#nnt pack mentality
Can clever plotting end the Holy War? Sure. But this time the plot’s just, “Meliodas decides to fuck around and find out and drag everyone he can think of into it."
ah yes another drabble that I got too shy to put in the reblogs. this meme format gives me so much joy 
from that reblog chain: Yet another reason why the Demon King ducked up by making his preteen son a war commander. The amount of strategy he displays by doing that is… might I say god awful. He consulted ZERO people on the development of children. Probably freaked out when he saw baby Mel for the first time. Like "STOP SCREAMING I COMMAND YOU TO STOP."  *even louder infant screaming* "YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS INSOLENCE!” levels of ignorance. 
The only thing stopping Ten Commandments Meliodas from getting the audacity to kill him sooner was a lack of a support system. This kid saw the slightest hint of hope and went OH YEAH. PEACE. ALL THE WAY LETS GO. and immediately was such a disaster about it that he sent shockwaves through history. Imagine if he had been allowed to properly communicate with his brother and others even once every several weeks. The hijinks TC Mel would get into.
The traumatized teen leader of the Ten Commandments finds a little hope in his own home. Throwing as much caution to the wind as he can possibly afford, he drags his precious little brother around the Demon Realm and the battlefields of Britannia to find a solution to the war that’s fucked up their lives from the beginning. More and more happless souls are yanked into the rebellion as impulsive kid shenanigans ensue. Then Meliodas and Zeldris accidentally open up a litttle too much to their new friends and news of their (and Elizabeth’s!) home life goes viral, roping in the four archangels and the ten commandments who are not fucking stoked to hear what they’ve been left in the dark about. This is the aftermath. In meme format. 
Zeldris: I remember last time we got the chance to talk like this you asked me why I always work so hard. And I got too nervous to answer
Meliodas: uh huh
Zeldris: well… the truth is… I have this dream. That one day I’ll be able to make the demon realm a peaceful place. No more reliance on violence to prove our value. Just, just us demons, working to be the best we can be.
Meliodas, feeling a lil bit of his soul revive as his third eye is being pried open with a chainsaw: ‘keep it cool Meliodas don’t be a blubbering weakling in an important moment’    d-damn Zel…that...
Zeldris: I know it’s strange. To imagine a world where we could give up satisfying our vengeance against the goddesses. But it’s doing so, so much more harm than good. I can see it. I know you might not understand why I would be willing to give it up, with what the goddesses have done to us… to you… to mom. You think I haven’t guessed what happened to her, but… unless father killed her… no, that’s not important now. What’s important is how we move forward… if we just… stay stuck like this, then what’s the point of it all?
Meliodas: nah FUCK the war. It’s all pointless BS. Mom knew it too
Zeldris: please don’t - wait what
Meliodas: don’t what?
Zeldris: um. I thought you might be really angry
Meliodas: what, for being stronger than me? Strong enough to hold onto hope even after all this time?? Zel. I’m glad you could share that with me
Zeldris: 🥹
Meliodas: That dream... I would love to make it come true. even if trying to make this place less of a hellhole is a big hassle and doesn’t work out like exactly like we thought, I don’t think I could regret trying. You’ve shown me love can grow here after all... I have a reason to try
Zeldris: Big brother… do you… doyouwanttorulethedemonrealmtogether one day?
Zeldris: I’m the second prince, and I know father expects much less of me. But I’m capable. I’ll be of use right by your side. You’re the heir. The one everyone expects will be king. Fullfilling that... Is that the path you’re dreaming of? Is that what you want to do? 
Meliodas: !    Weeelll. Actually. It never meant anything to me, being the heir. Except more pressure from the Demon King. If there’s gonna be a new Demon King, it should be you. That’s what I think.
Zeldris: Ah. So that’s how you feel... in that case, are you still willing to continue on as a prince at all?
Meliodas: like I’d let you shoulder all this BS all by yourself if I could help it. I trust I’ll... “be of use”? 
Zeldris: No-no-I-that sounds- use? No- I don’t think like that -!
Meliodas: Aw, Zel, your face is all reddddd. Hehe. Always wanted to turn the tables on you like that! Don’t worry. I know it’s because father makes you so unsure, and I unwittingly helped out with that for a while.
Zeldris: Hmph. You just can’t restrain yourself. Don’t make me so anxious when you know I already am!
Meliodas: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you know-
Zeldris: Yes, I know. You love me. When do you think we’ll be capable enough?
Meliodas: hm  *remembers a certain silver haired goddess*
Meliodas: Well, that depends…. How much into the realm of crazy are we willing to let this revolution become?
Zeldris: I’ll do anything I have to for our people.
Meliodas: great. great. How good are you at Public Speaking by the way
*some time later*
The demon king: 👁️👄👁️
Assorted people from all five clans, several Induras, a bucketload of dragons and miscellaneous creatures from all over Britannia, Bloody Ellie and some archangels, all of the vampires under a newly crowned queen, and the demon army, including Gowther who somehow broke out of prison and found Glariza along the way:
. . .  you’ve been staring at us for five minutes. That’s gratifying and all but I hope you don’t expect us to explain. Trust me, you don’t want to ask how we all got here. No time for that anyway. We also have questions. So many questions... Questions we prefer you answer before we all kill you. For starters, why are your sons lolis and how the hell are they talking to those CREATURES in the back. Do you see those? Please tell us we’re hallucinating at least some of them. Is that a pig?
