#art by kirkwallgirl
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Still half half-assed but still heaps better than the one from two years ago. ^u^ Weddiiiiing!
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mikkeneko · 7 years
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Hello, One Elegant Solutions fans! :) Today I bring you a treat courtesy of the wonderful @kirkwallgirl -- an amazing commission of Neria Surana modeling the latest in Baby Bump & Apostate Chic. Also with flower crown and lyre, two must-have accessories this season in Refuge.
(LOOK at all the detail on those hems my god just look at ‘em.)
In case this manages to escape to readers not familiar with my story -- the babydaddy is Jowan, yes, they are married, and no, Surana is not a Warden in this setting. :)
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tk-duveraun · 7 years
Three different artists I follow here have run into the same problem in as many weeks. I don’t know them on a personal level, but I wish I did because they seem like very nice people. All three come across as sweet and happy only to come under fire and criticism for daring to complain about an issue that really bothers them.
@kirkwallgirl @kurosmind @awaari: this is for you.
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The defense they’re using when called out on their bad behavior is that artists “in the real world” don’t get to choose the context their work is presented in. Maybe they even present examples of famous paintings where we don’t know what the painting is of and speculation is wild.
This is bullshit.
Ever since humans invented copyright, artists have been able to legally control the context in which their creative works are viewed. You can’t just copy one of Banksy’s pieces from Dismaland and put in your art show without express permission and following Banksy’s guidelines and instructions for how it can be presented, assuming they even allow it.
But if you bring this up, what happens next? You get attacked because your art is a derivative work. It’s “fanart.” Even if you’re drawing OCs that you created, they’re derived from something else and thus you aren’t a copyright holder and can’t dictate.
Also bullshit. Derivative works and parodies are absolutely protected by copyright law. You don’t just get to have Weird Al’s parody songs for free just because they’re derived from other songs.
But these complainers won’t be deterred. They’re angry you dared to stand up for yourself and they have one final defense: tumblr hasn’t expressly removed their bad behavior therefore it must be allowed. 
I don’t respect these assholes enough to waste my time looking up the TOS for tumblr, so we’ll assume what they’re doing is technically allowed because they’re wrong either way. I’m going to rephrase something I read on http://xkcd.com :
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This is the real world. You have creative control over your works, be it art, music, prose or more. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
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taunlet · 7 years
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Thanks to some great people over on discord, I got to draw a bunch of lovely custom Hawkes and get over a big art hurdle. It’s been a lot of fun, and I made some good progress! Art level-up! 
In order: @great-fuckin-scott‘s Macaria, @supertoastyqunari‘s Leah, @legoprime‘s Avery, @quitefair‘s Indra, @arwingyoshi‘s Janus, and @kirkwallgirl‘s Jay! Thanks again, everyone! ♥
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gooseplumes · 7 years
HEY I got tagged in this neat thing by @kirkwallgirl!!
Rules: Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
ANIMAL: Otter! Neotropical River Otter, specifically 
2. COLOR(S): Red, rly warm dark brown, orange, yellow, black
3. MONTH: HMMM either June (his bday) or August (he loves summer)
4. SONG(S):  Look i have so many sam songs im gonna just do 4 -Black Sky - Greylag -Lluvia - Mateo Kingman this one is technically maxson abt sam but Hey -The Lost - Kassidy -My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit
5. NUMBER: 210
6. DAY OR NIGHT: afternoon
7. PLANT(S): torch ginger, rose, opium poppy 
8. SMELL(S): sandalwood, leather, citrus
9. GEMSTONE: ruby
10. SEASON: summer
11. PLACE(S): beaches, humid forests, their lighthouse
12. FOOD(S): seafood, garlic, rock candy, rice
14. ELEMENT(S): water and fire
15. DRINK(S): cold tea, berry juices
aaaand i tag uh @makeyourownstuffwork @rad-pax-art @sylleth 
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teamblueandangry · 7 years
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#bluesummer masterpost
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Anders and Fenris appreciation weeks! Below is a masterpost of all the works that were tagged for the event. You’ll find them sorted by theme, notated which week they were for, and alphabetical by blogger.
If you’re still working on something inspired by this event (or we missed it!), please still tag it as such when it is finished so that we can update the list with your piece!
