#no because you know connie calls him his nurse when he's sick and jean wants to smack him bye
brave-and-gentle · 6 months
Girl dad!Jean Kirstein - Happy Birthday Edition
In celebration of our man's birthday!
Pairings: Jean x afab! reader
Summary: Modern AU - You find out that you and Jean are unexpectedly going to be parents, and the baby is due on Jean's birthday.
Warnings: None, this is a continuation of super wholesome girl dad Jean
EB's Notes: I wish I could've fully fleshed this out, but alas, I'm working on two fics so a bulleted list is the best I can give rn <3 also I don't know what it's like to be pregnant or give birth so?? I did my best?? Plz enjoy and celebrate our Jean boy!
It's September when you find out that you're pregnant. One missed period isn't a big deal, but two? That plus how your stomach swirls every morning. You can't keep anything down until mid-afternoon. You silently blame the Fourth of July rager Eren threw every year. You and Jean had never been the patriotic type, but you two enjoyed the party (maybe a little too much thanks to Connie handing you drinks all night) and got a little careless after the night's festivities.
One night when Jean comes home from work, you decide to tell him. “Um, Jean?” Lacking words, you hold out the pregnancy test. Your hands shake. You had talked about having kids together, but it was always some distant future, certainly not now. He takes the stick and stares at it for what seems like forever. You wonder if you have to explain to him that it's a pregnancy test – is he really that dense? But then he looks up, hazel eyes glowing in the sunset streaking through the windows, and wraps you in his arms. “It's going to be okay, no matter what we do,” he whispers and kisses the top of your head. “I know it's not great timing and I'm not sure I'll ever really feel ready,” you begin, voice trembling, “but I think I want this. A baby. With you.” Jean leans down to press his forehead to yours. “Then I think we're going to have an adventure,” he grins.
Jean is overjoyed when you two find out that the baby is due in early April. “Do you think they'll be born on my birthday?” He asks, excitement rippling through his six-foot-two frame as he stares at the sonogram. You roll your eyes. “I didn't realize you could tolerate sharing a birthday with anyone.” Jean made a big deal about his birthday every year – mostly because he wanted to see what you would come up with for him. “Anything for our little one,” he affirms and caresses your slight bump.
Jean is the perfect partner to have a baby with – almost too perfect. It's almost irritating how much he dotes on you, but you remind yourself that he's doting on the baby too - “Baby K” or “little one,” he calls them interchangeably. He supplies you with all kinds of ginger snacks for morning sickness, researches all the baby stuff you'll need, asks a million questions at every appointment, gives you a massage every night, and takes over the majority of the household chores. Connie and Sasha tease that they never see him anymore because he's “whipped for two.”
You start to feel contractions on the evening of April 6th. Frantic, Jean calls the doctor, who says to wait until they're closer together. Neither of you fall asleep that night – you simply lie in bed, counting the minutes between contractions together. In the wee hours of April 7th, you decide it's time. Jean carries you to the car, packs the hospital bag, and hyperventilates all the way there. “For god's sake Jean, we're not even there yet!”
For all his hyperventilating in the car, Jean manages to calm down once your contractions and labor pains ramp up. It's pain unlike anything you've ever experienced – like someone is twisting all your organs together and rearranging them. All modesty is out the window. With so much sweat sliding down your body, you throw off the hospital gown and are stark naked in front of Jean and the nurses. Jean holds you hand the entire time and rubs your sweat-slicked back as you contort yourself into any position that will get the baby out as fast as possible. “C'mon baby, you're doing great! Almost there, almost there!” He encourages with confidence, but his face is as pale as the hospital bed sheets. You know Jean well enough to know that on the inside, he's border line having a panic attack.
You let out one final scream, one final push, and ear-piercing cries fill the room. “You have a baby girl!” The nurse announces and places your daughter on your chest. She's covered in all kinds of fluid and is screaming so loud your ears ache, but you don't care. You cradle her in awe that she's this little combination of you and Jean that will someday grow into her own. Jean pulls closer and wraps his arm around you and places his hand on your daughter's back. His entire hand is almost bigger than her. “She's so small,” he whispers. His earthy hazel eyes begin misting.
When Jean holds his daughter for the first time, his misty eyes give way to a rainstorm. “I can't believe we have a daughter – we made an entire human,” he blubbers and snuggles her close. “Don't forget who did most of the work,” you groan and roll over on your side to watch the two loves of your life. Jean lowers your daughter from his chest to gaze down at her. His eyes light up. “Hey babe, look, I think she's got my face!” You laugh because sure enough, she does have a longer face than most babies you've seen.
When the nurse takes your daughter to get cleaned up, Jean nibbles your ear. Heat flushes your face. “So when do you think we can -” You bat him away. “Don't even think about, Kirstein.” “C'mon babe, I'm starved!” He pleads. “NO. You don't even want to see my pussy right now, it's wrecked.” Jean crosses his arms. “I'll have you know that I saw everything, probably more than you did, and I still want your pussy. But alright alright, maybe in a month or so. Maybe we could make another one. . .” He trails off and grins. You widen your eyes. “If she's got your attitude? We stop with her,” you counter. “But,” Jean says, “if she's like you? We should have three more.” You groan and throw a pillow at him.
A few hours later, Connie, Sasha, and Marco come parading in with chocolate cupcakes. “When I asked Nicolo to make cupcakes for your birthday, I didn't realize there would be two birthdays,” Sasha laughs and hands a cupcake to Jean, who wolfs it down in one hand while cradling your daughter in the other. “More importantly,” Marco says and hands you a cupcake, “congratulations. I'm glad everything went well.” You grin and take the cupcake. “Thanks Marco.” Jean grabs another cupcake and holds it in the air. “To you,” he says your name, “for giving me the best birthday present I could've ever asked for.” Tears shimmer in his eyes again. Your heart blossoms at the sight of your best friends all here for you. “Who knew Jean boy was such a cry baby,” Connie mutters and munches on his cupcake. “Ouch!” He cries as Sasha hits him on the head. “Happy birthday Jean,” you laugh and roll your eyes because you know for the rest of your life, he's going to be insufferable about how great it is to share a birthday with his daughter. “You're never getting one like this again.”
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miekasa · 3 years
how would the aot babies take care of you/cheer you up when your sick?
Levi makes sure you’ve got everything you need, and then some. The first thing on the list is a shower; he knows you might feel like hell, and it doesn’t have to be a long one if you’ve got a headache, but you need to take one, nonetheless. It’s not a matter of cleanliness, it’s about your mental state. He’ll remind you to take Advil every few hours, get you warm drinks and water, and make sure you rest; all the basics. He’ll set up a humidifier in your room if you’re feeling stuffy, and he’d make food for you, too, so that you’ve got something to eat. Takes care of anything you might need, whether it might be chores, emailing your professor/boss about late work, or running errands for you. Honestly, he’s not the type to really cuddle with you, knowing you probably already feel hot as it is, and it does pose a risk for germs; but he’ll stay in your room with you and read or watch a show; and once you’ve gotten past the worst of it, and are moving around a bit more, if you situate your head in his lap, he won’t move you away. 
