#no one messes with Prudy on my watch >:(
nervousladytraveler · 4 months
Spicy Romance Prompts:
"You like that, huh?" Ross & Demelza
Thank you
Oh @veryflowerobservation my old friend, thanks for the ask. I know you have politely left other prompts in my box and I do promise I'll get to them soon. Here's a silly little something (maybe from "The Shift" universe?).
Afternoons were hardest. To work alongside her and in such a confined space without recognising what they'd meant to each other just the night before?
Mornings were somewhat more tolerable. Perhaps they still wore the flush of love, and the way their flesh had just recently trembled when touched was easily recalled. Fresh memories that could satisfy them for a bit while they caught their breath and recovered their strength–and went about their jobs. The morning rush of customers who were already waiting when Ross unlocked the cafe doors (and who needed their coffee and buns yesterday) paused for no one. There simply wasn't time for his hand to innocently brush against hers at the till or for even a single flirty glance in her direction.
But by afternoon, when business was at a lull, Ross could bear it no longer. He’d watch Demelza stretch to reach for a cup or lean to wipe up a spill (Just how did someone make jeans and a tshirt look so alluring?) and he imagined the beautiful body underneath her work clothes. By now he knew that body’s curves and hidden depths, quite well in fact. Many times he’d seen her lean over him (in varying states of undress) and many more she’d stretched out (fully naked) on his bed. 
He closed his eyes, to see more in his mind and to suppress the groan that was forming in his gut. 
It had been her idea to keep their relationship secret.
“Just a little while, Ross,” she’d said. “I like that it belongs only to us right now and we don't have to answer to anyone.” She meant she didn't want Prudie or Jud or even Jinny prying or offering commentary, no matter if it was lewd or encouraging. She didn't want her good work at the cafe to be scrutinised since she was now sleeping with the boss. And she mostly didn't want her family–her volatile father and her pious brothers–to get a whiff of her sex life.
Of course Ross honoured that wish. He was never one for public displays of affection anyway and mostly kept his emotions–except for anger–under wraps. But pretending he didn't want her when she was so close was getting more and more difficult, and he found his lifetime of stoicism was rather easily discarded.
Once he’d almost thrown all caution to the wind and pressed her against the dairy case so that she could feel for herself just how he bore his desire. Surely the older gentleman hidden behind his Newquay Voice, was dozing, his flat white growing cold. And the two teenagers at the window table were both engrossed by their mobiles and wouldn't notice or couldn't be bothered to care if they did.
But instead Ross bit his lip and mumbled something about taking out the rubbish. 
“Do you need any help?” Demelza began but he’d already marched out, slamming the back door without really intending to.
She couldn't have helped him even if he required it. Someone had to think of the customers. 
When he reached the bin, he saw one of the flimsy bags had a tear in its side and had left a leaking trail behind him. He lifted it higher, trying to shift its weight and reposition the tear, hoping he could heave it over the side of the bin before it vomited its contents on the pavement, but only succeeded in spilling the muck on his trainers.
“Fuck, that’s foul!” He chucked the bag and kicked the wall to try to dislodge the gloppy mess–pasta primavera had been today’s lunch special–from his shoe. “Disgusting! What the hell am I meant to do with this filth!” he growled before he saw he had no choice but to use his hands to clear his foot. “Fuck me!”
"Okay, if you insist. But filthy, eh? You like that, huh?" Somehow Demelza had come up behind him. He heard her laugh and looked up into her amused face.
“You find this humorous?” he asked though he couldn't help but smile.
“I just wish it had been that lovely genoise sponge instead, then I might lick the frosting off you.” As she spoke her tongue peeked out between her lips, reminding him of just what that mouth was capable of.
“Demelza, you are torturing me...” But before he could finish she’d stepped closer and kissed him. One hand rested on his cheek, the other was woven through his curls.
He needed no further invitation and leaned into her mouth, seeking to consume as much of her as he could in this stolen moment. But without using his own hand to grab hold of her, he found he was losing his balance and stepped aside to avoid crashing into her with his soiled clothes.
“Don’t worry. Prudie showed up so she’s watching the shop,” Demelza explained, working hard to contain another laugh.
“I wasn’t worried about that,” he said and held up his filthy hand.
“Poor, Ross,” she said and lifted up her tshirt just a bit at the waist. Taking his wrist, she guided his hand to her bare skin and pressed it against her.
“Demelza,” he objected. “Now you’re…”
“Oops. Looks like we’ll both have to bunk off to clean up,” she offered.
“And strip off these foul clothes?” He said and pulled her into another kiss. 
“Maybe a shower together,” she whispered. “I’m feeling rather dirty, you know.”
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nymsonlinecottage · 4 years
Sage: *makes Prudence feel bad for being part giant*
me: *is about to slap a bitch*
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maedhros-erchamion · 6 years
Poldark Series 3   My thoughts...
- Ross and Demelza’s relationship was a mess. One episode they are happy the next they fight, it was tiring after a while. I guess this is marriage.