See you all next summer! - mod mnemo
Sunday - Lust // Chastity
A Lust//Chastity art by @amarantramentum A Lust and Chastity (m!Handers) by @carabas A Lust/Chastity (f!Handers) by @dirtycorzaharkness A Lust (Anders + multiple) by @justhanderspositive F Chastity/Lust (Fenris + multiple) by @justhanderspositive F Lust//Chastity art by @protect-him F Nothing More (m!FenHawke) by @scatteringmyashes F Friends with Benefits (FenBela) by @starlanellfic A Lust // Chastity (Kanders) by @timesorceror
Monday - Gluttony // Temperance
A Gluttony and Temperance (m!Handers) by @carabas A Freedom (Kanders) by @emotionalmorphine A Temperance (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive F Temperance (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive A Drinking Habits (Fenders) by @timesorceror
Tuesday - Greed // Charity
A Greed and Charity (m!Handers) by @carabas A Army Greens (Fenders) by @dovabunny A Charitable (Fenders) by @emotionalmorphine A Charity (Justm!Handers) by @justhanderspositive F Charity (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive A Anders and Charity art by @kirkwallgirl A Charity by @o-antiva A Greed (m!Handers) by @overthinkingfeathers F Dissimulate by @scatteringmyashes
Wednesday - Sloth // Diligence
A Sloth and Diligence by @carabas A For I Am Weak (m!Handers) by @emotionalmorphine A Diligence (Justanders) by @justhanderspositive F Diligence (Zevris) by @justhanderspositive
Thursday - Wrath // Forgiveness
A Wrath and Forgiveness by @carabas A Wrath // Forgiveness by @ember-keelty A Forgiveness by @justhanderspositive F Wrath (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive A Onward to Revolution, My Love (f!Handers) by @misterwiggums A Wrath by @overthinkingfeathers
Friday - Envy // Kindness
A Envy and Kindness by @carabas A Envy // Kindness (f!Handers) by @ember-keelty A Envy/Kindness (Justfenhanders) by @justhanderspositive F Kindness (Justfenders)  by @justhanderspositive A Why Do You Help Them? by @overthinkingfeathers A Let Her Love You (f!Handers) by @pikestaff A Envy by @ponticle
Saturday - Pride // Humility
A Pride and Humility by @carabas A Pride/Humility (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive F Pride//Humility (Justfenders) by @justhanderspositive
A While the Cat’s Away (Fenders) by @1000014 A Pride Recolors X X X by @dirtycorzaharkness F The Fenders Kink Chronicles by @emeraldscholar A Hope by @littlexabyss A JustAnders art by @misterwiggums F Learning to Read (m!FenHawke) art by @rennart A And There May Your Heart Be Also (f!Handers) by @the-arkadian
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Look at the glorious piece of art @kirkwallgirl​ made for my commission! I love it so much! It’s even better than what I imagined.Just look at all the details and the patterning on the dress!
This is for the story I’m working on (hush,, I’m really working on it, I have a slowly growing scene list and everything) and these are two of the characters in it. King Tasanhin and his wife, whom he loves more than his own heart, Queen Jadja.
While they originally married out of practicality and convenience, an always existing like and respect turned into love and trust. Their relationship is one of the few things they can be certain of in a court filled with political games, social climbers and intrigue.
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valerie-royeaux · 7 years
To Do List
I’m glad you asked, @gugle1980 ! (and I’m cheering for your quick recovery. Get well soon!)
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, arts, gifsets, whatever.
1. I  bought Mass Effect Andromeda. I should be playing it, but instead:
2. I have the weekly commitment of delivering at least 5h long Dragon Age RPG sessions to my wife and a couple of friends. This is going on for 20 weeks, and they are now as Ostagar. So you can imagine. ^^
3. @element-104 and @novamm66 got me really excited about my Warden and self-insert, John Cousland (and this blog’s namesake). @ladydracarysao3 excited me to write again. So Blood & Dust, a fan fiction with him and Junia Cadash, my Inquisitor, started. First chapter is out, and it should be a loooong one, spanning from Origins to Inquisition. (And thank you for the great feedback, @mapplestrudel!!!!)
4. The fan fiction, on the other side, got me really excited, so I started this drawing, and at this very moment, I’m working on it.
I also should fix the house’s eaves-trough. But I’m not doing that. Yet. =p
Tagging @mapplestrudel, @captainceranna, @element-104, @fereldenpeach, @ladydracarysao3, @bearlytolerable, @amell-on and @kirkwallgirl. As usual, if you feel like.
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legoprime · 7 years
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I couldn’t help myself from getting another commission from @kirkwallgirl, this time of my Avery Hawke and Anders! They are absolutely gorgeous and I’ve been staring at them and squeeing to myself all throughout the day, thank you so much again for the beautiful art <3
I figure this is sometime shortly after they left Kirkwall and the rest of the gang drifted off, leaving the two of them traveling on their own together. They didn’t get much rest then except for the quiet, peaceful times in the early morning, still half asleep and getting ready for whatever was in store that day (visiting a new Circle? following rumors of apostates and keeping them safe from templars? who knows!).
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Courtesy of the wonderful, amazing @kirkwallgirl-inactive, I present to you my Theirin Royal Family Portrait!
L to R: Crown Princess Elena Theirin (named for her grandmother Eleanor), King Alistair Theirin, Queen Milena Cousland Theirin, and Prince Cedric Duncan Theirin.
In (my) canon, this was painted within the year before Milena headed off into the wilderness to the west of Orlais, searching for the cure to the Taint. Elena is about 7 and Cedric is about 2 or so, off the top of my head without looking at my written out timeline lol. Elena will eventually, many, many years down the road, become Queen. At the time of this portrait Cedric is just a prince, but in my canon Anora is Teyrna of Gwaren, and eventually chooses to name Cedric her heir (it’s her idea, not the royal couple’s at all).
