#happy on the internet on exam weekend to everyone!
Can clever plotting end the Holy War? Sure. But this time the plot’s just, “Meliodas decides to fuck around and find out and drag everyone he can think of into it."
ah yes another drabble that I got too shy to put in the reblogs. this meme format gives me so much joy 
from that reblog chain: Yet another reason why the Demon King ducked up by making his preteen son a war commander. The amount of strategy he displays by doing that is… might I say god awful. He consulted ZERO people on the development of children. Probably freaked out when he saw baby Mel for the first time. Like "STOP SCREAMING I COMMAND YOU TO STOP."  *even louder infant screaming* "YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS INSOLENCE!” levels of ignorance. 
The only thing stopping Ten Commandments Meliodas from getting the audacity to kill him sooner was a lack of a support system. This kid saw the slightest hint of hope and went OH YEAH. PEACE. ALL THE WAY LETS GO. and immediately was such a disaster about it that he sent shockwaves through history. Imagine if he had been allowed to properly communicate with his brother and others even once every several weeks. The hijinks TC Mel would get into.
The traumatized teen leader of the Ten Commandments finds a little hope in his own home. Throwing as much caution to the wind as he can possibly afford, he drags his precious little brother around the Demon Realm and the battlefields of Britannia to find a solution to the war that’s fucked up their lives from the beginning. More and more happless souls are yanked into the rebellion as impulsive kid shenanigans ensue. Then Meliodas and Zeldris accidentally open up a litttle too much to their new friends and news of their (and Elizabeth’s!) home life goes viral, roping in the four archangels and the ten commandments who are not fucking stoked to hear what they’ve been left in the dark about. This is the aftermath. In meme format. 
Zeldris: I remember last time we got the chance to talk like this you asked me why I always work so hard. And I got too nervous to answer
Meliodas: uh huh
Zeldris: well… the truth is… I have this dream. That one day I’ll be able to make the demon realm a peaceful place. No more reliance on violence to prove our value. Just, just us demons, working to be the best we can be.
Meliodas, feeling a lil bit of his soul revive as his third eye is being pried open with a chainsaw: ‘keep it cool Meliodas don’t be a blubbering weakling in an important moment’    d-damn Zel…that...
Zeldris: I know it’s strange. To imagine a world where we could give up satisfying our vengeance against the goddesses. But it’s doing so, so much more harm than good. I can see it. I know you might not understand why I would be willing to give it up, with what the goddesses have done to us… to you… to mom. You think I haven’t guessed what happened to her, but… unless father killed her… no, that’s not important now. What’s important is how we move forward… if we just… stay stuck like this, then what’s the point of it all?
Meliodas: nah FUCK the war. It’s all pointless BS. Mom knew it too
Zeldris: please don’t - wait what
Meliodas: don’t what?
Zeldris: um. I thought you might be really angry
Meliodas: what, for being stronger than me? Strong enough to hold onto hope even after all this time?? Zel. I’m glad you could share that with me
Zeldris: 🥹
Meliodas: That dream... I would love to make it come true. even if trying to make this place less of a hellhole is a big hassle and doesn’t work out like exactly like we thought, I don’t think I could regret trying. You’ve shown me love can grow here after all... I have a reason to try
Zeldris: Big brother… do you… doyouwanttorulethedemonrealmtogether one day?
Zeldris: I’m the second prince, and I know father expects much less of me. But I’m capable. I’ll be of use right by your side. You’re the heir. The one everyone expects will be king. Fullfilling that... Is that the path you’re dreaming of? Is that what you want to do? 
Meliodas: !    Weeelll. Actually. It never meant anything to me, being the heir. Except more pressure from the Demon King. If there’s gonna be a new Demon King, it should be you. That’s what I think.
Zeldris: Ah. So that’s how you feel... in that case, are you still willing to continue on as a prince at all?
Meliodas: like I’d let you shoulder all this BS all by yourself if I could help it. I trust I’ll... “be of use”? 
Zeldris: No-no-I-that sounds- use? No- I don’t think like that -!
Meliodas: Aw, Zel, your face is all reddddd. Hehe. Always wanted to turn the tables on you like that! Don’t worry. I know it’s because father makes you so unsure, and I unwittingly helped out with that for a while.
Zeldris: Hmph. You just can’t restrain yourself. Don’t make me so anxious when you know I already am!
Meliodas: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you know-
Zeldris: Yes, I know. You love me. When do you think we’ll be capable enough?
Meliodas: hm  *remembers a certain silver haired goddess*
Meliodas: Well, that depends…. How much into the realm of crazy are we willing to let this revolution become?
Zeldris: I’ll do anything I have to for our people.
Meliodas: great. great. How good are you at Public Speaking by the way
*some time later*
The demon king: 👁️👄👁️
Assorted people from all five clans, several Induras, a bucketload of dragons and miscellaneous creatures from all over Britannia, Bloody Ellie and some archangels, all of the vampires under a newly crowned queen, and the demon army, including Gowther who somehow broke out of prison and found Glariza along the way:
. . .  you’ve been staring at us for five minutes. That’s gratifying and all but I hope you don’t expect us to explain. Trust me, you don’t want to ask how we all got here. No time for that anyway. We also have questions. So many questions... Questions we prefer you answer before we all kill you. For starters, why are your sons lolis and how the hell are they talking to those CREATURES in the back. Do you see those? Please tell us we’re hallucinating at least some of them. Is that a pig?
Zeldris: rude. Karen has been dragon queen for eons. She knows more languages than I do and probably understands every word you are saying. I’m just doing my best to translate, that is all.
Meliodas: his name is Wild :D isn’t he cute?
Wild: Meliodas-sama why is your father’s face so red? I think he needs a healer.
Ludociel: a pig that speaks? this truly IS hell. Why the fuck did you summon all these untrustworthy creatures from purgatory. Meliodas, I can’t wait to punish your father for bringing you into this world. I can’t believe his mistake is working in our favor right now. MAEL STOP HUGGING THAT THING
Mael, choking on the fluff: this is the best day of my life for so many reasons
Wild: Good to hear, my friend!
Elizabeth, removing her face from the fluff: AMEM. Thank you for having an audience with us, demon king. We have important news. We are ending the Holy War once and for all. Die or die. I'd give you the option of living, but you'd die anyways. Your people are really pissed that you sent your own kids to war and lied to them about it. Whether you live or die, whatever your punishment for prolonging this war will be, that is their call, not mine.
Demon King: FOOLS. DO YOU REALLY INTEND TO KILL ME? when the dust settles here, you will all be dead, and the Holy War will begin anew!
Elizabeth: when the dust settles, I'll be making love to your son on my golden throne, and you'll be a scorned, forgotten memory.
Meliodas: looking forward to it!
Zeldris: I’m gonna kill you brother
Demon King: you mortals cannot POSSIBLY fathom the thoughts of a God. Why I've done the things I've done is beyond you.
Random demon: could say the same for any other child abuser...
Ludociel, shouting at the demon king with equal ire: YOU could not possibly fathom how MUCH I have had to deal with ever since Lady Elizabeth brought that horrible demon and his gaggle of abominations into our camp! I have seen things. Felt things. Even tasted things. That no goddess should ever have to again. (*Meliodas grins evilly*) I don't even care anymore. What is strategy? What’s logic? We ate rocks made by a 5-year-old to get in here safely
Merlin: I'm 12
    (Bloody) Elizabeth to the demon king: touch her and ill torture you to death 
Demon King, trying desperately to figure out why there's a small child here and why Bloody Ellie is being weird about her, she LOOKS FAMILIAR, oh god is this her child, HOW LONG HAVE THOSE TWO BEEN A THING, this isn't their weird fucked up love child is it??: 
Rou, completely ignoring the 200 ft tall giant: oh my God Mel he fell for it!
Ludociel, also completely ignoring him: WHAT??
Meliodas: that was frozen tree blood. And a prank. Your goddess magic is adequate to protect you that's why we had you all cast Saint's Coat
Merlin: Maple Syrup. It’s called maple syrup. And magic potions don't taste nearly that good. I'm shocked you fell for that Ludo. you really are losing it
Gowther: technically, he isn’t wrong. The potion to combat the miasma is partly made from organic material from purgatory. There were some rocks in it. And also bone.
Sariel: when did you go to purgatory??? 
Mael (muffled by Wild's fur): rock is organic?
Zeldris: 84% of native purgatory rock is!! It’s even been linked biologically to a demon’s darkness. It’s fascinating. I read a whole book about it
Sariel: hello??? who took this man to purgatory without saying shit to anyone?? 
Tarmiel: I don’t even know who that is. I can’t remember when he got here
Mael: not true, we know who he is!  that’s the boyfriend of the demon I found trapped in a magic circle in the woods, remember? And I was like, I’m kinda having an exestential crisis right now so it could just be me, but if a goddess and a demon can really be friends and being a pacifist is okay actually and everyone was just being a bitch to me for no reason, then fuck it, who cares why the demon king put you in here? I’m setting you free. just promise you won’t wreck anything. make a demon contract with me or whatever and let’s end this cursed war. and she went “yea actually i’m directly an enemy of the demon king. he threw my lover in jail :(” and then me and Elizabeth and that guy over there *Doll Gowther throws up a peace sign* did a jailbreak while you lot were arguing over whether you could trust Mel or not? Remember that guys? 
Ludociel, who did NOT remember, on the verge of fainting:
Mael: Wait did I not tell you ANY of that?!? BROTHER I’M SO SORRY
Doll Gowther: Don’t be. He would not have let you contribute in a substantial way again. 
Elizabeth: do I owe you dessert Mel or does him insulting my virtue in this context not count
Meliodas: I’m not actually sure…might have made that bet too vauge
Zeldris (to Merlin): I’m not letting them adopt you. You can be my little sister
The ground begins to shake violently. Besides the obvious, nothing else happens. 
The Ten Commandments, permanently scarred from realizing that Meliodas the Destoryer and Zeldris the Executioner were kids this whole goddamn time, and not just weirdly short: ...loooooook...uh...here’s the thing. we’re gonna kill you now and we don’t need your power to do it. We got rid of it already. We have the power of, uh, *checks smudged writing on hands, dilligently inscribed by Elizabeth* ... teamwork
TC: and what ... what the pig said
Mael, extracting himself from Wild’s fluff, noticably buffer than 5 minutes ago: Plus the power of the gods! It’s almost noon :)
Zeldris: Damn, we timed this wrong. You better not destroy the castle
Yeah this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks because I don’t know how to end it. Anyone who wants a part 2 let me know lol
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bleached-d-soul · 3 years
Wicked Girls - Chapter 1: Penny the Dollmaker
First chapter of the commissioned miniseries of horror smut for @the-hapless-ace
Mercury Black. A young man fresh out of college and on his way to the party one of his buddies was hosting. What better way to celebrate no more lectures and exams than getting wasted and laid? Bring some booze, some condoms and blow your brain out partying until you passed out. A simple plan. A perfect plan.
Apparently though, God decided to be a dick and got his car busted in the middle of nowhere. It was a way better thought than admitting his own failure in properly taking care of his old car.
"Hello there, stranger! Looks like you ran into a little trouble," Mercury turned around to see a man in a rusty green truck. "You need some help?"
There was a small part of him that wanted to refuse. It wasn't anger or frustration but rather something about the old man's smile. Then again, he had no other options and was no pussy. He could handle some old fart if he tried anything weird.
"Sure, why not."
The rest of the road was not spent in silence as the driver decided to give him an unwanted lecture about the place they were going to. Hohlhill - a dumb name, Mercury noted to himself - was a small town just over the hill. A nice place. A quiet place. The best pancakes this side of the state, the man said. Far as Mercury was concerned, long as it had some Internet connection, it was good enough.
Just as he was about to go look for the nearest Internet cafe or some place with Wi-Fi, the old man stopped him and whispered to him in a tone no less cheerful than he talked in before.
Which made his words all the more weirder.
"It is a nice little town, Mercury, but be careful if you see a redheaded girl in a green dress."
The young man was about to leave but the man, tightening the grip on his shoulder, continued, eyes... not haunted but the happiness in them strained and looking all the more wrong for it. "Be nice to her. But not too nice. Smile and nod along. But don't go after her anywhere after the sun is set. And most importantly, don't make her interested in you."
Releasing his shoulder, the man got back into his car and wished him a good stay.
Fucking nutjob.
Shrugging the senile old ass and his ranting, Mercury set on to look for a way to contact Sun or Adam. Unfortunately, the whole place was a dead zone. No Wi-Fi anywhere and the connection was almost non-existent. He had his towed the repairs but it would take the whole weekend to fix whatever was wrong with it.
And just like that, his graduation celebration was down the crapper.
He passed through the streets, frustrated and annoyed at every little thing. He hated this place for no greater reason than needing something to hate right now.
He hated the bright colors of the buildings and this sugary smell in the air. He hated the music that seemed to play in every cafe he passed by. Most of all, he hated every single weirdo who turned to him and smiled and waved at him.
Bunch of idiots.
Throwing his bag of clothes against the wall in a crappy motel, he wasted no time in opening one of the beers and downing it in one go. Then went another. And another. Before he knew it, he was out on the street looking for a store to buy some more. Thankfully, the streets were empty. Las thing he needed right now was getting into a fight with someone.
Unfortunately, it seemed that it wasn't only the streets that were empty. All the stores were closed as well. Lights off and quiet as if everyone in this place went to sleep.
Did people have some kind of curfew around this place?
All the more frustrated and pissed, he decided to go back to his crappy room. Maybe he would wake up and find out the whole thing was just mushroom trip. If he was lucky, he would wake up with some hot chick, too.
"Excuse me?"
He turned to the source of the voice.
It was girl, maybe his age or a bit younger. With rosy skin and orange hair. Her eyes, the same bright shade of green as her summer dress, looked at him without any hesitation or worry you would usually have when talking to someone in the middle of the dark street.
"Hey," he greeted her dryly, not quite feeling to flirt even if she was a solid seven.
"Hi, my name is Penny!" She smiled and stepped closer. "What are you doing out here so late?"
Late? It wasn't even ten in the evening.
"Looking for some place to get beer," he said in a tone he hoped the girl would take as a sign to get lost. "Why, you some kind of neighborhood watch or something?"
"Or something," she replied just as cheerfully. "Unfortunately, I am afraid, we don't sell beer or any alcohol in this town."
Was she fucking with him? The innocent blinking and the sincere smile were, unfortunately, too damn good of a proof. Great, he was stuck here for the whole weekend without booze.
"Argh, fuck me."
"That is doable."
"What did you just say?"
"You said you wanted me to have sex with you," the girl smiled. "I said that I can do that."
Now she just had to be fucking with him. Was this some kind of prank? That would make sense. However, for some reason, it didn't feel like it.
"I see," he chuckled at the absurdity of the whole thing. "So how much do you charge for it then?"
"I am not a prostitute," she giggled and jokingly punched him in the shoulder. "We don't have them here in our little town."
"So what's your deal then?" he looked at her, trying to find the crack in this weird girl. "Is this some kind of fetish of yours? Having sex with strangers in the park who reek of booze?"
She smiled at him in a way that he couldn't quite place. Not pity. Not sympathy. Something far more... primal.