Eren might appear hopeless, but he’s actually not that bad. One of the few things he cooks very well is a soup that his mom used to make for him when he got sick as a kid, so his first move is going to the store. He picks up anything else he thinks you need while he’s out because he doesn’t wanna have to leave you to go back to the store. Once he’s done cooking, he’ll sit with you while you eat it, and maybe even have a bowl himself. He’s got a pretty good immune system, so he doesn’t mind forgoing possible infection to lay in bed with you. He actually spends a great deal of time thinking about your symptoms and how it’s affecting your body, and how that relates to his coursework; it sucks that you’re feeling bad, but it’s kinda cool to him that he understands what’s going on with you at a molecular level. His primary goal is to make sure you’re well fed and resting; no studying, or working, or doing anything but taking it easy while he’s around. It’s really just him taking the time to lay with you and cuddle you back to health as best he can. He’d probably even give you his hoodie to stay warm (also because he likes the way you look in it), and wear one himself so you guys can match.
Mikasa’s like Levi, in that she knows exactly what to do to help you feel better, even if you think it might not help. She feels pretty bad that you’re not feeling well, and wants to make sure you’re feeling better as soon as possible. She wouldn’t want to leave you alone for too long either, so she does whatever schoolwork she can from your place, and really only leaves to go to class (after you’ve ensured her that, “I’ll be fine for two hours, Mika. You have a quiz, go.”); and she doesn’t waste time getting back to you when her lecture is over. She also encourages you to take a shower when you feel like you can stand for a bit longer, and she tries to get you out of your room a bit too; even if it’s just migrating to the couch for a few hours, the change of environment can do wonders. Kisses your forehead when you’re drifting off to sleep, and cleans up for you while you nap. 
Jean is a surprisingly good nurse, and almost clinical in how he takes care of you; he keeps track of your temperature, when you ate, and the time you took your meds in a note on his phone (“Tylenol is every 4 hours, but Advil is every 6. You can should more Tylenol now, because you’ll probably be knocked out by midnight when you’re due for more ibuprofen, baby.”) He’s always been this way, even when it came to taking care of himself, his mom, and Connie and Sasha when they’re sick (that’s when he got serious about the meds situation, because if he hadn’t stopped Connie freshman year, that idiot might have murdered his own kidneys with amount of Tylenol he was taking). He’ll cook for you, too, but he is more hesitant about being around you because he can get sick himself, and he’s a miserable thing when he’s sick; but he’s still there to care for you when you need him. He nurses you back to help pretty quickly and efficiently, and is still silently looking over you for a few days after, just to make sure you’re really free of your fever/sickness. 
Connie doesn’t get sick often, which is why he nearly overdosed on Tylenol freshman year when he was sick for the first time in five years, and away from home with no instruction; so, god bless his soul, but he’s not the best help in the medicine department. He does know how to use the internet though, so he’ll look up info if he needs to, and other remedies that might work for you. He might not be the best nurse, but you’re his baby, and he’s not just gonna leave you hanging. He’ll order food for you, watch TV/play games with you, he might even try and do some of your assignments for you bless his heart. He sets a timer after you take your medicine, and it scares the shit out of him when it goes off; he almost forgets what it’s for before he’s springing up and heading over to you with a water bottle in hand, “Babe!! Time to take more medicine!!”
If you’re sick, then there’s an 8/10 chance that Sasha is sick, too, and you both probably caught the same bug when you were out together. It sucks, but at least you’ve got a buddy to be sick with. Because you’re both already down for the count, sick cuddles are a thing, and neither of you are sure if you’re really helping the other, but at least you have each other. It makes it somewhat easier this way; you take turns ordering food, taking your meds at the same time, and you know that if she’s downing a bottle of Gatorade, then you should probably be doing the same. If you’re both really bedridden then, your best bet is to call in Jean or Mikasa for extra reinforcements. Once you’re both feeling better, she treats you to some “real food,” because living off of soup, rice, and vegetables for a week was easily the worst part of it. 
Armin doesn’t like that you’re not feeling well, but he doesn’t want to get sick, either, so he does somewhat limit his interactions with you. Trust that he’s going to care for you however he can, but if he’s going in your room, it’s probably with a mask and gloves on, and for as little time as possible. He doesn’t freak out that you’re sick tho; he understands how colds work and that you’re not on your deathbed, but he is responsible enough to know that it’s not worth getting himself infected (and forcing you to take care of him after) just to sleep next to you for the night. While you’re sick and napping, he’ll definitely take care of your coursework for you; doing whatever assignments he can, and emailing your professors about absences if you’ve missed an assessment. His grandparents probably have some age-old remedies they used on him as a kid, so he’ll call them up and ask for their advice, then do his best for you.
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folklorelise · 4 years
The cadets are turned into kids and think you and Levi are their parents
In the same universe where they called you “mom”, (they are around 3 and 4 years old)
Also— this is adorable (this is from an eruri doujinshi by hitomi which is called curtain call)
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Eren had an experiment that went wrong. He transformed into his titan form and then suddenly he shrank into a tiny titan. Then he escaped Hange and ran away.
“Someone finds Y/N right now! Eren only listens to her!” Hange yelled at their squad.
When you heard about what happened, Levi looked for Eren with you. When you found him in your office, he was not alone. He was not a titan anymore too. All the cadets were like Eren– tiny little babies.
“MOMMY!” Eren screamed pointing at you.
“Oh no.” you mumbled seeing them all run to you.
They were all hugging your leg, trying to get you attention. Jean started to cry after Eren pushed to the ground. You wanted to pick him up but there were too many kids around you.
“I got this.” Levi assured you and picked Jean up.
Jean stopped crying and stared at the captain frightened. Jean looked at you and reached out his arms towards you. You took Jean in your arms but everyone else started to scream “me too!”.
“Levi,” you said to him, “maybe we should do groups and you take half and I take the other half?”
“No. You can’t leave me alone with them.”
“I can’t work like this.”
“I’m sure Erwin would understand. I’ll tell him.” Levi offered walking away.
“Levi! No! Come back!”
“I told you mommy doesn’t want to stay with us.” Connie cried to Sasha.
“What? Of course, I want to be with you!” you reassured them. “I just don’t know what to do.” you mumbled to yourself.
“I’m hungry.” Jean said, still in your arms.
“Of course, you are.” Eren said, “that’s why you’re so f–“.
“Eren I swear to Erwin’s eyebrows if you finish that sentence, I’m going to throw you in the dungeons!” you snapped angrily.
Jean on the other side started to cry again knowing what Eren wanted to say. Eren started to cry silently too, looking at the ground.
“Sorry mommy.” Eren sobbed, “don’t be mad please.”
“You should apologise to Jean.” you said calmer.
You put Jean down and Eren hugged him and apologised shyly.
“That’s better! Now take each other’s hands and we’ll go found something to eat okay?”
They all nodded, you took Armin’s hand on one hand and Sasha’s on the other one. Eren surprisingly took Jean hand and you all went to the mess hall. Levi was already there with Erwin, with food for the kids.
“We thought that would help.” Erwin explained while the kids run towards the food. “There’s a tray for each one of you, so no need to fight.”
Erwin and Levi walked towards you and sighed.
“What do we do?” Erwin asked.
“I can’t work with them around. I also cannot take care of them alone. There’s eight of them!”
“Armin, Mikasa and Bertolt shouldn’t be a problem – they’re good,” Levi stated, “Jean and Eren would do everything you say. Sasha, Connie and Reiner… tire them until they're too exhausted to move.”
“I still can’t do that alone! You have to help me.”
“I have paperwork to do, and Erwin has commander things to do.”
“I wish I could help,” Erwin intervened, “but I can’t, I still have work to do and…”
“Erwin, it’s fine.” you said gently, “but Levi you cannot leave me alone.”
Erwin left after Levi finally agreed to help. You both sat down at the table.
“Oh no.” Levi sighed once he saw the mess they did while eating. “Stop eating with your hand and use the spoon.”
