#nitro grill
peteneems · 1 year
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littletroubledgrrrl · 9 months
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coyote-nebula · 1 year
Jason gets a weird phone call from Tim.
Prompt: "You owe me." Word Count: 500 Genre: hurt/comfort Characters: Jason & Tim Setting: Minefield AU
“First of all: you owe me.”
It was a bold way to start a conversation, he’d give Tim that.
“That right,” Jason said, skeptical. He pinched the phone between his ear and shoulder while he laced a boot. “Mind refreshing my memory on how I incurred this particular debt?”
“I convinced Bruce one of his batarangs ricocheted into that nitro, remember? And blew up the evidence incriminating you in that drug ring case?”
Jason chuckled. “Just for the record, I sold them one batch, and it was strategic planning that Bruce went and screwed all to hell.”
“And who made sure he didn’t know that?… Me,” Tim said firmly. “I’m here to collect.”
Jason leaned back on his couch. “This better be good if you’re already this defensive.”
“Well,” Tim started, then stopped.
Jason waited.
Strangled, Tim said, “…One sec,” before a tap and silence.
The screen still showed an active call. Jason put it back to his ear.
A prolonged moment later, Tim came back on mid-throat clearing. “’Kay. So anyway.”
“Did you just put me on hold?”
“So anyway,” Tim repeated. “You know the soup you made? The one you put with the grilled cheeses?”
“Tomato,” Jason supplied. Then, pointedly, “the one I showed you how to make.”
“…Yeah.” Tim cleared his throat again. Another pause. “Actually. On second thought—”
The tap and silence happened without warning this time.
“The hell,” Jason muttered, checking the screen twice to make sure the call hadn’t ended. He got up and pulled his keys off the hook, hovering by his apartment door while he put the call on speaker and pulled up his tracker app. Tim’s dot was at the Manor with Damian’s, which wasn’t that reassuring considering the conversation they’d had last week about fooling trackers.
“…Still there?”
“Are you dying?” Jason demanded. “Because if you are and you didn’t lead with that—”
“I’m fine,” Tim said, sounding not fine. “In fact, I changed my—“
Another tap and silence, but this time the sound came back a half second later to loud coughing. Tim gasped and hacked some more.
By the time he groaned wearily and came back to the microphone, Jason was halfway to the ground floor.
“Your services… are no longer required,” Tim said roughly.
“The hell they aren’t,” Jason said. “You sound like shit.”
Another, comprehending, pause. “Oh. Huh.”
Jason sighed. “I’m coming over.”
“Everybody’s gone,” Tim said, defeated. “I’m supposed to be watching Damian and doing food this one night. And…”
Mounting his bike, Jason paused to listen.
“I have all the stuff,” Tim mumbled. “It’s the only thing that sounds edible. And I tried, I just… stared at a tomato for like, forty-five minutes, and then accidentally napped, and—” He stifled a cough. “Damian can eat cereal. I’m going to bed. Don’t come.“
“Tim,” Jason said. “I meant it when I said to call if you need something.”
“I don’t need this,” Tim said sullenly. “I want it.”
Jason started the bike. “That’s good enough.”
view on ao3
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LotR Starbucks Orders
so I work at starbucks and I sometimes find it funny to think about, hey what would the fellowship's orders be? (and what kind of customers would they be as well?)
frodo is a chai latte lover all the way. Iced in the summer, hot in the winter, he's a regular and knows the names of the employees at the local starbucks. He always gets it with oat milk. the employees know it by heart. He's one of those customers that's there for hours, working tirelessly. (everyone's clocked him for what he is; a gay writer)
sam is a London fog tea latte kinda guy, with brown sugar syrup and two pumps of vanilla. the only exception is when it's really hot out, that's when he gets either a green tea lemonade or a strawberry açaí lemonade. He tips as generously as he can. He usually stays with Frodo and orders him chocolate croissants because "mr. frodo, you need to eat!" (the employees have bets on whether or not they're together, and if not, when are they going to get their shit together?)
merry needs his coffee frap with extra espresso and a grilled cheese, no matter what time of day. he's usually the one that pays for pippin's drink (he doesn't really care, he's got money to burn.)
pippin only wants his blended strawberry açaí lemonade if someone else is buying. otherwise he will only get cake pops (birthday cake and bumblebee because they're the most fun) and get made fun of by the employees behind his back. one time the hobbits were in a car with Gandalf and pippin had always made him buy his drink in the largest size just to frustrate him. so finally, Gandalf snapped and didn't order pippin's drink, but gave him a pup cup instead. (sam then took it away because pippin tried to snort it on impulse. merry and frodo were laughing too hard to help)
gandalf needs his earl grey with milk and two packets of brown sugar. He knows exactly how much it costs, and will make sure the employee knows when it's over his usual total.
aragorn is a matcha latte lover, and it's always hot. He usually gets the bacon gouda and he always brings Arwen her order. (Arwen mobile orders while Aragorn orders in store)
Arwen gets a flat white and a cheese danish every time.
boromir wants a nitro cold brew in the biggest size fucking possible. (pippin and merry are his roommates and sleep is not an option.)
legolas wants his vanilla bean creme frappe grande, and he's always in some sort of hurry.
gimli likes his coffee hot with two sugars. that's it. he always comes through the drive through. the starbucks workers were surprised when he ordered a creme frappe as well (and then kept ordering it) until one day he came through the drive thru and Legolas was in the passenger seat, his hand tangled with Gimli's.
Bonus; Sauron gets a caramel ribbon crunch with mocha drizzle because he's a material girl.
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fleurcareil · 8 months
Leaving Canada
After finishing the road trip, the last 2 weeks of September were a whirlwind of activities to sort out things and say goodbye one more time before leaving the country. Although I may have benefited from staying a bit longer, having been on the road for so long made me ready to close off this phase and look forward to the next one, going back home to Europe! 🤩
First priority was to clean everything that I had been traveling with (with thanks to lots of space and a garden hose😁) and then figure out what to put into storage and what to bring as luggage. Initially my intent had been to travel straight from France to Chile, however due to exorbitant one-way air fares, I ended up booking a return ticket back to TO for mid-January.... not sure how this is all going to work out but for now it means that I'm only travelling with one suitcase instead of the 3 that I had already pre-packed. Easier to carry but harder to fit my clothes! 😅
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Second key item was to get my car sold, so I got the car deep cleaned over lunch with Tara... something I've never done but should really have given myself as a gift much earlier! 😄 I thought the guy had done a great job at making my car look brand-new again, but he actually apologized to me as he hadn't managed to remove all bug residue from the grill nor the grit of the endless unpaved roads from the tires...the downfall of such an extensive road trip!
That afternoon, 3 accidents on the QEW highway meant that traffic was jammed for miles around, so I tried to wait it out by visiting the first 2 car dealers to get a sense of their offer... suddenly everything seemed wrong with my fab drive, as it needed new tires, new brakes, a chip in the window etc etc... 😯😪 I recognize the sales tactics for what they were but they still pulled me down, so by the time I got back home after taking 1.5 hours over a 20min drive, I was shaken & thoroughly fed up!
Next day, I toured a few more dealers who all basically said the same and then just cut my losses to get it over with (I must be the worst negotiator on earth! 🤣) ... I absolutely have had an amazing time driving my Rogue and I still loved everything about it, but it was time to say goodbye and move on.
