#no one understands but shep and mel
theragethatisdesire · 7 months
quick bright things - teaser 2 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"So quick bright things come to confusion.” - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream Act I Scene I
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MY TOP SECRET WIP HAS A NAME NOW!!! welcome to the world of quick bright things !! here is a little sneaky surprise :) i still don't know when it will be done or even if i should be posting this but i can't stop myself i love you guys i love this eren i never want to shut up about it ANDDDD i think part 1 should be postable soon.....if only you guys knew what i had in store for this uni truly. anyway.....tell me what u think hehehee enjoy<3
teaser 1 here if you missed it
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“Open up.”
You’ve been enjoying this game of trading one sense for another, and you keep your eyes shut firmly, letting your jaw fall open and your tongue hang out. A piece of peach, fleshy and dripping with juice, finds its way onto your tongue, pinched too roughly between strong fingers. When you close your lips around the fruit, the fingers stay with it, frozen in their pinched position and forcing you to suck the peach from them, to swallow around them, to run your tongue along them and get as much of the meat as you can. When the fingers withdraw from your lips, you open your eyes and gasp quietly.
Eren’s leaning over you, a solar eclipse that smells like tan skin and sounds like Campari, and in the silhouette of the sunlight, you think he’s smiling.
“You’re still hungry,” he says, a question that’s left its punctuation mark behind. You think of Historia, of the shame of revealing your appetite. You dodge.
“I’m never hungry.”
“Never?” Eren crawls over you to kneel between your legs, propping one of your ankles up on his shoulder. The game you started is ripped out of your hands, chess pieces flying into the pool, scattering across the table, knocking over bottles and matchbooks. It’s so silent out here in the sun it hurts, and you almost miss the constant buzzing horseflies of early summer.
“If you’ve never been hungry,” Eren muses, tilting his head so that his cheekbone fits into the sensitive arch of your foot, reaching a hand down to splay it wide on your belly, “you’ve never been full.”
“How do you figure?” Your words come out throaty, waterlogged.
“Can’t have one without the other.” Eren shrugs, turning his head to the side. His lips brush against your heel, your Achilles’, the swirly seashell dangling from your anklet. You dig your teeth into your bottom lip, toes twitching behind his ear. “I don’t believe you, anyway.”
“No?” You try to tilt your head coyly, like your heart’s not clawing and scratching against your throat to get to him. Hungry, indeed.
“You wouldn’t stare like that if you didn’t want to.”
You’re taken aback, but not enough to fall out of the moment, Eren’s lips closing around the knob of your ankle slowly, like the pit of a fruit, make sure of that.
“Didn’t want to what?”
Eren’s hands meet the cushion on either side of your head hard enough to rattle the chair, his long, tanned body stretching over yours. He’s close enough to brush his nose against yours, but you can still see the hazy green of his eyes flicking here and there on your face: from your eyes to your lips to the beauty mark on your cheek. Your poolside lounge feels more like a butcher’s block under your taut spine.
Sasha’s told you about the wolves in these hills, that they howl murder at night, but they’re sleepy and indulgent in the heat of the sun. One of Eren’s canines catches the light and glints at you as he grins.
“Eat yourself sick.”
come hang in my inbox if u have questions or thoughts or literally anything at all hehehehehehe i love you guys!!! enjoy him <3
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mythopoeticursa · 5 years
Borderlands 1 - the Dahl Headlands #1
Finishing up with Sledge and receiving a warning from Steele results in Zed helping the vault hunter get clearance to the Dahl Headlands, which is a wide desert range with two short stops on the way to New Haven, the main hub of Borderlands 1. The main conflict of this map is attempting to get into New Haven and being blocked by the up and coming Bandit Lord (I call him one simply because he has enough precedence despite being new to the Headlands) Mad Mel.
This is one of the best maps and mission segments with some of the lowest reward in my eyes. Ernest Whitting is a good first introduction to the map, giving you an understanding of the land by immediately pinpointing you to the real hub of the map, being Lucky’s Last Chance Watering Hole, rather than Ernest’s bluffside shack. Ernest serves more of a Shep Sanders role on the map, while Lucky and the Lucky’s bounty board are the next Fyrestone. Lucky is a fun character himself, causing the vault hunters to get contacted multiple times by an angry Scooter about how Lucky is making them treat his runners like crap, and how Lucky slept with his mother (whom we haven’t met yet as of this point in the game) which gives us a picture into who Lucky is. Not only that, but we have to rid his watering hole, a small village-like establishment, of bandits, and we find him sitting in his own home’s jail cell on a toilet model. That in and of itself tells you a whole story about carefree, tired Lucky.