"You just look really angry," she said, her gaze softening. "I don't like seeing anyone sad around here."
So it was pity sex, then? Any other day, he would rather go and rub one out rather than have the chick sleep with him as some messed up charity work. But then again... He already drank all his beer. Might as well use up all the condoms here, too.
"I see," he grinned wolfishly and led the girl to his apartment. "Alright then, follow me."
The second they stepped inside his room, Mercury was onto her. He was never a patient guy when it came to sex and right now, he just wanted to fuck all his frustration out.
Penny didn't mind it. She smiled and only playfully scolded him as he tore her dress off of her. She moaned out his name with pleasure as she pushed her onto the bed and bit into her neck. He was surprised at how tough her skin felt against his teeth but pushed on through regardless.
There was something about this girl that made him go slower though. Her skin felt soft and smooth to the touch. Cold, too.
"Mercury," she whispered into his ear shakingly. "Please, I can't wait anymore~ Please, give it to me!"
Her voice was more intoxicating than any drink he ever had and soon he found himself mindlessly thrusting inside the girl her just met. There was no sense to it. It wasn't like any of his previous girlfriends or one-night stands. As he picked up the pace, she brought him closer to herself. He was lost in the insanity of it all.
In the cold feeling of her hands wrapped around his back. In the seemingly never-ending moans and pleas for more. In the tightness of her slick entrance. And as he approached the climax, she wrapped her legs around him.
He came and felt somewhat disappointed that he had a condom on.
Penny, however, was more than eager enough to spend the rest of the night with him.
They went through every position he had in mind. Every little kink he always wanted to try out, Penny was happy to indulge him. From bondage to roleplay to downright face-fucking the girl, she took it all with a smile.
Maybe, coming here wasn't so bad after all.
"Can we try mating press next please?" She asked quietly, as if afraid her words would spook him off. "I always wanted to try it with someone like you."
Well, wasn't that flattering? Unfortunately, they ran out of condoms (quite a feat considering just how much he packed).
"Don't worry about protection though," she whispered as she sat on his lap. Once again, she felt cold to the touch. She grinned as he was about to protest and produced a pill between her fingers. A quick pop into her mouth and she smiled brightly. "See? You are free to do it like you always wanted to. Come on..."
She traced her cold fingers across his chest and practically shrieked.
"Make me your woman!"
As if the switch was flipped, Mercury found himself towering over the girl. There was no rhyme or reason to his motions as he continued to push himself to the deepest parts of Penny's body. There were no words or pleas between either of the two. They were not people anymore, just a pair of messy and obsessed animals out to get what they wanted for so long.
His cock continued to drill its way to her womb, each thrust ending with a little kiss to the entrance.
And when he felt himself come closer to the climax, Penny instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and helped him drive it to the very end of her inner walls.
Mercury was sweaty and burning hot, out of breath. His head was a mess of hormones and sensations overflowing and overwhelming him. He collapsed against the girl as his semen continued to flood her womb.
"Mercury... I am so glad I got you here now."
As he laid there exhausted, that single line sent shivers down his spine. He was too frustrated. Too drunk. Too overwhelmed with lust to even realise it but...
He never mentioned his name to her. Or to that driver. Or to anyone who called him by his name throughout the day.
"Please, don't look so worried," Penny was closer, her hand pressing down on his chest. Hard. "You are so much more handsome when you smile."
He tried to push her off. But she was too strong. He couldn't even get her to budge.
"L-Let go!"
"You will only hurt yourself, Mercury. Please, rest here. With me."
"I said, let go!"
He grabbed the nearest object he could reach and smashed it against the girl's head. When the lamp shattered against her skull, he felt the cold rush of fear through his veins at the thought of hurting or even killing her.
When she got up from the floor and he saw no blood... When he saw the skin torn and exposed metal and wires underneath... Then he felt really afraid.
"O-O-hhhh-h, Mercury..." she purred, voice sounding like a glitching audio. Her skin cracked and underlying mess exposed, the girl took a step towards him. "Whhhyiiii DiiD Yoo0U hAvvE t0 m kE zzzz-111s so mah-Uh-uch haaRRRRder?"
Mercury ran. Faster than he ever had before.
Only to be bodyslammed by the elderly receptionist he saw earlier when he checked in this place. The old man looked different, his skin like some cheap paper and torn in places. His body shaking and arms bending at unnatural angle as he tried to incapacitate him. His eyes, however, were hauntingly human. Red and full of tears.
"...l... leave..."
He pushed him off and ran, kicking and punching his way through the suddenly crowded hall. Men, women, children, all looking just like that old man - like puppets who only had human eyes - moved to pin him down and hold him.
All the while Penny's voice came from every single direction. From these people's throats.
"Please, don't leave me!"
"You can be happy! I will make you happy!"
"Stay with me! Love me! Let me love you, too!"
He ignored them all. He picked up a broken chair leg and mercilessly smashed other people's heads. The crunching sound and almost euphoric expressions of those people made him sick.
"I can fix them."
"They won't die. Nobody will die and leave me alone! Not again!"
"I can make you like me, Mercury!"
"Please, just-"
He was outside.
They were as well, surrounding him from every angle.
Clanging, whirring and clicking.
Moaning, grunting and crying.
Behind him, Penny wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I remember this place when I first woke up. Father made me to be his daughter. Everyone knew who I was but they loved me anyway. Everyone was so happy here. So happy."
Her hold tightened, it was hard to breathe.
"But then father died. Then our neighbor did as well. Then the baker. Then the mechanic. They all died in their due time. Age, disease, unfortunate accident... But it still hurt. It was so cruel of father to give me all these feelings. To love other people. To care for other people. Only to see them die over and over again!"
The world was turning black.
"That's when I decided to stop it. It took me decades to get it right but I learned how to make others like me. Forever. Immortal. I knew it would bring trouble if the world outside knew about us. Which is why I keep us hidden. I keep use protected. I keep us happy."
He tried to fight back. But to no avail.
"You will be happy here, I promise. I just need to change you a little bit. You will be the same, I swear! Just a few minor adjustments! I promise you, it will be for the better! No more grief! No more pain! Just... happiness and love. With me. With all of us!"
"Shhhh, don't make this harder on me. It will hurt me to remove all that beautiful flesh away, anyway. But I promise you, I will let you feel if you behave. If you promise to-"
There was a loud crashing sound and the screams. Penny dragged him out of the path as a car ran through the road and down the bodies of the puppets around them. A single person stepped out of the car and pulled out a gun.
Three shots and Penny's body fell limp on the cold ground. As she laid there powerless, Penny looked towards him and reached for his hand. The stranger shot that to bits. Then her legs.
"S-Stay back!" Penny cried out. "He is mine! He belongs in here with us!"
The stranger, their face and body hidden beneath the black cloth and mask only uttered, "No."
And with a single shot through the head, Penny was gone.
Mercury tried to stand up but had no strength left as he collapsed against the cold ground. The last thing he felt was the rough but gentle touch of the stranger as they lifted him up. The last thing he saw was the trunk he got stuffed into. And the last thing he heard made his heart go into his feet.
"You are all mine."
It has been three weeks since Mercury's stay at Hohlhill. When he woke up in the hospital, he was greeted with his friends (who realized his absence only the next night). He didn't tell them about Penny or that horrible place. He knew how he would sound. He lied and they, understandably, didn't dig any further.
He took a quick trip near the town. He didn't dare go inside. But through his binoculars, he saw the whole place was gone. No town. Not even a hint at it. Just a small hill with some trees and nothing else. He wanted to tell himself it was a dream and move on. He almost had done just that.
But as he entered his apartment and opened his laptop, he instantly knew that it was all real.
There, on the screen, was the picture of Penny.
Arms and legs broken and twisted in unnatural angles. Her skin burned and riddled with cuts and holes. She was a robot, she said. But the way her expression was twisted into a silent scream told him that she could still feel pain. But the picture of his mutilated would-be killer was not what disturbed him anymore.
Instead, it was the rest of the picture. A woman, dressed in black dress, her face obscured by the featureless mask, was lying on the bed next to it. The bed that looked exactly as the one in his room. In her hands, was a piece of red paper with the message written in gold.
{Look in your closet}
Against his better judgement, he had. Inside was not Penny's head or some other gory present. But rather a leash and a collar. And another piece of paper.
"Remember," he read out loud, feeling the chill down his spine. "I am always watching you."
The next day, he switched the locks. The next week, he changed his apartment. But it wouldn't be until the next month that Mercury realized that no matter where he went or how hard he tried to hide, the woman that saved him that night would always find him.
And that she was even more dangerous than Penny.
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
petals covered in blood
Genre: angst
A Tetsuro Kuroo and Kei Tsukishima x reader
A hanahaki disease AU
Synopsis: seeing them falling in love with someone else, soon enough, they start coughing up flowers.
a/n: hey guys! Yes, I said that was taking a break but I felt bored and asked bby sam from @cadekagi for suggesting hanahaki disease and for proofreading and correcting my BS. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Requests are open so please don't be shy in leaving anything in my inbox! Let's get on with it.
 Tetsuro Kuroo
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Kuroo felt something coming up his throat as he tries to conceal his barks into his fist, pretending that it was just a cold. He stumbled out the gym doors and out in the hallways to go to the nearest sink.
  He could feel it scratching his throat as another fit of coughs and hacks crashed on top of him. He felt something liquid in his mouth as he opened the door to the boys' bathroom getting to the sink just in time to hack out a whole rich red marigold, the yellow in its petals coated with blood and mucus.
 He visibly retched as he looked at the sink after he finishes up choking on the last remaining petals. He looked down, taking the marigold into his hand. It wasn't like this was the first time he saw the same bloody flower in his palm. He started rasping up when he realized that you fell in love with Nekoma's libero, Yaku. He’s felt agony in his heart and now his throat and lungs for 3 weeks at least. He couldn’t really remember anymore. Even though he already experienced hacking up this flower for weeks now, he still felt the pain in his throat; not only that, he felt unbearable pain in his heart.
 Kenma walked in, his switch tucked into his pocket as he looked at Kuroo with a concerned look. Kuroo told him about the flowers that were blocking his airway, coming up when he had violent coughing fits like this. Kenma scoured the internet for answers, solutions to the problem his best friend was facing. He learned that it was hanahaki disease, a deadly sickness that affected the people falling in love with others that don't love them back.
  Kenma found out that there was a surgery he could get to remove the pain and unfortunately, the feelings away too. Time and time again, Kenma tried, pleaded for Kuroo to get the surgery but he refused every time.
 Tetsuro would rather die with blood-soaked flowers coming out of his lips instead of losing the warm feeling in his chest every time he sees you smile.
 He flashed a smile at Kenma before he felt another coughing fit coming on. He bent over the counter, coughing up leftover petals. Kenma walked over and handed him a tissue. "kuroo, your life is on the line. Please, for the love of god, get the surgery." He looked away from the raven-haired boy. He didn't want to see the sorrow swimming in his eyes. He didn't want to see the pain written on his face. The way his best friend’s face contorted into misery every time he felt the marigolds scratching up his throat, the way he tries to put on a smile seeing you with Yaku, making sure not to show anyone what was happening to him.
 Kuroo sighed, looking at his best friend, "I would rather die than forget the feeling I get when I see (y/n)," he said hoarsely. His vocals were ruined from the flowers coming up his throat. He could deal with all that pain. He could deal with himself losing his life on the tile floor with blood and petals in his toilet bowl- as long as he dies feeling that same warm feeling in his stomach every time he thinks of you.
 They found him in that very same position in his house the morning after.
 Kei Tsukishima
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You felt another fit coming on. You bent over to shoot all the blood and crushed white petals in the toilet bowl. In the toilet were 3 white roses, covered in blood. You wiped your mouth with your sleeve hastily. You don’t want anyone to know. You felt disgusting, gross. A girl vomiting flowers isn’t a good thing to be known for.
 You've been vomiting out roses for weeks now. It was ever since you saw Tsukki with another girl on a date that you started feeling these things. You felt immense pain, first in your heart, and now scratching up your throat as you coughed out the white petals. Your best friends were begging you to get the surgery, and once you saw Tsukki kissing the mystery girl, you decided to get it over with.
 It was the last day you would have to see these crushed up roses in your toilet bowl. This was the last day you would feel the pain.
 The pain of hacking up these bloody flowers.
 The pain of seeing Tsukki with someone else.
 You couldn't wait to get it over with.
 A few days after your procedure, you felt as happy as ever. You recovered and went back to managing the Karasuno volleyball team. Everything was going well for you. You could talk to Tsukishima again as friends without feeling your heart getting crushed by jealousy.
 Tsukishima didn't feel well as soon as he found out that you went under the knife.
 He developed a cough that got worse and worse until he spat out a white rose, covered in blood. His eyes widened. What was this? What was happening to him?
 He kept it secret from everyone. He kept it from his brother Akiteru, Yamaguchi, his now ex-girlfriend, and you. He started wheezing, feeling his airways get blocked by roses. Roses that he thought would be soft, gentle but they kept scratching up his throat, pain shot through him as he coughed them out in the sink.
 So this is what it felt like.
 This is what you felt before you followed in with the procedure. This was what you felt when you knew that someone in this world would never love you back. He was glad you got the surgery.
 He was hoping, praying, it wasn't he who caused you this amount of pain, but when you came back, you were a whole different person. You weren't flirty or clingy with him anymore and it hurt him. That's when he felt it. The first cough, followed by the first white petal.
 He caused you this pain. It was his fault. And now it's time for him to suffer, just like you did while trying to hide these petals from him. This was what he gets, He should've been honest and told you how he felt but it was too late now.
 You'll never feel the same way, so why confess? He deserved every single wheeze, every single flower. This is what you went through. He has to go through it too.
 He never recovered.
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 This was one of the rare fics that I worked on for 2 days compared to my same-day uploads. I know I said that I won't post this week but eh, I was inspired and bored so why stop? I will still be taking a break this weekend just to get into that headspace and I might extend it up to Tuesday since I have exams. Hope you guys understand! Love yall so much ❤❤❤❤💕
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Idle Chat with Victor
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The CN server was recently graced with a new feature called 随便聊聊 (“Idle Chat”), where you can select a mood and talk to the love interests about work, life, and studies :>
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Idle Chat with: Gavin / Kiro / Lucien / Shaw
[ WORK - Topic 1: Overtime ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Overtime is finally over!! I’m going home to lie down~ I miss my bed and pillow so much
Victor: You’re working overtime again?
Victor: The timing for tomorrow's report will be changed to the afternoon
Victor: You can get more sleep in the morning.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’m completely not in the mood to work today, and think I’ll have to work overtime again. I wonder if I’ll be able to finish by 10pm... I’m a little tired, and really miss my bed.
Victor: Instead of letting your mind wander, why not complete the work on hand quickly. 
Victor: You were in the mood to play on your phone and send messages in the afternoon though.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I have to work overtime today! I feel as though I’m basically living in the office recently! I wonder when such days will come to an end...
Victor: Do you want me to award you with a “Most Hardworking Employee” certificate?
Victor: There’s no need for unnecessary overtime
Victor: Tonight, go home and have a good rest.
