#no i dont know what 'bild one' means
shiftythrifting · 7 months
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They have pop-out shorts and hats for a 3D effect! For... reasons...
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listen Zoya/Zoyalai nation
We had just the reaction when nikolai announced the engagement and that liitle scene at the ending. We won? No. Not in a
milion years. They didn't make her justice. Here are some thoughts that are living rent free in my head and i need them to get them out.
First of all, I kinda like that they change a little bit Zoya plot line to helping the crows to find the sword and everyting and that's all of it. Also the thing that Nina said to her, god. Zoya would not what will hit her (if the show is renewed).
Now beggins the things that seemed not right and the ones that i didn't like.
She deserved more screenntime. I know that in the original trilogy she made some appearances here and there. She was know as the "mean girl", untouchable one, also powerful one. I know her story is bilding up, but i dont like it the way it does in the show. Like how they are gonna do the Kos plotline with Alina? No way this is gonna be good. Alina (again) stole everything of what Zoya should have. Deserved. My guess is that Nikolai is gonna transform slowly in that demon and Alina will try to get rid of it but she cant, so they choose Zoya to lock him away every night and here will start the rumors and the downfall. It s gonna be embarrassing for her. Yes, she will bear it, but for how long? It was different in Kos because Nikolai was single. Now she will be seen different. She is going to be general or whater else, she is going to act like she doesnt care about all the wispers and rumors that eventually they will reach Alina and Nikolai ears. I dont even dare to think what a mess is this for her. For our rightfull queen.
Secondly, Alina takes David place. Fuck her. The triumvirate was meaningful because they represent the 3 orders, not the Saint order. Wtf. Even if David wasn't that important in the plot line, but was important for the people who loved him, especially Genya, he shouldn't died so soon. What happens to his funeral? In the books (spoiler ahead for those who didn't read row) was a massing thing. I cried and sobbed for days. DAYS after I've read that chapter. How could they kill him that way?!?!?! HOW??? Alina takes too much credit for what she've done.
I have to calm myself after all of this mess. And yes Wylan, I'll accept that tea with pleasure.
Also who read all of this, you are the best.
Zoya nation forever
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ravenveenova97 · 7 months
Paldea Romance
this is on the trip to the beach with everyone as its the last school trip as summer brake had started (warning ptsd and Depression and Adult content)
“so Raven been seeing Arven and you think she in love with him” im shook to my coure why are thay talking about us “yer I know Vee got feelings for him I can see it when there together and im worried” I beging to get upset wait he knows I mean iv been sutle iv tried not to let that come out but why “you thinking of leaving her then” hearing that made my heart brake and I full to the floor in utter shock and tears form in my eyes it hurt the fact that Jacq could end up leaving me becouse im in love with Arven but that’s not fair I'm in love with Jacq too I hold back from crying I don’t want them to know I'm here “to be honest I don’t know what to do I love Vee I always have but I can't stop her for being with someone she likes” I end up getting more and more upset and I grit my teeth trying to stop and agonising scream from coming out my heart was breaking into peases I get up and start to walk out from behind the wall “I want what's best for her and I think.........Vee” I look at him with pain in my eyes and crying and I was shaking he went to hold me but I pushed him away “so you're going to leave me coz I also like Arven........ how could you DONT YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT BEEN FOR ME TO ONE NOT BE IN LOVE WITH YOU BUT ALSO ARVEN........it's not easy and hearing you say all this....... breaks my heart” I turn round and run away “VEE WAIT” I ignored him and keped running. 
I ran past my sister how grabed my hand “sis whats wrong” I look at her with deffeat in my eyes and I pull away everyone elce shows up and Arven sees that im crying I look at him and shake my head “i cant be around you right now im sorry” I run off and I leave everyone worried I don’t know were I was going I just ran and ran untill I came up on a rock I looked out into the sea and it was bilding up in side of me the pain and heart brake I couldn’t keep it in I ended up screaming from the top of my lungs out into the open sky it was the most blood curdling scream ever I stoped and took a deep breath and let out another one but even more louder then the last one I let it all out the pain the hurt and the fusration after I stoped my voice box was hurting and I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball holding myself crying my eyes out “i wish I was never there to hear that I wish I was never built this way why do I always end up getting hurt” just then I hear voices and I get up and look round for a way to escape. 
I walk to the edge of the clif and look down I saw there was an oppening down below I ended up sliding down and hid in the cave “were she go the screams came from here” I hurd that it was Arven and I held myself and leand agenst the wall “VEE COME ON WERE ARE YOU” I look up in shock that was Jacq why is he looking for me and why is he with Arven, I get up and walk deeper into the cave “i just want to be left alone so please leave me alone” I continue to cry as I walked thurther in it was dark and I couldn’t see a thing just then I trip and land on my knees and I wince in pain but I don’t get up right away “i deserve this the pain I'm feeling right now I deserve all of it” I get up and look at my knees I could feel a warm liquid run down them and I touch them and I can feel that the cuts are pretty deep but I continued to walk “i don’t care if I get lost I'm better off dead anyway” I was in so much pain from fulling but I ignore it and keep going, I end up getting cold and I'm shivering I hold myself to try and stay warm but I end up hitting a warm patch and I could see a faint glow up ahead I walk towards it and It keeps getting warmer I end up walking into an opening and it was all lit up with glowing moss and I could hear water, I walk thurther in and I see a massive pool I kneel down and put my hand in and I smile sadly “it's a hot spring.....that feels nice” I end up getting in and wince in pain agen as the water hits the cuts on my knees but it only stings for a little wile and I finally sit down holding my knees up to my chest. 
I end up crying agen “i guess im not ment to be loved its like the univers is saying no everytime” I wipe away my tears and sit there in silence I realy don’t whant to be found I just think its best if Jacq and Arven just forget me like I don’t exsist then maby they be happy im nothing but trubble and a burden I ended up staying in the cave and not leaving I refused to face Jacq and Arven I couldn’t do it not after what I've done it was getting late and to be honest I don’t know how long I was missing for and frankly I didn’t care I was to wrapped up in my head to even think striate all these negative thoughts, I was back to where I was in the beginning in a big black hole chained up unable to escape nothing good lasts for long not with me. 
I get out of the water and sit on the side and paddle my legs in the water just then I could here someone running threw the cave I looked over and saw a shadow come out into the light it was Arven but I just looked away and back at the water he came up to me “Raven everyone looking for you come on lets go back” he holds out hes hand and I look at it and then turn away “no thanks I don’t whant to go just leave me alone” he hurt by what I said but then sits down next to me “Arven why bother im not going to come back with you im just better of staying here.......im better of dead anyway” hes shocked that I would say something like that and he grabes me and I made him very angry “DONT YOU DEAR SAY THAT DO YOU THINK I WOULD LET THAT HAPPEN RAVEN YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME SO NEVER SAY THAT TO ME EVER AGEN” im shocked at what he said and I end up crying hes facil exspretions soffen and he holds me tight “you done nothing wrong you got everyone worried sick even Jacq” I look up at him and I pull away why is he worried about me he was willing to give me up “i don’t beleave you when you say hes worried about me he was willing to let me go” I start to cry harder and I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head in them “he dosent whant to be with me anymore” 
Arven siges and moves closer to me and holds my hand “he dose if he didn’t he wouldn’t be frantic right now he dose still love you Raven lissen......... you are my happiness and without you in my life I don’t see myself as being happy I love you Raven” I look up at Arven in dissbelef did I hear him right “you just said you loved me” he smiles softly and holds my hand tighter “i did and I mean it not a day gose by when you not in my thoughts I meen you smart, kind, beautiful you have a good heart that’s full of love its just that people you gave that too were to clumsy and they hurt you but I promise I won't do that and nore would Jacq” why is he saying all this right now I can't keep up I'm confused like hell “but Arven I'm broken and I'm not worth saving I'm always going to break down I'm always going to get mad and lash out you don’t deserve that nore dose Jacq” 
Arven sigse and looks at me and puts both of hes hand on my sholder “Raven it dosent matter I still love you even with all that it wont change the way I feel about you” he leans in and kisses me pashonutly we end up going back so im laying on the floor and hes ontop of me I melt into the kiss I could feel every emotinon he was feeling the dread the lonlyness but also the love he has for me its like with Jacq, the kiss grows deeper and my body tempiture rises and I go in to french kiss him and he dose the same back but my head started to go foggy and dizzy Arven pulls away and sees im flushed in the cheeks and just then I pulcate on him wich he feels “wait Raven are you” he begings to grow red in the face and I feel him start to grow he knowtese “dam it not now not now” I see him resisting but I whanted him “Arven its ok if you whant to you can” he looks at me red in the face hes resisting but I know he whant too “Raven I cant even tho I whant to I just cant” I smile and I run my hands up hes arms and hold him and I open my legs a little more 
 “fuck this” he moves in and kisses me I acsept the kiss and it gets pritty heated fast I felt no hesitation from him he kisses me with such prowess it's like he stopped being awkward and shy he then moved he’s toung in and I did the same I could feel he’s hand moving up my body and gently removed the bow in the front of my bikini and un tied it, the bra was then moved out of the way as I felt him gently squeeze my breast but there was some hesitation there I then decided to move my hand to were he’s was and made him sqweez it just a little bit harder he followed sute and I removed my hand that was all the confidence he needed as he broke form the kiss and moved down to my other breast and started to caress it with he’s toung I let out a little mone as he then moves on to rubbing my nipple on the other side to be honest he wasn’t too bad and I'm wondering if he looked up what to do when we were together last around mine. 
Well what ever it is im enjoying it Arven then gose up to my neck and starts to kiss it and moves hes hand down and startes to untie my bekini bottems on both sides and slowly moves them out of the way I feel him start to rub my clit putting the right amout of presher onto it I beging to breath heavy and I get realy turned on I tell you one thing hes good with hes hands no fucking lie he moves he’s hand down and he feels how wet I am he looks at me a little flushed “you got that wet from me just touching you” I smile and nod at him he smiles and then goes back to kissing me I feel him slip he’s fingers in and then curved them a little so they were hitting my G-spot he moved them in and out slowly hitting all the right spots ok he had to of looked this up no way this is on instinct if it is then fuck me, he continues to finger me and in turn made my whole body tremble my legs were even shaking  
I was moneing a lot and I think that was the que to tell Arven that I was ready he gently took he’s fingers out and then he pulled down he’s swim trunk down I opened my eyes a little to see how big he was and my body shudderd fuck he’s just a little bigger then Jacq this might hurt a little he then moves back and I can feel he’s dick right at the opening and he gently puts it in, I end up arching my back and gripping he’s arm it hurt but the pain was just pure plesher I didn’t care even tho it was just going in that made me almost cum he begins to move and he was gentle and slow to start with and I loosened my grip around he’s arms he was being careful not to hurt me but I know it can sometimes hurt the guy if he’s a virgin but I don’t know if it done for him I mean this is he’s first time. 
He beings to speed up a little bit but not pulling all the way out he’s going half way and then back in and he was doing a fucking good job coz it was hitting my G-spot the entire time but I ended up tighting on him coz of it and he broke off the kiss and let out a mone I was shocked “ok that was hot as fuck Arven” he looks at me flushed as he continued to fuck me he was realy breathing heavy every time he thrusted in I could tell he was enjoying it I don’t know what came over me but I ended up flipping him over so I was on top he was a little surprised but then moved he’s hands on my hips and I started to move up and down I guess this way he can enjoy himself more wile I put in the work I wanted he’s first time to be amazing so that’s what I planned to do. 
I moved my hands on to he’s torso to give myself leverage and also to feel him up heheheheh I then sped up a little bit more and he griped me tighter I loved hearing him mone and it made me feel good too knowing I could do this to a guy but he was rely pushing my hip down I think he wants to go deeper into me so when I came down I put all my wait into it and in turn made him mone even louder my god this is so fucking hot I think I lost it due to that as I sped up even more putting my hips into it we were going for a long time but I was getting close and I think Arven was too I lean in to him and Wisper into he’s ear “you don’t need to hold back you can cum in me your safe” as soon as I said that he griped my ass and thrusted into me hard and fast I let out a big mone as I wasn’t expecting it and he just snaped, I was now the one moneing louder I continue to lay on him as he fucks me ruffly it felt fucking amazing I couldn’t contain myself I ended up kissing him with toung as he patriated deeply in me hitting my G-spot every time he got even faster and my body tensed up fuck if he keeps going like this im going to cum but he continues and were at it for a little longer I brake the kiss as I can't breathe my body was craving him so much but I was at the end of my rope but before I could tell him he spoke first “Raven you sure its ok to cum in you coz I'm actually about to” I try my best to tell him as I'm panting heavy “yes I have a contraceptive your good but Arven can you go a little faster coz I'm really close” he dose as I say and speeds up I'm moing and he’s moning and I end up hitting climax and Arven came in me and I calling out he’s name witch echoed through the cave I'm on top panting like crazy as I feel him pulsating in me and breathing heavy I get up off laying on he’s chest and I see he’s spent after that. 
“Arven you ok” he opens he’s eyes and smiles at me and moves he’s hand up to my face I hold it land lean into it “yer I'm fine, I can't believe we just did that” he laughs lightly but he seemed verry happy I smile at him softly “it's good to see you smiling agen I don’t ever want to see you cry agen” I lean in and kiss him I feel like my heart is flying right now well even if things don’t work out with me and Jacq I will always have Arven he does make me happy I was in such a rut a while ago but now my head is clear I brake the kiss and smile at him “Arven I just want you to know I Love you as well but do you think its ok to keep doing this” I get off him and walk back to the water and get in Arven get up and pulls he’s swim trunks up and jones me in the hot spring and holds me from behind “I'm sure its ok I will talk to Jacq at some point this summer to see if we can pull off our plan I just need time to figer out what to say” I turn round and smile at him and I put my arms around he’s neck “thankyou I don’t want to keep choosing I just want you both I love both of you and I'm happy when I'm around you and Jacq you two are the reason why I'm still here I can't live my life without both of you in it” Arven tears up a little and I wipe them away. 
I meant what I said if it's possible then I be really happy being with the two guys I've fallen in love with I feel like there is hope and I know Arven will do anything to make it happen he’s a strong young man with an amazing heart “should we head back now I'm sure there even more worried now” he laughs and I smile brightly at him “ok but can I have one more kiss before we leave” he smiles and then kisses me softly and lovingly we hold that kiss for a bit then brake “ok let's go” I giggle and get out and put back on my bikini and Arven takes my hand and locks he’s fingers with mine I look down “what if Jacq sees you doing this” Arven smiles at me and holds my hand tighter “its ok I let go when we leave the cave ok” I smile and nod we walk back out of the cave holding hand all the way when we get out he lets go and we walk back to the beach I spotted  Zoroark and Midnight with tears in their eyes ow no I did it agen I left Zoroark on he’s own but before I could turn around Zoro spots me and runs over with Midnight and I get tackled to the ground as they cry “Mum you're ok...... why did you run off like that..yo......you..... you promised me that you wouldn’t leave me on my own agen I thought you were dead” he was really crying and holding me tight as so was Midnight I end up crying while sitting back up “I'm so sorry Zoro I didn’t mean to do that I swere, I'm such a terrible mother making her beloved children suffer like that” I held them so close to me as we all cried “you're not a bad mum you’re a good one you raised me into what I am today but every time you disappear I always fear the worst......SO CAN YOU STOP DISAPERING ON ME IV ALL READY LOST ONE MUM I DONT WHANT TO LOSE YOU TOO” I look at him and I put my hand up to both of their faces Zoroark and Midnight look at me. 
“I'm going to start being a better trainer and mother to you both no more running away next time I stand my ground” I wipe there tears away and I then here more people its Kio and it looks like it’s a such party Kio sees me and calls out “JACQ WE FOUND HER” I get up and walk past them I see Jacq running to me and when he dose he holds me tight “Vee I was so scared, I looked everywhere and hearing you scream...... I thought I lost you for good” I hold him tight still a little upset “but why you don’t even love me anymore you was going to give me up” he pulls away for the hug and kisses me on the lips I'm surprised but tears well up in my eyes as I kiss him back I don’t get it why is he kissing me, he pulls way “Vee I never would of let you go, you mean so much to me why would I throw that away, I don’t know if I can make this anymore clear, but I love you, I want you, all of you for the rest of my life, no matter what” I smile and my heart starts to ake and I just fall to the floor crying and he kneels down with me “but I heard what you said, you said you wanted me to be happy, you know I'm also in love with Arven and not just you” I'm shaking and my tears just keep coming out I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to my side to see Arven with me and then he turns to Jacq “lisson I've got a proposition for you so when you're ready to hear it let me know” I look shocked and then looked at Jacq he smiles at Arven and then nods “well give me a bit of time ok Arven and I hear it ok” he puts out he’s hand and Arven shakes on it. 
Arven gets up and pats me on the head and walks off I'm still a little dumb founded and I look up at Jacq that’s looking at me with those same loving eyes “you really are a handful Vee I mean I don’t mind shearing you with Arven but please let me have a little bit more time of it just being us hahahaha I'm the one being greedy now but still it's amazing how big you heart really is and that's what I love about you” I just smile brightly so he’s going to do it he’s going to let me be with both him and Arven I throw myself towards Jacq and kiss him and he kisses me back. 
After that whole mess was soughed out I felt even better than before of all people I was not expecting Jacq to make that deal but I'm happy that was the case I'm really looking forward to that day when I can finally be with them both but for now it's going to be just me and Jacq and we also have plans to visit Gala for two weeks now that the summer term has started and I will say it was the best two weeks I could of ever asked for I even showed Jacq a new side of me witch he kind of dinged heheheheeh. 
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theemilysw · 1 year
I need help planing how to expand my lego city
rn i have a small lego city on a overturned ikea kallax shelf thing is i wanna expand n upgrade but i dont really know what direction to go n where to put my money to get a better city
Right now the main sets are:
downtown noodel shop
Townhouse Pet Shop & Café
friends roller disco arcade
townhouse toystore
and then some side bilds like the boba tea kart ninjago city chase and the lego movie ice cream truck
so like i siad i wanna expand this city a bit both in actual size and vibe but unsure how i wanna do that rn the only set i know i wanna get is the new friends comunity center cuss the rainbow tower vibe is really cozy. also plan to mod my sets n maybe remoc the toy store in full to have a grocery store and a bigger apartment on top other then that idk how to expand the theme of teh city if i want it to contine to be like this mixed but vague eu theme or if i wanna go more a cyberpunk/ninjago city vibe with it. hard to decide n stuff.
one other major thing ive been thinking about is plates. currently everything is on just the shelf but i could buy a plate to put it all on. now i could do a normal street. but i dont have a super intrest in cars so i got the idea of a pedestria street or like a plaza vibe. tho that would mean alot of extra plates n tiles i dont have so yall think that would be worth it
i also would just apricate any tips at all in city budling cuss i dont wanna mess up too much ya know
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peashooter85 · 4 years
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A Pickle for the Knowing Ones
Timothy Dexter was an American businessman who is probably best known to history for failing upward and becoming extremely wealthy through the most ludicrous and sure to fail business schemes that by sheer luck always worked out.  This included selling bed warmers, wool mittens, and stray cats to the Caribbean islands. Sam O’Nella Academy has an excellent video on him.