This map is a good opportunity for players to open up their exploration and Runner skills, as the map is completely catered to Runner travel. The side missions here are enjoyable for exploration’s sake - there are many “travel to point A, B, and C” missions that show you different areas you can drive your runner to and see for yourself, but gives you a guided hand and something to do when reaching those locations. Skagzilla is easily the best beast in Borderlands 1, and I believe takes the cake even for Borderlands 2 (excluding Dukino’s mom in Lynchwood, because she is the same concept but bigger which is always welcome). Runner work in the game isn’t easy but is rewarding when you figure out how to work with your runner to get the most kills in this map.
I also enjoyed the B-level plot section of the Fast Travel network. While you can always fast travel to the dlcs in Borderlands 1, I’m glad you can’t do much fast travel right away - the Arid Badlands maps are small and easy to go back and forth on, and fast travel would have taken what was already seconds of travel down to seconds less. Fast Travel being available in the next large map, or chapter I say, of the game feels appropriate. Now I can go back to Fyrestone and to Lucky’s with ease if I need (which you really don’t need to go to Fyrestone again until Scooter and the New Haven bounty board give you jobs in the Arid Badlands but I digress). Giving this a slight plot point situated around Mad Mel wanting control so bad of the path to New Haven that he cuts off fast travel works well.
There’s also a side mission from Tannis, in which she instructs the vault hunter to go down to a dig site and recover an elemental artifact (explosive I believe). When going to the dig site, the usual taking care of bandits occurs, but down in the dig site is our first encounter with the Eridians. These bad boys have a very intimidating feature, and their shields are massive. Having 6 of them flying at you and slicing your shield to shreds is frightening at best. Powering through them doesn’t lead much reward in terms of loot, but knowing they look like the statues in the dig site and are likely related to the aliens who created the Vault and anything Vault related makes you excited to go further into the game and learn more. It also makes you hopeful that you’ll see them again, even if they’re tough enemies with their fast movement and strong shields.
Finally, Mad Mel himself, once you take out 8 runners, is a bitch to deal with. Let me tell you, he’s easily the worst Bandit Lord boss in the first game. Hell he’s probably my least favorite borderlands boss fight in general. It’s certainly close to call as being one of the worst. A small space for the runner to go around in a circle with 2-3 other runners, it’s difficult to get your aim down right, and Mad Mel shows up in an amored vehicle that can take your vehicle down in like 4-6 hits with his missiles. It’s a NIGHTMARE to deal with to this day, and it doesn’t even feel good to kill him, because there’s so little reward for doing so. All you can really do is drive out of his arena, then go to the Claptrap at the end of the Dahl Headlands, and go to New Haven.
The Dahl Headlands is overall fairly successful but i think if they wanted to do a fight with Mad Mel in vehicles they shouldn’t have given him such an advantage and should have put it on the main drag of the Dahl Headlands instead of a small arena. The map is made for high jumps in Runners and good vehicle combat, I wish they had taken better advantage of what they did well.
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unnatural-humanity · 8 years
The Advertisement of my Life Part 5
Summary: The end of Jared’s and the reader’s ‘working relationship’ has come and it is time to decide…
Prompt: “What she said” (part 3)
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Reader’s Parents, Melanie (OFC)
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k Words
Warnings: None. Fluff? German (if that’s a trigger for you)
A/N: Jared and Gen are divorced (nothing against Gen, I love her, I just couldn’t find different reason) Also the translations of the dialogue between the reader her parents are in Italics
I wrote this for the wonderful @luci-in-trenchcoats for her 2k follower challenge
Tags: @pretty-fortune @smoothdogsgirl @ky2799 (Just ask)
One month later - November 2016
The weeks till the end of my contract flew by and a faster than I realised November had come. We tried to hide it from the kids but of course, something had to go wrong.
It was Tom who discovered it.
“Daddy? Where is Y/N/N?”, in one hand holding his Teddy Bear, he stepped inside.
“Tom?” I lifted myself on my elbow and blinked into the bright light.
“Y/N/N? Why are you in daddy’s bed?” Internally cursing I shook Jared’s shoulder.
“W-what, daring?”
