#nishikiyama aizawa
nonsensemonkey · 2 months
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🎶2 bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay🎶
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rggtattoos · 2 years
Masterlist of Yakuza (RGG) Tattoos and Symbolism
Sawamura  —  Queen of the Night
Masato Aizawa  —  Black Carp
Daisaku Minami  —  Panther, Peonies, Snake, Woman and Skull
Akira Nishikiyama  —  Red Carp
Hiroki Awano  —  Momotaro
Shigeru Nakahara  —  Shisa and Hibiscus
Kazuma Kiryu  —  Oryu “Responsive Dragon”
Jo Sawashiro  —  Ryugyo - “Dragonfish”
Rikiya Shimabukuro  —  Habu Viper and Windmill Palm Leaves
Yoshitaka Mine  —  Kirin (Qilin)
Goro Majima  —  Hannya, Snakes and Cherry Blossoms
Yosuke Tendo  —  Rising Dragon
Tetsu Tachibana & Jun Oda  —  Bat
Tsuyoshi Kanda  —  Okame and Tennyo
Taiga Saejima  —  Tiger
Naoki Katsuya  —  Crane
Daisaku Kuze  —  Great King Enma (Yama), Ox-head and Horse-face
Daigo Dojima  —  Fudo Myo-o
Futoshi Shimano  —  Tiger
Keiji Shibusawa  —  Seiryu - “Azure/Blue/Green Dragon”
Masaru Watase  —  Asura King
Ryuji Goda  —  Yellow Dragon
Tsuneo Iwami  —  Hakutaku (Bai Ze)
Wen Hai Lee  —  Guan Yu and Dragons
Ichiban Kasuga  —  Ryugyo - “Dragonfish”
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Round 48: Whose beef with Kiryu was more compelling
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It’s not about who you like more! It’s who you think sucks more as a character!
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nonsenseships · 23 hours
NM's Merman AU
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I'm so excited to work on this project~~ ahhhhh!!!! i'm not gonna lie, i'm not expecting anyone to like this but me. it's super self indulgent. That's why i've been so back and forth about making this a kulemiwrites xreader project or making this a nonsensemonkey selfship project. i'm not and have never been into fantasy. i've never even read a fantasy book until i started preparing myself for this project.
i have no idea what im doing. so all i can do is make something that i know will entertain me at the very least because I dont know what to look out for when choosing to consume fantasy media hahahaha. so i dont be disappointed when it doesn't pan out hahahaa.
i know this is the sorta thing that people take months if not years to put together bc fantasy is pretty intricate which is probably why i always kept away from it-- too intricate. and i kinda threw my stuff together in a few weeks. it's still pretty much the bare bones of it but i'm still so happy that i didn't give up because it took me SO MUCH TIME even though it doesn't look like much. heeehheheee i'm swaying happily in my seat right now~ i'm so happy omg.
im in love with the new personalities 🥰 can't wait to play toys some more~
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kulemii · 2 years
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keep the koisties off of twitter i beg of you
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rggshiptournament · 1 year
#001: tsuyoshi nagumo vs yuta usami
#002: mikiko sadamoto vs kaoru sayama
#003: takayuki yagami vs masayoshi tanimura
#004: nick ogata vs christina
#005: shintaro kazama vs osamu kashiwagi
#006: keiji shibusawa vs koichi adachi
#007: saori shirosaki vs makoto makimura
#008: makoto date vs makoto tsukumo
#009: joon-gi han (y6) vs fumiya sugiura
#010: daisaku kuze vs hiroki awano
#011: shusuke kenmochi vs seong-hui
#012: daisaku minami vs rikiya shimabukuro
#013: saeko mukoda vs eri kamataki
#014: masaharu kaito vs yuya
#015: yasuko saejima vs jin kuwana
#016: kazuki vs tetsu tachibana
#017: tashiro vs daigo dojima (y2)
#018: naoki katsuya vs the lingerie thief
#019: satoshi shioya vs masaru watase
#020: dd vs mitsuru kuroiwa
#021: hana vs yuki
#022: producer kiryu vs american boy mitsuo
#023: yoshitaka mine vs akira mabuchi
#024: jun sadamoto vs yu nanba
#025: ai uehera vs hibiki otsuki
#026: chika arimura vs saki hatsumi
#027: the areshi brothers vs etsuko
#028: toru higashi vs shun akiyama
#029: shinada vs shrimpnada