[ WORK - Topic 2: Income ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: It’s the happy day of payday! Even though I have to pay for various expenses, I’ll live in the moment. So tonight, I’ve decided to have a big feast in Souvenir
Victor: Souvenir isn’t open tonight.
Victor: But if you want to come, I can make an exception.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: In just the blink of an eye, payday is arriving. Come to think of it, the term “income” doesn’t seem to be related to you at all. Doesn’t this mean you’re short of one form of happiness?
Victor: Your definition of “happiness” is overly simplistic. 
Victor: I don’t need to consider such things.
Victor: Also, when do you intend to submit the financial statements from the previous quarter?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Why is there never enough income? I didn’t do much this month, but ended up spending so much. I’m troubled.
Victor: Are you hinting that I should increase your pay?
Victor: It isn’t an impossibility.
Victor: As long as you give me a convincing reason.
[ WORK - Topic 3: Program Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: That collaboration I mentioned the last time was successful! Phew - it’s really been full of twists and turns, and I almost thought it’d fail. It’s a good thing we didn’t give up!
Victor: Since it’s successful, bring the proposal over along with your report next week.
Victor: I’ve asked Goldman to schedule a meeting.
Victor: Also, you did well this time.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I really have no idea what to do for the new program. I’ve thought of a few perspectives, but everyone thinks they aren’t that great. It feels like all my inspiration has dried up...
Victor: In that case, work on something else to divert your train of thought.
Victor: There are many methods, and you can pick one yourself.
Victor: If you can’t think of anything, come to Souvenir after work.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The new proposal hasn’t been going smoothly... I was full of vigour at first, but I feel slightly discouraged now. Sigh, I’m starting to doubt life.
Victor: Didn’t you boast shamelessly before that you’d definitely do it?
Victor: Why don’t you take out that vigour you showed me?
Victor: I can spare some time later to help you take a look.
[ WORK - Topic 4: Program Results ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I didn’t expect the program to be approved so smoothly. I even thought it’d get stuck for a long time like the previous case. Looks like praying to you before the meeting was effective!
Victor: Dummy. Praying to me isn’t effective.
Victor: The proposal you did this time wasn’t bad
Victor: Continue making persistent efforts.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: The program on hand is stuck mid-way again. Recently, it feels as though everything isn’t going smoothly. Do you have time to take a look at my proposal?
Victor: Come to my house this weekend
Victor: I can spare two hours.
Victor: If you’re asking for my guidance, have you thought about how to pay the tutoring fee?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The collaborative program with Loveland TV didn’t get approved again!! I’ve already made five amendments!! Life is really difficult!
Victor: While burying your head in amendments, did you find the reason why it wasn’t approved?
Victor: If you didn’t, let Goldman help.
Victor: As for the rest, I believe you can handle them.
[ LIFE - Topic 1: Losing Weight ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: When I measured myself today, I realised that I’ve actually lost weight! Truly, “shut your mouth, move your legs”. 
Victor: Since you have the determination to persevere
Victor: Looks like the pudding you wanted as a reward can be called off.
[Note] 管住嘴迈开腿 (“Shut your mouth, move your legs”) is a motto for losing weight in Chinese.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It’s strange... Why isn’t there the slightest change in my weight even after exercising persistently for several days?! This has greatly swayed my determination to continue exercising.
Victor: Is this another one of your reasons to be lazy?
Victor: Continue with your morning run tomorrow.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: During the company’s physical examination, I received a bit of a blow. I actually put on so much weight!! From tomorrow onwards, I’m going to lose weight!
Victor: You do have to control yourself and have fewer suppers and snacks.
Victor: Instead of tormenting yourself alone
Victor: From tomorrow onwards, you’ll join me in my morning run.
[ LIFE - Topic 2: Meals ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I followed a recipe and whipped up coffee chicken perfectly! Even though it looks slightly flawed, the taste deserves 80 marks. Want to give it a try?
Victor: I’m suspicious of what you call “perfect”.
Victor: I’m not at home now. Come to LFG to look for me.
Victor: I hope your skills won’t disappoint me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: How can I control the thickness of congee? I accidentally poured too much water, and now it has become a pot of rice soup. I even wanted to show you once I succeeded...
Victor: Looks like everything related to “appropriateness” is difficult for you to comprehend.
Victor: What congee are you trying to cook?
Victor: I’ll get someone to prepare the ingredients. Come over and I’ll teach you personally.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I tried following the recipe you gave me, but failed... I’m not asking for it to be delicious and perfect, but it ended up looking like dark cuisine. I followed every single thing you wrote though!
Victor: This has nothing to do with the recipe.
Victor: As long as you are half as serious about cooking as you are eating it
Victor: It wouldn’t become like this.
[ LIFE - Topic 3: Reading ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve finally finished reading that book you recommended. It’s very interesting!
Victor: What else did you plan to understand?
Victor: I don’t often read such books.
Victor: But after reading it, I realised that there are some merits.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Today, I purchased a few books on management but didn’t have time to read them. Come to think of it, I haven’t finished reading the books I bought the last time either. But the internet says that buying books but not reading them is also a form of charity~
Victor: So the reason why you buy books is for “charity” reasons?
Victor: Next time, don’t just buy any book you see
Victor: If you don’t know what to buy, ask me.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I just finished reading a very long book... In the end, everyone died aside from the protagonist! Why is there such a tragic ending!
Victor: So do you want to change the ending? 
Victor: Have a night’s rest, and you’ll forget about it tomorrow.
Victor: Don’t complain about dark eye circles the next time.
[ LIFE - Topic 4: Games ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’m at home since it’s a vacation today, and successfully finished all stages of a game! I said that I have a natural talent when it comes to games, didn’t I? The next time we play together, I won’t be in a flurry like the last time. 
Victor: When did I agree to play games with you again?
Victor: If the new program you proposed can rank first in the ratings
Victor: I wouldn’t mind seeing the results of your practice.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’ve entered a game wasteland. Even though I usually don’t spend much time playing games... But when I want to play, there’s nothing worth playing, and I end up feeling very bored.
Victor: Apart from playing games, don’t you have other things to do?
Victor: If you really feel bored
Victor: There’s a dinner party tonight. You can come with me.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: When I was discussing a collaborative project today, I tried playing two rounds of Texas hold ’em. It ended in a tragic defeat... These games which require skill and thinking are not suitable for me.
Victor: Actually, it’s rules are very simple.
Victor: Playing such games requires sufficient patience and ambition.
Victor: I’ll teach you next time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 1: Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve read through all the materials beforehand. I initially thought these were hieroglyphics, but now I realise they aren’t that difficult~
Victor: Since you could persevere, it looks like it wasn’t just a flash in the pan.
Victor: If you pass the exam, I’ll consider giving you a reward.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It has been two hours since I started studying, and my progress is 10%. Ahhh I have to make full use of my time!! Why does time disappear the moment my mind wanders...
Victor: If you want to make full use of your time, you should be keeping your phone.
Victor: Next time, lock your phone away before you start studying
Victor: It can prevent 80% of your loss of focus.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I understand every word, but I can’t comprehend the sentence. I doubt I can finish learning all the materials before the examination. It’s really difficult!
Victor: You chose the hardest difficulty for yourself, so it’s too late to give up.
Victor: But the fact that you could persevere till now
Victor: It already makes one see you in a different light.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 2: Homework ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I just did two sets of examination questions, and the options I picked were all correct! I’m truly an ordinary small genius~ My confidence has shot up!
Victor: Before the final results, blind confidence isn’t much help.
Victor: But I’m looking forward to the final examination script you submit.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It just dawned on me... why do I still have homework?! I thought the word “homework” was long gone. I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to escape from its shadow.
Victor: If your procrastination didn't show up, all these could have been completed very quickly.
Victor: Aside from homework, don’t forget the report for this quarter.
Victor: I don’t accept unexplained delays.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I plan to apply for leave from the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Tonight, I’m going to spend the entire night completing the heap of homework... I don’t believe I can’t finish them!!
Victor: With such vigor, why didn’t you complete some earlier?
Victor: Your goal is simply to pass the exam, so you can do some selection
Victor: There’s no need to foolishly set unnecessary requirements for yourself.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 3: Pre-exam Revision ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’m done with revision, and have a feeling that I’ll pass successfully this time! If I manage to pass, I’ll invite you out to celebrate. I’ve already thought of the location!
Victor: I accompanied you in studying for such a long time. If you can’t pass, I’ll be skeptical of your brain.
Victor: Right now, the most important thing is to conserve your strength and energy. 
Victor: Switch off your phone, and go to sleep.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Although I’m all prepared, my heart still feels very nervous... If I had known earlier, I would have prayed for a “Pass Every Exam” sign!!
Victor: Since you’re all prepared, why are you still nervous?
Victor: Forget it, I shouldn’t have had expectations for your psychological state...
Victor: Give me a call before you sleep.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Why do people need to go through exams... Why do people need to do revision... Why do people need to live...
Victor: Weren’t you brimming with confidence when you signed up?
Victor: There’s still time
Victor: I can accompany you in looking through the questions one more time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 4: Post-exam celebration ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The exam is over! I plan to celebrate with a feast! I feel as though the gigantic stone in my heart has finally been lifted. I’m back to being a brave heroine~
Victor: The results aren’t out and you’re already so confident?
Victor: Forget it, I won’t deal any blows
Victor: What do you want to eat? Let me know once you’ve decided.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I wonder when the examination results would be released... Not being able to see the marks always makes my heart feel uneasy. Although I said I was going to celebrate, I don’t have much of a mood now.
Victor: Your mentality has room for improvement.
Victor: No matter how much you think about it, you can’t change the marks.
Victor: Come to Souvenir tonight - treat it as a celebration for completing your exam.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The results of today’s exam are out! I obtained 30 marks more than the passing mark! I originally wanted to celebrate, but I heard a grievous piece of news - It turns out that the written examination only constitutes 60% of the marks! The rest are constituted by attendance!
Victor: This score is much higher than your previous test
Victor: As for the remaining marks, I recall that your attendance should be sufficient
Victor: There’s no need to worry.
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3raaaachachacha · 3 years
My beautiful loves,
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well! Things have been going smoothly for me, I have one more exam left that got rescheduled for next week sadly, and I got back my other exams and the grades were okay, I'll do better next time. Aside from that, I've recovered well from my cold and I met up with one of me best friends that I hadn't seen in a while, I have plans this weekend too that I'm very excited about. I'm not the biggest fan of going out, but I really needed it.
Admin 🦋, I'm so happy that the guy you're seeing is so nice and I truly wish you both the best! Take it easy please, don't overwork yourself and make sure you take care of yourself, you need it! Admin ��, I'm really sorry to hear you're so worn out, but know that you're doing so good! Whenever you can sit back a bit and relax, it's okay to do so!
It's been a week or two since we last spoke but it feels longer honestly, I don't know why. It feels so weird that october is over and we are already a little over halfway through November, 2021 flew by so fast. I can't wait for you 12 days of Christmas, I saw the masterlist and I'm really looking forward to it! I sadly missed your ask game, but I saw that you opened your requests which makes me so excited, I can't wait to see what fellow readers come up with and how you will take these ideas and make them into beautiful stories. I would like to make a request too, if that's okay with you. Since I'm always requesting chan, I thought I would spice things to a bit and request some changbin fluff, maybe a morning with him where binnie and reader wake up together and they have nothing planned to do except for relaxing and spending the whole day in bed cuddling and being all cozy. Thank you so much in advance!
Lovelies, I just wanted to let you know that you are both doing amazing and that I'm so proud of you! You're working hard every day and you deserve nothing but the best. I wish I could be there to give you both a big, warm hug and a pat on the head and let you know just how amazing you both are, but instead I'm gonna send you both big virtual hugs and hope that you are healthy and happy. I know that a stranger on the internet saying things like that doesn't mean a lot, but sometimes I feel like everyone needs to hear some kind words, especially when we don't feel our greatest. I really don't know what you are going through in your life but I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing, you are enough and that I'm so happy that you are alive. I know you make so many people happy with your presence and as hard as things might get, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Both of you, make sure you eat a lot of good food and drink a lot of water, rest well, take care and stay safe!
With love,
-Warmth anon.❤💫
~ hi love !! i’m glad you’re doing well with studies and you are recovering from your cold. make sure to enjoy the time out and with friends, those moments are precious !! thank you for the reminder to take care of myself, i need it. i’ve been lacking lately with my mental health since the weather is getting colder and feel like i’m in a slump. this month has flown by already, but i prefer december since christmas is here and the weather is completely gross haha. we’re excited about the 12 days of christmas celebration and hope you look forward to seeing the results as well. thank you so so so so much for your sweet words. honestly, those are what i needed lately and just the reminder that things will be alright. i really appreciate that and you so much, thank you so much again ♥︎ also we did see your request, we have both just been a bit busy, so sorry for the late response to this. take care love and make sure to smile every day !! ~
- Admin 🦋
~ hey hon! i'm so pleased to hear that you have recovered from your cold and that you only have one exam left! you've done so well and you will continue to do well! just keep your head up love, the end goal is only getting closer. thank you dear. things were beginning to get out of hand for me, but thankfully, my friend surprised me with tickets to another city for five days and i just got back. it was super nice and i finally felt happy for the first time in ages, but unfortunately that was short lived and we are back to reality. but it's made me realize i think it's time for a change for me. october and november have flown by and i can't believe it's nearly december. i'm so excited for 12 days of christmas and i better start writing my portion since i took a week off! i honestly can't wait to write your request! i love writing for binnie! thank you again love, your messages always make us smile! and thank you for your patience since we are are both busy. look after yourself and speak soon!! ~
- Admin 🌶️
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
could you tell us more about the brarg family au with the 3 babies and trans luci?
I definitely can! This au has been living rent free in my head since i started that drawing and I was actually sketching more stuff for the AU right before I got this ask so- I definitely can ramble more about it
This was supposed to be just a collection of a few hcs and now it’s a multi-pages word document the size of a fanfic so – Im really sorry.
I didn’t think a lot about their backstories tbh, though I have it in my mind that Luciano transition in his late teens and that he and martin either met after that or knew each other before luciano came out, lost all contact, and then met again after (and you can blame oxiosas fic for that yeah im not even subtle)
But I imagine them having some sort of meet cute and kinda progressing really fast in their relationship without realizing – yk, its just a fling, no big deal, yeah ive met his parents, yes I basically spend every weekend in his apartment, yeah I have a spare key now, ops I guess we’re adopting dogs and plants together- oh I think we’re married. Yeah. We’re married.
Ok but for real Luci does the proper proposal-with-a-ring-and-knelt-down-on-a-special-day thing and Martin is just bright red saying yes over and over again
It is Afonso (port) the first to be all WHERE ARE MY GRANDCHILDREN like… the night of their wedding.
They live in a house in a not too big city with two dogs, one cat, one parrot and all the birds that Luciano feeds and names that aren’t actually theirs. Still, they choose the house with two spare rooms because they always talked about having two kids.
In this AU they can buy a nice house and don’t have to worry about money and can raise kids like the world isn’t ending.
