#alan frog x reader
mayonnaise2004 · 8 months
Meeting and Dating Alan Frog Headcannons
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✰ Sorry I haven’t been posting in awhile!! (Been having massive writers block) made this just in time for Valentine’s Day!<3 ✰ (requests are open!)
Alan met you through Sam.
Sam had dragged you into the comic shop because he wanted you to meet the ‘amazing, yet kinda grungy’ frog brothers! :)
Edgar didn’t really mind you, since you didn’t really talk, But Alan was staring at you like you had a extra eye. Like poor boy wouldn’t look away 😭😭
(Being the insecure teen you are) Your mind turned to the worse, and you thought he didn’t like you.
Little did you know Alan was comparing you to some of the most beautiful women he knew in his mind. (Godiva, Farrah Fawcett, Etc.)
It took about 10 visits before he actually had a conversation with you. (Definitely almost had a heart attack when you said you thought he didn’t like you)
You two got comfortable around each other pretty quickly, and in august, he asked you out. (You obviously said yes.)
Alan will turn bright red if you give him any form of PDA (kisses, hand holding, compliments, etc.)
Hanging out in the comic store
Boardwalk dates
Watching old movies/musicals
Hanging out with him, Edgar and Sam
Being a anatomy model for his paintings (HE PAINTS. AND IS AMAZING AT IT.)
listening to him ramble about vampires over the phone
Sneaking away from the group to kiss
Having to stop him from killing random civilians
Sitting in the rain
Getting little trinkets he found as gifts (crystals, cool looking rocks, necklaces from the lost and found, pins, etc.)
Overall, I think dating Alan frog would be a amazing experience.
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paperrretro · 2 years
friends in strange places.
Pairings: Edgar Frog x Reader; Alan Frog & Reader
Word Count: 1,612 words
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of religion
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“Fu –”
“Quiet,” Edgar demands.
You scowl, glancing around at the people sending you the typical weird looks before shouldering your backpack properly. “Stop creeping up on me like that.”
“Stealth is important for people like us,” Edgar tells you, frowning like you’re the one at fault for shrieking when he and Alan suddenly appeared behind your locker door. You’re about to snark out a reply when he continues brusquely, “We need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Not here,” Alan says lowly. “At the shop. Come on.”
“My place is closer,” you grumble, starting to walk down the hallway towards the back exit. When they don’t follow, you stop and turn around to tug them along with you. The sea of students part for the three of you as if you’re diseased. “Meaning we should talk there. Come on. My grandma’s out and made a shit ton of cookies last night, anyway.”
If Edgar and Alan seem to hurry along just a little more after hearing that last bit, you don’t comment on it.
Your home is just a five-minute walk from Santa Clara High, right at the street corner where the stop sign gets tagged every other weekend. Once you step through the door and toss your backpacks onto the living room couch, Alan heads straight to the kitchen while you keep Edgar back for a moment.
“Where’s Emerson?” you ask.
Edgar raises an eyebrow at you. “How would I know?”
“Well, he’s your new best friend, isn’t he?”
You are careful to keep your tone casual. You’ve hung out with Sam a few times by default, given that he and the brothers were strangely tight by the time you came back from a horribly boring summer vacation in Texas, and you were surprised to find that he was actually kind of normal. Aside from the fact that he believed in vampires too.
Despite living in Santa Carla for less than three months, Sam seemed to have a rapport with Edgar and Alan that it had taken years for you to develop. And although your grandma was delighted that your little trio had finally grown (Edgar and Alan were some kind of pet project for her and she always worried that you’d be influenced by them instead of the other way around), and you liked the Emersons, for some reason, it also irked you a bit.
“We have an alliance against the undead,” Edgar corrects you.
“I think it’s pronounced ‘friendship,’ Ed.”
His usual stony stare doesn’t flinch.
You roll your eyes and shrug. “Well, more food for us. Alan! Did you get the milk from the fridge?”
“Yeah,” he calls out, and it sounds muffled, like he’s already stuffed three cookies into his mouth. “It’s expired.”
Walking into the kitchen with Edgar, you watch Alan pour the so-called expired milk into three glasses.
“What date?” you ask.
“Yesterday. It’s still good. I tasted it.”
“Oh, okay.” Getting a pen, you scrawl a barely legible MILK onto the grocery list that your grandma had stuck onto the fridge with a magnet. Edgar passes you a cookie and a glass of milk. “So, what’s up?”
“We need to talk about what happened this summer while you were on vacation,” Edgar says.
Oh, god. Not this again.
With a sigh, you knock your head back. “Guys, I told you, it must have been some kind of satanic cult. Vampires aren’t real.”
“They are,” Edgar and Alan say in unison.
“Then how come the news hasn’t said anything about it by now?” you press. “Wouldn’t everyone know?”
“Not if the local government is infested with the supernatural. Or if vampires are capable of hypnotizing people.”
“Santa Carla is a haven for the undead,” Edgar insists. “How can you admit that extraterrestrials are real and not see the immediate threat right in front of us?”
Geez. “Because tons of people have seen evidence of aliens,” you say for the millionth time. “Because it’s talked about on the news. The Roswell incident. The disappearance of Frederick Valentich. Hell, Dr. MacGill told me he saw a UFO here five years ago and he’s a college professor. I’ve literally never heard anybody talk about vampires like that.”
“Vampires are not aliens,” Alan replies matter-of-factly.
You groan and take a giant bite of your chocolate chip cookie. This is why your grandma doesn’t like comic books and you have to smuggle them in your school binder.
It’s not that you think the Frog brothers are nuts – well, maybe a little, but no more than anybody else in Santa Carla. You like them a lot, and you look out for each other. But their stocks of holy water and garlic and wooden stakes take up a lot of space in their shared bedroom and it is hard to understand their adamance about spending their limited funds on vampire hunting instead of decent food.
“Look.” Edgar narrows his eyes and leans in toward you, his tone quiet and firm. “Whether you believe in them or not doesn’t make them any less real. Ever since we killed one tribe, we’ve become a target for the others. And you’re now a target by association. So either get with the program and let us train you, or get used to being under our protection.”
“Your protection,” you deadpan. “No way.”
“We’re serious,” Alan says. “Who else in this town’s going to protect you from vampires?”
“For free, no less,” Edgar adds.
Silently, you pull your crucifix out from under your shirt.
The brothers stare at it.
“… Jesus,” Edgar eventually mutters. “I mean, I guess.”
“If ‘being under your protection’ means hanging out more with you guys, I’m cool with it,” you state honestly, letting go of your necklace to let it hang out in the open. “And I’ll give you more holy water if you need it. But I’m not gonna walk around town with you two carrying stakes and breathing down my neck the whole time. That’s insane.”
Edgar exhales slowly through his nose. “You’re not taking this seriously.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry, okay?” You feel bad for brushing off their ideas and you feel even worse for smiling when their expressions are so grave, but part of why you’ve stuck together for so long is because none of you have ever lied to each other, and you’re not about to start now. “So thanks for worrying, but you don’t need to –”
Edgar suddenly slams his hands on the kitchen table and stands up. You startle at the sound.
“We’re not crazy, [Y/n].” His eyes are blazing as he jabs a finger at your face. “It wasn’t just a damn cult. We killed five actual bloodsucking vampires this past summer, and I know you would’ve died or been turned if you were there, because you’d still be calling bullshit until a vampire tore out your fucking throat.”
You simply sit there with wide eyes.
For a few more tortuous seconds, you hear nothing but the sound of Edgar’s furious breathing before he tears his gaze away and stomps off, swearing underneath his breath. The front door swings open and then slams shut.
Without a word, Alan stands up and follows suit.
You are left with three unfinished glasses of milk, a Tupperware still full of cookies, and an uncomfortable squeezing feeling in your chest.
You putter around the house for what feels like hours. Despite your initial thought that the brothers were going to go home, you find that they simply remain on your porch to talk. Eavesdropping proves to be a fruitless endeavor.