#030: ryuji goda vs daimu akutsu
#031: sohei dojima vs masumi arakawa
#032: reina vs yayoi dojima
#033: ryo aoki vs hiroaki arai
#034: jo sawashiro vs jun oda
#035: futoshi shimano vs akira nishikiyama (y1)
#036: masaru sera vs tsukasa sagawa
#037: shigeki baba vs joon-gi han (y7)
#038: shinji tanaka vs takeshi kido
#039: nishida vs taiga saejima
#040: tesso vs akira nishikiyama (y0)
#041: goh hamazaki vs wen hai lee
#042: homare nishitani vs sosuke komaki
#043: miss tatsu vs mirei park
#044: bacchus vs sotaro komaki
#045: ono michio vs kamulop
#046: haruka sawamura vs kyoko amasawa
#047: goro majima vs the florist
#048: toranosuke sengoku vs kazuma kiryu
#049: yoko sawa vs yumi sawamura
#050: gary "buster" holmes vs andre richardson
#051: tianyou zhao vs takumi someya
#052: ichiban kasuga vs daigo dojima (post y2)
#053: masato arakawa vs masato aizawa
BONUS ROUND: dead souls costumes
BONUS ROUND: wildcard qualifier
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These two don't care if it's barely 7am. If the mood strikes, they will bicker. This morning, on the way into the building we noticed that Masa kept groaning and rubbing at his knees. Somehow or another, they managed to make a fight out of it.
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Nishiki: What's his deal?
Me: I'm not sure. Masa, baby... *i reach for his back at the bend* You ok?
Aizawa, still groaning: I just don't understand why I had to sit in the backseat...
Nishiki: Because you ALWAYS ride shotgun! It's only fair that I get to call it every now and then- you don't get to be a big baby about it.
Me: Nish, please, it's so early...
Aizawa: Maybe I wouldn't be a big baby about it if you didn't sit with the fucking seat all the way back! It's like you forget how much taller I am than yo--
Me: Please, stop shouting.
Me: And they're actually yelling now, ok.
Me, turning to my right to see that the two of them are moments away from coming to blows, I run and place myself in between them knowing that they'd never hit each other if they knew could accidentally harm me in the process: We all had a shitty night of sleep, I see. Why don't we settle down, huh?
Aizawa, his forehead pressed firmly against Nishiki's and his teeth bared: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SUCH A DICK ABOUT IT!
Nishiki, rolling up the sleeve of his dominant fist as he readies himself for him: YOU SHOULD'VE SAT BEHIND PIPSQEAK IF YOU WANTED THE EXTRA LEG ROOM!
Me, flinching at 'pipsqeak', not understanding how this escalated so quickly: ???
Aizawa: Fuck you, Nishikiyama-san! Don't talk to me like that, asshole!
Me: Guys?
Me: Guys.
*They continue to argue*
Aizawa & Nishiki, finally acknowledging me: WHAT?!
Me: Do we have to do this? Like, right now? Right before we go into the building? On a Saturday? *I silently plead with them as I bite my lip and fidget with my lanyard, hoping that it's enough to get them to understand how much I need their support*
Nishiki: Not like it's gonna make or break the mood of the day...
Me, sighing: Fine! Bicker away. JUST LEAVE ME OUT OF IT! *I walk off on my own, intending to enter the building alone*
Aizawa: Amor, wait! *to Nishiki* Smooth, real smooth. Now we have to spend the day fixing your fuck up.
Nishiki: Just leave her alone for a while. I'll fix it later. Besides, how is this my fuck up? You're the one that started this. It's mostly your fault.
Aizawa: My fault? You just broke her heart just now! 'Not like it's gonna make or break the mood of the day.' It's Saturday! Jackass. Why would you say that?
Nishiki, realizing what he's done, he sighs heavily and reaches for his cigarettes: I don't know.
Aizawa: You don't have time for a smoke break! Go after her before she gets into the building, she's almost there. If you don't fix it, I will.
Nishiki, shrugs: She'll be fine.
Aizawa: Why are you in such a mood today?
Nishiki: I'm in a mood everyday. *he lights his cigarette and pulls*
Aizawa: Yeah, but today it's different. It's worse. You need to get your shit together.
Nishiki: ...yeah. I guess she was right before. About the sleep thing?