Zeldris: rude. Karen has been dragon queen for eons. She knows more languages than I do and probably understands every word you are saying. I’m just doing my best to translate, that is all.
Meliodas: his name is Wild :D isn’t he cute?
Wild: Meliodas-sama why is your father’s face so red? I think he needs a healer.
Ludociel: a pig that speaks? this truly IS hell. Why the fuck did you summon all these untrustworthy creatures from purgatory. Meliodas, I can’t wait to punish your father for bringing you into this world. I can’t believe his mistake is working in our favor right now. MAEL STOP HUGGING THAT THING
Mael, choking on the fluff: this is the best day of my life for so many reasons
Wild: Good to hear, my friend!
Elizabeth, removing her face from the fluff: AMEM. Thank you for having an audience with us, demon king. We have important news. We are ending the Holy War once and for all. Die or die. I'd give you the option of living, but you'd die anyways. Your people are really pissed that you sent your own kids to war and lied to them about it. Whether you live or die, whatever your punishment for prolonging this war will be, that is their call, not mine.
Demon King: FOOLS. DO YOU REALLY INTEND TO KILL ME? when the dust settles here, you will all be dead, and the Holy War will begin anew!
Elizabeth: when the dust settles, I'll be making love to your son on my golden throne, and you'll be a scorned, forgotten memory.
Meliodas: looking forward to it!
Zeldris: I’m gonna kill you brother
Demon King: you mortals cannot POSSIBLY fathom the thoughts of a God. Why I've done the things I've done is beyond you.
Random demon: could say the same for any other child abuser...
Ludociel, shouting at the demon king with equal ire: YOU could not possibly fathom how MUCH I have had to deal with ever since Lady Elizabeth brought that horrible demon and his gaggle of abominations into our camp! I have seen things. Felt things. Even tasted things. That no goddess should ever have to again. (*Meliodas grins evilly*) I don't even care anymore. What is strategy? What’s logic? We ate rocks made by a 5-year-old to get in here safely
Merlin: I'm 12
    (Bloody) Elizabeth to the demon king: touch her and ill torture you to death 
Demon King, trying desperately to figure out why there's a small child here and why Bloody Ellie is being weird about her, she LOOKS FAMILIAR, oh god is this her child, HOW LONG HAVE THOSE TWO BEEN A THING, this isn't their weird fucked up love child is it??: 
Rou, completely ignoring the 200 ft tall giant: oh my God Mel he fell for it!
Ludociel, also completely ignoring him: WHAT??
Meliodas: that was frozen tree blood. And a prank. Your goddess magic is adequate to protect you that's why we had you all cast Saint's Coat
Merlin: Maple Syrup. It’s called maple syrup. And magic potions don't taste nearly that good. I'm shocked you fell for that Ludo. you really are losing it
Gowther: technically, he isn’t wrong. The potion to combat the miasma is partly made from organic material from purgatory. There were some rocks in it. And also bone.
Sariel: when did you go to purgatory??? 
Mael (muffled by Wild's fur): rock is organic?
Zeldris: 84% of native purgatory rock is!! It’s even been linked biologically to a demon’s darkness. It’s fascinating. I read a whole book about it
Sariel: hello??? who took this man to purgatory without saying shit to anyone?? 
Tarmiel: I don’t even know who that is. I can’t remember when he got here
Mael: not true, we know who he is!  that’s the boyfriend of the demon I found trapped in a magic circle in the woods, remember? And I was like, I’m kinda having an exestential crisis right now so it could just be me, but if a goddess and a demon can really be friends and being a pacifist is okay actually and everyone was just being a bitch to me for no reason, then fuck it, who cares why the demon king put you in here? I’m setting you free. just promise you won’t wreck anything. make a demon contract with me or whatever and let’s end this cursed war. and she went “yea actually i’m directly an enemy of the demon king. he threw my lover in jail :(” and then me and Elizabeth and that guy over there *Doll Gowther throws up a peace sign* did a jailbreak while you lot were arguing over whether you could trust Mel or not? Remember that guys? 
Ludociel, who did NOT remember, on the verge of fainting:
Mael: Wait did I not tell you ANY of that?!? BROTHER I’M SO SORRY
Doll Gowther: Don’t be. He would not have let you contribute in a substantial way again. 
Elizabeth: do I owe you dessert Mel or does him insulting my virtue in this context not count
Meliodas: I’m not actually sure…might have made that bet too vauge
Zeldris (to Merlin): I’m not letting them adopt you. You can be my little sister
The ground begins to shake violently. Besides the obvious, nothing else happens. 