You’re lying on the living room carpet, fiddling with a Rubik’s cube, when the two boys come back inside.
Edgar mutters your name.
“I don’t think you guys are crazy,” you state without moving from your spot or looking at them.
“We know,” replies Edgar.
“You’re my friends.” You say this more quietly.
Neither of them say anything, but when you glance to the side, you see Edgar nod tersely and Alan shove his hands into his pockets. That relaxes you a little bit. Good. Not too much damage was done.
They join you on the floor, backs against the couch. And you wait for them to speak.
“We’re not going to let you get killed,” Edgar tells you straightforwardly. “I’m not going to have that on my conscience.”
“So, what does that mean?”
“We compromise,” Alan says. “We won’t keep tabs on you all the time.”
“But you should carry some holy water with you. And if you really have to go out at night, call us or go with your grandma.”
“Okay, fine,” you acquiesce. “I’ll be careful.”
Edgar rests his elbows on his knees. “It’d be better if you knew how to stake someone through the heart.”
“Being Catholic and not going out at night is enough for now, isn’t it?”
He fixes you with a withering look. You snort.
“It is,” he agrees reluctantly. A beat, then, “You’re not stupid. Or weak. You would’ve helped us and Sam if you were here last summer.”
At the uncharacteristic softness of his words, you stop playing with your Rubik’s cube and grin at him. “I know,” you respond, accepting the apology. “And I would have.”
Edgar’s eyes flick away from yours. He reaches up to scratch his cheek, and when you stare a little longer, you’re stunned to see a faint redness crawling across it.
“We’re good?” Alan asks you.
“Yeah, of course.” Pushing yourself into a sitting position with a grunt, you look back towards the kitchen. “So, are we finishing the cookies or what?”
Your friends nod. Everything continues on as it was.
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cupids-diner · 5 months
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About me’s:
The Mighty Ducks
Adam banks:
The Final Play
Skating on thin ice
Guy Germaine:
Sweaters and cuddles
A winters reunion
The School Bus Graveyard
Logan fields:
Batman family
Damian Wayne:
The kiss he can’t forget
Beneath the ballet’s shadow
Nothing yet
My babysitter is a vampire
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Young justice
Nothing yet
Adam Banks
Damian Wayne
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the-comfort-den · 7 months
more characters
i added the lost boys to the list :]
we have: David, Marko, Paul, Dwyane, Sam, Michael, Alan, and Edgar
they, like this whole blog, is in my au, Sam, Alan, and Edgar are about 18-19 and just out of highschool(Laddie is like, 10 by this time and I just don't really want to write for him or Star lol(if I do write for Laddie its platonic only)
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
You are my brother ~ Edgar Frog x Sister Reader! ~ The Lost Boys: Tribe - Part 2
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Title: You Are My Brother.
Warnings: Mentions of killing, sibling rivalry and other things.
Characters: Alan Frog, Edgar Frog, Sam Emerson, Michael Emerson ( Mentions ) and other characters.
Fandom: The Lost Boys Collection.
Summary: After finding out that you were bitten by a vampire ( Your Brother ) Edgar makes it his mission to destroy you, but fate has other plans.
Part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/harmonyverendez/685060975448195072/imagine-being-edgar-and-alan-frog-sister-and?source=share
Both you and Edgar froze and looked in the direction of the voice, there was a tall shadow figure hiding in the shadow.
The person waited for a moment, it was almost as if the figure was hesitating and waiting for a demand.
You narrowed your eyes trying to make of the face, but nothing.
It was pitch black and no hope.
' Who ever it is, come on out!" Edgar growled.
' I don't think I can do that ' the voice said.
Your eyes widened, you recognize the voice instantly. It was your ex, Sam Emerson.
You and he use to be a couple, but after being bitten by your brother Alan.
He has changed.
So he broke up with you and left, and that was the last time you saw.
At least until now.
' Come on out, Sam. You and I have unfinished business to discuss!'.
You gulped and watched as your ex-lover step out of the shadow.
You gasped at his appearance, he did not look the same as before.
But you could recognize his baby blue eyes from anywhere.
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Sam Emerson.
' Brave enough to show your face around here, huh Sam?' Your brother gasped.
You turned slowly and blocked Sam's body with yours. But it was too late, your brother has eyes on Sam.
Someone would die today.
Rather it was you or him.
Sam did his dirty talking and ran full speed at Edgar, but it was too late, your brother pulled out crossbow and shot it through Sam's heart.
Sam was dust the next seconds later.
Tears filled your eyes,as you dropped to floor and held the ash in your hand.
You didn't care that your back was turned and that Edgar was ready to kill you.
Or that you were exposed his weapon.
You just wanted your Sammy back.
' Any last words?' Your brother asked.
You didn't say anything.
Edgar raised the weap ready to kill you, but a white light flashed through the room.
Both of you shielded your eyes from the light and a few seconds later, a voice spoke up.
' No one is dying tonight? '.
You gasped.
You recognized that voice instantly.
It was your other brother -
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justnatoka · 3 months
Creatures of the night
Poly! Lost Boys x GN! Reader
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A/n: It's finally done! I had so much fun writing this! I would love to expand more on this idea. Let me know if you would be interested in that, or if you have any ideas for it. Maybe I'll write something that focuses more on the reader's relationship with the boys next. Also, I tweaked the timeline a bit for the sake of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3.4k
Warning: none, I think
Summary: Sam wants to save his brother, so he asks for help from the Frog brothers. What he doesn’t anticipate is that they introduce him to you, the person who taught them everything about vampires.
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Sam didn’t have many choices. Michael had been turned into a bloodsucking creature of the night, and as much as he wanted to help him – not least for his and their mother’s safety – he knew he couldn’t do it alone. So he went to the two people he could (hopefully) count on. If someone told him a few days ago that he would turn up on the doorstep of the Frog brothers’ comic book shop for advice on how to terminate vampires, he would have laughed in their face. But alas, here he was.
After listening to every detail about the recent changes in Michael’s behaviour, not to mention last night’s events – Nanook attacking his brother, seeing his half faded reflection in the mirror and the levitating act he performed outside Sam’s window – they took a moment to take everything in.
“This is serious, man” Edgar finally said then he turned to his brother. They exchanged a silent look and nodded before turning back to Sam.
“We’re gonna take you to someone” Alan announced.
“They taught us everything we know about vampires” Edgar explained solemnly.
Sam gulped. If this person is some kind of vampire expert, they could definitely use their help. He didn’t want Michael to be killed, but he couldn’t stay a bloodsucker either.
“Alright, take me to them.”
He got suspicious when they turned up at a totally normal looking house, and his apprehension only grew as the Frogs rang the doorbell. He waited with baited breath as a minute passed by without anything happening. Then finally, the door opened. He didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe someone with military style clothing that screamed “tough guy” – similar to what the Frog brothers tried, and ultimately failed to pull off in his personal opinion – but with big bulging muscles, who could knock out any vampire they saw. Or even a shady character with nervously twitching hands and a conspiratory look in their constantly moving eyes who’s always looking around for danger. But the person standing at the door was none of that. In fact, they were just… a normal person, around his brother’s age. He shot the Frogs a confused look, but they didn’t pay him any attention as they were too busy snapping their heels together and saluting with a unanimous,
“Good morning, boss.”
Their “boss” leaned against the doorway.
The reply was so casual, none of the Rambo wannabe bullshit the boys always used. That’s it, Sam was even more confused. They came to see this person?
“We need your help, boss. Seriously confidential business” Edgar explained. They nodded and disappeared inside.
“Come on in then.”
You led them up the stairs and into your bedroom for some privacy, then shut the door just in case your Dad left his workroom at the end of the hall. You sat down on your bed, the boys settling down on the carpet. Sam looked around. The bedroom was pretty normal as well, with a bookcase full of horror novels as far as he could see, a bunch of CDs next to a CD player and band posters of the walls. Although he spotted a few comics on the nightstand that looked similar to the ones the Frogs gave him.
