#no i can't just go on a road trip through the outback
cosmic-day · 1 year
Me after watching Upright season two: well, it was still fun, but the magic of the first season wasn't there. The original told a heartbreaking, beautiful story and brought it to a natural conclusion. There was no real need for a sequel beyond wanting to see Lucky and Meg again.
Also me, five minutes later: I really hope there's going to be a season 3.
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astragreenwoode · 3 months
♡Treasure (Adventure Time Petrigrof AU)♡ PT 4/?
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(A/N: Part 4. We're getting into heavy angst territory, so be prepared. Sorry to put you guys through heartbreak.
If you are sensitive to themes such as child loss/miscarriage, suicidal ideation, extreme grief, and hospitals, either proceed with caution or feel free to avoid this part altogether. Remember to look out for yourselves.)
♡ My AU where pretty much everything is the same as in canon except Betty is unknowingly pregnant with her and Simon's daughter when she jumps through the portal.
Italics - A/N
Slashed Text - NSFW
Bold Text - Sensitive Topics
A Bump in the Road
♡ When they got to the Emergency Room, the nurses immediately wheeled Betty to an examination room once they saw the trail of blood behind her and Simon. But they needed him to stay behind. They needed help from the hospital security to practically pry them away from each other so they could treat her.
♡ After an hour of waiting when Betty was finally stabilized, Dr. Olson, came out to give Simon the bad news; Betty experienced a late miscarriage. But during their treatment, they had to strap her down to the bed and give her a sedative so she wouldn’t worsen her injuries.
♡ Betty’s situation was time-sensitive. She was in danger of getting an infection, so after updating Simon, Dr. Olson performed a surgical evacuation immediately.
♡ "Princess, we can have another baby. But I can't have another you."
♡ Given Betty’s medical history, a recorded suicide attempt when she was 13 years old, and how she was so distressed that they had to sedate and restrain her, Dr. Olson put her on Suicide Watch, just to be on the safe side.
♡ Up until this point, Simon didn’t know her struggles with her mental health were this severe.
♡ In the meantime, he called Betty’s mother and told her what was happening. She was at the hospital within five minutes.
♡ Alice Grof had trouble warming up to Simon from the beginning. She never liked how he stopped Betty from going on that trip to the Outback. But her daughter was happy, and that’s what mattered the most. And while their relationship wasn’t the warmest, they respected each other. She comforted Simon whilst Betty was still in surgery.
♡ Betty recovers in the hospital for five more days, drained both physically and emotionally. When she first wakes up following the procedure, she’s unresponsive, almost catatonic, and withdrawn from reality to process all the trauma of the whole situation. Simon and Alice make sure she’s never by herself during those five days.
♡ Alice stays with her daughter one day so that Simon can go to their apartment and bring some of Betty’s stuff to the hospital to help her not be as anxious during her stay.
♡ The day before they were ready to go back home, Alice offered to tidy the place up so Betty could recover in a clutter and stress-free environment. She cleaned the blood off their sheets and carpet, made everything neat, stocked their fridge and pantries with food, and made sure their bathroom had the necessary medical supplies to help the healing process. She also hid all items related to their lost baby in a trunk in their hall closet, out of sight, and waiting for whenever Simon and Betty were ready to try again.
♡ When they came back home, they took three weeks off of work so they could mourn their loss together.
♡ Betty returns to taking all her regular antidepressants and antipsychotics. They stabilize her mood and help keep her focused and ‘normal’ when she returns to work, but she’s still numb and withdrawn for a while.
♡ She visits with her mom more frequently, going over to her and her partner Suzanne’s house once a week. The visits help her in her grief.
♡ When Betty started getting her period again, her heart shattered all over again. Simon asked her mother to come over for a few days. 
♡ Proceeding with caution, Simon asks her about what he discovered in the hospital. He wants to understand her past struggles with her mental health; the suicidal ideation in her childhood, the self-harm tendencies, the OCD, the ADHD, the bipolar disorder she inherited from her mother, her past of pain, all of it. He wants to know so he can fully understand how to help her if she spirals again in the future. 
♡ It’s hard for her to open up about that.
♡ Betty avoids intimate and vulnerable situations with Simon for a while. He doesn’t mind at all and is willing to wait as long as she needs. The farthest she’s willing to go is cuddling with him in her underwear. Two months after coming back from the hospital, they graduate to taking showers together again.
♡ At night, Betty still holds Simon’s hand to her stomach as they sleep in bed.
♡ She can still feel their baby kicking from time to time, like experiencing phantom pain after losing a limb.
♡ In an effort to help Betty heal and get back to her old self, Simon surprises her by taking her on a two-week vacation to Ireland; Betty’s dream trip.
♡ A week into the trip, they retire to their suite early after having dinner at the hotel restaurant along with a bottle of wine. And for the first time since their loss, Betty lets Simon all the way in. That night, they unknowingly conceive their future daughter.
♡ The day before they fly back home to Seattle, Simon proposes. Betty says ‘yes.’ And after three months of sitting with their heartbreak, they feel hopeful for what the future might bring them again.
♡ Two months into their engagement, Simon embarks on a solo journey to follow up on a lead for an especially rare artifact.
♡ We all know what happens from here; what was meant as an innocent and playful gesture sparked earth-shattering consequences.
♡ Betty is absolutely petrified by her fiancee’s abrupt personality switch once he puts on the mysterious crown. That wasn't her Simon. So, when a portal to the future opens showing her the fiancee she knew and loved, she doesn’t think twice before she impulsively jumps through a thousand years and into the land of Ooo.
♡ She's blissfully unaware that she didn't jump through that portal alone.
Reblog, follow me, and come back for Part 5!
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is it true that australia is mostly empty?
does it feel empty?
i just find it difficult to imagine living somewhere that hasn't got loads of settlements
i was thinking about australia and i remembered that you are australian
no i do not know why i was thinking about australia
By sheer numbers, Australia is very empty, with a vast majority of the people living in 5 or 6 cities (the state capitals + the Gold coast), but it doesn't really feel empty unless you're going out into the outback (desert).
I can't speak for any state other than SA and Victoria, but as you go further away from the main city of Adelaide, you definitely get the feeling that the land you're passing through is incredibly barren, and you understand why nobody lives there just by looking around. I went up on a road trip to Uluru a few years ago and we would literally drive for about 3 hours before seeing the next town on the main north-south Highway. There are definitely towns, but yes, it feels empty when you go out there.
If you just stay in the city, it's definitely isolating from the rest of the world, but it doesn't feel empty at all. It just feels like living in a normal city, but the inaccessibility of other large settlements has always been a bit of cultural dissonance when I'm watching British or American media. The closest big city to me is Melbourne, 735 km away (8 hour drive), so I've only been out of South Australia about 10 times (overestimate).
Tldr: it's empty, but it doesn't feel like it in Adelaide
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