The Ten Commandments, permanently scarred from realizing that Meliodas the Destoryer and Zeldris the Executioner were kids this whole goddamn time, and not just weirdly short: ...loooooook...uh...here’s the thing. we’re gonna kill you now and we don’t need your power to do it. We got rid of it already. We have the power of, uh, *checks smudged writing on hands, dilligently inscribed by Elizabeth* ... teamwork
TC: and what ... what the pig said
Mael, extracting himself from Wild’s fluff, noticably buffer than 5 minutes ago: Plus the power of the gods! It’s almost noon :)
Zeldris: Damn, we timed this wrong. You better not destroy the castle
Yeah this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks because I don’t know how to end it. Anyone who wants a part 2 let me know lol
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
So like I have been seeing some Princely Zeldris and Meliodas like both running the Demon realm. And that got me thinking...
What if Zeldris and Meliodas team up once both get smitten and just murder their father...take his power and run the Demon realm together. Zeldris with Gelda by his side....Meliodas would have a hard time with keeping Elizabeth in the Demon Realm. But I'm like thinking Meliodas would be all for 'Kidnapping/Rescuing' Elizabeth from the Goddess Clan.
While the Brothers aren't cruel like their Father they are enough to put someone in their place.
Under the Brothers rule they were able to take out the supreme Deity and leaving alot of the Goddess Clan to scatter. So the Demons are pretty much running things.
HOWEVER not all is hunky doory! Elizabeth and Gelda can see things are going abit to far and seal the Demon clan with the help of some of the 10 Comandments, the Archangels, and the other races.
3,000 years later. Gelda and Elizabeth have been keeping watch over the humans and other races that have finally been able to flourish. Until Bellion manages to unseal the brothers. Wanting some special treatment for this task. Even spilling the beans on how it was Elizabeth and Gelda that 'betrayed' them. Zeldris and Meliodas don't belive him and start to think that their mates were in some sort of danger or something bad. Cause no way would their loves do such a thing....Right????
Ooh! The brothers letting their leadership get to their heads a bit, I see. But what exactly causes the girls to seal up their lovers? Are the brothers banning other races from entering the Demon Realm (if they could- with the miasma and all that). Or are they killing any trespassers or anyone who utters a word of hatred towards them.
The demon brothers when they finally wake up ask Bellion how long they've been asleep for, and who exactly sealed them away? He tells them that it was their own lovers who decided to seal them.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Ok here me out...what if....7DS became SCPs?
For you:
Arthur is in possession of the SCP Sword Excalibur. He is also a Cat Magnet. As in he attracts the many different Felines whether he wants to be swarmed by the fur Babies or not.
However Arthur himself isn't an SCP but he has done time....He was accidentally involved in some criminal activate and his kindness is what lead him into getting involved and put behind bars. So now he's doing SCP time.
He was subjected to SCP-Z666 (I don't know. I'm just making some SCP names up for this.).
Arthur had to survive in SCP-Z666s cantonment for a few days. At somepoint somehow SCP-Z666 took a liking to Arthur and...now Arthur is not allowed to leave Z666s Cantonment or risk a pissed off SCP and possible containment breach....
Meliodas is SCP-M666 and he's playful to visitors he does like but hostile to ones he doesn't. So if your assigned to M666 go hoping he likes you. Are you'll most likely be with a limb or to the rest of your life....or just strait up dead. SCP-M666 has sneak into Ban and Elizabeths Containments before. However its advice not to retrieve or remove M666 from ether. Or you'll be offerings to his mates.
(Still working on some stuff but feel free to join, add or maybe do your own spin on this. Thats what SCP is all about.)
Ooh I love this AU! Very creative!
M666 is not very fond of others trying to remove him from Ban and Elizabeth's containment room. He wants to spend time with the pair of them, and he'll choose to leave whenever he damn well wants to. If anyone even steps a FOOT in the doorway, he'll be on them. Ripping them to shreds.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I have headcannon for Arthur in SCP.
Arthur is a human that was found guilty of a number of crimes. That in reality he didn't really do. However he was still sent to do time in the SCP facility. There his first task was to take care of Z666 and 'Hope' he doesn't die.
The thing about Arthur is back home he has his own SCP item. Excalibur!...However sense he's no longer able to go back home. The area Excalibur resides in is suffering from a sort of Time and space loop.
Arthur is also GREAT with cats. Be it big or small cats. Arthur once calmed a pissed off lion and came out unharmed.
Back to Arthur's task with Z666. Arthur couldn't help but notice Z666 has alot of cat personality. And he used this to his advantage so the SCP doesn't kill him.
While Z666 didn't kill Arthur. Arthur now has a vary needy and protective SCP claiming him as his mate. Arthur shouldn't have that funky dance! Might not have been in this mess....
Ooh that's a wonderful idea!
I wonder what dance exactly Arthur did to make Zeldris interested in him? But now he's unable to leave. If anybody tries to come in and remove Arthur, Z666 will lunge at them in order to protect his mate. Of course he listens to whatever Arthur has to say. If Arthur says to stop attacking, then Zeldris will listen.