“So,” you rested your arms on your knees and laced your fingers together, glancing between the boys. “What is it?”
The brothers turned their heads towards Sam. You’ve been wondering how Edgar and Alan knew him since you first saw them standing in front of your house. His clothes were fashionable, his hair styled. He wasn’t exactly the type of person the boys usually hang around.
“How do you know each other?” he asked instead. Looks like he was thinking along the same lines.
“I used to look after them when they were younger” you answered casually.
He blinked before directing his growing exasperation towards the brothers.
“Your babysitter? You brought me to your babysitter?”
“Former” Alan added as if that was the biggest problem with this whole situation. Sam let out a frustrated huff.
“And how exactly are they supposed to help my brother? Don’t tell me that all your knowledge comes from these” he waved his hand in the direction of your bookshelves.
“Actually, most vampire related media is full of bullshit” you interjected.
He froze. “How did you…?”
“…know that your brother was turned into a vampire?” You finished with a smirk. “I know a lot about what goes on in this town. I know who turned your brother and most likely how they did it. I know he’s been googly-eyed about a girl who hangs around a rather questionable crowd. He’s been acting strange ever since he met her, right?”
Sam just gaped, not knowing what to say before shutting him mouth and nodding. You gave an understanding nod in return.
“Is he fully turned?”
When a confused frown appeared on his face you added, “Has he taken any blood? Killed someone?”
“No, I don’t think so. He’s a jerk, but he couldn’t kill anyone.”
You smiled at the sibling banter. “Then he’s only half. The way things stand now, there are two options for your brother. One, he eventually loses the fight against the bloodlust and ends someone’s life, becoming a full-fledged vampire. Or two, you find the head vampire and kill him. That way, every half-vampire that was turned using his blood will become human again.”
Silence fell on the room as they mulled over what they just heard. It was Edgar who spoke up at last.
“Then we have to find the head vampire. Do you have any ideas who it is?” he turned to Sam.
“Maybe” he hesitated. “But I’m not sure.”
You reached across to your nightstand, grabbing one of the comics lying there and handing it to them.
“This might give you some ideas.”
Sam took the comic into his hands, eyeing it skeptically.
“Didn’t you say that most vampire related media is full of bullshit?”
“Not this one” you reassured him.
“How do you know?”
A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. “My dad writes them.”
You thoroughly enjoyed the surprised look on his face before he opened it and turned a few pages.
“Hounds of Hell” he read aloud before glancing back at you. You could already see the gears turning in his head, a thought forming behind his eyes, something akin to recognition, but not fully there yet.
“Thank you. Let’s go guys, we have to make a plan” he gestured to the other two then rushed out the door. Edgar and Alan hurriedly got to their feet, and with a quick goodbye they ran after their friend.
They failed massively. Sam was so sure about Max being the head vampire, however he passed all their tests. And above that, his mom got mad at him for ruining her date night. Again. But now they were getting ready to head to the hideout of the group that turned Michael. The Frogs reassured him that they’re coming armed with stakes and other weapons to kill the head vampire. Meanwhile, Michael can go and rescue his girlfriend. One thing was for sure: this time they were finishing the job.
You let out a shaky breath as you put down the phone. You just received a call from Alan, telling you that they are going to the vampire hideout. They planned to kill off who they thought was the head vampire. They wanted to let you know in case anything happened to them. You were cursing out loud while you shrugged on your coat in a hurry and ran out the door. This isn’t how things were supposed to play out. They were blindly walking into a den of wolves, having no idea what they were up against. This situation could only result in someone getting hurt. All you could hope was that you got there in time, before they did something stupid and irreversible.
Edgar and Alan led the way down the stairs and into the cave. It had a bunch of warning signs, and looked like it has been abandoned for decades. However, as they entered the gaping mouth into the darkness, they arrived into a space that resembled a hotel lobby, albeit all messed up and crumbled, but still in a pretty good shape. It would have been a very cool hideout, Sam thought, if it didn’t belong to a bunch of nightcrawlers. It was sure as hell that this place was lived in.
He helped Michael get down the sloping entrance, just as the Frogs discovered Star sleeping in one of the corners.
“Don’t you touch her! You stay away from her!” His brother could barely stand on his own two feet, yet he scrambled over to the girl.
“The rest of them are gotta be around here someplace. Let’s find them.” Edgar motioned for Alan.
“I can’t let you do that” came a voice from behind then. Startled, they turned around. There you stood near the mouth of the cave, your form half in the shadows. “I can’t let you kill them.”
“Why not? They are bloodsucking monsters!”
You stepped forward, shaking your head.
“My answer is still no. Take the girl and the little boy, then leave. They will go after you to try and bring them back, and you’ll probably have to fight them. But you can’t kill them here and now.”
Sam looked over to the Frogs and couldn’t believe his eyes when they seemed to hesitate.
“No! This is crazy! We have to end them now. This is our best chance while it’s still daylight. Come on, guys.”
“You can’t kill them all at once. Not like this. You’ll need a more solid plan for that than a few wooden stakes. If you end one of them now, they’re gonna come for you with even more vengeance. They know this place like the back of their hand, and you don’t. There’s a high chance you won’t even make it out of this cave alive.”
It certainly made sense. The more Sam thought about it, the more ill-prepared this all seemed. If they are really such bloodthirsty killers like Michael told him, maybe it was better to rethink their strategy instead of just rushing headfirst into a dark cave full of dangerous vampires.
He was still a little disappointed they couldn’t just end it here and now, but as he turned to the Frog brothers, he saw it in their eyes that they cracked. They will follow what their “boss” told them to do.
“Alright. What do we do?” he sighed.
“Let’s regroup somewhere safe. Then we can come up with a plan for tonight. As soon as they discover you took those two, they’ll come after you. That only leaves a couple of hours to prepare for an attack.”
“We can go back to ours, fortify the house.” You and Sam exchanged a serious look as you nodded.
“Sounds good. Let’s get going.”
The boys helped Michael carry Star and Laddie, as he was rapidly losing strength. When they passed you on the way out, Sam was sure he heard you let out a relieved sigh. He guessed you were worried about Edgar and Alan running into danger. You certainly looked like you cared about them. Shortly after they got up to the car, you also joined them. They didn’t question what took you so long, they didn’t have to know about the note left behind.
As you got into the driver’s seat – seeing as Michael was in no shape to drive – Sam wondered about how lucky they were to have you on their side. Someone with knowledge about vampires, who could also be the voice of reason if need be. It could have ended a lot worse if they got into a fight with those bloodsuckers in the tight corridors of the cave.
It was over. The last few hours have been a flurry of rushed preparations that morphed into total chaos as the vampires came. Sam was still reeling from all the running and fighting and screaming, the feeling of victory as they took down all of them, followed by the chilling panic as Max made his appearance, finally showing his true face. But it was over now.
His mom and Michael were hugging him, Star was hugging Laddie, and he could have sworn he heard the Frog brothers saying something about charging them for this, but he honestly couldn’t care less. Grandpa made his way into the kitchen, opening a beer and grumbling about all the damn vampires in Santa Carla.
They were all too busy with relief to notice you standing back, anxiously gnawing at your lips, waiting, listening for any sound from other parts of the house. Then a groan came from the workshop, and a smile spread on your face.
Everyone else jumped, the Emersons huddled together with Grandpa peeking out from the kitchen. Michael drew Star closer to him, Laddie clinging to her other hand. The Frog brothers were on their feet in an instant, taking up some improvised fighting stances. All staring cautiously towards the workshop, they collectively almost had a heart attack as they watched David sit up on the table with another grunt. After some struggling he slipped off the horns piercing through him with a sickening wet sound. He cracked his neck and let out a satisfied sound from deep in his chest. The puncture wounds on his torso already started to heal. They frantically turned around as more footsteps were heard approaching from different parts of the house. Sam looked at his brother in a panic. How is this possible? They were sure they killed them. He saw Michael tense up. He was pulling what little energy he had left together and getting ready for another fight. The problem was, he turned back into a human as Max died. They probably wouldn’t be able to fight them off in the state they were in, tired and bruised.