“Tom is here.”
“What?” Still half asleep he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“I had a bad dream daddy”, the toddler pouted.
“C'mere”, Jared mumbled and tabbed between me and him on the bed. Tom climbed on the bed and cuddled himself against his father’s chest.
In the morning, before one of my men could wake up, and sneaked out of the bedroom and into my own. After I got ready for the day I went down to make breakfast. A quick look at the clock told me, that Jared wouldn’t wake up in the next hour. He liked to sleep in when he had the chance. And with the best bedhead in the whole wide world came my moose down the stairs.
“Morning”, he said still sleepy.
“Good morning you too dear”, I laughed.
“Today isn’t your birthday, is it?”, he asked suspiciously.
“No, but it’s the 31st October. My last official workday!, I exclaimed happily. We had already talked about our relationship and came to the point that he wanted me to stay. Not as a nanny but as a girlfriend. His eyes went wide and grinning he threw me over his shoulder and spun me around.
“Jared! Let me down!”, laughing I hammered against his back. I screamed as he let me fall onto the couch.
“I have to tell my parents!”, I exclaimed.
“I have to tell my parents why I can’t come home this Christmas.”
“Right”, his eyes were sparkling with excitement, “Should we call now?”
“It’s 11.21 am here, that means…”, quickly I calculated the time in my hometown, “it’s 6.21 pm there. Let’s call after breakfast. I get the boys.”
Luckily Tom couldn’t remember the night and that I was sleeping in his daddy’s bed. After an uneventful breakfast, the kids went upstairs playing and I got my laptop.
“Oh, Jared. My Parents don’t speak very much English. So I have to translate for you.
“Okay.” He nodded understanding.
At the beginning, I tilted the camera to me so my parents couldn’t see Jared.
“Elisabeth? Kannst du mich hören? (Y/N? Can you hear me?)”, my mother asked.
“Hallo, Mama. Ist Papa da? Ich möchte euch jemanden vorstellen (Hello, mum. Is dad there? I would like to introduce you to someone)”, I told my mother.
“Moment, Ich hole ihn eben (One moment, I’ll get him)”, she said and walked away to get my dad.
I could hear her calling my father and dragging him out of the garage. Patiently I waited till the both sat on the couch and looked into the camera.
“So wen wolltest du uns so dringend vorstellen? (So, who do you wanted to introduce to us do urgently?) ”, he asked after he greeted me happily.
“Meinen neuen festen Freund (My new boyfriend)”, I turned the laptop so they got a good view on both of us.
Both, my mother’s and my father’s jaw dropped about and inch. Mum found her voice faster than dad.
“Ähm, h-hallo. Nett dich kennen zu lernen. Ich bin Kerstin”, she stuttered. Jared shoot me an insecure glance.
“Oh, right. Jared, that’s my mother Kerstin, she said, it is nice to meet you”, I translated quickly for my confused boyfriend.
“Hello, Mr and Mrs Vogel. I really appreciate meeting you. You have a lovely daughter”, he blubbered out, obviously nervous.
“Er freut sich auch darüber euch zutreffen und meint, dass ich reizend bin”, I explained to my parents. Out of the nowhere, I heard one of the boys crying. Both, my and Jared’s head shoot up.
“I’ll go, darling.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and rose up to look after his sons. My parents completely forgotten, I gazed after him till he was gone. At least until my father cleared his throat.
“Er ist dir wirklich wichtig oder? (He really is important to you, isn’t he?)”, my father asked.
“Er ist wunderbar Papa. (He is wonderful, daddy.)”
“Wir sind froh, dass du glücklich bist, Schätzchen (We’re glad you are happy, darling)”, said my mother with a warming smile.
I explained to them, that I couldn’t come home this Christmas. My Parents were both sad, that the wouldn’t see their eldest daughter but I assured them I would visit them as soon as possible.
“Everything alright with the boys?”, I asked my boyfriend who came padding down the stairs behind me.
“Just the usual ‘I wanna have what you have’”, he reassured.
“I have to tell Melanie!”, I exclaimed all of the sudden, “She kills me if she finds it out trough Twitter. But at least we don’t have to worry about time zones this time. She lives in San Francisco.”
“So, she speaks English”, Jar assumed.
“Yes, and now hush! I wanna surprise her.”
“Y/N/N?” Melanie’s short brown hair stuck out in every direction.
