#no because my bf does this with mešŸ˜‚ he actually said to his cousin that I booked a holiday on the wrong dates
kingkatsuki Ā· 1 year
I want Bakugou to say 'happy wife happy life' when he has to get out of a prior work/social commitment or when speaking to others about what you did together over the holiday/weekend XD
Omg no but imagine him using you to get out of shit he doesnā€™t want to do. Like if the guys invite him out for drinks heā€™s saying youā€™re expecting him home, if his PR team try to schedule an early morning interview he canā€™t heā€™s running errands for you.
Happy wife, happy life.
Until you find out that Bakugouā€™s been using you as an excuse for everything and thatā€™s why Denki is now calling you Bakugouā€™s ā€œball and chainā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚
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clairehadenough Ā· 8 months
Going on a rant.
Captregina and the 10 people who still believe this a PR stunt will pick apart anything to ā€œproofā€ itā€™s PR. Itā€™s really getting ridiculous and sad.
He said it himself that he got married, he seems happy, and they say he was drugged and drunk. Please touch some grass and join us in the real world.
He could post wedding pictures smiling ear to ear and they still will say itā€™s photoshopped or heā€™s forced.
And donā€™t get me started on immigration, they are more than one way to get a spouse over to the US. They probably have a immigration lawyer helping them. This has been in the process for while.
Also, ā€œnot living together because she has been filming overseasā€ you still can live with a person and not be with them 24/7. My husband has weeks long business trip, heā€™s been gone for the over 2 months now and we still live together.
The engagement ring, and not calling her his fiancƩ in the GQ interview, both could be a personal decision (i still refer to my husband of 10 years as my bf sometimes) it means nothing.
And what, he had his friends and family fly all the way to Portugal for a fake wedding? And have them post ā€œcluesā€ for the 10 people who would actually stalk them?
You can easily have 2 ceremonies, an unofficial one in MA and the real thing in Portugal.
Bottom line, this man has always wanted a wife, always wanted a family, and no heā€™s got one and soon enough he will have a family. ā¤ļø
Also his team does not care about tumblr blogs.
This was real from the get go.
Thank you, sorry for the rant.
First of all thank you for summarising the delulusness for us. Everything you said is SPOT ON. Second of all, YES, everything is stupid but seeing his family, his friends, his cousins all fly to Portugal at the same time and still not accepting that it was for a wedding/ceremonyā€¦I mean, what else can I say? Not only they said it wasnā€™t for the wedding, they actually tried to convince us that they all went ther ā€œto baitā€. šŸ˜‚ Yes they all left work, children, occupations, and went on a plane to ā€˜baitā€™ 12 delulus who have a parasocial relationship with Chris.
I know we laugh but maybe we should be worried about people like that existing? Like, are they ok being loose amongst sane people?
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bisluthq Ā· 4 months
travis seems like a solid dude. my friends cousin is disabled, and during camp when travis came to meet the kids he made sure to keep him included and heard. looked him in the eye, talked to him properly, didnā€™t infantilize him, joked around and tied their conversation in with the other boys to kick off easier conversational flow between the kids. iā€™ve been kind of soft on kelce since
you are an anon so you obviously could be making shit up - I donā€™t think you are lol but for general media literacy purposes thatā€™s important to remind everyone of - but he really does seem like a solid dude.
Also my brother and I were talking about Travlor today and we were chatting about the SB and Travis shouting at Andy and my brother (who has played for the National youth side of a team sport and is internationally ranked in an individual sport that heā€™s pursuing professionally) was like ā€œdude Swifties need to chill like itā€™s a game there were high stakes people yell no one caresā€ and like he said he and his coach (in the team sport) once told each other to fuck themselves mid game. Verbatim. He was defense, his coach yelled ā€œfuck you, why arenā€™t you thereā€ vibes and he yelled ā€œfuck you, whatā€™s your attack doing?ā€ back to him. Adrenalin and testosterone are a crazy combination. But like also re my brother I have actually seen him in his sport arenas and yea heā€™s a complete prick but heā€™s the sweetest, funniest, loveliest guy outside that who likes like musical theatre and dumb comedies and reading nonfiction and also a lot of rap but heā€™s into the poetic stuff and anyway Gen Z anons if this Pat Alwyn thing is not working out for you guys my brother is available lol (he wonā€™t be able to give you good tea on me either tho).
My brother also, like Travis, wouldā€™ve made some jokes about women that are inappropriate if he were 15 years younger and tweeting in the early ā€˜10s - heā€™s Gen Z and my mumā€™s kid so heā€™s woke af lol but sometimes shit comes out his mouth and Iā€™m just like šŸ’€šŸ™Š
Iā€™ve tried to get my bf to deal with all his girl problems instead of doing it myself because Iā€™m like boy/boy easy peasy but 1) my brother thinks Iā€™ve got my ear closer to the ground because Iā€™m closer in age and very online so I know what DMs he receives mean without too much deciphering 2) my bf canā€™t deal with this shit lmfao because heā€™s a feminist and he canā€™t do like banter that way with someone who could technically age wise be his son.
all this to say: Travis seems awesome and my brother is very single and available šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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