#no pressure if you don't wanna rp tho :)
nopecho · 1 year
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Ekko: there's good in everyone... there's good in everyone...
After I sent the ask about Gore's family, my mind immediately went to this. @yogurtpop I couldn't help myself I'm sorry- Ekko is just so pure and it's funny to see her in a family of absolute degenerates. I'd love to explore it further lmao, I've never really done the "pure person" x "actual monster" dynamic before. could be spicy!
If you're down for a roleplay, let me know because I'm growing obsessed!
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hakureimaiden · 2 years
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tagged by: @londonfallen & @momigeddon ty!!
tagging: steal it from me! kjflsjkfnd
Name: irma!
Pronouns: she/her!
Preference of communication: i may be slow to respond depending on my energy levels but IMs and D.iscord are the best ways to reach me! I also just like talking using tags on posts tbh skjfnlkd
Name of muse(s): Reimu Hakurei from Touhou Project! got a lot of other ones too but they are on their own blogs haha
Experience/how long (months/years?): oh jeeze i wanna say something like... 14-15 years? i've been rping for a very long time, since like middle school over text on old flip phones of all things lmao
Platforms you’ve used: until late middle school i actually didn't have much of an online presence, so most of my rp was through text messages! i then moved onto t.umblr! since then i've also used t.witter and d.iscord to rp with some small dips into m.spa or whatever the heck that h.amstake one was called way back when fkjslnjnfd
Pet peeves / dealbreakers: i tend to have a lot of patience over most things tbh, and it takes a lot to truly get under my skin. i think the biggest is just pressuring me for replies, or people being unwilling to understand my spikes in energy levels/focus!
Fluff, angst, or smut: i'm willing to write all 3 depending on the situation, but by and large fluff and angst are what i tend to lean towards the most! i love me my good tea party threads, but i do also like delving into more dramatics with angsty threads!
Plots or memes: both, but memes are easier! i like plotting for bigger things or for relationships, though more for hashing out the broad stokes of something before filling it out with memes and the like!
long or short replies: mid way! i tend to be quiet wordy, so my responses don't usually stay short for long! at the same time, while i do love me some long threads, they will take me a while to chip away at! short stuff is nice for just quick banter and fun short interactions tho!
Best time to write: whenever the house is quiet and i have the focus for it tbh fjknasjkfdn
Are you like your muse(s): in a way! i think the reason reimu has stuck with me as a muse for so long is that i do relate to her 'go with the flow, just here to vibe' attitude, also i very much feel her desire to just wanna be lazy and do nothing but relax all day fjlansjkdf like big mood tbh
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The tittle explains itself, pls read them carefully to avoid any issues.
Go back to guide post to check the others as well.
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Ok, nsfw is allowed cuz Ai said fuck u >:( (but pls disscuss this with me first to see what were both comftable)
You have to be over 18 to interact (minors fuck off pls)
Proshippers aren't welcome either
Pls don't feel pressured to answer, were here to have fun so pls don't feel forced to answer if you can't/ or don't feel like it
To avoid any misunderstanding I would prefer if you used these at the end of the ask:
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Be respectful and careful in what you may say. I will not tolerate any kind of disrespectful interaction, any hate or offense will be imediately erased.
Pls tw your ask (ex. Tw;: blood, knifes, etc) before sending. Its just that is easier for me to tag for anyone who may get triggered
In case I may not understand something I'll be asking to avoid and misunderstanding or confusion (this goes vice versa too)
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Au disscussion: if you feel like rp into a certain au feel free to share! I'll love to share ideas and create our own lil history into those tropes and worlds!
Yandere. However, there will be a limit about how dark this theme goes here, pls make sure you ask me for more detail (will do a post about it if ur interested)
Oc interaction: if you wanna use your own characters to interact with mine, I'll gladly accept them! I love to talk sbout my oc's (even tho i dont post much about them 😅)
Platonic rp is also allowed (as long as the character isn't on the anon list)
Dark themes: anything that's in here such as: rape, incest, suicide, self harm, gore, etc. I know Berserk is a dark genre but it doesn't mean I'm comftable rp with it. I can tolerate blood or injuries but nothing too crazy pls.
Don't be mean to "stay in character" said before, anything disrespecful will be erased.
Anything too angsty.
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Note: additions will be added as time goes (either by suggestion or forgetfulness)
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dravidssideblog · 3 months
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1) Favorite pred personality type: Suave and teasy~
2) Best way for a predator to seduce you: Hold me, pet me, call me a good little pet~
3) Should predators take control or "acquiesce": Dommy preds are fun, but I'm fragile, so I like preds that are willing to let me have a bit of influence.