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Being a bit emotional after signing the papers, I drove by my old house in Burlington (where the new tenants are neglecting the pretty roses I had planted 😣) and then sat on my favourite bench in Paletta Park overlooking Lake Ontario. A mere 10 minutes' walk from where I used to live, I would often come here over my lunch break or after work, a great spot to relax! 😊
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Next day, after having handed in the car & safely deposited the cheque at the bank, I was happy to go over to Priyanka & Arnie for a traditional Hungarian dish and meet again with their lovely parents. I first met Priyanka's parents at our MBA graduation over 10 years ago and we've been in touch ever since, having shared many dinners (including with my parents and in Delhi 🤗), theater plays, a powwow and ofcourse the wedding in India! 😍😍
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On Friday, I spent hoouuuurs on the internet and phone to arrange anything from bank accounts & medical insurance to booking flights for my travels in Europe. Felt good to clean house and try to close as many things as possible before leaving. In the evening, we had delicious pizza & craft beer in the "Shed" in downtown Dundas.
That Saturday, it was fun times at the Ancaster Fall Fair with Arpita, Navneet and his cousin Nithia. 🤩 I had never been to a farm fair, which had everything from a hot sauce contest, cow & chicken displays to nitro-chilled snacks and prizes for the prettiest tomatoes, hay bales and funny-looking veggies! 😂 Quite an experience and a great afternoon!
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On Sunday, I went with Heather for a hike in nearby Dundas Valley conservation area, my favourite forest west of the GTA. I've been here so often that I know most trails by heart but this time we walked in from a residential area on the side so that the forest still felt new. 😀
I spent the second week in Toronto where I lived for 11 years - my personal record of living that long in one city! 😊 - and it felt really good to roam the streets (albeit only for a short period of time before the craziness got to me 😫). For four days I crammed in as many friends as I could see, starting with a great backyard dinner with my old team. Having 9 different cultural backgrounds being represented leads to ever-interesting diverse conversations! 😍
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On Tuesday, I had cozy lunch and dinner with my two good friends Kathryn and Lynne, both a bit senior to me hence always providing me with valuable insights that help me put things in a different perspective. 🥰 They're both great examples of how we can continue to have fulfilling lives for many years to come! 😘
Then on Wednesday, a lunch walk with Dana through my old 'hood and the Riverdale Farm, followed by relaxing tea with Natasha, Lance and their mother who I've also known since coming to Toronto and by whom I spent a memorable Christmas in Trinidad & Tobago. 🤩 In the evening, the drinks were tasty as usual when meeting with a loosely connected 😅 but somehow gelling group of Real Estate friends... always a good time!
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On my last day in Toronto, I caught up with Harvey over Indian Roti and then had a few lovely hours at the new Love Park at the harbourfront. My final date was with my camping-sailing-drinking group of friends 😎 at the Queen Mother Café, a downtown thai restaurant where I used to go often in the first years. We're all a bit wiser (?!? 😂) then when we first met years ago but the laughs are still there!
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Tired & having a terrible cold but feeling blessed with all those friendships, I made my way back to Dundas, where I was grateful to spend the last day with Arpita and Navneet, working a bit in the garden and playing the cool card game Dominion at night.
On the 30th September, they dropped me off to the airport, ready to fly home! 💖💖💖
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mighty-bulldog · 10 months
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Best Part of Waking Up (#281)
Nitro Milk Stout
5% Alcohol
Served from a Tap in “Alvarado Street Brewery & Grill”, a Local Pub Restaurant Located in Monterey, California
Brewed by Alvarado Street Brewery
Product of USA 🇺🇸
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thewarriorspecial · 8 months
Uh. Here’s that car chase scene I was talking about. Free writing brings some really great like, self-expanding ideas. But it literally never goes where I started from. So here’s that scene cut and pasted directly from the notes file that was supposed to be my johnkyle idea.
Of course. Of course Dick would be here the minute Bruce ran a red light with just a few miles to spare to reach the Gotham-‘Haven Bridge.
Red and blue lights fill the interior of Bruce’s GT-R.
Fuck. Bruce thinks as the ramming bar appears from between the laundromat and the gas station. The nitro is already empty.
“Fuck!” he shouts, punching the center console. Two dump trucks are parked at the entrance to the bridge. A sea of wood pallets and orange cones litters the river side of the intersection.
Bruce rips back the parking break as he drops a gear. The car elegantly slides sideways through the intersection; the front bumper hugging the median as the tires smoke and scream.
Dick’s car takes the turn with the hint of a fishtail. The heavier, American car wasn’t made to drift like the GT-R.
The cop car begins to wail, but Bruce isn’t stopping. He touches the wire under his shirt. He can’t get Dick involved in this. He can’t.
Bruce downshifts to fifth and puts the pedal to the floor. He’s got two miles of straightaway to put some distance between himself and Dudley Do-Right. If he can just do that, he can make it to the tunnel and out of Dick’s jurisdiction.
Behind him, the headlights seem to flicker. The fog on the road swirls around the BPD logo on the hood. The growling engine seems to pause its rumble and take a deep breath as the paddle shifter moves the clutch at an inhuman speed. The grille opens wider to suck more air into the intercooler. A roar erupts from eight cylinders at full, supercharged pursuit power. The space between the cars begins to rapidly shrink.
Of course he’d be in BPD’s brand new C7.
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kitxkatrp · 4 months
Mun Comforts
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Comfort food(s): Lasagna, Pasta in general, Cheeseburgers, Tuna, Grilled Cheese, Shrimp
Comfort drink(s): Coca-Cola, Coffee (I especially love starbucks, Dunkin, and Nitro Cold Brew's)
Comfort movie(s):Ghost Rider
Comfort show(s): Ghost Adventures
Comfort clothing: Anything black, my Stevie Nicks sweater
Comfort song(s): Best I can - Art of Dying, Black Rain Hurricane - Like a Storm, Broken Inside - Broken Iris, Burning House - Cam, Chasing After You - Ryan Hurd and Maren Morris, Cold Lights - The Birthday Massacre, Coma - Taylor Acorn and Cassadee Pope, Diaries - The Birthday Massacre, Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) - Gary Allan, Excuse the Mess - Austin Snell, Games - The Birthday Massacre, Get There First - Austin Snell, Giving You Up - Kameron Marlowe, Great White Coma - The Sunstreak, Here I Am - Line so Thin, Holy - PVRIS, I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack, Like Fear Like Love - The Birthday Massacre, Memory - Dead by April, Muddy Water Rockstar - Austin Snell, My Tomorrow - Dead by April, Mz Hyde - Halestorm, Never Say Never - Cole Swindell and Lainey Wilson, Please Remember Me - Tim McGraw, Precious Hearts - The Birthday Massacre, Rain - Creed, The Reckoning - Halestorm, Right Here - Ashes Remain, My Own Miracle - Citizen Soldier, Stars and Satellites - The Birthday Massacre, Tequila - Dan + Shay, Uh oh - Junior Doctor, Waiting on the Sun - Citizen Soldier
Comfort book(s): Pandora Hearts, Warriors, anything in the Animal Ark series
Comfort game(s): Kingdom Hearts
Tagged by: @clown-demon
Tagging: Anyone!
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alicecharlotte · 4 months
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A masterpiece of significant updates to the latest Ford Explorer model, of course this did not escape the FordTrend news. In its newest generation in 2025 Ford Explorer has seen a major redesign showing that the Screen Wars won’t be slowing down any time soon. Ford is overhauling the interior of its iconic Explorer for 2025, as well as the infotainment system and, of course, the price.
The ’25 Explorer also receives cosmetic upgrades, including a redesigned grille and headlamps that help distinguish it from current models.
The revised interior of the Explorer 25 is the most notable difference between the two models. The infotainment system will be controlled by a standard 13.2-inch media screen flanked by a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster. This new infotainment screen also runs a revamped infotainment system known as the Digital Experience.
The 2025 Ford Explorer will provide clients with a fresh digital experience when interacting with the SUV’s infotainment system. The three-row SUV will cost $41,220, up from the current $38,455 beginning price. Ford claims the redesigned Explorer will touch dealer lots in the second quarter of 2024.