Aizawa: The insomnia?
Nishiki: She had it under control for so long. But lately...
Aizawa: Yeah...
Nishiki: I can't sleep if she can't sleep. If she wakes up, I wake up. The last couple of weeks have been pretty rough, man.
Aizawa: She wouldn't mind if you need to sleep separately. You know that.
Nishiki: I do know it and if you tell her it's gonna be the first thing she suggests so don't but... The thing is, man, I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and I guess it's catching up to me. Got me in a foul mood.
Aizawa, smiling: I hope you're not about to apologize to me..
Nishiki, smirks as he blows out his last inhale: Of course not. You deserved to get your knees banged up by the front seat and yelled at in the middle of an empty parking lot. I will, however, go and apologize to our girl. Think she'll forgive me?
Aizawa: I wouldn't, personally. But she has a thing for pissy types, so I think we've got it our favor.
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F/Os fail sometimes. Honestly, my F/Os fail alot and hell if I'm honest, I've even failed them from time to time but we're all trying! That's what humanizes them for me.
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nishikiyamayuko · 2 years
friend, i've been thinking about yuko for weeks now and i wanted to hear more about your ship!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for asking! I’ve got a couple ships in rotation for Yuko, varying from AU to AU to the canon plot.
She and Tachibana certainly have shared life experience, as I’ve touched on before. They both suffer from chronic illnesses. They’re both very attached to a sibling of the opposite gender despite the emotional baggage their relationship with that sibling carries with it. They both suffer from social obstacles attached to parts of their identity - the xenophobia Tachibana faces for his mixed heritage, the isolation Yuko’s illness forces on her. They’re both very closed off, guarded people as a result. They can both be found making eyes at Kiryu at any given moment. 
Like, even outside the bounds of a romantic relationship, I imagine they’d appreciate each other’s company very much. In an AU where Tachibana survives to see the 90s and maintains a friendly relationship with Nishiki & Kiryu, it’d be fascinating and heartbreaking to see how he might interact with her while she was on her deathbed. He might have an innate understanding of what she’s going through shared by no one else in her (very small) circle, a supportive dynamic which I’d love to explore someday.
I’m a sucker for a good height difference, so Aizawa’s on the list as well. They’re both ostensibly very quiet, put together people, hiding some serious resentment & acknowledgment issues underneath: sort of desperate to just feel seen by people, y’know? Except Yuko is a very delicate college-age woman and Aizawa is a thirty something brick shithouse, so he has much more power to externalize his feelings than she does.
Another choice height difference: in an ongoing AU of mine premised upon Yuko getting her heart transplant and living to see Nishiki’s rise to power, she develops a very odd, very uncouth relationship with Koji Shindo, of all people. As Nishiki’s closest underling and immediate successor, he ends up being the only major member of the Nishikiyama family she gets acquainted with. He’s drawn to her right the fuck away, for reasons that are characteristically shallow - she’s young, she’s hot, and she’s his boss’ sister, so there’s an air of unattainability there that he's reeeeeaaaal into. As for Yuko, she’s spent most of her life in a hospital with little expectation of living long, so she’s torn between being grossed out by this deeply immoral representative of her brother’s corruption and enamored by the prospect of open, unmistakeable male attention in an adult context. It’s a relationship with a lot of conflicts of interest built in, which, as always, is juicy as shit.
Y’know the song “Fuckboi Rejects” by Royal & The Serpent? That’s Yuko and Shindo. The man isn’t completely devoid of admirable qualities, by any means - his loyalty, his combat prowess, his twisted code of ethics, his coarse/understated capacity for thoughtfulness - but by and large, he’s a deplorable person who’s completely devoted to being deplorable, and that vileness bleeds over into his behavior towards his boss’ sister, no matter how much her brother tries to insulate her from the truth of his business. 10/10, would cringe at again.
As alluded to above, I’ve thought about pairing her up with Kiryu; or at least, about her having latent feelings for him that are never acted upon. In the past, I’ve described Kiryu as her “surrogate brother” to people who haven’t played the game, just because him and Nishiki consider each other brothers and the whole sunflower dynamic is easier to explain that way, but considering the flexibility of Kiryu’s relationship with Yumi, the idea of a relationship between them being placed center stage in Ryu Ga Gotoku Online, and the fact that Yuko specifically was raised lately in the hospital, much more removed from the orphanage than the people around her, I don’t think that’s necessarily the canon status of their relationship.
