zerochancool · 11 days
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Bow-Wow and Link ✨
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uwudonoodle · 2 months
Since Echoes of Wisdom uses the same assets as the Link's Awakening remake, my partner bought it for me so I could learn the controls and stuff before September. (I'm not an experienced gamer, and need all the practice I can get).
I recently got Bow-Wow, and I love him! He helps me with enemies since I'm not great at combat. Here we are seashell hunting on the beach. This game is so cute!
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ghostshadow-k-r · 1 year
"Arf!Arf arf arf!Woof!"
Hey,don't be panic,he's just want to say Hi with you!
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Bow-wow was a pet dog that lives with his master at the shrine nearby,but after his master's unfortunately death,he losts his home and become a stray dog.
But who could ever imagine that even a pet dog that never talk could use a persona?At least,the S.E.E.S never imagined about it,they were shocked to sawing him using a persona.But,after sawing it by themselves,they decided to take care of him,keeping him at the dorm of the Moonlight High School and letting him join the S.E.E.S.
He gets along with everypony,also becoming the mascot role in the team?Most of time,Cliff Wilds is the one that cook for him,secretly.And Bow-wow loves his dish.Also,Agate,Cliff Wilds and Field Spear seems to be the few that could understand what's he talking about.
After the defeat of Nyx and the disband of the S.E.E.S,Field Spear had become the one that take care of him and they lived together in the same dorm that they used to be.
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altamugs · 2 years
Song: バウワウ / Bow-Wow Music, Lyrics, Vocals: TOKOTOKO / NishizawasanP / zawaso
こんな顔して生まれたのは 君に好かれる為だってこと こんな背丈で生まれたのは 同じ世界を見る為だってこと
That I was born with this face to be loved by you That I was born with this height so I could see the world the way you do
君と僕は似てる お互いが違う歩幅で歩いてきたはずが 揃っているように  
On those aspects, you and I are similar We're supposed to have walked in different paces but our steps seem to match
それじゃ hey! coming up って呼んでみて そしたら bow-wow ワンて鳴いて飛んでくよ 寝ても覚めても夢から醒めない もうなんていうか奴隷っていうか 笑っちゃうくらいに
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Come here!" and then bow-wow, so I'd bark and jump into your arms Whether asleep or awake, I won't wake up from this dream What should I call myself, a slave or something? I can do nothing but laugh
丁寧丁寧に紡ぐストーリー のはずが全然! いつの間にか君の言う通り 100年経ってもこの恋は冷めない どうしたって君に夢中
It can't be this carefully, thoroughly crafted story! Before anyone notices, it's become what you said This love won't fade even after 100 years go by At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
こんな声して生まれたのは 君と付き合う為だってこと こんな時代に生まれたのは 同じ未来を見る為だってこと
That I was born with this voice to go out with you That I was born in this era so we can see the same future
それは恋の不思議 お互いが違うところで 過ごしていたとしても育っていくように
Those are the wonders of love We might have been in different places but seems like we've both grown
それじゃ hey! shall we dance? って呼んでみて 思い切り high-five ハイになって飛んでくよ どんな漫画、映画もこの恋に勝てない もうはいって言うか yes って言うか 二択しかないし
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Shall we dance?" I'll jump into you and give you the biggest high-five No manga and movie can rival this love "Okay" and "yes", we have but two choices
lady 涙で濡れた瞳 のはずが全然! いつもなんか君の思い通り すずも架純も君には勝てない どうしたって君に夢中
Lady, I won't allow your eyes to be wet with tears! It's always gonna go the way you say it Suzu and Kasumi are no match for you At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
「あんな女やめといたほうがいいのに」 口を揃えて言われたってさ 好きなとこと良いとこって別で その逆も然り
"You should leave that kind of girl" Everyone told me so but things I love are not necessarily good things and the vice versa also applies  
それじゃ hey! coming up って呼んでみて そしたら bow-wow ワンて鳴いて飛んでくよ 寝ても覚めても夢から醒めない もうなんていうか奴隷っていうか 笑っちゃうくらいに
So try calling out to me with a "Hey! Come here!" and then bow-wow, so I'd bark and jump into your arms Whether asleep or awake, I won't wake up from this dream What should I call myself, a slave or something? I can do nothing but laugh
丁寧丁寧に紡ぐストーリー のはずが全然! いつの間にか君の言う通り 100年経ってもこの恋は冷めない どうしたって君に夢中
It can't be this carefully, thoroughly crafted story! Before anyone notices, it's become what you said This love won't fade even after 100 years go by At any rate, I'm hopelessly into you
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lunar-years · 5 months
