#nino was the mvp there
*SPOILERS* for ML Episode 11: Deflagration (Transmission Part 2)
So, I just watched Deflagration and I have some things to say...
First thing I simply loved about this episode was seeing Gabriel doing the snapping fingers dance/song sequence. Our man was unhinged and insane in a really fun way (he's going crazier and crazier by the episode and i kinda love it). Especially in front of Natalie and her "no fucks given" reaction. I thought it was hilarious.
Spoilers for Emotion in the next paragraph:
Also, tanking into account that this episode comes before Emotion, where Félix does a very similar dance/song of "snapping my fingers", it seems to imply some connection between the two. I'm starting to think Félix and Adrien are sentimonster twins or something, because the similarities between Félix and Gabriel seem to indicate more than an uncle-nephew usual similarities...
On another note, that cute little scene of Djwifi was incredibly cute and I adored Nino's entire character in this episode - super suportive and ready to lead the Revolution (Resistance), eheh
However, can we please talk about Scarabella and Kitty Noire for a minute. I think Alya was really good in her substitute Ladybug role (and was a good throw back to the Origins episodes) with a good amount of foreshadowing and reasoning and to how it works and then didn't.
Kitty Noire and Zoé as a character, however, irritates me to no end. I mean no offense, she's perfectly fine, and it's of no fault of her own. I just don't like that the writers couldn't be bothered to write the redemption arc Chloé deserved, so instead doubled down on her mean girl antics (since season 3) and just created a new character out of nowhere to replace her. Like, do your job correctly, please. I know it's Thomas Astruc's fault because he has always had a strange little hate boner over Chloé - a character he created - and thus Zoé was born. But like, idk i just think her character is incredibly bland and boring (she's just too nice) and feels a bit out of place in our main cast and especially as the Bee Miraculous Holder. She doesn't feel very "queen bee" to me (or "vespera" or whatever, but you get what i mean) ...
(Also this episode was filled with the usual Chloé character assassination *sighs*, oh well...)
Zoé rant aside (sorry about that), i feel like she falls behing Alya a lot in these two episodes in terms of temporarily replacing Chat Noir: she has no relation to Adrien, has never expressed any motivation/traits taht would justify her getting the black cat miraculous; she also doesn't get any in suit moments to justify why it had to be her and no one else (at this point, Nino would have been a better Chat Noir for a narrative stand point but I guess...)
On a lighter note, her last scene with Plagg (although it felt a little "undeserved" for a lack of a better term) was quite sweet and gave me a little hope the writers will do something interesting with her character in the future (I haven't read the bible leaks, so please no spoilers in the comments/reblogs). So, here's to having hope for character development.
Anyway, all around, i think it was a good episode - nothing special but a fun little side quest where our heroes find out they have responsabilities they can't abandon (even for romance) and get saved by the Power Of Friendship (TM).
Feel free to comment on any of my points :)
Now, to thank you for reading my post/rant, have a meme (Spoilers for Deflagration and Emotion):
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kasienda · 9 months
A Miraculous Reveal - Rings True
Post Season Five - Angst w/ a very happy ending
Summary: Ladybug hits send on her text to Chat Noir, telling him who Monarch is. She tells Adrien a very different story. Adrien doesn't know what to make of it, but he thinks he deserves the truth. Thanks to @coffeebanana, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, and @nemaliwrites for the beta read. This hits just a bit harder because of your input.
Read on Ao3
A Miraculous Reveal - Rings True
I figured out who Monarch is. He’s Gabriel Agreste. Meet me at the Agreste Mansion . 
Chat Noir stares at the text and then glances up once again at the imposing statue erected in his father’s honor. Because his father apparently sacrificed himself to help Ladybug defeat Monarch. 
He shivers in the winter morning air. 
Both of those realities can’t be true. 
Chat Noir falls to the ground, his father’s oversized form blocking out the sun’s glare. He has no idea what he was feeling, but whatever it was, it wasn’t good. He just sits there, gravel from the pavement digging through his suit, barely aware of the passersby chattering about his unexpected presence. He can’t hear what they’re saying with his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest. His stomach is so sour he thinks he might throw up, and his hands shake hard enough he’s not certain he will keep hold of  his baton.
His father’s gone. 
He wished for this. Adrien wanted the man who wouldn’t let him make his own choices or live his life gone. And him being Monarch made all of that worse somehow. 
How many times had Adrien wished Monarch dead? 
Well, now he was. 
But Ladybug told him to his face, as Adrien, that his father gave up everything so he could be happy. 
Adrien can’t believe it. His father had never cared about Adrien’s happiness. That had never been more clear than when he shipped Adrien off to London to be the poster child alongside Kagami for the Alliance rings or whatever else his father had in mind. 
It’s far, far easier to believe his father had been Monarch. 
But why did Ladybug lie?
He doesn’t have to contemplate the question long. She lands next to him and he scrambles to his feet, his shoulders tense as he turns to her. She asked to meet him this morning, it’s the first time he’s seen her since he failed to show up to fight Monarch. Is she angry with him? She doesn’t look angry, but she doesn’t look happy either.  
She very noticeably does not look at the monument. 
“Can we talk anywhere but here?” Her voice shakes. And it’s amazing how just that small sign of anxiety from her makes his own turmoil abate. 
For the moment, at least. 
He clears his throat. “Lead the way.” His voice sounds like gravel. 
She takes off, and he launches himself in pursuit, not paying any attention to where they’re going. He just follows the flash of red as he always does.
They eventually settle on an ordinary rooftop away from prying eyes. She doesn’t speak. She stares at the blank brick wall in front of them as if it holds all the answers of the universe. 
Every moment of silence eats at him, bringing back the clammy feeling in his neck and the sour churn in his stomach. He can’t stand it. 
She glances at him and visibly swallows. 
“Are you okay?”
Her hands grip the edge of the roof and her gaze drops. She shakes her head and her eyes well with tears.
His hand covers hers immediately. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
She leans into his shoulder and his arm comes around her immediately.
She breaks down into tears immediately, and he just holds her as she cries herself out. 
“I wish you were there,” she whispers, and his chest tightens in guilt. “I don’t know that it would have made any difference, but–” her head nuzzles further into his shoulder, “–I would have felt better with you there.” 
“I’m sorry,” he croaks again. He shouldn’t have given into his nightmare. He could have broken out of his father’s prison. It apparently wouldn’t have even mattered that it would have revealed his identity.
Monarch was dead. 
She shakes her head. “You couldn’t have known. I didn’t know either. I was there for another reason entirely.” 
He wants to ask what that reason was, but now that she’s talking, he’s unwilling to interrupt. 
“Discovering his identity was an accident. The miraculized robots were everywhere. They were tracking my active miraculous somehow. I had to detransform. He had me cornered. Thank god you sent Plagg. The tides shifted then! And I had him!”
