#no poll this time let the squid talk xd
zu-is-here · 4 months
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putschki1969 · 7 years
Kalafina Club 2017/07/04
Note: According to my poll, lots of my followers would like to see more content regarding Kalafina’s regular radio show “Kalafina Club” so I thought I’d start right away. This won’t be a super detailed translation or anything. I guess you could consider it a sort of summary but hey, you know me, my summaries usually tend to be quite detailed XD As always be aware that my listening comprehension sucks so take everything you see here with a pinch of salt. Sorry this took so long >_<
Let’s get right to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Day duty: Hikaru (three times in a row! She has been busy!)
Song: あたらしい世界 (Atarashii Sekai/New World) – by The Gospellers (ゴスペラーズ) 1998
何もかもが あたらしい世界へ Nanimo ka mo ga atarashii sekai e きみをさらって行こう Kimi wo saratte ikou 世界一 短い誓いをするよ Sekai ichi mijikai chikai wo suru yo そうきみが 好きだよ Sou kimi ga suki da yo
Referring to the second to last line of the lyrics they just sang, Wakana says, 「短い誓いでした」 which pretty much means, “this was a short little vow”. In the lyrics it says “I am gonna make the shortest vow in the world, that’s right, I love you!”
The girls are very much smitten with this song, Keiko says that singing those lyrics about a love confession made her heart beat faster. YAY for “late night excitement”. Hikaru really loves the second line they sang, “きみをさらって行こう” which more or less means “I will take you with me [to a new world]” Wakana agrees, it’s a cool line, she is all like, “tomorrow? will you take me along tomorrow?” (referring to the listener who requested them to sing this song). To conclude this little romantic intro, we get one of Kalafina’s “love” songs =>
Te to Te to Me to Me
A fan has written a mail talking about all the different ways they are spending their summer (at the sea, at summer festivals, doing certain things etc) and then we have a question for Kalafina => Do you have any favourite ways how to spend your summer? 
Hikaru decides that due to this question it will be a “Kalafina Vision” segment!
Keiko is starting out by stating that summer is always a struggle for Hikaru and the both Wa and Kei wonder if Hikaru even has favourite ways to spend her summer days. As always one of the first things that Hikaru says is that usually she doesn’t go outside in summer. No surprises there. Then she goes on to say that she doesn’t really like opening curtains and windows in the summer due to the strong sunlight but her family members will always ask her to open them so it can’t be helped and she has to open them. So whenever her family starts asking her to open the windows she knows it’s officially summer. Wa and Kei make fun of Hikaru’s aversion to sunlight. Keiko is doing her best impersonation of Hikaru being all like, “No, stop, don’t open the windows. The sunlight....!!” Awww, vampire-Hikaru is the cutest thing ever! Hi says that she always feels like melting so she really doesn’t like the sunlight, Lastly, Hikaru established once again that she really loves eating shaved ice in summer.
Then Wakana tries to think of things that instantly make her feel like it’s summer. I am not sure but I think she talks about some radio show that’s also on air around the same time as Kalafina Club. Either way, she mentions that it’s always nice to listen to Joe Hisaishi’s summer themed songs on the radio, she especially likes to hear the orchestra versions, she even has a CD of those. And yeah, she feels it’s a great way to spend your summer days, listening to these pieces while thinking about all the lovely things in summer.
As is quite usual for Wakana, she suddenly changes the topic and mentions a friend of hers. Apparently Wakana doesn’t really like air conditioning but her friend on the other hand likes to blast the AC to a point where she will have to wrap herself up in blankets in summer. Wakana thinks that’s so fascinating. Hikaru says it’s probably comparable to sitting under the cosy and warm kotatsu (table with a heated blanket) in winter when it’s cold and then you feel like eating ice cream. 
Keiko then starts talking about how people tend to stay out longer during the summer months, they will walk around at night because it has cooled down a bit and there will be a refreshing breeze. She feels like that’s why it’s a little more dangerous at night. Then again, there are SO many people that in fact there is no real danger. Wakana is like, “let’s be careful! But let’s have fun!! And let’s not forget to bring a flashlight!” :P
They remember their trip to France in the summer of 2014, they went to have gelato at night around 10 pm. And they were really surprised since it was still light outside.
In your Eyes
Now it’s Keiko’s turn to talk a little. Keiko is describing the summer activities of an “imaginary” girl called A-chan. In her cute little kiddy-voice she lists stuff like “...I am gonna go to summer festivals nearby and I am gonna eat squid, drink lots of beer and enjoy some cocktails, then at home I’ll watch my favourite DVDs...” Wakana is like, “Oh that girl is having a blast!!” and then she suddenly gets curious and asks Keiko, “Is it possible that A-chan is me? It sounds a lot like me! Are you describing me?” Then the realisation hits her, “Oh no, it can’t be me, I don’t eat squid!...and I don’t drink beer...BUT I watch my favourite DVDs at home XD” (she later explains that she usually buys okonomiyaki at the festival and she will bring it home with her to eat it while watching a movie, most of the time she will just drink tea or something). Keiko then tells us some more details about A-chan, apparently she is a single woman in her 30s, so a girl of their generation XD A-chan always looks at girls in their 20s thinking about how young they still are...But then she doesn’t really continue with her stories about A-chan...I guess we’ll never find out more about her...
Wakana shortly talks about her plants but Hikaru says it’s probably not such a good idea since she is absolutely clueless when it comes to plants. That’s obviously because she spends all of her time watching anime XD Keiko interrupts her by yelling in a cute voice, “you need to go out girl!!!” Hikaru though is happy to stay at home watching summer animes. After all they provide enough heat, no need to go outside. The girls then go on to talk a bit about summer ghost stories, in particular Gakkō no Kaidan (literally School Ghost Stories), a series of horror movies. Wakana is like, “I love those films but I am also really scared of them.” Ever the talkative one, Wakana provides a short summary of one of the films for Keiko and Hikaru who have never seen it.
I think that Keiko says she would rather watch love stories.
Hikaru finishes by listing various ways to spend the summer of 2017 (the ones they have mentioned in the episode), they are people who do lots of outside activities, people who spend their time with all kinds of ghost stories etc...of course she finishes with an emphasis on people who spend their summer holidays watching anime. Lastly, the girls tell everyone to take care and to stay hydrated in the horrible summer heat
Natsu no Ringo
After this we get the usual info regarding new releases and upcoming lives. Nothing regarding their Hyakka Ryouran launch events yet but I am expecting info on those quite soon.
Most fans on twitter seem to think that we’ll get 「Hyakka Ryouran」 next week but the girls haven’t mentioned anything in that regard. We shall see. Also, there was no mention of Hikaru’s birthday during the entire episode. I guess it’s because they recorded it last week already. Maybe we’ll get something next week.
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