“Sorry daddy.” Jean apologised but kept eating with his hands.
“What did you call me?” Levi asked.
“Oh, it’s not like he never said it before.” you said.
Levi took Jean on his lap and started to feed him. Reiner, Bertolt and Armin were eating calmy, Sasha ate too fast while Connie was trying to protect his food from Sasha. Mikasa was feeding Eren because he gave his food to you.
“Eren I’m fine, you should eat.” you told him multiple times.
After lunch, they were all too excited and energetic unlike you and Levi.
“I’m too old for sh!t.” Levi told you.
“You kill titan for a living! This should easy.”
“Is it though?”
“Let’s just play with them a little until they get tired so they can sleep.”
The whole afternoon was spent playing hide and seek and tag. Which was not the wisest idea since Armin and Reiner ended hurt. Only a few scratches on their knees and elbows but that made you worried sick. After dinner in Levi office with the kids, they were starting to get tired.
“Mommy,” Mikasa called you by pulling your sleeve, “I want to sleep.”
“Me too!” Reiner said by sitting on your lap.
“A story!” Connie screamed excited which made all of them chant this.
“Alright! Alright! Do we have that kind of book in the library?” you asked Levi.
“Well, I can invent a story – that’s not an issue.”
Levi and you sat on the bed and they all crawled on you and between. You started your story and very soon after, they all fell asleep.
“How was your day?” Levi asked you.
“Tiring. What about you?”
“It was fine. And it made me think…,” Levi paused, “never mind.”
“No, tell me.”
“Maybe we could have our own.” Levi shrugged.
“Is it something you want?” you asked.
“Is it something you want? Because if you do not want any, it’s fine too.”
“I don’t know… maybe?”
“We don’t have to talk about it now.”
“You’re right, but I want to talk about this. Someday.” you smiled.
After this little conversation, you both fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Levi woke up because someone was awake – Armin.
“Bathroom.” Armin said once Levi was awake.
Levi stood up and took Armin in his arms and went to the bathroom. After Armin finished, Levi helped him wash his hands and went back to bed. But before Levi could lay on his bed, Reiner woke up with tears in his eyes.
“No, don’t cry.” Levi warned him and took him out of the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“Nightmare.” Reiner confessed sobbing.
“It’s not real – it’s a dream. Go back to bed.” Levi said before going back to his bedroom, but Reiner stayed behind sobbing. Levi sighed before picking him up. “Stop crying, you don’t want to wake mommy, right?”
“Fine then let’s go back to bed, alright?”
That was only the beginning of Levi’s night. After Reiner went back to sleep, it was Sasha’s turn to go to the bathroom.
“I knew it,” Levi said to himself, “I mean after all she ate, that was only a matter of time before she goes number two.”
Then it was Bertolt who had to pee. After him it was Connie who was a little thirsty. Mikasa had to go to the bathroom too. Only Eren did not wake up. When Levi finally went back to bed, Eren woke up.
“Don’t tell me you need to poop too.” Levi warned him tired.
“I want to sleep with mommy please.” Eren asked.
“No place, maybe another time, now sleep.”
-          That one time you had to leave for an expedition
The next expedition was a short and simple one. Yet every squad leader had to be there, including you. You were obviously reluctant about it because of the kids.
“Who will take care of them?” you asked Levi.
“There are nurses. Don’t worry about it.”
The first few days, the kids were all sleeping with Levi and you but then, Levi told them to go and sleep in their bedroom because with them around, you could not do anything else than sleep. You promised to them that you would visit every night before they go to sleep and that night, you told them that you would not be here for a week or so.
“No!” Jean screamed hugging you, “don’t leave me please.” he begged on the verge of crying.
“Mama!” Armin, the youngest cried, rubbing his eyes. “don’t go.”
“I will be back very soon; you won’t even notice my absence.” you told them.
That night you proposed to have them back in bed with Levi and you so they would stop crying. The next morning, once it was time to leave, none of them wanted to let go of your legs.
“It’s fine, I’ll be back very soon.” you tried to calm them down. That did not work. “Fine I won’t go, let’s all go back to bed okay?” you said to them which made them stop crying and run to your bedroom.
Once they all left, you went back on your horse and left with the rest of the survey corps outside the walls. When the kids realised that you were not coming started to cry again and did not stop until they fell asleep. The nurses that took care of them were starting to get worried but after a few days, they started to play and eat again without any protest.
Once you were back, all the kids were waiting for you at the entrance of the wall. They were screaming “mommy!” when they saw you. Jean screamed “daddy!” when he saw Levi which made people around gasp. They did not know that these kids were in reality survey corps members. Sasha and Connie went on Hange’s horse while Armin and Bertolt were on Erwin’s. Jean and Reiner were with Levi while Mikasa and Eren were with you.
“We missed you a lot mommy!” Eren said happy to see you.
“I missed you too.”
For a week or two, the kids would not let go of you because of that expedition.
-          That one time you got mad at them.
The only time you got mad at them was when they all started to fight each other. Levi and you were doing paperwork outside because it was a sunny day and the kids wanted to play outside. You were peacefully reading your reports when they started to shout at each other. You were not worried about it because they were always shouting, but when you saw that they started to cry and push each other you quickly went over where they were.
“What’s happening here!” you screamed.
They all stopped except for Eren and Jean who were still fighting.
“Hey! Stop!” you yelled but none of them listen to you.
Before you could get mad, Levi took Eren in his arms which stopped the fight.
“What is wrong with you?” Levi reprimanded them. “What were you two thinking? You could’ve got hurt and you could’ve hurt your friends and worse of all, you weren’t listening to Y/N!”
Jean and Eren turned to you but you were already gone.
“Where’s mommy?” Jean asked shyly.
After Jean and Eren both apologised to each other, they went looking for you.
“Is mommy mad?” Eren asked.
“Yes.” Levi answered.
“She doesn’t love us anymore?” Jean asked with tears in his eyes.
“Of course, she does, now let’s find her and apologise.”
They could not find you anywhere. Even Levi did not know where to look. He asked Erwin and Hange but none of them saw you. Jean would not stop crying because you were not there.
“Mommy doesn’t love me anymore!” Jean kept saying.
At night when they all went into their bedroom, they found you on their bed.
“Mommy!” they all screamed happy but stopped on their way when they saw that you were not smiling.
“What happened today was unacceptable. I am disappointed.” you said. “I hope that won’t ever happen ever again.”
“Sorry.” they all apologised.
“Where were you?” Eren asked.
“Out, I needed some time alone.”
“Are you mad at me?” Eren cried.
“No… Not anymore, and I am not mad at you too Jean. But next time you do this, there will be consequences. Now go to sleep, all of you.” You stood up, ready to leave.
“No stories?” Reiner asked.
“Please.” they all asked with a pout that you just could not resist.
-          That on time Levi had to calm Eren down during a meeting.
That day, you had to leave to visit a family member who was going to give birth. You left without saying anything to the kids otherwise they would not have let you. Levi’s squad was responsible for the kids when none of you were available.
They were all running around when Eren fell from the top of the stairs.
“EREN!” Petra shouted petrified.
Eren started to cry, and he would not stop. The squad tried everything, but nothing would stop Eren’s tears.
“We have to bring him to the captain.” Eld said.
Eld took Eren and went to the meeting room. He knocked on the door and opened it just enough so Eren could go in.
“I want mommy!” Eren continued to cry.
Levi picked him up and put him on his lap.
“She’s busy today, what happened?” Levi asked him softly.