I think right after they got married they got in line for adoption. However, everything indicated that it would take a long long time so they started talking about the possibility of trying to have a biological kid. I think luci was the one to suggest it when he noticed martin had been thinking about it but not saying anything for a while.
Lots of boring doctor visits and confused doctors looking at luciano and trying to process it like the dumb cishets they are. Boring exams and all that, but everything is on track eventually, luci pauses his hrt and keeps his jockstrap on the drawer and they’re googling the best positions for fertility on those weird cishet sites and doing it like bunnies etc etc
Getting pregnant the natural way after years of testosterone is not the easiest thing in the world, so it takes a while. But eventually it works.
Both of them are kinda freaking out with this whole first pregnancy thing. Martin is the ultimate protective husband, and spends way too much time on the internet finding out what luciano can and can’t eat, what exercises he should do, and going to every single doctor visit. He’s very committed to it.
Luciano has to drink non-alcoholic beer and hates life. There’s a single teardrop shed every time he buys it. And drinks a lot of lemonade like it’s the same as caipirinha. Poor guy. Martin doesn’t help on that, life isn’t fair, he buys his own beer.
But he also has to drive absurd lengths to find the weirdest fruit or make the most hideous, blasphemous pizza toppings because Luciano is constantly craving absurd shit. But poor baby actually really NEEDS that chicken M&M pizza at 8am.
They’re super proud daddies though, and both their instagrams at this point are just baby belly pictures. Luci had top surgery on this au on my hc so also. Lots of shirtless pics. He looks like an old uncle with a beer belly and he’s PROUD. Just. Baby bellies all over.
Martin picks the entire baby layette. Because of course he does.
Their baby shower is a huge deal though. Their dads are there, Antonio brings an entire trunk filled with diapers and tells everyone how many tincho used to need when he was a baby, Afonso is cooking for everyone and talking about how he’s gonna be a grandfather (!!!). Iracema (pindorama) is scolding Luci about his bad habits while also quietly being a super proud grandma. Zola (angola) bought toys because she knows that’s what kids actually like, Samero (Mozão) keeps asking if they installed all the necessary security stuff in their house – we will, chill, we still have some months to go – Vera (Tomé) is teasing Simão (Timor) about him no longer being the family baby, Fatima (g.bissau) is another one who bought a huge amount of diapers, Rosinha (cabo verde) is taking pictures of everyone and everything, Sebas and Dani are discussing if the kid should speak Portuguese or Spanish, Maria brought a huge pink plushy as a gift, it’s quite a party.
Once they’re late in the pregnancy, Luciano mostly spends his time on Martin’s oversized t-shirts asking for foot rubs and not getting much sleep because the baby keeps moving. Martin on the other hand is a little nervous about being a dad, but absolutely loves feeling the little kicks and talking to the baby all the time, except when its 3am and he wants to sleep but Luci cant because of it so he just does his best to keep him company. He mostly ends up falling asleep on his chest though and doesn’t help much
I wrote all of this but I still don’t have a name for the girl lol Anyway, she’s finally born, and if martin was overprotective when Luciano was pregnant, he’s ten times more with his baby girl. Tbh theyre both kinda going crazy with this whole parenting thing, both are overprotective, tired, and have no idea what theyre doing.
Zola and Sebastian are the girl’s godparents. Sebastian isn’t very good with kids so when he takes care of his niece he either puts on a tv show and lets her eat whatever crap she wants, or relies on Daniel to do the actual taking care, since he is good with kids.
Luciano and Martin are very much neurotic first-timers and have all this schedule of what their girl can eat and when and when she has to sleep etc etc.
When Zola takes care of her, she just ignores it and does it her way. She helped raised Luci since he was a baby anyway, he survived just fine and even married and reproduced, she knows what to do better than both the dumbasses, and they never even find out.
Afonso on the other had follows everything when he’s with his granddaughter, determined to be a better grandfather than he was a father, and the baby loves him so he’s doing a good job.
They’re a very cute family yes yes
She grows up well and happy, a bit shy maybe but very smart and sweet, loves the dogs and her aunts and uncles and granddads (afonso more than antonio though)
By the way, Iracema is soft like butter with her granddaughter.
When she’s about four or five years old they start talking about having a second one, considering the age difference and all. So back to doctors, Luci stops the hrt again and they go back to trying, but again it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do it naturally after years of hrt.
But god listens to the prayers of such good catholic family, and right after they start thinking about a second child, they receive the news they will finally get to adopt a baby.
Luciano is the one to receive the news, he’s working at home when the social worker comes to tell him they can finally adopt. He’s extremely happy, he hugs the poor lady and is barely able to concentrate as she explains the paperwork that is left and the details of it because he can’t stop smiling.
He immediately texts martin saying something like “CALL ME RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO TALK” and it’s in happy caps but martin understands it wrong and thinks someone is dying or dead but then his phone is what dies so he gets home as fast as he can thinking all the worst scenarios just to find luciano jumping on him with a smile for ear to ear. It’s such a shock he takes a while to react but when he does you have two idiots so happy they can’t function.
It’s another girl, she has big brown eyes like her sister and it’s a few months old.
They quickly reassemble the crib and paint the second room to get everything ready in time to take her home, and the next week or so it’s nothing but all the family visiting to meet their new baby.
Since they managed to adopt, they decided to stop trying to have another kid. Luciano goes back to the doctor do some routine exams so that he can go back to testosterone and the doctor just awkwardly explains that, well, that won’t be exactly possible. Not for the next eight months, at least.
He’s quite shocked at that, and takes him a while to tell martin. They just got a new baby and do they even have space to raise three kids? Eventually it just escapes from him and martin is shocked as well, but ultimately both of them are just worried about their place being too small, and once they relax about that they can’t shut up about having another baby on the way to anyone.
Still, it’s not easy to manage, martin is just as worried as he was with their eldest, except that this time he’s simultaneously worried about their new baby and about Luci’s pregnancy. Poor dude needs a break asap. So he’s trying to do most of the work of caring for a little baby to spare luciano from the stress, while also taking care of him as well as he did the other time.
Luci is more chill about being pregnant, he’s done this before, he’s fine. He’s even a little too chill about it, as shown in the art, he still wants to carry their kid on his shoulder and having a few sips of martin’s beer is no big deal and honestly he’s fine, he can help with the baby, and Tincho just needs to relax and it will all be fine.
Again, poor tincho needs a break.
Some things don’t change though. Them being super proud daddies who do nothing but take pictures of their kids and Luci’s belly every chance they get. And they’re really happy and excited to have their house full and this big family.
Just a good cute family AU where nothing bad ever happens thank you very much.  Yet it took me almost 2k words to say it. I have no self control and I’m very sorry. However, if anyone has their own hcs to add about this whole au, I will be more than happy to hear and talk about this AU even more than I’ve already done.
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yyxgin · 3 years
a lot has happened at work recently!! but who cares bleh. libra season!!! which means bday celebrations!! except i’m at work BOO 👎 and my two assistant managers have officially left (i’m helping them move on wednesday) and they were probably the only two who knew when my bday was apart from my supervisor but he’s gone to a different branch to train to be an assistant manager before coming back so i’m super bummed bc now i have to deal w al the new staff by myself 😭
also one of the ladies in kp read my palms?? and she told me i spend too much money impulsively which isn’t false… but i have to spend money impulsively or if spend none at all (which is good for saving ig) but i’d also be doing nothing other than working and that would make me sad lol. she also told me bc i’m a libra this month i’ll be unlucky with love but lucky with money so 🥺🙏🙏 i was having a relatively bad day that day so she was cheering me up n all of that.
did i tell you when my txt and skz albums came, they also came like a week or two later (again) bc they’d accidentally doubled up my order? it was like heaven with skz bc changbin baby is my ult n he was in some of the pulls for the second album 🥵🥵 the limited edition of no easy confuses me bc it’s not like the last one of theirs i bought and typically groups stick to a style when they design albums like mamamoo are all in these cute magnetic flip box thingies and nct’s are all little books type things as well as txt’s but skz switched it up and there’s a fair bit of loose stuff? but it’s okay bc i have two posters n all of the mini flip card things for the members and some bangchan (i’m gifted in pulling chan).
im also hopefully getting a car?? the barman hasn’t gone to prison yet bc the court keep moving his sentencing date(s?) so when i discussed this w my mum she said they’ll probably throw it out and relief filled me!! but ik i shouldn’t be so hopeful but at the same time it’s like why would you mess someone around so much? anyway i’ll move on, i wanted to drop him home in my car bc he deserves a lift everyday what a sweetheart❣️ my co-worker facetimed me today as it was my day off and i said hi to everyone it was so heartwarming to see everyone missing me but also not bc my manager overworks me and he knows that after this weekend 💉🩸
im jumping about with my points and things i want to say but i’m horrible at internet friends so this is okay for me as recently i’ve just not had energy for any friends which is awful of me but i’m still trying to find the balance between work and social. also everyone’s gone to uni and i’m just chilling. i like my life.
i want to redecorate my room. i don’t like the vibe other than when people compliment my kpop wall bc it’s a bunch of my art and then other peoples art and i thoroughly enjoy decorating w pictures and stickers and stuff but it’s literally just a door and it’s depresses me that my happiness is reduced to the back of a singular door now. i want to redo the vibe in my room and make it more me. i’ve never felt comfortable until recently and even now i’m going back to feeling uncomfy now that i know i want it a certain way and to give a certain vibe. idk, maybe it’s bc i watched sex education and seeing lily’s room in the most recent season (i won’t say much more in case you are watching/haven’t seen it yet) really made me realise i want to love myself and love the space i create for myself more. do you enjoy your space you’ve created for yourself? i always feel like peoples rooms say a lot about them as a person but how they see their room in their own eyes always says more.
i want to ask loads of questions and am awful at asking them so please just tell me everything i missed or should be updated on!! ily, always
~ 🌻
LIBRA SEASON !!! omg did i ask you when's your bday ?? i hope i didn't miss it. >:( happy birthday !!!! you deserve so much love. also, i'm sorry about your managers leaving. dealing with new staff is hella stressful and i hope you don't have to have too much responsibility and nerves <3
ooh palm readings are hella interesting. i've never had one but i think i'd like to try. spending money impulsively isn't a bad thing, if it's not an irresponsible spending. and if it is,, well who cares. yolo. i feel you on that tho, bc even tho i am really stingy w money, sometimes i just buy stuff i don't need and act on impulse.
OMG THAT IS A DREAM ?? getting free albums ?? (at least i hope they were free lmao). i like it when groups stick to one type of packaging although i must say i dont like the book thingies nct uses bc there is no magnetic part so it falls apart on my shelf and i hate that. i acutally like the sleeve packaging txt's albums have ?? everyone seems to bitch abt it on tiktok but i find it the most conveniet. also i'm glad changbin came home to you <3
YAAAY TO THE CAR !! AND ALSO TO YOUR COWORKER. i am praying he won't have to go, then, i am really hopeful. he is a sweet soul and doesn't deserve that. pleeease don't put up with your boss overworking you. take care of yourself :(
YOURE NOT HORRIBLE AT INTERNET FRIENDS we are besties. okay ??? and its totally okay to have no energy for friends as well, bc as you can see, i am struggling as well recently. it took me so long to reply to this ask and i feel so bad but it is what it is :// social battery has been low and i am busy with studying and work and trying to put my shit together. i am rooting for you !! <3
go for the decorating !! i actually haven't watched sex education and am not planning on watching so i dont really understand what you mean, but i hope you get to create a space for yourself when you feel free and comfortable. i share a room with my brother so its kind of difficult to decorate it how i want it, but i honestly like sharing a room tbh. he's not here half the time anyway so it's good to see him at least when we go to sleep lmao. but i have a bunch of stuff in my corner that are kpop and my side is full of plants, so i feel good surrounded by them hihi. i like it here.
i don't have many updates. i am actually living a very boring life, so i have nothing to share. preparing for graduation exams has been making me anxious and also depressed with everything that's been going on lately, but it's okay. i'll pull myself together <3 i love you a lot, take care !! i missed you
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nympsycho-ao3 · 4 years
Hi so sorry if this is a weird question. I start college next week and I'm really nervous and overwhelmed. I graduated high school almost 5 years ago so I'm really late getting to it, I don't remember a whole lot about school life. Do you have any advice?
Not sure why youre asking a random smut writer on the internet but i would love to help if i can!
I was a huge lazy sack of shit in college ahhaha. My college years were spent either drunk or high for the vast majority of it. So my first piece of advice is to dont do that lmao. I missed out on a lot of fun, socializing, and networking because i was inebriated alone in my room. Id imagine with covid its even harder to meet new people so take every opportunity you can.
Find at least 1 person in every class that can cover for you if you miss notes or have questions about material. Youll generally make a friend too which is a nice bonus but really that safety net is nice. Dont abuse it either, like dont skip class for days then just ask for notes lmao.
On that note go to class strategically. I was able to skip a few classes every semester in their entirety bc they were easy and i got away with it but if they take attendance make sure you go. Again with covid im not sure with this stuff but actually give a fuck about the stuff youre learning. I wish i did instead of just memorizing and forgetting. I wont tell you to go to every class every time bc fuck that, but prioritize the classes you simply cant skip.
Treat studying like a job. It is so much easier to study like an hour a day than cram studying in 10 hours overnight for an exam. Im a huge hypocrite with this so do as i say not as i do lmao.
Going into it late in the game is actually kind of a good thing because you might not be tempted into the dumb bullshit like drugs and booze like i was. Just keep it to the weekend like i shouldve hahaha
If youre on a campus, go out and enjoy it. Some of my fav parts of college were just going out and enjoying the campus and what it offered. Maybe better advice for spring but... nonetheless.
I shouldve put more effort into making friends. I really came out 4 years of college with no friends to speak of because i made the conscious decision to keep to myself because i am naturally a loner and comfortable alone. Still, i think i would have overall had more fun if i got to know the really cool people in my program.
In general, take the opportunity to leave your comfort zone. It's college, no one is expecting you to be perfect. Just have some fun while you can take advantage of the safety net of college and the bad decisions youre allowed to make. As long as you keep your grades up (or passable, which i recommend making your perrogative instead of perfection) go out, get laid, try new things, meet new people, learn new things, and enjoy expanding your worldview with little consequence.
Remember that everyone lives in their little bubble. I was so afraid of embarrassing myself that i avoided doing a lot of fun things. Not a single person gives a fuck about you in a way that theyre judging you like you think they are. So just do you, be the cool older person in the class that can buy the youngins booze (do this at your own risk but it was fun for me lmao) and tell stories like a grandparent. Also, on that note, dont be surprised at how fucking stupid these kids are. You might be the oldest and wisest in the class. Just enjoy the stupidity at your beckoning call and take it in, sometimes it's better than TV. dont hold it against them though, we were all stupid 18 yos once.
Dont ask a ton of questions in class. I mean a few is fine but not a lot. It just makes class run longer. Anyone who cares is doing the following: either asking them after class, going to office hours, or emailing the professor. Do that.