In 1802 he wrote his memoirs which he titled A Pickle for the Knowing Ones. The book contained no punctuation, random capitalization, and he made up his own spelling. While he wrote it as his memoirs really the book was just a collection of his random thought, beliefs, and endless ranting. Here is an excerpt from his book about how he plans to build a museum...
“Ime the first Lord in the younited States of A mercary Now of Newburyport it is the voise of the peopel and I cant Help it and so Let it goue Now as I must be Lord there will foler many more Lords prittey soune for it Dont hurt A Cat Nor the mouse Nor the son Nor the water Nor the Eare then goue on all in Easey Now bons broaken all is well all in Love Now I be gin to Lay the Corner ston with grat Remembrence of my father Jorge Washington the grate herow 17 sentreys past before we found so good A father to his children and Now gone to Rest Now to shoue my Love to my father and grate Carieters I will shoue the world one of the grate Wonders of the world in 15 months if Now man mourders me in Dors or out Dors such A mouserum on Earth will annonce O Lord thou knowest to be troue fourder hear me good Lord I am A goueing to Let or shildren know Now to see good Lord what has bin in the world grat wase back to own fore fathers Not old plimeth but stop to Addom & Eve to shoue 45 figers two Leged and fore Leged becose we Cant Doue well without fore Legd in the first plase they are our foude in the Next plase to make out Dexters mouseum I wants 4 Lions to defend thous grat and mistry men from East to wist from North to South which Now are at the plases Rased the Lam is Not Readey in short meater if Agreabel I forme A good and peasabel govement on my Land in Newburyport Compleat I take 3 presedents hamsher govener all to Noue York and the grate mister John Jay is one, that maks 2 in that state the king of grat britton mister pitt Roufus King Cros over to france Loues the 16 and then the grate bonnepartey the grate and there segnetoure Crow biddey—I Command pease and the gratest brotherly Love and Not fade be Linked to gether with that best of troue Love so as to govern all nasions on the fass of the gloub not to tiranize over them but to put them to order if any Despout shall A Rise as to boundreys or Any maturs of Importence it is Left france and grat britton and Amacarey to be setteled A Congress to be always in france all Despouts is to be thare seteled and this may be Dun this will balless powers and then all wars Dun A way there [15]fore I have the Lam to lay Dow with the Lion Now this may be Dun if thos three powers would A geray to Lay what is called Devel one side and Not Carry the gentelman pack hors Any longer but shake him off as dust on your feet and Laff at him there is a grate noise aboute a toue Leged Creter he says I am going to set sade black Divel there stop he would scare the womans so there would be No youse for the bilding I should have to E rect sum Noue won Now I stop hear I puts the Devil Long with the bull for he is a bulling 2 Leged Annemal stop put him one side Near Soloman Looking with Soloman to Ladey venus Now stop wind up there is grat ods in froute I will Let you know the sekret houe you may see the Devel stand on your head before a Loucking glass and take a bibel in to your bousom fast 40 owers and look in the loucking glass there is no Devilif you dont see the ould fellow but I affirm you will see that ould DevelUnto you all mankind Com to my hous to mock and sneare whi ye Dont you Lafe be fore god or I meane your betters think the heir power Dont know thorts and Axsions Now I will tell you good and bad it is Not pelite to Com to see what the bare walls keep of my ground if you are gentel men you would stay Away when all is Dun in marble I expect to goue out myself to Help if thous grat men will send on there Likeness all over the younited States I wish all the printers to give Notis if pleases to in form by printen in the Nouspapers for the good of the holl of man kind———I waus to make my Enemys grin in time Lik A Cat over a hot puding and goue Away and hang there heads Doun Like a Dogg bin After sheep gilty stop see I am Afrade I Rite toue hash my peopel Complane of backker spittel maks work to Cleane it up——in the women skouls A bout it spit in ther hankershif or not spit A tall I must say sumthing or I should say Nothing therefore make sum Noise in the world when I git so ouely to Nash my goms and grising for water and that is salt water when brot A yong Devel to bring it and A Scoyer to wate and tend on gentelmen A black Suier his breth Smelt wos then bram stone by far but Let the Devel goue in to Darknes an takeld his due to Descare mankind for A Littel while this Cloven foot is seen be sum but the trap will over hall the Devel in tim I pittey this poore black man I thinc his master wants purging a Littel to har ber mr Devel A most but I did Not say Let him Run A way good Nit mr Devel Cary the sword and mwney with you tak John mekel Jentel man good Not”
There’s 22 pages of this nonsense. It sold well enough in New England that another edition was printed in 1805. I shit you not. You can read it for free at the Gutenberg Project.
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December Dates
Seventeen Summary: In the spirit of Christmas, boyfriend!svt is here to take you on a date. Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: Fluff, crackkkkkk, v many typos,etc.
my friend: seventeen + cute
A/N: HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU HOS (jk) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Also ashdiepl because im writing on a tab, i couldnt add any gifs so aksjemksksmsksksmskskdk alsO im so sorry i dont remember if the request is platonic or nah but kaksksksk this is what u get soz
So no gifs
Imma just do a header real quick so u know wassap
S. Coups
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Das better
hi header
I might delete u later if i get on a pc
But firsT seuNgcheEolL
*deep breath*
Ho u lucky enough to breath the same air he does
N now u are on aa date with him
So bf!seungcheol is a cute lil snowflake
Which means he'll buy u an ugly ass Christmas sweater and matching gloves
then yall go out and play in the powdery snow outside
ImGine seungcheol grabbing yOuR hand 
cebAuse u a dumb loser that slips on nothing
Also warmth
pulling your scarf up a bit because he can tell you're getting cold
Then like a gentleman
HE'll hit ur dumb face he dont care
He'll maKe u wish u Stayed damn home
Rapid fire frikin snow granades man
Course iz all a bita fun
Then he'll let u win
Cause he does care Bout ur dumb Fce
Also he soft for u gross
Then once that's done he'll start laughing
Not because of post-snow ball fight adrenaline
But because he thinks himself so funny
When he busts a lung screaming "dO Ya wana biLd aSNOEMAN!!!!!"
AND THEN U decline and leave him in the snow
U literally wana leave him and his annoying ass
U stomp away
He laughs and goes after u
His hot breath is visible 
and hits your ear when he comes up and wraps his arms around you from behind
U be like, "listen stupid, u corny af, lets break up"
Seungcheol would pout and kiss ur cheek, "nah, u still owe me hot choco. Break up with me after paying me back."
"Ew, why would i pay u back tho"
"Uh cause if you don't imma do thisss," then he proceeds to shove u into the snow again
Ok well i have to cut this here first cos there are 12 boys left
Oh Hi hello u here back to ur regular programme
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Unlike cheol
Dis ho not about to get cold 4 u uhm
Leave the cold for someone else
But get warm together
I mean
Wink wINKkkkk
Jk gtfo
This is a wholesome headcanon
Git warm he would gladly
So u know what dat means
Imagine cuddling jeonghan
It's da holidays
Which mean he bout to get dat $$$leep
Of course u dont mind that ur just sleeping in
Gurl if ya do
Let me stress out
If you mind sleeping in and cuddling with yoon jeong han
Wathu doin????
ITz u and him right
Ur in bed reading the novel he got u beforehand right
Look at u looking cute in knit sweater and glasses
it could be jeonghan's ur using it as a headband shhhh
So like ur sitting down
N beside u its jeonhan v slightly snoring
Right right right
Then ur like "man i want something to eat cause i've been sitting here reading all day"
But also ur always hungry
Cause who isnt tho lol
but jeonghan like a needy ho is like noooooooooooodontgo
N ur like
aww wat a needy ho
"Jeonghan im just gonna get something to eat"
"Eat laterrr, i need u now"
He'll keep his eyes shut and shimmy over
Securing an arm on your  hip so u wont go
U roll ur eyes and put your book away on the cabinet next u
"Jeonghan ive literally been next to u since last night. I'm just gonna get something to eat, and 4 u 2!"
He'll flutter his eyes open only to close them and move even closer to place his head on ur lap
"I dont want toooooo"
U roll ur eyes again and shimmy out of his grip
But only to get into his arms and hide your face in his chest
"You're so needy," u note
"Says you who's tangling themselves on me"
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Get this
Joshua and gingerbread houses
He probably used to build one growing up
And he has just the person in mind he wants to rekindle the tradition with
Congrats u filthy animal
So he took the liberty of getting allll u and he would need
And so much more
Im talking chocolate bars
Shipped cream
Candy canes
Edible glitter
Gum drops
Shrek 1 2 3 4
Is there a four
Im too lazy to google it
And omg u so special to him he loves u so much
Screw u
He wants to share the love with the carats
So he vlives it all
And at first ur shy
Like what if the joshua stans come 4 u
Ok but in this story yall had already annouce ur relationship
Joshua is like "noo don be shy they'll all love u"
N ur like ok cos i love u sm
But not like the company sm tho *barfing noises*
So yall build a gingerbread house and do a whole ass tutorial about it
Except u dont
Cause yal are morons and could stop messing up or earing the ingredients along the way
Sorry honey ur morons i dont make the rules
"Stop eating the marshmallows!"
"U literally finished the bowl of mnms tho Joshua!"
"Uh no that was the gingerbread man,"
ANd then u all bicker like children because u are omfl
And it excalates
U smear cream on joshuas face
He sprinkles sprinkles on ur head
U press graham crackers against either of his cheeks and ask him what he is
"A sexy graham sandwich"
"Ew no wrong answer," u reply
Can i just point out that that chocolate syrup stain is never coming off
*cough cough cough moron cough cough*
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Imma bout to yeet
Junhui is also feeling nostalic
super soft super baby
And since he's probably feeling bit homesick somewhere in there
he thinks he can remedy it with a bit of chinese home cooking!!!
And whiney needy cuddles also yay
Moving on so
Will it be good?
Damn straight
itll be fikin delish
Will you try to to help him
Of course u gotta help ur man
But like duh
u have eyes
And seeing him all focus and busy and hot
Is really distracting
So like ur as useful as a broken button to him
He doesnt mind tho
He thinks ur cute
Also lovng the attnstion
But the thing about not helping
Not really
And being distracted by a cutie pie
Is that it's basicaly a disaster ending to happen so like
he's efficiently stirring up so hot stuff right
And ur like "man jun's some hot stuff"
And then BaaaaM
U knock over the damn chopping board with the knife and everything on it
Thank goodness the thing didn't chop through your foot of anything
And jun is like "oHMYGOSH DA HELL R U OK"
"... i- im sorry i knocked over ur potatoes"
"My poTaToeS! Listen rn im glad u didnt chop ur foot off"
Jun sighs and looks at the cubes of taters scattered on the floor
You frown, feeling useless
Both of u pick up ur mess
Jun puts down the kitchen utensils in hand
u picked up the last of the potatoes
"Hey we could always wash those, it's not like the floor is mud or anything, even then , potates came from mud"
"Yeah but im sorry, i wanst really helping in the first place"
Jun smirks, "nonsense! U were feeding my ego! That's enough for me!"
You snort and jun comforts u with a tight embrace
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AlrighT fam
I thought of something pretty cute but pretty dumb for hoshi
He's like "imma do something super romantic for Christmas"
So he's like "wear something cute we gon do smth fun" @ u
So u do
U get a cute little red dress just for the occasion
And soonyoung his like "BRO MY GIRL SO SUPER CUTE"
And ur like a blushing mess cause he looks super excited with his big smile and cresent eyss
ahhh Hhh myHOSishiii fealzssmsmmsms
Anyway u think ur gonna go to some cute restaurant right
But hoshi brings u to the mall
To instead join the couples dancing contest
Soonyoung gets super nervouse at ur surprised reaction
He's like, "omg is this a super bad idea i thought it would be cute but like i guess not we dont have to go we could always just drop out"
You laugh and shake ur head, "no it's all good, but i mean like, we don't have a choregraphy, and im not like you who can just break it down."
Soonyoung lets out a breath and chuckles, "nah don't worry. It's not really a compation-competion, and regardless, they're going to show ius a choreo and the couple that best interprets wins a a romantic date for two, fit for a dancing king and queen"
And then u break into a big uwu
"Omg u are super romantic soonyoung"
He struts a pose and chuckles, "i mean, i try"
So you both participate in the contenst
Kinda zumba it out by folling the instructors
Soonyoung is helping you out with your form and explaining to you the steps
He gets a little competative so he doesn't really want to mess us
Up hearing you giggle when you do a s pin breaks his competative spirit
And all he really cares about is having a good time with you
But admitedly
He was pretty annoyed when they annouced the winner
Were not the two off you
i mean you lot were the cutest it can gt
Who else could trump that
But then you both saw that the winners were 80 something yesr olds holding hand and looking at each other like the other was their world
and then soonyoung was like "okay valid"
You pout, "aww i hope we end up like that"
Soonyound and you turn to each other
He grins for ear to ear, "then lets go on a romantic date as well"
"I thought you'd never ask"
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I hope you're ready for wonwoo 
Because i sure as hell am not 
So in case youre wondering 
Youre crazy I mean youre reading this arent you 
Prolly at midnight hi fam 
Again i dont make the rules 
Well just a btw Almost every 
Christmas tradition is pagan 
Like the tree 
The wreath 
SO MAYbe ur not all that crazy 
For not wanting to continue them on 
i mean sure u can give new meaning to things 
But you wanted none of that
 Which was whyyyy you decided to DIY the decorations to your entire house 
Nnd who else are you going to do that with other than your loving bb boyfriend wonwoo 
Wonwoo doesn't mind 
He thinks its cute 
Because it is a cute date idea 
Youtube tutorials 
Pinterest ideas and paper snowflakes and all 
so wonwoo is there cutting up some of the paper you folded 
You're glueing some popsicle sticks 
He's water coloring some designs in 
Youre pulling on the tape dispenser 
It's all going great 
"Jagiya... i don't want to sound mean but-"
 "They're all ugly as hell. I know Wonwoo." 
Wonwoo gives an apologetic look. 
For a moment u two dont speak 
And then you both brust into laughter 
"Aww whatever, lez stick em on!" 
And do you get your badly painted slowflakes 
Your wolf drawing 
"That's a wolf?" 
"Duh what else would it be wonwoo?" 
The letters that spelled merry chrsitmas 
And the doodle cutouts of the seventeen members 
in personalized ugly sweaters 
And placed them all over the place 
You look around basking in the glory of ur craft 
Its all very colorful 
And crafty 
And looking like a child made it 
Then like an imbecile 
U break into laughter 
"It looks like a kindergartener's classroom" 
U end up roasting yourself 
Making fun of your sloppy handwork 
And wonwoo watches u 
with adoring eyes
 "I almost forgot," wonwoo speaks up and pulls out a piece of paper 
You recive it from him and break into a smile 
"Is this us?" 
Wonwoo snorts, "no its jeonghan hyung in a dress holding my hand sweetheart"
For a moment u believe him
But then he breaks out into laughter
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Boi imma fite u
Christmas carols
Okay idek why i ended up so serious with wonwoo
But listennup
Im not about to maypke it crackier
so back to christmas carols
Dis boi is about to serande you with a christmas themed love song
So its around 8pm at night
Jihoon has is guitar
and ur just chilling right
and ur on ur phone letting him do his thing
but then from the floor he was sat on
he turns to you on the couch
And pats ur leg
"Yo i just finished my song u wann hesr"
You squeak and jump of the couch next to him
"Duh dummy!"
And he starts singing
He's talking about stars and warmth
He's spittin fire about the smell of hot choco
The  he's talking sbout how lame joshua's gingerbread house was
Next thing you know ur  crying
because omg that ginger bread houseWAS UGLY
also jihoooooooooooooon just serenaded you
Dont u just
Then jihoon catches you and panicks
"You okay? Why are you cryin?!"
But u crybaby cant stop crying
and of course jihoon panicks again
So he starts singing some other Christmas song
And then u start crying about poor rudolf
And remember regina george
But then eventually you calm down
And decide to nuzzle up against jihoon who replaced his guitar with you in his arms
Then us fall asleep with him sweetly singing about the spirit of Christmas
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 Liz gittit
Of course this ray of light just wants to give off energy to the world 
And since he 
And u u forgetful ass 
Forgot to go shopping for presents 
You decided to go on a dec 24th shopping trip! 
But it was too eady for u two 
Like wtf 
Gift giving Is suuch and easy task 
And shoping a day before Christmas 
Its a heartbeat
 "Whoever gets the best gifts gets for the best price gets to boss the other around until new year," seokmin grins 
You knit your brows deeply at his words 
And wonder what the hell he has in plan for him to think of doing something so ensnaring 
So being the smarter one in the relationship 
"Uh no??" 
Seokmin was like "ok then the other has to do whatever the other says for the entirety of Christmas" 
"???? Whyyyyy?" 
"Because its not challengeing or fun if there isn't any condition" "Ugh fine" 
So the two of you zip around looking for the best gifts you could get 
You try to stay away from the people doing their last minute shopping 
Seokmin doesnt dare go in between an old lady mouthing of another customer 
Tbh its super stressful 
what kind of date is this 
Only morons would do this wtf 
Both of you got shoved constantly 
There wasnt really much space to move around 
And there wasnt really anything to choose from 
But hey guess what 
Seokmin found some really cool gifts 
"Daheck did u get that shirt?" 
"Isle five. There were a bunch of people grabbing some stuff and this fell to the ground and so i picked it up and thought it was pretty cool"
You on the other hand got like ok gifts 
I mean theyre not bad
 But da hell did dk get a frikin eeyore onesie idek 
It was no contest.  
Seokmin defo won 
"Yisss so i win therefor u have to make me some Christmas cookies tomorrow" 
"U ho did u really just make me suffer through that so you could ask me to make cookies 4 u???" 
"Yes but we really didn have gifts tho." 
U roll ur eyes 
Seokmin's face falls, "r... r u like mad @ me?" 