Her face falls and she buries her eyes in her closed fists. 
“I was so stupid! I thought I could convince him to give it up for Adrien.” 
His throat tightens. It isn’t surprising that his father wouldn’t. But hearing her say it still somehow hurts. 
Adrien had never been enough, not for his father.
He blinks furiously to fend off the unwanted tears.
“So why is there a statue of Monarch in the middle of Paris?” he croaks. “Why did you lie to Adrien?” 
He doesn’t mean for it to be an accusation. He needs to know. 
But she recoils violently. “It wasn’t a lie!” 
He frowns. “But—“
Her face crumples and her body shakes like an earthquake. She breaks down into wracking sobs all over again. “I lost , Chaton. I trusted him. I wanted to be able to heal their relationship. He took all the miraculouses - including the Ladybug and the Black Cat. He made a wish.”
Adrien sucks in a breath. 
“But something I said must have gotten through because he changed his wish. He didn’t wish for his wife to be revived. He joined her in death instead. Then all the miraculouses minus the butterfly were returned to me. Before he did it, he asked me to make sure Adrien remembered him fondly.”
Adrien tastes bile. Seriously? His father wanted Adrien to think well of him? 
“So I only told Adrien the good parts. But I didn’t lie . Gabriel did sacrifice himself for his son’s happiness in the end. He did help me defeat Monarch.”
Adrien’s claws dig into his knee. His father may have said he did it for Adrien, but that’s what he always said. That’s what he said when he wouldn’t let Adrien have a birthday party, or go play music with his friends, what he said when he had forbidden Adrien from being with Marinette and when he had Adrien shipped off to London. 
But none of it was ever actually for Adrien. It never was. 
His father hadn’t needed to make a wish at all. He didn’t have to leave. If he wanted Adrien to be happy, he could have come back and done things differently. “But it’s a lie.”
She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Doesn’t matter?!” he echoes hotly. “That’s what Gabriel did to his son all the time. Lied to him, made choices for him about what he was allowed to know and do, what Adrien was allowed to feel . He locked him up and sent him away from the people he loved most!”
His heart rises to his throat, his chest heaves up and down. 
Ladybug stares at him, her eyes wide. “How do you know all that?”
He tries to meet her gaze, but he can’t do it. He feels exposed. 
“And now you want Adrien to remember that man fondly?! Want him to think that his pain and frustration and anger are all something he imagined?!”
She cries harder. “But he deserves better than Gabriel,” she sobs. 
Chat Noir took both her shoulders and squeezed them gently. “He deserves the truth. You need to tell him, M’lady.” 
And he’s being ridiculous. He already knows, so what does it matter? 
He just wants her to be the one to tell him.
“But how do I do that?” Her words are barely louder than the wind. Tears slipdown her face. 
“He deserves to know,” he says again.
She leans back into Chat’s chest. “You’re right. I just— I wish he didn’t have to go through all this.” 
“He won’t be alone.” 
He has Marinette, Nino, and Plagg.
He has her .
Ladybug doesn’t show up that night. Or the next. Adrien spends each evening pacing back and forth in front of his stupidly large glass window. He purposely kept his evenings clear - sending Marinette home early and begging Nathalie to let him eat alone in his room. 
He was trying to make it easier for Ladybug to approach him. 
But still, she hasn’t come. He doesn’t understand it. What is she waiting for? Does she not trust him as Chat Noir? Does she think Adrien can’t handle the truth? 
Adrien throws himself backwards onto his bed. Each day he proves more irritable than the last, prone to snapping at everyone around him — even Marinette, who’s the absolutely last person who deserves his ire.
Five excruciating days later, she stands before him, wringing her gloved hands and all the tension that had been building up inside him like water against a dam for days, releases. 
She’s here. She’s going to tell him.
He smiles at her. “What can I do for you, Ladybug?” he asks.
She doesn’t meet his gaze. She’s so worked up, he almost feels bad that he pushed her into this. He could have just volunteered as Chat Noir to talk to Adrien himself. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
She laughs darkly, and looks at him. “You should not be asking me that. I just… I have some things that I need to tell you, things I should have told you before. C-can we sit down for this?” 
“Of course!” he says, walking her to the couch. “Can I get you anything?” 
“No, no! I’m fine,” she says. “You should sit too.” 
He sits next to her. She’s vibrating in her seat. Her legs are bouncing, her hands are fidgeting, she looks at him only to look away immediately. 
She bolts to her feet and starts pacing in front of him. His eyes follow her. 
“So umm…” Her hands flail around her. “You know how I told the city that your father helped me defeat Monarch?” The words come out of her in a rush, like she’s afraid if she stops she won’t get them out. 
“Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Your father—” she looks at him now. “Well, he was Monarch.” 
And there it is. The words are out. He almost wants to laugh. Instead, he lets out a heavy sigh.
“Are you okay?” she asks, kneeling down in front of him, and taking his hands. 
He smiles again, and nods. “I… okay is not the word, but maybe? Thank you for telling me. It’s relieving in a way.”
“Relieving?” she repeats, her eyebrows arching in disbelief.  
“Yeah, thinking of him as a hero after everything he had done to me… it didn’t feel right, but being angry with the person who helped Ladybug save all of Paris— well, that didn’t feel right either.” 
“I— I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”
He squeezes her hand. 
“Why are you letting the whole city believe he was a hero?” he asks. It’s still the one bit that doesn’t make sense. 
She offers him a pained smile. “Because I didn’t want anyone to know you had any association with the villains.”
He frowns. “You don’t need to do—“ 
She shakes her head sharply, cutting him off. “There’s more to it than that. This next part, Adrien. I…” she bites her lower lip. “I haven’t told anyone. Not even my partner.”
Every muscle in his body locks up. 
“This is too sensitive, too personal. I feel like I shouldn’t even know.” 
Her hands tremble, and he shivers.  What could be so awful that it was worth letting all of Paris believe Monarch was a hero?  
Ladybug’s finger taps the rings on his left hand - and he glances down at his parents’ wedding rings. 
“These aren’t ordinary rings. They’re amoks.”
“Amoks?” he repeats. “Like for a sentimonster?”
“Sentibeings,” she corrects. “These are your amoks.” 
Did his father leave sentimonsters running around? Ones that Adrien is now responsible for? How awful was—
Ladybug watches him carefully. She’s biting her lip again, her eyes wide, clearly bracing herself for his reaction. 
He missed the mark. The rings are suddenly all he can see. These are his amoks. 
He hunches forward, his shoulders feeling like lead. He gasps for air that won’t fill his lungs. It feels like the ground has opened up underneath him and swallowed him whole.
Ladybug’s arms wrap around him, she cradles his head against her chest. She strokes his hair like he’s a small child needing to be soothed.
“I’m a… sentimonster.” 
She shakes her head violently. “Senti- being. ” 
He laughs, the sound hysterical and unbelieving even in his own ears. 
