#no one loves lee rang more than kim beom
this-is-youniverse · 1 year
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aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | Tale of the Nine Tailed - Jo Bo Ah Q&A Wrap Interview 
Q: From around the start of summer to the beginning of winter, you spent a long time with Tale of the Nine Tailed. How did you feel when you finished filming your final scene? 
I think more than anything I felt that it was too bad. It was my longest collaboration ever, living as Ji Ah and Ah Eum for over 7 months. To the extent that it was multi-genre, from fantasy to action, thriller, and even romance, I think I immersed myself in filming with a great deal of concentration. So I think it’s a production that will remain in my heart for a particularly long time. I hope the viewers will also remember ‘Nam Ji Ah’ for a long time. 
Q: You played a character three dimensional enough to have been considered 4 roles in 1. When you acted, what did you focus on most?
In this production you can think of me as having played four roles: Ji Ah and Imoogi-possessed Ji Ah, and Ah Eum and Imoogi-possessed Ah Eum. For my main character Ji Ah, from the start I analyzed her a lot and talked with the writer and director a great deal while creating her. When I threaded Imoogi into gallant and chic Ji Ah, I raised the tone of my voice so that it would contrast with hers, and I worked to express Imoogi with a cruel manner of speech and expressions. Also, because I thought of the Imoogi from her previous life and her current life as one and the same, I also acted Ji Ah who had changed into Imoogi while watching the scenes where Ah Eum changed into Imoogi. 
Q: Ah Eum’s action scenes in [Ji Ah’s] past life left a strong impression. Do you think you might want to try your hand at something in the action genre? 
Seeing as how I encountered the action genre for the first time in this production, I felt a bit of dread and was quite afraid. But while commuting to action school and preparing ahead of time and then working with the stunt director and my counterpart actors on set, the process of making each scene cut by cut was actually really thrilling. Action acting, which has a different quality to it than any acting I’ve done so far, felt novel to me and was really really fun. 
Also, the completed scenes were edited even more convincingly that what I had imagined, so I think I felt quite accomplished. If there are action roles that I can pull off in the future, I’ve developed the desire to try my hand at them. 
Q: Nam Ji Ah was a confident and strong-willed character, but there were many scenes in which she sheds tears. What’s the secret to shedding tears?
There’s no secret technique to crying well. It’s a little embarrassing, but while not only Ji Ah, but Ah Eum too, were strong people, the circumstances and pain that the two carry was well illustrated in the story. I think that when I felt that [pain] and thought about it the tears came naturally. 
Q: There was a lot of buzz about you being a ‘visual [highly attractive] couple,’ but how was your collaboration with Lee Dong Wook?
Lee Dong Wook sunbae-nim is the type who leads well. From the time the drama began to when it ended, I depended on him a lot and received help from him, and I learned from him as we filmed. To the extent that sunbae-nim took the lead for me and I did my best to follow him, I think our unique chemistry was well expressed, and I’m very thankful that the viewers looked on us favorably. 
Q: You made self-produced promotional videos with Lee Dong Wook and uploaded them to social media, but what was the impetus for that?
To the extent that we spent a long time preparing the production, the affection we had for it was very great for the both of us. And so I think our feelings of wanting to introduce and promote the production we had worked so hard on to even a few more people were exactly in sync. So we both decided to do our best to make something. It began with us deciding to try making use of the end of episode 2 when Ji Ah changes into Imoogi and grabs Lee Yeon by the throat and make it like a parody and went from there. 
Q: The straight-ball lines that you threw at Lee Rang (Kim Beom) were particularly intense. Are there any lines that you felt, ‘this is going too far’? 
There were really a lot of lines that I felt went too far (laughs). “You look like s**t in that suit,” these sort of lines. I think the parts when she’s with Lee Rang using expletives or speaking very strongly really served to highlight Ji Ah’s unique appeal. And so for me, of all my lines in the drama, I think the strong lines I said to Lee Rang were my favorite. (laughs)
Q: If you had to pick the most memorable episode that happened while filming what would it be? 
I think, in any case, the scene I care for and love the most is the scene in her previous life containing Ah Eum and Lee Yeon’s sad circumstances. As soon as I received the script I really cried a lot [reading it], and when we were filming it, it actually took me a lot of effort to hold back my tears because I had to die and leave Lee Yeon behind. Because we filmed deep in the quiet forest for three days with a high degree of concentration, I feel like I was able to do so without any regrets. It’s the most memorable scene for me. 
Q: How do you imagine the story continues after the final episode?
At the end there is a scene almost like an epilogue where Lee Yeon meets the Samjae and his eyes suddenly change, right? If it turns out that Lee Yeon still has some bit of his power as a mountain god left, then I think it would be interesting if Ji Ah, who belongs completely to the human world, and Lee Yeon, who has a small amount of supernatural powers, live as a couple who help the weak and misfortunate together like the Avengers.