You knit your brows at him but release a smile when u see his nervous look 
"No babo. Im jusy tired, lezgo back home" 
He sighs and nods, kissing your cheeks 
"Dont worry baby, ill carry all of this back home" 
Which he does 
And when u get back 
He says he forgot something in the car
then comes bzck 
And then forcefully turns u around 
Ur about to protest
But the you realize he's putting on a silver necklace on u 
"Yahhhh seokminie, u shouldnt have. Where you even get this"
"I bought it a while back, duh" he chuckles then kisses you on the cheek 
"Merry christmas jagi" 
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You are a genius for getting boyfriend like mingyu 
uh and super lucky like fu-- 
Ur extra glad that mingyu is 10ft tall 
Because ur going to be decorating your very own tree 
You bought he prettiest glass ornamnets
 and the sparkliest streamers 
"I have a vision," u explain 
Mingyu nods in understanding 
U and him lift the tree into the living room 
And then u start decorating the tree from the bottom up 
Its all rly chill
 You lot are chatting about whatever 
He's tellling you about ur tour n stuff 
U put on some Christmas tunes for flare 
And then u stand up from the floor and boogey with each other 
Yall shake ur butts 
and go around the tree wrapping it in tinself 
Mingyu steals one of the ornaments from u
 and u try to take it back from him like the genius u are 
Except hes holding it over his head 
N u cant for the life of u reach his hand up there 
So u step on his foot 
And punch his stomach 
And he bends down in reaction 
In pain
He was asking for it
U steal the decor back 
Then he proceeds to chase u around because aparently ur the bully 
*instert pikachu meme here* 
N then u get back towork 
Or i mean take a break 
And u eat a bunch of holiday special junk 
And then u get back to work 
"ok nows for the star" 
U hand him the star because its the entire point of his existance
getting that star up ther 
with his longass arms 
He turns to u "u dont wanna put it" 
u suck in a breath 
He give a face, "there are ways" 
"My go-- just put the AHHHHHHH"
 Hes crouching down pulling ur legs on his shoulders 
"MINGYU PUT ME DOWN" you say, about to rip of his face 
Mostly because u have nothi to hold onto
but he stands 
with u on his shoulders
and walks to the tree 
"Put the damn thing on before u fall!!" 
Wow its ur fault again
And screaming u put the star on 
And mingyu putz u down 
"Okay that was stressful" 
U punch him in the gut again 
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Minghao is super tired 
But super looking forward to spending time with u 
So u defintely go on a date 
But its of the lazy movie watch variety
Im talking all the chesey romance movies 
Set in december 
that has like mistletoe kisses 
And snow scenes 
And also those holiday specials
 For catroons 
And non cartoons 
Even the one with arnold swartzimacallit 
You pull out the laptop 
And get on netflix 
There's popcorn on 
And hot tea 
Or whatever the hell 
Its all just very warm 
and u and minghao are wrapped together in a warm blanket 
Ur nestled in between is legs and ur super warm and cozy and im so soft bleh 
"Oh oh, u should see this part, its my fav--" 
But u stop uourself when u turn and see minghao fell asleep
 U coo and let him obvi 
taking unflattering pictures duh 
But also cute ones because 
He doesn't sleep through all the movies though 
You end up watching non christmas themed films too 
Like toy story4 
"You look really cute cuddled up against me" he'll randomly blurt 
U feel ur cheeks brun at that 
but no he cant have that 
"I thought i was always cute" 
He chuckles and groans as he hugs u tightly 
U laugh at his reaction 
"Of course you're always cute" 
"Ok but the teddy bear u got me is actually cuter" 
"Nononono, the teddy is cute but uuu are cuter" 
"Were u always this gross?" 
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before u tell me these are getting worse and worse every passing member 
i would first like to say i know 
and  that seungkwan bought u a cute dress for Christmas 
and took u to a fancy restaurant 
Ok ur welcome 
But like even if it werent fancy 
U'd still like it 
cause holy guacamole 
imagine holding seungkwans hand as u walk around
Jsut being so head over heels
and super in love with the cutie
The feeling is mutual for him when he's around u 
so he stops mid conversations 
just to take ur pic 
Its kinda annoyig 
but kinda cute 
"Hey unknow hansol told me about-- what are u doing"
 "No go on, im just talking ur picture"
 Literally the bst hype man alive 
Will make take dozen upon dozen photos of u 
And will make u pose for aethetics 
He will go on making sure everyone knows u da hottest ho in the place 
n ur like "seungkwan stfu u embarrassssing meee" 
And then oml  
Some moron tries to hit on u 
and seungkwan sqwares up ready to hit a fool 
would he actually do it i mean 
prolly Not 
but then again he looked really mad 
So u calm him down 
and u go bzck home 
And the cuddles 
"Baby girl im sorry if i embarrassed u"
 "Nah itz chill i mean i know u have good intentions"
U smile and he takes another candid phto of u
 "Im donnnr. Now hows about we get rid of that dress" 
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okay im willing to guess hansol loves drinking hot chocolate in the winter
So he's like 
"Lets do a hot choco review" 
And buys 897 types of hot choco 
Or like ten 
wtf eight hundres pluss is too much 
So ur like okay i like hot choco 
and then he pulls out his phone and does a vlive 
"No i am not jealous of joshua hyungs vlive with his gf" 
Yall make like ten cups of hot choco 
and is chaotic 
Idek how u could get injured 
But hey 
It wasnt even the hot water invovled 
but the wrapping of the choco powder 
"Technical difficulties hansol is a big moron" 
U get him a bandaid
"Ya! I am not" 
Yall start reviewing anyway 
*insert try guys eugenes voice* 
Im rihght
 Ur wong 
Shut up 
After trying the first onw 
Ur like wow dis is good 
the second was even better 
The third one u hold
then u realized there were eight more cups 
And that u made so
so u were like "omf there is too much "
then u debated whether or not calling seventeen to drink the rest 
But then hansol was like "ther isnt enough for themm"
Then ur like 
"okay whatabout making a super hotchoco" 
n vernon was like 
 Shrug it off 
and get a cup of the hot choco mix 
"Tastes like corn" 
"Bish dafaq" 
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Chan is a dumb ho 
and got himself sick at Christmas so 
nononoono thats a no to any cute date ideas 
and its just you and him staying at home 
U personally dont mind 
but hes like "awww but i had so many ideas"
 but obvi U cant risk him getting any sicker than he already is 
So you stay home and take care of him 
and all he can do is complain about everything 
about the cold 
his runny nose 
The lack of taste of the food
 His head ache 
The fact his bed is hot 
And that fact that u have to take care of him 
And treat him like a baby 
"I am not a baby" 
"Listen up, u are always gonna be my baby" 
"Not u toooooo najsjsjjs" 
You make him some hot cocoa 
And hes like "im not drinking that if u call me baby again" 
Ugghgg "If you keep doing that im not going to give u the gift i gotchu" 
"Well das on u" 
And then u end up going ona glaring contest 
Chan ends up giving it to u anyway 
"i hope u choke on it" he grumbles with insencerity 
U coo when u see that its a handwritten letter 
And then u end up crying because hes super soft
N ur super soft
And gahhh u love him so much
 Chan pats ur back because he doesnt want to get u sick if he hugs u  
U sniffle and wipe ur eyes 
"Who's the baby now, cry baby" 
You snarl and pinch his side 
And now i say
This was probably hecking bzd but i hope u enjoyed 
TAKE CARE Of urselves mwaah
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How it Begins!!!!
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Ariana,Meg,Lisa,Ruby,Jenna,Klare,Stays,Mark,Sam and Dean were all good friends in school.You can say they were popular but they didnt care.On Friday night they all met up at Arianas and Rubys House. As everyone waited for Mark and Lisa to arrive while everyone talked about what they could do.Ariana was sitting on Dean lap and they were kissing.-Lovebirds could you stop kissing and decide what where doing? said Sam.-Oh Sammy! Are you jealous Dont be Ruby will make out with you said Dean with a smile.In that moment.Ariana elbowed him in the ribs.And Dean went forweard and hold his hand there while Ariana said-No Sam dont listen to your brother!If you touch my little sister i will kill you or punch you eather way!I say we should wait for mike and Lisa to descide in the mean time we are going to get ready!All the girls stood up and went to the bathroom and closed it to get ready.While the guys played on there phones and waited.The seconed Lisa walked in she was pulled to the bathroom.Mike went to the rest of the group-So what are we doing? Dean looked up from his phone and said-we dont know jet.We were watting for you and Lisa.Mike nodded and played with his phone too.
After awaile the girls came out.And sat back on the ground -OK what do want to do? asked Jenna.-Maybe we can go to the party at Gabrielle? said Stays-No we go to every party.Lets do something else!said Lisa -Like what?asked Klare -We could go to the abanded Asylum in Broke street.anserwed Lisa. -Oh Yeah! I know that one said Ruby. - What is it ? asked the guys. - You dont know the story of the Rosewood Asylum? asked Ruby.Dean,Sam,Castiel and Mark nodded ''no'' Ruby and Ariana looked at eacheter and Ariana  turned to Dean and the rest -Oh okey i dont know how you dont know but the story goes that back in the 1950s they bild a Asylum for mentalhealth  people.But in the late 1960s the patinece where angrey because they make expermence on them and that made them more crazy then before.So they stared to kill the staff or outher people that worked there and didnt helped them.But they say one girl snuk out and looked the doors so no one can come out.So the rest of the patinec starved todeath and seens back then they belived in ghost the girl how got out locked them whit iron so there spiret of the patinec coudnt leave the Asylum. So since this day they say the patinec hount the place till this day.What happend to the girl no one knows.Ariana endet her story and Ruby said-We could go there? All the Girls nodded there heads but Sam didnt looked so convinced -I dont know. Our Dad says wenn something is hounted you dont go there!?Sam looked to Dean for helped but Dean agred whit the rest-If its hounted its not my fault if we die! said Sam -Dont be a DRAMA QUEEN Sam said Ariana.As everyone was ready to go out of the hause Ariana pulled Sam to the side and said-You know wenn it to scary you can make your move on Ruby!Ariana just walked away not waiting for Sams respones.Everyone got into Deans car or in Sams car and drove to Rosewood Asylume.After a hour drive Sam and Deans car were parked in the opppisite alley of the Asylum.Everyone got out and stood in front of the Asylum.It looked runned down.Around the Asylum was a metal fence. Right infront of them was a sign. Dean let go of Arianas hand and went a step in front of the gruppe and read what was on the sign out loud- Rosewood Asylum opend 1951.Runned by nonnes and Doctors from the Christian church in Town.In year 1967.120 Patince died because of a treatment gone wrong.1969 the Asylum was a finly closed.Uhu not scary at all.Really guys do want to go in there?Dean turned around and looked at the group.They all nodded there heads exept Sam who had the same doubts like Dean.Come on Dean it will be fun.Its like being in a scary movie and if we dont like it then we go to Gabriels Party Ok?-Asked Ariana Deans girlfriend .Dean nodded and took her hand and pulled her to his side so he could lay his arm around her waist.The group klimed the fence and walked to the front door.Everyone looked at each other and Sam opend the door und said-Lets do this !As everyone was inside the door shuts.
Thank you for reading! I might have some spelling mistakes but I hope you like it(because English is not my first language)The next chapter will come out if i have 10 readers so i know if you guyes like it!!!!
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9/22/2018, Part 1
We don't need to take the boat this time! We're a witch! This time, we're flying in on a broom! Y'know, like I did the night before I got crushed to death by 2488? Yeah...We dismount and head to the resort grounds.
"so, wat u wanna do 2day, tem?"
"uuuuuh... cookys?"
"oh yea, cookies! but... were do we start?"
"uhhhh... i dunno..."
There doesn't seem to be anyone else here at the moment. Where would we even start our search for the mysterious cookie salespeople? Actually, speaking of buying and selling things, I just remembered something. And right on cue, Temmie does too. We go into the lobby.
We enter the lobby and assess our situation. Temmie has been missing Baku terribly. To the point where lately she's been writing "ばく" all over my walls in bright, neon colors. Since that is not a healthy way of dealing with this issue, I had suggested to her that we find some other DJs to come and help us throw our own rave party while we wait for Baku to return.
She was hesitant at first, because she didn't think other DJs would be as good as Baku, but I reminded her that since Baku's not here, we don't really have any other option than to settle for the second-best DJs. It's either them, or no DJs at all, so Temmie reluctantly agreed to help me find some other DJs to help us.
So we did! We found a pair of sisters who've been running a radio show ever since, according to them, the old DJ got fired for being too abrasive and rude to the callers. Although the sisters are radio DJs, they have been wanting to host a rave, and they would be happy to give it a shot for us! And we even found a few fellows who'd like to attend! Things are looking up for us, so far!
But perhaps, since we're here, we should buy some things to give out at the party, just in case our partygoers don't have anything to bring, themselves. ...Wasn't there a store here, before?
"were is store?"
We look around. There's the bar, there's the game room, there's the infirmary, where I've crashed for the night more times than I'd like to admit... There's the ballroom- oh, do calm down, Temmie, we're going to the store first, remember? Aaaaaand... no store. Huh... I wonder where the store went? Maybe we should look outside?
"but i wana go do hapy fun raevtiem in dancin' room..."
"ya, i kno, but we gotta buy stuffs so othr peeps can do happy fun ravetime wit' us, rite?"
"oh ya..."
We step out the door and back outside. The store isn't in there. Hmm, where should we look? We could probably get a better view from the beach.
"ooo! beach is gud 4 hapy fun rave-"
"yea, i kno, tem. lets go." We get down on all fours, stretch our legs up, and trot like a horse over to the beach.
We arrive at the beach, retract our front and back legs, and stand back up on our back legs. Huh... I wonder where everyone is? Well, more importantly, we need to find the store.
"is da store on da beach?"
"maybe? i dunno."
We'd better start looking. I don't want to dillydally. Let's see, over there is the... beach bar. I don't think that place sells what we're looking for.
"u sed u met Baku at a bar???"
"yea, i did. not dat one, tho. it was da one in th' resort bilding."
"oh ya?"
"yea, he was drinkin' from a lil', uh... it was a... uh..."
"a bottl?"
"no... it was to small to be a bottle..."
"wat was he drinkin?"
"he sed it was calld "aftershock". id nevr herd of it. i didnt kno dere was a drink called aftershock."
"shock?? does it make u do cool litening magicses like u do, hooman??"
"no, its just a drink."
I don't know exactly what the right word is for the container that Aftershock comes in, so I picture it in my mind so that Temmie can see.
She observes my memories intently...
"o ya, i remembr dat! u showd me wen yu first met him and dat lil short humin was throwin' stuff at him!"
"uh... ya..."
I don't think Coraline and Carrie are entirely human, but more importantly-
"hey hooman?"
"wen yu were lookin for a drink behind da countr..."
"yea? i was just lookin' for water or somethin'."
"ya, but... whyd yu have skelly arms???"
...Oh no.
I was hoping she would never, ever ask that... But I suppose with us sharing a body and having access to each other's memories, it was inevitable... 😔
Although my gloves were covering my hands and forearms, I suppose Temmie must have taken notice of my uncovered... uh... humerus...es. Humeri? I don't know what the plural for humerus is. And even without looking, Temmie could also-
"wate a minit!1!" Temmie cries as she continues to analyze the memory. "u were a skelly! u were a skelly like Baku!?!?! HUHHHHH??!??!"
I quickly clasp our paws over our mouth.
"Temmie, please don't yell!" I think, "I know you must be very confused, because-"
"i thot u wer a humans!1!" Temmie thinks back. "ur supposd 2 be a humanses!1! cuz u gota humin SOUL!1!! skellys dont gots hooman SOULS!!1!"
"Yes, I know... and you're right. They don't. But, as you know, I am a magic user myself, and I was able to use magic to transform into a skeleton monster. However-"
"Whhhhhh??" Temmie's voice is muffled as we yell into our paws.
"h-human... can turn into... monstr??"
"Well, I can. I don't know any other humans that can, but I can do it because I can use shapeshifting magic. The reason I turned into a skeleton monster was to better fit in with the other monsters of the underground, who used to come here and visit a lot."
"but u got a human SOUL??"
"Yes, the transformation only changed my body into that of a monster, not my soul."
"Whh... hwhwhwhwhwh..." Temmie mumbles into our paws. She cannot believe what she is hearing. Or, telepathically receiving, as it were.
And then, just when I thought this line of questioning would be over, she asks...
"does Baku no ur realy a hooman???"
"NO. No, he does NOT."
My reaction startles Temmie, causing us to recoil a bit.
"h-hoomin...?? u... u ok?? u mad at me?? i dont want u to be-"
"No, Temmie, I'm not angry with you. But there's something very, very important that I need to tell you right now."
"...ya?" Temmie clearly isn't convinced that I'm not upset with her.
"It is true that I first met Baku while I was transformed into a skeleton monster, but I have also met him in my normal, human body. He does not know that we are the same person, and I intend to keep it that way. It is absolutely paramount that I prevent him from finding out that the brunette, pigtail-haired human woman, and the skeleton monster wearing the bunny hood, are one and the same."
"...whys dat??"
"It's for my own safety, Temmie. I shudder to think how he would react if he found out that the skeleton monster he met at the bar, and the human who he's hugged, kissed, and fiddled around with the pigtails of, were the exact same individual. Dear lord... he would never let me hear the end of it if he found out..."
We lower our paws from our mouth and sit down. Temmie is seriously worrying about me right now.
"hooman...? do u... not like Baku...?" 😥
"its not that, Temmie. its that im just scared of what hed do if he found out..."
"why u scared of Baku?"
"well... im gonna tell yu somethin' scary he told me."
Even though no one else is on the beach at the moment, I decide this is probably something I shouldn't say out loud.
"One time, I asked Baku why he was even called Baku. And he told me..."
"Dreams are my playground, sweetheart. I do with them as I please."
Temmie tilts our head in confusion.
"wats dat mean?"
I move our head back up. "well, a bakus a thing that eats dreams. its got a trunk like an elephant-"
"wats an el-a-fint?"
"uh... its an... never mind. anyway, a bakus a dream eater. da Fresh para-"
😱 ...
😐 ...
"...da funky fresh DJ u no an' love is named after a dream eater."
"yea, hes named aftr a dream eater. and he told me that dreams are..."
"...play ground?"
Temmie doesn't seem to be picking up where I'm going with this.
