utaitemusic · 6 months
【エイプリルフールver.】Booo! / 我らペガサス探検隊!チーム
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callmepyrus · 6 months
This is probably late by two weeks but…
TOKOTOKO remakes one of my fav songs >▾<
Song: 夜もすがら君想ふ / All Night Thinking of You (10th Anniversay ver) Producer: TOKOTKO ft. GUMI synthV
▶︎ Original version by GUMI 🎵
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altamugs · 2 years
Song: バウワウ / Bow-Wow Music, Lyrics, Vocals: TOKOTOKO / NishizawasanP / zawaso
こんな顔して生まれたのは 君に好かれる為だってこと こんな背丈で生まれたのは 同じ世界を見る為だってこと
That I was born with this face to be loved by you That I was born with this height so I could see the world the way you do
君と僕は似てる お互いが違う歩幅で歩いてきたはずが 揃っているように  
On those aspects, you and I are similar We're supposed to have walked in different paces but our steps seem to match
それじゃ hey! coming up って呼んでみて そしたら bow-wow ワンて鳴いて飛んでくよ 寝ても覚めても夢から醒めない もうなんていうか奴隷っていうか 笑っちゃうくらいに
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Come here!" and then bow-wow, so I'd bark and jump into your arms Whether asleep or awake, I won't wake up from this dream What should I call myself, a slave or something? I can do nothing but laugh
丁寧丁寧に紡ぐストーリー のはずが全然! いつの間にか君の言う通り 100年経ってもこの恋は冷めない どうしたって君に夢中
It can't be this carefully, thoroughly crafted story! Before anyone notices, it's become what you said This love won't fade even after 100 years go by At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
こんな声して生まれたのは 君と付き合う為だってこと こんな時代に生まれたのは 同じ未来を見る為だってこと
That I was born with this voice to go out with you That I was born in this era so we can see the same future
それは恋の不思議 お互いが違うところで 過ごしていたとしても育っていくように
Those are the wonders of love We might have been in different places but seems like we've both grown
それじゃ hey! shall we dance? って呼んでみて 思い切り high-five ハイになって飛んでくよ どんな漫画、映画もこの恋に勝てない もうはいって言うか yes って言うか 二択しかないし
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Shall we dance?" I'll jump into you and give you the biggest high-five No manga and movie can rival this love "Okay" and "yes", we have but two choices
lady 涙で濡れた瞳 のはずが全然! いつもなんか君の思い通り すずも架純も君には勝てない どうしたって君に夢中
Lady, I won't allow your eyes to be wet with tears! It's always gonna go the way you say it Suzu and Kasumi are no match for you At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
「あんな女やめといたほうがいいのに」 口を揃えて言われたってさ 好きなとこと良いとこって別で その逆も然り
"You should leave that kind of girl" Everyone told me so but things I love are not necessarily good things and the vice versa also applies  
それじゃ hey! coming up って呼んでみて そしたら bow-wow ワンて鳴いて飛んでくよ 寝ても覚めても夢から醒めない もうなんていうか奴隷っていうか 笑っちゃうくらいに
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Come here!" and then bow-wow, so I'd bark and jump into your arms Whether asleep or awake, I won't wake up from this dream What should I call myself, a slave or something? I can do nothing but laugh
丁寧丁寧に紡ぐストーリー のはずが全然! いつの間にか君の言う通り 100年経ってもこの恋は冷めない どうしたって君に夢中
It can't be this carefully, thoroughly crafted story! Before anyone notices, it's become what you said This love won't fade even after 100 years go by At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
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flovenine · 4 years
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iconsynth · 4 years
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Runway's Fantasista icons!
I saw this PV and I just had to <3
PV: ランウェイのファンタジスタ by TOKOTOKO (illust. by Mogelatte)
Free to use; reblogs appreciated!
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akikamitsuki · 3 years
エメラルドシティ (Emerald City) by TOKOTOKO feat. Satsuma Kadonoooji (CV. Ryotaro Okiayu) from ACTORS -Singing Contest Edition- SideB
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tigerrampage · 3 years
Maigo Life ft. Kagamine Rin - Tokotoko (Nishizawasan-P)
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utaitemusic · 2 years
No matter how much time passes, we won't change We worry about the same things, Regret the same things, And laugh at the same things, too
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akikamitsuki · 8 years
01) All Night Thinking of You (short version) // Nishizawasan-P (TOKOTOKO) feat. Hajime Kiriyama (CV. Yuuichirou Umehara) from EXIT TUNES Presents ACTORS6
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