what's so clever about Clara Bow is that when she references her own name at the end, she's not talking about the present but the future, quoting the inevitable way people are going to one day talk about her, imagining it will only be in regards to the woma(e)n who surpass her. because there will be someone who surpasses her, eventually. that's the cycle of fame, isn't it? we're simultaneously captivated by the alluring trick of the past while looking for the next big thing. we compare current stars to the lights that shined before them, "you look like taylor swift." but we're also constantly waiting for someone new and greater to take the crown and captivate us anew, "you've got edge she never did." And half the song is about acknowledging that being revered is hell on earth for the people who are in it, because you're always trapped between what came before and what will come after. you're only safe insofar as you remain shiny. But the real beauty of the song is that it never succumbs to this dichotomy, but embraces it. It's Taylor acknowledging she wouldn't be who she is were it not for the women who came before her, who shared the same dreams, and recognizing her place in the chain of the women who will come after. The future's bright, dazzling.
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wickedcriminal · 11 days
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atomic-chronoscaph · 9 months
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1980s album covers
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nutakuro · 3 months
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Happy Summer!! I hosted a secret inanimate insanity beach collab with a bunch of super cool artists !!!
And oh my god ?? This turned out way better then I even expected oh my god everyone’s art is amazing check out the artists below !!:
Apple- @assigned-k9
Blueberry- @whipedcream
Bomb- @kkmochii
Bot- @//hungyhenka (discord)
Bow- @knific
Cabby- @cringefailcabitha
Clover- @fettifunfetti
Fan- @pankiepoo
Goo- @spr1mkle
Lightbulb- @qui-gg
Knife- @//inanimateins (twitter)
Marshmallow- @starleavess
Mepad- @r-egen
Mephone 4- @mephoj
Mic- @flyingbuddiies
Oj- @mr-payjay
Paintbrush- @tenquis
Paper- @nutakuro
Pepper- @juiatomou
Pickle- @//celezticuh (twitter)
Salt- @//tungster24 (twitter)
Silver- @silverboo
Suitcase- @potatemotate
Taco- @//seraphysm (twitter)
Trophy- @syztemerrxr
Yinyang- @starryv01dz
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aaflovedatbounz · 4 months
Like U
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Same ⏰️.
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growingupgerudo · 1 year
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Some Zelda requests from Patreon! Cheers!
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
this sounds weird but could you do how adam,angel,vox etc would react if reader had a miscarriage
What could of been.
Hazbin Hotel head-cannons about miscarriage
Warnings: miscarriage TW
Taglist: @fandomsbookclub @adamsfavoritesinner @leathesimp @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @strangerthings36 @carylinflors
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He would be so so heart broken.
He would find you on the floor crying with blood surrounding you and panic.
He would immediately transport you to the hospital.
You two have been trying for awhile. You were a sinner so it was obviously going to be hard.
You were told early on in the pregnancy that there may be complications. That couldn’t have prepared you for this though.
Lucifer held your hand throughout the whole thing and when the doctor came in, the look on his face broke the two of you.
You stayed in the hospital for about two weeks before you were sent home.
Lucifer carried you bridal style through the doors, and just passing the nursing room broke you more.
You knew Lucifer was hurting just as much. He was the only one who could truly share your pain.
You hug him as he cries, just as he hugs you.
For months you two would cry each other to sleep. And if you went to bed before him he would often walk outside on the balcony and stare up at heaven.
“You are Cruel!” “I thought god was supposed to be merciful!” “Why couldn’t you let me have this why?! Does my father hate me this much!”
He would yell to the heavens, yell to his father — god. You would often find him out there crying, begging someone to bring back his child. Begging someone to give him your pain.
You two were shattered. You would pick each other up, but the mirror was still cracked.