The rest of David’s gang emerged, a little worse for wear but healing rapidly.
“Look out!” came Alan’s frantic voice when he saw the three vampires approach you from behind.
“You okay, babe? Hope we weren’t too rough on ya.” As Paul sneaked an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, you leaned into him.
Everyone just stared at you in dumbfounded silence. David’s footsteps thudded loudly as he circled around their group and stood beside you and his brothers. Without even looking, you laced you fingers together with his. It seemed so natural. That’s what went through Michael’s mind as he watched the little show of affection between you and the vampires. This didn’t happen yesterday, this has been an ongoing thing for a while.
Alan was the first to voice what everyone was wondering.
“How is this possible? We killed you” he pointed an accusatory finger at the bloodsuckers.
“That’s gonna stay our secret” you stated. “I might have taught you everything you know about vampires, but I didn’t teach you everything I know.”
“So you were with them all along?” Sam asked in disbelief.
“Of course I was. How do you think I know so much about the creatures of the night?”
“Boss… you really betrayed us for the enemy?” Edgar’s voice sounded so hurt it almost broke your heart.
“Max was the enemy.” Your matter-of-fact tone did nothing to ease the situation. In fact, it only made the boys angrier.
“But they hurt people!” Alan shouted. Dwayne took a step forward and Marko let out a low growl at his raised voice. You quickly let go of David’s hand and gently put it on Dwayne’s arm. You made sure to give Marko a reassuring glance as well before continuing.
“You don’t have to agree with my actions. I love them, and that’s enough for me.” You turned toward Michael. “At least that’s something I think you can understand.”
He gave you a silent nod as he held Star closer to his side.
“For what?” Sam mumbled. “You put your friends in danger” he motioned to the Frog brothers, his voice rising in volume, “but for what? What was the point of this whole thing?”
“First of all, they were never in any real danger. Except when you planned to ambush David and the others in the cave. That could have ended really badly.”
“They planned to do what?!” Marko almost lunged at them again, but Paul held him back.
“Come on, bud. It won’t do any good, if we kill them now” he tried to reason with him.
“To hell with that! We were holding back all the while they tried to kill us multiple times. Tried to ambush us! I say we finish them now.”
David’s cool voice broke through the argument.
“As much as I’d like to do that, you’re forgetting the fact that they are Y/N’s friends. They asked us not to hurt them.”
Marko seemingly realized his mistake, glanced at you and hung his head. He let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry, sugar” he mumbled.
“Is that true?” It was Edgar who spoke up this time. He was looking at you intensely. “You told them not to hurt us?”
You nodded.
“They were never going to kill you, they just had to make it believable. Like I said, Max was the enemy. We knew he planned to turn Michael’s family, and we saw an opportunity. You wanted to turn your brother back” you turned to Sam, “and the boys wanted Max gone. Our problem was one and the same. And now everyone got what they wanted.”
“You pointed us towards Max. With the comic” Sam realized.
You nodded again.
“Things didn’t exactly go according to plan, but it turned out fine in the end. I knew Max would come out of hiding if the boys were in danger. So I left them a note in the cave about the change of plans. Max was smart. We had to make it look like they died for him to appear.”
You could tell your explanation didn’t exactly placate them, tensions were still high, but that was okay. You anticipated their anger. You didn’t mind it so long as everyone was alive.
“If you would excuse us, this has been a long night. Me and my boys will leave you to be.”
You sent a sad smile towards Edgar and Alan as you walked past them. You could tell they still had some things they wanted to say, but decided not to, at least not now. It really has been a long night, and everyone just wanted it to end already. Your departure was followed by a long silence as they were trying to make sense of everything. Eventually, Grandpa spoke up.
“Those damn vampires, I’m telling ya.” He just shook his head and headed for his workshop.
You were also silent on your way back to the cave. Paul nudged your arm.
“You okay, babe?” he asked with a hint of worry on his handsome face.
“Yeah, I’m fine” you sighed. “I just hope I didn’t ruin my friendships.”
“They will come around” he reassured you. “And if they don’t, you still have us” he sent you a cheeky smile.
The corner of your lips finally turned upright.
“Thank you” you whispered as you leaned into him more.
“Don’t mention it, dollface.”
You looked over at your lovers, resting your gaze on all their faces for a long moment. You were just happy they were all okay.
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On Fire
Part 1
Part 2
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Lost boys x hellhound!reader
(Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes🙃)
Comment if you want a part 2 and/or let me know what you think
My 1st time writing for TLB so 😅
It’s said that vampires often require guardians during the day while they sleep. The tales often say that the hounds of hell are used for this purpose but so many humans assume they're dogs. That's what the Frog brothers and the Emerson's counted on that night when they came to the cave. They never expected to see a girl with (your hair color) hair curled upon the couch with a book upon entering the vampires lair. At first they assumed she was a victim. Maybe someone they kidnapped and kept hostage. They were very very wrong.
As the Frog brothers and Sam Emerson descended down into the cave, y/n immediately sensed them. They smelled of fear,holy water and garlic. Crazy kids. Garlic is such an out dated reference when it comes to vamps. Y/n smirked as she closed her book and acknowledged the intruders for the first time "You know, it's very rude to enter someone's home uninvited and armed" she stares intensely at the 3 boys armed with stakes, holy water and who knows what else. Edgar was the first to speak up, "I wouldn't call this hole in the ground a home but I guess bloodsuckers can't be too picky. Who are you? We can get you out of here." He asks with his hand on a stake, ready to defend himself and his fellow hunters. Y/n laughs as she stood up from her place in the couch. "And what makes you think I want out of here? What if this is my home too? You think you're so smart but you're all just kids." Y/n watched them closely as she spoke. She noticed their body language and their unspoken words that were communicated by stares and looks. Alan stepped towards her holding a stake "Then that makes you a blood sucker and we are here to kill you all" He threatened as he leaped towards y/n with the stake and plunges it into her chest. She looks down at the stake in her chest and then back at the boys in front of her. "Bad move,boys" she smirked before her whole body was engulfed in flames and the stake soon turned to Ash and fell out of her chest. She strode towards them and growled loudly as her eyes glowed and the flames around her intensified. The boys fell back in surprise and scrambled to get back up. "If you ever even think of coming back here again, I'll barbecue you all!" Y/n warns as she stepped towards the boys. She opened her jaw and snarled with wolf like fangs before running at them. The boys ran out as fast as their feet would carry them. Once she was sure they were gone, she calmed the flames on her body and was left covered in soot and ash. She quickly through on a tshirt and some sweatpants before throwing her hair up into a mess bun. Y/n made sure they were long gone. She walked the outside of the cave and tracked their scents back to the main road. The threat was gone.
As she entered the cave, a mess of blonde came walking out of the sleeping chamber. Paul. "I heard your growl, sweets. Is everything OK?" Paul asked as he walked to meet y/n at the couch in the middle of the cave. She sighs and plops down on the couch. "Those Frog kids. They have guts. I'll give them that" she explained as Paul plopped down next to her on the couch. "What!? Those little shits! Did the hurt you?" Paul asks as he frantically grabs her and starts checking her body for injury. As he moved her tshirt, he saw the faint scar on her chest from where the stake had been. He stood up quickly clenching his fists "They're fucking dead!! They stabbed you!? Who do they think they are!?" Paul paced as he started planning the different ways he'd rip them apart. The rest of the boys stumbled out of the sleeping chamber and looked around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Care to explain the yelling?" David asked as he approached y/n and Paul. "Those boys fucking attacked her, man! Staked her in the chest! When I find them.." Paul rambled on before David finally snapped at him "Paul!! She's a hell hound for fucks sake! She's OK!" David said trying to calm down the blonde vamp along with the other boys who were inspecting y/n for more injuries. "I'm OK, loves. I promise" y/n said as she showed them her fading scar "Just a scratch" she held her hand out to Paul who was still pacing around and he immediately was drawn to her.
