda growing on me even though I never really liked her all that much before (it’s her combat dialogue haha, she’s priceless).
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Heyyyy the Lazarus Project recreated her pretty well! And then she pulled some faces and uh. did that thing with the lighting in the last one. xD
I am very happy with this. :D
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Also here’s the swimsuit edition! :D
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Finally working on ME1 one again because Monster Factory feat. Truck Shepard made me miss ME2 very intensely and I have to get Ninni there to be able to actually play it again! :D ME1 has decided to ignore whatever I’m saying about texture quality entirely (even going into the .ini files to fix it does nothing so I guess porridge texture life is my life now.
But anyway I did Feros today, and some assorted planet quests! Feros was less of a hassle this time even though I have 0 idea how to play Ninni’s class. I saved all but one of the colonists, and didn’t have to run around screaming, nearly dead, and melee-clobbering people on the head because I’d run out of anti-thorian grenades. xD I DID however have to reload a save three times because I kept accidentally destroying the anti-thorian grenades before I could equip them!
Nothe the salarian who doesn’t seem to know how to operate an Omni-Tool.
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The Alliance, probably: Ninni Shepard was a mistake.
(I love her already okay)
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The THING about the pool picture is that I’ve been emotional about the pool thing. I laugh at Samantha taking her clothes off right now immediately when she sees water that she’s not immersed in a lot when I talk about her (see also: Twitter for a little more of that, and probably more to come honestly). But the thing is...
water has a lot to do with the Shaynor romance in general - her romance scene begins in the shower (and made me cry when I first saw it), and you can have fun with her in the pool in the Citadel apartment if you romance her instead of standing outside the door to talk. Ninni isn’t super big into soaking in a bath or a pool before she’s been killed and nearly killed and then pieced together again TWICE? She was more a ‘sits on the shower floor’ sort of a person if she wants to spoil herself in water-related ways haha! But she knows that Samantha loves water and bathing so she likes to sit by the poolside and maybe splish-splash the water with her feet. I mean. it’s not like they get a lot of chances but when they can, that’s what they do. Have a shower or the very occasional bath together.
... but after the reaper war when Ninni is battered and broken and has pains and sore and stiff bits, the bath and the pool becomes her new best friend, much to Sam’s delight because this is what she knows how to make good so maybe she knows how to help a little better than she would otherwise, and... it becomes a place of healing and recovery, and comfort and being vulnerable and being there for each other for the both of them. Before it was a place of fun and intimacy, and those things still remain, but... it becomes so much more for the both of them and I want to cry (and did ahhah!).
The baths and the pool and the shower - it’s their Thing. A big meaningful thing that doesn’t seem so big until they don’t have it for a while for one reason or another and they realize how much serious talking and healing, how many big decisions, and just. stuff they’ve done in the water.
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I’d forgotten how vaguely distressed and/or sceptical Ninni looks 100% of the time in-game. xD WELL I’m not fighting with the CC and plaing from the start again just to get her to look like her art self (old art here to demonstrate haha).
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Assorted headcanons from the bus. Various characters / pairs. XD - If you don't think that Eirien will remember many many old magical theory arguments with Dorian even years later and triumphantly show Dorian a passage in a book that proves him right, you are WRONG. ('Vishante kaffas, amatus' says Dorian. 'You were right! And have an excellent memory, it seems. It's a shame this memory of yours doesn't extend to more mundane things like when you last took your medicine or where you put your paperwork.' And then he kisses Eir because he's earned his victory and deserves celebratory smooches.) - space Damir's N7 hoodie is like a size or two too big (on purpose - he likes feeling cozy) on him already; Joker practically gets swallowed up by it when he nabs it from the apartment post-game. - Ninni Shepard nearly laughs herself sick at Kanala imports because of Finnish reasons. - Contrary to how I play the game and the Mako handles in general, I think Ninni is actually a pretty conservative driver and doesn't give a lot of heart attacks to her squad while driving. Except when she really does in an emergency or something. - Ninni may not have ever worn just a normal bra? Sports bra / no bra life for her. - Ninni embraces the freedom of working with Cerberus by saying goodbye to uniform whenever she can skip it. As long as she's combat-ready when she needs to, she's happy. - I imagined Jay Hawke and Anders eventually teaching some of the tranquil and ex-tranquil mages who've never had a chance to even TRY how to swim and died a little. Both are at home in the water and if I say there's a body of water big enough to swim in nearby (albeit not as big as lake Calenhad), then there IS. It's not so close that they could heat up the sauna, go to swim, and go back to warm up in the sauna - but not terribly far either. - I saw the most amazing oven situation in a museum this weekend and almost wanna change how I think the hideout farm's big oven looks like. Nothing's stopping me so idk why I couldn't haha. XD - I still DEFINITELY think that Ninni and Traynor get a spanish greyhoung / equivalent eventually after the war. The dog's almost but not really a therapy dog for Ninni, like officially that's not what she is but having her IS therapeutic for Ninni? Gets her moving which is good for physical recovery - but is well behaved so she's very safe to work with and won't suddenly yank Ninni off her feet, and so on. Traynor often finds them asleep on top of each other on the couch or in the bed after a long day and doesn't have the heart to wake them (maybe sends a picture to dr Chakwas if she's still alive and says 'they've been working hard'). The dog's name ends up being Rauha and it makes Ninni laugh very fondly. She loves the dog very much, and so does Traynor.
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I love Ninni Shepard’s tummy in your nude by the poolside drawing. You draw her and Samantha Traynor so beautifully. Their poses and expressions are lovely. Thanks so much for sharing!
Aaaw, thank you, what a lovely message aaaaa! :D
(as for the tummy, I am yet to completely nail her body style but I love it too, she’s supposed to be a stronger and sturdier build than most of my girls and I’ll get there eventually. ^u^  I really have to draw her more TO nail it ahhah and I have so much inspiration for that too but I’M NOT HOME AND HAVE NO TIME HERE halp)
ETA: THIS is the image in question. :D
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The sudden mass effect feels made me pick up Ninni Shepard again! :D This was before I had to go into the system files to fix the damn low-res textures jhadkjhasjhdkjas. Everything looks much better now!
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High-key imagining Ninni Shepard and Traynor in a cute little house with a big tub/pool, two adopted kids (a boy and a girl), and a dog that is all leg and snout. I had hard time fitting Ninni and a dog in the same picture in my head but then I imagined a Spanish greyhound like this one angel of a dog I know and that clicked. :D It slaps people a little if they don’t cuddle it enough and doesn’t understand commands so it SOMETIMES sits on command but it’s probably an accident but otherwise it behaves like the bestest most sweet happy dog in the world. I don’t know what they DO yet but Ninni probably stays out of spotlight, and Traynor should get all the credit she deserves for being an amazing Comm Specialist.
Traynor deserves all that. And Ninni does, too. So dammit, I’m gonna give them it.
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Calm after the storm. Breathing. Post-game calm brings me life. ;u;
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Shepard no
(please somebody drag her away before she gets into trouble please)
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