You never loved Lucifer more as he would comfort you. And him the same to you.
I like to think this was when you two were alive.
You had became pregnant when you were alive with Alastor’s child.
The doctors wasn’t great during the Great Depression. They couldn’t help you when you felt the pain in your stomach.
The pain in your stomach was nothing compared to the pain in your heart.
You would beg the doctors. You would beg ever god known to man.
You’d often cried yourself to sleep in Alastor’s arms. While you cried going to bed, waking up Alastor would cry knowing the day before wasn’t just a nightmare.
You would wake and find him breaking. You hug him and tell him your sorry, while he would kiss you and tell you that it wasn’t your fault going to sleep.
You once heard Alastor over the radio voice break over news. It had been some family that had gotten in a car crash and the kid didn’t make it out. He was talking about how cruel this world was.
You quickly went to his broad casting station. You didn’t care he was on air, you hurried to hug him.
I’m that moment Alastor knew he had to marry you. That you two would be together forever. No matter what god threw y’all’s way.
That had been his last straw. He broke, yelling how this wasn’t fair. Not to you or him.
You’d cry for days and days. The whole hotel breaking for you two.
He wished he had the power to bring y’all’s kid back. He wished he had the power to make your eyes shine as they once did.
Surprisingly Valentino let him off work for awhile. Angel didn’t know you yelled screamed and cried to his boss. The princess of hell backing you up as well.
Angel would try and convince everyone he was fine, but he wasn’t.
You found him crying in the mirror and when he wasn’t answering you called out to him once more, “Anthony?”
He turned to you. Eyes full of despair, “I’m sorry baby, so sorry.”
Angel would also stay up with you as you cried to him, you’d often ask why this happen, and his only answer would be, “I don’t know, sugar.”
Adam didn’t believe it at first. He couldn’t.
He was so so excited for this baby. He was never really a good father. I mean one son killed another.
He was scared, but he knew this time he would be there. He would be a good dad.
This time he was ready for a kid. He wanted a kid. He was so happy when you showed him that pregnancy stick. He would often talk to your belly as well. He grew so close to it.
That was the first time you actually saw Adam cry in anguish. He tried to hold it together. He really did. But when y’all finally got home and he saw the “I love my daddy shirt.” He broke down.
He threw all the stuff around. Only calming down when you ran your fingers in his hair and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
“I thought heaven was supposed to only be good?”
He would often check on you. Always making sure you were okay. He went into overdrive with his protectiveness with you.
When you’d cry he hug you and listen to your pleas. Wishing he could grant them.
Adam thought this was heaven, but it felt like hell. What was worse was he had to watch you go through the same pain he did.
He begged Sera for help. Begged every arch angel, every higher being. Only to he met with “I’m sorry Adam.”
He didn’t need sorries, he need his family to be alright. He need his wife to be 100% happy again. He need you to be okay.
When Adam finally accepted it, he would try his damn hardest to bring the light back in your eyes. But it was hard. Just because he accepted it, didn’t make it hurt less, if not more.
He didn’t know which was worse, the bliss of denial, or the bitterness of the truth.
Husk would immediately comfort you.
He’d also drown his sorrows in a bottle. He never drank to much however. He always was there for you, like you were there for him.
He went to Alastor, and begged, like on his knees begged him to bring his baby back.
Alastor felt sorry. He did. But that didn’t mean he could grant his wish.
Husk would cry at night. He’d often would try and cry alone, but you made it your mission to remind him that you loved him and was still there.
While physical touch was often your main sense of love, acts of services became the main one after.
You two would always try and help and do things for the other.
Husk would always rest his hands on your stomach, at night he’d rub it, reminiscent of the excitement he once had.
He would be in denial. For the first hour he’s just shake his head.
But when the hour had struck, so did the truth.
He throws anything he could find. He would also apologize just as quickly for reacting like that.
Vox would always never be far from you after that. Always with you.
When Vox would work he’d often play the babies heart beat he had on recording.
I have a head-cannon that he can’t physically cry. Cause yk tv and water?
So he just bang his hand on the table and cuss. He looked down and his feet through his fingers and would think.
How can he help you?
That would always be his first priority. You.