It may bear mentioning that my canon is the 5 book fanfic project I’m working on, where among other things, Anora and Milena were friendly during childhood/Milena idolized the older girl a bit, and also Alistair was raised by Loghain and Celia, not Eamon, and so Anora is his sister/they have a sibling relationship (marrying her would have been way too gross, beyond the fact that he was madly in love with Milena anyway).
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Nadia is like. criminally gorgeous. I can’t get her eyes right but ehhh one day!
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mikkeneko · 7 years
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A commission for me from the unmatchable @kirkwallgirl! A while back she was offering chibi Worldstate Trio packages -- I couldn’t be happier with how mine turned out! :D
Pictured here: 
Warden Natya Brosca  (dual-wield warrior)
Champion Keanu Hawke (dagger rogue)
and Inquisitor Dian Adaar (storm mage)
Don’t mess with them! (Especially not about Anders... they all three have a soft spot for Anders.)
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fanfoolishness · 7 years
From @k4t3yk4t!
Nicknames: Ginabug, GJ, my last name
Starsign: Libra
Height:  5′4″
Last thing I Googled: god, you guys don’t even wanna know.  Uremic pulmonary edema dog.  Just because I remembered an old case and wanted to look at similar x-rays.  On my free time.  Why?  I have a problem.
Fave music artist: Far too many.  Menomena is always a good bet.  Them and approximately 500 other bands. 
Song stuck in my head: Earlier today it was “Strawberry Fields.”
Last movie I watched: Return of the Jedi.  Visits back home with my parents mean a lot of Star Wars.  I don’t complain!
Last TV show I watched: MasterChef... when my husband’s not home sometimes I start getting lonely and need voices around, and guilty pleasure shows start trickling back into my periphery. 
What am I wearing right now: My horrid scrubs.  I hate scrubs.  Most people love them because “yay, it’s like wearing pajamas to work!”  Well, they suck.  They’re confining when they should be loose and fall off your hips because the unisex sizes are enormous.  I always look lumpen and misshapen in them.  I’d rather just wear slacks honestly.
When did I create my blog: Six years ago for my vet blog apparently, wtf
What kind of stuff do I post?:  I’d hope you guys had figured this out for yourselves by now.  Mostly Dragon Age with smatterings of my other fandoms and occasional personal posts and political rage.
Do I have any other blogs?:  Too many.  Though do check out @doodlingfoolishness for my (not specially good, but at least it’s something) art!  Also there is of course @actioncoulsonadventures which sadly has not gotten much play recently.  It’s just tough because there are no AoS action 6″ action figures ;_;  I also have a veterinary blog you can figure out easily enough if I follow you, but I don’t give out the name here just because... kinda weird to write posts about compassion fatigue and cancer and disgusting teeth in the place where I write my Dragon Age romantic angst.
Do I get asks frequently?: Fairly frequently, I think!  Sometimes I am terrible at answering them ;_;
Why did I choose my URL: I had finally discovered that even though my primary fandom had faded away, new fandoms could come into my life and I could be passionate about them for a while before moving on.  Thus I figured it was better to take a username based on that process instead of tying it to one particular fandom.  It’s served me well.
Gender: She/her.
Hogwarts house:  Ravenclaw all the way, baby.
Pokémon team: Team Mystic
Fave colour:  Purples, greens and grays
Average hours of sleep: 6-7.  I’m usually fairly exhausted in the morning.  Oh well.
Lucky number: 7 but not for the reason it is for most people.  When I was a little kid I decided it was my favorite because 1) my name begins with the 7th letter of the English alphabet and 2) 7 is a prime number.  *cough* nerd...
Favourite characters: Oh my god this spans multitudes.  Hall of famers in my favorite character lineup include Mulder and Scully, femShep, Garrus Vakarian, Egwene al’Vere, Alistair Theirin, and all of my OCs.
How many blankets do I sleep with?: One when a husband is present, two without.  Dude puts out so much toasty body heat.
Dream job:  Part-time veterinarian; 3 days a week, no surgery, plenty of support staff, interesting cases, close to home.  Supplemented with income from my wildly successful fantasy novels.
Following: A lot of people, but some of my favs include @trulycertain, @crisontumblr, @kirkwallgirl-personal, and @thesecondsealmuses
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allenvooreef · 7 years
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Zevran was requested by my Patrons last month, and I couldn’t get that image out of my mind of him as a fire poi performer (from this post by @kirkwallgirl)
If you like my art, consider becoming my Patron in return for some neat rewards!
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Yesterday I did all of ONE route of The Arcana in one sitting and my neck hated me but I liked it. WHIMSY. MAGIC. INTRIGUE. 
I am fairly sure that Asra is an actual real-life cat or something. Nap wizard.
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They got the baby!  A little girl! I named her Rosa to keep Jay’s girls in every AU a variant of a Rose name. xD
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