When they sleep, Zeldris is wrapped tightly around both Arthur and Gelda, on alert for any signs of threats (humans) that may come in and take his mate. He checks over Arthur's sleeping face, sniffing him gently to make sure he's truly okay, before finally relaxing after an hour and falling asleep.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I take it Meliodas and Zeldris will want to find their lovers Asap. And ask why they sealed them. The brothers are willing to slaughter any and all that get in their way. To the point of Torture if someone 'Might' have some intel on where their mates are.
Both Brothers want their mates alive but Bellion keeps telling them that they are both nothing but backstabbers. The brothers Refuse to believe this 'lie'. Unable to believe the ones they trust the most would betray them like that.
Meanwhile Gelda and Elizabeth have gathered the ones that helped seal the Brothers in the first place and even have the Seven Deadly Sins Plus Arthur. Merlin is also with Gelda and Elizabeth.
Cath is Arthur's familiar in this AU. Not a cat that wants to eat him but keeps Arthur safe.
Cusack and Chandler are both more then eager to follow their kings till they both die. Although both seem to believe what Bellion says is true. However they do not want to go behind their kings backs without their Order. Which both take their orders with pleasure.
The brothers want someone dead with Cusack and Chandler they'll be more then dead. The brothers want someone found they will turn kingdoms upside down till the one they seek is found. Even if they have to drag them kicking and screaming.
The Black Fingers fill out the 10 Comandments that are still loyal to their kings. With Bellion being under heavy watch. As both brothers still find him troubling. However...the acts they had committed with their reign was far worse then anything the Black Fingers have done.
(Should give you some insight on how south their reign as the Demon Kings went. If they are as bad as the Black Fingers....Elizabeth and Gelda had a big ass reason to seal them away.)
Imagine their surprise when they do realize that Bellion was right. Both Zeldris and Meliodas are confused when they see the look of shock on their mates' faces when they see eye to eye again after many years apart.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I've also taken the idea of Mama Meliodas. For you see M666 from time to time 'adopt' some humans and take care and protect them as if they were his own. Good luck trying to leave the nest he made for you. So you'd be warm and safe. Cause should M666 find you to far from the nest, he'll carry you right back and then proceed to mother you.
Ban also known as SCP-B226 is more of a neutral SCP. He won't be hostile to you if your not hostile to him....mostly. Should one tend to B226 be sure to NOT have anything on you that your afraid to loose. Or B226 will take it. Only hope of ever getting it back is if B226 likes you enough to give it back....aswell as other people's things. M666 has his nests littered with stuff that B226 has stolen.
Elizabeth is SCP-E999 and is the most friendly of the SCPs. She will not harm you along as you don't threaten those she deems under her protection. It is STRONGLY advised to not give her reason to be hostile to you. E999 also has a maternal nature and might start calling some her children. Often pampering them and giving them warm affection. She will listen to all your troubles and worries and not judge you. Instead She shale comfort you and help you feel safe.
Should M666 catch E999 calling one he's already 'Adopted' her child....good luck EVER leaving the nest now. That's your life now!!! M666 only let's his 'Babies' out to see E999 or B226. B226 will give you pretty much everything he steals. As you are now baby.
Aw I love this idea!
M666 would have multiple nests: one in his room, one in B226, and one in E999's. So if M666 were to move to a different room for whatever reason, he would gently herd the person to the other room, nudging them along. And once they're in the new room, the person is sat straight in the nest.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I have a feeling that...some of M666s 'Babies' has successfully gotten out of their nest before. And has made it to the halls that connect everything. M666 finds his 'Babies' missing and this causes some containment breaches and the facility has to go into lock down till M666 has found his Babies and brought them back to the nest.
Staff of the SCP facility are advised to not approach or interact with the babies. Cause Raging M666 won't care and will atoumaticly see the staff as ether a threat or the one that took his baby. So staff clears the halls and stays in a room or else where and leaves M666 to his search. Anyone caught in his frenzy will be clean off the floors and walls later.
Baby has to play it off like hide and seek when M666 does find them. M666 kinda scolds them but he is relieved to get them back. Baby has to hope they didn't hurt themselves while trying to make a break for it. Cause M666 will keep an even closer eye on Baby. Plus M666 will be more hostile to the staff. Full on protective mama mode.
He takes in three young ones as his own. Viatrix, Vixira, and Violeta. They are triplets, with their own unique powers/abilities and decide that M666 may be a perfect candidate to take these three in, as they still are young. He's ushered into the containment of the three, and immediately locks in on them.
Mama mode activated. And you damn well bet he's a great caretaker to these three as well. They acclimate to him very well.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Had an idea for a big bro au...
What if... Ban had followed after Meliodas and seen his confrontation with the Goddess in the Horn... and thats how Ban learned Meliodas was raised by the Goddess Clan as a weapon against the demons?
That's a fantastic idea, anon! I love it!
Ban makes sure to stay far away from his captain as he goes down the stairs.
"I came here because I want you to stop filling my friends' head with all those lies. Saying that you can bring Elaine back to life by killing me?"
The goddess laughs, her voice echoing throughout the room as Meliodas narrows his eyes. "What a pitiful child you are, Meliodas. Taken from your own demon kinsmen when you were a kit and raised in the hands of us Goddesses. You fought alongside us in the Holy War, killing countless Demon troops. You were just a tool. And now that the Holy War is over, there is no reason why you should be left alive."