“I fell.” Eren sobbed.
“It’s fine, you can stop crying and tell mommy later that you acted all strong because you’re almost an adult now.”
“I’m a big boy now.” Eren admitted hugging Levi.
All the squad leaders were speechless in front of this because they never saw the captain acting like this before. He was so delicate and sweet towards Eren. Then the door opened again, and all the other kids barged in.
“I’m sorry captain, but they all wanted to check on Eren.” Petra apologised.
“It’s fine.” Levi said before putting Eren down.
The rest of the meeting was spent with the kids playing under the table, around Levi. Once you came back, you found Levi asleep on his bed with the kids around him. You tried to be as silent as possible, but Levi woke up.
“Hey, how was your day?” you asked him not without a kiss.
“Fine, and you?”
“Boring – you weren’t there.”
“Mommy!” Eren called you reaching out his arms.
“What happened to your knees?” you asked him when you picked him up.
“I fell but I didn’t cry.”
“Riight, because you’re so brave.” but Eren had already fell asleep again.
-          Random HCs
Armin loves the commander; he is always clinging to him.
Eren always wants to impress the captain by eating alone and cleaning.
Jean is your boy; he always wants to stay with you by pretending to be injured or something.
Sasha and Connie love Hange because they get to help Hange with their experiments.
Mikasa only loves you.
PART 2 is out, check out the MASTERLIST!
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olivetreehugger · 3 years
SnK Scouts/Veterans as Health Care Workers
Note: features Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin and Hange. A part two to my “SnK Warriors as HCWs” post found here. warning: mentions of blood, trauma, gore (it’s healthcare). Also, I know Hange is nb, I headcanon them as female, so I will be using she/her pronouns. 
Eren: this boy is definitely too involved in everything and has too many people depending on him at once to not be a nurse. The kid barely passed the NCLEX but that didn’t stop him from applying to every trauma center within a 25 mile radius of him. He got hired as a night shift trauma ICU nurse  and he frequently picks up shifts in the ER. He wears the cheapest scrubs he can find, often stained with ink in the pockets area. He isn’t a shitty nurse per se but there are tasks that still need to be done at the end of his shift and he gives a crappy report that’s missing too many details. Nurses hate picking up his patients, it’s always a mess. His charting is really spotty and he gets called into the manager’s office all the time to fix it. 
Still, he tries really hard to improve his time management and skills. He wants to be like his friends Mikasa and Reiner, who are the best nurses he knows. He wants to be involved in the traumatic cases and emergencies because he wants to learn as much as he possibly can. He’s really good at wound care, for some reason (hint hint). He’s kinda cocky sometimes too, which can be troublesome when Dr. Galliard is working. People know to steer clear of those two when they’re both  in the ER. Also, Eren always has a black cloud around him; whenever he works it’s gonna be a hella busy day in the hospital. Lots of emergency surgeries, intubations, codes and deaths. He’ll always jump in to help you if your patient is crashing, though, no matter how busy he is. 
Mikasa: she’s a prodigy. She was a straight ‘A’ student in nursing school, got a perfect 75 on the NCLEX and was immediately hired to the trauma ICU after doing a short internship there. She worked night shift for a year but her sleep schedule was so so fucked she started having night terrors, so she switched to day shift. Eren still calls her a traitor for it :/. She keeps trying to get him to switch over but he just hisses at her and threatens to chug a case of Monster energy drinks. She hasn’t given upon him yet, though.
This girl’s work ethic is beyond measure. She comes in exactly at 6:30 am, looks up her patients, takes report, gives a great update to the doctors when they round, and provides impeccable care to her patients. She knows exactly which treatments the doctors will order before they even speak. She’s incredible at inserting IVs--everyone in the hospital knows Mikasa Ackerman can put an 18g in a 90  yr old lady’s arm AND get blood return (just trust me, it’s flipping impossible). She has great skill when it comes to emergency situations and is a big believer in team work. If she notices your patient’s crashing and you don’t know what to do, she’ll calmly coach you and save your patient, too. All before lunch time. 
It doesn’t take Mikasa long to be promoted to charge nurse. When she’s in charge all the reports, paperwork and audits are completed before shift change. She divides the patient assignments really well and is very fair to the new grads. All around she’s an incredible nurse and leader on her unit, but don’t be fooled. If it’s been a rough day, Mikasa will get in her car and sob so loud her throat goes raw. A lot of people depend on her and working in a trauma ICU is really, really demanding. A lot of patients are demanding, rude and busy. She has a lot of trouble with stress management and is thinking of cutting her hours down so she can catch a break. Someone please hug her <3
Armin: for some reason my brain is just SCREAMING respiratory therapist. Like, I imagine this beautiful blond boy in gray scrubs (the color for RT’s in my hospital) going around helping intubate patients, giving nebulizer treatments and doing blood gases. I can just see him huffing and puffing when the attending doctor is overzealous about weaning vent support. -“Why are we changing the patient to pressure support? do you see how tachypneic he is on volume control?”
-“are you gonna put in the order? if not, your patient’s gonna be on PRVC all day, I’m not changing it without an order”
-“Doc, the patient looks like crap and their blood gas looks like death...oh, you still wanna extubate? ok, well I’m gonna leave the ventilator in here just in case. better yet, let me call a pastor in here, too.”
This kid is sassy af and he knows it. He’s smart af too, knows everything there is to know about the lungs and respiratory care. Knows every ventilator mode better than most doctors. Will certainly tell a resident off for ordering the wrong type of inhaler for a patient. He’s so damn intelligent that he even made the ice queen Annie melt like a popsicle. 
 He has no chill when it comes to his patients and even less chill (like -4078875874670) when a doctor gets in his way. For this reason, Armin has recently been toying with the idea of going to PA school so he can have a little more autonomy. He works al over the hospital, usually frequenting the trauma, CV, and medical ICU. The nurses there love him. 
Jean: Jeannie boy. Baby. Sweetie. He’s also a nurse. He is strictly dayshift and trauma. When he first started, he thought he’d do a year in the ICU and then go to CRNA school. He didn’t want to be around sickly patients with hopes and dreams and fears--it was too icky for him. But, over time, he learned that he LOVED trauma. Jean loves the controlled chaos that comes with the ugly, bloody messes that roll in through the ICU’s doors. He always gears up for trauma season (summer time) by bringing Dunkin Donuts iced coffee for everyone on the unit (day and night shift because he’s a supportive king). He gets really good at dealing with arrogant trauma residents and ortho docs who think they’re hot shit. When Jean sees a resident yelling at a nurse, he jumps in and threatens to have their license revoked. He will dig under their skin and page them incessantly throughout the day, too, just to get back at them. Jean is not a fan of lateral violence in the workplace, no sir. 
He always, always makes sure every room is stocked and new bags are hanging for the next shift. He has a thing where if things aren’t properly organized on the unit his brain just spazzes. He’s on the unit council and education committee because he also loves to teach the new grads. He also doubles as charge nurse, when management can’t be there (there can be one or more charge nurses amongst the staff, they usually work different days, though) He and Mikasa work so well together, teaming up to get tasks done, coding patients, running them down to get scanned, etc. People joke they’re the mom and dad of the unit. It makes them both blush <3 (Eren doesn’t like it, lol)
Jean loves to see patients healing from horrendous injuries, he’s constantly cracking jokes with the awake patients to try to make them feel better, and he’s really good at calming anxious family members down. Our boy just makes such good connections with people. He’s the guy you call when your confused patient is one second away from ripping his breathing tube out. He can convince the most restless, agitated patient to chill out. He’s got the voice for it. Also people love his mullet. It looks great. 