So, the prospect of the two of them dating is the premise of her story in Ryu Ga Gotoku Online - y’know, the one where Yuko has lines and a role in the plot, but not a face? Even then? I’m still mad about that! - and even if it turned out to be a joke on her end, I love the little details that plot line reveals about both her and their relationship. She’s the sort of person who would twist the truth a bit for her own entertainment, yes? And Kiryu, he’s separated from her, but he’s not forgotten about her. He sends her flowers, and specifically says he did so on Kazama’s advice because it “aligned with his feelings.” In the opening of Kiwami, he’s explicitly thinking about what would happen to her if Nishiki got arrested, even when Nishiki isn’t. 
I can imagine Yuko herself feeling a little complicated about Kiryu. He’s handsome, yes, but also dependable, stoic and (from her perspective) very sure of himself; traits which are very valuable to someone like her, who lives in constant struggle with chronic illness with only her fiery, emotionally erratic brother as a support system. 
On the other hand, she’s a very lonely person, and is not incapable of being possessive. Yuko might not consider Kiryu her brother, but her actual brother sure does, and while Nishiki is visibly Goin Through It™ with Kiryu during the plot of Yakuza: 0 I can definitely picture her (internally, subliminally) being like “he’s not your real sibling, like me, yes? All these feelings you have for him shouldn’t be equal to, or god forbid greater than, the feelings you have for me, yes? YES??” There’s a weird combination of jealousy and admiration at work there.
There’s also the matter of Kiryu’s decision to take the fall for her brother’s murder of Dojima explicitly for Yuko’s sake; at once a gesture of immense concern for her and value placed on her life and an uninvited usurpation of her agency. (I’m not judging him for this, it was a spur of the moment choice, I’m talking about how she’d feel about it.) Kiryu makes this massive life decision using her as a justification which ends up doing more harm than good, ripping his own life up by the roots, emotionally devastating Nishiki and seriously complicating things for the already traumatized Yumi. 
For someone like Yuko, who is both unused to being treated like her life has tangible significance and resentful of her suffocating inability to exert any influence over her circumstances, the fact that Kiryu did something like that without her consent would be. Just. There’s a lot of ways I could describe it, but I’m gonna go with “wildly conflicting.” It’s similar to her relationship with Shindo, but tilted more towards genuine, mature emotional connection and less towards the crude temptation of rebelliousness and the ugly underside of luxury.
And also, before I close this out. Reina is there. Reina, who is an independent, self-sustaining woman, has a healthy, active social circle, is strikingly beautiful and friends with everyone Yuko knows - a nonmember of the sunflower quartet who Yuko might’ve canonically met at some point! I can imagine her being fascinated by Reina, definitely envious but besotted with her underneath that. Her immediate impulse would be to put her up on a pedestal, this intelligent, regal woman who has control over her choices, whose company her brother enjoys despite his lack of romantic interest in her (moron.) She also might have to reconsider her opinion on those closest to her if they ever got to know each other better, ticking the “conflict of interest” box I’m so fond of subjecting her to. Yuko/messy relationships ftw!
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azureseadragon · 2 years
The names of the Yakuza Series tattoos, for @rggtattoos
Kiryu - 応龍 - Oryu - “Responsive Dragon” (Yinglong)
Ichiban/Sawashiro - 龍魚 - Ryugyo - “Dragonfish”
Majima -  般若と蛇と桜 - Hannya, snakes and cherry blossoms
Saejima/Shimano - 虎 - Tiger
Awano - 桃太郎 - Momotaro
Shibusawa - 青龍 - Seiryu - “Azure/blue/green Dragon” (Qinglong)
Kuze - 閻魔大王と牛頭馬頭 - Great King Enma (Yama), Ox-head and Horse-face
Tachibana/Oda - 蝙蝠 - Bat
Lee - 関羽と龍 - Guan Yu and dragons
Nishikiyama - 緋鯉 - Red Carp
Yumi - 月下美人 - Queen of the Night
Ryuji - 黄龍 - Koryu - “Yellow Dragon” (Huanglong​)
Daigo - 不動明王 - Fudo Myo (Acala)
Mine - 麒麟 - Kirin (Qilin)
Rikiya -  ハブとシュロの葉 - Habu and windmill palm leaves
Nakahara - シーサーとハイビスカス - Shisa and hibiscus
Kanda - おかめと天女 - Okame and Tennyo
- 邦柄 - 黒豹と牡丹 - Japanese style: Black panther and peonies
- 洋柄 - 蛇と女と髑髏 - Western style: Snake, woman and skull
Katsuya - 鶴 - Crane
Aizawa - 真鯉 - Black Carp
Watase - 阿修羅王 - Ashura King (Mahabali)
Iwami - 白澤 - Hakutaku (Bai Ze)
Tendo - 昇り龍 - Rising Dragon
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majimemegoro · 2 years
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sorry. and happy valentine’s day.