He sat down next to her and held her cheek with his hand. "I know you're a bad ass hell hound and you're suppose to protect us or whatever but baby you're not just a guardian. Not to me.Not to any of us" Paul explained as he stroked her cheek. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, finding comfort in his touch and in his words. She kissed the palm of his hand. "I understand Paulie. I know this situation isn't easy for any of us. This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm supposed to protect and guard you guys. Not..." Y/n trailed off as her eyes dropped to the floor. Marko kneeled down I front of her and placed a hand on her knee. "Be the love of our lives? Our reason for being? Our purpose on this earth? Listen, Mí Amore. None of us expected our mate to be a bad ass hell hound like you and I know you didn't expect to find your mate as a vampire,never mind 4 of us but it is no longer your job to protect us. We protect each other. We are here for each other. You're never on your own" Marko comforted. Y/n felt tears prick at her eyes. "I got you all. Forever. I'd rather get stabbed 10 times over than see any harm come to any of you" she looked around the room at her boys as she spoke.
Dwayne wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her neck comfortingly. "Let's just agree to do the best we can to not get hurt. Any of us." Dwayne reassured as he traces y/n's scar with his finger. David sat down on the other side of the couch next to y/n. "Doll, we will take care of this" David promised as he grabbed hold of her hand. A comfortable silence fills the cave as her boys clung to her in their own ways. "You did an awesome fucking job protecting us tho, Princess. Thank you" Dwayne said as he kissed her head. All the boys nod and agree with Dwayne. "Yeah! What a good puppy!" Paul exclaims before rubbing y/n's head like she's a dog. Y/n's eyes sparked and sent a tiny flame to Paul's cheek. "OWW! OWW!" Paul screeched as he jumps up and pats his cheek like he's putting out a 4 alarm fire. "Bad puppy!!" He scolds as the other boys just laugh and hold on to their incredible mate. "Call me puppy again and you go bald" y/n threatens causing the other boys to continue laughing. Paul walked towards her biting his lip and grabs hold of her chin "You like my hair to much to do that,baby. Then you'd have nothing to hold onto" Paul winks at her before kissing her nose and y/n blushed, left totally speechless. David laughed and shook his head as he stood up. "Come on boys. Looks like we have frog on the menu tonight." David smirked at his little pun and kissed y/n before slipping outside into the dark night. Dwayne and Marko kissed her before following David but Paul remained standing in front of her. " Stay out of trouble while we're gone? Read your book. Stay put and I'm sure we will make it worth your while when we get back,sugar" Paul smirks. "I'm done with trouble for the night. I'll stay put" y/n says as she picks up her book and uses it to try and hide her obvious blush. Paul laughs and moves the book away from her face to kiss her lips. "Well I hope you still got a little trouble left in you cuz I'm sure we'll be causing some later" Paul smirks before he kisses her forehead and heads outside to meet the rest of the boys.
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n30nwrites · 1 year
Bring Me To Life (Prologue)
Summary: Against all odds, you've survived. Having graduated high school and moved out of your Parent's place, your sibling decides to join you for the summer, and your first stop is Santa Cruz in California, you had always wanted to live there anyways so why not now that you're experiencing freedom? One problem: This doesn't look like the 21st century, instead it looks like a scene from your favorite movie, in fact it looks exactly like your favorite movie.
How are you meant to survive in the murder capital of the world? With vampires of all things, and your sibling hates this movie.
a/n: prologue for this fanfic, this will also be on AO3 and wattpad. Preface for this, fuck Max :}
Reader: Male Reader, uses Y/N, third person.
Oc uses they/she pronouns. Will be using both, Y/n refers to them as both sibling and sister, which is okay
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Pairing(s): Michael Emerson x Reader, Paul x Reader, Dwayne x Reader, Marko x Reader, David x Reader, Sam Emerson x Nonbinary! Oc, Edgar Frog x Nonbinary! Oc, Alan Frog x Nonbinary! Oc,
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It was one thing moving the United States to California by yourself, it was another thing bringing your 15-year-old sibling with you, not to live with you, but to stay just until summer was over and school was starting again, your parents believed it would help with their 'rebellious streak'. That streak being that they just don't care enough to do class work and keep staying up all night playing video games, therefore they fall asleep in class.
Nik had a firm belief in changing the radio whenever any song that they didn't like came on, and you had a firm belief that your sibling needed to shut up because you liked your music and if you had to drive without some good tunes you would probably turn into the next psycho on the news.
You two did listen to similar music, but for this trip it was specifically 80s and 90s songs that you shouted loudly, windows were rolled down because the air conditioner in your car didn't work. It was small and shitty and cost a year of pay, thankfully your parents were there to let you live rent free. One of the few things you could be thankful for.
"Do you know how to be quiet?" Your sibling groaned, their jacket wrapped around their body despite how hot it was, "Put on Hozier, or Doja, hell I'll even take Taylor Swift over this... What is this shit?"
'Cry little sister'
"I know damn well you aren't talking to me about my music taste-"
'Thou shall not fall'
"What's wrong with mine?"
Come, come to your brother
"It's literally only tiktok songs, half of them aren't even good."
'Thou shall not die'
"At least I don't say 'They sung this on Glee'"
'Unchain me, sister'
"Every hot, mentally ill, gay person went through a Glee faze."
Thou shall not fear
"I didn't"
'Love is with your brother'
"That's why I said hot."
'Thou shall not kill'
You quickly stuck your tongue out in a childish way, before looking back into the road, ignoring your sibling who mumbled and repeated your words. "Theres a reason we're heading to Santa Cruz. Found a nice place right near the beach so we can-"
"Sleep all day, and party all night. I know, you've said it hundreds of times." Nik had heard the phrase from you so many times, you had tried to show them your favorite movie, even almost tricked them into it, but they were quick to leave the room. They simply hated it because you loved it, something you were forced to accept about them.
The car ride became silent as you got closer, to fill it, Nik had turned up the radio as it switched to a different song.
"Finally some MJ." The beat of Billie Jean came in, causing you to start tapping your hands to it as your merged.
"She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene" The two of you belted the lyrics, switching over the 80s playlist to one consistently of Michael Jackson. "I said don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one" you shook your head, "Who will dance" you turned to your sibling and sung the words to them before turning back, repeating it each time you sung, "on the floor" again "in the round?" and then turned back, "She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round"
The house that you bought with a loan wasn't the biggest, at least not compared to your parents house. Two bedrooms, One master and One guest, and 1 in a half bathrooms. The half bathroom was connected to the master bedroom, which Nik tried to get but was quickly locked out. They would be staying in the guest room, while you set it up they would help. They were also supposed to attempt to find a job this summer, as their parents wanted Nik to learn some responsibility. 
"Okay, change outfits, shower if you need to! We are going to the beach!" You were excited, thrumming almost. You felt as if you belonged.
"I'm tired."
"Party all night!" You yelled, grabbing a suit case filled with your clothes. The two of you didn't have a lot. A few suitcases filled with clothes, and then a few boxes for the rooms. You didn't even have mattresses yet.
"Let's just sleep a bit." A nap did sound good, you didn't have the best sleep due to the anxiety about the drive.
"Fine, a nap! I'm setting an alarm." Nik went into your room, both of you grabbing the blankets and laying them on the floor, setting up some pillows and collapsing as soon as you could.
Instead of waking up to your alarm, you woke up to Nik shaking your shoulder, harsh rain hitting the window and the house was shaking.