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Nit to mention how King and Diane will feel about the first kings of their clans joining the demons side, even if they had only done so to keep Meliodas' dream alive
King definitely harbors some hatred against the Demon race for killing his sister. He makes it very known that he is not pleased with Meliodas' packmates being unsealed.
Meliodas brings King to the side when everyone is asleep, and asks him what's gotten him so riled up? "You know exactly why, Captain!" King growls, crossing his arms over his chest. "You lied to everyone about being a Demon, and then your clan was unsealed! Have you forgotten that they're the ones who killed my sister!"
Meliodas' eyes narrowed slightly, his anger starting to bubble. "Look," he started, "I understand you're hurting from Elaine being killed. But that doesn't mean that you can develop a vendetta against the entirety of the Demon Clan just because of that."
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demonprincezeldris · 1 year
I just thought! Camelot council would probably be happy with Catherine as Arthur's Queen...She's a human but then maybe not...considering the reputation she has.
Who would want to have THAT as their ruler?...
I feel like the humans would generally disapprove of Cat because she seems to be a "non traditional" woman. At least in their eyes. She's most likely seen to be unladylike with how she does things. With her having multiple mates from different clans. Arthur's council are human, and most likely don't understand the ways of the other races. So while it's most likely normal for her to act crazy and wild in the demon realm and tussle with Meliodas, Zeldris, or the commandments, it's most likely going to be frowned upon in Camelot.
But I don't think she or Arthur would pay them too much mind. They know not to overstep their bounds, or else risk the wrath of the king of Chaos himself. And Arthur most likely would encourage her to continue being herself, and ignore everyone else who says otherwise.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
While the Commandments were planning on how to find and capture their wayward packmate (and find ways to prove their sincerity as well as make up for... everything), the Sins were in their own situation.
Meliodas had returned, though far more shaken than they had expected. Had he been threatened? Cursed? Merlin had followed him shortly after she briefly explained that their Captain just needed some time, and to not bother him. That had been an order.
It was several hours before the pair had come down, Captain looking decidedly more settled but also... exhausted. A kind of soul-deep exhaustion. He grabbed a bottle of liquor and sat at the bar, not even bothering with a cup as he downed half the bottle in one go. It wouldn't help, but it was a good stalling tactic. He could tell everyone was waiting anxiously for him to speak, and he knew he had to, but...
That didn't make it any easier.
"As some of you might have guessed, I'm not human." He said, quietly but everyone could hear him clearly. Time to rip off the bandage, he supposed. "I'm a demon."
"I was born over 3000 years ago, raised by the Demon King, my father, to be an emotionless weapon. At first I didn't care, every day was the same. The only solace was my pack, my brothers, but after a while... even that couldn't help. I was losing myself. Then I met Elizabeth, she was a Goddess and felt the same. That the Holy War was pointless, but everyone had been fighting for so long they didn't know who they were without it. They didn't know how to anything else." He didn't mean to keep going, but now that he was talking, he couldn't stop. It just came pouring out.
"We became friends, did what we could to minimize the damage, stop fights from breaking out before they even started, kept everyone away from each other. Finding solace in each other..."
"You fell in love." Ban said, a strange feeling in his chest. Not jealously. Bitterness, maybe? But milder. A weary acceptance.
"No." Meliodas said, surprising everyone. "Not like that. We loved each other, but as family. I came to consider her pack-" He paused to glance at everyone, and saw varying degrees of confusing on top of the riveted attention they were paying to everything. Some suspicious, others enthralled, some he couldn't read. But they were quiet and patient, and for that he was grateful.
(He also saw the only reason why King hadn't spoken up was because Gowther and Diane were working together to keep him quiet.)
"I'll explain all the pack and culture stuff later." He said, then continued, keeping his eyes on his friends. His pack. "We did become mates, but for political reasons. We had managed to keep the war relegated to skirmishes and a few small battles. It was mostly a ceasefire. But it couldn't last. I discovered why my father was so content to keep things quiet, I saw what he was scheming." He shuddered, the memories making him nauseous even after all these years.
"He was developing a virus, a plague, that would tear through everyone, everything, except for demons and those who had a cure. First chance I got I went to Elizabeth, only to learn that her mother was planning something similar. We compared notes and... there was a chance the viruses would cancel each other out, with minimal loss, but..."
"The more likely option was that they would mutate and create something that could, and likely would, kill everything until a cure was created. Even if the cures for the original worked, I estimated at least 70% of all life, from every Clan, would be lost. That was just people. Whole swathes of ecosystems would be decimated and lost." Merlin spoke up, stealing her fathers bottle and taking a delicate, though hefty, swig herself.
"You were there too, Merlin?" Diane asked, her mind reeling with all the new information. It would take some time to digest, and she had a lot of questions -they all did- but she was able to keep up. She also picked up on that context clue.
"I was. My ability lets me stop my aging. I should probably let myself grow into an actual adult..." Merlin shook her head, and passed the bottle back.