4) Submissive preds: Wait. If you're submissive, and I'm submissive, then who's flying the plane!? (Genuinely, I'm not really into playing/watching dominant prey, but I'd enjoy a casual cuddly vore with no dominance in either direction.)
5) Size difference: I mostly prefer same-size vore, makes for a nice belly. I like moderate size difference for other dom/sub stuff tho, and it can be fun in vore too.
6) Smaller pred: Not sure, I tend to like being the small one. Could be fun, I guess.
7) Feet first or head first: Head first. Get me in there, ASAP! XD
8) How tight: Tight enough to give some nice pressure, a gentle squeeze.
9) Feeding play: Nah, not really my thing.
10) N/A
11) Favorite vore type(s): I think tail vore, it's fun, and leaves the pred's mouth free to tease~ OV, AV, and CV are all tied, though finding non-fatal CV is rare :(. UB is last place; I don't like vaginas, but UB vore is still vore. My enjoyment is more about the destination than the journey.
12) Lewdness: No. The only time genitals should be involved in vore is when someone is going inside them.
13) Get eaten clothed or naked: Naked, get that direct contact!
14) Belched up clothes/accessories: Maybe it's just how often this is paired with fatal, but I don't really like it. The fact that my characters don't usually wear anything is maybe part of it.
15) Favorite digestion portrayal: Gentle softening and fading consciousness, numb or otherwise painless. And never perma-fatal.
16) Duration before digestion: At least a few minutes; I wanna enjoy the belly awhile! Longer durations are fine too, or no digestion at all lol
17) Sentient pudge/mass: A really fun concept that I haven't been exposed to enough to have thoughts on. Seems good tho!
18) Predscape: I think I've literally never seen this concept done. I've seen the idea, but never an execution of it. Doesn't seem like my thing, idk
19) Duration before reformation: Assuming sentient pudge, I'd like to spend a few hours as their fat, probably spend the night. Not sure about longer-term stuff. If not sentient pudge, then immediately; I wanna enjoy the fat I gave them!
20) N/A
21) Your flavor: Haven't fully thought about this until now. I think I'd be a sweet treat, like skittles or chocolate ice cream! Or a cookie! I think I'd want to be like ice cream most; soft and good to lick, with a flavor that's nice but not too strong.
22) Pre-vore activities: Hug me cuddle me squeeze me lick me, pin me down and strip my clothes off while staring into my eyes~
23) Kinks to combine with vore: Plushies for soft and dry and comfy bellies, and energy drain to get me all weak and helpless and relaxed and sleepy~
24) Vore experience you haven't had but want: I mean technically I've never had a vore experience lol. But for real, probably an RP with someone really teasy and dominant and knows how to push all my buttons~ Maybe some ownership/pet play too.
25) If everyone became their sona, how long before you get devoured: Very vague question. I don't have any vore friends irl, and I mostly stay in my house all day, so I guess never lol?
26) Most effective way to tease you: Call me cute and a good little kitty~ Could probably do even better by touching me, but that's irl only so I have no experience.
27) Biggest button and how to push it: idk if I have any major vore buttons, not enough experience. I guess squeezing and releasing the stomach walls a bunch to churn me up is the biggest one~
28) Would you get vore teased in a voice call or VR: God I hope so.
29) Maw pics or belly pics: Belly, all day every day, it's all about the belly.
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
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i will happily admit it, today, i was a lazy piece of shit! i just stayed my ass in bed, occasionally chatted to friends while drawing witch sky zel on the phone. it just feels nice to have not one BUT TWO!!! TWO!!! days off you don’t realize how exhausted you are until you finally let yourself r e s t after working nearly 40 hours a week, that’s more than usual schedule haha. it’s nice to work hard but it’s also nicer to be kind to yourself and try to relax a bit too and not feel shame! regardless, i will be trying to request time off because whew i need it namely for health reasons!! 
tho close friends and family are kinda pissed i worked too hard bc weak back but yanno... i am Dumbass who doesn’t know how to say no to extra work or anything really haha orz....
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kuberish · 2 years
Okay so, I've been searching for THE RP game for me for quite a while and I think I've never tried asking around on Tungle dot hell.