Connie: I really didn’t know at first but I feel like Connie would make a great physical therapist. He’s got great energy, he’s funny and I could see him dancing to Earth, Wind & Fire in front of his patients to hype them up for therapy. He’d be very sweet with them 
Sasha: I’m sick and tired of the food jokes, quite honestly. She’s more than that. In my mind, she’s an occupational therapist, helping disabled patients learn to feed, dress and clean themselves again. She works directly with Connie as they round on all their patients in the hospital, they make a great team!  She’s extremely patient and would make a very good nurse, but is unsure of where life is taking her. That is until she meets Niccolo the dietician in the cafeteria, and she falls hard. He encourages her to follow her heart and she does!  
Levi: Hm. This one stumped me. Levi is a bit...cold. It’s not like he has incredible social skills. He’s meticulous and focused and kinda mean? He reminds me of an anesthesiologist, tbh. Like he’ll sedate the shit outta you for surgery, makes sure you don’t die on the table, and then drops you off to the unit as fast as he can. He never takes off his mask while in the hospital and he scrubs maybe four times before surgery. He is very good at medication calculations and knows everything about nerve blocks, intubation, pain medication and sedation. He can look at a person and just KNOW what kind of sedative to give and how much. Your blood pressure will never bottom out while he’s there, he’ll warn the surgeon and immediately get that norepinephrine started.
 If Zeke is the one operating, Levi is on his ass to finish up the surgery ASAP and to not linger, because Zeke takes his time and ignores the tele monitor alarming in the background. After surgery, this 5′2 demon will scream at the 6′ resident about the importance of blood pressure management and sedation in neurosurgical patients. Levi plays no games and he also just really hates Zeke lol
He seems like a jerk but genuinely cares about getting his peeps through surgery. His favorite surgeon to work with is Hange Zoe, because she’s brilliant and fast, but also cognizant of her patient’s hemodynamics. Levi likes taking trauma cases as long as it’s with her. When he drops a patient off to the trauma ICU or goes there to intubate, he makes sure Jean or Mikasa are there because he knows everything is gonna go smoothly. He trusts them a lot. He likes Armin, too and even let him intubate a few times. On his breaks, he’s drinking tea and reading a Williams & Sonoma catalog or scrolling through cleaning Tik Tok lol.
Erwin: This man. This beautiful and hunky beefcake. Omg. I HC him as someone who went to nursing school, became a charge nurse on the trauma unit back in the early 2000′s and fell in love with it. Erwin would eventually fall in love with leadership and educating, too. He went back to school and earned his Doctorate of Nursing Practice (a practice doctorate). He managed the trauma unit for ten years before his brilliant leadership skills and wicked smart brain got him elected as the Director of Trauma Surgery recently. He is the first person with a nursing degree and DNP to ever accomplish this, so it’s very controversial. A lot of toxic doctors threaten to leave the hospital for this (because they’re assholes), but Erwin threatens to fire them in response and it usually shuts them up. 
He often holds lectures in the hospital auditorium. With a mind and voice like his, people are so drawn in by him. He advocates for nursing staff, for reimbursement when continuing their education, better staffing, parking, etc. He makes nice with doctors and gets them to sign petitions for the nurses to get these things. He’s a bit manipulative He’s also a fantastic manager and director, he’s really good at negotiating things. The nurses and residents all love him because he rounds on every ICU frequently, brings food, and asks them how he can help. He can be a bit daunting because of his height and deep voice but once he starts talking to you, you just get sucked in. All around an absolute king. 
Hange: This character reminds me of a trauma surgeon and intensivist (ICU doctor) we have, Dr. Omi. A great surgeon, really really smart, but takes absolutely NO bullshit. She will yell at you if you freeze during intubating. She wants you to recite every step before you take it, otherwise she’ll take the tube from you and do it herself. In surgery, she’s the same way. She wants you to learn, but by her standards. If she asks a question, you better know the answer or fess up right away, she doesn’t like the “uhms” of uncertainty as you try to search for a shitty response. Either you know it or you don’t. And if you don’t, she’ll teach you. Yeah she can be rough around the edges, but she’s got a big heart. She loves her trauma team. She buys them breakfast and gives them funny personalized gifts. One time, she bought an apply tree for Mikasa and brought it to her car at the end of a shift. Mikasa forgot to plant it and it died in her backseat. Hange will sometimes ask, “Mikasa, how’s your apple tree growing?” and Mikasa will lie through her teeth. “It’s growing!” Fess up, Mikasa. Those google search apple trees are starting to look familiar.
All around Hange loves to work and teach. She is a wonderful trauma surgeon and has saved tons of lives.  
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 4, part 3: visiting jean’s mom
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an: so, i decided i'd write the elimination in a separate chapter, one, just to mess with y'all and two, to give you time. i honestly think picking one of these three guys is really hard. obviously, i know who i want to win, but i look at the two other guys and i'm like 'oh, they would be good too!'. i like pulling at your heartstrings ;). i'll probably put together another q&a (depending on the numbers of questions i get) and once i do that, i'll wait for a day and then close the poll to start writing! anyways, let me stop sharing my thought process with yall and start your date with jean. link at the bottom!
tags: black, fem reader
tag list: @taybird
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Bertholdt drove you back to the mansion and you texted Connie asking him to prepare something for you, Bertholdt. Jean and Connie to eat. And maybe a lil something for that brat Levi. Connie responded with an 'ok' and a smiley face.
The car ride home was silent. You felt awful for Bertholdt. You wondered how many silent post-hospital drives he's been through.
Once you got home, Bertholdt told you he wasn't very hungry and just wanted to lay down. You wanted to argue with him but Bertholdt needed space. You wish him good night before making your way to the kitchen.
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Connie and Jean were chatting it up in the kitchen once you walked in. Connie was the one to announce your entrance. "Hey, y/n," he greets. Jean then turns around. "Hey, y/n. How is Bert holding up? I understand that visit was really hard."
"Thank you for asking, Jean. Bertie...well...he's just being human. His dad...it's really bad," you reply. You take a seat by Jean at the kitchen island. "The fact that he's been holding in for a while...it's crazy. I would have never thought he was in that situation. No wonder he was so stressed after that Porco got angry with him," Jean says. You raise an eyebrow at Jean. "Oh...after Porco got angry with him about you, Bert seemed sadder and more introverted than usual. He only really confided in Reiner, though," Jean explained.
"Ah, that makes sense. Poor Bertie."
Connie had made some garlic bread with ava ado toast and egg. You didn't expect that out of him but you all enjoyed it. You felt tired, so you told the guys you were ready to lay down. They wished you good night before diving into a conversation about...y'all i don't even know what men talk about 😐
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The next morning, you woke up at the same time as you did for Connie's visit. Your final visit would be Jean's mom. She also lived far away from the mansion but Jean insisted that you could take your time. She would still be at her home. No nurses to rush you out or kids bugging their parents. You hoped this visit would be as peaceful as it sounded.
You were very hungry though. You didn't realize it last night about the whole Bertholdt thing and you only had those little stupid avocado things that Connie made. It was good but didn't feel you up. You decided you would take a bath and get ready for your visit later.
You crept downstairs, hoping not to wake anyone up. You didn't want Levi questioning you and you didn't want to stop and talk to the boys because you would probably have a day-long conversation and if that conversation was with Jean, you probably wouldn't see his mom.