"You should." Meliodas quipped with a smile. Them he sighed. "The short end of it is, I stole the information, freed the war prisoners, and went to the Celestial Realm to help Elizabeth plead our case that the plagues were too dangerous to release. It worked. The plans were scrapped, and I officially joined the Goddesses in an attempt to end the Holy War."
The smile he sported was rueful, but his eyes were full of pain, old and scared but ever-present. "It didn't really work out like that. I betrayed my people, I abandoned my pack, and they still ended up imprisoned." Merlin placed a hand on is shoulder, and he went quiet.
"For demons, a pack is basically a chosen family. Their bonds are incredibly strong, as are their instincts for pack-bonding. To be without a pack is painful beyond what most of us can imagine. The worst thing anyone can be is a pack breaker, someone who leaves, abandons, or betrays the family they had chosen and built with others. They break the bonds, which are sacred. Meliodas... technically broke them, but he did it for his pack: The Commandments. Which means, also, technically he didn't betray them. It's... complicated."
It was quiet for a long moment, before King moved. He settled onto his feet next to the Captain, and, slowly, put a hand on his back.
"I... need to think. I have a lot of questions, but... you're still my Captain. Thank you, for being honest." He spoke up, sounded conflicted. He didn't even look up at Meliodas, his mind was a whirl. With that, he turned and walked out the door, to get some fresh air and some time to think on his own.
"I'm with King. I'll go check on Elizabeth." Diane spoke up, going to check on the princess that had been upstairs, doing... something.
"Diane." Meliodas spoke up. "She doesn't know all this, and she can't. I'll... explain it later. I promise."
The giant nodded, "Thanks. Any more information and my head would explode!" She joked a little, before darting upstairs.
Merlin went her own way, not doubt going to try and track down Escanor. Gowther walked off to think... probably. The others all dispersed as well, to either talk or think. And Ban...
Ban settled behind the bar, and began to cook, along with stealing a few mouthfuls of Meliodas's drink.
"So. How much do demons eat?" He asked, and Meliodas couldn't help but smile in relief. The rejection of his old pack -still pack but not- had unsettled him, and he had been terrified that his new one would reject him once they learned the truth. This was better than he thought possible.
"More than we have, probably." He admitted. Ban only looked over his shoulder to send him a grin. Ban had questions. A lot of questions. Like what was the deal with Elizabeth, and were the Sins a Pack? What would happen with the Commandments now? Was his Captain harboring feelings for the Princess? But those could wait. He had someone to take care of.
"I do love a challenge."
(Phew! All out in the open, mostly. I figured after being so unsettled by his previous pack, and everything going on in his head, he simply wouldn't be able to keep the secrets any longer. Secrets had tore him from his old pack, and he couldn't handle having the same thing happen again. Also helps properly contextualise everything that happened, the cause-and-effect and all that. Hope y'all enjoy!)
Ah I love this side of it. Now we get to see the regret from both sides. From the commandments and now Meliodas!
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Broken Pack Au because that post about Merlin inspired me
Meliodas popping back into Ishtar with his head hung low, bangs covering his eyes and hand still gripping his forearm, claws drawing small rivulets of blood beneath hidden by his hand.
"Captain?" Merlin asked, concerned. She could tell something had upset her mama, he rarely ever showed any sort of negative emotion and he looked absolutely miserable. Meliodas bit his lip, taking a deep breathe, before turning to her with his signature grin,
"Hey, s-sorry. Just didn't expect meeting them to be so... overwhelming."
"'Overwhelming!?'" King scoffed, crossing his arms, "What do you mean?"
"Oh, nothing important." Meliodas waved him off, grinning. "Jus' demon stuff, y'know? The important thing is that we find our friends!"
Merlin and King shared concerned looks, that... didn't sound like it was nothing. Later on, when everyone had settled down to sleep, Merlin slipped into Meliodas' room,
"Mama Mel?"
Meliodas was crouched down, curled into a ball sniffling. At the sound of her voice he jumped a bit,
"O-oh, Merlin. What are you-?"
Merlin landed next to him, pulling him into a hug,
"You didn't expect me to believe for an instant you were okay after that."
"Oh..." Meliodas quieted, leaning into his daughters warmth. He shook a bit, silent sobs as he turned into her neck, "S-sorry... I just... they were my pack, Merls."
"I know..." Merlin whispered comfortingly, petting her father's hair, "I know, Mama..."
They stayed like that the rest of the night.
Aw! That's so cute! It's not everyday that Meliodas breaks down. He's very good at hiding his true emotions from the sins, but sometimes they can see through his fake emotions. (call it a habit from the past if you will.)
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
*Stumbles through window holding a coffee mug bigger than a politicians ego* I will write more of the Broken Pack AU stuff! But I have just started a new job so ya'll will have to wait on my rantings.
In the meantime, think of Meliodas cuddling child-Merlin for comfort and to reconnect with his instincts in a non-destructive way because being around his old pack flared up some mental wounds and old hurts. Quietly breaking down while his daughter desperately tries to comfort him, trying to pull himself together so he can return to his current pack and feel a bit more settled. It doesn't help that he's still missing some members and it is driving him insane.