Q: Finally, something you’d like to say to the viewers who loved Tale of the Nine Tailed?
I’d like to express my sincere thanks to the many people who have loved Tale of the Nine Tailed this far. All productions are precious [to me], but this production is one that I will really think back on a lot. I received a lot of love via this drama, and since I had wanted to show that this side of actress Jo Bo Ah also exists, and it seems that that was expressed even a little bit, it’s a production I’m very grateful to. 
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byul153 · 4 years
[Countdown to 2021] Top 5 Kdrama of 2020
This past year of what was undoubtedly an absolutely horrendous year of 2020--for a variety of reasons--I can honestly say that one of the reasons why I stayed sane was because of Kdrama. Being at home all day, even for an extreme homebody for me, can get harrowing because the choice of going out or not was taken from me when my area went into lockdown.
And so....to Kdrama it is. I think that 2020 was one of the very few years that I’ve seen nearly all of the Kdrama that aired on MBC, SBS, KBS, TvN, and jTBC...which is....a lot, I’ve come to realize. That brought me to think--which would I consider my top 5?
Hmmm.....Well, here I go.
Please note that my top 5 are not in any particular order. Each one that made it to my top 5 is beloved for a completely different reason. I also don’t go down the critic route and pick apart the direction, the story, yada yada. I just made this list purely on how much I enjoyed them and how much they’ve made an impression on me.
#5 -- The Tale of the Nine-Tailed
Starring Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah, Kim Beom, Hwang Hee
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I like Lee Dong Wook as a Grim Reaper, and I like Lee Dong Wook as a gumiho/nine-tailed fox. What can I say?
That being said, The Tale of the Nine-Tailed was really about Kim Beom’s character Rang. He started as a villain (sort of), then became a reluctant ally (sort of), and then met his end with a smile. He redeemed himself throughout the entire drama, and I shed a lot of tears in the final episode, because he finally was afraid to die because he had something to live for, but his desire for his brother to come back was so strong that he’d gladly give up the remaining time he had, stolen as it was, to give his big brother a final gift. His sacrifice made an impact more with me than any other character because it was so out of character for him, and yet not. His choice wasn’t unexpected, and yet I felt like a train wreck when I finally saw it on the screen.
#4 -- Half of a Half/A Piece of Your Mind
Starring Jung Hae In, Chae Soo Bin, Lee Ha Na, Kim Sung Kyu
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Or....known as the drama that is known for being tragically cut short. Let me tell you, I loved this drama. It’s not an epic romance drama by any means, but the tone of the drama was really calming and healing, which is basically the premise--two lonely souls grieving find solace in one another.
I do wish that they didn’t drag the mystery of “Who is the husband?” for so long, but I enjoyed the dynamics between Moon Ha Won and Ha Seo Woo so much that I really didn’t mind it. I really wished that they would’ve kept the original run of 16 episodes instead of slashing it to a mere 12, because it really limited the writer and directors to wrap up the story, but I also do think that if they went with the 16-episode route we would definitely have the noble idiocy trope inserted, some way or another, instead of the really lovely way that Seo Woo wanted distance from a devastated Ha Won, to get over her sadness and fear of happiness, in order to run to him.
#3 -- The Flower of Evil
Starring Lee Jun Ki, Moon Chae Won, Jang Hee Jin, Seo Hyun Woo
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If Kairos was a suspense drama, The Flower of Evil was definitely a thriller teetering on the edges of horror. My God, this drama scared the living daylights out of me. Lee Jun Ki as a (alleged) sociopath I could see, considering that he acted a similar role in the drama-that-must-not-be-named, but in the flashbacks his serial killer father’s eyes was enough for me to shut my laptop and just breathe.
....And that was before the introduction of Kim Ji Hoon’s character.
Lee Jun Ki is the main lead, and the story focuses on him, but the one who shone in this drama was definitely Kim Ji Hoon. I’ve watched Kim Ji Hoon over the years, and I am somewhat convinced that his sudden appearance as a very psychopathic killer will jump out at my screen and strangle me in my chair. It’s very different from his usual roles and, my God, I am looking forward what he’ll choose for his next project.
#2 -- The King: Eternal Monarch
Starring Lee Min Ho, Kim Go Eun, Kim Kyung Nam, Woo Do Hwan
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Ah, the epic modern-Korean monarchy...but with a twist of parallel universes, and more! (Let’s sprinkle in time travel while we’re at it!)
I think that this is the one drama in 2020 where I was simultaneous satisfied that it was finished, and yet still full of unanswered questions. Like, how does a cross-universe couple happen? Especially with doppelgängers?? And why can only certain people remember what happened??? What happens now????