You made a few turns and found yourself in the kitchen. And you weren't alone. Jean was leaning on the kitchen counter, sipping on some coffee that he had made. His eyebrows widened at your presence.
"Good morning," he greeted, "I didn't expect you to be up right now."
"Oh, I'm just hungry right now. Didn't eat much yesterday," you say. Jean places his coffee down on the table. "Would you like me to make you something?"
You were about to say yes but a greater idea came into mind. "Why don't we make something together? It would be fun and give you bonus points..." You wiggle your eyebrows when you say that last part. Jean let out a laugh. "Well, you're hungry and I can't let you starve. Us working together will make things faster...and those 'bonus points' would help a lot."
You walk towards Jean and his eyes remain on you. You find yourself wrapping his arms around his waist. It was just on-demand. Jean pulls you close and kisses your forehead. "What do you wanna make?"You think for a minute. "You know how to make (meal of your choice)?"
Whether Jean says yes or no is up to you. However, Jean is really good at following directions. If you need something, he'll get it. If you needed him to watch something, he watches it with intensity.
After a few minutes, the meal was ready and you both sat by the kitchen island and dug in. "I hope Connie doesn't wake up and butt into our breakfast," you joke. Jean let out a small laugh. "Connie's really nice. He hasn't shown me or anyone else any hostility during our time here."
"If you could say...who did you think was the worst person here?" you ask. Jean doesn't even have to wait to answer. "I'd have to Floch. Confidence is key but Floch just got disrespectful about it. Talking about how we should all go home and let him have you. And he was only here one night and everyone already had a bad vibe about him."
Your heart panged at that answer. "Thank you for telling me. I know everyone likes drama but Floch sounds...dangerous. I don't know what would have happened if he stayed." "Yeah, of course. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable," Jean said sheepishly. The discomfort must have been visible on your face. "No, don't apologize. I asked."
You continued to eat your breakfast and chat and hear about Jean's experience in the mansion so far.
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After breakfast, you and Jean got ready for the day and finally decided to head out. Jean was starting his car when you decided to ask another question.
"I've never heard you talk about your dad. I've heard bits about your mom and you've mentioned her to the other guys but I never hear about your father. He isn't dead right? Is he sick? Like Bertholdt's?"
Jean is silent for a minute. "Oh...I don't really like talking about my dad, but you would have to know at some point."
"Oh, Jean...you don't have to. Don't worry about it."
He shakes his head. "It's fine. We were going to have this conversation pretty soon, so it doesn't matter."
Jean starts moving the car and when he's out on the road, he begins to talk.
"My dad has never been in my life. At this point, I don't know if he's dead or not. Sometimes I feel like he isn't my father. We did talk like once or twice when I was a kid and I was actually desperate to see him. But once I reached high school and started preparing for my adult life, I realized he wasn't worth it anymore. If my dad really wanted to be there for me, he would have reached out more often and let me know that things were hard on his end. I know everything I'm saying is being recorded and broadcasted, so if he ever sees me on TV, he can always hit me up. I just won't be naïve and stupid like I was the last time."
You immediately jump in after that last line. "Hey. You weren't naïve or stupid. He was stupid. You were a kid waiting on his dad. You had every right to wait for him, so don't insult yourself over him."
Deep down inside, you weren't sure if you wanted to meet Jean's dad...if he was alive. Jean didn't seem comfortable talking about him at all, so you shouldn't expect any visits or calls from that man. If you were to have kids and he popped up, that'd be hard to deal with. It would probably break Jean's heart to learn that his father would want to see his grandkids before even meeting the guy who helped make them.
Jean doesn't respond to what you said. Again, this was hard for him and he didn't even want to bring his father up in the first place, so you weren't upset.
You end up falling asleep in the car. Hours later, you wake up and Jean is parked in front of a bakery. He's on the phone. "Yeah, ma, we're here. Right in front of it, she's sleeping but we'll head inside....I miss you too...alright then, bye."
Jean hangs up and places the phone down. He jumps slightly when he realizes you're awake. "H-hey. I thought you were sleeping."
"Well, I was. Your mom is ready to see us?" You ask. "Yeah. She owns this bakery and decided to close completely today to meet you. I asked her if we could meet at home but she insisted that her bakery would be best. She's really proud of it," Jean explains. "Are we going to bake something?"
Jean laughs and shakes his head no. "Oh, no. My mom won't let you do any work in there, since you're a special guest. She put some things together if you want to eat something."
You imagined Jean's mother as someone who prioritized her future-in-law over her own son sometimes. It sounds overbearing but you thought this was a good thing. You wouldn't want an evil mother or father-in-law. If Jean were to cheat on you or hurt you, you knew she'd probably be on your side or hear both sides instead of immediately siding with her son.
You also wanted to assume that she was tough on Jean. Considering that she raised him herself, she had to do other things like work. To give herself some peace, she probably had a no-nonsense household- maybe why Jean was more like a puppy and wasn't as scandalous as the eliminated.
Jean got out of the car and helped you out. He didn't take your hand when directing you to the bakery but opened the door for you. Inside was a short, older woman, standing there with her hands clasped. The minute you stepped in, her excitement exploded. "Hi! Welcome! It's finally nice to meet you," she says. The older woman squeezes and you can't help but let out a chuckle...or a wheeze. "H-hey, mom. Maybe you should let her go," Jean steps in nervously. Jean's mom slowly lets go. "I'm sorry! I just got excited. Are you hungry?"
You shake your head. "No, Mrs. Kirstein. Jean actually helped me put together breakfast."
"Good, good. I'm glad he's being useful! And call me June. Come, sit, sit."
Jean's mom takes your hand and leads you to a small table and pulls open a chair for you. Jean quietly pulls a chair up by you. You start to worry about him because all the attention is on you, rather than the both of you.
"Can I get you something to drink?" June asks. "Some water would be nice," you answer. Your eye catches Jean's hand. You place your own on his and you feel him jump slightly. "Jean, would you like something too?"
"I-I'll take water too," Jean croaks. "Well, Jean, I'm sure you can serve yourself. I'm getting old, you know. Make sure you get a glass for y/n too."
Jean looks ready to argue back but he keeps his lips zipped. He carefully removes your hand from
his, gets up, and heads over to the back of the bakery.
You watch Jean do all of this and then finally turn away so that you can give June all your attention. "Please tell me he's been good to you," she starts. You weren't expecting this question but considers why she's asking. "Yes, Jean is...amazing. He's always coming to my defense. Which I shouldn't be surprised by, he is a lawyer."
June sighs in relief. "I hope he stays that way. He told you...about our situation right?" You nod. "It's unfortunate that his father did that to the both of you. If Jean does get married to me, I hope he doesn't pop out of anywhere. Jean's a good guy but I'm not too sure how he'll react to something like that." June let's our a small hum.
"Have you been watching the show?" you ask. "A little. I work, so it's hard to catch up on what's going on. Sometimes I'll read articles and Jean will text me to let me know if he didn't get eliminated. I was a little concerned about him doing the show because nothing is guaranteed."
"Hm...is he cocky about this whole thing? Does he really think he can get me?"
June thinks for a moment. "I can't say cocky but there's nothing wrong with a little confidence. Jean is handsome, he has a good job, he's smart- and he knows that. He believed those would be good reasons for you to like him. But...he does get bashful sometimes. He doesn't want all the attention on him and for people to view him in the wrong way. The fact that he had a mirror in his pocket on the first night was interesting to me. He's never done anything like that before."
