beachy-writer · 2 years
You’re A Challenge {Alan Frog X Reader}
A/n: I really hope y’all like this, I am way too obsessed with The Lost Boys rn and just need to write:)
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“Why do you guys open so early?” I ask yawning as the two frog brothers begin to restock the books. “It’s 8:30. Most shops are already open” Edgar said towards me. “Yeah but still” I whined. I was sitting at the counter watching them.
“You could help us?” Alan suggested. “Fine” I sighed, shaking my head. I walked over to Alan with a cart full of The Fantastic Four comics. I grabbed a stack and started putting them on the shelf beside Alan. “I’ll be right back” Edgar said and walked into one of the back rooms.
Me and Alan continued to silently put the books onto the displays. That is until Alan broke the silence by saying “are you busy later today?”. “No why?” I asked while thinking ‘great, he’s gonna ask me to work an extra shift’. “I was wondering if you wanted to…um, hangout later?” He asked hiding his nervousness terribly. “Of course!” I said and smiled.
He looked kind of shocked. “Did you think I was going to say no?” I asked slightly amused. “I didn’t know what you were going to say if I’m being honest” he said and gave a rare smile. “What about the store?” I asked. “I talked to Edgar already” Alan said and got back to putting the books on the shelf.
Edgar came out of the back room and got back to his stack of books, looking over at me and Alan with a small smile every once and a while. We soon opened shop and and me and Alan sat at the counter. “What are our plans for tonight?” I asked Alan while sitting on a stool in front of him while he was leaned up on the counter. “You’ll like it” is all he said before he wandered off to find his brother.
Our friend Sam soon came into the shop and started talking to me once he saw me. “Hey Y/n” he said as he walked up in front of the counter. “Yo what’s up Sam” I said before the frog brothers walked over. “Hey” Edgar said, holding a few Superman comics. We talked for a bit until Edgar and Sam wondered off to go see the new copies of the Vampire comics we got.
“We’re gonna leave around 6 ok?” Alan asked, still standing at the counter. “Sounds good Froggy” I said and walked away to find Sam and Edgar, leaving Alan at the counter. I walked I to the back room and saw Edgar and Sam hovering over a box of comics. “Hey guys” I said as I entered.
“It it true you’re going on a date with Alan?” Sam turned his head and asked with a teasing smile on his face. “No, we’re just hanging out man, jeez.” I sighed. “Did you tell him it was a date Ed?” I asked the younger frog brother. “Mmm, no, i don’t think so” he replied still reading a comic. “Oh wait yeah I might’ve” he said plainly looking up briefly.
“Thanks” I said with a sarcastic/teasing smile. “No problem” he replied. Sam just laughed and Alan walked in silently. “What?” He asked when we all stared at him. “Nothing nothing” Sam said with a smile grin. Alan looked slightly confused until he saw Edgar trying not to laugh looking at his comic book. “Seriously Edgar” he rolled his eyes and left and Edgar started laughing along with Sam. “You two better go to the counter before a customer arrives.” I said and left the room.
I went out to find Alan while shaking my head. I found him in a storage room pacing. “God I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have told Edgarrr. Now she thinks I’m weird ughh” He groaned in frustration with his hands behind his head, looking at the ground.
I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around quickly. “Don’t do that.” He said instantly. “Sorry” I said and slightly laughed. “What’s wrong?” I asked him after a moment of silence. “Nothing, what do you mean” he said and looked away from me. “You’re funny if you don’t know why I’m asking that.” I said.
He sighed and stayed quiet, “Come on let’s just leave early” Alan said and took my hand. He lead us out of the shop and towards the beach. “Did you hear that stuff I said in the storage room?” He asked still holding my hand. “Yeah, I don’t know why you were so upset” I said looking at our hands.
“I just didn’t want you to find out…that way at least” he said as he lead us to a rocky area under the boardwalk. “Is it true?” I asked him while we sat on a few rocks by the shore. “Is what true?” He asked even though he knew what I was asking. “That you wanted this to be a date?…that you like me?” I asked with a small bit of hope that it would actually be true. He stayed silent for a second before saying “what if I did like you…”. “I don’t think you understand” I told him rolling my eyes.
“Understand what?” Alan asked. “I’ve had the bigger crush on you for so long. How have you not noticed?” I asked Ik astonishment. “You…wait you like me?” He asked slowly with a look for confusion and slight hope. “YES. Oh my god! Jeez you’re a challenge!” I said hurrying my face in my hands. I looked at him through my hands and he just smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smelt like old magazines and a faint smell of wood. “So does that mean we’re…?” He asked but didn’t finish after we pulled apart. “Dating? Yes” I said and laughed. “Sounds good to me” he said and got up. He gave me his hand and pulled me to my feet and started walking us back.
He continued to hold my hand on the way back to the store. By the time we had got back Ed and Sam had filled all of the shelves with comics. “Woah ho ho look at these two” Sam loudly whispered to Edgar. Edgar looked over and smiled at his brother. Alan sarcastically rolled his eyes with a small smile. “So you’re?” Sam asked. “Dating, isn’t it obvious?” Edgar said in an obvious tone to Sam.
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