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ultimateanna · 3 years
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Yakuza (Ryū ga Gotoku) - Tattoo images
1.  Akira Nishikiyama - Carp Tattoo
2. Hiroki Awano - Awano’s Momotaro tattoo
3. Daigo Dojima - Daigo’s tattoo (from 10th anniversary book)
4.  Masato Aizawa - Aizawa’s Tattoo (from 10th anniversary book)
5. Taiga Saejima - Taiga Saejima’s tattoo (from 10th anniversary book)
6. Naoki Katsuya - Naoki Katsuya’s Tattoo (from 10th anniversary book)
7. Keiji Shibusawa - Keiji Shibusawa's tattoo (from 10th anniversary book).
8. Kazuma Kiryu - Kiryu's finished tattoo
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nonsensemonkey · 2 months
a win is a win!!!
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rggtattoos · 2 years
Like a Dragon Tattoo Analysis
💮🌙Sawamura Yumi — Queen of the Night
🐟⚫Masato Aizawa — Black Carp
🐍💀Daisaku Minami — Panther, Peonies, Snake, Woman and Skull
🐟🔴Akira Nishikiyama — Red Carp
🍑👦Hiroki Awano — Momotaro
🐕🌺Shigeru Nakahara — Shisa and Hibiscus
🐉⚫Kazuma Kiryu — Oryu “Responsive Dragon”
🐲🐟Jo Sawashiro — Ryugyo - “Dragonfish”
🐍🌴Rikiya Shimabukuro — Habu Viper and Windmill Palm Leaves
🦄🦌Yoshitaka Mine — Kirin (Qilin)
👹🐍Goro Majima — Hannya, Snakes and Cherry Blossoms
🐉🔵Yosuke Tendo — Rising Dragon
🦇🟢🟠Tetsu Tachibana & Jun Oda — Bat
💃👘Tsuyoshi Kanda — Okame and Tennyo
🐅🎋Taiga Saejima — Tiger
🦢☁️Naoki Katsuya — Crane
👑⚖️Daisaku Kuze — Great King Enma (Yama), Ox-head and Horse-face
⚔️🪢Daigo Dojima — Fudo Myo-o
🐅🎋Futoshi Shimano — Tiger
🐉🟢Keiji Shibusawa — Seiryu - “Azure/Blue/Green Dragon”
👹☸️Masaru Watase — Asura King
🐉🟡Ryuji Goda — Yellow Dragon
🐂👁️Tsuneo Iwami — Hakutaku (Bai Ze)
⚔️🐉Wen Hai Lee — Guan Yu and Dragons
🐲🐟Ichiban Kasuga — Ryugyo - “Dragonfish”
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kulemiwrites · 3 years
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𝐑𝐆𝐆/𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐳𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬|𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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I’m feeling kinda clingy right now so let’s project onto some characters and talk about cuddling!
Note: Gender neutral but idk, it may be female-coded in nature. Maybe ooc, but it's cool, we projecting. It doesn't matter lol. Hints at sexual activity but nothing graphic
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𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐨
◈ Some days he’s the big spoon, some days he’s the little spoon. On the day’s that he needs to be the little spoon, I imagine he’d talk a little shit as it’s happening. Like, his s/o is laying on their side and he scooches back into them and when they don’t immediately wrap an arm around him he’s like, “What? Ya don’t wanna love on me? Fine. Forget it,” and pretend that he’s gonna move away just so they’re the ones asking to hold him. He’s tall af but if his s/o isn’t able to cover all of him, he shrinks into them a little to make it work. When he’s the big spoon, he likes to be as close as physically possible. He might hump them a little but it doesn't have to go anywhere, force of habit. Whether he’s the big or the little spoon, someone's hair must be played in-- I don’t make the rules (except I do because I’m projecting~). His s/o can play in his if he’s the little spoon but if he’s the big spoon, they can bet their bottom dollar his fingers are gonna wind up in their hair. He also loves hiding his face in the crook of their neck and nodding off but rarely ever fully falling asleep because this is Majima we’re talking about.
𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨
◈ He just so soft on the inside (shut up hoe, I said we projecting today). He would probably love to be the little spoon but he’s large, huge & gigantic, okay? Unless they’re the same size as him, good luck getting their arms around that big chunk of man! So, anyways, he’s practically always the big spoon. As mentioned before, he’s huge--I know what you’re thinking, ‘Kulemi, your size kink is showing’--shut your mouth, it’s true. He’s enormous and soft and with enormous, soft men come gentle, warm cuddles. He likes to tuck one arm underneath him-- resting on his hand while they lay on his arm like a pillow; his other arm will be wrapped around them nice and taut. He’s quiet but at times like this, he loves chatting with his s/o about their day-- mostly asking them questions and just listening to what they have to say. They’re so close to his chest and his head is just above theirs, they can feel his voice vibrating behind them. Ahhh~
𝐍𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐀𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐚
◈ If Big Spoon in the Streets, Little Spoon in the Sheets was a thing that people actually said, his face would be in the encyclopedia for the origin because oh my god what a phony this guy is! If he’s just laying up with someone he’s randomly hooking up with, he’ll need to be the big spoon-- for appearances sake. He’s a tough guy-- until he’s not. Please, when he’s with someone who he feels safe enough to show his vulnerability to, he will absolutely be the little spoon. During cuddle sessions, he would lean into his s/o and let out whatever it is that he has on his mind at the moment that’s been weighing him down. (Can you believe I made a whole as fic with this idea? lol) He doesn’t cry every single time he gets frustrated, it’s usually the result of him letting things build up and fester to the point that he feels like he doesn’t have any control and that is what brings the waterworks and at that time, holding him is very much appreciated.
𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢
◈ Cool guy, this one and also protective-- therefore, big spoon. If spooning isn’t directly the end result of a steamy love session, he’s probably a little less likely to initiate. Of course if he’s been asked, he’s not going to turn his partner down but I imagine he’d click his tongue and scratch at the back of his head and spit out, “Really?” in a faux annoyed voice and a, “I guess I’ve got no choice” but once he’s actually laying there behind his partner, he’s whispering things to them and making sure they’re comfortable, “You warm?”, “Wanna cover up?”, “Am I holding you too tight?” and kissing their neck and shoulder while his fingertips ghost their frame. Once he’s there, it’s almost impossible to get him to let up-- funny, considering how he pretended to be bothered by the proposal to begin with...
◈ Oh my god does this man love to cuddle! Working as a host for as long as he did, made him really in tune with his intimate side as well anticipating the needs of his s/o. He’s got a buff chest and muscular arms which makes him the perfect teddy bear. He’s protective of that which he holds dear so of course he enjoys being the big spoon but he likes being the little spoon just as much if that’s what his partner wants. If pillows and sheets are needed, he’ll make sure they’re in the general vicinity so that he doesn’t have to move too far away from them.
𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐚
◈ He’s probably not the first to initiate a cuddle session but he’s definitely not going to turn one down. He’s generally always going to be the big spoon as it’s his default position. He likes to wrap his arms tight around his s/o, tuck them into his broad chest and bury his face into their neck or hair or both. He loves it when his s/o runs a hand up and down the arm that he’s wrapped around them. If there’s a height difference (because he’s huge) and the difference allows for it, he likes to tangle the feet together because he knows that feet are always forgotten and usually the most cold part of the body. We all know that he’s quiet but he doesn’t mind pillowtalking when he’s with his partner like this, it almost feels natural.
𝐀𝐤𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧
◈ Big Spoon, Little Spoon, Middle Spoon, Akiyama doesn’t give a shit so long as he gets some warmth. It doesn’t matter which position he’s in; he’s next to his partner, he’s warm, he’s napping. No ifs, ands, or buts. If his partner has had a rough day and needs to be held, that’s no problem at all; but if they wanna talk, they’d better do it while he’s still sitting upright or he will fall asleep on them and he won’t regret it. If his partner is the one holding him, he’ll likely fall asleep even quicker. If he’s fallen asleep on his partner while they're talking and they shake him and ask if he’s listening, he will say yes. He’s a liar. He was asleep and didn’t hear a word after…. Wait, what did they say again?