I'm searching for an RP partner I probs haven't had a game with (it's not super necessary, but I'm not looking for continuing old scenes) and who has established characters. Some sort of a ref would be helpful for me to get an idea who your character is. I'm looking for someone who's able to write multi-paragraph style. I'd be happy if it's more than 150 words. Like, it's fine to have short posts here and there, but I'm here some the multi-para stuff :')
ALSO, super important to be is that you're FULL chill about responses. No pressure, no poking around. Neither from me too, if you wanna drop the RP, I'm good!
I'm mostly looking around to play Flams really. Just some meet'n greet and potential adventures.
I'm ALL here for G/t tbh. It's hard for me to do G/t RPs with people who aren't familiar with it because I will always feel super awkward about it.
I'm generally super nervous about all of this because I tend to back out RPs pretty quickly. So don't be mad at me when I just disappear.
Please DM me if you're interested! I'm sorry if I don't respond tho, I uhh... get easily overwhelmed :')
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armatization-a · 2 years
you know, this isn't going to be a funny story. usually i'd talk about the time someone's character asked mine if he could 'feel their bladders beating', or the times i got pressured into instant replying. or the RP groups i was in
but this? this is a much sadder story, and explains who i am today. and why i joined Tumblr
i was actually kinda... pressured into it? by a friend of mine. we didn't share a fandom at the time, but we wrote together. i feel okay talking about this bc no one is gonna guess who this is lmao. but yeah. so we were close before this. like, super close
then they joined my fandom, and everything changed
it felt like if i didn't reply now right now, i was a terrible person. i was always walking on eggshells bc Lord knows we can't upset them. they'd make me write whatever they want but never returned the favour. they once tried to make me write Askr stuff but i outright fucking refused bc i didn't wanna get into FEH. but fuck me, right? because they got into my fandoms for me - despite me never asking them to
i'd post a reply, and get a message a second later. never anything good. always some kind of complaint. it came to a point where the Discord noise actually became upsetting to me because i thought, what did i do now?
i was told i had to make a sideblog bc they didn't wanna write That Stuff on main even though i didn't fucking care. i made one when i remade but still
i wasn't allowed to make friends on this stupid site without being made to feel bad about it. i'd mention my best friend and i'd get a funny response. i'd reply to someone else first on Tumblr and that's that. they once got angry with me for like 2 days because i forgot two things out of the literal 30 things we had together. even tho i even posted "i've finished my drafts please tell me if i forgot something"
i was always the bad guy. always
eventually we remade together, then they told me we can't be mutuals because ??????? i don't even KNOW why. this came out of the blue that we basically couldn't be friends in public anymore. then when i reacted like "okay" they unfriended me and just dumped me as a friend. like. okay
i posted about a certain... event in my life. an event they'd know would be upsetting for me. a couple days later, i made a vague post about feeling free - free from a lot of people from my old blog, but also from them. next thing i know i get a LOT of messages on main about how i'm a terrible person and making a vague jab about the event that happened
so they were stalking my blog. they knew. they fucking KNEW
anyway i accidentally found out they now list my OTP as a NOTP which is hilariously petty considering they didn't hate it before
and this colours why i struggle to get close to people and why i keep everyone at arm's length nowadays. this isn't especially RP related but it sure left me with a lot of Issues lol
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
you're so right with that pandemic thing. i swear i had my moments when i thought it was 2023 and not 2022 lel.
living in demiurge tag sounds amazing, ngl. and, honestly, im not surprised you're trying to put his character into your original work. man, this gives me some very good memories, haha. good luck with that! i mean, based on what you were doing with your oc in ac era, im sure you gonna do amazing in here too! <3
glad to hear that. not about that anemia part, that can go and suck something. but yeah, thanks a lot, dear. ngl i feel guilty about this (or more like cringing) so, really, thanks a lot. it means a lot too! <3
Yuri Alpha has so little time to develop too, just like Albedo and Demiurge </3 but i know what you're feeling. my fav one is Sebas (funny how he and Demiurge aren't on friendly terms) and yeah. i mean, he had some time but it doesn't feel enough for me. or maybe, i just wanna see Tuare again. I absolutely love her too. I watched a few episodes of the new season and it's amazing! like you said, they really raised the quality (flashbacks from these sheep? from previous season). and yeah, the movie! man, i think it's time to reread the light novels.