- George Warleggan was evil and pathetic as usual. And apparently he hates frogs because Ross bullied him in school. Ross really messed him up.
- I expected more from Dwight and Caroline’s relationship. In the last two episodes they are background characters.
- Aunt Agatha deserved to have her party. I will miss her. She was awesome.
- Morwenna & Drake are too pure but a little boring.
- That pastor is so disgusting I couldn’t watch his scenes.
- And what was this storyline with Morwenna’s sister Rowella. Why she did what  she did? I don’t know. 
- Prudie encourages Demelza to cheat on Ross, then she feels guilty about it.
- About the affair: I can understand Demelza. She wanted a little romance in her life after what Ross did to her. But Armitage is inexcusable. Ross saved your life and this is how you repay him?
- Armitage to Demelza: “Can we please fuck. I will be blind in a few months. I want something to remember.” 
Overall it was fine but not better from the previous 2 seasons.  
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carolightpenvenys · 7 years
doctors- a penvenys AU chapter 3
Dwight knew as soon as his phone rang at 1:45am that it was bad news.
“What.. the fuck ?” He turned the light on and winced at the sudden change of scenery before fumbling for his phone.
“Hello?” He yawned blearily. He hadn’t even had time for contacts, placing his glasses so they more or less hung off his nose.
“Dwight it’s me.” The voice was almost unrecognisable and incredibly shaky.
“Demelza?” He was shocked because if anyone wasn’t a morning person, it was her. “What’s going on?”
“This is going to sound stupid but- I need someone to come and sit with me.” Her voice showed a feigned courage but underlying fear. “Caroline isn’t well.”
Dwight’s heart dropped, knowing how much this meant to her. “I will be there in half an hour- do you want me to bring board games and colouring books?” He knew her favourite car journey distractions could help around about now.
“Sounds good. Sorry I would’ve asked Ross but he’s in surgery you know.” Her voice was dead and this concerned Dwight more than it should.
“I’m going to hang up now, will you be ok?”
He arrived at the hospital and found Demelza looking lost in reception. “They’ve evacuated her room Dwight. None of my flowers are there or anything.” She collapsed into a chair in the waiting room full of late night A+E victims.
“They’ll keep her in intensive care for a while and then move her back I’m sure.” Dwight replied calmly, taking his backpack off and getting out the pocket board games he’d bought.
“But that’s not it.” A tear squeezed the corner of Demelza’s eye. “She’s having surgery now and they’re not sure her body will cope- one of her fractured ribs is interfering with her organs and she’s already in shutdown mode. I don’t even know if she will make it through the night. They won’t let me be on duty because they can clearly see I’m a mess but I’m a bag of nerves.”
As a qualified doctor who sometimes flirted with surgery, Dwight knew that this was not good at all. In fact, there was very little chance Caroline would make it. His heart dropped that he’d encouraged such bottomless optimism in Demelza and somehow in himself? Just by talking to her he felt attached in a way he couldn’t comprehend and so he figured out playing a game was the best solution.
“So Cluedo is out because there’s only two of us.” Dwight decided not to reply to Demelza directly because she needed time. “But I have Kerplunk.”
Demelza offered a watery smile. “I love Kerplunk.”
So Dwight spent the next 5 minutes setting it up in tense silence with both their pagers on the table between them, a constant reminder of what was going on around them.
But once the game started, tension leaked out a little bit. It  was a game that didn’t need any words but could still be enjoyed and could still occupy minds and that was the goal really.
Dwight was also terrible at Kerplunk whereas Demelza could play for England so when finding himself with many marbles and her with very few, her smile seemed to become genuine, almost forgetting the tense circumstances. Dwight was relieved by this.
A nurse came strolling in at around 2:30am to which Demelza asked, “Any news Prudy?”
“Unfortunately not.” Her arms were crossed and she looked as if she hadn’t slept in days. “Also, Sister Keren wants you to clock in now. She says we ought to make use of youse bein’ here while you are.”
“Wait.” Demelza’s eyes widened and eyebrows raised simultaneously. “She’s asking me to start a fucking shift? Like this?” She presented herself with her hands, indicating her watery eyes and lack of scrubs. “Well she can go fuck herself.”
“Ain’t gonna be easy tellin’ her that.” Prudy winced. “But I understand. T’int right t’int fair t’int just t’int proper. Listen I’m supposed ta clock out round three but will stay ‘til six ta cover ye.”
“Prudy.” Demelza stood up, taking her hand. “You couldn’t possibly.”
“I know ya’d do the same.” She shrugged modestly. “And s’truth. Fuck sister Keren.” And with that she turned on her heel and left.
“My god.” Demelza turned back to Dwight and sat down. “I would die for that woman.”
“Maybe I should just become a nurse.” Dwight shrugged. “Doctors are absolutely merciless.”
“Ay, well you’ve gotta stick together when your pay is being docked hourly by the government.” She shrugged. “Fuck Theresa May right?”