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babyawacs · 4 years
@lawyers .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fr ance24 @snowden @haaretzcom hoooow many ofthe germans dirtytricks like re-interpretation ex -post afterwards alibi trickery  and perception trickery is c ontradictory to eachothers traits  example exclusivity hook erbuzzwords of one andone only cockroachbunch oflocals turns out of 30years germany had accesstothe case 3years 1990  2001a s unknown who isit and between study 4months in 2011. ex-visiti ng parent  duringstudy findxraymurderer 2033 other trick s like momfool trickery contradicting this other tricks like prisonor hobo untildrive to france or fly tonewyork but int hemeantime itworks re-interpretation  perception criminal s hitsystem letting them aslong as its dayfool nothinghappensnes s b a r e l y controlled @bundestag .@bundestagsit @bund esrat @deutschland @bild @bild_de ihr spaziert jetzt gefffffaelligst in das naechste g y m n a s i u m wenns wieder losgeht und  erklaert den erstbesten kinde rn und hugendlichen was fuer totale prostituierte die doc h sind und dann  operiert die mal das die euch nicht auch noch weglaufen //// Und..wie rechnet sich dannaeh der g igabytepreis? Dann @bundestag .@bundestagsit @bundesrat @deutsc hland @bild @bild_de Also iiiiiich!!!!! Halte #deutschland ja fuer einland indem kannibalen netzwerke leute in gesunde grue ne sauce aufloesen die oben schwimmt, wenn man sie mit einem b e s o n d e r e n deutschen #f ernabsatzvertrag internetvertrag verscheissert hatte Dont say intel, say sexual mind detonation and @book @book_fair @n ytimesbooks ‎#intel #101 @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 .@fisa .@all @bbcr4 @haaretzcom @sno wden @abc @cbs Priming  Letsgo seek thatpervert he aeh stole our aeh mojo Andweall need our mojo Thatguy: yourwhatwha t?!?  Framing As any mojo thiefs he wears jeans. Ahaaaaa! And asyoucansee? What doeshe wear? All: woa..a jeans!  That guy: wha.. youre abunch of nuts Them ohyeah? Illshowyou mojothi efye Woodbride(blah) As any inferior failed inlife mojo thief he sat alone inhis chamber inhis lonely world and designed bride wedding dresses for his great wedding day oneday. Th en he autoerotically uses it for anal (blah idontwannaknowmor e) ‎Re-interpretation Factsthat cant be denied are re‎int erpreted as harmful or degrading  Thatguydidnt volunteer inthe redcross he aeh sold his anus for absolutely aeh nothing and that grannies braincook him Information-hegemony trickery german deutungs-hohheit ispartofit the campaigned version ofthi s ‎Proxies Intels use strawmen Intermediaries allthe time Everywherepossible Plays hotwars withproxies Colored revou tions  Play whackamole withcontianment  With Plausible d eniability Me i never  Whaaaaa?????t!???? Aeh.. to cannot c onfirm ordeny Wehave nothingtodowith it itis our land our secu rity system our intelmethods our shuffled authorities For twe nty yearsinthemosttightly regulated nation besidestheasians but s o m e h o w we aeh *readscard* What tosay when deadbea t arguments card *we aeh dont know what he means* Distort ion *dies of heart killtrick suffocationtrick poisontrikc* Quick!!!!!!! He has a sexual mind-detonation a  Sexual mind!qua ke! Quick! Get thecondoms. (wellmeaning detoxes poison/ fo ol brings poison/ illintent hehehe ) Catapult Drug ice form s iced forms of drugs pressure shotout penetrates clothes skin durig thismail too Tactially on odd by standerswalk White smoking dress and martinis? No. Networks Criminal intel deeds in decentralised semicrim inal intelnetworks You arenot equal itishow doyou spoil the christmas of thekids oftheothers bunch forwhichever Realreason Smashwords.com/books/view/5 52210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – R aw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INT EL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWAC S.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Don nate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@lawyers .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fr ance24 @snowden @haaretzcom hoooow many ofthe germans dirtytricks like re-interpretation ex -post afterwards alibi trickery  and perception trickery is c ontradictory to eachothers traits  example exclusivity hook erbuzzwords of one andone only cockroachbunch oflocals turns out of 30years germany had accesstothe case 3years 1990  2001a s unknown who isit and between study 4months in 2011. ex-visiti ng parent  duringstudy findxraymurderer 2033 other trick s like momfool trickery contradicting this other tricks like prisonor hobo untildrive to france or fly tonewyork but int hemeantime itworks re-interpretation  perception criminal s hitsystem letting them aslong as its dayfool nothinghappensnes s b a r e l y controlled @bundestag .@bundestagsit @bund esrat @deutschland @bild @bild_de ihr spaziert jetzt gefffffaelligst in das naechste g y m n a s i u m wenns wieder losgeht und  erklaert den erstbesten kinde rn und hugendlichen was fuer totale prostituierte die doc h sind und dann  operiert die mal das die euch nicht auch noch weglaufen //// Und..wie rechnet sich dannaeh der g igabytepreis? Dann @bundestag .@bundestagsit @bundesrat @deutsc hland @bild @bild_de Also iiiiiich!!!!! Halte #deutschland ja fuer einland indem kannibalen netzwerke leute in gesunde grue ne sauce aufloesen die oben schwimmt, wenn man sie mit einem b e s o n d e r e n deutschen #f ernabsatzvertrag internetvertrag verscheissert hatte Dont say intel, say sexual mind detonation and @book @book_fair @n ytimesbooks ‎#intel #101 @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 .@fisa .@all @bbcr4 @haaretzcom @sno wden @abc @cbs Priming  Letsgo seek thatpervert he aeh stole our aeh mojo Andweall need our mojo Thatguy: yourwhatwha t?!?  Framing As any mojo thiefs he wears jeans. Ahaaaaa! And asyoucansee? What doeshe wear? All: woa..a jeans!  That guy: wha.. youre abunch of nuts Them ohyeah? Illshowyou mojothi efye Woodbride(blah) As any inferior failed inlife mojo thief he sat alone inhis chamber inhis lonely world and designed bride wedding dresses for his great wedding day oneday. Th en he autoerotically uses it for anal (blah idontwannaknowmor e) ‎Re-interpretation Factsthat cant be denied are re‎int erpreted as harmful or degrading  Thatguydidnt volunteer inthe redcross he aeh sold his anus for absolutely aeh nothing and that grannies braincook him Information-hegemony trickery german deutungs-hohheit ispartofit the campaigned version ofthi s ‎Proxies Intels use strawmen Intermediaries allthe time Everywherepossible Plays hotwars withproxies Colored revou tions  Play whackamole withcontianment  With Plausible d eniability Me i never  Whaaaaa?????t!???? Aeh.. to cannot c onfirm ordeny Wehave nothingtodowith it itis our land our secu rity system our intelmethods our shuffled authorities For twe nty yearsinthemosttightly regulated nation besidestheasians but s o m e h o w we aeh *readscard* What tosay when deadbea t arguments card *we aeh dont know what he means* Distort ion *dies of heart killtrick suffocationtrick poisontrikc* Quick!!!!!!! He has a sexual mind-detonation a  Sexual mind!qua ke! Quick! Get thecondoms. (wellmeaning detoxes poison/ fo ol brings poison/ illintent hehehe ) Catapult Drug ice form s iced forms of drugs pressure shotout penetrates clothes skin durig thismail too Tactially on odd by standerswalk White smoking dress and martinis? No. Networks Criminal intel deeds in decentralised semicrim inal intelnetworks You arenot equal itishow doyou spoil the christmas of thekids oftheothers bunch forwhichever Realreason Smashwords.com/books/view/5 52210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – R aw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INT EL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWAC S.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Don nate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@lawyers .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom hoooow many ofthe germans dirtytricks like re-interpretation ex-post afterwards alibi trickery and perception trickery is contradictory to eachothers traits example exclusivity hookerbuzzwords of one andone only cockroachbunch oflocals turnsout of 30years germany had accesstothe case 3years 1990 2001as unknown…
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Team USA's Winter Olympics highlights and lowlights: our writers' verdicts
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Team USA's Winter Olympics highlights and lowlights: our writers' verdicts
From Chloe Kims gold to Elizabeth Swaneys slouch towards glory, Guardian writers on the big stories from Pyeongchang
Best US performance at the Olympics
No American woman had ever won an Olympic medal in cross country until Jessie Diggins overtook Sweden and Norway on the final lap to win the team sprint freestyle alongside Kikkan Randall. The bubbly 26-year-old from Minnesota, who spends her downtime learning hip-hop dance routines from YouTube tutorials, suffered near-miss after near-miss early on in Pyeongchang when she finished in the top six but off the podium in her first four events, missing bronze by 3.3 seconds in the 10km freestyle. Nevertheless, she persisted. For her efforts and ebullience Diggins was chosen to carry the flag into the closing ceremony by her USA team-mates. BAG
John Shusters name was synonymous with failure on the biggest stage. It was always unfair. He had a good record in World Championship competition, and if anyone in the USA couldve outperformed him, he wouldnt have been in the Olympics. Americans have short attention spans, and we only notice the Olympics, where he has twice flopped as a skip. After a 2-4 start in Pyeongchang, every game was a must-win. He reeled off a long succession of clutch shots over the course of several days. A 4-5 record wouldve been fine. He, and his team, won gold. BD
The womens hockey teams win over Canada was the most exciting moment for the American delegation. It had been 20 years since the team had won gold, forever frustrated by the mighty Canadian team. And while this group seemed to have a better chance at gold going into these Games, the thought of actually beating Canada in the final sounded too daunting to imagine. Then they did and in one of the greatest Olympic hockey games too. LC
Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson. Hockey may be the ultimate team sport, but Lamoureux-Davidsons individual effort on her shootout goal to help finally push the US past Canada set her apart. A day after the US win, I was at a hockey rink and saw a group of young boys trying and failing to replicate the female stars puck wizardry. The US will likely have to go through Canada again in four years, but Lamoureux-Davidsons goal in Pyeongchang will live on forever. DG
Biggest US disappointment
Madison Hubell and Zachary Donohue encapsulate the feelings of many US skaters in Pyeongchang. Photograph: Jean Catuffe/Getty Images
None of the US womens figure skating contingent Bradie Tennell (who finished ninth), Mirai Nagasu (10th) and Karen Chen (11th) skated cleanly in any of their six programs in the singles competition, where an American woman failed to finish in the top six for the first time at any Olympics since World War II. As Alina Zagitova became the second-youngest Olympic gold medalist in figure skating history after Tara Lipinski, the heady days of American dominance embodied by Lipinski, Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen and Sarah Hughes never felt more distant. (And that was before the normally whip-smart Nagasus bizarre post-competition remarks, which shes been walking back since.) BAG
The disappointment was spread almost evenly, from speedskating to biathlon, but the biggest had to be figure skating. They were just good enough in the team event, and Mirai Nagasu in particular was exceptional. But after that, too many things went wrong. The highlights were Nathan Chens free skate and the Shibutanis free dance, along with beautiful but not highly scored skates from Adam Rippon. The lowlights: all three women had major issues with their individual performances, two of the ice dance duos faltered in the free skate, and Chen dug too deep a hole for himself in the short program. BD
Figure skating overshadows everything else at the Winter Olympics and the US traditionally does well in this sport. At least until this year. While there were a few bright spots for the American team Nathan Chens comeback and team and ice dancing bronzes the overall performance was poor, especially for the US women who have often been the countrys biggest Olympic stars. Pyeongchang showed how far American figure skating has fallen behind the rest of the world. LC
Things quickly fell apart for US figure skating after getting bronze in the team event and no number of Adam Rippon interviews could save it. The question for US figure skating is, considering the intense training required by very young athletes to excel in the sport, is it worth whats required to get back to the medal stand in 2022? DG
Star of the Games
Marit Bjoergen displayed her brilliance in Pyeongchang. Photograph: Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images
The only correct answer is Ester Ledeck, the winter sports polymath from the Czech Republic whose golds in alpine skiings super-G (in one of the biggest Olympic upsets ever) and snowboardings parallel giant slalom (as the prohibitive favorite) gave her an unprecedented ski-snowboarding double and made her only the third athlete ever to win individual Winter Games medals in different sports and the first in 86 years. Greatest athlete on the planet? The 22-year-old is no doubt in the discussion. BAG
Norwegian cross-country skier Marit Bjoergen already had 10 Olympic medals from four Olympics. Thats a remarkable career, but it wasnt enough for her. At age 37, she took five more, finishing her Olympic career with a rout of nearly two minutes in the 30km classical. She is the Michael Phelps of the Winter Games, holding the career record with 15 medals. BD
While Norway dominated the Olympics and should be celebrated as the star of the Games, we must pay tribute to the US mens curling team. The memory of five unathletic men with brooms in their hands will be burned in many minds for years to come. America is about to have its curling craze. A sport that has brought giggles for years will now spawn news clubs and a new generation of young American curlers looking for their own Olympic glory without having to lift a weight. LC
Chloe Kims father emigrated to the United States. And the 17-year old snowboarding superstar loves breakfast sandwiches so much she tweeted about them in the middle of her work day. Tens of millions of Americans can relate to at least one, if not both of those experiences. What we cant relate to is her ability to fly in the half pipe. But her talent, youth and personality means she will be the biggest name in US winter sports heading to 2022. DG
Villain of the Games
Elizabeth Swaney wends her way towards a very average performance. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP
My personal villain was Soohorang. (Dont even get me started.) But a more universal choice would have to be the weather, which made a mockery of organizers attempts to schedule the alpine skiing competition by squeezing it on both ends of the calendar. As a result Mikaela Shiffrins much-hyped bid for history in five events was truncated to three. Her results in those races speak for themselves first in the giant slalom, fourth in the slalom and second in the alpine combined and by no sane metric could Shiffrins Olympics be considered a disappointment, even if the fourth-place finish did come in the discipline shes dominated since Sochi. But there will always persist a sense of what if surrounding Shiffrins fortnight in the Taebaek mountains. Who knows what records might have fallen had only the weather complied? BAG
Italian biathlete Dominik Windisch surely couldnt believe his luck in the mixed relay when Germanys Arnd Peiffer missed four shots, leaving the door open for Italy to take a medal. Windisch and Peiffer battled for the third spot all through the last lap. Windisch had a slight edge heading into the finishing straight, where lanes are marked and skiers are supposed to remain within them. Windisch and Peiffer each picked a lane just before the markers. But Windisch suddenly moved in front and cut him off. Peiffer practically had to stop and change lanes, finishing 0.3 seconds behind Windisch. The jury ruled the move legal. Bild saw it differently, with the headline: Italien foult sich zu Biathlon-Bronze (Italy fouls its way to biathlon bronze). BD
Wasnt Russia supposed to have been banned from these Olympics for manipulating thousands of doping tests for its athletes before and during the 2014 Sochi Games? And yet more than 170 Russian athletes were allowed to compete in Pyeongchang under the vague title of Olympic Athletes from Russia. There was even a Russian House, even if it wasnt allowed to use that name. Whats a ban if it isnt really a ban? LC
Weve all had the conversation about which Olympic sport we could most easily participate in without any training. Maybe its one of the people who sweeps in curling. Or the guy in doubles luge who doesnt steer the sled. But thats all its supposed to be: a conversation. Elizabeth Swaney actually did it in competition. Swaney loopholed her way into a spot in the skiing halfpipe for Hungary and then cautiously coasted down the course. Its not what the Olympics is supposed to be about. The Olympics are supposed to be about corruption and blood doping. Im sorry, I mean the best athletes in the world. DG
The USs performance at the Games was
Without diminishing the efforts and commitment of the individual athletes themselves, its hard to characterize the collective outcome as anything but a disappointment. The 23 overall medals won fell short of the USOCs target goal of 37 medals and baseline of 25. And only 11 of those 23 came in sports that were on the program at the Calgary Olympics in 1988, when the United States hit rock bottom with six to prompt an overhaul of the entire winter sports infrastructure. The downward trends in two sports where the United States has traditionally thrived, speed skating and figure skating, showed no signs of reversing. And this was without a full-strength Russian side in the mix. Let the inquest begin. BAG
Erratic. Also unlucky in the case of Alpine skiing, where the rescheduling hurt Mikaela Shiffrins quest to win a ton of medals, but she still wound up with a gold and a silver. In biathlon and speedskating, the USA had a strong 2017 season but fell off sharply this season. Its not that the squad is considerably worse across the board, but theyre missing some of the rainmakers theyve had in the past. In 2010, the USA had three athletes Bode Miller, Johnny Spillane and Apolo Ohno win three medals each. This year, the only multimedalists were Shiffrin, snowboarder Jamie Anderson and the ice-dancing Shib Sibs, each with two. But nine gold medals and 23 in total arent bad, and the breakthroughs in cross-country skiing and curling, along with the womens hockey thriller, will be replayed on NBC for decades to come. BD
Sometimes the obsession over medals can cloud perceptions of what the Olympics is supposed to be about. But the US was expected to win more than 23 medals, especially after taking 28 and 37 in the last two Winter Games. There were great performances like Chloe Kim in the halfpipe, yet overall the American team fell far short of their goals. Especially disappointing were the figure skating and speed skating teams. LC
Just good enough. The US finished fourth in gold medals in fourth in total medals, far back of Donald Trumps beloved Norway, but Team USAs big successes Chloe Kim, the US womens ice hockey gold, Team Shusters upset curling gold (I believe one or two people called it the Miracurl On Ice) meant that a narrative of underperformance could never really stick. DG
One improvement for the Beijing Games
This marked the United States lowest medal haul since the 1998 Nagano Games, when they finished sixth in total medals with 13, the same below-average placement their eight medals earned in Sapporo 1972. Thats worrisome when you consider Beijing will be the third of three straight Olympics in the far east after Pyeongchang and the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo. Theres always going to be a drop-off when you compete halfway the world, but lets just hope the USOC makes headway on whatever distance-based issues they can identify that are holding the team back. BAG
For organizers: start the Alpine skiing events before the opening ceremony so weather postponements wont compress the schedule so badly. For those who arent directly involved: get NHL players back in the Olympics. BD
Not only are cities finding it expensive to host Olympics but fans cant seem to afford the tickets. The everlasting image of Pyeongchang was event after event performed in front of empty stands. Its a lot to expect people from all over the world to spend thousands to come to the Olympics. Too often, the Games are held in places where locals cant afford to buy seats. In 2008 many Beijing residents were priced out of events being held in their neighborhoods: the IOC has to find a way to make tickets affordable otherwise they are just producing a television show before empty audiences. LC
None. In four years, I think well all be happy enough if the world is still in good enough shape for the Olympics to take place. DG
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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this is not a fun aethetics tumblr i only need to write things down that i dont want to be alone in my mind with and it so happens that i cant directly write them to anyone because i am partly emotionally unavailable and no one is actually anywhere close to me or who i truly am and i dont mean this in an annoying tumblr way i do not pity myself i am aware that this is entirely my fault because i am a complete fucking unlikeable to-the-max asshole and also my grammar sucks because i dont care so yah here we fucking are i just cried and  felt lonely and like i will never have anyone close to me ever i will never be part of  a team like those cute unbreakble friendships or serious relationships that actually mean something and that work together . i am always on the outside. and now i feel on the outside of ssociety as a whole but i so desperately want to be part of it and be seen. do i want to work for that? yes, i am absolutely willing to do so. do i know how to? no. do i know how to function around other people? no. i dont think anyone would ever chose me over someone else. i dont think i could ever be someones first priority. no one would ever want to live lifes together and build something together. and i am not talking about a romantic relationship here. it might sound like that. i see siblings that bild a life together. i see friends that chase after goals together. inseperable. how can i ever achieve this. how could i ever achieve anything on my own when i dont even know how to communicate properly. i am so very unlikeable. i teared up writing this. in my imagination i am funny, fun to be arond,  charming, sweet, a little disrespectully naughty in a loving way, sure, but still- likeable (and when i say in my imagination i mean i literally imagine myself in situations of human c interaction and i imagine whole conversatins that i want to have) . in reality however- nothing. i make people uncomfortable. they think im weird and if they dont, they at least always feel superior. noone is interested in undesirable and weak people. no one wants the burden of that. it doesnt please everyones desire to have fun and be socially advanced in that new millenial way i dont know how to explain what i mean.   i dont know. it makes sense in my head. another thing. many things make sense in my head but when i open my mouth only stupid gibbberish comes out followed by something that makes everyone hate me or at least dislike my presence. i once read people will always remember how you make them feel. sucks for me because people dont feel good around me. they at most feel mildly amused or superior so that sure is a service i can provide haha. i didnt move my mouth one bit as i wrote “haha” because i am not amused by this in the least. at most i can appreciate the cynisism. 