First off congratulations! I hope you do well at your new job!
Second off that sounds really adorable and sad at the same time. Merlin is trying the best that she can to help her mama, but gets a bit stressed at seeing Meliodas so stressed and overwhelmed after the run-in with his brothers.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Angel of Chaos AU
Zeldris had been summoned to the throne room. He thought he was receiving orders to go and wipe out some Goddesses, so he didn't think too much of it. He walked inside the hollow space, kneeling on the ground in front of the looming figure of his father.
He forced himself to look calm and collected, when in reality his mind was shrieking at him to get away! His father's voice was calm and collected as he started to chastise Zeldris. "You have disappointed me, my son."
Zeldris swallowed, daring to look up. "What may I ask disappointed you, father? I have done all that you have asked me to do. I have wiped out the Goddess patrols on the east sector just yesterday. And-"
"Not that you fool." The prince winced, slightly startled by his outburst. Without another word, chains started rattling viciously as two demons dragged two forms out.
Two very familiar forms.
It couldn't be! How did his father find out about it!
He started, horrified as he saw the limp figures of Arthur and Gelda on the floor. Arthur's once-beautiful wings were now stained with crimson blood, pierced straight through with hooks to make it impossible for him to escape or heal.
Gelda looked equally worse to Arthur, her body slim and pale; as if they had starved her of blood as they beat her. She too was stained with blood.
"Z-Zel," Arthur murmured quietly, cracking his eyes open and reaching towards the demon. However, said prince was frozen, unable to comprehend what he was seeing in front of him.
His father laughed above him, rattling the very bones of the shattered castle around them. "Now you see, Zeldris, what you have done. Allowing yourself to mate with these two disgusting beings? I never would have thought that my 'loyal' son would go and do this to me."
Zeldris watched in absolute silence as the chains on Arthur's wings were tugged, causing the Angel of Chaos to cry out in excruciating pain. "Please," Zeldris screamed, his eyes filling with tears as he looked up at his father. "Don't do this to them! Let them go father!"
However he begged and pleaded as he watched them torture his mates, feeling every bit of pain and suffering in their bond, and it tugged at his hearts so much it felt as if he would break. Gelda cried out as more blood was pulled from her body, Arthur screaming as his wings were pulled again.
No, no, no! He didn't know what to do! How could he save them? How was he to ensure that both of them got to live. He didn't know if he could bear it fi they both died!
"Take me instead!" Zeldris called out, stepping forward and looking the Demon King in the eye. Everything stopped. Both Arthur and Gelda looked at him, the shock in their eyes evident as Zeldris and the demon king stared each other down.
The demon king gave a nasty laugh, telling the soldiers to release Zeldris' mates. "I don't need you anyways. You were just a substitute for your brother."
Zeldris gasped as a sword was plunged through his chest, destroying one of his hearts instantly as blood poured from his mouth.
He could hear Gelda screaming at him. Begging him to stop.
The Demon King's laugher rang out through the castle as he continued to insult his youngest son.
He could hear Arthur roaring in rage, his damaged wings unable to propel him towards his mate in time.
Zeldris started feeling dizzy, swaying on his knees as he struggled to keep his eyes open.
Blood pooled at his feet now, covering the tiled floors in crimson. His body was covered in it.
Everything was going dark. He could faintly hear both his mates screaming in the distance. Wailing. Begging him to stop. He collapsed on the ground, his blurry eyes focused on Arthur and Gelda. He gave them one last loving smile. He had managed to save them.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Ban holds up a finger and drifts into the kitchen. He'd been planning on saving these for later, but... it looks like he'd have to use them now.
He dug around and pulled out a tray of caramel apples, plucking one out of the bunch he found suitable. Meliodas could eat these just fine, and adored them, so they were probably safe for demons.
Said demon let out another enraged screech, and he winced. Much longer and his ears would begin to bleed.
He re-emergened from the kitchen. "Hey there kid..." He calls half soothingly ‐ as soothingly as he can muster - and creeps forward. Zeldris glares at him, lip wobbling, but at least he had stopped screaming, if only for a moment.
Ban held up the candy apple slowly, the commandments all watching with wary eyes. "Here you go. Try it, it's good." Zeldris stares at it for a moment, sniffling to try and get a whiff through his stuffed nose. He finally let's out a quiet whine and reaches for it. Ban hands it over, letting the toddler wrap his hands around the stick as he sniffs at the sweet coated fruit curiously.
Tentatively, he licks it. Then he begins till gnaw at it, finally appeased for the time being.
Everyone in the room let out a relieved sigh, and Ban was no exception to that.
"How'd you know that would work?" Estarossa asked, holding the relatively passive todler in his lap. "You've never met our kit."
"Ah, I used to snatch treats for my little sister, when she was a tyke. It always calmed her down."
"You have a sister?" Derieri asked, blinking. "Don't siblings typically stick close?" That was true, in the Demon clan, most siblings held a strong pack bond, and were rarely far from each other.