“Morning Mel. I hope I didn’t wake you”, I asked with an evil grin.
“Bite me. What do you want at 11 am on a holiday?“
“I’m making sure that you don’t get arrested for murdering someone on Christmas.”
“What?”Confused she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Well, if you don’t wanna meet my boyfriend, okay. See ya.”
“Boyfriend? Who?”, now I had her by the balls.
“I think he is old enough to speak for himself.” Like I did it with my parents, I tilted the camera to reveal Jared.
“You are fucking kidding me.”
“Actually I’m Jared”, he joked.
“I-i know. Wow. Eli, du musst mir erzählen wie du dir den geangelt hast.” I was so glad that she said the last thing in German.
“Thank you, Mel. I am not going to translate this. See you when you found your verbal filter.” I finished the conversation and he hung up.
“What did she say?”
“Something dumb and inappropriate.”
We spend the rest of the day decorating the house. In the evening Jared, Shep and Tom went out to go ‘candy-hunting’ Jared was dressed up as a zombie, Tom as a spider and Shep was a ghost.
(She said (Y/N/N), you have to tell me how you caught this one.)
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dustiesmasseffect · 8 years
You used to be realy active and nice and freindly, and now it seems like you only reblog art and talk to your blogger freinds who you write MEL with. You ignor asks and you ignor fandom memes. What happened to suporting smaller bloggers? What hapened to you? Its like you got populer and just forgot about your old friends.
Hi Anon-
TBH, this message took me by surprise.
Let me try and unpack your Ask a bit because I feel likeperhaps I hurt feelings or did something wrong unintentionally. I also could gointo all the things happening in my life on the other side of this screen, butyou don’t need a bio (and I don’t think I should have to write one either).
First of all, I will say that I did actually make a postback in October about stepping back from the blog. This was a purposefuldecision of mine because I was spending a lot of my days in front of mycomputer during work, after work, andon the weekends scheduling and tagging posts. I was putting up 4 posts an hourfor 24 hours at the time, meaning I was tagging and scheduling nearly 100posts/day. I did this for several MONTHS. My social life took a dive, mysleeping schedule took a dive, and I wasn’t doing anything but running theblog. I call(ed) DME my “second job” when I talked about it with myfriends. That’s how much time I was spending on it.
Until about 2-3 weeks ago, I had cut the schedule back to 2posts/hour with a small queue running for a few hours during the middle of thenight. That’s still a lot of work for me, but it allowed me some personalpursuits off of the computer which is what I need to recharge.
With the new Andromeda trailers dropping more frequently andfandom content going into overdrive, I’ve had to up my posting schedule againto even try and keep up. Even when I’m “on top” of things I find I’mstill behind and I’m not catching up.
This breaks my heart because I feel like I’m letting peopledown. I am only one person though, so it’s important that it’s understood thatI’m doing the best that I can.
As for only reblogging art, I am sad to say that this istrue and I feel HUGELY guilty about it. The main reason why this happens isthat I want to read every piece of fiction I post and reading a story takes alot longer than looking at a work of fan art. I honestly have about 200 storiesfrom the fandom in my drafts that I want to read before I post. It’s horribleand rude and terrible of me. I can’t read it all like I want, I haven’t readANYTHING for fun in months, actually, because I’m too tired to when I finallyget to bed. It’s an excuse, yes, but it’s the truth.
I try to talk to everyone that messages me. Sometimes I’mable to reply right away and other times it can take me a week or two (ormore!) to answer. I’ve never been the best at conversations, even though I ambetter at written ones than verbal ones. (I am also terrible with replies because they take me forever to do.)
As for only talking to @omegastation and other MEL folks,that’s blatantly untrue and I’m not really sure where that assumption camefrom. I am sorry if it appears that way, but it’s definitely not the case. Yes,we talk, but those discussions of late are incredibly short and MEL business related andless of fun, “Hey what’s up and how are you doing?” convos.
In regards to Asks and memes, I actually try to answer asmany asks as I can and I often answer privately because that’s what’s warrantedby the message I’m sent. As for other Asks, I put a lot of time and thoughtinto them and they can take me quite a while to answer. However, because ofyour message, I’ve tried to go through as many of them as I can because it wasa task I had been neglecting. There are a couple of them that I will take sometime to answer still, but for the most part, I hope I’ve caught up.