"The doors are opening."
You stood up quick, running out of the bedroom to the backdoor refusing to close. You pushed against it but it quickly fell open, so you held the door. "Grab the heavy boxes." Nik followed through, pushing against the doors as lightning flashed. "It wasn't supposed to storm."
"Don't they get Hurricanes here." A siren went off, "Well-"
"Not another tornado." You groaned. You had your fair shair of them, being where your from. "We need to grab our shit, head to the basement."
The house shook again, you two grabbed your phones and chargers, rushing down into the basement that still had cobwebs. Nik almost ran upstairs at the sight of them, claiming they would rather take their chance with the tornado. You had to basically pulled them down as you two sat in the basement, the house shook as you two fell to the ground, hitting your heads.
Your eyes rolled back, your vision turns black as your body hits the ground. Your siblings hand lays against yours as their body falls onto you, and in that moment, you had gone through the impossible.
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Even More SF Fanfic Prompts!!
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Y’all voted and I listened!! Here goes nothin’!! ALSO Please refrain from making any of these NSFW okay?
EDIT: So apparently in the Spanish Dub for SF Charlie's girlfriend is named Zoey and I made this post before that info became more well-known and prior I dubbed her as Susan....Zoey is a cute name OMG
Alan and Glep go grocery shopping, Alan is driving the cart and Glep is hopping around inside the little basket a little kid would sit inside of.
Folklore AU with Charlie as James (not to be confused with that one asshole…), Zoey as Betty and Pim as August.
Jennifer x Shrimp but make them wholesome yuri.
Jennifer, Zoey, Mustard, Smormu, Amy, Marge and her wife Glep on a girl's night out...and Amy, being the absolute bitch she is, she greatly annoys the others (feel free to add Yuri!Shrimp if desired).
Mr. Boss drinks from the fountain of youth and transforms into a 30-something again and OMG he’s this suave Anime bishie and he is like so totally hot you guys!! 🥰
Charlie and Zoey have officially broken up, Pim (repressing his own jealousy) attempts to get the back together by setting them up together without the other knowing at Spaghetti Disco with “secret admirer” letters but Charlie starts to reciprocate feelings for Pim realizing he wrote the letter…oh and you bet there’s totally gonna be angst via miscommunication, hurt/comfort, a chaotic food fight and homosexual fast dancing (inspired by @oui-oui-madame-baguette).
Mr. Frog robbing a casino in Las Vegas x Shamelessly opportunistic gold digger!Reader who is given the choice to either ruthlessly backstab him or genuinely make a connection.
Pim is just a regular guy making people smile and secretly pining over Charlie by day….but nobody knows that the little smiley face button pinned on his shirt is actually a henshin he uses to transform into his magical alter ego who fights off supervillains every night, he also has an arch-rival who is more of the classic lone wolf anti-hero type: now this dude doesn’t have any superpowers but he specializes in cool gadgets while donning a badass mask….he is also totally NOT crushing on Pim’s alter ego! Pim is (not all that) shocked to find out the civilian identity of this tall, dark and cynical is under the cowl! (It’s obviously Glep /jk we all know it’s Charlie)
Mer!Pim falls in love with Cha- *record needle scratch* waaait a second that’s just one of my own silly little AU fics I’m working on ALSO speaking of which y’all can check out the preview to here! Spread the word!!
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mayonnaise2004 · 2 years
Sam Emerson with a trad goth s/o
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Sam first laid eyes on you in the frogs comic book shop.
You were looking through the horror comics, a place Sam wouldn’t go even if he was offered a chance to move back to Phoenix.
There was a feeling of someone’s eyes burning into the back of your head, you were used to the stares, but when you turned your head you saw a boy your age.
He wasn't giggling with a group of friends, his face wasn't one of disgust. He was just staring at you.
His fashion style wasn’t the… greatest but he seemed nice so you smiled and walked away, gently nudging his shoulder with yours.
The two of you didn’t properly have a conversation until Nanook got out and ran up the street.
The moment Sam saw you had Nanook gently by the collar, walking towards him he wanted to hide his red face and run.
But he didn’t. He awkwardly walked towards you until you two were face to face
“Hey, Is this your dog? I’ve seen him follow you around.” The first sentence you said made him automatically think ‘I’m talking to an angel’
You handed over Nanook before the two of you awkwardly stood there for a moment, Sam finally mustered up the courage to ask “i.. think your really pretty, do you want to get a milkshake some time?” You grinned before shuffling your booted foot “like a date?” “Yeah, like a date.”
So Sam showed up in his ‘best’ clothes, and you showed up in yours. Let’s just say the people at the diner were pretty confused to see someone who looked like they just walked out of a crayola factory, and someone who looked like they were going to a funeral.
The two of you got to know eachother before you realized how late it was. You apologized and thanked Sam for the great time. Before sliding him a folded sticky note.
Sam walked home before he closed his bedroom door, sliding down it as he placed his hand against the black lipstick mark on his cheek. He unfolded the sticky note to reveal a phone number, Your phone number.
The two of you became official a few weeks later.
Lucy thinks your the sweetest thing ever, She thought you were a tad bit odd when you first came over, but your apart of the family now!
Micheal doesn’t know what to think of you, But you make Sam happy. So that’s all that really matters.
Edgar and Allan though you were a vampire when Sam introduced you to them. Turns out it was the white face paint.
Will steal your jewelry and wear it out.
He LOVES your confidence, how you keep your head held high as people give you side eyes.
If you like heavy metal, he might complain at first, but he gets used to it.
Sleepovers!!! His window is close enough to the roof so you can climb onto it. So you two make a fort up there<3
Your parents don’t like Sam, They think he’s distracting you for school.
Matching rings/necklaces
Putting eyeliner on him<3
Trying to scrub the dog hair from your clothes
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bloodthirstybatty · 2 years
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💛 ~~~~~~~~~💛
Leona x reader
Disclaimer: I have dyslexia, given that my writing can suck. Please be mindful of this, thank you!🙏❤️
TW: depression and mention of suicide.
I was originally going to make this a multi-character fanfic but I realized with my dyslexia it's easier for me to only write for one character. I picked Leona because I find comfort in him so it's a bit of a self-insert/vent fanfic of how I would feel if I was yuu.
It was raining cats and dogs, you ran fast trying not to trip and fall from the slick ground. You decided your best chance is to run to the botanical garden since it was close by, you turn left and blotted towards the door of the garden.
Catching your breath, you look around to see the rain hit the dome of the gardens, it was beautiful and peaceful. Walking you think about what earlier, you and Crowley got into a disagreement, the showers were getting less hot from the boiler being ancient and your flip phone was cutting off all the Time, so you went to Crowley to ask for an upgrade. He then called you ungrateful and that you should be more understanding on how hard he is working to get you home, that you should realize that your stuff cost school money, and that you could have been on the streets if it wasn't for his kindness... You were tried, very tried. Not just from the argument you had with Crowley but everything, school, tasks from Crowley, ramshackle falling apart, over lots, being belittled for not having magic, etc... You were depressed, you felt alone and felt that nobody truly had your back, even grim sometimes.
You continued to walk around the garden when you spotted a certain someone's tail, it was Leona's. There he lay asleep, peacefully snoring, you stared for a minute before you decide to sit next to him so you could have some company while doing your homework. As you were doing your work you couldn't stop crying a little, tears fell and hit your paper and you sniffle causing the lion next to you to stir in his sleep. you got startled by it, you thought you awakened the lion, you started to hypervalent, you didn't want to cause your hyperventilation to fasten, you started to cry from it, you were freaking out, you were having a panic attack. Just then the lion next to you arose, however, you didn't notice he did.