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tomleetv · 7 years
To start of the Brief, we have been tasked to create 3 Ffresh videos, being a Sting, Lower Third and Category Divider. I like this task because I feel its a nice way to ease in to the software and get to grips with using 3d. 
For me, this was fun because i have chosen to use cinema 4d which i dont know how to use, so its time to learn! wooo!
ok so before starting this i wanted to wait and just hold back so i could get an idea for what everyone else was doing, not because i wanted to copy, but actually for the opposite reason. I like to try different things so when i asked a few questions and got an idea of what most of the people in class were doing, that then allowed me to stay away from that and go a different route. 
I started by going behind the university and filming down the ‘ally way ish thing’ which i could then use to just track the Ffresh logo into using c4d’s Cineware built in to after effects.  The Idea was just to walk forward holding the camera, litteraly filmed on my iphone and just track it within the scene, which the camera would then pass through. as i wanted a reveal effect i just reversed the footage and because i used warp stablizer, you cant tell which way i was originally walking so it worked fine. 
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But, After i got the footage smoothed and tracked and placed the logo within the scene, as soon as i played it a few times, i realised i hated it. so i didn’t continue to blend it in to the scene and colour correct, as it would have been a wast of time, so i went back to the drawing board and started again. 
I wanted to keep my Idea simple, meaning i didn’t want to go through the effort of tracking the footage in 3d space again and then creating a 3d object and placing it in my scene while linking c4d and AE, soooo I tried to think of an idea where i could just use a still and animate it to look like video. Ive done the trick before many times for my own Instagram where i would animate photos to let others know i’ve posted a new image
So knowing i can do it, i decided it was the best option for me and would also be helpful with time as i would preferably want to put as much time in to my main ident as possible. 
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I was sat in lesson, looked out the window and seen the crane in the skyline, and straight away thought how cool it would be if the fresh logo was dangling from the wire. So i waited for lesson to finish, pulled out the good ole camera, chucked the 50mm 1.8 on and snapped a photo of it. Luckily the weather was near perfect so it was my lucky day. 
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I took the image as flat as possible by bringing down the settings in camera and also slightly under exposing the image which was fine as i was shooting in raw so i wanted the details in the sky.
saturation: -1
sharpness: -1
contrast: -3
Once i had the image i took it to photoshop made some adjustments in Raw. This was little things like increasing clarity and also adjust the yellow luminance
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As the windows dont open anymore in our room, i had to just deal with the reflection in the window, so i used the spot healing brush to simply paint it out along with the edges of the frame which i didnt wanted like the bilding and window frame.
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This then gave me a clean image with just the sky and Crane. I then removed the saturation and used a levels to crush the black and increase the whites and much as possible. Like i said earlier the sky was perfect as the cloud were nice and white, so this part was pretty easy. 
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I then converted the white to an alpha channel, and to do this i simply duplicated the main image, and added a mask. Then i used the colour picker to select the black within the matte i had created. 
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This then converted the black(white when selected) in to a matte which had a transparent background.
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Quick test by placing a vibrant background behind crane to see if any white spill was made, which it wasnt so we were all set. 
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I then simply removed the crane from the image so i had both the crane and sky on separate layers which i could later use to animate in after effects. 
I had to find out how to import a logo in to c4d and for that i found this tutorial. There are better ones out there but this is the one i happened to use. 
To get the Logo 3d, I had to first take it in to illustrator, from this, I could create a path around the entire logo which when exported as an illustrator file, can be opened in c4d. After this I then simply use an ‘Extrude’ on the import and thats how I get the logo. 
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To make sure everything was correct, when setting up a camera, i made sure the focal length matched the lens i used for the photo. 
Texturing it was fairly easy, I just changed the colour to red and added a reflection, although this didn’t really show in the render so I add it back in within after effects later on.
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Once I had this i then added 4 lines which would be support guides as if they were attached to the crane. I then rendered the sequence out as a Tiff sequence in 720p, the reason is purely because it was faster but also because the video itself is 1080p and I was going to be scaling down the logo to fit the crane so it didn’t need the full resolution. 
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I then placed the logo where i wanted it to be on the crane. As i rendered it out with a green plane behind, i used keylight to remove the green which would alpha the channel, making it transparent. I changed the colour of the crane to a red tone also to match the Ffresh logo as i felt it just added something else.
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I then made more adjustments like adding a bird within the scene and camera shake to make the difference between video and photo, along with keyframing the sky to move and reflection, and this is the final result. 
when making a lower thirds i simply went to google and just browsed what was already made, i then usd that as inspiration for my lower third. when looking at the logo, i first tried fitting the entire thing in but was having problems with how the text would sit next to each other, but then the idea came to my head of just having a singular F which was the start of the lower third, and by using a write on style effect, having everything smoothly appear on screen. 
For the category divide I wanted to match the same style as the lower third so they could both be used in sync together and just overall work well as a combo if wanted to be. This time I used the full logo as I felt it was important from an advertisement point of view to make sure it was all shown. this is just because its an opening to a category and for people who may turn up late or half way through a showing, this will make sure everyone knows the Name. This didn't need to be done within the lower thirds as it plays throughout a category so the ‘F’ is enough to resemble to logo. I also looked at previous category dividers and what was clear was the fact that all of them have previously been on the left hand side of the video, and even ones being made by people in our class, i’m not sure why but people really like the left hand side. So me being me, obviously i put mine on the Right.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Madam president: are female leaders better for women?
Hillary Clinton would have done more for women than Trump, but less than Bernie Sanders. What is womens politics, anyway and who does it best?
This piece started with the assumption that in 2017 we would have a feminised global stage: thered be Hillary Clinton in the White House, Theresa May in Downing Street, Angela Merkel in the Bundeskanzleramt, and Marine Le Pen in a hollowed-out volcano. I wanted to know: what would such a spectrum of women in power, with their various viewpoints, tell us about womens politics? Is there such a thing? Is it a good thing? And how do you square a feminist desire for female leaders with the ascension of non-feminist ones? But it didnt quite turn out like that. Now, those questions seem peripheral.
When Donald Trump won, the notion of a broad, instinctive female solidarity was brutally exposed as myth: open misogyny in word, demeanour and the shape of a dozen sexual assault allegations deterred only a minority of women voters.
But now that we are in the grip of strongman politics, it is impossible to give up on the notion of womens politics. We face a gender equality crisis. The sharp end of this is that any authoritarian politician, from President Trump to Ukips Paul Nuttall, tends to be anti-abortion, having correctly identified that the best way to dominate a woman is to take away her choice of when to be a mother. But thats just the beginning: big daddy politics seeks no consensus, brooks no resistance, acknowledges no pluralism. We no longer have the luxury of time, which means ditching nuanced debate in favour of action. But action how?
Already Trumps inauguration has generated one response, the thing people do when they must do something but dont know what: they take to the streets. Todays Womens March on Washington, planned by a woman named Bob Bland, references both the March on Washington of 1963 and the Million Woman March on Philadelphia in 1997; a UK version is also taking place in London.
When I spoke to the organiser, Emma McNally, a 47-year-old artist, I thought she was being evasive on the womens politics question. It wasnt evasion, she said, it was a resistance to oversimplification, which, she says infantilises us and makes us very malleable. If we know who we are, we know who we belong with, then we feel strong, we can act with certainty. In other words, you cant just meet the simplicity of the tough guy with the simplicity of the elemental woman.
Youll waste a lot of time if you get mired in a discussion of what womens values are cooperation, empathy, humanity, solidarity and whether or not one gender has a right to annex them. This is what Sophie Walker, leader of the new-ish Womens Equality Party (WEP), remembers of the unfeminist 90s. We were always being diverted into a conversation about what feminism was. We couldnt ever get to the point of what a feminist does, because we had to spend all that time talking about what one looks like. The challenge now, she says, is to look at all politics through the lens of gender, because thats the only way were going to build a country that functions properly, in which everybody is seen and everybody is heard.
When Donald Trump won, the notion of a broad, instinctive female solidarity was brutally exposed as myth. Photograph: John Gurzinski/AFP/Getty Images
Twenty-one years ago, a series of postcards appeared in the Body Shop, which in those days wasnt a way to kill time in a station, but rather the embodiment of progressive consumerism. Its founder, Anita Roddick, was a feminist and an environmentalist who, with activists Bernadette Vallely, Sue Tibballs and others, asked an open-ended question: what do women want?
Their methodology was not dissimilar to Shere Hites 1976 report on female sexuality: you could be anonymous or not, and the sample was whoever replies. The flaws in this approach basically, that it preselected women who could afford to arse about in the Body Shop, and could also afford a stamp have been exhaustively pointed out. The fact is, with 6,000 replies, containing 46,000 suggestions, it remains the biggest independent survey of women ever undertaken in the UK. At the end of 2015, Tibballs and others launched it again, and their What Women Want 2.0 is still in train; the Womens Equality party has been collecting some of the responses while canvassing.
I worked on the original report, in a very peripheral capacity, and not for the right reasons (I was chasing a guy; it was quite circuitous, but it worked). I didnt believe in the report, not at all: the language felt soft and victimy; it was all about childcare and maternity leave, which is not at all interesting when you havent got children; and violence against women, which is of course! vitally important, but couldnt harness or accommodate the politics of optimism that prevailed at the time. I was waiting for a world in which children werent a womens issue, given that half the bloody things are male (and half of the making is done by men). A recurring demand for a healthy planet and respect for our planetary resources seemed to imply that women, by our very natures, cared more about the future. Elsewhere in the report, a National Health Service with proper funding got rolled into support for positive and alternative health, as if socialising medicine and believing in homeopathy were one and the same.
I wasnt the only sceptic: famously, the 1990s saw a dip in the popularity of feminism. At the Evening Standard newspaper, where I then worked, it was not unusual to get letters from readers saying, Yes, I agree with equal pay and abortion rights. But would I call myself a feminist? No thanks!
Theresa May is she better or worse than Margaret Thatcher? Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP
Last October, at the south London office of the Womens Equality party, members of the What Women Want team sat down with party staff to compare the original 1996 responses with todays, and ask whats changed in 20 years. I expected to hear about newfangled concerns. Cybercrime, perhaps, or polyamory.
In fact, most things havent changed, and those that have have changed for the worse. Women still want decent childcare and equal wages, but now they also want to be able to afford the rent; they still want to feel safe in public spaces, but now they would also like, if you please, not to get death threats every time they go online and give a view; they still want environmental sustainability to come before profit, but global solidarity has largely slipped out of the language (though there are positive signs that its back again: the recent threat to limit abortion rights in Poland sparked the Black Umbrellas protests across Europe).
In the 90s, women talked a lot about what they wanted from their boyfriends and partners: sometimes help with the chores, sometimes sex, sometimes recognition. Now, theres plenty about men en masse, how they should be educated about rape and consent; but in terms of the relationships that build their identity, women talk only about their children. This seems completely obvious to the women I speak to in their 20s. It would be so out of fashion now to hinge my identity as a feminist on my relationship with my partner, says Priscilla Mensah, members officer for the WEP. Hannah Peaker, the WEPs chief of staff, recalls one poignant response that struck her: One woman talking about the disappointment that moment, either when children come along, or youre trying to buy a house, when you realise that equality wasnt real, when you see how sexist things are underneath.
Peaker is savage on the way the rise of freelance work has impacted women. Theres been this really clever branding around women entrepreneurs. But if you look at the data, these are women who have been driven to working for themselves because they couldnt get the flexibility they needed. Theyre just doing the same jobs with no rights, no benefits, no maternity leave.
Pensions have about equal prominence in the original report and today, except that then the problem was that the system was based on the male-breadwinner model, and divorced pensioners lost out; now, the 2011 Pensions Act (which brought womens pensionable age into line with mens) means that all women born in the 1950s lose out. The responses were more or less exactly the same, almost word for word: Ive worked 44 years, and its completely unfair, says Mensah. There was a real sense of injustice. One cannot help wondering whether, if women pushing 60 were as large a part of the body politic as men, this change would have been sprung on them so blithely.
One striking similarity between the 90s and now is the complaints about media representation: the invisibility of older women; objectification; women described according to their looks rather than their achievements. There is no perceptible difference in the importance women place on safety from harassment, from violence although two decades ago there was more discussion around international security, the threat of war, the nuclear threat. Im struck, Tibballs says, by how safety is still such a big thing. Peaker tells us she has spoken to women, while campaigning, who say they probably spend about an hour extra a day planning around safety, without even thinking about it. One woman talked about it as a tax, the way she would have to get a taxi after 11pm, to avoid the walk home, or join a gym, because she couldnt run through a park in the winter.
Its such a foreign issue to men, says publicist Will Hill, who has been involved in the new survey. I did a focus group with young teenage girls in Brighton, asking what they wanted. I was expecting better access to music, tech, all that. And they all said, Street lighting.
Angela Merkel a way point as a leader. Photograph: Ullstein Bild via Getty Images
Alison Shergold was one of the original respondents, and at the time a fundraiser for Rape Crisis London: in 1996, she wanted statutory funding bodies for rape crisis centres throughout the UK. Now, she works in an upmarket commercial estate agent and says ruefully, Ive sold my soul to the corporate beast. She resists the urge to generalise about anything. I was in a lesbian relationship when I did the first survey, and my girlfriend was a separatist, very anti-men. I wasnt: I know some lovely men and some bitch women. Some things have got better, she thinks; others not. I dont think any of the goals were achieved. [Rape] conviction rates havent changed, or preventing it. I dont even want to change the world any more; I just want violence against women to stop, violence against everybody.
The projects cofounder Tibballs, meanwhile, takes a Kipling-esque approach to triumph and disaster, describing success and abject failure with the same cheerful straightforwardness. There is something intellectually wholesome, tireless and timeless about her, like a lady poet of the 30s or a Victorian explorer. The job that the project did, 20 years ago, was that it made it absolutely clear that you cannot, as a political party, not have a position on women and equality. Childcare wasnt in a single manifesto it wasnt part of the conversation. We put it on the agenda. And yet, she counters herself, Where the hell are we?
Perhaps we shouldnt be defining womens issues or perspectives, but rather highlighting those that are distinctively male. For instance, since the financial crash of 2008, there has been a political fetish for hard work. Families are legitimised by the prefix hard-working; immigrants divided into net contributors to the taxing state, or beneficiaries of it. Citizens are weighed by their economic activity, with moral disapprobation attached to those who are inactive.
This is nonsensical, since we all know that everyone is economically inactive for some part of their lives, and often youre working a lot harder when youre not being paid (childcare in your prime; volunteering in retirement; caring when there is nobody else to care). Often that work brings more to society than its cash equivalent. Practically speaking, these are political or economic conditions that hit women in a particular way; to respond to them as individuals rather than as a group is foolish like a thousand atomised complaints about pollution from people who all live on the same A-road.
It would be remiss to ignore conventional politics in this. I asked the Labour MP Margaret Hodge how she thinks womens politics have changed during her near 25 years in Westminster. She related an argument shed had recently with Harriet Harman about whether Theresa May is better or worse than Margaret Thatcher. May has done some good stuff, stuff that doesnt really impinge on her, like [tackling] FGM, Hodge says. It doesnt cost her very much, politically, but I dont think Mrs T would have done it. Is a female prime minister who takes FGM seriously, but waves through an austerity programme that devastates more women than men better than one who actively avoids any solidarity with her sex?
If, as Hodge maintains, the Trump-Clinton contest showed that politicians always tend to have gender-specific approaches to their politics, this becomes like a puzzle: is it always better to have one woman than no women, regardless of whether she fights for women? Or is politics like a BBC panel show: one woman, described as a minimum, is functionally a maximum? A non-feminist woman is currently occupying a space that would be better filled, for women generally, by someone who went in to bat for us.
How does Hodge feel about the use of the word feminism? Im delighted that feminism is back. Ive called myself a feminist throughout my career when it was fashionable, when it was deeply unfashionable. Women over 35 identify themselves to one another this way, a shibboleth of authenticity, like loving the Pixies before they were cool: its all very well being a feminist today, but where were you in the 90s?
My own idiosyncratic political position in the 90s was nothing of the sort, but the meeting of two frontiers, which squeezed the feminist space until its pips squeaked. On the one hand, there was the overhang of Thatcherism; it was an ethos in which, as Hodge says, you proved your brilliance as a woman by beating men on their own terms. To raise womens issues was akin to pleading weakness. On the other, there was the 80s residue of career women who had toughed it out, either forgoing having children or returning to work after 10 days maternity leave; they were genuinely scornful of that side of the equality agenda. Hodge remembers terrible resentment against any concessions on childcare or maternity leave. They didnt want to see these changes: they felt theyd made these sacrifices, and why should we have it all? It was an era when solidarity itself had fallen out of fashion: and without it, what bonded women? Hoovering and childbirth? No, thanks!