This new method is intended to give users more ways to engage with their Explorer’s screen. It also includes Google Maps and a customised version of Asphalt Nitro 2 while parked. You can also use the media screen to browse the internet while parked.
The exterior appearance upgrades are as expected: a revamped front fascia with a new grille and headlights. The new grille is larger than the previous model, reflecting the current upsizing trend.
The new headlamps are elegant LED bulbs that come standard. Upmarket Platinum, ST, and ST-Line Explorers have an optional black-painted roof. In the back, LED taillights will surround a redesigned tailboard.
Under the hood, the Explorer is the same. Both the 2.3-liter EcoBoost I4 and the 3.0-liter EcoBoost V6 make their way to 2025 with no major modifications. The 2.3-liter produces the same 300 horsepower and 310 pound-feet of torque.
The larger 3.0-liter V6 retains output, producing 400 horsepower and 415 pound-feet of torque. Both engines transfer power to the rear or all four wheels via the standard 10-speed automatic gearbox.
While this is a minor change, the new cabin may persuade prospective Explorer buyers to choose Ford’s popular people mover. As technology becomes a more compelling selling point for consumers, the trend of large screens and convenience features does not appear to be going away anytime soon.
That reflects the other trend in the car industry: higher prices. The 2025 Ford Explorer will start at $41,220 when it hits dealerships in the second quarter. That represents a than $3000 premium over the current Explorer’s base price of $38,455.
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heydaytravelcompany · 5 months
Foodie Guide to the EPCOT International Festival of the Arts 2024
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The EPCOT International Festival of the Arts is just kicking off! Starting Jan. 12 through Feb. 19, EPCOT will embrace the arts in all forms, from music to cuisines, and fill the park with plenty of dazzling experiences to enjoy. With nearly 18 Food Studios filled with expertly crafted bites and delights from our talented teams of chefs and mixologists, guests' taste buds are about to be brought to life with the culinary arts! This year, there are multiple returning favorites, like the Red Wine-braised Beef Short Rib and Deconstructed Key Lime Pie, as well as soon-to-be premiering dishes, like the Neapolitan Dessert Trio and Grilled Pork Belly. As guests eat their way around the World Showcase, they can pick up a Festival Passport to take part in the Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine, a returning food stroll featuring culinary delights. With each bite, collect stamps by purchasing five of these decadent dishes to redeem a special prize from Deco Delights to enjoy. And the Figment love continues this year because not only is Figment’s Inspiration Station at the Odyssey: Art, Food, and Little Sparks of Magic back with its tasty bites, but there’s even a brand-new bucket. The adorable Figment Premium Popcorn Bucket with Rainbow Popcorn features everyone’s favorite imagination enthusiast and draws inspiration from Journey Into Imagination with Figment! We can’t wait to get a peek at everything coming this year, and we're pleased to present the Foodie Guide to the EPCOT International Festival of the Arts 2024! The Deconstructed Dish Food Items:   - Deconstructed BLT: Pork belly, onion bread pudding, watercress espuma, and tomato jam - Deconstructed Key Lime Pie: Flexible Key Lime Curd, “Key Lime” Mousse, Graham Cracker Cake, and Meringues (The Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine Item) Beverages:  - Deconstructed Strawberry Mint Julep (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Wicked Weed Brewing Blank Canvas Belgian Blonde Witbier - Deconstructed Strawberry Mint Julep with bourbon Cuisine Classique Food Items: - Beef Wellington: Mushroom duxelles, prosciutto, and puff pastry with red wine demi-glace - Cast Iron-roasted P.E.I. mussels with sautéed tomatoes, garlic, and fresh herbs Beverages:   - Gulf Stream Brewing Company Sum of All Colors IPA (New) - Tesselaarsdal Pinot Noir (New) Figment’s Inspiration Station at the Odyssey: Art, Food, and Little Sparks of Magic Food Items: - Blueberry-filled Pastry Tart with purple icing (The Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine Item) - Rainbow Cake with freeze dried SKITTLES bite sized candies - Figment Premium Popcorn Bucket with Rainbow Popcorn (Limit two per person, per transaction; available while supplies last.) Beverages: - Grape Smoothie with freeze dried SKITTLES bite sized candies (Non-alcoholic beverage) - 3 Daughters Brewing Black Cherry Hard Cider - 3 Daughters Brewing Blood Orange Hard Cider - 3 Daughters Brewing Passion Fruit Hard Cider - Rainbow Hard Cider Flight - 81Bay Brewing Co. Green with Envy Blonde Ale - 81Bay Brewing Co. Blue Butterfly Lager - Urban Artifact The Gadget Raspberry & Blackberry Midwest Fruit Tart - Rainbow Beer Flight The Craftsman’s Courtyard Food Items: - Grilled Pork Belly with salsa verde, broccoli rabe, pickled peppers, and raclette cheese on grilled sourdough (New) - Grilled Marinated Skirt Steak with caramelized onions and mushrooms, blue cheese fondue, and arugula on a grilled French roll (New) Beverages:  - BrewDog Jet Black Heart Nitro Oatmeal Stout - Coffee Old Fashioned Cocktail Refreshment Outpost Beverages: - Parish Brewing Co. Blueberry Mochi Berliner Weisse - The Tank Brewing Co. Street Art Amber - Brewery Ommegang Neon Rainbows IPA Pastoral Palate Food Items: - Red Wine-braised Beef Short Rib with parsnip purée, broccolini, baby tomatoes, and balsamic glaze - Black Forest Cake: Chocolate mousse with morello cherries and chantilly cream  Beverages: - 3 Daughters Brewing Rosé Hard Cider - 81Bay Brewing Co. Rosé Blonde Ale - Frozen Rosé - A Play on Rosé Flight - Marietta Old Vine Rosé The Artist’s Table Food Items: - Duck and Dumplings: Smoked duck breast, ricotta dumplings, baby vegetables, and duck jus - Hummingbird Cake: Banana and pecan cake dipped in cream cheese icing with caramel sauce and warm pineapple compote Beverages: - Wicked Weed Pineapple Daydream IPA (New) - Brew Hub Jazzberry Wheat Jam Ale (New) - Lost Coast Brewery Peanut Butter Chocolate Milk Stout (New) - Migration Pinot Noir (New) - Beer Flight also available Tangierine Café: Flavors of the Medina Food Items: - Grilled Kebabs with carrot-chickpea salad and garlic aïoli - Chermoula Chicken - Moroccan-spiced Lamb - Stone-baked Moroccan Bread with hummus, chermoula, and zhoug dips (Plant-based Item) - Chocolate Cake with pomegranate mousse and pomegranate whipped cream (New) Beverages: - Twinings Chai Tea with Sprite and mint (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Blake’s Hard Cider Co. Grizzly Pear Hard Cider (New) - Rekorderlig Strawberry-Lime Hard Cider (New) - Keel Farms Blueberry Lavender Hard Cider (New) - Chai Tea Mint Mimosa: Twinings Chai Tea with Key lime sparkling wine and mint (New) - Hard Cider Flight Vibrante & Vívido: Encanto Cocina Food Items: - Chorizo and Potato Empanada with turmeric aïoli and annatto aïoli (The Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine Item) - Passion Fruit-filled Mango Cheesecake with coconut-pineapple cake, dragon fruit gelée, and dragon fruit-strawberry sauce (New) Beverages:  - Coconut and Passion Fruit Smoothie (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Frozen Piña Colada - Passion Fruit Daiquiri Gourmet Landscapes Food Items:  - Verjus-roasted Beets with goat cheese, petite lettuce, blackberry gastrique, and spiced pecans (New) (The Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine Item) - Roasted Bone Marrow with onion marmalade, pickled mushrooms, and petite lettuce - Wild Mushroom Risotto with truffle shavings and zinfandel reduction (Plant-based Item) Beverages:  - Whole Hog Brewery Raspberry Chéret Double Radler - Schlumberger Cuvée Klimt Brut - The Meeker Vineyard Winemaker’s