Memes are also something that take me awhile to do. HonestlyI love(d) doing them for quite a while, but I became overburdened with themquickly. I also stopped getting emails from Tumblr over a year ago, so I onlysee posts I’m tagged in if I happen to see the tag in my notifications.Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. Getting tagged in something is an honor andI am really happy that people think of me when they do them. 
It’s incrediblydifficult for me to do memes though because I want to do them right and notfast. I also get stressed and anxious about tagging other bloggers and doingchain messages because I always feel like I’m leaving people out and I don’twant others to have hurt feelings by not getting a message/tag. It’s a funpractice, but it can also cause hurt unintentionally. I kinda unofficiallystopped doing them for this reason. I want to tag EVERYONE, but I can’t, so Ijust don’t do them.
I support everyone and try to do so fairly. I’ve spent mostof my time in the tag now for the better part of a month, reblogging as much asI can. I know I’m missing posts but that’s basically because there is SO MUCHNEW CONTENT I cannot keep up. I try to reblog and showcase as many differentpeople and blogs as I can, but with the sheer amount of stuff going aroundright now, I am bound to miss some. I have considered opening my submissions tohelp with this, but in all honesty I prefer to reblog.
I haven’t forgotten about anyone. In reality this franchisehas a huge fan base and our “little” community that existed sixmonths ago has grown again as people have started coming back to Mass Effect asAndromeda approaches. Mass Effect 3 sold over 3.5 million copies on its own in itsFIRST MONTH OF RELEASE, which means that there are a TON of fans out there.Some of the fans weren’t as vocal until the Andromeda hype machines startedfull blast, but they’re back and excited now, and I’m happy that everyone ishere.
The thing is that now the community feels bigger and lesscohesive than it did last year. It’s not really, but it FEELS that way andthere’s so much content being produced daily that folks like me, who want toget as much Mass Effect in one spot, are having a hard time collating andorganizing it all. I physically can’t keep up, even if I spend all my wakinghours doing it.
Yes, I realize that perhaps my break seemed like I wasturning my back on the community and that’s definitely not the case. I had to step back for me and my mentalhealth. I miss the community and the friends I have here for sure. I misswriting! I miss talking to people about their Sheps. I miss lots of aspects ofTumblr that I was more active in 6 months ago. But I could not and cannot keepup with it all without it being detrimental to my life outside of the computerscreen.
I’m trying. I really am. I am sorry if I somehow missed apost of yours and didn’t reblog it. I’m sorry if there are mutuals who feelthat I’ve not boosted them enough. I’m sorry if I’ve left IM messagesunanswered. To be honest, I hardly feel “popular” and I kind of feelthe most hurt about that remark more than anything.
My goal has always been to make this blog a nice place forpeople to appreciate a game franchise they love and I hope I’m still doingthat, even if I’ve been unable to be directly in the thick of things for awhile now.
This is already much longer than I intended (or than itshould be) but clearly this is a topic that should be addressed.
I can only apologize for my extended “satellite” absence and ask for theunderstanding as to why I needed to and continue to do it.
Sincerely,Marina, AKA Dustie
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Opening up
Clare: smiled. “I hope that means it teaches stuff other than how to get a girl to sleep with you. Like how to treat women like human beings not sex objects. Of course I don’t think you need to be taught to respect women or about consent...but lots of boys do. Even our old principal the Shep had to take sensitivity training.” She mock gasped at Kota’s confession. “Unacceptable! It’s a dark toned fantasy with magic, dragons, and violent dynastic struggles among the realm's noble families for the Iron Throne. And it’s loosely based off real medieval European history. What’s not to love? We’re watching the first episode tonight. Please just give it a chance. I won’t make you watch more episodes if you don’t like it for some strange reason.” Clare gave Kota her best puppy dog eyes look. “Yeah. Connor gets that weird tofu crap from his sort of sister, Emma Nelson. So you’ve already done a survey?” She laughed. “We’ll make do. I like teriyaki chicken stir fry, rice and noodles, soup. Cauliflower soup is my favorite.” Clare named a few different types of food she could eat in Japan. “This trip just keeps getting better.” She proclaimed after Kota approved of date nights. It would be very nice to go out together on a regular basis with no friends or family tagging along. They’d still be spending plenty of time with Emi, Alli, Connor, Eli, K.C, Yohio, and the new friends they were going to make. “I won’t break up with you by kissing someone else.” Clare promised, scrunching