“But yes, you were created with the peacock miraculous.” 
He’s a sentimonster. 
His whole life is stored in a pair of rings . 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you this,” Ladybug says, tears slipping over her mask. “I wish you didn’t have to know.” 
His eyes fly up to her face. Ladybug almost didn’t tell him. If Chat Noir hadn’t convinced her, would he have ever known?
Suddenly, he’s furious. “You weren’t going to tell me.” 
“Adrien, I swear I returned the rings to you the second I understood what they were.” 
“What if I had taken them off or given them away?!”
Then her words catch up to him. 
“Wait. You didn’t give me these rings. It was… Marinette?” 
Her eyes flood with tears. It’s confirmation enough. 
He scuttles backward so fast the couch tips over. He shoves himself across the floor further, needing to be away from her. 
“Adrien! Please!” she begs, reaching for him on her knees. 
She’s Marinette. 
He sobs brokenly, shaking his head. “I don’t understand! Why would you keep this from me?! I thought Ladybug, at least, had no idea what my father was like. But you? Marinette! You stood against him time and again. And now you cave to him?! To lie to me?!” 
“I didn’t want to hurt you! I wanted you to be as happy as possible given everything that has happened.” 
He caves in on himself - he cradles his neck, and buries his head between his knees, rocking back and forth. 
“Adrien?” she asks, her hand hovering over his shoulder. He flinches from her, and she backs away. 
“I’m sorry!” she cries. 
“You know, when I read your text the first time, I felt relief . My father was Monarch. That sucked, but it also felt like a puzzle piece had snapped into place. Something that made sense .” 
“What text?” 
“Then you showed up to talk to me, and you fed me a completely different story! My father, a hero?“ he laughs bitterly. 
“When I told you that you needed to tell me, I didn’t think it mattered because I already knew. I wanted to hear it from you.”
Her eyes blow open wide and her mouth falls open into a horrified “oh”. 
“Chaton?” she asks, her voice cracking.
“If I hadn’t done that, would you have ever told me?” 
Her cries only intensify and she doesn’t answer him, but for once, he’s unmoved by her tears. He can’t ever remember being so angry with her. 
“You’re just like him.”
The look on her face is pure devastation. He can’t bring himself to care. 
“I’m so sorry,” she sobs. 
“Why didn’t you just use the rings?” 
“What do you mean?” Her voice is so quiet he barely hears her. 
“If you wanted me to be happy, couldn’t you have just ordered me to be happy?”
“Adrien! That’s horrible!” 
“Is it?! How is it any different than what you did?! You told me lies to manipulate my feelings! Made me believe in something that you knew wasn’t true. The rings just would have made it easier.” 
“I would never do that to you!”
“But you did!”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t understand! I never wanted to hurt you. I love you.” 
“That just makes it worse.”
“Adrien, please.” She reaches for him again. And he pulls away. 
“I can’t do this right now.” 
She stares at him, her eyes glassy. “Adrien–”
“Just go!” he shouts. 
And she does. And he’s not entirely certain that he wants her to come back. 
She keeps calling him. She calls him so many times that first night he loses track. She leaves him messages almost every time. He listens to every single one the second it comes in. 
She apologizes profusely again and again. She cries until her voice is sandpaper, and then she cries more. She understands why he’s angry and she knows what she did wrong. 
He wants to forgive her. He does. 
But he doesn’t know how.
Two days go by, and he still doesn’t take any of her calls. But he continues to listen to every message. 
His phone rings again, but it’s Alya. 
“Hey, what’s up?” he answers cautiously. 
“How are you doing?” And it’s definitely Alya talking — not Marinette and he relaxes. 
“That depends.” 
“Are you asking because you want to know, or because Marinette does?”
“I won’t tell Marinette anything if you don’t want me to, but whatever happened between the two of you, know that she has always loved you.” 
He squeezes his eyes closed. He doesn’t even doubt that. But his parents had loved him too. He twists his amoks around his finger. That hadn’t stopped either of them from controlling and manipulating him. 
“Sometimes love isn’t enough,” he says. 
Alya’s silent for a moment. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” she asks softly.
“I didn’t used to,” he admits. “But now… now, I don’t know where I stand with anyone.” 
“I can only imagine how hard it must be to process everything about your father.” 
“Yeah, everything about my father,” he echoes dully. Alya doesn’t know even half of it— 
“It’s so messed up,” she commiserates. “Especially given who you all turned out to be.” 
Unless she already knows all of it. Because she’s Ladybug’s best friend! 
“How long have you known?” he asks, trying to keep his tone even, but it probably just comes out cold. 
“Known what?”
“That I’m Chat Noir, she’s Ladybug, and my father was fucking Monarch?!”
“Adrien, listen—“
Adrien’s tired of listening. 
“—she had a total meltdown.” 
“She told you before she told me, didn’t she?” 
He’s shaking his head even though she can’t see him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I thought it should come from her! ” 
“Did she also tell you I’m a sentimonster and she wasn’t going to tell me?!”
“A what?! Adrien!—“
He hangs up. He tries to take solace from the fact that Marinette hadn’t told Alya or Chat Noir about Adrien being a sentimonster. She had some lines she wouldn’t cross at least. 
But it’s not enough. She hadn’t planned on telling him either. 
He twists the rings on his finger. What if he had taken them off? 
It’s the thought he can’t shake.
He calls Nino.
“Hey mec! What’s up?” 
“Tell me you didn’t know.” 
“Know what?” 
“Did Marinette or Alya tell you about me?” 
“Umm… I thought you already knew that Marinette liked you since you guys have been dating.” 
And despite everything Adrien bursts out laughing. Nino definitely didn’t know anything. 
“Dude! What is going on?”
“Can I come over?”
“Anytime, mec!” Nino exclaims enthusiastically! “You never have to ask.”
Adrien barely has time to knock before Nino whips the door open and yanks him inside and into a hug. 
Adrien lets himself relax. Nino didn’t know anything. Nino never lied to him. If anything, Nino was stupidly forthcoming about his own secrets. 
He can trust Nino. 
Which gives him an idea. A terrible idea. 
“Dude! How’ve you been holding up?” 
Adrien shrugs. Before he can overthink it, he slips both of his amoks off his finger and presses them into Nino’s hands. 
“Put these on,” he says.
Nino looks at the rings. “Are these wedding rings?” Nino asks. 
“Technically, yes.”
“You proposing, mec? You could at least buy me dinner first.” 
Adrien doesn’t laugh. “Just put them on. I want to try something. I’ll explain after.” 
Nino slips the rings on without any hesitation. “Okay. Now what?” 
Because Nino trusts him. 
“Tell me to do something weird.” 
“Weird like what?”
“I don’t know, something I wouldn’t normally do.” 
Nino pulls out his phone and puts on a dance remix. “Alright dude. Dance like you’ve never danced before.” 