Handprint Merlot - Frozen Scotch Cocktail: Scotch and herbal tea garnished with a chocolate nail Refreshment Port Food Items: - Gnocchi Poutine with red wine-braised beef, cheese curds, basil, and burrata - Artist Palette Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookie Beverages: - Blood Orange Cosmo: Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka with blood orange, cranberry, and lime - Boulevard Brewing Co. Quirk Blueberry Lemon & Lavender Hard Seltzer Deco Delights Food Item: - Neapolitan Dessert Trio: Chocolate tart, vanilla bean cheesecake, and strawberry mousse (New) (The Wonderful Walk of Colorful Cuisine Item) Beverages: - 3 Daughters Brewing Strawberry Blonde Nitro - 81Bay Brewing Co. Vanilla Porter - Playalinda Brewing Co. Milk Stout - Espresso Martini featuring Boyd & Blair Potato Vodka - Beer Flight Pop Eats Food Items: - Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese - Tomato Soup with pimento cheese, bacon, and fried green tomato grilled cheese - Rock the Dots White Chocolate and Orange Mousse with vanilla bean chiffon cake (New) Beverages: - Brooklyn Brewery Pulp Art Hazy IPA - Blanc de Bleu Cuvée Mousseux with boba pearls Refreshment Station - Frozen Slushy: Coca-Cola, dragon fruit, or watermelon Connections Eatery Beverage:  - Orange-Lemonade Cocktail: Three Olives Blueberry Vodka, lemonade, and orange juice with cotton candy  L’Art de la Cuisine Française Food Items: - Crème de Brie en Petit Pain: Warm creamy brie in a house-made bread bowl - Saumon Fumé Mousse et Aspic, Blini et Fromage de Chevre: Salmon mousse, smoked salmon, dill, and flaxseed biscuit, served cold (New) - Vol-au-Vent de Saumon et Epinards, Sauce Chardonnay: Puff pastry with salmon and spinach and a chardonnay-shallot sauce, served warm (New) - Duo de Saumon Hot and Cold: Enjoy both of the salmon offerings (New) - Moelleux aux Noisettes, Croustillant Noisettes, Coulis Framboise et Mangue: Molten Valrhona chocolate cake, hazelnut crunch, and mango-raspberry coulis (New) Beverages: - Frozen French Martini: Grey Goose Vodka, Chambord liqueur, pineapple, orange, and grape juices with lemon-lime foam - Elderflower Liqueur Cocktail: St. Germain Liqueur, sparkling wine, and mint (New) - Charles Lafite, Brut Rosé Prestige, Méthode Traditionnel Champenoise French Rosé Sparkling Wine - Pinot Noir J. de Villebois (New) El Artista Hambriento Food Items: - Carne Asada: Chipotle-marinated beef sirloin, grilled queso fresco, Nopales salad with queso fresco foam and chicharron dust Beverages: - Mexican Craft Beer - Rubí Delicioso Margarita: Tromba Blanco Tequila, Lejay Blackcurrant Liqueur, citrus, mint, spicy agave, and beet juice - Smokey Banana Bliss Margarita: Ten to One Rum, Ilegal Mezcal Joven, banana purée, and lime juice Goshiki Food Items: - Wagyu Bun: Steamed bun filled with American wagyu beef served with green shiso sauce - Sushi Donut: Donut-shaped Sushi featuring salmon, tuna, shrimp, cucumber, and sesame seed over a decorated plate of wasabi aïoli, sriracha aïoli, and eel sauce - Ichigo Mochi – Daifuku: Daifuku mochi filled with fresh strawberry, sweet azuki bean paste, and white chocolate served with strawberry cream Beverages: - Murasaki Blueberry Drink: Sweet blueberry and cream (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Mikan Orange IPA - Masu Sake in a traditional personalized wooden cup - Blueberry Cocktail: Nigori sake with sweet blueberry, cream, and yuzu The Painted Panda Food Items: - General Tso’s Chicken Shumai - Char Siu Pork Bun - Sesame Balls with red bean paste Beverages: - Black and White Bubble Tea with black tea, milk, chocolate, and black & white boba pearls (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Lucky Foo Pale Ale - Silk River Hard Lemonade with vodka, lavender-coconut syrup, and lemonade - Butterfly Blue: Butterfly pea flower-infused cocktail with vodka, light rum, lychee syrup, and magic boba pearls L’Arte di Mangiare   Food Items:  - Mozzarella Fritta: Flash-fried breaded fresh mozzarella with artist palette condiments - Conchiglie Ripiene: Baked stuffed conchiglie pasta with beef, ricotta, peas, pomodoro, and creamy sauce - Torta Ricotta di Cioccolata: Chocolate cheesecake and whipped cream Beverages: - Peroni Pilsner - Langhe Nebbiolo - Prosecco - Italian Sangria (Red or White) - Italian Margarita with tequila and limoncello - Elderflower Sparkling Cocktail: Mint-infused elderflower liqueur, prosecco, and sparkling blood orange Swirled Showcase Food Items:  - Soft-serve in a Waffle Cone - Vanilla - Chocolate - Cupcake (New) - Cream Soda Float with Vanilla Soft-serve - Strawberry Fanta Float with cupcake soft-serve (New) Funnel Cake  - Crazy Chocolate Funnel Cake Sandwich: Mini funnel cake sandwich with vanilla ice cream, rainbow whipped cream, strawberry sauce, powdered sugar, and sprinkles (New) Joffrey’s Coffee & Tea Company  World Discovery (Near Mission: SPACE) - Pistachio Palette Cold Brew: A flavorful masterpiece featuring Joffrey’s Shakin’ Jamaican Cold Brew, pistachio syrup, and milk topped with whipped cream and colorful sprinkles Near Canada - Realism Roseberry Cold Brew:  A lively swirl of flavors featuring Joffrey’s Shakin’ Jamaican Cold Brew, strawberry rose syrup, and milk topped with whipped cream and colorful sprinkles (Alcoholic version available with Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur) Showcase Plaza (Near Disney Traders)   - Brushstroke Berry Bliss: A vibrant combination of frozen lemon, Minute Maid Lemonade, raspberry syrup, and iced tea garnished with lemon (Alcoholic version available with Grey Goose Vodka)  The American Adventure   - Pastel Pineberry Frost: A pastel work of art featuring frozen lemon, Minute Maid Lemonade, and pineberry syrup garnished with lemon (Alcoholic version available with Grey Goose Vodka) Another exciting and delicious year for the EPCOT International Festival of the Arts lies ahead! I can’t wait to experience the festival this year and taste all of these delicious dishes and sips. The tasty adventures are truly endless when you visit Disney Parks, especially during a festival! (Note: All offerings are subject to change and availability.) Read the full article
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dans la tête de chacun d'entre nous s'apprécie une quête du Graal quatre feux arrières, vert fluo méchant néon, look de tueur à gages rectangulaire n'a jamais possédé de marchand de journaux, boulons-rondelles (accident) histoire de discuter voiture-cauchemar (occident) et demande si le fantôme est à vendre, fascination pour les besoins du tournage les silhouettes délabrées les flashs crépitent sous les roues du plaisir avant tout
volant bois rétro moquette font partie pare-choc jupe, calandre électrique qu'un rayon de soleil éclaire dégradé, le capot-carrossier explique d'avoir la chance de posséder des enjoliveurs pêle-mêle, pare-brise à réalité augmentée, vide-poche moderne à l'intérieur de la gorge chaude, l'ambiance des accélérations dirige un bureau d'étude hydrostop, dans les options souterraines l'autoradio AM boude le filtre à air auquel contribue le faisceau NFT double ligne-droite que l'on n'imagine pas roadster-compatible
tourne la clé, sonorité incomparable, festival grille de haut-parleurs catégorie moteur explose, soupape hypnose, Patty Inkblood en vitesse-autoroute brise le frein à main la police coule toute entière crisse extravagance trois millésimes résolvent l'évacuation des gaz d'échappement et des silences nitro crash-test défraie la chronique
glissante est la conduite noire de tubes translucides
cheval réversible au galop, les culasses jappent
automatiquement devenue simple peau puis choppée après adaptation du drag déconseille cette optique de prendre un maximum de précautions, l'accumulateur d'huile se mélange se faire comprimer tous ses concurrents avec la structure envoyée par mail depuis l'usine à gaz visible à l'assaut du shifter, conscient d'avoir été chanceux sur la première run projette un moteur pro-stock à l'immense capot-cloison suspendu à essieu super-slide de type banjo-kazooie, peinture-mascotte nombreuses modifs disponibles à l'achat