Putting that aside, The King: Eternal Monarch had one major flaw: Lee Rim, played by veteran Lee Jung Jin. I felt that they completely his potential as a very potent villain in the interest of creating an epic love story. I did love the Lee Gon-Jung Tae Eul couple and chemistry (which they did, contrary to some people’s opinions), and it was the characters that really stayed with me--i.e. Jo Young/Jo Eun Sup. Woo Do Hwan really outdid him in both his characters. He nearly convinced me that it was two different actors play two characters!
And...now to #1.
#1 -- Do You Like Brahms?
Starring Park Eun Bin, Kim Min Jae, Kim Sung Chul, Park Ji Hyun
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OK....I said that I loved each drama differently, right? Ahahaha....yeah, all lies. If I were to pick just ONE drama of the year, it’d be Do You Like Brahms? 
How many ways can I wax poetic about this one? I am still obsessed with this drama, and so very happy that Kim Min Jae and Park Eun Bin won the Best Couple Award for this drama at this year’s SBS Drama Awards. I have my gripes about the drama, but they don’t in any way outweigh the highs.
I just loved the respect and communication between Park Joon Young and Chae Song Ah, both before as acquaintances/friends/comrades in respective unrequited loves, and afterwards as the giddy, heart-fluttering moments as a couple. They understood each other, and accepted one another, as two people experiencing the same pain. They didn’t try to sugarcoat it or hide it behind a smile, which they did towards everyone else. Even with Joon Young’s missed opportunities to communicate, Song Ah tried her very best, when she clearly told him that she didn’t appreciate being in the dark, and that she wanted to lean on him. I also loved how in the drama, their words and actions mirrored one another, in the way that they confessed their feelings, and asked the other to wait--not a rejection, but for an opportunity to catch up.
Honorable Mention -- Forest
Starring Park Hae Jin, Jo Bo Ah, No Gwang Sik, Jung Yeon Joo
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I really like Park Hae JIn, and I really like Jo Bo Ah, so put them together? Yep, we have Forest--a drama that mixes romance, mystery(?), and the proverbial forest. The drama did fall kind of flat, which was a disappointment, considering how much news I’ve heard about it, and the villains didn’t get as much development they needed to seem as “evil” they should be.
One of my favorite lines of the drama I think will stay as one of my favorites is a line made by Park Hae Jin’s Kang Sang Hyeok in the final episode (yes, I know): “The reason why I’m acting like this now...is solely because of my personal revenge--the sacred sense of duty that you think I have...I don’t.” He acknowledges his wrongdoing and is making amends, but he doesn’t apologize or try to coat his actions as anything but self-serving. He’s not someone who immediately changes due to the power of love, but takes it slowly.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
~ will you let me deceive you ~ (fandom cravings search)
greetings be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel. ~ lowercase is purely for aesthetic purposes
~ feel free to call me deviation, dev, d, or lexi
~ i am a 22 year old female, meaning that i'd prefer to rp with people 18+ not only to be closer in age to me but also because my rps can venture into dark topics
~ central standard time
~ you can expect an average of four responses a week although i strive to daily respond, if possible.
~ my replies range from 400 - 4000 words, and i try to mirror my partner
~ third person, present tense although i will rp with people who write past tense (to each his own)
~ doubling is required for all fandom roleplays to keep everything fair. please do not contact me, asking if i can just play who you would like.
~ sucker for ooc chat although it is not required what I want in a partner (yes, we like to break the rules, but these aren't meant to be broken) it is not a shame to be deceived; but it is to stay in the deception 1| activity is fairly important to me because if i go two-three weeks without a response, i will likely lose interest which I don’t want to do! i would prefer if my partners could get me, at least, two responses a week.
2| because i am literate, i am looking for partners of the same! i would prefer, at least, two hearty paragraphs per response, although i am more than happy to receive more. would you like to basically create a book with me? i'm totally down!
3| please help me build our universe, and our story. i don’t want to do it all by myself. i want to make sure that we both enjoy it.
4| please don’t godmod my characters, and no mary sues or anything like that! nobody is perfect or without weakness. we love originality!
5| please be able to write in third person because first person makes it a bit weird for me, and way more personal than i'd like to go. i write in present tense myself although i am more than welcoming to those who write past tense.
6| i am ghost friendly, just please let me know if you decide to drop the rp, if you can, so i don’t find myself waiting for a response that will never come.
7| please let me know if you will be unable to respond for a week or longer, just so that I am aware and don’t think you have dropped the rp.
8| this isn’t a rule, but a preference. i love to get to know my rp partners, so ooc chatter is always welcome!
9| please have a good grasp on grammar and spelling. no text talk.
10| be willing to double if you decide to do canon x oc just so that it makes it fair to everyone.