Nicola Sturgeon takes a keen interest in low wages and the systems that create them. Photograph: Bloomberg via Getty Images
Thinking about it now, I am beset by a sense of failure. I ceded the language of solidarity in favour of individual rights. I took no pride in the womens movement and its history, and lost that organisational muscle memory. I was happy to argue the toss about whether environmentalism and childcare were female in essence, rather than saying, Who are you people who think profit is more important than the planet? Who thinks childcare isnt a group effort?
Meanwhile, this is the politics that was developing in tandem: the hyper-masculinist language of self-interest, tough talk, militarism, competitiveness and control, all now considered normal. The essential cooperative qualities that any society needs to be halfway functioning are currently considered not only unrealistic but wishy-washy, pass and rather niche. But I do not feel downhearted: this situation cant last because it is just too stupid.
I was looking in the wrong place for the value of the idea. It was never meant to be a coherent programme of female-friendly actions, to which all right-thinking women would subscribe. It may be that there is no such thing as a womens issue but still, on any given subject, there is always a distinct womens perspective, without which you will never meaningfully understand it. Feminism is always in the detail, in each granular answer, in every individual woman.
Having female leaders is clearly useful. But a woman at the top can never, even with feminist bona fides up the wazoo, bring the complete perspective of her gender. So much of this is about power: how a shrinking state throws its burdens back on to individuals; how those individuals are usually women; how this is ignored by the language of competition and self-interest.
Clinton would have been better for women than Trump, merely by maintaining Obamacare and not redistributing wealth upwards; but not as good as Bernie Sanders, with his more coherent vision for empowering the dispossessed. May is probably no better or worse for women than Cameron was, although her predecessor might have worked harder to keep an on-the-record misogynist (Philip Davies MP) off the committee for women and equalities. Angela Merkel is less good for her gender than Nicola Sturgeon, who takes a keener interest in low wages and the systems that create them.
In the end, all these leaders are way points, not end points. To wish they were better, gutsier, more harmonious feminists is a needless distraction: far better to wish them part of a bigger choir.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kcHF5k
from Madam president: are female leaders better for women?
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babyawacs · 4 years
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: "better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then" this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime "yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish": #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: “better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then” this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime “yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish”: #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk
guilty. liable. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them their ownpoisons for the shit they do…
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babyawacs · 4 years
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time "yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish" : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time “yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish” : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers
********* get from the supercourts and time
“yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies…
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babyawacs · 4 years
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de the german govt + supr anational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others th at know theymessed but wanan stay neat must show face abroad how good for them thattheyrenot all rotten but for this very case they all are equally guilty liable causing shuffling harms and proxies it iis not woa after allwe did alallong an d stillmess we could maybe try this tweak then wecan pillage it and and if we dothis so its cheaper forus maybe hes stup id enough to sign there i s no such thing as guiltyconscience they flip between the necessary (monstrous) and the moral thereis no conscience some wouldbe like taboo "daran schwer versuendigt" maybe. m a y b e but like dont touch another ta boo of countless they shuffle harms and they shuffle proxies and inthe meantime decoy throw object flipcausality vict imblame try perversion anything that makes pressure point on a case they did monstrous things alallong to pillage it to savemoney was earlier whenthe inventions are game changing its even for whatthey think existential isay they shuffle h arms and proxies inthis underhuman dared tokicktheir ass but which trick could work which flip this. we must gain chains leverage pressurepoints we deserve and or orelse we itis through and through disdainworthy despicable youcan empower t hose that want a comeclean withthemess the compensate the crimes apologise sowhat but you must not trust themever they f lip between the necessary and the moral itis neofeudal mildsafe ornot depends onthese things for soemthing that is a jo ke hands down. safety for life health sexuality property family basics genuine hard to the biology basics idoubt they gras p what scums they are they flip between the necessary and the moral and try sth here nomatter what but which trick th en *************** this is germany youre confused by the flip between morality and thenecessary by the decentralisation neofeudal where shuffling proxies whcih tick by own facettes but its morelike goodcop badcop trickery plus alot of lul l decoy whackamole ************** all hard interconnected realtime bot searchign special words warn onspecial words or bl ingpling on good things transponder info on proximity to clowns and such scan millimeterwaves roadcrossings villagecor nerwise to aeh e mp o w e r the aeh blind and the lame or and or just one of these sgerman sgermany this is what itis // // how did the german cockroaches avert anyinfo. thelayer1 causing authorities with timecontrol accomplice. imean. loo kat layer2 cocockroaches. the cockroaches they immunised todowhat.  lookatem how theyre a llabout what a prostitute youare or what a momfool you are or gayprisonor fantasies. or p edo orgytricks. or steal with anything.  these. cockroaches.   dont control time system synchronisation bank synchronisa tion in newyork. layer1 causing authorities play for keepit as day fool and quell a n y i nfo. how.   allthe decoys: they throw decoys and coverup. at who? brief the clowns that are nonhostile tryto demystify theshit their layer1 causing authroties german govt + control accomplcies did. its criminal g ovt agenda turned eu interest withnothignhappens and any crime after the nutting tricks may have failed again //// #i #bet #israel  @israel #li ke: aaaaw????lethim marry his mule orwhatevee. sowhat!? #me: gaah  .@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden didth e german govt acknowledge myweddint with maron ifnot itisobv ious they game for dayfool control with their devious intelcoma system same with acknowled ging fortune theymighthave tried to taxit without acknowledge it orthestatus but hedge ra ther chavbum games over studentloan federalbank //// fin d messer xraytrickster beamtirkc finedsut trick 1823 pm . germans usually "the-mythical-esquinlax" their crimes or germ an "aeh-fengshui" their crimes   but itis constantly effor ted harm with intel tools intel access deedtyped before during and after daytimecharging it // //thisis oneofthe milde r days theresnonhostile oncase maybe minormischief atplay. minors always rescue enforceprevention scums or minors preven tion. measure chow with a more sensitive xraydevice. what is the damage when this already makes mildsick allis blah you dontfeelgood fromit but dont wannabarf.  all is blah and your e mildsick.  sometimes on someoccasions your teeth get metallic and allis blah. itis a minor mess the years of highpowe red radar and beta and neutrontrick werenot helpful. priority is heart heartbackleg from suffocaiton kiltlrick and tooman y flatlinegames toomany surgeries and backleg tricks and backleg artery access damamgin bloodvessels thenmore finedus t and more heart tricks /// im terrrorised with eyedrugpri ckles ice catapults and leechery clown accesed.  am annoyed b y a shitball yesterday about 148bucks formymother orso as bs debt. the verfassungsschutz mustve tried some clown shitba ll game about create pressurepoints trickery orthelocal clowns that drugme drowsy like grandure nutbum gets 148bucks bill trickery.   cockroachgerman cockroaches itis frauded into msiery and trashcan damamges deeedtyped . bombou terroriser. cautionwith minors. the accesser or contorlelr seems liek a fool or a minor mischief about yourenotyou fantasies. they aaaaaaaaaaaall are themselves. even the hudnred cases e v e r that playpretend theyre arnold schwartzenrambpo to renounce pain or anticipation of pain . a verylatestage feardiseas e.  so the contradictory shitball trickery by the same fools. itis another shitball tofind wackos that are extremely happy then extremely sad as bipolar shitball. thinkofthis. in the system of arbitrary drugs arbitrary brainmesses abritrary whattheywant messes.  arbi trary braincook forehead to control em as fools hedge then never developed shitballs. and this. is e e e x a c t l y howit works.  so. cautionwith min ors mischief minors they c an n o tknow. explainem.  but fo ols. that arbitrarily damamge me jail. thenprevention. the russianneedle counterbuzzes countertones of high-dba soundtra cks. what does that do. highdba sounds counterbuzzes. makes nuts ? /:/// woa!!!! squeez e cockroach 1634 1635 if its leechery or adds harm or sth ichecked a chavletter about 148buc ks from my mother demanded from me orsth. she had 20million onher account realtime from me. iii have 90billion 92billio n. or just 62billion. daytime court demanded. that immunisation is quelled. averted . not a missed formality. findout if a cockroach leechdamamges me. daytime itis a looonglist of paidoff bs idont even owe. all in tight order plus 30k taxc redit on 30k student debt which i paid realtime longago whichwere taken up because theyquel fortune access inthefirstpla ce.  sero. tolerance. if a cockroach leechdaamamges sth for 148bucks orsuch. seriously. they mess with which fortune ge nerated from thisvery head. that is my fortune plus which further wealth generated. for the customers ofmy inventions. ge ts to 233billion. but they lifetimeleech chavtrick greengoo leechtrickery or braindamam ge arbitrarily /// gaser gased a drowsy mix. findit and stuffthemthe mix galore for hyyp eractivated minors youdontlet on or near a n y drugs thats cr iminal //// it mustbe understood whenhaving a car and n otmoving so regularly but driving around. that as basis. onthat youadd the movements and more plain drinks abolished fruc tose drinks mostly and such.  itis notjust those hdl values ho w would a body without healthsins r e m o v e  p l a q u e s .  not add plaques. but  . r e m o v e plaques with those values. itis also onthat basis with car themovement and the ratherplain chow itis takes careof self and each and every single damage inthis very body is a german crime. includ int titttsuit templates withand without urgentliest whenyou eat an ice and balsldamages.   health first. no templates. heart onedge fromsuffocaiton and suffocaitonpoisons deedtyped y esterday backleg tricks . arbitrary access abritary harms. /// itis a good doc. brief him of the constant harms and killtricks and mengele tricks and emergency heartmeasures /// cantbelieve miraclemild today. the medifile daytime store d me as fatty? the doc thenwonders whyyou easily grab the bottom of your feet notjustyourtoes likethat. or noonestores whengettingup fromground without using hands. usually. or sixyears + carrying chow mule grade fromstore. it means that al l uphills and all jogging mondaytomonday 2years everyday plus walking sixyears 150km 180km 200km eachmonth is jogging as fattied. what is the braincook movement and heartlung pathogen finedust heartkillbackleg trick ratio fromthese facts andthe dayfile lists: fatty. oh weird...cantouch toes maybe. allrightallright lipo pro file  thefffff?!?!? 69HdL+91LDL?! after two years then 145 total choeltsteirne. uh... sugar nonsober 33.3mmol 5.2percent allrghallright sobersugar 91.mgdl thefffffffff?!?!?  youknow it. they ballsdamage. lympahtic damamge and arbtirary tittsuti damamge on a body without h ealthsins. abody that takes careofself. ///// im posioen d or a r b it r a r y drugged again. whatisit. d e t ox it. a r b i tr a r y drugggigng whatisitthisitm earlmypahtic ai emd durign type.   maybe something inspired someone to urgent ly drowsy poisonor drug sth. p r e v e n t  a n y mess.  els e its miraclemild.  didyoucheck the filters inthe cupboardabvo esink. cockroach poisons cockroachdrugs acid chrystal ticket whateveritis andothermixes? makesure theydontpoison this filter again the duration is 6weeks for one filter. it holds onaverage t w o days. maximum. someone poisons it drugs it . likethat quickly thenyou drink unfiltered tabwater amonth.  thats budget burden 20buc ks whenyougot 200amonth 170 amonth //// xraybeamtrickery   radar? some intelcoma time test themes were probably barkin g smalldog?!? like bllufff bluff and youre zombi not mindinganything plus tired allmiracl emild otherwise //// roomgaser 1252 1255is relevant acce sssermaybe pathogen relvant 1252 and 1301 neck+shoulder right paired subdue mixer guts s ubdue mixer //// 1301 neck+rightshoduelr aims guts subdue likely find it whopushed abut ton /// pathogen relelvant access por inhaler 1252 isit so meone without masks that got e x t r a gased by the intels then //// xraybeam highpwoe red radar or nazi radar /// nonhostileaccess 437? reward /// 358suffocartted like  2004pm 2003pm wasit abadinahelr r a breathestop ondamamgedhear t seems nonhsotile very 2004pm like poisoning /// #gain # leverage #tricks    @france24 aaaawplease #lawyers yourenot n aive. thegermangovt+timecontrol causingthemess as layer1 athorities shuffled any harm as anyproxies. layer2 clowns,thes cums they immunised overtheyears todowhat. thenthe criminals tried to gain leverage for by any means at b e s t atworst i ntensified harms for thegermangovt and tis timecontrolaccomplcies givingthem wiggle ro om the 20th year //// replacedphone 337 is #for #day #time #charging #it @israel @bbc_whys @law .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bund esrat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24for daytime charging intelcrimes. howmany chainit nut it tr icks didthegermans try. thefirst thing snowden expected. for intelcrimes allsee allalong a ll overtape allalong.  the hells deedtyped terrorised likely into desperation as intent. simply compartmentalised away, thatguy has fengshii bubolensis majoralis, thenewest plag ue imaginable /// earlymphatix 211am nonhostile? /// h ooooooowmany immunised girls fellinlove with us nonimmunised baby s .@israel @bbc_whys @la w .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bundes rat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24itslike committing a premeditated crime drunk first i booooze m e drunk then i bat the guy: alert mnaaaah. fully guilty. b e f o r e the deed on drug that is what he planned.german l awinthis casearound intel drug: wiiiifeeeeeeeeyy of my aeh.. aeh.aeh... heartandmarrryyyyyyhmeeeeeeeeeeeh megaphonebut w hat matters is she wanted to iwanted to despite intelcoma wallandsomehowthe years wentb y she had allthetime offered 20mio then later 2bio toleave without anyregrets ifshe cant ho ldthis intelwall shitout anymoreand herewearerecently someone mustve implied a gain or sth if the fraudsystem with its criminal german govt  had not kept the case daytime*********not acknowledgign the marriage untilwef o r c e d them tois av e r y goodhint*******mikedrop//// #the #jews ? mighthave a cknowledged itlike aaaawheck ifhewants to marry some mule then lethim? #friendly #tease////did the german government ac knowledge my marriage to maron       long 17years or just 1 3 yearsI am Christian KISSBabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisti cation#THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOGhttps://www.BabyAWACS.com/[email protected] / FAX +493212 611 34 64H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate.paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// / 0059 circutiboardbuttonpsuher nonhostile? usuallyits bad 0 058driveaway.  cautionwithsupport.  cautionwith support u s u a l l y its scums maybe thistime not //// .did the germa n government acknowledge my marriage to maron       long 17y ears or just 13 years //// itis heart onedge findout from what 20pm on /// the women that stolesperm were charged and convicted but ifthekid needs a parent we put the punishment off. that is a fair thing. v e r y . it sets straight the crime. it is humane for the good ofthekid.  itis abysmal stuff s y s t e m  c a u s e d systembotched itisnt even spermdonor meet and greet or sth itis systembotch set straigh t + humane for thekid better solutions? ///// lawyers the de- debt procedures they turn peoiple to green goo or le echem? when my mother had 20million andthey did that wi th her ******* idemand jailtime for the scums that didit and now if they did n o t harm and leech give em kudos ******** the germans shuffle realtime harm for realtime pai d or renounce realtimepaid to getnothing daytime and shuffle realtime harm then bloat it daytime and shuffle realtime harm this is misusing th e system they fallback on deadbeat arguments like daytime he didnt pay while quell fortune access immunisation blacklist anyincome and renounce realtime pay to get nothing to dothat daytime this is y o u r job that is for the in surances and the banks and if they foolme into signing something it is even m o r e so a case foryou evenmore so onthis basis here daytime charge d their crimes committed with intelcoma drug quelledimmunsiation not averted daytime cour t demanding fortune access itis heart kill today afternoon evening fromwhat exactly before itwas xrayterrorise gasing likely //// lawyers ofmine serobullshit with the long list of daytime paidof bs evenif idonthave to. itis all tight micromanaged. itis not about another 148bucks formy mother sixyears afterbher demise paidof f twice asmuch onanother shitball while realtime funds inteh billions.  sero. tolerance . with. degradation trickeries. the germans quell income. for that  itis miraclemicromanaged. hearton edge from tricks udnerway orand backleg andor gutslo ck heartsuffocationtrick udnerway 2004. iiiiiiiiiiiii . am. what. iiiiiii am.   i dayt ime court charged it but itis germany. they will try. a n y t h i n g. to fraudme as dayf ool forthe restofmylife. while hedging a n y t h i n g to harm. in any way they can. ser o bullshit with any degradation smear harm letalone realt ime harm for realtime paid /// heart on edge findout ifits implants or chav daammge or chavdamamgetmepaltes g u t s l o c k dehydration locked guts fromimplants dehydration backleg heart tricks. else miracl emild. thesuffocation 2004 was bad. what wasit e x acf t l y .the trick deceit with intel methods used were thisorthat ronin roin or heroinorso butitwas a suffocation trick abitlater. demystify the implants. findout ifthe chavletter has o bscurepowders onit it happens regularly ingermany //// wif e and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa as lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee about that. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poi soned too . jarmix is 18 thiis somekindof trashcan isnti t who empowered that cockroach to arbitrarily mess whatthe y want over someone like me frauded into this trashcan to walkby in it evenmore so who i mmunised em todowhat when was it a f t e r idaytime cour t demanded my immunisation xmas2009 echr2800/10 dothe ge rmans try to highjack this shit as eu shitball and theonly reason whyits mildsafe nowandt hen is then like france poland thatdontlike whats happenin g but hope its a eu pillage thing while starved damamge d killtricked allalong andthey cant even fakeit nice wife and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa a s lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee aboutth at. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poiso ned too . jarmix is //// 17 the shitcops go tojail whe n wemust hunt their scums itisnt just notwehr but nothilfe whenthey cover the harmers and wemust force em to gettheir scums and get the scums our selves theycan sit injailwith the germancockroachgermans //// 16 headimapct is //// 16 bomb out anfixen coc kroachgermancococorrrrrrroahc germancockroaches thesuff ocator iam furious this is mildsafety im suffocated by cockroaches willynilly ifitsnot anfixen and a cockroach spoils the transponder thissss ssss is mildsafety prirotiy heart onedge the repalceph oens are junk they fuckt the other replace phone too w hat happens to em the shitcops gotojail when wemust squeez e em damamged heart fromkilltricks gets suffocated by cockroachgerma assmoelst 2008 pm deedtyped durignthis mail //// 14 say ronin ro in heroin orso 2003pm approach of granny findout if a cockr oach german cocrkaochgerman cockroach transponder harms us es intel tricks totranspoenderharm murderer suffocator 2 004pm bombout robustly getthecockroach germancockroach g erman squeeeeeeeeezeit bombitout robustly letsgetusanswers 13 jailassmoelester bombemouzrt robutstly andjailem prevention otehrwise icant bellllieve hwo mildsafe itis making some bs paperwork onthefly underway is like why isit so miraclemild today whos new whomakes safety ///// 12 damn imissmy family this shitl and frauded mymother toher verylast day itis this trick about fraud allyoucan fraud keepthemoney and say no sowhat say youre the grand german empire of the crudcoolios they r ule the three villages from here to south stuttgart aha youheard me right s o u t h stutt gart  a n d here this fraudsystem it never protected p eople like me or my mother it covered them gave em alib is as they exchanged aslong as noone says anything another overtape another heartkilltrick sowhat another fuck clown what a shithole now itis d a y t i m e charged courtcharged fortune access accurately them arranged themselves inthis shithole of swamp system as dependents and privileged you can starve another year and insist on fortune access whilethey suffocate your heart to ruin and try another trick //// 11 behind earlym pahtic aimed is heart relelvance is ///// 10 isit fair tosay theres notjust probable cause tobefurious its s t o i c and that thatguy (me) doesnot wallow in hate while ab solutely ruthlessly serobullshit with em whatthey do here tryhere didhere allalong these monsters and cockroaches and scums /// 9 oneof theeee ge rman tricks hasit always been like makeit seem as if there is no probable cause to hate there is plenty of probable cause tobe furious itis s t o i c what this is forwhatthey do makesure they cant hedge shitballtricks like mysteriously hate fluffybunnies meadows thennnnncamethatguy they murder intensified m u r d e r tricks onagainoffagain critical midlate april withpathoge ns suffocationpoisons junejuly now itsmore like pedo tric ks and braincook damamge sneaky deconstruction drowsy braicnooked /// 8 the fix forth is here quelled repressed monstrous inuusticve fury is yo ure not you they all a r e themselves but for the foo ls its another wishfulpretend to add harm ****** inthe germans internal quarrels is likely a struggle between those that depend on good will and comeclean witthe shtitheydid and their scums that caused the mess theyjust must t r y something else and the ones that t ry to solve it reasonable do it wrong thecontrary is right you need a trick to fraud blackmail chain braincook damage o r flip twist something onthatguy and and and and and and an d and anywaywhere did that trick work lets try that too ********* cockroaches. pow erfulheadimpact is 1831 /// 7 ihatethe germans theyre cockroaches rapers murderrers poi soners pedos that twist flip their way outof their crimes and make it seem like y o u aretheproblem chargign whatt heydo nothing is compensated whatthey overtape is what the y tried to nut asif no compensation is necessary theyre cockroaches in a swamp theygive eachother alibis ad arranged themselves with their fraudsystem as its privileged begue nstigte you can run after your own money another year whie lthey suffocate poison xraytrick pedo orgy mengele and nut trickery what a shithole that itis deed typed harm deedtyped sexual assault deedtyped staying damages is laadeedaa itis luck with some good people that barely avert the worst else alldowhatttthey want itis a v e r y bad idea to shitballme becazuse they want something v e r y these cockroaches for them its  a matter if a trick works untilthey can twist something agai n to fraudyou forever /// 6 imgased by odd park and dr ive away clunker whatisit then headimpact cockroach germa ns ******* lawyers the germans try over the verfassungsschutz debt chain trick shitball as all in tight order this time with mothers case sero bulls hit with the tries she herself had 20million realtime ****** and daytime frauded her a s nutbum forever itis a shithole of pedos rapers drug cokr oaches and allkinds of germans jailasstoyer 1821 the tric k is this is a verfassungsschutz clowngame about find anything something anything by **** **** create pressure points trick counter pressure points tri ck and thats the only shitball they can and for that serobul lshit bagatellsums or not ******** /// 5 mos bz40 is hea dimapct themor locals /// 4 lets repair walkahead two ol dguys lookslike retired police abit checkifits corona relev ant too and fixit justcurious maybe spirituals nonhosti le? //// 3 miraclemild just a lefthand catapult usuallyits a hotspot ofmess as cornerhouse 13 ahead mos kt 110 is /// 2 headimapcts fromopospite roadside or and upstree t schoolcorner droewysying and before aldiparkinglot after aldiparkinglot right asidebuss tation maybheother roadside two downhill one busstation m ilder thanusually wahtisit im drowsy druggedorpoisoned fromchamber measure subdued digest ivesystem headimapct slympahtic /// 1 mos md 62 is //// If five six packs of greentea a month everymonth allmy 30s has. A positive effect theyleeched it but added poison on the lemonjuice likely iiit is gemany. Then a titsu it ifit harms or does sth lymphatic but not when its bad like flip it toonuts tofeeditself and now lost weight trick. Bac k anotherbunch fattytemplate balls damage likethat sgerman sgermanY.  Onlocked subdued guts for staged orgafail after car sixyears movemeNt more thanwithcar plus sports twoyars mondaytomonday its germAny.   Greentea effects: leeched or a nD notas good replaced as self processed the 5-6packsof greentea are Fact ididnt dump it ilovethestuff. Andimcoffee fan primarily. But after the tenth its 20days tea Which fi le coplevel has #keypoint :  dertypda trinkt tee,nicht bier, g eschweige denn drogen. Dertypda rubbbbbbbbelt sich einenvonderpalme nochmal20jahre waehrend der an ballerinas taenzeri nnen denkt als dass der denda auchnur betatschen laesst. Simple basic direct coldhardroc kbottomtruth Dertypda is eher so irgend N gebildeter typso naja ey als raufbold oder n arr. Der isss vollder psycho ey wennmir den dauernd vergewaltigen und so aber mir hamn den n bissl erstickt und vorderrue be gebrutzeLt,, klar dachte ich ooooooooh??????man!!!!!!!!w.a s.  ?h a t ? D e r nur fUern gehirn ey und dannmal was ge brutzelt hald so dasser netter is Neee ey, ichwilldass d er wiene nutte denkt oder ne tussi ey.  .woa der hat des gi ft ueberlebt so ein zaeher hund.    : you: ugh!!!!!!!! Misc hief minors befor during after sexual abuse isnot themain problem but shows how arbitrary damages harms areusally. Int ensified murder poisons arsenide interoxide exchange hours everynight greenmix xray beam tricks. Backleg heart disease ma ke murder tricks shutdown all digestivesystm or organ kill emboly trombosis stagedorganfail finedusts. Murder pathogen behind earlymphatic and white death tricks itypeit allthetime luckis shuffling with nonhostile orless hostile bothered by fucksleaze rather killit //// @all @sun @odnigov @p ontifex .@all .@sun .@odnigov .@vulcan .@spock find thi s hard hard hardline lost inall hate and exploitation and fraudulent leechery tricksystem s **** a forgotten common humanity beneath absolutely anything regularly hit by hardball clowns and scums wher e morality is a joke anyway  ofcourse all is ruthless efficient exploitable only those tha t can defend themselves wont get exploited pillaged tothat regularly becomes d e s p e r a t i o n hardball by not so scum and principally not too badwilling but serioulsy harm ed toomuch ******* the good the bad the ugly that if stability is the goal you cannot disdain human beings and the common humanity the mo nstrosity and ruthlessness for abit more efficiency them regret themselves more than often but thereis no shortcut aroundthat as those that can and will ruthless monstrous it willalways inthe shortrun outrun the more common humanity like s principally human beings.  if empowered to bad worse happens as humans degrade  youcannot runit by bliss bs like ideology but  ******* in acceptance of a common joint hu manity from russia china usa europe africa and anywhere else then the hardball issues b e it a ruthelss system empowers necessities  until it exploi ts all and anything then it busts isitpossible the 2015 on is an uprising of the slaves simply ******* so out of c ontrol that all became a biological warfare control measure theproblem as you see ist hat youmade that realm so ruthless monstrous thatthey dowha ttheywant adn worse and you lost control overthem long ago allyoudo is cling on control over those that dont even kno w pathogenmurderer 1713? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christ ianKiss //// uooookkaaaay thisis the 13th ofthemonth a nd jarmixes should show abit good tea abit fish abit selfbaked bread abit jam and abit milk from coffee adding first week ofthemonth. maybe amug ice aday nowand then.   what? is? inthe jarmixes? additionally? german nessed. what does that damage. with locked subdued digestivesystem stays in longer killskidneys thatprocess t h a t stuff which is:  /// bombout gaser 1558 stuffemtheirmix galore chekcifits xrayga s againasbefore likely murderers shuffle any harm day andnnight it inspires them likely t o mess more  usually shifted toharder toproove beamtypes like radar  /// the insensitive counters with daytime bs isnot reliable . measure if thegermans irradiated the chow adn or gased  and hwomuch. t o. these. you have. day and night highpwoered r a d a r naziradar control accomplice of german govt radar or beta.  they didthese tricks many years constant harm. the only effect i notice is iget mildsick all is bllllah sick mild sick blllah all is blah but not barf but allis blllah sick xray sick neednothing blah mildsick quicker.  they might have "mythical- esquinlax-tunneling"  mystified it (bs word/madeup bs word ofabout mythology)  he aeh notices radiation. after sevenyears intensified shuffled mu rder tricks.  /// i. am. mildly. xraysick andor poisonsick. check kidneyfunction from gutslocks gutssubdue and the xraymurderbeamtrickery. what. is. the. grey.damages. gray. overhowmany years. when this a lready makes sick already.  /// heartaiemd 1445 is repalc edphone is the germans are like crud onthe shoe waiting to dirt sth gutter sth degrade sth usually. lets testit: what is the trickofthe day. lastnight it was suicideweenie befo re itwas prostitute before itwas pedo juror jurior orso before its yourenotyou before its bumfraud hobo criminal terrori st before sexoffender maybe before momfool before shitzobum before itsalljust a dream ahaaabsoltuelynothighappensness a nd fengshui what. is.it. t o d a y.  then. now. whaaatt isit . now t h i s time. finally. again. what. is it this day? pedo ? momfool? neverdeveloped retard? hookerbuzzword? sexslave prisonor? whatmoney nut hobo?  //// find the xraybeam someone moron tittttttsuited me maybe the ice inspired em or a readypizzameal iddddiots thebasis is withcar l iekthat without car next  s ix  years and those bloodvalue s usually and those gutslock tricks  priority xray beam m urderer hideous murderer itneltrick nazi or control a bove aboveadjacent corner  neardeathmix gasings or chowspoil b efore 1300+-30 circuitboard buttopusher or chow accesser !!!! is priority //// xraybeamtrick 1400 1402 radar? // instant headimapct 1357 on pened door is afteri t nonhostile access /// detox all maybe gasing maybe chow I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Soph istication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de the german govt + supr anational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others th at know theymessed but wanan stay neat must show face abroad how good for them thattheyrenot all rotten but for this very case they all are equally guilty liable causing shuffling harms and proxies it iis not woa after allwe did alallong an d stillmess we could maybe try this tweak then wecan pillage it and and if we dothis so its cheaper forus maybe hes stup id enough to sign there i s no such thing as guiltyconscience they flip between the necessary (monstrous) and the moral thereis no conscience some wouldbe like taboo “daran schwer versuendigt” maybe. m a y b e but like dont touch another ta boo of countless they shuffle harms and they shuffle proxies and inthe meantime decoy throw object flipcausality vict imblame try perversion anything that makes pressure point on a case they did monstrous things alallong to pillage it to savemoney was earlier whenthe inventions are game changing its even for whatthey think existential isay they shuffle h arms and proxies inthis underhuman dared tokicktheir ass but which trick could work which flip this. we must gain chains leverage pressurepoints we deserve and or orelse we itis through and through disdainworthy despicable youcan empower t hose that want a comeclean withthemess the compensate the crimes apologise sowhat but you must not trust themever they f lip between the necessary and the moral itis neofeudal mildsafe ornot depends onthese things for soemthing that is a jo ke hands down. safety for life health sexuality property family basics genuine hard to the biology basics idoubt they gras p what scums they are they flip between the necessary and the moral and try sth here nomatter what but which trick th en *************** this is germany youre confused by the flip between morality and thenecessary by the decentralisation neofeudal where shuffling proxies whcih tick by own facettes but its morelike goodcop badcop trickery plus alot of lul l decoy whackamole ************** all hard interconnected realtime bot searchign special words warn onspecial words or bl ingpling on good things transponder info on proximity to clowns and such scan millimeterwaves roadcrossings villagecor nerwise to aeh e mp o w e r the aeh blind and the lame or and or just one of these sgerman sgermany this is what itis // // how did the german cockroaches avert anyinfo. thelayer1 causing authorities with timecontrol accomplice. imean. loo kat layer2 cocockroaches. the cockroaches they immunised todowhat.  lookatem how theyre a llabout what a prostitute youare or what a momfool you are or gayprisonor fantasies. or p edo orgytricks. or steal with anything.  these. cockroaches.   dont control time system synchronisation bank synchronisa tion in newyork. layer1 causing authorities play for keepit as day fool and quell a n y i nfo. how.   allthe decoys: they throw decoys and coverup. at who? brief the clowns that are nonhostile tryto demystify theshit their layer1 causing authroties german govt + control accomplcies did. its criminal g ovt agenda turned eu interest withnothignhappens and any crime after the nutting tricks may have failed again //// #i #bet #israel  @israel #li ke: aaaaw????lethim marry his mule orwhatevee. sowhat!? #me: gaah  .@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden didth e german govt acknowledge myweddint with maron ifnot itisobv ious they game for dayfool control with their devious intelcoma system same with acknowled ging fortune theymighthave tried to taxit without acknowledge it orthestatus but hedge ra ther chavbum games over studentloan federalbank //// fin d messer xraytrickster beamtirkc finedsut trick 1823 pm . germans usually “the-mythical-esquinlax” their crimes or germ an “aeh-fengshui” their crimes   but itis constantly effor ted harm with intel tools intel access deedtyped before during and after daytimecharging it // //thisis oneofthe milde r days theresnonhostile oncase maybe minormischief atplay. minors always rescue enforceprevention scums or minors preven tion. measure chow with a more sensitive xraydevice. what is the damage when this already makes mildsick allis blah you dontfeelgood fromit but dont wannabarf.  all is blah and your e mildsick.  sometimes on someoccasions your teeth get metallic and allis blah. itis a minor mess the years of highpowe red radar and beta and neutrontrick werenot helpful. priority is heart heartbackleg from suffocaiton kiltlrick and tooman y flatlinegames toomany surgeries and backleg tricks and backleg artery access damamgin bloodvessels thenmore finedus t and more heart tricks /// im terrrorised with eyedrugpri ckles ice catapults and leechery clown accesed.  am annoyed b y a shitball yesterday about 148bucks formymother orso as bs debt. the verfassungsschutz mustve tried some clown shitba ll game about create pressurepoints trickery orthelocal clowns that drugme drowsy like grandure nutbum gets 148bucks bill trickery.   cockroachgerman cockroaches itis frauded into msiery and trashcan damamges deeedtyped . bombou terroriser. cautionwith minors. the accesser or contorlelr seems liek a fool or a minor mischief about yourenotyou fantasies. they aaaaaaaaaaaall are themselves. even the hudnred cases e v e r that playpretend theyre arnold schwartzenrambpo to renounce pain or anticipation of pain . a verylatestage feardiseas e.  so the contradictory shitball trickery by the same fools. itis another shitball tofind wackos that are extremely happy then extremely sad as bipolar shitball. thinkofthis. in the system of arbitrary drugs arbitrary brainmesses abritrary whattheywant messes.  arbi trary braincook forehead to control em as fools hedge then never developed shitballs. and this. is e e e x a c t l y howit works.  so. cautionwith min ors mischief minors they c an n o tknow. explainem.  but fo ols. that arbitrarily damamge me jail. thenprevention. the russianneedle counterbuzzes countertones of high-dba soundtra cks. what does that do. highdba sounds counterbuzzes. makes nuts ? /:/// woa!!!! squeez e cockroach 1634 1635 if its leechery or adds harm or sth ichecked a chavletter about 148buc ks from my mother demanded from me orsth. she had 20million onher account realtime from me. iii have 90billion 92billio n. or just 62billion. daytime court demanded. that immunisation is quelled. averted . not a missed formality. findout if a cockroach leechdamamges me. daytime itis a looonglist of paidoff bs idont even owe. all in tight order plus 30k taxc redit on 30k student debt which i paid realtime longago whichwere taken up because theyquel fortune access inthefirstpla ce.  sero. tolerance. if a cockroach leechdaamamges sth for 148bucks orsuch. seriously. they mess with which fortune ge nerated from thisvery head. that is my fortune plus which further wealth generated. for the customers ofmy inventions. ge ts to 233billion. but they lifetimeleech chavtrick greengoo leechtrickery or braindamam ge arbitrarily /// gaser gased a drowsy mix. findit and stuffthemthe mix galore for hyyp eractivated minors youdontlet on or near a n y drugs thats cr iminal //// it mustbe understood whenhaving a car and n otmoving so regularly but driving around. that as basis. onthat youadd the movements and more plain drinks abolished fruc tose drinks mostly and such.  itis notjust those hdl values ho w would a body without healthsins r e m o v e  p l a q u e s .  not add plaques. but  . r e m o v e plaques with those values. itis also onthat basis with car themovement and the ratherplain chow itis takes careof self and each and every single damage inthis very body is a german crime. includ int titttsuit templates withand without urgentliest whenyou eat an ice and balsldamages.   health first. no templates. heart onedge fromsuffocaiton and suffocaitonpoisons deedtyped y esterday backleg tricks . arbitrary access abritary harms. /// itis a good doc. brief him of the constant harms and killtricks and mengele tricks and emergency heartmeasures /// cantbelieve miraclemild today. the medifile daytime store d me as fatty? the doc thenwonders whyyou easily grab the bottom of your feet notjustyourtoes likethat. or noonestores whengettingup fromground without using hands. usually. or sixyears + carrying chow mule grade fromstore. it means that al l uphills and all jogging mondaytomonday 2years everyday plus walking sixyears 150km 180km 200km eachmonth is jogging as fattied. what is the braincook movement and heartlung pathogen finedust heartkillbackleg trick ratio fromthese facts andthe dayfile lists: fatty. oh weird…cantouch toes maybe. allrightallright lipo pro file  thefffff?!?!? 