l'extravagance d'inspi art-déco sont en laiton chromé, look lugubre usiné aux grands carrossiers français, esprit classieux du flamming pictural d'avant-guerre
courbes voluptueuses de cuir tranchent camouflage le son rauque rutilante mécanique, l'engin fait très cavalerie, très overdrive, très sixième vitesse sur les avenues où l'on frôle l'émeute le pétard grillé pur et dur, finir au poste moitié hi-boy sono flowmaster l'avenir pourra vous dire : pas de controverse avec les rapports intermédiaires, avec la version R largement suffisante, attendu qu'un couple explose en morceau à l'arrière d'un pick-up découpé sur le châssis channelé-rétréci, le freinage arrière est compliqué au niveau du coffre les super-slides performent des véhicules-poèmes, pas de controverse ni folie particulière dans les exactions séculaires
drop l'auto-triangle au point-mort dépasse le magicien-artiste intègre un ruban adhésif à la capote-platine conçu dans la tradition des jupes lisses peintes y plante balises puise racine dans moule à cire châssis raccourci semi-elliptique réalisé à l'arrière des wishbones
fausse roue parfaitement lisse permet de vérifier si son roadster jouit au moment des accélérations
Extrait de Turbomachines, livre en cours d'écriture
1 note · View note
Hurricane WV AC Repair Company
One of the most common reasons why an AC system breaks down is due to a lack of maintenance. Changing the air filter and cleaning the coils are important to keep them running smoothly. This is because if the air filter becomes dirty or clogged, it can cause the system to work harder than it needs to. A refrigerant leak can also cause the system to stop working properly. Sometimes, electrical problems, such as a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker, thermostat issues, and frozen coils may cause the system to malfunction. Best Virginia Heating and Cooling is a Hurricane WV AC repair company that can help you solve your AC issues. It is a family-run company with a strong sense of community, and will always go above and beyond to meet your AC repair needs.
Best Air Conditioner Repair Company
There are many different issues that can cause an AC system to break down or malfunction, including refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, clogged air filters, and frozen coils. The first step in AC repair is to identify the problem. This can involve testing various components of the system, such as the compressor, blower motor, and electrical connections. Once the problem has been identified, the repair technician can determine the best course of action to fix the issue. If you're having problems with your AC system, call on Best Virginia Heating and Cooling. They offer 24-hour emergency service for all AC makes and models, with honest and upfront pricing with no hidden fees. No wonder they're the best air conditioner repair company in West Virginia.
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The History of Scott Depot, WV
The history of Scott Depot can be traced back to the mid-1800s when a man named John Scott established a farm in the area. Over time, the area became known as Scott's Depot because of its location along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. During the Civil War, Scott's Depot was a strategic location for both Union and Confederate forces, and the area was the site of several skirmishes and battles. In the early 1900s, Scott Depot became known for its salt mines, which were an important source of employment and revenue for the community. However, the decline of the salt industry in the mid-1900s led to a period of economic hardship for the area. In the late 20th century, Scott Depot experienced a period of growth and development, with new businesses and housing developments being established. Today, Scott Depot is a small, but growing community with a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial development. Despite its growth, the community has managed to maintain its small-town charm and friendly atmosphere.
Ridenour Memorial Park near Scott Depot, West Virgini
Ridenour Memorial Park is a public park located in Nitro, West Virginia, near Scott Depot. It covers an area of over 31 acres and offers various recreational activities for visitors of all ages. The park has several walking trails that wind through the woods and along the creek and has a playground area with a variety of equipment for children to play on. It also has a splash pad area with water features that are perfect for cooling off on a hot day. There are several sports fields at the park, including baseball, softball, and soccer fields. It has an 18-hole disc golf course that visitors can use for free, and several picnic areas, some with covered shelters and grills.
West Virginia Division of Highways Responds to Scott Depot Home Flooding
Flooding can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, as well as endanger people's lives. It's important to take steps to reduce the risk of flooding, such as building flood defenses, improving drainage systems, and avoiding building in flood-prone areas. Flooding occurs when water overflows or inundates an area that is normally dry. This can happen if a region receives heavy rainfall over a short period of time, and the soil may become saturated and unable to absorb any more water. This excess water can cause rivers, streams, and other bodies of water to overflow their banks and flood nearby areas. Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and construction can also alter natural drainage patterns, leading to increased flood risk. Click here to read more about a recent flooding incident in Scott Depot.
Link to maps
Ridenour Memorial Park 402 Ridenour Park Ln S, Nitro, WV 25143, United States Get on I-64 W in Putnam County from 21st St and WV-25 W/1st Ave 8 min (2.6 mi) Follow I-64 W to WV-34 S. Take exit 39 from I-64 W 6 min (5.8 mi) Continue on WV-34 S to your destination in Teays Valley 3 min (0.5 mi) Best Virginia Heating and Cooling 86 Great Teays Blvd APT 2, Scott Depot, WV 25560, United States
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discoverdurhamnc · 1 year
Things to Do in Durham this Weekend (Mar 16-19) - St. Patrick’s Day Edition
Check out our full Durham events calendar.
If you'd like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event owners to see if events change due to weather. Have a great weekend!
March Featured Event
The Hunt for the Golden Bulls with Bull City Burger and Brewery
The 13th annual “Hunt for the Golden Bulls”: a scavenger hunt inspired by the golden tickets from the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Throughout the month, clues and puzzles will be revealed on social media and at bullcityburgerandbrewery.com. The clues, once deciphered, lead participants to public spaces around Durham where a golden bull has been carefully hidden.
Golden Bulls #1 and #2 have been found.
St. Patrick’s Day Events (Mar 17)
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Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration at 94th St Pub
Join in for the pub's annual St. Patrick's day celebration. Music, green beer, corned beef and cabbage, shepherd's pie, corned beef reubens, key lime pie, and more. St. Patrick's karaoke starts at 10:00 p.m.
Pub opens at 11 a.m.
Free admission
St. Patrick's Day Celebration at James Joyce and The Federal
Live Irish music and food specials. Music starts at 4:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Free admission
St. Patrick's Day Party at Bull City Ciderworks Durham
Green cider, specialty cocktails, and live music with The Downpour Band.
12:00 p.m.
Free admission
St. Patrick's Day Party at The Glass Jug Beer Lab - Downtown Durham
Join The Glass Jug for St. Patrick's Day and try some green beer! Irish Dry Stout and Shortest Road Irish Red Ale are on tap. The Dry Stout will be Nitro.
12:00 p.m.