"Had. Killia starved to death when we were kids. I damn near followed. But there was this guy who found me and helped me out."
Looks were passed around. Humans were cruel to their young.
Ban reached forward and ruffled Zeldris’s hair gently, the toddler looking up with wide eyes. The apple was about a third of the way through now. He sniffed once and stared at him, still gnawing. "...Mel Mel?"
"Nah, kid. He'll be back soon though, promise."
"...Mel Mel. Smell!" He pointed at Ban and looked up at Estarossa who nodded. "Thats right, Zel. He smells like Mel Mel."
Ban blinked, then snickered, finally coming out of his crouched position and stretching. "Ah, so his territorialness paid off after all."
"Territorialness?" Galand asked vaguely, knowing well their former pack mates tendencies, but wanting to hear more details.
"Well, yeah. I assume the aggressive cuddling and hair playing isn't a new thing." It was not. "And then there's the... more personal things we do." His grin turned lecherous as he implied his private time with the captain.
The Commandments all made faces. Well... at least he wasn't a goddess...
The commandments were satisfied as Zeldris finally was able to calm down, gnawing on his apple. He still looked around for Meliodas, but was reassured by the one who smelled like Mel Mel that he would be back soon.
It wasn't much longer before Meliodas came back, Zeldris squealing in happiness as he saw his brother walking back towards the tavern, hands laced behind his head. "MEL MEL!" Zeldris screeched, thrashing in Esta's hold as he tried to run over to his brother!
The man was right! He did come back!
Esta finally let Zeldris down, who sprinted over to Meliodas and started babbling and pointing in Ban's direction, bouncing on his feet excitedly. Meliodas looked to Ban in amusement, smelling the sweet scent on his brother from the apple.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Who's in the mood for angst? Doesn't matter cause you're getting it.
Rough idea, more rambly than anything but eh. The day I am coherent is the day I stop wearing funny graphic tee's. Which is never.
Anyways. So we all know that pack breakers are The Worst. It's basically The Worst Thing You Can Do. Ever.
(I headcannon that there's a way to formally, politely leave a pack, for various reasons. Some are serious, like abuse, while others are simply 'we no longer get along' or 'I don't feel I fit this pack' and is usually talked through. There's no shame or stigma -but that's a whole other thing. I digress.)
So naturally what Meliodas did was a terrible thing. But... what if... it had been to protect his pack? And ultimately, his clan as well? He had developed a friendship with Elizabeth, and they both learned of something both sides were planning on that, separately, would be devastating but together could cause such a monolithic catastrophe that they had to do something to stop it!
(Could be something else, anyone who has idea's is welcome to use them!)
They needed a way to stop, or at least stall, so these two things wouldn't clash. The stalemate was growing old and both sides were getting restless, if they launched off with those plans right from the get-go? At least half of all clans would be lost, more of those caught in the crossfire (humans, fairies and giants especially since they all lived on earth, just the bleed-out and after-effects would cripple the other realms).
There wasn't any way the Demon King would even consider a hearing or diplomatic party from the Celestial Realm. He certainly wouldn't hold off on the plan, either, and would probably push it forward out of spite. The Supreme Deity might, if for no other reason than appearances, but there would need to be quite the offering. Again the Demon King would never accept any demon acting in any diplomatic sense, except for maybe sabotage or an ambush.
The Supreme Deity also wouldn't allow anyone to go on such a mission, even with the current stalemate. But would at least pretend to be more reasonable. Things were quickly coming to a boil, with more skirmishes, an increase in arms and armour being commissioned, taxes and tithes and resources being gathered and prepared.
There wasn't any time. So Meliodas and Elizabeth planned, and schemed, and came to an agreement. With his instincts screaming, he released the prisoners of the Stigma Alliance, and helped them escape, taking the plans for the terrible strategy along with him. Everything inside him roiling and protesting at abandoning his pack, but every time he thinks of doing nothing or going back on this plan or trying something different that he knows probably won't work-
Well, safe to say that soul-deep agony was preferable.
He didn't have time to tell them, and even if he did... if his father, if anyone, found out that they knew? Or had even suspected? He didn't even want to know, though he had a fair idea of what might happen. They also needed to stay behind to protect the clan, and this -them hating him and hurting for his betrayal- was the perfect motivator.
He does take Elizabeth as a mate, partly because he does consider her pack, and because it was her idea. Another link to help protect him against any of her own kind who might strike against them. Plus plenty of other reasons. Once things had settled and the war ended, they would annul the mating. They do love each other, but not as mates, and she declared that if the Commandments never take him back (which he believes they absolutely won't), then she'll become a member of his new pack. Friends. And with any luck they'll be able to end the war in their lifetime.
If only things had gone that way.
I love this angst!
I feel like the interaction between Zeldris and Meliodas would be a lot more angsty. (I'm gonna make it angsty-)
When Meliodas reveals his plan, Zeldris tears up. "You're leaving, brother?" Meliodas gave him a sad smile. He reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Zel. As much as I don't want to do this, I have to. I'm doing this to protect you."
"By leaving us? Your own pack? Your own brother!" Zeldris cried.
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