You open your mouth but Jean enters once more. He places three water bottles on the table. "Sorry for taking too long. Ma, I'll replace the waters. Don't worry about it," he says. June shakes her head. "Don't worry about it, Jean. We have plenty of water."
"So, have you two discussed wedding plans? Anything for the future?" June suddenly asks. You look at Jean, who looks like his stomach was doing the chacha slide or sum. "M-mom-!"
"Well, we haven't reached that point because we don't know if he's staying or not but I'd like a really elegant wedding. I know we'll have a live-streamed wedding but I'd like to have a private wedding too. That would be nice right?" you cut in. Jean nods in agreement.
"What about kids? I read somewhere that you wanted a family," you tease. Jean's face reddened. "W-well...um...yeah...two would be nice. A girl and b-boy maybe?"
"See? We have a plan," you say with a wide smile. You could imagine Jean as a cautious dad but he still knew how to have fun with his kids. After long days at work, he'd cuddle with them and put them to sleep for you. When the kids are asleep, he'll check on you and make sure you had something to eat. He'd probably make sure to schedule regular date nights and family vacations. He'll have photos of you and the kids and maybe a few bandages in a wallet. Obviously, you would both be in the public eye once in a while but he would make things feel normal.
"I think you two would have beautiful kids. I do hope Jean gets picked. But your two other guys are good too. Bertholdt is absolutely adorable and Connie seems like he knows what he's doing. I don't know how you're ever going to choose. I can't imagine being your situation," June says.
"Wow, thanks for having my back mom," Jean says jokingly. "But if not me, pick Connie. He's a good person."
"Oh, Jean, don't do that to yourself. You're lovely." You cup his cheek and his reddened face returns.
Jean's mom starts talking about Jean when he was a kid- how he was such a big softie and a great helper,  how he was popular in high school but still to himself, and all the girlfriends and boyfriends that she didn't like.
It was getting late. Jean's mom offered you her home but Jean stopped her before she could ask. You didn't question why he didn't want to stay at her home but still wondered why. You said your goodbyes, watched her lock the bakery, and drive off. Jean helps you into his car and gets into the drivers' seat.
"You know why she wanted to you go home with her?" he asks.
You shake your head no. "There's only one bed. A twin size bed," Jean says as he starts the car. You let out a chuckle. "Connie's parents tried that with us except Connie had a bigger bed."
Jean looks over at you. "Oh...I should have probably taken her offer."
"Connie and I didn't do anything that night...maybe you could give me a sample of what you can do. It'll help me decide."
Jean didn't hesitate to lean over and cup your cheek. He went in first. Jean was gentle and careful with your lips. You soon gave in and wrapped a hand on his wrist. When things started to get hot, you pulled away. "Didn't expect you to be that gentle...You really want me, huh?"
"Yeah," Jean says scratching his neck. "You're pretty rough... you have experience?"
Whether you say yes or no is up to you.
Jean smiles at your answer and starts driving. You try to fall asleep but it's so hard. All you can see is Bertholdt, Connie, and Jean at the next elimination. You wished Eren or Onyankopon did stupid stuff later on and were a part of the final three so that this could be easier.
Hours later, Jean reaches the mansion. He thinks you're still asleep. He doesn't want to wake you up. So what does he do? Jean opens the passenger door and scoops you up in his arms. Your heart jumps. You hope it's dark enough outside so that he can't see the small smile you're trying not to crack.
It doesn't Jean long to get to the door and ring the doorbell. He must be really strong. The door opens and he's greeted by Connie.
"You need help with that man?"
"Um...no...I think I'll get her up there. But you could get her purse from my car though. She'll probably wonder where that is."
Connie probably gave him a non-verbal response since there was just silence after that. Jean got you up the stairs and struggled with your bedroom door but he got in within ten minutes. Jean turns on your lights, places you on the bed, and removes your shoes. He steps away but you hear ripping sounds proceeding by scribbling. You can hear Jean turning off your lights and closing the door behind him as he leaves. Your eyes flick open and you wait a few moments. You turn on the light on your bed stand to see the note Jean wrote you.
'Wasn't sure what to do with your clothes. It's not my place to decide that- at least not yet. But I hope you slept comfortably.'
You smile softly at the note. It was definitely something he would say.
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i use YOUR opinions to not only put together dates but to put together personalities. if y’all say you hate bertholdt, i’ll work my magic to mess with y’all :) anyways here’s the link! ask good questions. this is the last time you’ll see bertholdt, jean, OR connie. vote and ask wisely
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miekasa · 3 years
feeling semi-called out because i wear my name tag on one of the pockets of my scrub top, like that's my waist not crotch but i'd probably get a side eye 😭😭 i have so many things and thoughts about the scouts in a hospital au, and omg all your posts about it is bringing it out!! hange in ortho taking in eren too. yes. hange amd all those tools especially the drill LMAO it's perfect. eren is scared at first, but he's also hammering and drilling away in no time. jean in pedia looking like he's holding a football as he holds the little babies 😭 levi being the unexpectedly fair and kind dude from neuro is a fave!! him in oncology is also very special to me tho, like it could be surgical or medical oncology, but he would be so good at both and his juniors would do a double take at how he isn't charming per se, but he has such a way with patients!!!!!! mikasa the smartest girl, endocrinology plus a masters in clinical genetics 🥰 connie in a nonpatient department 😭 i can see it, he is a disaster but an expert at reading those images!! sasha his partner down in pathology or smth, always gets reprimanded for having food out but no one smells out cancer in those specimens like her!!
also...imagine the reverse too, roommate au with levi, but this time he's the one in healthcare and you get to watch him strip at the door after work because of the pancetta. heh. lemme dote on (and bark at) you 🥰🥰
bye i finally had time to go on tumblr and this spilled out, im sorry 😭😭 -💉
Hange as Eren’s attending just makes SENSE!! Eren is hesitant (isn’t he supposed to fix things); but also because a part of him feels like he’s a disappointment for not taking interest in/being gifted at cardio (daddy issues galore). But Hange brings out the best in him, encourages him to use all that feistiness and personality to the best of his ability, and that being a doctor isn’t just about being technical and intelligent on paper; there’s real life application, and personality is a big deal! Honestly, if it weren’t for Hange, Eren might have honestly considered something else, even if he was this far along. They’re the best pair. The loudest too, with the most provocative music taste in the OR, but still the best.
Jean in pediatrics is so near and dear to me. You know he loves the babies so much he’s scared shitless about dropping them that’s why he look so awkward holding them at first. It just takes some practice tho, and soon he’s a pro. It’s kinda... sexy to see how good he is with children, and how easily he can calm a crying infant, and explain complex things to a toddler. He’s such a dream. He knows the white coat thing is a bit pretentious too, but damn if he doesn’t look good in it. 
Levi in neuro... it’s just so GOOD. Of course he of all people would handle the brain and all its complexities, and handle it well. Not only is he a dedicated surgeon, but he’s done his fair share of research, his contributions are crazy, even if they’re (literally) microscopic analyses. He’s pretty decorated, but he never flexes it. When his residents find out they kinda freak, “What the hell is he doing mentoring us?? I’m pretty sure this guy is gonna have a newly discovered brain activity/region named after him in 5 years at least. He’s published in Nature. THRICE.” All that, and he’s good with patients, too, it’s unfair. He’s not peppy or “nice,” to them, but he’s gentle; he’s got that charm about him that doesn’t bullshit, but doesn’t fear monger, and is careful to explain things in layman’s terms so his patients fully understand what’s going on. And when his patients are children? God. Godddd. 