Free admission
Multi-Day Events
American Ballet Theatre: Giselle at DPAC
This engrossing tale of unrequited love, revenge, and forgiveness has been an “enduring classic” (The New York Times) for nearly 200 years because of the exquisite and exacting dancing it requires of its entire ensemble. In the hands of ABT, one of the world’s leading ballet companies, Giselle is transcendent – an unmissable evening of stunning artistry.
Thu, March 16, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Fri, March 17, 2023 at 8:00 p.m.
Sat, March 18, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Sun, March 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
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"On Strivers Row” at NCCU University Theatre
The play, written in the 1940s for Harlem audiences, satirizes the social ambitions and pretensions of the affluent inhabitants of the elegant townhouses of Harlem's prestigious Strivers Row. Taking place over the course of one day, as family matriarch Dolly Van Striven throws an elaborate debutante dinner for her daughter Cobina.
Thu-Sat at 8:00 p.m.
Sun 3:00 p.m.
$20, $15 for students and seniors
Events at The Pinhook
Thu, Mar 16 at 8:00 p.m. - Cosmic Collective, Josh2800, Simulator Jones
Fri, Mar 17 at 8:00 p.m. - Elijah Rosario with Kevin Wavinson, Micah Evans & Tesh
Sat, Mar 18 at 8:00 p.m. - Dissimilar South and Touch Tank
Sat, Mar 18 at 10:30 p.m. - Party Y2K with Gemynii and Ayo VIP
Sun, Mar 19 at 8:00 p.m. - King Tuff with special guest: Tchotchke
Live Music at Blue Note Grill
Thur, Mar 16 at 7:00 p.m. - Dr. Fish "Catch Fish Live"
Fri, Mar 17 at 6:00 p.m. - The Duke Street Dogs
Fri, Mar 17 at 9:15 p.m. - Joe Bell & the Stinging Blades: St. Patrick's Day Rock the Shams Party
Sat, Mar 18 at 7:30 p.m. - Harvey Dalton Arnold Band
Events at Moon Dog Meadery
Fri, Mar 17 at 8:00 p.m. - A Few Blocks Away: A Harrison Tweed Comedy Taping
Sat, Mar 18 at 8:00 p.m. - No Bull Comedy
Sun, Mar 19 at 7:00 p.m. - Moon Dog Open Mic
Live Music at Sharp 9 Gallery
Fri, Mar 17 at 8:00 p.m. - Ernest Turner/Stephen Riley Duo
Sat, Mar 18 at 8:00 p.m. - Danielle Wertz Quintet
Events at Arcana
Fri, Mar 17 - Viv and Riley and Tarot with Kathleen
Sat, Mar 18 - Tarot with Heiltje
Sun, Mar 19 - Slow Teeth w/Robert Chamberlain and Tarot with Joy
Events at Rubies on Five Points
Fri, Mar 17 at 10:00 p.m. - The Floor with special guest Johan Yardan
Sat, Mar 18 at 10:00 p.m. - Fortune Factory: Electric Jungle
Events at The Fruit
Sat, Mar 18 at 7:00 p.m. - Gross Reality, Franky and the Slight Incline, and Orphan Riot
Sat, Mar 18 at 10:00 p.m. - Disfruta La Vida Presents Noche De Perreo
Improv Comedy at Mettlesome
Fri, Mar 17 at 8:00 p.m. | Wit: An Improv Comedy Game Show
Fri, Mar 18 9:00 p.m. | Hush Hush - Improv inspired by anonymous secrets from the audience.
Sat, Mar 18 at 7:00 p.m. | Improv 101 Grad Show
Sat, Mar 18 at 8:00 p.m. | The Racket - See indie improv teams from around the Triangle show off their stuff.
Sat, Mar 18 at 9:00 p.m. | House Party - A mix of short-form (similar to Who's Line is it Anyway?) and long-form inspired by an audience interview.
Sat, Mar 18 at 10:00 p.m. | Improv Jam - Everybody who attends will get a chance to perform. Put your name in the spinner and get randomly assigned a team to a group. Featuring players of all experience levels.
All shows $8
Thursday, Mar 16
Live Music: XOXOK at Boxyard RTP
XOXOK crafts atmospheric soul music that is conceived on the fretboard, cultivated at the microphone, and cradled in headphones.
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Free admission
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
Enjoy fresh vibes on the patio with DJ Deckades. Bring your own vinyl to share or just listen to what the DJ is spinning.
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Free admission
Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
Show up and climb at TRC Durham, then head over to Hi-Wire for some brews. Don't worry if it's your first time or haven't bouldered before; everyone's welcome.
Your first visit to the gym with the Meetup includes free admission and gear rental, and subsequent visits with the meetup are $15 and include harness rental (outside of meetups, day pass rates of $19 apply and do not include rentals).
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
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Live Music in the Taproom at The Glass Jug Beer Lab - Downtown Durham
Glass Jug offers local live music EVERY Thursday in their Downtown Durham taproom.
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Free admission
Trivia Night w/Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
Join Clouds Durham for Big Slow Tom's Trivia Night, every Thursday. Win some prizes, drink some beer, and show your smarts.
Enjoy $4 select draft and $5 rotating bartender's choice all night.
7:30 p.m.
Free admission
Friday, Mar 17
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
Every Friday morning at 10 am, Counter Culture Coffee opens their Training Centers to coffee lovers who want to learn more about Counter Culture Coffee’s high-quality, sustainably sourced menu.
10:00 a.m.
Free, but donations accepted
Third Friday in Downtown Durham
3rd Friday at Golden Belt! from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
DAG Swing into Spring Reception from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
‘Connections’ An exhibit by Durham artist Barbara Lee Smith from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Third Friday @ Super G! from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sabia Wade in Conversation with Durham-based Doula Whitney Williams at Rofhiwa Book Café
Sabia Wade, renowned radical doula, educator and author of Birthing Liberation: How Reproductive Justice Can Free Us All, talks to Whitney Williams, Durham based doula and educator.
Seating for up to 40 in-person guests, with priority access given to those who purchase the book.
7:00 p.m.
Open Mic Stand-Up Comedy at Durty Bull Brewing Company
This weekly event takes place indoors in the Barrel Room, with seating available for nearly 100 people. There's no better way to unwind after a long week than a night of laughter with Ashley & Ebony. Interested in performing? Please contact Ashley and Ebony.
8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Free admission
Bachata Fixation – 3rd Friday Bachata Night – Class & Dance Party! at Roots Bistro & Bar
Join in with the dancing crowd for a full night of bachata, salsa, merengue, kiz, and more! On third Fridays, this is where the fun, the sexy, and the party is for all the bachata lovers! 21+
10:00 p.m.
Pub Karaoke at West 94th St Pub
Hosted by All King Entertainment.
10:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Free admission
Saturday, Mar 18
parkrun Durham at Southern Boundaries Park
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer, or spectate. It's up to you!
8:00 a.m.
Free admission
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Crafternoons at Gizmo Brew Works
Free pint with purchase of craft box. Choose from a variety of craft packages available for all ages.
12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
TreKing the Band at Beyú Caffè
Created by two individuals who are passionate about music and art, Ms. Tre'Jae and Rashad King.
Attendance requires a $20 minimum food and/or beverage minimum purchase per ticket.
Shows at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
$12 standing | $25 seated
The Standard: Still Rise, Shelley Markham, David Scott Binanay at Succotash
Sinatra to folkpop instrumental
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
No cover
Sunday, Mar 19
Self-Guided Canoe, Kayak, and Standup Paddleboard Trips on Lower Eno River
The Lower Eno River joins the Flat River to form the Neuse River (and the headwaters of Falls Lake) in Northern Durham County. Here you can meander through flooded creeks and slip over mudflats. For those that are quiet it is possible to startle a Great Blue Heron or Osprey.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
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Al Strong Presents Jazz Brunch Sundays at Alley Twenty Six
Al Strong, the Grammy-nominated jazz trumpeter, composer and recording artist, will bring a rotating lineup of musicians to perform during Sunday brunch at Durham's Alley Twenty Six.