Adrien throws himself into the moves, rolls with the music Nino’s music, he tells himself. It doesn’t feel like a compulsion. It feels like he wants to do it - almost like it’s his own idea. But he can’t stop either. And he wants to cry. 
How many times had he tried to stand up to his father only to immediately fold once standing before him?
Even his maman! How many times had she sweet talked him into cooperating? She had always said he was an easy child. All he had ever wanted was to make them proud. Was any of it him? 
Nino stops the music.
“Dude! You’re crying.” 
He is, and yet, he’s still dancing. Another sob tears from his throat. 
He’s not human. He’s a sentimonster, a puppet on strings, a plaything for his parents’ amusement.
“Stop it! What’s wrong?” Nino asks, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
Adrien’s limbs still, and he falls to his knees, sobbing.
Nino is on the ground right next to him an instant later. “Talk to me, please.”
Adrien knows with that command, he can technically talk about anything, but he had come here to talk about one thing in particular.
“I’m a sentimonster,” he gasps. “I’ve been a sentimonster my whole life. Those,” he points to the rings on Nino’s pinky and ring finger, “are my amoks.” 
Nino’s expression falls off his face. Then he tears the rings off his hands and slams them up against Adrien’s chest. 
“Why would you ever give these to me?! Why would you give them to anyone?!”
“I just… wanted to know how they worked, what it felt like. I didn’t think you would use them if you knew.”
“Damn right, I wouldn’t!” Nino roared, his chest visibly heaving. “Please don’t put me in that position again!”
Adrien nods. “I’m sorry.”
“What the hell is going on? What do you mean you’re a sentimonster? They haven’t been around that long. Are you some kind of copy of my best friend?” 
Adrien shakes his head. “I’m the original, one and only, Adrien Agreste. My father had the butterfly and the peacock since before I was born, and apparently for some reason —“ that Adrien hadn’t had time to even think about, let alone figure out. “—they raised a sentimonster instead of having a child using more natural methods.” 
“Wait! Your father had the butterfly?! But that means—“
“He was Monarch,” Adrien says before Nino can. 
“But Ladybug said—“
“Yeah well, Ladybug doesn’t have the best relationship with the truth,” he says bitterly. “She’s just like my father.” 
Nino looks more shocked by that than anything else Adrien has said. 
“What?” Adrien asks, unable to interpret Nino’s silence. 
“Dude!” Nino exclaims like that explains everything. “You’ve always been Ladybug’s biggest fan!” 
“That was before she tried to lie to me about my father! She wasn’t even going to tell me about being a sentimonster! She gave me back these rings without saying anything! What if I had lost one or taken them off? Or gave her one when I proposed?!”
“When you proposed?” Nino echoes. “To Ladybug?” 
Adrien thunks his head against the wall. He hadn’t lasted twenty-four hours with her identity. She’s going to kill him.
“Can we pretend I didn’t say that?” 
Nino’s head cocks to the side. “Marinette is Ladybug. Huh.” 
“That doesn’t surprise you?” 
“That’s definitely the least surprising thing you’ve said today. Not surprising at all really,” Nino says. “Okay, so we’re pissed at Maribug—“
“—because she didn’t tell you about your father being an even worse dick than we already knew. And she didn’t tell you were a sentimonster. But then, how did you find out?” 
“She told me.” 
Adrien sighs. He’s already screwed as it is. “She told me as Chat Noir.”
Nino is silent again. “You’re Chat Noir.” 
“And your dad was Monarch.” 
“Mec! That’s so messed up.” 
“Tell me about it.” 
“So Maribug told Adrien the same thing she told the city?”
“Yeah, that he died a hero helping her defeat Monarch.” 
“Gross,” Nino says. “Why would she want you to remember him with rose colored glasses?” 
“I don’t know!” 
“Do you think she killed him?” 
Adrien freezes. The thought had never occurred to him because it’s incomprehensible. “No. There’s no way.” 
“And she told Chat Noir - not knowing that she was talking to you - that you’re a sentimonster?” 
“No, she only told Chat Noir that my father was Monarch.”
Nino hums. 
“Just say it,” Adrien says. 
“Well, I get that you’re pissed. I think I am too on your behalf. But I don’t think Marinette is anything like your father.” 
“Go on.” Adrien wants to forgive her. He just needed a way to get there in his own head. 
“The difference is Marinette did tell you.” 
“She wasn’t going to. I had to talk her into it.” 
Nino nods. “ Exactly. She wasn’t going to, and then you explained your perspective and she changed her mind. She recognized that she was wrong, that you were right and she did what Marinette always does. She tried to fix it. Your dad would have only doubled down.” 
“Or tried to akumatize someone over it,” Adrien adds darkly. 
“Dude! He’s akumatized like every single one of your friends.” 
His father hadn't wanted him to have any friends. Had his father ever seen him as a real person? 
“Nino, do you still care about me knowing that I’m not real?” 
“What the fuck kinda question is that? One, yes! I care about you more than almost anyone on this planet. And two, you are most definitely real .” 
Adrien’s crying again, but Nino quickly seizes him in a hug. Adrien buries himself in Nino’s solid embrace, and he knows he’s going to be okay even if he’s not there yet. 
It’s been four days since he shouted at Marinette to get out of his room. 
She’s still calling him, and he covets every message, as a sign that she loves him despite what he is, that she hasn’t given up on him, or on them. He listens to them the second they show up, though he still hasn’t been able to bring himself to respond, though he thinks he might be getting close. He did send a message through Alya that he just wants some space and he’ll let her know when he’s ready to talk.
Most of her messages are similar in nature. She apologizes over and over, tells him that she loves him, and that she’ll do anything to make it up to him. She just doesn’t know what that is. 
He thought that he might feel vindicated or something hearing her so small and contrite, but he doesn’t. He feels awful because as much as he was hurt, he doesn’t want her to hurt either. 
He loves her. 
Then her last two messages were drastically different in content. 
“I learned that you were a Senti from Felix.” Her voice is subdued, like she’s narrating from a script. “He and Kagami are both sentis as well. They asked Ladybug for help.” 
Figured that Felix told Ladybug without even telling him .
“I’m not sure they want anyone to know that, but I guess… even if you—“ her voice cracks and his chest clenches at the pain in her voice. “—even if you can’t forgive me, I-I just wanted you to know you’re not alone.”
She’s openly sobbing now. “I love you.” 
The message abruptly ends.
The second message that day comes in hours later. 
“I got Kagami to bully Felix into letting me talk to Dusuu!” Her voice is so different from the previous call. She sounds excited. She sounds like Ladybug with an idea. “The original amoks didn’t have a mind control feature. That was something the Guardians added at the same time they added it to the miraculouses to be able to control the Kwamis. If they added it, there’s gotta be a way to take it away, right?” 