Speaking of office hours. Youll probably need some reference letters when you graduate to apply for jobs. Pick like 1 cool professor a year and really buddy up to them so you can use them as a reference. Yay, using people! And hey you might get some cool stuff out of it. Talking with my professors was always pretty neat and enlightening. They will know what youre doing but they know the game too and theyre just happy youre putting effort into earning the reference. Just dont get boners for the hot ones like i did oop--
And uuhh flash cards. All my homies love flash cards. I still have all my digital ones from my classes for no reason but... they came in clutch!
I didnt work through college bc im a privileged little brat but, i think i would have had my shit together more if i did. So depending on your major find something relevant and maybe find a flexible part time gig (easier said than done im aware)
I graduated with a 3.8 gpa and a damaged liver and lungs but hey i survived! Hope this helped. Again im not the best person to ask bc i really hated my major and most of my classes but i saw them as necessary stepping stones to my current job. Oh well!
Good luck anon. I know you will do very well even in these covid times. Just take your shit seriously! Unlike me...
Dont go to fucking parties unless youre an asshole and/or vaccinated or until this covid shit blows over please!!!
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galenfm · 4 years
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          ·゚☀ i am already so tired of myself and i have class soon aGAIN ........ ugh well again , i am teddy , a she / her pronoun user and current mun to two muses in this delightful shining star of a group ! i now present galen , my newest gaming gf creation who just wants everyone to fucking include each other ! my preferred plotting method is via discord over at 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 !#6439 , i’ll make a plotting call there and i’ll reach out to everyone who likes this !
      *       read   all   about   galen sorenson ,   otherwise   affectionately  nicknamed   the champ.   the   twenty - one  year  old  gamer  and  blossoming  actress  is   widely   known   for   being   uninhibited,   magnanimous,   self - deprecating,   capricious   and   recently   made   headlines   when   they   allegedly   dropped a sponsor due to their support of autism speaks .   apparently   judas   claims   to   be   sitting   on   an   even   bigger  story   involving   them   -   whatever   the   truth   may   be,   i'm   sure   it   won't   stay   hidden   for   long.   &    a screaming laugh following a jumpscare waking the whole house , overthinking an interaction hours after it’s passed , a childhood spent begging to be read the ugly duckling and lingering on every word , neurodiversity stickers pasted all over a gaming pc. ◜   ⭒  ic:   alisha boe.   cis woman.   she / her.    
BIO : mohammed and karina sorenson have never been a conventional pair . to start , they meet when he , the biggest male model of the 80′s , is hired to walk for her winter collection , being one of europe’s top knitwear designers who never seems to go out of style . he’s eccentric and as magnetic as can be , she’s demure and has never said a word regarding anything but her work . they don’t make sense , but they’re married two years in secret before finally making their relationship known . mohammed , progressive and independent minded despite his traditional somali family , takes her last name and relocates to norway , where karina gives birth to a stunning baby girl that steals the hearts of the eu as the tabloids go crazy over her . 
elissa is nearly 18 when her mother has the news to shock a nation : she’s miraculously pregnant , once more , far enough along that she intends to keep the baby despite both her and mohammed being into their 40′s . karina , having named their first baby , gives the reigns over to mo for their second child , but isn’t too happy with his pick
galen literally translates to mad , to incorrect , she argues , elissa firmly on her side
it gives her a chance to choose her own path . it gives her something to make for herself , mohammed counters , and that ends that .
galen is born in olso and is every bit as precious as her sister , now old enough to even potentially be her mother . her parents , busy with their ventures but over the moon to have a new baby in the house , raise her for her first few years in a small norwegian town to shield her from the prying eyes of the public
mohammed is first to notice that she doesn’t respond to her name or seem interested in looking at him , keeping her focus on whatever toy catches her eye for the day . he and karina write it off when she doesn’t hit her talking milestones or hold crayons the way other toddlers do , or figure she’s just an introvert when her preschool teacher mentions she doesn’t enjoy playing with the other kids during free time
they can’t ignore it any longer when she hits grade school , instantly falling behind with the rigorous private school pace and eventually warranting a visit from the school psychologist . she remembers the worry that paints her parents weathered faces when , at six years old , she’s given a laundry list of diagnoses and recommended for “ alternate ” schooling
something about the way her teachers treat her , so broken and unworthy of respect , makes her shut down , regressing with any progress she had shown and really refusing to cooperate with most adults she comes by . elissa is a budding starlet taking weekends off from film roles to spend time with her little sister , knowing that behind the quiet dark eyes of the child who wouldn’t look at you was a bright mind teeming with unsaid thoughts
her parents go to all ends to hire her private tutors and special therapists , which help her keep up at grade level . she’s in middle school when her science teacher , noting galen’s aptitude on exams and incredible recall , says she may fare better in an american school , recommending one he knows will accept a prestigious line such as the sorensons . 
she moves to pennsylvania at 12 and the change is hard . she again regresses and suffers at the hands of her peers at the private catholic school she attends , her parents reaching a level of despair thinking they’ve failed their daughter , unable to get her the help she deserves despite their best attempts . galen , sick of being deemed the broken doll , seeks out an escape from the world to try and give her some reprieve from the constant pity she wishes she could express is only doing more harm than good
she likes makeup but sucks at it , enjoys art but can’t seem to draw for the life of her . she knows she’s tone deaf as all hell and doesn’t like sweating enough to be willing to dance . for once in her life , despite all the years of trying to ignore the well - meaning comments of those around her , galen starts to believe maybe there is something wrong about her .
it’s elissa’s celeb boyfriend who buys her an xbox for christmas , figuring the two could play it as a bonding experience . brimming with quiet gratitude , galen spends hours on the damn thing in between study sessions . tutors notice an improvement in focus , more motivation to work and get things done so she can finally hop back onto the console and escape into a fantasy .
she begs her parents to let her do homeschooling for her high school years , to which they agree and she thrives . she upgrades now to a gaming pc and plays through everything she can get her hands on . people on her teams don’t know her , and they don’t treat her any differently than anyone else , so before long she’s unlocking a bubblier side to herself that just feels content .
she records her playthroughs in silence ( she’s gaining confidence , but still shy , and god knows how the internet treats female gamers ) and uploads them to youtube under a stupid channel name with only a few hundred subscribers . noting the accuracy and speed with which galen destroys shooter games , someone suggests she try overwatch .
galen is hooked in an instant . she plays matches in between daily activities and quickly climbs ranks to becoming a force to be reckoned with in the competitive community . after finding a team where she feels particularly at - home , they launch to stardom due to their sweeping wins and incredible cohesion . galen becomes something of an overnight sensation , quiet and unassuming , and this recognition feels like the validation she’s been seeking for herself this whole time
she blossoms and cements her legacy as an overwatch competitive titan by the time she graduates , reaching grandmaster status and being known throughout the community for her strategy and technique . her youtube channel grows exponentially , and after realizing this is a viable future for herself , galen posts her playthroughs with her commentary and finds that people love what she does . she moves to new york in order to collaborate with other big gamers , and on her channel , she does a combination of horror games , overwatch trainings , and new release reviews and builds a following similar to markiplier or jackseptic eye , with a second vlog channel to document when she goes off to tournaments or simple things from her days
she’s 19 when her repeated wins get the attention of a massive gaming studio who invite her to come record some lines as an easter egg of sorts for her fans in a new game they’re developing . her work is met with rave reviews and suddenly game titans are nearly breaking down her door for more voice acting work . galen , who’s always felt like the ugly duckling compared to her sister’s perfect legacy , takes this opportunity to emulate her sister’s career , and nearly doubles over when a film studio approaches her with interest of casting her as a supporting role in a project of theirs . though she’s never pictured herself to be in front of a camera quite like that , with some coaching , galen nails it , and finds the high of acting catapults her from relative fame into newfound stardom .
she’s one of the newer members of the brat pack considering her youtube fame was more inconspicuous than her film work , though she still is adjusting to life in the limelight . she stays close to her roots and continues to post regularly to her channel and streams on twitch , collaborating with other increasingly big names to gain her more views . 
galen’s most notable push since rising to fame has been her advocacy for neurodiversity and recognition for how poorly people with learning disabilities are treated in society . she doesn’t go in detail with her diagnoses but she does make jokes about them on her stream in order to normalize their mentions . she recently dropped a sponsor for their support of autism speaks and donates a majority of her merch revenue and tournament winnings to advocacy causes . she’s proud of who she is and hopes the future can be shaped into what kids like her needed when they were growing up .
galen lives up to her father’s prediction this whole time and changes her channel’s name to galengaming , proud to tout the moniker that spurred her to create a path she wanted rather than be told who to be by the world around her . 
PERSONALITY : galen has an energy about her that is like the sun hidden behind a cloud . upon first impressions , she’s a bit more timorous and nervous as she gets her footing of wherever she may be , especially with some of the more public - eye type settings she’s been put in since sort of being sucked into the brat pack . she wants to make sure she’s acting appropriately for whatever the situation calls and may often seem tense or apprehensive .
once she’s loosened up or seen a familiar face she can latch onto , she blossoms into a ball of unfiltered energy . she loves humor and memes and can often be found competitively launching memes she’s found into her team’s group discord server . she’s witty and often makes herself the butt of her own jokes in order to lighten the mood , though she’ll be sure to clarify that she loves herself and only does so to keep herself humble lmao . 
her playthroughs are VERY stream of consciousness but its this lack of filter that seems to be her fans’ favorite thing about her , a willingness to say whatever unhinged thing she may be thinking followed by a shrieking scream after a jumpscare or a string of screeching expletives after missing a goal
she can perhaps sometimes be too unfiltered and unwittingly come across as harsh or blunt , though she’ll often realize this after the fact and feel incredibly remorseful . galen has a habit to overthink and will panic for the rest of the night if she fears she’s inadvertently offended you , but won’t apologize due to being too nervous to figure out exactly how to do so ssksksks
one of galen’s most notable qualities is her heart , her benevolence and empathy that lead her to want everyone to feel included regardless of how different they may be . though she tries to give everyone a chance , there’s a fair amount of people perhaps too materialistic for her to get along with , and her polite way to ignore them is simply keeping her distance and pretending to not know them
which . in her own way . comes across as shady sksksk “oh you know so and so ? ” omg no i dont haha who are they “ u literally met them last night ” hahaha no i didnt x
she can be prone to mood swings simply due to a sensitivity to her own feelings and a tendency to overthink . she’ll wonder why she feels weird and even if it’s just because she’s hungry she’ll assume it’s because she said “thanks you too” when the cashier told her to enjoy her meal and then she has to sulk and play animal crossing alone in the dark for an hour before she can come out and be chill again even tho she feels worse than when she started bc shes just HUNGRY ASKSKKS
she’s used to being infantilized so she tends to be sort of short tempered if people talk down to her . this is when the wit kicks in as she is really just tired of being treated poorly by people who don’t even know her and has decided she will refuse to take any more shit ! can be a bit snippy even without realizing it but if she’s close to you she’ll usually be like “ oh my god that was rude as fuck im so sorry ” and feel bad for 20 minutes even after you say its okay lmaoo
random blurbs : um DONT ask me who she plays in her overwatch tournaments bc im using opossum and wikipedia to figure shit out as i goes , but i know for sure she calls out a lot of misogyny in the gaming world on social media !
always has her switch with her i KNOW this for a fact
anime nerd ....... nobody call her out on it she will deny until she is blue in the face and then hum the one punch man intro in her streams as if hundreds of thousands of people arent witnesses LMAO
this is so stereotypical nerd but she hates the outdoors ! says the US is so dirty and stuffy she says scandanavia is the only place she’ll ever like to be outside , she slips into norwegian when she’s recording if she gets jumpscared so she doesnt get demonetized for over - swearing lmao
also speaks french because she picked it up from her mom ! her dad usually only spoke english or norwegian , so galen didn’t get to pick up on much somali or arabic but she def knows at least a few words here and there
she vlogs a good amount of her life but she’s kinda shy about talking about who she’s dating , will probably try to keep her romantic life to herself !
excited as all hell to get into acting but the super fame that’s coming with it kinda freaks her out . she knows it’s a trade off bc she loves the feeling it gives her but hates how people are now overstepping a lot of boundaries that they didn’t before when she was just a popular youtuber
inspos are juno from the iconic movie juno , toph beifong from atla , louis theroux YES THE DOCUMENTARY GUY LEAF ME AL ONE , & amy from booksmart !
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What was the last thing you bought at a store? When did you buy this? I went to a Korean mart last week to get a BTS Chilsung Cider and a BTS Hot Brew lmao. Just one of each since I had blown out my budget on other merch + my birthday dinner. I’ll complete my collection for both some other time.
What noises in the room you’re in, do you hear at the moment? I’m at the rooftop and I can hear an airplane flying above me at the moment. I also have music playing.
What color is the kitchen in the house you’re in, painted? The walls are mostly white but it also has some peach-ish tiles by the sink and water dispenser.
Do you live in a town where basically everyone knows everyone else? Nah. That would obviously be the case for residential subdivisions, but not in the town/city I live in. Way too big/populated.
When was the last time you or someone else in your family bought a vehicle? I think it was in 2017 when we got the Vitara? We sold it last year though.
Are your grandparents the kind who are very protective of you? Not so much. They know I can handle myself and that I tend to be independent, so they don’t really coddle me. They will always make sure I eat plenty whenever I come over, though.
Have you ever, or do you live on a farm at this moment in time? I’ve never lived on a farm.
When was the last time you had any kind of chips? What kind were they? Piattoooooos. They were my favorite as a kid and I ate them almost daily, to the point that I got sick of them and didn’t eat them for years. But earlier this week one of my aunts got us a pack and I found myself kind of missing them, so I got a few chips. The one I had was the cheese-flavored one.
Are you one of those people who can’t help but download everything they find? Lately I’ve been doing that only for whatever photo of Kim Taehyung I see floating on the internet that I don’t have saved yet.
How many things in the past have you bought off eBay? What things? I’ve never bought from eBay, but I also don’t know if we have that here. My last purchase from an online shopping app was a pack of fan-made BTS Polaroids.
Are you or the people you live with pack rats? This is she, lol. I have hoarding tendencies, but they’re not too destructive. At this point I am also increasingly noticing that I’ve taken this survey LOL, but I’m too whatever to care.
Were you always one of those kids who got in trouble with everyone around? Nah, I was quite well-behaved as a kid. Too behaved, actually; I preferred being a wallflower and only started opening up by the end of high school.
When was the last time you took a nap? Did it relax you any? Last weekend. I took naps to escape the summer heat, so it wasn’t comfortable in any way. I woke up cranky and in a pool of my own sweat both times.
Honestly, do you see yourself as a slut? No.
Can you text quickly?: I can type fast, if that’s what you mean. But when it comes to replying, I only do it when I feel like it. I don’t pressure myself to respond immediately.
Do you like fast food or does it disgust you?: I unashamedly love fast food.
Have you got a hairdresser that you can trust?: Nah, I rarely go to the salon to have my hair done anyway. I mostly do so for my yearly trims, and I always go to different ones every time.
Do you wear a lot of make up?: I never wear makeup.
Do you get nervous before exams? If it was a class I knew I was struggling in, then yeah the nerves would usually kick in.
What’s your favorite alcoholic drink?: Cocktails.
Do you watch Big Brother?: Not a fan.