◈ True to her name, she is a queen and a queen must be held; delicately, now. This little spoon loves the feeling of a strong but gentle hand at her waist. If her partner is going to run their fingers through her hair, that’s fine but she asks that they don’t cover her face with it; it tickles and the oil is bad for her skin. She melts in a tight embrace and will entangle all of her limbs with her s/os if allowed to. She might talk a little or she might ask her partner to tell her a story, something nobody else knows while she caresses their forearm. She’s not beyond getting her beauty sleep once comfortable.
𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐮
◈ Don’t get it wrong. She doesn’t need to be held but if they’re going to lay that close, they may as well hold her. She melts from the comfort and security that comes from being held by one of the few people that she trusts. This doesn’t mean that she’s only a little spoon. If there are ever times when her partner needs to feel from her that they are safe and loved she would be happy to wrap her toned arms around them and bring them as close to her body as possible. She likes to run her foot up and down the leg of her partner whether she’s in front or behind.
𝐒𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚
◈ Hard on the outside, soft on the inside, Saejima has gone 25 years too many without the warmth of a person he cares about pressed tight against his muscular build. More often than not, he winds up being the little spoon even if he’s much bigger than the person he’s laying with. In the beginning, he would probably default to being the big spoon but he’s always preferred being loved on. As a self admitted ‘sucker for a pair of legs’, if his partner hooks a leg around him while holding him from behind, he’ll latch on and his heart would go nuts.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐨
◈ There’s no shame in indulging in his needs, with his job, he often does but majority of the time it lacks the intimacy that comes naturally with being attached to someone. When he finds himself laying up beside someone that he’s dedicated to, he finds it almost impossible to not want to cling onto them all day. Cuddling sessions are the best thing in the world. They’re the perfect excuse to hold on and not let go. He prefers to be the big spoon but his goofy ass melts every time he gets to be the little spoon. There would be lots of spooning and sleeping in every day.
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nonsenseships · 3 months
𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒑
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Welcome aboard! I'm the captain of this here ship and this is where I house the heftiest harem! I promise not to count if you wont.
This is a judgment-free zone!
You can expect everything from scripts to full blown fics of me interacting with my f/os as well as them interacting with one another! I don't really have much of a set AU for any one f/o and if I do, the details will be specified. However, I do have bulk AUs where I group multiple f/os at a time and interact with them there.
With one on one stuff, I tend to reality base ship, which means my f/os live with me in my universe as opposed to me inserting myself in theirs. Due to this, they tend to help me through many of my real life issues when I need that type of comfort.
I do not need anyone to remind me that no one is real, that this is fictional, yadda yadda yadda. I've been at this since I was 11 lol. I know what I'm doing. This is all in good fun and intentional.
If I make you uncomfortable, block me.
General things to be cautious of when viewing this blog: NSFW (cmon, obviously lol), deep mental health discussions, life stressors.
Other things to be cautious of when reading: Open relationships, jealousy, feelings of insecurity and inferiority, bickering between men, my f/os are stupidly in love with me and behave as if there's no one else for them. If that's going to bother you, steer clear.
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F/Os you will see often (subject to change):
Masato Aizawa (Yakuza) Akira Nishikiyama (Yakuza) Suguru Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen) Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen) Pickles the Drummer (Metalocalypse) Saitama (One Punch Man)
F/Os that might appear often but not regularly (subject to change):
Charles Ofdensen (Metalocalypse) Choso Kamo (Jujutsu Kaisen) Barbatos (Obey Me) Simeon (Obey Me) Takayuki Yagami (Judgment) Masaharu Kaito (Judgment) Lucifer (Obey Me) Osamu Kashiwagi (Yakuza) Mammon (Obey Me) Natsuki Shinomiya (Uta no Prince Sama) Reiji Kotobuki (Uta no Prince Sama) Tokiya Ichinose (Uta no Prince Sama) Satan (Obey Me) Beelzebub (Obey Me) Diavolo (Obey Me) Zayne (Love & Deepspace) (Cont.)
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kulemii · 1 year
nishiki rectified the situation 🤰🏾
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