“I have a plan to free you all from your amoks. But there’s a hiccup. We’ll need the butterfly so I can give you the power to see your spiritual connection to the ring so you can cataclysm only the part that can control you. I know it’s dangerous. And we don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable, and we don’t have the butterfly right now anyway—“ 
Adrien smiles as Marinette rambles on. How had he never realized Ladybug and Marinette were the same? They think out loud in the exact same way. 
Even though he asked for space, even though he wasn’t talking to her, even though she wasn’t certain they were going to remain a couple, she was still fighting for him. 
He transforms immediately and lands just outside the bakery. He’s not sure if she’s even home, but he hopes that she is. 
He takes the stairs two at a time. He hesitates before knocking. And before he can bridge the gap, the door flies open of its own accord. 
Marinette drops her purse and stares at him. Her eyes are red and her usually neat pigtails are half falling out and completely uneven. She’s still in her pajamas though she had thrown a coat and a scarf over them. 
She has never looked more beautiful. 
He offers her a wobbly smile. “I’m sorry. You’re on your way out. I can— I can come back.” He starts to turn around. 
She grabs his wrist. “No! Please don’t go.” Her voice is hoarse, and faint, like she’s afraid if she’s too loud he’ll bolt. “Wh-what do you wan— I mean, need? What do you need?” 
He eyes her grip on his wrist, and she instantly lets go, and suddenly can’t meet his eyes. 
“Can we talk?” he asks. 
She nods. Her eyes are downcast, her shoulders are hunched in, and her arms are wrapped around her stomach. She’s been tearing herself up for all the days he didn’t speak to her. 
“Hey,” he says softly. “Can you look at me?” 
She does, but her eyes water immediately, and he yanks her into his arms.
“It’s going to be okay,” he assures. 
She falls to pieces in his arms. He rocks her harder, kisses her hair, and continues to hold her. 
“I’m so sorry,” she sobs. 
“It’s… o—“ he cuts himself off before he can say it’s okay. Nino told him that was the one sentence he wasn’t allowed to say. “It’s going to be okay,” he says again. 
She shakes her head. “No, I’m awful. I don’t know what I was thinking! You’re right to be so angry. You’re right to hate me!” 
He laughs, and then cups either side of her face. Her blue eyes fill with tears and he aches for her. “M’lady, I could never ever hate you. I was hurt.” 
“Of course you were!” 
“And I needed some space.” 
She nods against his hands. 
“But I’ve been thinking, and Nino made me realize that I actually should be thanking you.” 
“Thanking me?! For what?!”
“Because you told me.” 
“But I wasn’t going to. Not until you convinced me to.” 
“But then you did. You listened to me, and you trusted me as Chat Noir, and then you told me as Adrien. And I’m glad that I know now. I needed to know. No one else was ever going to tell me. And so, I’m really glad I have you, that you respected me enough to tell me this hard truth about my own life. My parents didn’t tell me. Nathalie never did, though she had to have known. And I don’t think she ever would have. Even Felix, and apparently Kagami, didn’t tell me though you think they’d get it better than anyone.”
“But I should have told you right away. I never should have lied.” 
He shrugs. “Yeah, that’s true, but we all make mistakes. And when you realized you were wrong, you tried to fix it.” He held up his phone. “And you’re still trying to fix it. Even though it’s hard, even though I didn’t take it well. You still told me the truth when no one else did. And I just— I love you.”
He presses his forehead to hers. “Even when you make mistakes, even when you really piss me off, even when you’re not perfect, I love you. And I don’t think that will ever not be the case. Thank you for telling me, thank you for giving me some space to figure stuff out on my own, and if you’ll still have me, may I still be yours?”
“If I’ll still have you?” she repeats, aghast. “Shouldn’t it be if you’ll still have me?”
He shrugs again. “I’ve already said I still want to be your partner in every sense of the word, but I’ve had time to think about it while you were sending me message after message that you loved me. Even though I’m not even human.” 
Her face contorts into pure rage. “Adrien Agreste! You are the most beautiful human being I have ever met in my life! You are kind. You give people second chances. You are persistent, and brave, and you have the dorkiest sense of humor. You drive me absolutely insane both with and without a mask, and I am so stupidly in love with you, I will absolutely still have you! And if you think—“
He cuts her off with a kiss. He’s going to spend the rest of his life with this girl if he has anything to say about it. 
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phantomjesterrr · 4 days
Started playing Path to Nowhere. Here's my main team after a few months of on-and-off grinding IF YOU EVEN CAREEEEE!!!!!! /j
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Biancaaaa!!! Her event was the one playing when I first started. SHE'S SO COOL!!! Her special attack thing is so neat with the camera. I love her personality but don't like her design that much. Not because it's bad but because she looks WAY too much like my mom XD
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EMP!!! She's cool. Literally MVP, she's been here since the start. I love how big her ego is. No place in Syndicate is big enough to hold it. In terms of battle power she's good. She has such a long range cuz of her bow and arrow and it has saved my ahh in battle SO MANY TIMES!!! She's so reliable!! I want to see her and Wendy interact again. I've connected with that one line of dialogue she dropped about Wendy at the start of the game HEHEHEHE
Also does her name stand for something? I dunno.
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The doctor has arrived. AHHH DOCTOR IRON!!!! I did her interrogation and she's so neat. Her relationship with Anne is so tragic though, at least as I see it. Under better circumstances they could be happy together urghhhhhhh... NGL I had trouble understanding the SALVA part of the story but from what I remember... she like... was under the influence of Mania but suppressed it to try and keep helping at the hospital?? I think??? I'm gonna re-read it but that's what I remember. Correct me if I'm wrong. If she's really that selfless WOAH what a cool gal. And that scene with Ted actually had me shivering in my timbers.
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Luvia Ray! Cool name. I actually don't know anything about her yet. In terms of story, I'm only up to the part with us and Zoya fighting the inheritance so idk if she comes up in the main story like EMP and Iron do. She's funny though. And her special move is crazy good.
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I thought he was Zoya when I pulled him and was so sad, but HEY IT'S SOMETHING SO?? Overall, I don't know much about him. I really only skimmed his profile. Though I love having this big edgy guy on a team full of baddies. I imagine he'd be like... sad uncle of the group. He's my frontline fighter under most circumstances cuz of his special move thingy. I like his boots. I WANT THEM!!! I'm curious to what happened to his nose tho. Wanna do his interrogation soon.
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WENDYYYYY!!! She was my fav from the start when she arrived at the function with a chainsaw. At first I had a surface level connection with her, being "ooo crazy chainsaw girl :3!" but then I did her interrogation and actually cried at the ending scene with her backstory. She deserves to love and be loved and be happy. WENDYYY!!!
I love this team!!! I wanna trade Luvia and maybe EMP out for Nino and Cinnabar but this is the wrap right now. ARGH IM STARVING FOR RESOURCES!!!