Why? Why me? Why you? This wasn’t fair. You two didn’t deserve this. His baby was innocent.
Those would be his main thoughts.
He would always text you, becoming more clingy after the whole ordeal. And you would welcome it. You loved the way he would check up.
He’s text every hour; check up.
You would sing him baby songs to sleep and he would play the heartbeat for you.
Ahhhh this was so sad! I feel so bad for all of them. Anyways I hope this seems kind of accurate 💛
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ghostshadow-k-r · 2 years
Let's hop into a new MLP AU!
Which is Persona MLP AU!
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Field Spear was the youngest member among the S.E.E.S
He doesn't have a father ever since he was known,and he lost his mother when he was eight.He saw that her mother was died under a strange being which was roaring and clashing which doesn't look like a pony or other creature.
He told the police what just he saw,but no one believed in him.After that day of sorrow and despair,he decided to revenge to the one who murdered his mother.
Maybe is the cruel fate was toying him,he discovered that he has the ability to enter Dark Hour and summoning a persona when he was ten along with Bow-wow.He entered S.E.E.S and start to fight along the others.
He later realize that Cliff Wilds,the one earth pony that doesn't talk a lot but still seems to care about him was the culprit that killed his mother.
He wanted to revenge,even it'll end up getting himself killed.So during one day that the Big Shadow has showed,he asked Cliff Wilds to come with him and having a battle.
But it ended up being interrupted by the Strega,Cliff Wilds was seriously injured in order to protect Field Spear.The other member of the S.E.E.S came after defeating the Big Shadow and banished Strega.
Gladly that Cliff Wilds is still alive,and Field Spear also apologize to him for nearly caused his death.
After years,he had grown into a handsome unicorn which had become the favourite of those school girls.
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raycatzdraws · 4 days
For your dark crystal au, hear me out...
Bow-wow's make perfect fizzgigs. Like. Imagine Links awakening bow-wows. The one who you can give a little pink bow, and the giant one you have to save from moblins💀 its perfect
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Terrifying. Thank you.
Here's Bow-Wow as a ginormous fizzgig and fizzgig as little chain chomps! So many of the creatures in Thra are really detailed and are organic in shape or sharp and chitinous. And then imagining running across a chain chomp, just- here's a gigantic perfectly round sphere. It would be incredibly absurd. I love it.
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mikacanica · 9 months
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catching up on prompts and my hand slipped 👀
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ofhouses · 3 days
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1194. Atelier Bow-Wow (Yoshiharu Tsukamoto & Momoyo Kaijima) /// Palette /// Zaō, Katta District, Miyagi, Japan /// 1989-90
OfHouses presents: Japanese Fields OfHouses, part XIV. (Photos: © Shinkenchiku-sha. Source: ‘Jutakutokushu’ 09/1990.) — This project will be published in our upcoming book: ’Japanese Fields | OfHouses.’
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365granitegirlx · 2 months
︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
here’s the thing about PraiseKink!Vessel
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nsfw mdni +18
after you mentioned that you have a hard time taking care of yourself (and let’s face it, he noticed this early on), this man made it his life’s mission to make you care for yourself. and how will he do that? he’ll dangle his praise above your cute little head. at first he thought you’d clue in that executive functioning+self care=getting vessel’s praise, but goodness, it’s hard to be a smart girl on top of everything, huh? sometimes you just need one of his strong spidery hands holding your mouth open as he gently places whatever medication you’ve been forgetting to take on your pink little tongue.
that’s a good girl. close your mouth and swallow for me…yes…come now…swallow your pill…ahh just like that darling…oh…you are always so good at that.
and as you swallow the tiny pill that balances your precious chemicals, he rubs his thumb over your plush lips and looks down at you with a soft grin—normally when you’re looking up at him like this, his hand is holding your pretty jaw to bring your soft wet mouth closer his eager cock. but this is different. he looks at you not as prey but like you’re an earth angel. and to him, you are. and it breaks his granite heart that you don’t see yourself in the same light.
I genuinely haven’t written fan fiction in 15 years. Slowly I’m gaining confidence in myself and my interests and hope that my massive need for Vessel to reward me for self-care (and for me to nurture myself) leads to some enjoyment.
wolfie 🖤🎀
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