Do you like the smell of BBQs?: Loooooove it.
Do you crash on people’s sofas often?: Not really. I’m usually shy about visiting other people’s homes.
Do wasps scare you?: Yup, and that goes for all kinds of bugs as well.
Have you ever had to spend the night at a hospital? Just once. Fortunately I haven’t really run into a lot of health issues.
Have you ever bought clothing online? Not so much, since I like seeing the item first before buying it. I did make my first clothing purchase online recently though! – I got a pair of IVP shoes and I’m glad they ended up fitting me perfectly. I finally got to use them today when I had to go out this morning for a work errand.
Have you ever worn flipflops in the snow? I’ve never encountered snow.
In December, were you single or taken? Single.
Were you happy when you woke up today? I think I was more disoriented than anything. I kept thinking it was Friday and that I had to start waking up properly for work; it took a while for me to realize it was Saturday and I could sleep in if I wanted to.
What mood are you in right now? Exhilarated. BTS comeback teaser just happened, and I might just have done another stupid impulsive purchase. K-Pop is such a dangerous black hole to fall into ;________;
Who was the last person you rode in a car with that was under 21? I think it may have been my siblings.
What are you currently hearing right now? RM rapping into my headphones.
How much clothes do you have in your closet? Do people actually keep track of how many articles of clothing they have, down to socks and all? Lmao I wouldn’t be able to give you an exact number, but I can tell you I don’t have anything close to a gigantic wardrobe.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? I called up LBC to ask for assistance about a shipment I needed to handle for work. They weren’t too helpful so I ended up having to go to a nearby physical branch this morning.
Do you regret anything from your past? Little things here and there, but nothing that haunts me day in and out.
Did you speak to your father today? Yes.
Have you ever hugged a complete stranger? I don’t think so.
Who was the last person to compliment you? I had my regularization evaluation with Bea sometime last week – I guess the general feedback she gave counts as a compliment? They were all very positive and I’m glad that was the case. I’ve always been conscious about my performance, so I’m just happy it was all validated and recognized.
Do you often use the term “slut”? Only as a joke to call myself when I’m feeling frisky.
Do you regret anything you’ve done in the past 24 hours? LOL I bought something again 5 minutes ago even when I told myself my purchase before that (which I bought THIS MORNING) was going to be the last...someone needs to lock my goddamn bank account
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ellixthea · 5 years
Request: “Can you plase do an imagine where mgk and reader (famous singer) are dating. And everyone thinks mgk is a bad bf cause of his appearance and career (and he always uses ‘hoe’ in his songs). But they do it for fun and y/n loves him, so one day colson decides to do something romantic just to assure y/n that he loves her.”
A/N: Hi guys! I’m soo sorry for taking so long! Between exams and all I was pretty busy but since I’m officially on summer break, I have a lot of free time 🌴Hope you enjoy it 🥰
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“Please welcome Y/N Y/L/N!” You made your way to the stage where an assistant told you to go and you were cheered by people clapping in their hands and shouting your name. You hugged the host and waved at the audience before sitting on the couch. You were used to be invited on talk shows, but you would always get a little nervous, especially since it was exceptionally broadcasting on live, before finally relaxing and enjoying the moment. It was not the first time that you went to Jimmy Fallon’s talk show, so the audience enjoyed the chemistry between the two of you. “First of all, let me tell you that you look amazing Y/N” “Oh thank you! I’ve been tired lately so you telling me this is actually a miracle.” You said laughing soon joined by the audience and Jimmy. “Yes, because you just finished your worldwide tour!” He replied and the audience cheered. You felt your cheeks blushing and you couldn’t help but smiling. Your career in the music industry started 4 years ago and you immediately got a huge success. Even now, it was hard for you to believe that it was your life. Millions of people following you on Instagram, millions of people buying and streaming your music, people always asking for a picture when they would meet you and a lot of nominations, even a Grammy one but unfortunately, you didn’t win it.
“Thank you! It felt good to be back on the road, meeting incredible people and fans. I’m very grateful.”
“Congratulations on everything that is happening to you.”
“Thanks so much.” You said giving Jimmy a warm smile.
“Well since we’re talking about your career, you released a new song called ‘Good’ and on an Instagram post, you said that it was about someone special who you’ve met 3 years ago and your fans assumed it’s about your boyfriend, who is also Machine Gun Kelly. Is it really about him?” Jimmy asked. You knew this question would be asked soon or later and at first you wouldn’t want to answer it as far as you didn’t like exposing your private life, but for a few months now, you could see on the internet articles and random people saying bad things towards your relationship. Yes, you were dating him for 3 years now and you couldn’t be happier. When you first met him, you heard from people about his reputation but you couldn’t fight what you felt for him and when the two of you started dating, you were surprised that he was a very caring person, always giving you cute attentions, and you were tired of people denigrating him without truly knowing him. He was the opposite of everything you could read.
“Yes, it is. You know, people always talk about things they don’t know, and now it happens to be my relationship with Colson. Yes, he is a rapper. Yes, he got a lot of tattoos and yes, there’s always girl in his clips and when he’s on tour but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about me. If people knew what he has done for me and how he is demonstrating his love for me I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t talk that much, and they would stop judging him by his appearance.” You answered and you heard people clapping in their hands before you continued “When it was the beginning of our relationship, I would lie if I’d tell you that I was really happy with the idea of him being around girls , even today sometimes, a part of me is always afraid, but I trust and love him enough to know he wouldn’t hurt me. Nobody but us knows what we’re saying to each other behind closed doors.”
“I couldn’t agree more with you Y/N.” Jimmy replied, and you felt good to finally let out of your chest what you kept for a while. The interview went on and you eventually finished the show and your driver drove you to yours and Colson’s place.
When you opened the front door, you knew Colson was at the studio recording new songs, so you weren’t surprised to be alone. You felt tired by your day and decided to take a hot shower before putting on one of his shirts and a panties. You went to your shared bedroom and went under the soft blanket, turning on Netflix.
It was around 0:30 a.m. when you heard the front door shutting. You knew it was Colson and you were surprised that he was already here since usually he would come home at around 3 a.m. “Babe?” “The bedroom.” You shouted back, not looking away from the tv show you had put on. He opened the door and your eyes met his with a smile drawn on your face.
“I knew I would find you in this position.” He said getting closer to the bed.
“What can I say? Netflix is a good entertainer when you’re not here.” You replied, giggling at your own words before Colson gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “Be right back, I’m gonna take a shower really quick.”
When he was done, he was only wearing a pair of boxers when he joined you under the cover. You missed him the whole day so naturally you got closer to him, put your head on his chest and your arm around his waist, only hearing his heartbeat and the sounds of the tv. You wanted this moment to last forever. Only the two of you and nothing else. Colson had his arm around you, caressing your shoulder which would give you shivers. You had never felt such a thing for someone before and it was mutual. It was silent in the room, but not an awkward one before he spoke. “Babe?” “Yeah” you replied, looking at the tv but being all ears for what he was going to tell you.
“You know that you’re the only one that I love and want right?” He asked still caressing your shoulder. His question made you rose from your position and you were now sitting next to him.
“Of course, Colson. Why would you ask me this?” You asked back, getting a little bit concerned. He knew that when you would call him by his name and not ‘Kells’, it was because you were having a very serious tone.
“When I was at the studio, I took a break to watch your interview and I heard what you said about girls being around me and how sometimes you would be afraid anything could happen.” You could see in his eyes he was saddened, not by you but by the situation. You felt bad since the point was to prove how faith you had in him and how much you trusted him, not for you to make him feel guilty or bad.
“Colson I di-“ you started but you were cut off by him putting his hands on your cheeks before speaking.
“I want you to know that you’re the only one I want. I don’t even look at the other women. I don’t even know how I got so lucky to get you, but I promise you to never hurt you. And I’m so sorry you feel afraid and not good about it, but I promise you you’re the only want that I love and desire.” By the end of his sentence, you could feel tears forming in your eyes. You knew how he felt towards you but wouldn’t express it, at least with words since he was not comfortable saying that kind of things. Even though you knew it, it still felt good to hear it. You look at him and kissed him, putting your soft hands on his cheeks before pulling away.
“Colson, what I said wasn’t for you to feel bad. Sure, I’m not always at my best when I see those girls throwing themselves at you but my point was to shut the haters up by saying that I trust you enough to go past this. I know you wouldn’t do such a thing and I hate that people are assuming that about you. Sure, I can be scared because there are so much more beautiful and great women out there than me.” He stopped you at the end of your sentence.
“I don’t want you to ever think that okay? You are everything that I didn’t know I was looking for and I don’t want anyone else in my life than you.” You gave him a shy smile before speaking again.
“I probably opened up a little too much, but they got the message. You don’t have to worry because you’re doing everything perfectly for 3 years.” You assured rising one eyebrow and smiling causing Colson to put you on your back and him being on the top of you.
“Y/N, you’ll be the death of me.” He said, his face a few inches away from yours; “I’ll be honored then.” You replied in a teasing away before he pressed his lips on yours.
The next morning, Colson and you woke up early as far as the both of you had busy days planned. You had a few meetings to do about the end of your world tour and Colson had to work on the upcoming album. You were running late and left before him, saying quick goodbyes which you hated.
“Sorry babe I’m late,” you started, grabbing an apple, “I’ll text you during the day, I love you.” You finished, taking the time to give him a languid kiss and headed to your car to go to your first meeting. When you left, you could see that something was up with Colson, probably because of the interview and the conversation the two of you had but tried not to overthink it and you’ll see later what’s wrong.
The day was exhausted, just as the day before and the day before that one. You texted Colson in the afternoon, but he didn’t respond which made you worried. What if he decides to left me? You tried not to make up ideas and just told yourself that he was probably busy, which was probably the case.
When you got back from work, you were glad it was the weekend. You haven’t stopped since the beginning of the world tour and those two days off were more than needed. As you expected, Colson wasn’t home, but you wish he was since you started to get anxious about him ignoring you. You decided to clear you mind and go by the pool, with on the edge of it with only having your feet in the water. The house you shared was overhanging the city which was giving a perfect view. The sun was beginning to go down which gave to the sky a beautiful orange mixed with pink color, and the lights of the city looked like diamonds.
You were relaxing when your phone buzzed right next to you. You look at the screen and saw that Slim was calling. “Hey Slim, what’s up.” “Hey Y/N, is Kells with you? He left earlier and we tried to reach him, but he doesn’t answer.” You heart started to be fast already imagining the worst scenarios. “No, he’s not here, I thought he was with you guys.” You said, standing up from your spot and taking your bad with you. “I’m on my way to meet you guys. Gotta be in at the studio in a few.” You said and hang the phone call, ran at your car and drove to the studio. On the way, you couldn’t stop thinking of where he was or what had happened. An intuition kept telling you that all of this was happening because of that damn interview.
Once you arrived there after around 20 minutes, you got inside the studio and the whole crew was there, expect Colson of course. You were greeted by the guys and they didn’t seem as concerned as you were. “Do you know where he could be?” You asked them and Baze was the one to answer. “He said he had some shopping to do but he wasn’t replying to our text, so we guested he was with you.” “No, he was not.” You replied, rubbing your forehead. You could see the guys gave you a weird look. “Is everything okay girl?” Rook asked you, getting closer to you. “I don’t know actually. Kells and I talked about the interview I made yesterday, especially about the part in which I said that sometimes I was happy with the idea he was surrounded by girls throwing themselves at him and that I was sometimes scared he would cheat on me and since then, I can see something is up.” “We saw that when he came this morning and he say he didn’t want to talk about it but then he was as he always is during the whole day.” Rook told you which got you confused. What was going on you thought to yourself. He wasn’t answering his phone and you didn’t know where to look for. You stay a while with the guys, just in case, when you got a text from Colson.
Babe ❤️: “Sorry, I had a busy day. Meet me at the house please.”
“I’m on my way.”
You told the guys about the message and told them that you were leaving, and they all gave you an amused look, which you didn’t understand and you wasn’t about to try to since you only wanted to see Colson.
Once you arrived, you opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off. It was odd since his car was parked in front of the house. You walked in anyway and saw some candles lighted up here and there. You were confused and walked kept walking and you saw a bunch of candles around the pool and there he was, standing with a bouquet of red and white roses in his hands. It was not the night yet but close to it, which gave the sky a dark orange and blue color which added beauty to the moment. Some petals were scattered on the floor. You walked toward him in complete awe. When you were standing in front of him, you started talking.
“What is all that for?” You looked around you, still surprised with everything. “I made this up for you. I hope you like it.” He asked, handed you the bouquet which you took, and smelt the perfume of the roses. “Of course, I do! It’s amazing! Thank you so much Kells.” You replied, kissing and hugging him.
“Wait, the guys knew about this right?” You asked putting the pieces together.
“They did.”
“Of course.” You replied with a giggle.
“I know that I’ve been pretty busy lately and your interview made me realized that I don’t enough show you how much I’m grateful for you and how happy and in love I am with you.” You put your hand on his cheek.
“Hey, I’ve never doubt about it. I feel terribly bad that the interview had such an impact on you. I’m sorry Colson.”
“No, don’t be. I wish you would have talk to me about it but it’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” He replied, looking straight in your eyes.
“Well, I actually not always thinking about that, it’s not eating me up but since the topic was put on the table, it came back, and I let it go. But I promise that now on, I would let you know.” You said, kissing him passionately. “Well, now if you don’t mind, I’ll have to put your clothes. I think you have too much clothes on for the weather outside.” He said smirking at you. “I’m all yours.”