“Yup.” Dwight was so tired and his head was swimming. But he knew he could always nod to that.
They packed Kerplunk away and Dwight left Demelza with an adult colouring book whilst he tried to make sense of his hectic schedule for tomorrow where he was scheduled in about 3 places at once. And to think, he became a GP for less work.
The clock struck 4am and it was radio silence all round.
“I’m going to have a wander round.” Dwight told Demelza, putting the random tabloid he was reading down. “See if I can hear anything. I start at six though so I can’t promise I will be back.”
“If you hear anything.” Demelza’s eyes were weeping. “Tell me straight away- page me or something.”
“Ok.” And with that, Dwight stumbled off, to try and hear things and to nap in his office before his shift.
His hands were on his cheeks trying to get some life into his face as he carried his backpack like a lost explorer.
“Oh thank God Ross.” He saw his friend across the corridor and reached out to him. “Have you heard anything about Caroline? Demelza’s driving herself mad.” He yawned.
“It’s 50/50.” Ross frowned. “I’ve just come from putting a cast on at A+E but they had to pull her out of the induced coma to operate and they aren’t sure if her body’s strong enough.”
Dwight sucked in his teeth. “But she’s alive?”
“For the minute, yes. This doesn’t come without risk but they only put her in an induced coma as a precaution you know- it’s just a case of her body being ready to come back at full force.” Ross shrugged. “We won’t know until she’s recovered from surgery but the doctors reckon her other injuries have healed enough for her to come out of an induced coma if she’s successful. All we can do is wait- we should know by about 9am.”
Dwight looked at his watch. It was a quarter to six.
“They’re being so quiet in surgery it’s impossible to know what’s going on. Just start your day as normal.” Ross tried to sound convincing.
Dwight huffed before heading off to his office. He had a packed morning including two hours of doing low-key jobs in A+E like stitches.
Evidently he had no way of napping before a shift. He was due to finish at 12 though so there was a silver lining.
“Dr Enys, the antibiotics aren’t working.”
“Rosina, it’s called antibiotic therapy.” Dwight rolled his eyes. His last appointment of the day was a sad twist of fate. “It means you have to take all of them until you run out. You’ve taken about a week’s worth.”
“You know…” She looked at him, pouting and leaning forward. “I thought this would involve actual therapy- you know like one on one.”
“Sorry Rosina.” He laughed nervously. “My face can’t cure chlamydia.” He backed away. “So really if you just keep taking your drugs you should be absolutely fine- no need to see me again.”
Thank God.
He was about to cry with relief that he’d finally finished his day when his pager went off. It was one of the sisters claiming there was an emergency that he needed to attend to before he clocked out. So maybe his shift would end around three now. He sighed.
“Sorry Miss Hoblyn but I have an emergency to attend to.” Dwight muttered dryly, kicking open the door for her. He had heard a rumour earlier in the day that some idiot had been trying to perform stunts on his motorbike and Dwight was probably needed to do some stitches or something.
He reached the intensive care unit and looked for the right bed- number 64. He had bought his bag with him just in case he was needed for stitches so he thought himself well prepared to do some stitches or something.
He realised when he opened the curtain of number 64 that the answer was or something.
He dropped his bag straight on the floor and his face was white.
Directly in front of him was an incredibly lifelike Caroline Penvenen looking very smug considering not even 24 hours ago she was on death’s door.
“Don’t you just love that they gave me my own pager?” She shook it in her hand. “And you were first on my list to call… I heard you’re the best doctor they have in this godforsaken place.” She was immobile but it was what to be expected from someone who hadn’t moved for months.
“I’m-I’m sorry.” The situation had not yet dawned on him that he was speaking to a real, animate Caroline Penvenen. Of whom he had told several of his secrets too whilst she lay in a hospital bed. “I’m not an intensive care doctor- we have some really good ones though.”
“That’s funny because Demelza told me that you do a little bit of everything- so why not me?” He expected her to be shy but she smiled with ease until it was almost a smirk.
“Did you know, just before my accident, Demelza was so keen to get me to break up with my boyfriend she was going to set us up on a blind date?”
Dwight looked up and into her eyes. Abort. This was a mistake. Her gaze was intense. “Would you have gone?” He asked.
“Dr Enys!” She feigned surprise. “What kind of woman do you think I am? I’m loyal to a man.”
“Oh- I didn’t realise.” Dwight stuttered, embarrassed. “I never saw him call into see you.
“Well I guess the wedding is off then.” She frowned but she didn’t really seem too bothered. Dwight was struck. Demelza was lying? She didn’t just have a boyfriend but she was engaged too?
“I’m just kidding.” She broke the silence. “I do have a boyfriend though and he’s coming for me.”
Dwight’s stomach sank now not just due to jealousy but plainly because he knew this to be incredibly unlikely. He’s seen patients like this before and he just knew that somehow or another, she would end up heartbroken.
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