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baenyth · 6 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 3-20: Party Crasher
This is the weird episode where Kim gets a Miraculous and Adrien's stalker (I'm still hesitant to call Marinette a stalker, despite her potential) gets akumatized and grows a mustache. Yeah.
They're FRIENDS!? The love square is a doomed relationship. Either that or I'm too harsh on Wayhem.
Oh, is this one of those "throw party while your parents are gone" episodes?
Alright, that hologram was a devious trick. I love it. And the lore for where Hawkmoth gets his butterflies. Also is Gabriel just going to hide in his secret rooms all weekend?
Boys party! Except for Nathaniel, for some reason. Is he too busy working on his comic with his boyfriend? Is Nathaniel even part of the boys' friend group?
Or not? Why wasn't he there then?
*Ditches a tree planting which would honestly be short with their muscle, forcing the girlies to do it all by themselves*
*Bribes Adrien's real dad with rare action figures*
*Didn't tell Adrien about their plan*
Oh phew. Marinette's on investigation duty. Still odd that she wasn't honest, though.
Discount YMCA
Oh, there they are. They were just late or something.
Wait, Marinette this is exactly what I feared you were doing, ditcher. Mylene Disrespect.
*Steals the power supply from the Agreste Mansion, putting Gabriel into crisis mode*
This is getting dumb and weird. What's Luka doing here? Is he possessed or something? He Would Not Fucking Do This. Or at least his sister should scold him or something.
The Chloe makeup joke was good, though.
Master Fu as well!? Hawkmoth could be here!
Oh my god the gorilla has earplugs in
Oh. That's where the mustache comes from.
King Monkey's alright, though. His powers are cool and I like how he glitches stuff up.
This episode doesn't end in Alya and the rest of the girlsquad chewing out the boys and Marinette (except for Adrien he's innocent) while Juleka pulls Luka by the ear in the background. This is objectively worse than Chameleon.
Disrespectful. Disrespectful! DISRESPECTFUL! This episode got me to side with the guy that chased after Adrien for an entire episode the last time he had a big presence. Nino was the anti-MVP of this episode. Marinette is still bad and she gets away with it as always. F tier episode. Mylene Disrespect. Disrespect of all the girlsquad minus Marinette, which means it's Juleka Disrespect again. This show just loves to disrespect her.
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sweetcloverheart · 10 months
Okay, I think enough time's past that I can say this -
I feel like the use of Ladybuquity in the Paris Special sort of undercut Alya's role
I honestly really liked Reversed!Alya Akuma form and enjoyed the concept of the powers (Being able to connect to alternate versions of yourself to let your allies portal-hop to other dimensions is very cool and I genuinely wished they had explored/expanded on it more), so it was kind of...embittering(?) when the special turned around at the last second and went "Actually, we're going to give those super cool powers to Ladybug now and make Alya stand on the sidelines" (which is a problem when one of the core messages is how without her, Marinette would be going around stabbing people with giant magic polkadotted swords). I mean, couldn't they have had Alya share her powers with Marinette (We're seen and know Akuma can posses two people at the same time)? Or had Alya connect to her other selves, warned their Maribugs about Monarch, and then had Marinette and Adrien portal jump to help them beat up Gabriel? I mean, don't get me wrong, Ladybuquity's outfit and the AU cameos rocked, and Alya was MVP for avoiding the deadly duo, managing to steal Sabine's phone, and helping Marinette out with her plan to trick Monarch into thinking he got rid of their only Akuma ally, but it kind of sucks that all the latter really got to do with as Ubiquity is get tied up and being piloted by her reverse self to get used as an interdimensional taxi.
Actually, I wish they had used the "connecting to alt-selves" thing more - like have reverse!Alya talk to Canon!Alya through their link/with her powers, have her notice differences and similarities between them and comment on the canon universe, have them compare their Ninos, have them talk about their families, hell have them talk about Marinette and go deeper in their relationship and how it's changed/affected canon!Alya and hint at Reverse!Alya wanting to get to know/help reverse!Marinette (especially if, again, you're going to make the argument that she's the only thing standing between Marinette going full JD on all of Paris)
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captorations · 11 months
it really feels like this special was written specifically for me. we've got lore. we've got alya mvp. we've got convoluted but logical magic rules. we've got alyanette. we've got adrien telling his altself to ask his nino out. we've got sleepy cozy alyanette. we've got the full acknowledgement of how much alya influenced marinette, including dropping the triumph of evil quote. we've got alya just flat out kissing marinette. did i mention we've got alyanette
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug season 5 (in 10 words or less)
I will be rating the Episodes -10 to 10 (Negative numbers refer to Ironic enjoyment, and high negative numbers are more positive then low positive numbers)
I will be reviewing each episode in 10 words or Less
Also the ratings go 5 being decent, 10 being objectively perfect.
I will be making a separate post about the top 3 best and Worst of the season.
Without further ado let’s go
Evolution: 8/10
Time travel shenanigans in which Hilarity ensues
Multiplication: 6/10
Gabriel turns his son into an NFT
Destruction: 7/10
Monarch shows once again why he keeps losing
Jubilation: 8.5/10
Doppelgängers and Cabbage patch kids
Illusion: 6/10
Nino creates a gang to harass old people
Determination: 8/10
The lovesquare reversal we’ve been waiting for
Passion: 10/10
The Kwami swap verses Laura Croft
Reunion: 6/10
Oh look the kwamitoga is useful
Elation: 10/10
(Marichat Victory screech) Well, I didn’t expect that.
Transmission: 4/10
Justice for Nino!
Deflagration: 5/10
Plagg is the true MVP
Perfection: 6/10
Kagami deserves more hugs
Migration: 3/10
Consequences? What are those?
Derision: 5/10
We get it Thomas, you want us to hate Chloé.
Intuition: 7/10
Monarch suffering is always good television
Protection: 9/10
The Adrinette is top tier and Kagami deserves happiness
Adoration: 5/10
Oh neat, Zoe is a lesbian
Emotion: 9.5/10
Felix really slays as a villain
Pretension: 7/10
Feligami was unexpected, but I’m curious
Revelation: 5/10
Oh look Lila will be the next villain
Confrontation: 7/10
Lila gets exposed, wig snatched
Collusion: 3/10
And they really let Chloe become mayor
Revolution: 5/10
20 minutes of filler before the Adrinette kiss
Representation: 7/10
Feligami being theater kids, Adrien working through Daddy issues
Conformation: 6/10
They really leaving Adrien out of this?
Re-creation: 1/10
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happytobus · 10 months
I know that not a whole lot of people liked Miraculous Season 5, but I’ll be DAMNED if people don’t think Nino was one of the best characters this season. He took charge when Monarch got too powerful, worked to keep Akumatizations down, spearheaded the Resistance, tried to understand how Monarch transferred Miraculous powers even if it meant endangering himself, and went on the front lines against Akumatized villains without any powers. He literally sacrificed himself to get hit with venom so Ladybug could defeat Monarbug.