Brunch is served from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Music will be from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Public Tour at Duke University Chapel
Learn about the history, architecture, and life of Duke Chapel in this tour. The tour begins at 12:15 p.m., or immediately following the conclusion of the Sunday morning service, and lasts approximately 45 minutes. No reservation is required but if you plan to bring a large group please contact [email protected]. Meet the docent on the front steps of the Chapel.
12:15 p.m.
Free admission
Food Truck Rodeo at Durham Central Park
More than 35+ food trucks of all different varieties.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Free admission
Trivia at Navigator Beverage Co.
Hosted by the Triangle’s Trivia team, Hammered Trivia, gather your team and post up to compete for prizes and enjoy an afternoon of great drinks, great friends, and great games.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Free admission
Running Art Exhibits
Art Exhibition: 'Marc Chagall and the Bible' at Duke Chapel
In partnership with Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts (DITA), the Chapel is presenting an exhibition of prints of works by the distinguished, modernist artist Marc Chagall. Curated by the art collector Sandra Bowden, the exhibition, Marc Chagall and the Bible, features etchings and lithographs with biblical themes.
The Chapel is open daily from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. but is sometimes closed to the public for private ceremonies
Runs through March 30
No tickets or reservations required.
The Textile Art of Debbie Secan in the Great Hall of the Golden Belt Campus
Debbie Secan fell in love with weaving as a teenager and has worked with woven structures ever since, in the textile industry and as a fine artist. The materials in her work are repurposed for environmental reasons and to exploit the breadth of resources we discard.
Runs through Mar 31
Mon-Sat from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Sun from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free admission
The Art of Nicholas Edward at the Building 2 Gallery at Golden Belt Campus
Derrick Nicholas is the artist behind Nicholas Edward. Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, he moved to Raleigh in 1995 and has been a Triangle resident ever since. A North Carolina A&T University class of 2008 graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design, art has been Nicholas’ passion since the age of 6. He loves to express and create through various mediums including pencil, digital, and paint, and finds that each provides a unique and therapeutic satisfaction.
Runs through Mar 31
Mon-Sat from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Sun from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free admission
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Mi Casa, Your Casa Experience at The Streets at Southpoint
Designed to look and feel like an inviting home, Mi Casa, Your Casa 2.0 encourages visitors to come together and feel a sense of warmth and community as they step in, swing, and relax in one of the glowing red houses.
Runs through Apr 2
The Mind’s Eye: Gallery Members Exhibition at 5 Points Gallery
5 Points Gallery celebrates cleverness in the Year of the Rabbit with their new exhibit called “The Mind’s Eye”.
Runs through Apr 15
Free admission
Beyond the Surface: Collage, Mixed Media and Textile Works from the Collection at the Nasher
This exhibition includes approximately 40 works, primarily from the Nasher Museum’s collection. With a focus on collage, mixed media and textile works, Beyond the Surface explores how artists bring together disparate materials and ideas to create artworks that engage with all audiences.
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through May 14
Free admission
Patrimonio | Heritage at John Hope Franklin Center Gallery
A series of drawing interventions on “Llanchama” (Amazonian tree bark) by Peruvian/American artist Renzo Ortega.
Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Runs through May 18
Free admission
Exhibits at 21c Museum Hotel
Whitney Stanley: We Just Be in the Vault Gallery
This We Believe in the Main Gallery
Runs through May 31
Open 24 hours
Free admission
Spirit in the Land at the Nasher
Spirit in the Land is a contemporary art exhibition that examines today’s urgent ecological concerns from a cultural perspective, demonstrating how intricately our identities and natural environments are intertwined. Through their artwork, 30 artists show us how rooted in the earth our most cherished cultural traditions are, how our relationship to land and water shapes us as individuals and communities
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through Jul 9
Free admission
Art of Peru at the Nasher
This gallery features ceramics, textiles, metalwork and carvings produced by ancient cultures across what is known as present-day Peru.
Tue-Fri from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Sun from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Runs through Dec 2
Free admission
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menuandprice · 1 year
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Menu With Prices
Gloria Jean’s Coffees menu with prices may slightly vary according to your nearest location. The menu of Gloria Jean’s Coffees is taken from Chicago, US. We have updated the prices of Gloria Jean’s Coffees menu from 1st March, 2023 onwards. For the accurate prices, you might have to look for the menu of your nearest Gloria Jean’s Coffees outlet from its official website, android app, or iOS app, or any other food delivery app. Gloria Jean’s Coffee menu with prices offers American classics, nitro, coffee over ice, European classics, mocha chillers, and smooth espresso chillers. You can also order eggs and sandwiches, wraps, salads, and much more alongside the coffee. A good coffee at the restaurant will cost you $4. But this information is not enough. Find the menu with prices, franchise details, contact information and nutritional information. Before you proceed with the menu check out the history. Gloria Jean’s Coffees is an American-Australian coffee chain. It was founded by Gloria Jean’s Kvetko in 1979 in a small town near Chicago. Till then, the brand has managed to open more than 1000 coffee stores.
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Menu With Prices
Gloria Jean’s Coffee menu includes a wide selection of coffee drinks that are ultimate chocolate, mint chocolate bomb, mocha truffle, caramel mocha, and many more. Their best-sellers are cinnamon flavored coffee, chocolate flavored coffee, vanilla flavored coffee, and nuts and caramels flavored coffee. Besides coffee and beverages, Gloria Jean’s menu also include turkey dishes, grilled cheese, pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins and many more items. You will relish the other food items offered on the Gloria Jean’s Coffees menu like eggs and sandwiches, wraps, salads, and much more. One of the biggest reasons why people love to visit Gloria Jean’s Coffee is that you can work with no disturbance and the atmosphere is very relaxing and calm. On top of that, the menu prices of Gloria Jean’s Coffee are reasonable when compared to other coffee brands and lie between $3 to $8. Get familiar with the detailed list of Gloria Jean’s menu prices. Apart from the menu prices, find the important links to order your favorite food online from Gloria Jean’s Coffees. Fresh Brewed Menu With Prices Brewed Coffee$ 1.99Red Eye$ 2.59Hot Teas $ 1.99Americano$ 2.59Cafe Au Lait$ 2.59 Also, check out the official Braums menu with prices. Hot Classics Menu With Prices Cafe Latte$ 3.39Cappuccino$ 3.39Chai Tea Latte$ 3.39Hot Chocolate$ 3.09Espresso$ 1.79 Specialty Hot Lattes Menu With Prices Tuxedo Mocha$ 3.99Caramel Latte$ 3.99Creme Brulee Latte$ 3.99Caramel Turtle Latte$ 3.99Cafe Mocha$ 3.99White Chocolate Mocha$ 3.99Matcha Creme Brulee$ 3.99Madagascar Vanilla Latte$ 3.99 Also, read the complete Burgerville menu with prices. Iced Classics Menu With Prices Iced Coffee$ 2.99Cold Brew$ 2.99Iced Americano$ 2.99Iced Teas$ 2.99Iced Tea Lemonade$ 3.09Iced Latte$ 3.89Iced Chai Latte$ 3.99 Iced latte Specialty Menu With Prices Iced Cappuccino$ 4.99Iced Creme Brulle$ 4.99Iced Matcha (Unsweetened)$ 4.99Iced Crazy Coconut Chai$ 4.99Iced Caramel Coconut Macadamia$ 4.99Iced Mocha$ 4.99White Chocolate Mocha$ 4.99 Also, check out the official Salt and Straw menu with prices. Fruit Chillers Or Smoothies Menu With Prices Mango$ 4.99Strawberry Banana$ 4.99Raspberry Coco Flow$ 4.99Hawaiian Punch$ 4.99 Espresso Chiller Bar (Blended Ice) Menu With Prices Creme Brulee$ 4.99Mocha Java Voltage (Extreme- Coffee)$ 4.99Mint Chocolate Bomb$ 4.99Chocolate Caramel Turtle$ 4.99Caramel Coconut Macadamia$ 4.99 Also, read the full Blake’s Lotaburger menu with prices. Cookie Chiller Bar (Blended Ice) Menu With Prices Cookies’ N Creme $ 4.99Cookie Crumble (No-Coffee)$ 4.99White Chocolate Caramel Cookie$ 4.99 Also, check out the updated Heine Brothers’ Coffee menu with prices. Specialty Chiller Bar (Blended Ice) Menu With Prices Red Velvet Cookie$ 4.99Pistachio Creme $ 4.99Madagascar Vanilla Caramel$ 4.99Matcha Creme Brulle $ 4.99Chocolate Caramel Avalanche (No-Coffee)$ 4.99 Also, read the official Cherry Berry menu with prices. Extras Menu With Prices Shot$ 1.00Extra Shot$ 1.00Alternative Milk$ 1.00 Also, read the complete Cold Stone Creamery menu with prices. Loaf Menu With Prices Marble$ 3.00 Also, check out the latest Farrell’s Ice Cream and Restaurant menu with prices. Muffins Menu With Prices Chocolate Chip$ 3.00Banana Nut $ 3.00Blueberry Crumb$ 3.00Cranberry Orange$ 3.00 Also, check out the complete Bakers Delight menu with prices.