11| please do NOT (see the caps) just send me a message, asking whether or not I’m still looking, or giving a measly sentence about yourself. i would prefer if you would tell me about your writing style, what you want to write with me, etc. give me something to go off of! let me see who you are!
12| i will rp smut, but it needs to be apart of the story and not overtaking it 
fandoms belief is the deception you play upon yourself now, let's move on to the fun part, and what i'm sure you guys are waiting on... the fandoms! because of all of the television i watch (is that a bad thing...?) i have fandoms all over the place that i'd love to rp! unless it is crossed out then i am still looking to do it, so feel free to contact me about it! i will have the fandoms divided up and under each, i will include characters i'm willing to play, and who i'd like to play against. again, just a reminder that doubling is mandatory although it doesn't have to stop there. i'm down to double/triple/quadruple, whatever you want. i also am down for au's and using the universe but using ours ocs. just shoot me ideas of what you want.  tv shows we often shed tears that deceive ourselves after deceiving others 1| arrow i'm currently in season five of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: oliver)
2| flash i'm currently in season three of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: barry)
3| vampire diaries i'm currently in season five of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except enzo, kai, vicki, april, kol) (characters i'm looking for: kol, damon, elijah, klaus)
4| glee i'm completely caught up with this show! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: noah (puck), Jesse, brody, jake, ryder)
5| game of thrones i'm currently in season six of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except gregor, eddard, sandor, oberyn, brienne, melisandre, jorah,) (characters i'm looking for: gendry, ramsey, joffrey, khal drogo, jaime)
6| pretty little liars i'm currently in season three of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: wren, alex, ezra)
7| outlander i'm currently in season two of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: jamie)
8| 13 reasons why i'm currently in season two of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except hannah baker, tony, sheri, skye) (characters i'm looking for: bryce, zach, tyler)
9| elite i'm currently caught up with this television show (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except valerio, fernando, christian, marina, omar) (characters i'm looking for: polo, ander, guzman)
10| shadowhunters  i'm currently caught up with this show and have read the books! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except lucian, jonathan) (characters i'm looking for: jace, magnus, sebastian) 
11| the fosters i'm currently in season two of this television show; meaning that i am not caught up although it does not mean that i won't rp it, just no spoilers, please! (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: brandon) movies it is more tolerable to be refused than deceived  1| mcu (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except strange, peter parker, peter quill, thanos, ant man)
(characters i'm looking for: tony stark, thor, loki, steve rodgers, clint barton, bruce banner) 2| after (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: hardin, jace)
3| twilight (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except emmett, james, sam) (characters i'm looking for: seth, embry, paul)
4| matched (not a movie, technically, but it is in my heart) (characters i'm willing to play: ky, xander) (characters i'm looking for: ky, xander)
5| divergent (only the first one) (characters i'm willing to play: al) (characters i'm looking for: four, eric, peter)
6| the host (characters i'm willing to play: jared, ian) (characters i'm looking for: jared, ian)
7| disney (special plot, shh, it's a secret. message me if you're interested) asian dramas it is amazing how complete the delusion that beauty is goodness 1| crash landing on you (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: junghyuk, seung-joon, kwang-beom)
2| boys over flowers (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: jun-pyo)
3| i need romance 1/2/3 (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: sung-hyun, seok-hyun, joo wan)
4| heirs/inheritors (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: kim tan, choi young-do)
5| good morning call (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: hisashi uehara, daichi shinozaki) anime time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies; history has no place for them 1| devil’s line (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: anzai)
2| vampire knight (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: zero, kaname)
3| amnesia (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: toma, shin, kent, ikki)
4| dragon ball z (characters i'm willing to play: goten, gohan, krillin, android 17, yamcha) (characters i'm looking for: trunks, vegeta)
5| kuzu no honkai (scum's wish) (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: mugi) cartoons  life is the art of being well deceived; and in order that the deception may succeed it must be habitual and uninterrupted 1| teen titans (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: robin)
2| young justice  (characters i'm willing to play: anyone) (characters i'm looking for: superboy)
3| adventure time (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except ice king, lsp) (characters i'm looking for: marshal lee)
4| avatar: the last airbender/legend of korra  (characters i'm willing to play: anyone except toph) (characters i'm looking for: zuko, bolin, mako, iroh (younger)) last words deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away, in the end thank you for reading through to the end of my thread, and i do hope that you found something you liked. just a reminder that all fandoms can be changed to use ocs or au's, i'm very open to those kinds of things! in addition, if you would like to contact me about a fandom, please send a message as opposed to posting on this thread (so i can keep it clean). i am only looking for a few partners, but i'd love to hear from as many of you as possible! thank you lovelies!
contact me 
feel free to email me ([email protected]) to talk about rping with me! 
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