69HdL+91LDL?! after two years then 145 total choeltsteirne. uh… sugar nonsober 33.3mmol 5.2percent allrghallright sobersugar 91.mgdl thefffffffff?!?!?  youknow it. they ballsdamage. lympahtic damamge and arbtirary tittsuti damamge on a body without h ealthsins. abody that takes careofself. ///// im posioen d or a r b it r a r y drugged again. whatisit. d e t ox it. a r b i tr a r y drugggigng whatisitthisitm earlmypahtic ai emd durign type.   maybe something inspired someone to urgent ly drowsy poisonor drug sth. p r e v e n t  a n y mess.  els e its miraclemild.  didyoucheck the filters inthe cupboardabvo esink. cockroach poisons cockroachdrugs acid chrystal ticket whateveritis andothermixes? makesure theydontpoison this filter again the duration is 6weeks for one filter. it holds onaverage t w o days. maximum. someone poisons it drugs it . likethat quickly thenyou drink unfiltered tabwater amonth.  thats budget burden 20buc ks whenyougot 200amonth 170 amonth //// xraybeamtrickery   radar? some intelcoma time test themes were probably barkin g smalldog?!? like bllufff bluff and youre zombi not mindinganything plus tired allmiracl emild otherwise //// roomgaser 1252 1255is relevant acce sssermaybe pathogen relvant 1252 and 1301 neck+shoulder right paired subdue mixer guts s ubdue mixer //// 1301 neck+rightshoduelr aims guts subdue likely find it whopushed abut ton /// pathogen relelvant access por inhaler 1252 isit so meone without masks that got e x t r a gased by the intels then //// xraybeam highpwoe red radar or nazi radar /// nonhostileaccess 437? reward /// 358suffocartted like  2004pm 2003pm wasit abadinahelr r a breathestop ondamamgedhear t seems nonhsotile very 2004pm like poisoning /// #gain # leverage #tricks    @france24 aaaawplease #lawyers yourenot n aive. thegermangovt+timecontrol causingthemess as layer1 athorities shuffled any harm as anyproxies. layer2 clowns,thes cums they immunised overtheyears todowhat. thenthe criminals tried to gain leverage for by any means at b e s t atworst i ntensified harms for thegermangovt and tis timecontrolaccomplcies givingthem wiggle ro om the 20th year //// replacedphone 337 is #for #day #time #charging #it @israel @bbc_whys @law .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bund esrat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24for daytime charging intelcrimes. howmany chainit nut it tr icks didthegermans try. thefirst thing snowden expected. for intelcrimes allsee allalong a ll overtape allalong.  the hells deedtyped terrorised likely into desperation as intent. simply compartmentalised away, thatguy has fengshii bubolensis majoralis, thenewest plag ue imaginable /// earlymphatix 211am nonhostile? /// h ooooooowmany immunised girls fellinlove with us nonimmunised baby s .@israel @bbc_whys @la w .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bundes rat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24itslike committing a premeditated crime drunk first i booooze m e drunk then i bat the guy: alert mnaaaah. fully guilty. b e f o r e the deed on drug that is what he planned.german l awinthis casearound intel drug: wiiiifeeeeeeeeyy of my aeh.. aeh.aeh… heartandmarrryyyyyyhmeeeeeeeeeeeh megaphonebut w hat matters is she wanted to iwanted to despite intelcoma wallandsomehowthe years wentb y she had allthetime offered 20mio then later 2bio toleave without anyregrets ifshe cant ho ldthis intelwall shitout anymoreand herewearerecently someone mustve implied a gain or sth if the fraudsystem with its criminal german govt  had not kept the case daytime*********not acknowledgign the marriage untilwef o r c e d them tois av e r y goodhint*******mikedrop//// #the #jews ? mighthave a cknowledged itlike aaaawheck ifhewants to marry some mule then lethim? #friendly #tease////did the german government ac knowledge my marriage to maron       long 17years or just 1 3 yearsI am Christian KISSBabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisti cation#THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOGhttps://www.BabyAWACS.com/[email protected] / FAX +493212 611 34 64H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate.paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// / 0059 circutiboardbuttonpsuher nonhostile? usuallyits bad 0 058driveaway.  cautionwithsupport.  cautionwith support u s u a l l y its scums maybe thistime not //// .did the germa n government acknowledge my marriage to maron       long 17y ears or just 13 years //// itis heart onedge findout from what 20pm on /// the women that stolesperm were charged and convicted but ifthekid needs a parent we put the punishment off. that is a fair thing. v e r y . it sets straight the crime. it is humane for the good ofthekid.  itis abysmal stuff s y s t e m  c a u s e d systembotched itisnt even spermdonor meet and greet or sth itis systembotch set straigh t + humane for thekid better solutions? ///// lawyers the de- debt procedures they turn peoiple to green goo or le echem? when my mother had 20million andthey did that wi th her ******* idemand jailtime for the scums that didit and now if they did n o t harm and leech give em kudos ******** the germans shuffle realtime harm for realtime pai d or renounce realtimepaid to getnothing daytime and shuffle realtime harm then bloat it daytime and shuffle realtime harm this is misusing th e system they fallback on deadbeat arguments like daytime he didnt pay while quell fortune access immunisation blacklist anyincome and renounce realtime pay to get nothing to dothat daytime this is y o u r job that is for the in surances and the banks and if they foolme into signing something it is even m o r e so a case foryou evenmore so onthis basis here daytime charge d their crimes committed with intelcoma drug quelledimmunsiation not averted daytime cour t demanding fortune access itis heart kill today afternoon evening fromwhat exactly before itwas xrayterrorise gasing likely //// lawyers ofmine serobullshit with the long list of daytime paidof bs evenif idonthave to. itis all tight micromanaged. itis not about another 148bucks formy mother sixyears afterbher demise paidof f twice asmuch onanother shitball while realtime funds inteh billions.  sero. tolerance . with. degradation trickeries. the germans quell income. for that  itis miraclemicromanaged. hearton edge from tricks udnerway orand backleg andor gutslo ck heartsuffocationtrick udnerway 2004. iiiiiiiiiiiii . am. what. iiiiiii am.   i dayt ime court charged it but itis germany. they will try. a n y t h i n g. to fraudme as dayf ool forthe restofmylife. while hedging a n y t h i n g to harm. in any way they can. ser o bullshit with any degradation smear harm letalone realt ime harm for realtime paid /// heart on edge findout ifits implants or chav daammge or chavdamamgetmepaltes g u t s l o c k dehydration locked guts fromimplants dehydration backleg heart tricks. else miracl emild. thesuffocation 2004 was bad. what wasit e x acf t l y .the trick deceit with intel methods used were thisorthat ronin roin or heroinorso butitwas a suffocation trick abitlater. demystify the implants. findout ifthe chavletter has o bscurepowders onit it happens regularly ingermany //// wif e and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa as lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee about that. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poi soned too . jarmix is 18 thiis somekindof trashcan isnti t who empowered that cockroach to arbitrarily mess whatthe y want over someone like me frauded into this trashcan to walkby in it evenmore so who i mmunised em todowhat when was it a f t e r idaytime cour t demanded my immunisation xmas2009 echr2800/10 dothe ge rmans try to highjack this shit as eu shitball and theonly reason whyits mildsafe nowandt hen is then like france poland thatdontlike whats happenin g but hope its a eu pillage thing while starved damamge d killtricked allalong andthey cant even fakeit nice wife and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa a s lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee aboutth at. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poiso ned too . jarmix is //// 17 the shitcops go tojail whe n wemust hunt their scums itisnt just notwehr but nothilfe whenthey cover the harmers and wemust force em to gettheir scums and get the scums our selves theycan sit injailwith the germancockroachgermans //// 16 headimapct is //// 16 bomb out anfixen coc kroachgermancococorrrrrrroahc germancockroaches thesuff ocator iam furious this is mildsafety im suffocated by cockroaches willynilly ifitsnot anfixen and a cockroach spoils the transponder thissss ssss is mildsafety prirotiy heart onedge the repalceph oens are junk they fuckt the other replace phone too w hat happens to em the shitcops gotojail when wemust squeez e em damamged heart fromkilltricks gets suffocated by cockroachgerma assmoelst 2008 pm deedtyped durignthis mail //// 14 say ronin ro in heroin orso 2003pm approach of granny findout if a cockr oach german cocrkaochgerman cockroach transponder harms us es intel tricks totranspoenderharm murderer suffocator 2 004pm bombout robustly getthecockroach germancockroach g erman squeeeeeeeeezeit bombitout robustly letsgetusanswers 13 jailassmoelester bombemouzrt robutstly andjailem prevention otehrwise icant bellllieve hwo mildsafe itis making some bs paperwork onthefly underway is like why isit so miraclemild today whos new whomakes safety ///// 12 damn imissmy family this shitl and frauded mymother toher verylast day itis this trick about fraud allyoucan fraud keepthemoney and say no sowhat say youre the grand german empire of the crudcoolios they r ule the three villages from here to south stuttgart aha youheard me right s o u t h stutt gart  a n d here this fraudsystem it never protected p eople like me or my mother it covered them gave em alib is as they exchanged aslong as noone says anything another overtape another heartkilltrick sowhat another fuck clown what a shithole now itis d a y t i m e charged courtcharged fortune access accurately them arranged themselves inthis shithole of swamp system as dependents and privileged you can starve another year and insist on fortune access whilethey suffocate your heart to ruin and try another trick //// 11 behind earlym pahtic aimed is heart relelvance is ///// 10 isit fair tosay theres notjust probable cause tobefurious its s t o i c and that thatguy (me) doesnot wallow in hate while ab solutely ruthlessly serobullshit with em whatthey do here tryhere didhere allalong these monsters and cockroaches and scums /// 9 oneof theeee ge rman tricks hasit always been like makeit seem as if there is no probable cause to hate there is plenty of probable cause tobe furious itis s t o i c what this is forwhatthey do makesure they cant hedge shitballtricks like mysteriously hate fluffybunnies meadows thennnnncamethatguy they murder intensified m u r d e r tricks onagainoffagain critical midlate april withpathoge ns suffocationpoisons junejuly now itsmore like pedo tric ks and braincook damamge sneaky deconstruction drowsy braicnooked /// 8 the fix forth is here quelled repressed monstrous inuusticve fury is yo ure not you they all a r e themselves but for the foo ls its another wishfulpretend to add harm ****** inthe germans internal quarrels is likely a struggle between those that depend on good will and comeclean witthe shtitheydid and their scums that caused the mess theyjust must t r y something else and the ones that t ry to solve it reasonable do it wrong thecontrary is right you need a trick to fraud blackmail chain braincook damage o r flip twist something onthatguy and and and and and and an d and anywaywhere did that trick work lets try that too ********* cockroaches. pow erfulheadimpact is 1831 /// 7 ihatethe germans theyre cockroaches rapers murderrers poi soners pedos that twist flip their way outof their crimes and make it seem like y o u aretheproblem chargign whatt heydo nothing is compensated whatthey overtape is what the y tried to nut asif no compensation is necessary theyre cockroaches in a swamp theygive eachother alibis ad arranged themselves with their fraudsystem as its privileged begue nstigte you can run after your own money another year whie lthey suffocate poison xraytrick pedo orgy mengele and nut trickery what a shithole that itis deed typed harm deedtyped sexual assault deedtyped staying damages is laadeedaa itis luck with some good people that barely avert the worst else alldowhatttthey want itis a v e r y bad idea to shitballme becazuse they want something v e r y these cockroaches for them its  a matter if a trick works untilthey can twist something agai n to fraudyou forever /// 6 imgased by odd park and dr ive away clunker whatisit then headimpact cockroach germa ns ******* lawyers the germans try over the verfassungsschutz debt chain trick shitball as all in tight order this time with mothers case sero bulls hit with the tries she herself had 20million realtime ****** and daytime frauded her a s nutbum forever itis a shithole of pedos rapers drug cokr oaches and allkinds of germans jailasstoyer 1821 the tric k is this is a verfassungsschutz clowngame about find anything something anything by **** **** create pressure points trick counter pressure points tri ck and thats the only shitball they can and for that serobul lshit bagatellsums or not ******** /// 5 mos bz40 is hea dimapct themor locals /// 4 lets repair walkahead two ol dguys lookslike retired police abit checkifits corona relev ant too and fixit justcurious maybe spirituals nonhosti le? //// 3 miraclemild just a lefthand catapult usuallyits a hotspot ofmess as cornerhouse 13 ahead mos kt 110 is /// 2 headimapcts fromopospite roadside or and upstree t schoolcorner droewysying and before aldiparkinglot after aldiparkinglot right asidebuss tation maybheother roadside two downhill one busstation m ilder thanusually wahtisit im drowsy druggedorpoisoned fromchamber measure subdued digest ivesystem headimapct slympahtic /// 1 mos md 62 is //// If five six packs of greentea a month everymonth allmy 30s has. A positive effect theyleeched it but added poison on the lemonjuice likely iiit is gemany. Then a titsu it ifit harms or does sth lymphatic but not when its bad like flip it toonuts tofeeditself and now lost weight trick. Bac k anotherbunch fattytemplate balls damage likethat sgerman sgermanY.  Onlocked subdued guts for staged orgafail after car sixyears movemeNt more thanwithcar plus sports twoyars mondaytomonday its germAny.   Greentea effects: leeched or a nD notas good replaced as self processed the 5-6packsof greentea are Fact ididnt dump it ilovethestuff. Andimcoffee fan primarily. But after the tenth its 20days tea Which fi le coplevel has #keypoint :  dertypda trinkt tee,nicht bier, g eschweige denn drogen. Dertypda rubbbbbbbbelt sich einenvonderpalme nochmal20jahre waehrend der an ballerinas taenzeri nnen denkt als dass der denda auchnur betatschen laesst. Simple basic direct coldhardroc kbottomtruth Dertypda is eher so irgend N gebildeter typso naja ey als raufbold oder n arr. Der isss vollder psycho ey wennmir den dauernd vergewaltigen und so aber mir hamn den n bissl erstickt und vorderrue be gebrutzeLt,, klar dachte ich ooooooooh??????man!!!!!!!!w.a s.  ?h a t ? D e r nur fUern gehirn ey und dannmal was ge brutzelt hald so dasser netter is Neee ey, ichwilldass d er wiene nutte denkt oder ne tussi ey.  .woa der hat des gi ft ueberlebt so ein zaeher hund.    : you: ugh!!!!!!!! Misc hief minors befor during after sexual abuse isnot themain problem but shows how arbitrary damages harms areusally. Int ensified murder poisons arsenide interoxide exchange hours everynight greenmix xray beam tricks. Backleg heart disease ma ke murder tricks shutdown all digestivesystm or organ kill emboly trombosis stagedorganfail finedusts. Murder pathogen behind earlymphatic and white death tricks itypeit allthetime luckis shuffling with nonhostile orless hostile bothered by fucksleaze rather killit //// @all @sun @odnigov @p ontifex .@all .@sun .@odnigov .@vulcan .@spock find thi s hard hard hardline lost inall hate and exploitation and fraudulent leechery tricksystem s **** a forgotten common humanity beneath absolutely anything regularly hit by hardball clowns and scums wher e morality is a joke anyway  ofcourse all is ruthless efficient exploitable only those tha t can defend themselves wont get exploited pillaged tothat regularly becomes d e s p e r a t i o n hardball by not so scum and principally not too badwilling but serioulsy harm ed toomuch ******* the good the bad the ugly that if stability is the goal you cannot disdain human beings and the common humanity the mo nstrosity and ruthlessness for abit more efficiency them regret themselves more than often but thereis no shortcut aroundthat as those that can and will ruthless monstrous it willalways inthe shortrun outrun the more common humanity like s principally human beings.  if empowered to bad worse happens as humans degrade  youcannot runit by bliss bs like ideology but  ******* in acceptance of a common joint hu manity from russia china usa europe africa and anywhere else then the hardball issues b e it a ruthelss system empowers necessities  until it exploi ts all and anything then it busts isitpossible the 2015 on is an uprising of the slaves simply ******* so out of c ontrol that all became a biological warfare control measure theproblem as you see ist hat youmade that realm so ruthless monstrous thatthey dowha ttheywant adn worse and you lost control overthem long ago allyoudo is cling on control over those that dont even kno w pathogenmurderer 1713? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christ ianKiss //// uooookkaaaay thisis the 13th ofthemonth a nd jarmixes should show abit good tea abit fish abit selfbaked bread abit jam and abit milk from coffee adding first week ofthemonth. maybe amug ice aday nowand then.   what? is? inthe jarmixes? additionally? german nessed. what does that damage. with locked subdued digestivesystem stays in longer killskidneys thatprocess t h a t stuff which is:  /// bombout gaser 1558 stuffemtheirmix galore chekcifits xrayga s againasbefore likely murderers shuffle any harm day andnnight it inspires them likely t o mess more  usually shifted toharder toproove beamtypes like radar  /// the insensitive counters with daytime bs isnot reliable . measure if thegermans irradiated the chow adn or gased  and hwomuch. t o. these. you have. day and night highpwoered r a d a r naziradar control accomplice of german govt radar or beta.  they didthese tricks many years constant harm. the only effect i notice is iget mildsick all is bllllah sick mild sick blllah all is blah but not barf but allis blllah sick xray sick neednothing blah mildsick quicker.  they might have “mythical- esquinlax-tunneling”  mystified it (bs word/madeup bs word ofabout mythology)  he aeh notices radiation. after sevenyears intensified shuffled mu rder tricks.  /// i. am. mildly. xraysick andor poisonsick. check kidneyfunction from gutslocks gutssubdue and the xraymurderbeamtrickery. what. is. the. grey.damages. gray. overhowmany years. when this a lready makes sick already.  /// heartaiemd 1445 is repalc edphone is the germans are like crud onthe shoe waiting to dirt sth gutter sth degrade sth usually. lets testit: what is the trickofthe day. lastnight it was suicideweenie befo re itwas prostitute before itwas pedo juror jurior orso before its yourenotyou before its bumfraud hobo criminal terrori st before sexoffender maybe before momfool before shitzobum before itsalljust a dream ahaaabsoltuelynothighappensness a nd fengshui what. is.it. t o d a y.  then. now. whaaatt isit . now t h i s time. finally. again. what. is it this day? pedo ? momfool? neverdeveloped retard? hookerbuzzword? sexslave prisonor? whatmoney nut hobo?  //// find the xraybeam someone moron tittttttsuited me maybe the ice inspired em or a readypizzameal iddddiots thebasis is withcar l iekthat without car next  s ix  years and those bloodvalue s usually and those gutslock tricks  priority xray beam m urderer hideous murderer itneltrick nazi or control a bove aboveadjacent corner  neardeathmix gasings or chowspoil b efore 1300+-30 circuitboard buttopusher or chow accesser !!!! is priority //// xraybeamtrick 1400 1402 radar? // instant headimapct 1357 on pened door is afteri t nonhostile access /// detox all maybe gasing maybe chow I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Soph istication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de
the german govt + supranational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised
if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others that know theymessed but wanan stay neat must…
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