up her nose. “Sounds like a really mean way to end a relationship. Even K.C. told me he wanted to break up before he ran off to makeout with Jenna. I don’t want to break up and I like your kisses best.” She squeezed his arm affectionately. “Thank you. There might be things I don’t recognize at all like meat dishes. Don’t let me eat shark either!” Clare nodded. “My parents will be impressed by your academic accomplishments. Winning them over completely is hard but not impossible. They love Alli, Adam, and Connor. K.C not so much. Eli not at all. Jenna they felt sorry for. Before she had a baby. Dad’s easier to get along with. Unfortunately, Mom is secretly in charge.” Her parents fought all the time now but Dad never came out the winner. Clare looked back and forth between Kota and Melanie curiously as the singer brought up a footballer player from school and Kota mentioned being busy during free periods. “No one became nasty about it?” She’d never witnessed anything extreme but Clare was often caught up with her own extracurriculars at school. “Awesome!” Clare told them after looking at the screencap of Jimmy Fallon. “Oh come on. It is.” She scoffed. As she got out of the car at the mall, Clare looked past Kota, staring at the boy. Did he go to Degrassi? She didn’t recognize him. What had he done to make Kota hate him so much? The boy looked harmless and the mention of Owen caused her to stiffen. Why was Kota standing up for the school bully? She didn’t understand any of this. Clare started to walk away with Kota and Melanie. The girls stopped soon as Kota did and Clare edged away from her boyfriend. She gave Melanie a confused look and motioned for the singer to stand out of the way with her. They heard every word of the argument and Clare was embarrassed. She NEVER thought she’d be grateful to see Owen but after he separated Kota and the boy from school, Clare decided Kota might have a better reason to be friends with Owen than she had to dislike him. “Yes, where do you want to go Melanie?” After Melanie decided, Clare turned back to Kota. “I want an explanation. Who IS that kid? What is going on?” She hissed in a whisper
Kota: sighed at Clare's question. "Sadly there's no class for that." he stated honestly. "Clare, I"m sorry, but I can't watch the episode with you tonight, I have a lot of stuff to do before the trip." he apologized. "I didn't really do a survey, it's just that they asked." he shrugged. "In Japan everything is made different. Teriyaki there is made with Sake, the alcohol is cooked out, but you can still taste it. We can have ramen too.. they top them with either a hard boiled egg or soft boiled, you can ask to leave it off and the ham comes in a whole slice off a ham you buy in the store for holidays." he said a little excitedly and kissed her cheek when she mentioned the trip getting better. "I'd hope you wouldn't leave me by kissing someone else." he laughed jokingly, he knew she was being honest and kissed her chastely. "I like your kisses most too." he smiled and laughed when she mentioned not letting her eat shark. "I don't eat shark and I won't let you eat cat, dog, turtle, sting ray, octopus, raw horse meat, fish sperm, or kimchi either. Unless you like fermented vegetables." he promised. "But I do like squid, fish, and other things you won't." he said honestly. "I'm glad I stand a chance. I mean I have a job too does that count?" he asked curiously. He looked at Clare when she asked about Todd. "He goes to our school, his name is Todd. He works on the yearbook, he takes pictures at the dances and school festivals for now." he said honestly and saw Anya walking towards him as they neared the mall. "You said I can talk to you, right?" she asked curiously. "Yea, but can we talk later?" he questioned motioning to Clare and Mel. "Can I stay over?" she asked. "I'll text my mom. You'll probably have to share a room with my sister." he said and texted his mom only for her to hug him. "By the way, Todd is in the parking lot. I almost beat the shit out of him." he admitted. "And you'll get charged with assault." she said. "I'm going to school with a fucking rapist and I can't hit him a few times?" he asked a bit sarcastic. "You can't sleep in your own room, I can't get the images out of my head. Every time I see him I want to beat the fuck out of him and Simpson just wants to ignore it because the cops won't do shit." he fumed. "They searched his house." Anya shrugged. "I'm going to get the pictures one way or another, I promise you that." he huffed as Anya walked off and he looked at Clare. "Yea, we're going to school with a known rapist and since the cops ignored it so Simpson is too. How do I know Todd raped her? She was completely drunk and I went to check on her since she told me she wasn't feeling well and was going to lay down in her room, I walked in to see Todd on top of her taking pictures as he raped her. I threw him against the wall and went to hit him, but Drew pulled me off of him as Owen called the cops. We can't find the pictures and without them there's no proof." he explained.
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