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hyucksong · 5 years
nct dream as school tropes [au]
mark; the overworked valedictorian™
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the poor babe is overloaded with work,,,,
he has his honors classes, obviously, has to answer to all the prestigious colleges, has to write his valedictorian speech, is the president of the student council, and tutors on mondays and wednesdays,,,RIP mark the senior
catch him at lunch dizzy-eyed at his homework he got that day,,,,boy does homework at lunch
always makes time for his friends because he knows he can’t spend all he time studying,,,,though he tries
his college buddies always tell him it’ll get better when he graduates but mark calls BULLSHIT
he’s seen taeil act like an absolute zombie because of college and,,,,yikes
is always super stressed and everyone can tell, but he’s always happy for his friends and it makes them :(((( because he’s so cute :(((((
you’re a total underachiever at school, you meet because a teacher forces you to receive tutoring,,,,and mark is your tutor
he can feel the migraine just form looking at you,,,so he just plows though the stuff,,,,and sees something surprising….
you actually,,,,get it
he asks you why you underachieve and you literally say ‘because school isn’t stimulating enough’ sO
mark gets the idea to encourage you to learn,,,,and uses cool tactics to get you to study and work hard and you actually have,,,,fun
were kisses part of the motivation?
but the point is you passed your classes and graduated with your valedictorian boyfriend
everyone expects him to go into college for nuclear chemistry or some shit but homeboy,,,,goes into music production,,,,,like what
his friends? not surprised
the entirety of the school population? astounded
you celebrate by renting him a studio for a whole month and he legit,,,,cries because it’s the most thoughtful gift ever
and he thanks you by writing a song for you and singing it for you and he pulls you in once it’s done and kisses you til you can’t breathe
and then you’re very happy that you spent so much money on renting the place
he continues to rent the place even after the initial month because it holds so many memories of his friends and you
this time mark goes at his own pace in college,,,,he doesn’t overwork himself on things he doesn’t enjoy,,,,homeboy is happy
and that’s what matters
renjun; the smart alec ™
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boy has the –__– face 25/8
he’s an unapproachable KING
he’s just a smart junior who couldn’t give two shits since ,,,you broke your leg and need help going up the stairs? he’s not your fuckin mom 
but also,,,,buddyboy is a HUGE softy,,,,like dogs? you mean angels of purity and the sinners AKA humans don’t deserve them
he’s close as fuck with his family,,,,is a true babyboy
is he going to be the next valedictorian? yes. will he be overworking himself? no. he’s already seen mark,,,,sis ain’t pretty after exams
renjun is very naturally smart,,,,and that gives him a little pride , so he’s also very prideful and sarcastic
his humor is dry, existential and sarcastic, a proud squidward descendant
he looks pissed all the time but is actually just very deep in thought and too busy not caring to look nice
either comes to school in a smart casual outfit or looking soft™,,,,cute or intimidating, nothing in between
is he taking A1 notes? yes. is he also doodling on the margins? hell yes.
he owns several coffee table books filled with Monet, van gogh, frida kahlo, Picasso, Renoir, Cezanne…etc.
he’s a huge art nerd and would love to go to school for graphic design or something
his phone screen saver is always a baroque painting because….aesthetic and the technique? can you believe how beautiful it looks like most of that shit was fresco and that shit is hARD – 
he meets you because he goes to an art exhibition by himself on the weekend and sees a painting that was so beautiful  he almost cried,,,like damn
he asked the curator who tf drew that good shit and it was YOU,,,yes YOU!!!
he does internet stalking and learns you actually go to his school your just a recluse and you’re very introverted
he finds you (somehow) and asks is he can paint with you sometime,,,you say yes and you two meet at the studio on that saturday
and the saturday after that
….and then the saturday after that 
long story short, he paints you painting (paint-ception) and uses it to ask you on a date,,,,uwu shit right there man
no one thinks he loves his neck to be touched,,,because he WILL stab whoever tries,,,,but with you….he’ll let it happen
he gives the softest kisses,,,like he’s scared of you but melts when you kiss his nose and it makes him :( soft
almost yeeted haechan out the three-story window of your studio when he tripped and spilled oil paints all over your painting
you stopped him with a kiss,,,,,you cute bitch
jeno; the gold-hearted jock™
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the only time he looks intimidating is when he’s playing basketball,,,,that’s it,,,,
everyone knows how cute he is, even teacher’s know! the principal! the president! this bitch is cute!
a junior that’s so good at b-ball that he was offered a spot at several colleges,,,,several 
he’s average at school, his notes are the most basic shit ever,,,,he hates science and math but can somewhat tolerate history and languages
he’s popular with girls involuntarily, was very confused when girls started to confess to him
always smiles and says thank you to the people that confess, but tells them that he has to focus on basketball
actually loves basketball, like he’s not faking or shit,,,it makes him so happy and stimulates his mind in all the right ways
forces his friends to play basketball with him when they hang out,,,just to have the satisfaction of absolutely crushing them
meets you when you went to the varsity basketball teams practice to take pictures for the yearbook, since you were in charge of the sports sections
you wanted to get a shot of the star™ of the team but a layup went wRONG and hit you square in the face
your camera was around your neck so it was fine
but your life flashes before your yes RIP
he screamed louder than you did and automatically took you to the nurses office and apologized so much it gave you more of a headache than the ball did
you cover his mouth out of desperation and it makes his heart go JIUHRGFIUBRG
and you were??? unaffected???? you just looked like you were suffering???
and you not throwing yourself at him was ???? attractive? 
so when he saw you again when you had to take individual pictures of each b-ball member he asked you out 
,,,,and the rest is history
his jerseys always go missing because you take them from him,,,,but you both tell the coach that he ‘lost’ it
he loves to run his fingers through your hair and massage your scalp and nape....and you just melt into his chest and it’s just....so cute
he just :::(((( wants your kisses and hugs and attention ::(((
he gives the best back-hugs,,,and his kisses are always sudden pecks that leave your heart racing
you always tell people that he’s the most annoying clingy crybaby ever but he’s your annoying clingy crybaby and you’ll fight anyone who hurts him
he insists on taking a picture of you and him together every game and posts them so that everyone knows you belong to him and he belongs to you 
:(((( you guys are literally the cutest couple in the world, and you get slightly popular too 
jeno gets jealous whenever guys still try to ask you out,,,,and he comes up and wrap his arms around your waist and mutter if you’re done yet while glaring at the guy or girl 
he’s cute but protective :( so cute:(
haechan; the trickster™
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this boy is a little annoying fuck that irritates teachers and students alike,,, but somehow people can’t hate him because homeboy,,,,is funny
he has detention like every weekend because he’s always acting up in class 
he isn’t dumb, he has a few average classes and a few bad classes -- like everyone in junior year
but he excels in his extracurriculars, which are musical theater and choir,,,,his voice? angelic, everyone knows this
his theater buddies are the only people he can stand that aren’t his close friends//the dreamies
he plays pranks on the teachers with tacks on chairs, switches expo markers for permanent markers, pranks students with putting confetti in their lockers, making fun of them,,,,harmless things
but it still earns him a reputation for trouble
he doesn’t do drugs or skip classes, he’s not a ‘badboy’,,,,though sometimes he leaves English class early for an ‘appointment’  
he always wears black skinny jeans with a hoodie and vans or converse, has hoodies of every color to ever exist, same with his shoes
sometimes wears a snapback and glasses -- he is one attractive boy
but girls know that he couldn’t care less about dating so no one approaches him, just admire form far away
no students really fight back with him, they just let him be him, they’re used to his antics
but you,,,,you have one hell of a temper sis,,,,,like damn
he gets the best reactions out of you, who usually gets so mad that you both get detention and spend your saturdays together cleaning the school
you hate his guts since he always gets you into trouble, and he loves your guts because you always react to whatever he says
however one time he takes it too far,,.,,
he decided to pull a classic prank on the teacher, one that might get him into a lot of trouble,,,,water in a pail above the door
all the students are in class when he sets up the prank, no one stopping him, and then he sits down, snickering
however the teacher comes in through the back door, surprising everyone, and everyone gasps when you walk through the front door, running late,,,,
and the water drops
you are completely soaked, head to toe, in what smells like dirty school water
you just glare at haechan who for once, regrets a prank, 
the teacher grimaces and sends you and haechan to the office, to ‘talk it out’
you end up having to garden outside for detention,,,,and you don’t understand why you have to do it but you don’t complain, you just glare at haechan for the first half of detention
he feels really bad,,,,so he follows you around the garden asking for forgiveness in the form of....a date
you say no until he annoys you so much that you scream out
you and homeboy always get into petty arguments that are solved through kisses 
that one couple that is super judgmental of others and always bicker but it’s lowkey cute 
you teach him to be less of an ass, and he teaches you to chill out,,,,he’s the only one that can calm your temper down,,,,,with cuddles
the teachers thank you every day for calming him down and you still get gifts from the students who were always teased
a power couple™
jaemin; the heartthrob™
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girls are always surrounding him,,,,,like deadass they are EVERYWHERE
surprisingly, he doesn’t really like it because he can never talk to his friends at school without getting mobbed so :\
but he’s way too nice to ask them to leave or decline them so he just smiles and tries to be polite,,,,
but every girl thinks he’s into them when he’s that nice so homeboy can never cATCH A BREAK
dresses like a hardcore fuckboy, but he can’t help it he just really likes the style man
his teachers like him, and some of the younger one’s always have to remind themselves that he’s just a student whenever he flashes that smile
has a teacher hit on him before? yes, it was a very young female history (like 22, just graduated) earlier on in junior year and she just always winked at him and gave him random extra credit for no reason and he WAS TERRIFIED
asked his bffs (the dreamies) to report her because he was high key afraid to do it himself and they did and she was fired,,,,,best day of his life
his grades are on the better side, always is very neat and orderly despite common thinking
loves psychology and human geography because he loves people and wants to learn more about them
he meets you because you’re the president of the culture club, and he wants to join and want the vice president position
you’re very impartial about it honestly, you think he’s very attractive and all but you just want to make sure all the club members are,,,,good members and not just there for the college resume 
you talk to him one-on-one for the interview and,,,,he literally just pops off with information and genuine positivity and curiosity and love for culture,,,,and you’re speechless 
after he’s done he thinks he did something wrong because you’re just staring at him,,,,
“uh....did I say something wrong?”
“huh? o-oh, no....it’s just that -- you’re very popular for your looks but I think your mind is the most attractive part about you. you’re very genuine, it’s attractive.”
and the compliment that flowed from you so easily just,,,,,melted his heart
needless to say, he gets the position, and every time he sees you on Thursdays he just.....turns red
you’re blatantly attracted to him, not for his face, but for him and his mind
it makes him feel like he’s more than just a pretty face and you’re straight-forward flirting with him makes him feel a certain way that other girls just, can’t do to him 
“we should go on a date to the culture museum downtown”
like,,,,you say it all with a straight face,,,,you’re the one who makes all the first moves, and he loves it 
you have him wrapped around your finger in the cutest way possible,,,
he calls you princess and always sweet talks you and when you two face-time each other, he always makes your stoic face crumble into red
he loves seeing you so unraveled, so he also always makes time to make-out with you after club 
dating him is always genuine and full of sweet moments, arguments rarely happen because you’re very logical and honest and he’s empathetic and understanding -- you two are a perfect match
also you kind of scare the rest of the girls,,,so they stop crowing him and you’re just like ?????
his friends are so thankful because they can actually talk to him now 
you queen lol
chenle; the class clown™
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everyone is always consistently annoyed with the trickster,,,,but everyone literally loves chenle
the teachers, the student-body, the animals and administrators -- everyone
he’s genuinely funny and respectful, sometimes he’ll get caught off track when ever he talks too much but all he needs is a reminder
he’s a sophomore so teachers think he’ll grow out of it at some point,,, how wrong they are because his friends say that he’s the same even at sleepovers
other than being funny and loved,,, he’s also very bossy and occasionally whiny
like the student body loves him and all but get paired with him for a project? you need the patience of a thousand yoda’s like holy hell boy is bOSSY
yells at students who don’t listen to him,,,,but does it cutely so they still can’t hate him
you’d think he’d have amazing grades because he’s bossy in projects but he’s actually just mediocre because he spends all class coming up with jokes and finding the perfect time to interrupt the teacher for a joke 
he comes to school in expensive clothes because he’s well-off and usually gets his friends expensive gifts too
his friend’s love him because he’s genuine and a funny non-asshole, unlike haechan who they also love but it a bit of a pain in the butt
you, you are the most sweetest, most patient, and loving person the whole world has ever seen, but you’re also very quiet
your face is ^W^ every single damn day
so one day when you get paired with chenle in a history project,,,,no one is surprised that you don’t even flinch at his commanding words
however, one day, when chenle has a pretty bad morning (like he forgot his homework, he forgot his lunch, he failed a test and spilled milk on his shirt)
he’s actually bossy enough to,,,,annoy the students and teacher, and his complaining gets so bad that he gets sent out into the hall to cool off
for the first time in his life, he actually gets in trouble trouble
the people in your group are all kinda irritated, but you are still ^w^, so the teacher asks if you can go out into the hallway and talk to him, because she’s worried about him
you nod and without a word, make your way out into the hallway 
he sees you and crosses his arms, expecting you to scold him, but you just stand there and put a hand on his shoulder, asking very nicely if everything is okay
and he just,,,,feels compelled to vent to you,,,,
he feels like a little kid but is in such a better mood after the venting,,,,,he just hugs you and thanks you 
“why didn’t you get annoyed at me earlier like everyone else?”
“because i think your pouting face is very cute and i figured you were just in a bad mood”
you are his venting person™
he literally tells you EVERYTHING
always asks you to also vent to him and so you try to, but you really never get annoyed with anything so you usually just tell him about your day
you only get annoyed at people when they hurt one of your friend’s feelings, so that;s that
cuddle everyday, every second,,,, non-stop love from and to chenle,,, a pure couple
you guys are just always supporting one another,,,,,and chenle is one of the only people who see you when you’re feelings down and sad and he just,,,,,gives you so much love that you :)
jisung; that dance kid™
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the best sophomore dancer there is
the best dancer in the entire high school, PERIODT
literally talks about dance all.the.time. like,,,, Annie are you okay?
constantly thinking of routines and songs to dance to and watching others dancing videos and listening to music,,,,,this boy has one and one hobby onLY
gets yelled at in class from time to time because literally all he does is think dance dance dance dance dance
and so he sometimes takes his phone out of his pocket in class to watch videos when he’s bored,,,, on instinct and the teachers are just like -__-
but they’re used to it at this point
looks up to his older friend’s that are amazing dancers like ten and taeyong and always ask them for advice
they always tell him to look after and care for his body,,,,,but he can’t hear them because he’s busy staying up until 3 am getting this damn dance perfect -- 
always wears sweats to school, because he can dance in them automatically
sometimes wears nice clothes when chenle pesters him about it for eight days straight  
girls don’t pay much attention to him because he seems too,,,,,spacey and just,,,,,,you can’t talk to him because he’s not paying attention
the guys in the school love him because they think he’s adorable but also extremely talented at dance so
did i mention that he sucks at science?
because he sucks at science, SO HARD
like, every other subject? A or A minus
but chemistry????? like???? what the actual holy god-sent fuck?
like? no one invited you, please leave 
so he gets sent to a tutoring session by the school, because colleges say they don’t want him if he’s failing fucking chemistry
which jisung? calls bullshit on
and there he meets you,
also a student who thinks chemistry is the devil,,,,you’re just as bad as he is -- literally. everything you guys get wrong, the other gets wrong
its like bad telepathy
and you both are assigned to mark, jisungs friends lmao
but since he’s always busy, he sometimes has to cancel tutoring sessions because he has other things (even though jisung claims he cancels because he’s too busy smooching his girlfriend,,,,,ew)
so you and jisung meet up and study together twice a week, and it actually works,,,,you both go from a 67 to a 81 and that’s the best ya’ll could do and trust me the teachers AREN’T complaining
and during the last studying session, jisung is kind of :\ since you both get along so well and he felt comfortable with you
he asks why you got tutoring in the first place, and your answer surprises him
“ because i dance and well,,,,,my parents said i couldn’t keep dancing if i didn’t bring up my grades so”
and from there on out, you guys moved from studying sessions to dance sessions instead,,,,,and its always just the two of you hanging out at jisung’s and dancing and or chilling
they become like,,,,,dates,,,,,
and so you two at some point just,,,,,tell each other how you feel because of the sheet amount of time you spend with each other, and it feels,,,,natural
he isn’t very affectionate and neither are you
most times you two just lay on opposite sides of the couch and talk about deep thoughts and hold hands uwu
your kisses are only short small pecks because both of you are too shy to add force
you both are literally on the same brainwave, you guys share once single braincell but it’s,,,oddly enduring 
you are best friends who just love to dance, think, and kiss :)
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kaispen · 4 years
Quarantine Reflections 1 May 25, 2020
I would have been in another country living my dream of living alone in a different land if not for this pandemic.