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This man was the god damn MVP of Season 5 and I loved him.
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p1325 · 7 months
Here's the list of the mixes I used: Mary J. Blige - You Remind Me (Dub Mix) Mary J. Blige - Real Love (Global's Broken Love Mix) Mary J. Blige - Reminisce (Masters At Work Bootleg Mix) Mary J. Blige - All Night Long (Bottom Dollar Vocal Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - You Bring Me Joy (E-Smoove's Joyous Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - I Love You (Moto Blanco Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Love Is All We Need (Boris Dlugosch Elusive Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Everything (Frankie Knuckles Classic Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Missing You (Curtis & Moore Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Deep Inside (Hex Hector Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Your Child (Junior Vasquez Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Give Me You (Soulforce Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Family Affair (Dance For Me) [David Guetta Extended Mix] Mary J. Blige - Dance For Me (G-Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - He Think I Don't Know (HQ2 Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Give Me You (Nino Club Mix) Mary J.Blige, Method Mad - Rainy Dayz (Thunderpuss Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Family Affair (Thunderpuss Club Anthem Mix) Mary J Blige - Ooh! (Jonathan Meyer Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Love @ 1st Sight (Kurtis Mantronik's Rock Lobster Vocal Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Be Without You (Moto Blanco Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Enough Cryin (White Chocolate Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - MJB DA MVP (Bootleg House Mix) Mary J. Blige - We Ride (Rafael Lelis Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Just Fine (Moto Blanco Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Work That (Moto Blanco 2010 Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Stronger (EDX's Belo Horizonte At Night Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - I Am (Moto Blanco Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - Only Love (Doctor Love Club Mix) Mary J. Blige - I Still Believe In Love (DJ Donovan Harley Quinn Club Edit) Mary J. Blige, Anderson.Paak - Here With Me (Andre 3000 Extended Mix) Mary J. Blige, Remy Ma & DJ Khaled - Gone Forever (RVBZ Edit)
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storybounded · 7 months
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Adrien uses his earbuds and music to shield himself not only from the world, but from himself as well. Being Lonely and having anxieties are not a great combination, but he doesn't feel comfortable to vent & unload onto others. Although, a couple of his friends are the real mvps and consistently remind him that they are open if he needs to talk. ( I need to make a separate post about it later that goes more in depth, but part of it stems from the fact that he is used to comforting his father after his mother's death. But when it was Adrien's turn, he would be deserted for important and serious business matters. 'Later' became an excuse that the boy got used to hearing. He gave up after a time. Thus, Adrien wasn't supported in the same manner. Adrien is a good listener and is able to show empathy and support to his friends, but he doesn't think so highly about his own feelings. It's something the young teen definitely needs to work on!) But back on subject, Adrien uses music to drown out the loud thoughts within his head, or even attempting to give himself a distraction to make it through the school day without crumbling. Or it could be the simple fact he doesn't really want to engage with others within the outside world. But he isn't the type to get offended if he has to pop them off. Whether his friends takes his attention ( like Nino or Chloe), or if someone is in need of help ( Like Mari falling flat on her face in the library). Although, it's not a habit he does EVERY day. Connecting to his friends is SUPER important to him since he has such a lonely homelife, and he looks forward to hanging out. He doesn't want to lose the people he cares for since life is too short. But it's definitely easy to figure out which days are his struggle days, because on top of hiding behind his earbuds, he is less conversive. Quieter.
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justtvthoughts · 10 months
Miraculous Ladybug thoughts, Season 1: Pixelator
Ah yes, quality Ivan and Alix screen-time, my loves. I love that Alix just leaves her pillow on her head.
Jagged is such a fucking vibe.
Fang! You are so important to me!
Gabriel, what the heck was the plan here? He just wanted a picture with a celebrity, how does that get you the Miraculous'?
This has to be something out of Adrien's nightmares. Why must my poor boy suffer?
Jagged and Fang, you're both adorable!
I mean, no wonder Jagged is mean to him, the guy is a creep.
Marinette, you have Adrien's face PLASTERED all over your wall. Should you really be judging.
Nino is the real MVP here!
Chat is having such a terrible day. My poor kitty.
You go, Jagged! Stall that villain! I see you!
How the hell did Adrien even manage to go to the concert? He had to fight like an animal just to go to school, no way Gabriel was cool with a concert.
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💛 The Liar and the Broken Balance by Lady_LB (@ladylb​)
Submitted by @jheqiawrites​
Series Updated: 2021-11-28 Words:266,574 Works:3 Complete: No Author’s summary: “Chat Noir, you and Ladybug are in danger of losing your miraculous and I’m afraid to inform you this, but… it is your fault.” Master Fu announced gravely. A story In which an oblivious Adrien is given a nearly impossible task and has to fix a problem that he didn't even know that he kind of started. The angst is high and It gets rough people! Marinette is stressed out, Ladybug is attracting akumas, the kwami are sick, Chloe and Kagami are kinda cool and Lila is an evil 😈 (enter colorful metaphor here).As Edmund Burke says, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This story is an example of when the good guys did nothing 😒... initially anyway. 😀This story is now complete.
When I was suggested this fic, I was like “Oh! Nice! Lila’s comeuppance and Chloé’s redemption fic? How cool is th~ OMFG!! 90 chapters?!?!?! And the secondary stories are 38 chapters combined?!” Don’t worry, the chapters are pretty short for most of them and despite its length, it is easy to read. Not a welcomed fic for Lila’s supporters... She’s demoniac. Mostly Adrien centric fic.  On a more serious note, this fic also addresses the subject of sexual harassment/assault. If you’re touched in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, even if you don’t know what it is or how to deal with it, please speak up. Say No, talk to someone you trust, speak with a responsible adult, call for help. Don’t keep it for yourself and don’t feel ashamed. They’ll make you feel responsible, like you’ve asked for it. You’re not to blame. It’s not your fault. But the author also says, “Don’t do like [the characters] did.”
What I liked:
How dense Adrien can be (I love my son, but he’s an idiot [affectionate])
Plagg is half of the fandom
The Princess Bride references
Alya and Nino finally investigating (they need to do that in canon...)