"Are you crying?", "huh?" you froze, you thought you just made another person mad at you. "are you crying?" he repeated, "i- a no, no I'm not," you said in a panic. "yes you are I can see it, you have tear stains on your homework" "I'm fine, it's just allergy" "no it's not your having a panic attack, your heart is racing and your shaking like a leaf" "i-" you couldn't get any words out, your panicking started to worsen. Leona shifted his body he was now close to you, he looked into your eyes "tell me" you stared into his eyes stunned, you could believe it, leona king scholar was considered for you, generally considered! He was the first person that saw your true discomfort. Taking a deep breath you began to speak.
"i-i, sorry" you took another deep breath to get rid of the frog in your throat, talking about feelings was hard for you, you never really talked to anyone about them in your life, and you mostly found ways to overcome your feelings. "so?" "did you and grim get in a fight?" looking back up to leona you said "no, no I and grim are fine, we didn't get into an argument, actually me and that damn bird did" you huffed. "what did that bird do to you to be all worked up?" your tears started again, just thinking about it was tough. "he called me ungrateful! I just went to him because my water was not getting hot and my phone is a busted piece of crap, then he called me ungrateful, and that he had to spend school money to get me those things. He also said he cant solve every lotion of mine since he's already trying to solve how to get me home!" your voice was now horses from your ranting, but you didn't feel better from it. "your not ungrateful herb- uh y/n" you bit your lip and looked away "maybe I am, tho.. Like I could have been in the streets, if it wasn't for Crowley" "no your not! Stop saying dumb things" "im sorry" you mumbled. Still crying you turned back to leona he look serious, a different kind of serious unlike usual. "I can tell you have more to say, this isn't all that's troubling you, go on spill" "that's true there is more.." "well?"
You fiddled around trying to calm down, you knew if you didn't you would sob. You tried to take several deep breaths but you were still shaking so you decided to spill, "im tried!" "im tried of everything!" "im tried of this school, of living in ramshackle, of overblots" you shaking sobbed taking a deep breath you begin to speak again "im tried of always being called hero from saving people from overblots!" "i-i- IM TRIED OF LIVING!" you shouted, "im tried of life, I want to disappear for good, I don't want to be here" you wiped your tears away but they were like a river, sniffling you squeezed you risk to stop you from panicking. You then looked up at leona, you thought you said to much but his eyes were soft, he then spoke "your feelings are valid, you shouldn't have to be going though this, you didn't choose to" he then stood putting his hand out for you, you reached it and he pulled you up into a hug, leona kingscholar was hugging you! You felt relief flow through you, all your worriedness left your body, you felt peace. Leona the pulled way "if anything is troubling you come to me first okay, I'll help you resolve it" "thank you leona" you smiled. He then pulled your hand to make you follow him "the run stopped lets get something to eat, I'll pay."
Later that week you had a better phone and your plumbing was fixed, all thanks to Leona, you felt grateful. You have to now had protect you, you don't have to worry now. Leona and you also stared to hang out more, eating lunch and sitting in the garden.
I hope you liked it! I tried to write it on how I thought leona would actually acted in a situation like this, I want to have him pull you down to nap with him but I don't this he's the type to do that unless you were dating. I also know Leona is canonly protecful and keeps his eye out on others, he doesn't say it but he shown sides of it.
If you want me to wrote more stuff then please put in a submission, also comment down below what you thought of the story!! ❤️❤️❤️
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beachy-writer · 2 years
You’re A Challenge {Alan Frog X Reader}
A/n: I really hope y’all like this, I am way too obsessed with The Lost Boys rn and just need to write:)
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“Why do you guys open so early?” I ask yawning as the two frog brothers begin to restock the books. “It’s 8:30. Most shops are already open” Edgar said towards me. “Yeah but still” I whined. I was sitting at the counter watching them.
“You could help us?” Alan suggested. “Fine” I sighed, shaking my head. I walked over to Alan with a cart full of The Fantastic Four comics. I grabbed a stack and started putting them on the shelf beside Alan. “I’ll be right back” Edgar said and walked into one of the back rooms.
Me and Alan continued to silently put the books onto the displays. That is until Alan broke the silence by saying “are you busy later today?”. “No why?” I asked while thinking ‘great, he’s gonna ask me to work an extra shift’. “I was wondering if you wanted to…um, hangout later?” He asked hiding his nervousness terribly. “Of course!” I said and smiled.
He looked kind of shocked. “Did you think I was going to say no?” I asked slightly amused. “I didn’t know what you were going to say if I’m being honest” he said and gave a rare smile. “What about the store?” I asked. “I talked to Edgar already” Alan said and got back to putting the books on the shelf.
Edgar came out of the back room and got back to his stack of books, looking over at me and Alan with a small smile every once and a while. We soon opened shop and and me and Alan sat at the counter. “What are our plans for tonight?” I asked Alan while sitting on a stool in front of him while he was leaned up on the counter. “You’ll like it” is all he said before he wandered off to find his brother.
Our friend Sam soon came into the shop and started talking to me once he saw me. “Hey Y/n” he said as he walked up in front of the counter. “Yo what’s up Sam” I said before the frog brothers walked over. “Hey” Edgar said, holding a few Superman comics. We talked for a bit until Edgar and Sam wondered off to go see the new copies of the Vampire comics we got.
“We’re gonna leave around 6 ok?” Alan asked, still standing at the counter. “Sounds good Froggy” I said and walked away to find Sam and Edgar, leaving Alan at the counter. I walked I to the back room and saw Edgar and Sam hovering over a box of comics. “Hey guys” I said as I entered.
“It it true you’re going on a date with Alan?” Sam turned his head and asked with a teasing smile on his face. “No, we’re just hanging out man, jeez.” I sighed. “Did you tell him it was a date Ed?” I asked the younger frog brother. “Mmm, no, i don’t think so” he replied still reading a comic. “Oh wait yeah I might’ve” he said plainly looking up briefly.
“Thanks” I said with a sarcastic/teasing smile. “No problem” he replied. Sam just laughed and Alan walked in silently. “What?” He asked when we all stared at him. “Nothing nothing” Sam said with a smile grin. Alan looked slightly confused until he saw Edgar trying not to laugh looking at his comic book. “Seriously Edgar” he rolled his eyes and left and Edgar started laughing along with Sam. “You two better go to the counter before a customer arrives.” I said and left the room.
I went out to find Alan while shaking my head. I found him in a storage room pacing. “God I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have told Edgarrr. Now she thinks I’m weird ughh” He groaned in frustration with his hands behind his head, looking at the ground.
I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around quickly. “Don’t do that.” He said instantly. “Sorry” I said and slightly laughed. “What’s wrong?” I asked him after a moment of silence. “Nothing, what do you mean” he said and looked away from me. “You’re funny if you don’t know why I’m asking that.” I said.
He sighed and stayed quiet, “Come on let’s just leave early” Alan said and took my hand. He lead us out of the shop and towards the beach. “Did you hear that stuff I said in the storage room?” He asked still holding my hand. “Yeah, I don’t know why you were so upset” I said looking at our hands.
“I just didn’t want you to find out…that way at least” he said as he lead us to a rocky area under the boardwalk. “Is it true?” I asked him while we sat on a few rocks by the shore. “Is what true?” He asked even though he knew what I was asking. “That you wanted this to be a date?…that you like me?” I asked with a small bit of hope that it would actually be true. He stayed silent for a second before saying “what if I did like you…”. “I don’t think you understand” I told him rolling my eyes.
“Understand what?” Alan asked. “I’ve had the bigger crush on you for so long. How have you not noticed?” I asked Ik astonishment. “You…wait you like me?” He asked slowly with a look for confusion and slight hope. “YES. Oh my god! Jeez you’re a challenge!” I said hurrying my face in my hands. I looked at him through my hands and he just smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smelt like old magazines and a faint smell of wood. “So does that mean we’re…?” He asked but didn’t finish after we pulled apart. “Dating? Yes” I said and laughed. “Sounds good to me” he said and got up. He gave me his hand and pulled me to my feet and started walking us back.