March 19, Feast of St Joseph, I got news from my employer that finally my much awaited Certificate of Eligibility was granted by her country. This was the document that would autmonatically qualify me to a working visa in the land of my dreams... But our city declared Community Quarantine in March 17 (and the country, days before that). Countried closed borders to protect their people.
Late August last year, I submitted my application letter to a prospective employer thru one of my new friends in our Catholic Community. My new friend came home for their summer break and incidentally our community had a beach outing one weekend.
In our table, the new friend who happened to work in the land of my dreams shared an experience of how her employer traveled all the way to Moscow to hire a new employee after an interview via video conference. A week after the new employee moved in, it turned out that this person (who had serious psychological issues) wreaked havoc in the workplace to the point of harassing the other employees, my new friend included.
"Oh if only she'd hire me!" I excitedly said. "Gosh I wouldn't cause trouble with you guys."
"No promises," my new friend said. "I won't hold you to anything," I replied. "Just please hand this to her."
Two weeks passed until I received a reply from the employer. Before I knew it, she told me to fill out forms and informed me that I was going to attend training in their capital city!
I didn't know where in the first place I was going to get money to travel all the way to their country to attend the training... my previous visa was a one-time only visa for a tour a couple of years ago.
But one step at a time, God allowed things to happen:
Visa approval
Trip to Manila for a medical
News that the travel and accomodation expenses for the training were FREE!
For pocket money which I struggled to think of how to get it came through commission from a condominium sale which we had facilitated. And the sale came through just in the nick of time!
What beautiful timing! And my aunt and uncle from NY who were so supportive sent cash for luggage... just wow.
By November, I was in the land of my dreams at the same time Pope Francis was there for an international tour.
I traveled alone, happy and excited!
I was in the capital city for three days, then on the evening of the third day, I proceeded to an inner district up north...
I met my employer face to face for the first time in the train from the capital to the town where the school was.
It was a dream come true.
I came back to the Philippines exactly a week after I'd flown to the land of my dreams come true.
After hours of resting in a presidential suite of a hotel across the Cebu International Airport, I flew back to my hometown.
It was December.
January rolled in... there were a series of earthquakes worldwide, Taal Volcano spewed ashes in their part of the country, JaDine broke up. Then, there was the Superbowl with Shakira and JLo heating up the internet and TV and Kobe Bryant's helicopter crashing, but not before he and his daughter had heard mass that morning. During this time, an exclusive school in our city was beleagured by an incident involving a 14 year old boy who brought a gun to school and opened fire in his classroom, the bullet grazing the arm of his classmate (who happened to be my student when she was in preschool). The previous day, his father was given a military promotion in the capital city, while the boy brought a live grenade...
At this time, news of what was called NCov (en-covee) in China had hit which brought a frenzy of face-mask panic buying.
But just as our side of the world was catching its breath from the frenzy of events in the first month of the year, I was biding time, waiting patiently for the day that I'd finally live my dream...
Life went on: February started off with a quick Pink Ribbon activity - a continuation of keeping the newly enacted Cancer Law alive. Days later, I was able to visit my son who now resides with my former in-laws in a city an 8 hour bus ride away. It was short and sweet... anyway we had the summer break/Holy Week to look forward to.
The approval of the Certificate of Eligibility was approximately three to four months from application. If my employer turned in my application in December, after I'd signed my contract, then at the latest, it would be out by April. Give another month to prepare to leave, I'd be in the land of my dreams by May.
It is May 25 as I write this entry. My son was not able to come home for the Holy Week as planned. Cities had locked themselves in and prohibited traveled and for good measure. My Certificate of Eligibility came weeks earlier than expected, but only two days after our city declared community quarantine. It has been more than two months that we have been living this "new normal".
New normal is living one day at a time. God had taken me as far as the approved Certificate of Eligibility. I had signed my employment contract. Attended the training in the land of my dreams. Traveled to the exact location of the workplace. Traveled alone for free. Earned the pocket money I was going to use for a fairly comfortable trip. Been cleared in my medical exam. Received good accommodation by my employer. Passed my application form. Found this opportunity.
Had Covid not happened to the world, I would have earned my first wage far far away and perhaps stood taller.
But I have not murmured about this. Reflected on the turn of events, sure. But complained, no. Everyone else is on the same storm...
My employer and I were looking forward to working together... I was looking forward to the new adventure. Neither of us blocked off each other...
The delay, the detour, whatever you call it, God allowed.
I wouldn't force myself upon the issue of moving at this point. I do not want to be a burden in a place where I would be the one who would pass through many portals and encounter a random, anonymous nervous set of people in each layover (and there are many a layover)... I will sit this out until it is safe... and until God says move.
God brought me this far to my promised land... but for now, this is where I am... not yet in my promised land... we are all at a standstill... until the pestilence is over...
We are where we should be at this very point in time. God brought me this far in my dream and for this I am thankful. One day at a time... one day at a time...
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carry-a-world · 5 years
Time Management
Here are a few things that helped me out massively. I catered this more toward high school/college, but you can use the basics of this for anything you might need to do day to day. (Sorry it’s lengthy eek I got going)
Keep a planner! Color code the heck out of that thing if it makes you happy, and it helps give you a better idea of what you need to do. It’s nice to be able to see your schedule in week and month sized chunks. If planners aren’t for you, you can use the calendar on your phone. I don’t know if androids have it, but the reminders app has saved me far too many times as well.
If you get a syllabus or schedule for a class, pen those assignments into your planner or on your calendar asap. This will let you know which weeks are gonna kick your ass and what you should be prepared for. It keeps you from having those panic moments of “surprise, that paper is actually due this week!”
Routines! I find it so much easier to do things I don’t like if I’m in the habit of doing them. This goes for both class and regular things like laundry. It’s a little hard to get a routine started, but once you get going it’s a lifesaver. I’ve found it also helps me when I’m panicking about how much has to be done to have something to fall back on. Most classes follow a M/W/F or a T/Th schedule so you can break homework up accordingly. Also please, I beg you, do at least a little homework on the weekend (this doesn’t mean leave everything for Sunday night). It’ll save you so much suffering during the week, and it won’t take up your whole day.
Identify what your distractions are. Is the tumblr app the ultimate distraction? Does working in a certain environment hinder you? There are lots of ways to make your life easier. Maybe temporarily delete an app, or move it off the main screen. Relocate to somewhere you find it easier to study (this could be the library, or I preferred to work in empty classrooms because I find it hard to concentrate if I’m not alone). You can even set timers and work for ~30 minutes or so and then take a 5-10 min social media break before starting again.
I know everyone says this, and I know it takes so much discipline to do, but start assignments as soon as you can. Is it a paper? Do an outline within a day or two. Add thoughts as they come to you and when you go to start it for real you have a nice little base built. Have an exam that requires a lot of memorization? Do between 10 and 30 minutes every day 2+ weeks out and you won’t feel the need to pull all nighters. Quizlet has an app for flashcards that’s super helpful if you don’t want to break your hand making them. Sometimes, if it’s a common class, there might already be a card set made!
Prioritize -- list out your assignments/tasks by due date/importance and do them accordingly. (I sometimes cheated on this and knocked out quick, painless assignments to get them out of the way and build momentum). It feels good to complete things, and if you’re struggling with beginning at all, do the easiest first.
Study smarter, not harder! Different classes require different methods of studying. It took me a long time to learn how to study for classes like organic chemistry or physics. Good study habits can save you So Much time. If you have trouble, talking with a professor/teacher/tutor can get you moving in the right direction. Don’t waste time studying in a way that isn’t working for you.
And writing time? I always gave myself an hour (or more, if I didn’t have much work) before bed to write, putz around on the internet, watch shows, etc. no matter what was going on. I’d squeeze writing time in at other points too if possible, but generally my daytime hours and bits between class were used to get school work done. If you’re the kind of person that loves to get up early, you could flip it and take that bit of time in the morning. Or maybe over a lunch hour. Yeah, some days you won’t get any writing time at all. It happens because of tests, life, etc., but it won’t be all the time. Writing, watching shows, binging fanfic are awesome rewards for completing your responsibilities.
And above all else, take care of yourself. Sleep at least 7hrs, have regular meals, and take time to just breathe. 
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woollymitts · 5 years
17th March 2020. Day 1 of Pestilence Diary
At Jen’s instigation, instead of wasting all my time staying up too late getting goggle-eyed watching the news and reading social media for coronavirus info, think it best to keep a plague diary since we are currently living through extraordinary times. This is also sent to Jen just to make her laugh and as we are probably about a fortnight to a month ahead of the US in terms of the disease progress and our response to it, so she knows what to expect.
Highlights from today. At Faye’s suggestion setting up a village whatsapp group in case of self-isolation and lockdown. Yesterday’s advice from govt has meant it is all got much more serious. As of tonight they are insisting that anyone who arrives on the Isle of Man is required to self-isolate for a fortnight, and advising over 70s to start social distancing, discouraged all but essential travel, and cancelled the TT. In effect, no one is getting on or off for the foreseeable we are in contain mode and trying to supress the speed of the virus’ spread. Statistically we have only had 42 tests and 0 positive results but clearly not enough testing to be in anyway sure the virus isn’t already here, so they are working on the assumption that it is present. With the fourth oldest population in the world and about 10 ICU beds, the situation is worrisome.
Cancelled loads of planned events over the following months, so no dinner this weekend with friends, no Poulenc in Glasgow, no Easter in Edinburgh, no Anne Lister Birthday Weekend conference/celebration, no Charlotte et al coming over to do all the soft planting in April, no Manx folk festival, no school concert, no Mothering Sunday service and Sunday lunch at ours with Faye’s parents and 94 year old Grandma. My engagement calendar is going up in flames.
As a consequence got hold of most of the village via Facebook and the rest by card. All agree this is a sensible way forward and everyone happy to pitch in. We have some vulnerable older couples we shall keep an eye out for and one chap on his own, Nick, who has just lost his Dad. Got a bit delayed as I was chatting to Nick and he wanted to show me all the changes he had made to the Barn. It is looking very lovely filled with his family’s old oak furniture that is clearly very dear to him.
Went up to the field to inspect it. While some wildflowers are coming through, the grass is likely to dominate so I’m going to give it a trim tomorrow to weaken the grass and give the flowers a fighting chance. I better get out there before I get confined to the garden only.
Then went to the school to teach. Laura was at the ABRSM music exams (the last before the rest got cancelled) so I got to play games with the twins. We did my favourite, stock photo violinist, where I explain to the kids that sometimes on the internet if you google violinist you get stock photos by models and photographers who are clearly clueless about how the instrument is held or played. They love correcting all the terrible poses I put on. The second group were told that the Manx Folk Festival for which they had been practising so hard has been cancelled. So I suggested instead they do a concert for the school and practise introducing their pieces and performing. After agreeing a programme they made some great suggestions, like counting themselves in in Manx and bringing out some drums to help accompany on the dancier tunes.
Drove Mrs Tea to the supermarket. Pleased to see fruit and veg restocked, but pretty depressed at the empty loo roll shelves; seriously, again? I had wondered what had happened to all the Armageddonists during these trying times, as I assumed they would be having a field day. But maybe it is too difficult to work scatological loo roll-hoarding into an eschatological narrative. Maybe though, portents of doom, such as “The Great Crapture is coming” or “Blessed are the constipated, they shall inherit the earth.”
After piano lesson, dragged kids off to Maccy D’s to give them a drive thru tea, as crap mother and they won’t eat my shepherd’s pie for a second night in a row.
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entertainmenttodayy · 5 years
Moonlight Special - Miruko; Hare hath no Fear
“This weekend is a special one for one of my personal favorite heroes, having hopped up the charts all the way to the number five spot of all of Japan, we are going to be talking about none other than the Bunny Hero : Miruko!” Susan Sparkles presented with visible excitement, if there was any hero she was looking forward to covering it was her. “It’s actually quite amazing the feats Miruko has achieved in the last year, however we feel that unlike quite a few heroes who have been at the top for awhile there are quite a number of people whom are unfamiliar to this kick ass bunny’s rise to heroism”  Brad Brassy proclaimed, her recent actions in helping the Endeavor and that while researching Miruko he learnt that she much preferred to kick ass first ask questions later left him impressed. Read More Below: (Based off @bcnnymama​‘s portrayal and headcanons)
“Rumi Usagiyama is the fifth oldest of a nest of seven siblings. She was born through a love that reached beyond borders between her beautiful african-american mother and japanese father. Rumi had a relatively normal childhood taking interest in both wrestling and volleyball from a young age in which she won at quite a few district tournaments in middle school.” “With her sights set on living life to its fullest and like many others inspired by the Symbol of Peace, Rumi enrolled at U.A. doing her best to pass not only the exams but other tests such as the provisional license exam. However around that time Rumi’s physical strength grew tremendously due to a late growth spurt and she became known for her brashness and a confidence to take on whatever is thrown at her without any hesitation; a real firecracker, getting into reckless behavior during training” “Enter Best Jeanist, the current number three hero. His guidance during her internships helped her to ‘thread her spirit’ along the line of recklessness and bravery to the point she was hailed as one of the best of her class. We reached out to Best Jeanist for further insight to this time period however he seems to still be unavailable for interviews; we here at Entertainment Today are still hoping for his full recovery” “After graduating with many prospects, Miruko seemingly rejected them all, determined to be a hero without restricting her personal freedom to protect everyone she came across without hesitation. Fading from the public eye by denying conventional wisdom and going independent. Working earnestly for justice all around the country and Miruko built a small grass roots following as she traveled. After All Mights retirement however, this following took to the internet to show its support of the physically strongest heroes to date propelling Miruko along with her hard work from a respectable standing to the very peak of heroism!” “Now we wonder, what lies in Rumi’s future next will she make history by being the first number one hero to NEVER have a sidekick? Maybe she will finally find someone to share her burning passion with at midnight or perhaps a special interview with yours truly on this show…I’m only joking” “Ohh that was smart Susan; but what if she dates one of the greatest heroes in the country, such as Hawks, Edgeshot or Crust? Talk about a number of possible power couples; my bets on Hawks they are both young and hate the red tape we all endure, plus you saw the photo, even if they aren’t together that was a romantic flight” Susan pouts slightly, she worked really hard on fitting her name between the woman Rumi had been sighted with recently, she had neglected the obvious story of Hawk’s literally sweeping her off her feet and having had a picture of the couple in the sky. “In that case, I would really hope that Hawk’s treats her with as an equal and protects the people dearest to Rumi with the same passion Rumi protects us all with” “I can understand how you feel Susan, she is quite the woman…I bet there would be quite a few men who might even abandon a life of crime to be in her arms or better yet between her-” “Please just end the segment Brad” she pleaded as her face sunk deeper into her hands covering her face as she was watching her chances go up in flames “Sadly viewers we have clearly gone overtime, usually Susan is quite good with these scripts but it seems she could not help herself with this special. From everyone at Entertainment Today we wish you a happy birthday Miruko and hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!”
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