that's really so sweet, I mean, oh my goooooooood. so, so, sweet! i need to confess tho, i was never really interested in final fantasy nor i can imagine myself getting and being active in overlord fandom. to be honest, i'm here just for you. our contact was cut but i've been thinking about you, how you've been and all that stuff. after all it was thanks to you that i started writing too and met people i still talk to. it sounds so silly, but i own you a lot. that's why i want to check in on you, from time to time <3
i was honestly surprised you got back on the blog that had ac content. but hey, no matter where you are and which blog you're using, you're still the same wonderful creator from these years ago <3. and i gotta check (reread!) the fall series cuz the dilf addiction is stronger in me than ever. also, damn, those names of your stories bring back memories too. but dunno why, i find myself missing the one about jacob wooing the reader? anyway, i just want to say: take your time. if you decide to post your fanfics again, that's great. if you decide to never post your fanfics again, that's great too! don't feel pressured, alright? no matter what. yes, im sure a lot of people would love to reread these fanfics again, but they have no right to pressure you to post them. those are your fanfics and it's completely your choice if you want to release them to the world again or to let them rot on your hard drive. (send them to a happy farm kekekek)
oh my! that's wonderful! i mean, he's your character, after all. so, i'd be nice to bring him back. loving the idea of werewolf au (it kind of reminds me of his ability to turn into a horse) but still, no pressure, alright?
omg that's honestly so nice! but also, hm. alright then, since im that person, then, hiya Oreana, thank you for all the fanfics, love letters, rp responds you have blessed us with. it was truly such a pleasant journey. but i should also say: thanks for writing that one love letter. i actually requested it during a school's party, my mood was absolutely low but your letter lifted it. <3
don't worry about the folks (me) not finding you! we (me) have our methods ("hackerman" methods)
it's always great to hear from you too, Oreana! <3 - P
(i need to say that cuz yeah. ehem... HOLY EFF look how long the asks can be now! that's so effing cool! i remember how limited you were when i firstly got on tumblr, so that's so effing awesome. so effing awesome for someone who loves to talk a lot. like me yaay!)
Mawwr, thank you, hon! That means a lot!
Haha, don't worry about the anemia part. XD I have taken iron pills on and off to where I'm becoming a functioning person again. And, seriously. Don't worry about anything negative between us that may have happened in the past. ♥♥
LOL I love the whole dynamic between Sebas and Demiurge. I'll admit I was so confused during the scene where Demiurge was fighting to get Tuare on his farm having not read the LNs or Manga and forced to go right into the show. X”D I thought maybe Demiurge randomly cared about her out of nowhere and the two were silently fighting over what she should do for Nazarick. Then I realized he just wanted to torture the poor girl...and that the sheep were actually humans. My whole world turned upside down, I tell you! X”D Out of context Overlord scenes are awesome... lmao.
Ooh, you started writing? That's awesome! I am so happy I could inspire that! ;^; One of my main reasons for writing is to try and inspire/encourage others. So that makes me insanely happy. ;~; Of course, hon. You can always check in on me whenever you like! Heck, I feel during this time I get nervous about all the people I'm close to or even the readers I miss. I just hope they're all doing well.
It was more to feel safe, and also, people kept following me here. X3 So I just decided to return to it. ♥
You're so dang, sweet. T^T Aww, thank you?? That's so kind of you to say!
Jacob wooing the reader? You mean the one that spawned a mini-story after I did the first love letter of its kind for a late V-Day drabble? An old friend of mine created a whole aesthetic for it...I think I have it still. I do! ♥
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I know he took the reader out on a date and all that and it caused some Romeo and Juliet drama, as she was a Blighter, I believe.
♥♥♥ Thank you for that. I can't tell you how guilty I felt deleting the stories. I never do go delete happy, but oof. I was just beyond repair. The only positive out of that craziness was I grew a stronger backbone, but I don't know at what cost. X3; Still, thanks!
My word...the fact you remember even that—Emmett being able to turn into a horse because his mom was Oreana in another AU of mine—is amazing. O_O; I actually almost forgot it! That is...beyond flattering?? Thank you so dang much! T~T
Thank you, hon. Just...Thank you... I'm like, almost a sobbing mess of happiness right now. I can't tell you how lovely this message is to receive. ♥♥♥ I am so happy that love letter you received has brought you joy and it came during a good time for you. It is wonderful to know my writings came during the perfect time for some folks.
(Yeah you can practically send novels. XDD Works for whenever someone wants to send a RP post, I guess!)
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threeleggedcrow · 3 years
Thank you! I graduated with an associates in video production technology. And my friend and I would do rps over wattpad dms during the creative writing classes and other classes I might have with them. I do have another crazy story revolving around my senior English class I had in high school if you are interested
that's so coooool!!
Also I'm listening 👀👀 no pressure tho you don't have to tell if you don't wanna~
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