How To Order Online From Gloria Jean’s Coffees ?
You can order food from Gloria Jean’s Coffees by referring to their official website, android app, or iOS app, or any other food delivery app. To order food from Gloria Jean’s Coffees online, you can also refer some of the leading food delivery service apps like Doordash, Grubhub, Seamless, Postmates, and UberEats. We have shared the detailed screenshots that shows how to order food online from Gloria Jean’s Coffees. Finding The Latest Gloria Jean’s Coffees Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location 1. Open the UberEats and place the order online from Gloria Jean’s Coffees.
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2. Add the location of any nearest outlet of Gloria Jean’s Coffees.
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3. Once you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed.
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Gloria Jean’s Coffees Nutritional Information
Nutritional Informationgloriajeanscoffee.com/nutrition To check the nutritional information of the items present on the Gloria Jean’s Coffees, you can visit the link mentioned above.
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Franchising Details
Gloria Jean’s Coffee has more than 1,000 coffee cafe locations in 39 locations in all over the world including 460 in Australia and it has more than 900 employees in their franchise and if you want to buy their franchise it is their cost. Name Of FeePricesInitial Franchise Fee$ 7,500 – $ 15,000Real Estate (Rent And Security Deposit)$ 6,000 – $ 15,000Leasehold Improvements$ 60,000 – $ 215,000Equipment, Furniture And Fixtures$ 61,000 – $ 143,000Signage$ 5,000 – $ 20,000Professional Design Fees$ 5,000 – $ 10,000Point Of Sale System $ 3,800 – $ 10,000Initial Coffee Inventory$ 2,400 – $ 6,000Other Initial Inventory And Supplies$ 4,500 – $ 6,500Grand Opening Fee$ 5,000 Training Expenses$ 3,500 – $ 8,000Miscellaneous Opening Costs$ 5,000 – $ 12,500Additional Funds (3 Months)$ 10,000 – $ 30,000Estimated Total$ 178,700 – $ 496,000 Royalty Fee6% Of Gross Sales
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Contact Information
Gloria Jean’s Co-operative Office Address: Gloria Jean’s Gourmet Coffees 14071 Stage Rd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Gloria Jean’s Co-operative Office Phone Number: 1-877-320-JAVA Gloria Jean’s Co-operative Office Email: [email protected]
Important Links 
Official Websitegloriajeans.com/Menugloriajeans.com/pages/our-menusAboutgloriajeans.com/pages/about-1
Social Media Handles
Facebook: facebook.com/GloriaJeansCoffee Twitter: twitter.com/gloriajeanscoffee Instagram: instagram.com/gloriajeanscoffee
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Gloria Jean’s Coffee
What coffee beans does Gloria Jean’s use? Gloria Jean’s Coffees source their own 100% Arabica coffee beans instead of exporting from anywhere else. What is Gloria Jeans known for? Gloria Jean’s Coffees is known for their best coffee flavors. Great coffee has been the driving passion for Gloria Jean’s Coffees since 1979. What is the best Gloria Jeans drink? Some of the most highly recommended coffees offered at the Gloria Jean’s Coffees are the sugar cookie latte, mudslide whole bean, and Irish crème.  Does Gloria Jeans have milk alternatives? Gloria Jean’s Coffees have an option to change the milk into soymilk to make your cup vegan ready. Image CreditsEconomictimes Zomato Commercialrealestate Read the full article
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muteddaydreams · 2 years
I’m drinking a nitro cold brew and eating a grilled cheese
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helmethate2 · 2 years
Lake Tahoe Boat Rentals Summer 2010 Trpa Rules
Everyone at the Outer Edge was very friendly. We enjoyed talking with Hermie as well as with Stanlika. After my mentioning all the fried food on the island, Stan suggested to special order anywhere to our food grilled, had been a great tidbit for that rest folks trip. Most worth mentioning boats have numerous amenities that an individual can enjoy. They have generators to take care of any electricity requirements, air conditioning and heating units. You also have running cold and warm water on so you don't have to 'rough it out'. Some are even equipped with gas powered barbeque grillz. They have a fully functional and fully stocked kitchen with many different appliances like a refrigerator, gas stove, microwave, oven, blender, coffee maker, toaster or a dishwasher. In order to also supplied with pot, pans, other utensils, dishes and silverware. You should extra space for storing for foods some come equipped a good ice box that shall do very nicely. You can make your own meals easily on the boat perhaps dock at the shore to sample nearby cuisine. Motorboat: The Bradenton Beach Marina to your southern regarding AMI the place to rent any regarding motorboat. While boat house rentals near me are lots of fun, pontoon boats undoubtedly popular strategy to take you traveling party to offshore fishing grounds. Beer Can Island, across from Coquina beach, is just accessible by boat alongside popular place to anchor pontoon crafts.
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Rental agencies usually give the facilities, programs and services to persons of any race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or with any handicapping yacht rental condition. It should be noted that discrimination in any type is illegal and could be reported towards authorities. Visit A beach - Beaches in Nassau are a lot of beautiful ever. The water is warm and the sand may be perfect. Most resorts and hotels are built right located on the beach in order to just go out and from your perfect pond. If yours isn't the beach likely will be just a ten minute walk (at the most) where you're staying. Gas powered boats are usually faster paddle boat rentals near me in comparison nitro powered boats. Some nitro powered boats can reach speeds of 50 mph. You can imagine the thrill you specific being in control of a boat attaining that speed. These boats away from a nice rooster tail on the water's surface that are some things to check out. Gas and nitro RC boats should be reserved for your veteran model boat novice. Fishing boats made of aluminum vary from 10 toes. to 24 ft. these kinds of suitable for lakes by man because they are invulnerable to underwater debris. While fiberglass boats are ideal for larger lakes. You may also fish at Lake Lake tahoe. Lake Tahoe is famous for its crystal clear water utilizing the different species of fish too. You can catch the beautiful mackinaw and Kokanee salmon if you know how and where. Mackinaw can be discovered in shallow water especially during early season. You will need a guide if it is your first time to catch Mackinaw.
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