Mikasa best girl, Levi is/was her attending, at least for a period of time, and he never said it but she was his favorite. She’s smart, competent, flexible, and doesn’t have an ego about it. Truly, a blessing. She still/frequently goes to him for advice, and she’s the only resident to ever enter Levi’s office for a non-offense. Just to talk... maybe even have lunch and talk shit about Eren and Hange’s playlist. Mikasa wants to bitch about a difficult patient, and Levi reminds her about HIPAA violations... but gossips (without names) nonetheless. 
So right about Connie in a non-patient department PLEASE. To think Connie considered EMS at first and swiftly shut that idea down when he saw a real life broken bone protruding through skin for the first time, he was SICK LMFAOOO. The bone part was cool to him tho, so radiology turned out to be a great alternative; that way he doesn’t have to see and blood or severed skin, so problem solved! It’s easy to think he’s a slacker or a dunce, but give him labs or imaging to analyze and he’s got it done with ease and accuracy. 
Sasha as a nurse is precious, but I can totally see her in pathology. She literally studies disease for a living/interacts with people with these diseases and other illnesses and is still like, “Can’t believe the human immune system was caught slipping like this. Embarrassiiiiiiiing. Simply be vaccinated.” The rage she feels when she hears about parents not vaccinating their children... Sasha’s usually pretty cheery and always finds fun and hope in her work, but that’s one thing that’ll set her off. 
The reverse roommates au!!! I see the vision!!! Also might I offer: they both work in healthcare, maybe at different hospitals, but kind of on opposite shifts (Levi in the morning, OC in the afternoon/night), all to come home and shit talk their respective hospital boards and healthcare systems. Mutual understanding of their situation and finding time to dote on the other even tho they’re barely holding it together themselves. Peak romance
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 4, part 2: visiting bertholdt’s dad
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an: so, i did finish this chapter the same night i promised to drop it but my chapters only get engagement at a certain time, so i’m dropping it rn! i don’t have a lot of questions for the boys rn but i’ll work with what i have and what i get from this chapter and will post them during my trip! link at the bottom!
tags: black, fem reader, sickly parent, mentions of d**th (but no one d*es)
tag list: @taybird
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You slept over at Connie's house as planned. See, now, Connie's parents are sneaky. They intentionally made their guest room unavailable to you and forced you to sleep with Connie in his old room. Connie was completely respectful around you. He stepped out so that you could take a bath and everything and you did the same for him while he got ready. Once you were both ready, Connie wished you goodnight and turned on his side before snoring away.
The next morning, Connie's mom made you and Connie breakfast as you both got ready. The rest of his family was sleeping in, which made things easier because you know you would be chatting it up with his family.
You were supposed to meet Bertholdt's dad today. He was extremely sick and could pass any moment. You wished he was your first visit but it is what is right? You promised Bertholdt that Connie would drop you off at the hospital.
You thanked Mrs. Springer for the breakfast and asked her to say to the rest of the family for you. Connie dealt with the suitcase and waited patiently in the car. You pulled out your phone and texted Levi, asking him to tell Bertholdt that you were on his way. The older man left you on read. You weren't sure if he knew how to use a phone. Or he could be faking that too to throw you off.
Connie finally got things settled and sat with you in the car. He looks at you before starting the car. "I'll put your things together when I get to the mansion. Try to have fun with Bertholdt and make this visit worth it," Connie advises. "Thank you, Connie, I really appreciate your words."
It took you an hour to get to the hospital. You thanked Connie for dropping you off. On a normal occasion, you'd watch him drive off and continue saying bye but you couldn't waste any time today.
You reached the hospital and had to look for the lobby Bertholdt was probably in. You weren't regularly in hospitals so you were shocked to see how many floors there were for different patients. You only knew of the maternity ward.
You pulled out your phone and looked at your previous messages with Levi to find where you were supposed to go. Once you had it all figured out, you stepped into an elevator and pressed the button that would take you to Bertholdt and his dad.
When you reached the floor and left the elevator, you recognized the back of your "boyfriend's" head. He was sitting down, so you decided you'd surprise him. You crept up behind Bertholdt's seat and slowly wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He tensed up but calmed down once he recognized your hands.
"Hey, troublemaker," you greet. "Hello, y/n," Bertholdt turns his head to look up at you, "How was Connie's family?" Bertholdt could maintain a smile but his eyes didn't look happy. "They were great. Thank you for asking. Bertie...are you alright?"
You felt awful. You felt like you should have sent Bertholdt home so that he wouldn't have to do this. Not only is he probably thinking about being eliminated but he's worried about his dad too. He probably wouldn't perform as well as Connie or Jean. You would also feel like you'd have to pity him and pick him for the final part of the show. Bertholdt seemed like a guy who understands situations and will accept any outcome. Yet, you still worried about the effect of your upcoming choice.
"I'm fine. I've checked us in, so we can go see him now." Bertholdt stands up and brushes his outfit. He's wearing another sweater and dress shirt combo. He offers you his hand and you take it. Bertholdt leads you down the hospital hallway. All the doors are closed to maintain privacy.
Bertholdt gets to his father's door and is hesitant to push the door open. His free hand is wrapped around the handle but he just won't push it open. You let go of the hand he offered you and wrap your hand around his on the handle. He looks up (down???) at you with surprise. You end up helping him push the door open.
The room is dark and all you can see is a frail body laying on a hospital bed. "Pops?" Bertholdt calls out. "Bert," he lets out weakly. Bertholdt takes your hand again and tugs you along to meet his dad. "Pops...I brought my...partner...from that show I'm doing."
Bertholdt's dad cracks a smile. "That girl your sharing with all those guys?" Bertholdt's face reddens. "You're making it sound weird."
"Come closer, missie. Your name is Annie, right?"
(if your name is annie, ignore this next line 💀)
"Oh, no. My name is y/n, sir," you correct him. "Ah. You look even more beautiful in person. I've been trying to watch the show but my vision's been wonky."
"That's ok, sir. It's probably best you don't watch it. It's...chaotic. I don't think you need that in your life right now," you say with a chuckle.
"I might pass before Bertie even gets a chance to propose to you but just know you have my blessing to love, take care of him and keep him in his place. Make sure he doesn't break your heart."
Your eyes water slightly. You didn't even know this man but this was so sad. You didn't want to believe he'd die before eliminations or after that but with his state, it looked like he would.
"Alright..." you managed to get out.
If Bertholdt’s dad were to pass during your engagement or marriage, that would be something you'd have to deal with. You had no idea how Bertholdt would react to the death. You did know that it would probably delay some plans. Bertholdt would try to do things to make you both happy but you would be too worried about getting him help. And if you wanted kids...that would have to wait. Bertholdt probably wouldn't want to raise kids while he's still mourning.
Mr. Hoover begins to cough uncontrollably and Bertholdt pushes you out of the way to press the nurse/doctor button. "Hey, pops, you're gonna get help, ok? Someone's coming to help you," Bertholdt reassures his father.
Based on this interaction, you knew regardless of the situation Bertholdt would protect and care for you, whether it was giving you food after a long day or jumping in front of a bullet for you.
Gosh, you really felt bad for him.
A team of nurses and a doctor rushed in and ushered you both out without allowing either of you to say goodbye. A nurse shut the door once you were both out of the room. Bertholdt stared at the closed door for a moment. You wrapped a hand around his arm and tugged on him. “Let’s go. It’s good that I met him right? Let’s go eat. I’ll get Connie to make something for us!”
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apologies if this was sad 😬 looking forward to seeing y’all’s thoughts!
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