He continued to hold my hand on the way back to the store. By the time we had got back Ed and Sam had filled all of the shelves with comics. “Woah ho ho look at these two” Sam loudly whispered to Edgar. Edgar looked over and smiled at his brother. Alan sarcastically rolled his eyes with a small smile. “So you’re?” Sam asked. “Dating, isn’t it obvious?” Edgar said in an obvious tone to Sam.
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Imagine Alan Frog developing a crush on you after finding out about your extensive vampire knowledge.
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Every time that Edgar opened his mouth, Alan would give him a kick behind the counter. Mid-sentence, he kept trying to interrupt you and Alan wasn’t going to let that happen - you were spouting off things that he didn’t even know, nor did his brother, and that was what was getting  Edgar riled up.
Edgar retaliated, slapping his brother’s leg under the counter, nearly getting him in the ground, causing him to buckle a little. His eyes showed the pain though he was trying to hide it. He put his hand out on top of the counter to keep himself steady and smiled, nodding along with what you were saying.
Your words came to a halt when you noticed that his smile looked more like a grimace and you realized how much you were rambling on about one of your favorite topics - vampires. “You know, if you didn’t want to hear about this stuff, you could have just said so - I know I can go on and on...”
“I was trying to-” Edgar was scowling.
“It’s alright, keep going,” Alan said, switching his hand to his elbow so he could prop his head up and listen in admiration. Edgar mumbled something about needing to check on a shelf and disappeared. Hesitantly, you did continue on, talking about how vampires hated garlic because of the chemical compound allicin, which works as a powerful antibiotic, working against the disease that is vampirism.
Alan felt like he should be taking notes or something. He never was one to do that in class, but class wasn’t as interesting or as good looking as you were. Besides, after this lecture, he was hoping to ask for your phone number so he could put forth a couple more questions.
Requested by: Anonymous
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angelofthenight · 3 years
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19junewrites87 · 2 years
Alan Frog x Reader
Requested by @paint-a-vulgar-picture 
Word Count: 671
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This is a short one compared to my other works, but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless.
“There they are, Alan.” Sam said as he, Edgar, and Alan peaked over the shelves of comic books towards Y/n L/n. “Now’s your chance.”
“What if they say no?” Alan asked, quickly glancing at his brother and friend. “I-I’ll feel terrible!”
“Just do it, chicken.” Edgar grunted.
“I’m not a chicken!” Alan defended.
“Then ask them out.” Edgar shoved Alan out into the aisle, making him stumble.
“Bit-” Alan began, but quickly stopped when he saw Y/n walking towards him. Sam and Edgar also saw this and scrambled to the other end of the aisle to watch.
“You okay?” Y/n asked. Alan stood straight up and rolled his shoulders back a bit.
“Yeah.” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat and deepened his voice. “I mean, yeah. Yeah, I’m all good.”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded. An awkward silence fell over the pair and Y/n shifted on their feet. Alan shifted his gaze towards his brother and Sam, who pointed at Y/n, mouthing ‘just do it already’ and ‘ask them out now’. Y/n saw that Alan’s gaze was beyond them, so they turned around to see what he was looking at. Sam and Edgar quickly saw this and they pretended to be reading a comic.
“I’m going to uh,” Y/n pointed towards the door. “Go now. See ya, Alan.” As they walked away, Edgar and Sam gestured for Alan to follow Y/n.
“Wait, Y/n!” Alan called out, making them turn around.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” He said, hands becoming sweaty. Sam and Edgar glanced at each other and slowly, but not subtly, moved closer to the pair. 
“Okay.” Y/n smiled, making Alan breathless.
“Do you-” Edgar and Sam were now laser focused on Alan. “Do you have any comic recommendations?” Edgar and Sam sighed, rolling their eyes.
“Don’t your parents own this shop?” Y/n asked, suspiciously. “I mean, you had to have read nearly everything in here already.”
“I-I mean yeah, but” Alan stuttered. “I just want to know what you’d recommend.”
“Oh,” Y/n shrugged. “Umm, I mean, I really like the X-Men series.”
“Really?” Alan smiled. “That’s awesome! Who’s your favorite character?”
“Professor X.” They smiled. “I know he’s like, the main character pretty much, but he’s still cool.”
“Yeah, totally.” Alan nodded. He glanced over his shoulder quickly and saw his brother glaring at him. “Actually, that’s not what I wanted to ask you.”
“Okay?” Y/n trailed off in confusion.
“Look,” Alan began. “I understand if you say no, but…” Y/n raised their eyebrows slightly, a small, unsure smile on their face.
“But, what?”
“Do you want to go out with me?” Alan choked out. Y/n laughed and the tips of Alan’s ears turned bright red. His face felt hot with embarrassment as his crush laughed at him. 
“I’d love to!” Y/n said, a big smile on their face. 
“What?” Alan asked in surprise.
“It took you that long to ask me?” Y/n laughed. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out for like… forever.”
“Really?” Alan asked. “W-what made you know I liked you?”
“You stare at me every time you see me.” Y/n said. “You always drop what you’re doing to come and talk to me…it’s pretty obvious if you ask me.”
“Wow.” Alan blushed harder. “So, uhh, what-”
“Meet me here tomorrow at 8.” Y/n said. “You can take me out for some ice cream.”
“Okay.” Alan nodded, a dopey smile on his face.
“But for now, I gotta go.” Y/n smiled, pointing with their thumbs towards the door. “My brothers are waiting for me.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded once more, watching Y/n walk out of the shop towards her brothers, all four of them smirking in Alan’s direction.
“Bye, Alan!” Y/n waved from the back of a blond man’s motorbike. “See you tomorrow!” Alan waved back in disbelief. And with the roar of four engines, Y/n was gone.
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harleyanne02 · 3 years
Because I F*cking Love You- Pt 2
Part 2 to my first ever series because this world needs more Alan Frog x reader fanfiction
Pairing: Platonic (for now) Alan Frog x reader
TW: I can't find any but if you think I should include any PLEASE let me know and I will gladly do so! It's also pretty short oops
"Who was that boy? The blonde from Phoenix?" you asked Alan as he and Edgar walked back to the store after chasing the surf nazis.
"What do you mean?" he asked, sounding defensive.
"What's his name? What was he doing here? Why are you dragging him into the vampire ordeal?" you specify.
"He's just looking at comics. And we're just trying to let him know what's up. Why do you care?"
"Just curious." you respond.
A few days had passed since then and they boys dragged that poor kid, who you eventually learned was named Sam, deeper and deeper into the vampire ordeal.
You overheard a phone call while you were hanging out with Alan at the store between him and his brother and someone else. They were asking the mystery person about someone else who could possibly be a vampire. Apparently the person knew a vampire and was being chased by one but didn't want to kill it.
That person turned out to be Sam and the vampire was his brother, Michael. And since Sam didn't want his brother killed, it left only 1 option; kill the head vampire. The only problem was that no-one knew who the head vampire was. The boys were suspicious of a video store owner named Max, but suspicion was all they had.
"We're going over to Sam's house to have dinner with his family and Max. We're going to see if he's a vampire." Edgar informed you.
"Be careful guys." You told them, "If this Max character really is the head vampire then he's not going to like you guys getting in his business. He has to have a reason for what he's doing and I doubt he'd want some teenage boys meddling in all of that."
"Yeah, yeah, we know," Alan replied, although he sounded very annoyed, "we're just going to find out if it's him, not like were gonna stake him in the middle of dinner."
"Right, because dumping holy water on him and feeding him garlic won't have the same effect," you retort, "just come back safe. Please." you ask.
"We always do." Alan assures. Edgar nods in agreement. Alan gave you a quick side hug to try to calm your nerves, something you dealt with every time they started a hunt, before he and Edgar walked out of the store to face the possible lead vampire and take him on while you stayed back selling comic books.
Just be careful, you thought as they left your field of view, I can't do this without you.
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