Chloe being a psychic (I love her in this)
Olympus and the fight against them
Pheromones and Hormones are a dangerous mix
Lila’s comeuppance
Markov’s the real MVP
The Liar and The Nerd(s) 
For any fic suggestion, or to shout out a writer (or yourself), please contact me
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beardedhandstoadshark · 7 months
Started playing Fe6 after finishing 7 after only playing Fates and FeH before
I‘m sorry why is Roy still a baby. I thought FeH was just weird about its art for him like it with Rebecca but no that is a child. A baby boy
"Even Eliwood can’t beat an illness“ ah crap they’re both gonna die. Dammit old man you were supposed to survive for Hector ;-;
Is that the fucking Merchant guy of all people
Is that a baby Wil. Wil Jr. They even have the same hair style
and the continues to be a power house, heck yea! …Oh crap what if this game doesn’t have a Hector-like too. I‘m gonna be screwed
There is something profoundly sad about the fact that even though this game came first, you can just tell Roy is less experienced than his dad was by how they wield their blades. Man ;-;
"I’m still alive, see?“ OLD MAN I SWEAR-
Huh. The weird sign behind the chapter name looks different this time round. Wonder if that’s got significance
Merlinus: "Roy we can’t meddle with Bern stuff“ (your dad‘s weird ass tactician kept using me as canon fodder last time we fought them, I can’t do this again ;-;)
Ok ik FE‘s characters are more like roles in a theater than anything, esp. with these 2 being pre/sequel, but was EVERY character in 7 someone’s parent all along :O
Oh Hi Guinivere. How was the childhood with your bro. Mhm. Great. Yea. Really. COOL.
Or Narshen is ABSOLUTELY related to that crazy Wyvern Rider lady. If the look didn’t say it then the hair color speaks for itself.
Damn he fought 2 of them huh. That‘s my max level promoted mvp for ya…
If Idunn looks like Fergal or his Morphs I will delete my save file
Baby Mathew…? And Baby Nino that kid is absolutely a Nino Jr. Welcome to the team! They look even younger than Roy why is half this army made up of literal children
Rip King o7 Ngl they are actually so evil. I‘m looking at this and it’s very clear he was just supposed to be fridged angst fuel for Lilina, and then they drop fe7 and give this man a personality and friends and bonds and his A Support with Eliwood is them promising to survive, that they won’t die, not here, not at the hands of Bern, all while knowing that he was always going to
Honestly A+ to Fe7 for taking what 6 gave them and working so well with it
Oh hey I know this map!
Aaaand half the party is useless here again too rip
Edgelord guy: keeps killing everyone.
Me: make it so he’s forced to target Marcus and I can finally recruit him. It works
Marcus: fucking obliterates him
Like damn old man chill out a bit
0 notes
ashes--21 · 1 year
Thoughts on Optigami
okayyyy so i just finished optigami, FINALLY, after tons of interruption. and it was CRAZY! craziest mlb ep i've watched so far (given i haven't finished s4 yet and have yet to catch up to s5)!
shadow moth's plan was super well thought out this time, and it was so close to actually working. it had me on the edge of my seat the whole ep.
alya's such a sweetheart, but she totally overestimated her judgement of distributing a miraculous without the guardian's permission. i mean, she WAS the reason ladybug's identity was about to get exposed. at least she realized her mistake and apologized. that makes it justified- also at the beginning of the ep, she also accepted marinette's decision of not letting her hold on to the miraculous.
okay, the ending of the ep was sweet and all, but it was also illogical, at least that's what it seems to me so far. shadow moth literally KNOWS their identity's now except for ladybug and cat noir, and he was able to get this close just by using that info. i think what marinette did at the end was kinda...stupid? counterproductive? cause she knows that hawk moth knows that alya is the holder of the fox miraculous. i get that alya was the mvp of the day, and it was because alya knew the truth that she was able to help out. but giving her the miraculous permanently? that's putting the miraculous at a huge risk! and scary thing is, hawk moth realised that alya isn't just any other holder, but someone special to the guardian, and he even said that he'd keep a close eye on alya from then on. that's a huge risk right there. what if hawk moth akumatizes alya and forces her to give up the miraculous? or he could just kidnap her or something for all i know. there's so much that could go wrong.
imo, ladybug should rely on chat noir more. i mean, it's like, ladybug knows too much and chat noir knows nothing. i get why they wont do the identity reveal yet, that's reserved for the end of the show, but at least she should rely on chat noir more on these cases. at least that'll be less riskier than giving alya the miraculous KNOWING that hawk moth knows her identity.
what would be the most logical and risk free in my opinion is giving the miraculous to someone new. like, not giving them to alya or nino or the previous holders AT ALL. but they probably won't take that route cause its a "kids show". i think.
but i guess we'll see.
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baenyth · 3 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 4-4: Mr. Pigeon for the 72nd Time
Alright, this one's kind of a breather after the three fuckbrothers. It's just the birds.
It just dawned on me that Sabrina's still one of the five characters shown in the title. She hasn't been relevant aside from a few episodes in Season 3.
Honestly Ladybug in a bathrobe and towel over her bodysuit goes hard. And she's cooking! Probably not meth, though.
I'm also having fun analyzing the board of starred akumatizations. Apparently we saw every time that abomination to clownkind reappeared so far.
Marinette's really preventing the home invasions now after last time, lmao.
Wait, Antibug? Not Wasp Queen or Miracle Queen? Can Hawkmoth only do those two when Chloe has the bee or something? Hawkmoth can give people Miraculous powers, after all. Or is it just every time Chloe got akumatized?
Explosive meth lmao. I know this is a "Breaking Bad 'fans' when they see someone mixing chemicals together" thing but fuck it! Let's get humorous!
And even more Marigami. I'd forgive the Lukanette and Adrigami disrespect if the rest of the season was Lukadrien and Marigami instead, honestly.
Oh my god the speed Marinette must've been going at and that enormous leap this is amazing
Tomoe isn't even mad Marinette is stealing Kagami like that.
Marinette you ... I can't think of a good insult. To fix a relationship you need to understand the problem and both people must be consenting to it. Let Kagami speak.
Oh. It's psychological projection.
The camenbert vanished lmao
Aren't pigeons just doves? And doves pigeons? They're the same kind of bird but with a different color palette?
Seriously? Using Adrien's other stalkers?
The iconic bag O' holding
Evil pigeon recolors lmao
"Marinette, this is the last time I'm going to tell yo-"POOF
Background models lmao
And there's the new outfit. Still a bodysuit but with at least some more detail. I'd rather have red and black-spotted armor with a thick black undersuit beneath, though. Add in a helmet and make the domino mask a visor too!
Ba dum tss
I can't believe it either, Mari. Adrien is horrible for you.
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If you can't tell, I hate Adrienette. I feel like unless there's some big changes, things are going to end in disaster. Alya was the MVP in this episode, basically figuring out everything, helping Ladybug when she's in a tight pinch, and giving Marinette the ability to prevent akumatizations.
Reminds me, I think instead of writing a self-insert fic I'm going to make a Miraculous RPG game. Travel new worlds after something heavily warped Miraculous Paris! Fight against Hawkmoth's forces and other foes! Alya, Nino, Luka, and Alix are all partners, alongside even more! Adrienette will be annihilated and Lukanette and Adrigami will be endgame! And all the characters will be treated with respect! Not salt!
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adrienscroissantx · 3 years
"Luka plays the violin omg" luka has enough instruments. Too many in fact. Give the violin to nino.
Do it.
Do it now
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