#no puns were harmed in the creation of this fic
the12thnightproject · 2 years
True Companion
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Y'all can just blame this little bit of crackfic on @lorei-writes and @ikemendood and @scorchieart
400 words, no content warnings (unless you have a low tolerance for puns)
“Ieyasu, lad, wait!”
Ieyasu hears Masamune’s voice behind him, is aware that he and Mitsunari want to stop and chat, but it only spurs him to pick up his pace.
Residents of Azuchi’s castle town have become used to his resolute stride, as he marches, gaze straight in front of him, fluffy hair whipped about by the breeze he himself is creating. Some of them wonder, ‘what is his hurry? Does he have a lover waiting for him in his manor? What kind of woman would be willing to put up with his prickly personality?’
Others, more used to having their curiosity slapped away and their questions met with a green-eyed glare, simply scurry out of the way.
Masamune gives up the chase – there are far more interesting ways to spend the afternoon than in the company of someone so determined to avoid humanity. Mitsunari would have continued to follow, but becomes distracted by the sight of the bookseller uncrating a new shipment of books.
Good. Ieyasu is in the clear now. Not much longer, not much further.
Finally, he reaches his manor and determinedly slides the door shut behind him. For good measure, he slides a heavy trunk in front of the door, aware though, that it won’t permanently stop anyone intent on gaining access. It should, at least, give him early warning of intrusion.
And then… and then… his pace quickens, and … is that... is that a smile that is gracing his face? He rushes to a cool darkened room, where his precious one awaits. Being away all morning increased his anxiety for its safety. What if he hadn’t given it enough food… or, Gods forbid, water.
With nervous hands lifts away the cloth covering the top of the ceramic bowl…
Unaware, and indeed, uncaring of such angst, the sourdough starter is cozily snoozing in its home, perfectly content.
After breathing a sigh of relief, Ieyasu embraces the bowl with both hands, rocking it slightly. A humming noise rumbles from his throat… and then, after an embarrassed look around the empty room, he gently croons…
Bubble, bubble, sour dough
How I love to see you grow.
In this crock you grow so high,
Like a blob, in wait you lie.
Bubble, bubble, sour dough
How I love to see you grow…
Deep down, he knows the starter can’t hear him, doesn’t care… but it’s the yeast he can do.
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This Week in Gundam Wing (Aug 29 - Sept 11, 2021)
That’s right folks!  Because of the long weekend last weekend, you all get a two-for-one this round-up!  Lots of excellent stuff from the fandom the last two weeks, so take a look and show your fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
Dirty Computer (CH 11/?) by @doctormegalomania​ 
Pairings: Heero x Duo, Wufei x OFC
Characters: 5 pilots
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: minor violence, espionage, unreliable narrator, post-war, reference to past injury, implied/referenced self-harm
Summary:  Years after the war, nothing is what anyone hoped for. Peace reigns supreme.
Man Lion Thing Dude (CH 14-16/?) by @anaranesindanarie​
Pairings: Trowa x Duo, Triton Bloom x Duo
Characters: full cast, original Trowa Barton, OCs
Tags / Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, whump, blood, alternate universe, supernatural, were-creatures, family problems, arranged marriage, mentions of torture, smut, magic
Summary:  Duo Maxwell is estranged from the last of his remaining family who are demanding that he return home for an important announcement. Meanwhile, Duo has been having strange encounters with 'wild' animals, all of whom seem to be hunting him.
The Life of the Immortal Jellyfish (CH 15-16/35) by @lemontrash​
Pairings: Duo x Wufei
Characters: 5 pilots + Relena, Hilde, Noin, Une
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: post-canon, post-Endless Waltz, UST, roommates, Preventers, slow burn, insomnia, friendship
Summary: Is it chance that lands Duo and Wufei in the same university dorm room? They’re not stupid enough to believe that but too tired to fight it. Duo’s dragged himself back from the brink of going too far and remains teetering on the edge while Wufei’s doggedly trying to prove himself to the ‘good guys’ in the aftermath of the Eve Wars. Sleep and normalcy eludes them both. As they become increasingly aware how damaged they are, they start to edge towards friendship, or something more, but all too soon the peace seems jeopardised by a new and manipulative threat.
Prompt Fic by @gemstonecircles​ for @bryony-rebb​ 
Pairings: Wufei x Sally
Characters: Wufei and Sally
Rating: PG
Tags / Warnings: flashbacks, future fic, tropical diseases, best partners evar
Summary:  “I’d come for you”, he said. “No matter what, when you need me, I will be there.”
Prompt Fic by @gemstonecircles​ for @boxofhatebrains​
Pairings: Duo x Quatre
Characters: Duo and Quatre
Rating: PG
Tags / Warnings:  music, friendships, concerts, foul language, complicated relationships with faith, cherry-picking manga
Summary: “You free Saturday night?”
Prompt Fic by @gemstonecircles​ for @heartensoul​
Pairings: Duo x Relena, Heero x Trowa
Characters: Heero, Duo, Trowa, Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: REO Speedwagon, future fic, receptions, reunions, getting together, smoking, shotgun kisses, first kisses, cherry-picking manga, FT what FT, look at my life look at my choices
Summary:  The reception, at least, was a welcome reprieve from most of the events that she’d been forced to attend in the last half-dozen years.
Prompt Fic by @gemstonecircles​ for @noirangetrois​
Pairings: Duo x Relena
Characters: Duo and Relena
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: stargazing, criminal trespass, future fic, FT what FT, discussion of panic attacks and mentioned ptsd
Summary:  “Well, guess we’re here until the solar storm clears,” Relena sighed...
Prompt Fic by @gemstonecircles for @seitou
Pairings: Heero x Trowa
Characters: Heero, Trowa, Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings:  1+R friendship, dates, home cooking, future fic, beers, fade-to-black sex, sweet dumb men in love, everyone ships it
Summary:  “I have good MREs that I was saving for a special occasion.”
Katahimikan by @ktsskb / katopiyoon AO3
Pairings: Duo x Quatre
Characters: Duo and Quatre
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: post-Blind Target, Pre-Endless Waltz, non-confessions, pre-relationship
Summary:  “I’m just taking a little rest,” Quatre smiles. He lets himself get slightly more comfortable, loosening his posture.
Orgel by @ktsskb / katopiyoon AO3
Pairings: Duo x Quatre
Characters: Duo and Quatre
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings:  alternate universe, fantasy elements, established relationship, injured character
Summary:  Duo comes home late with a gift.
Doodle Prompts (1x3x5) by @seitou
Heero x Relena (elf AU) by @lokineko 
OZ Military Ball (13x11) by @keiko1183
Zechs and Duo Hairbraiding by @keiko1183
Several by @gundayum
Wedding Bells (3x4)
Snuggles (1x2) 
Trowa’s a Pathetic Clown
Duo as the Little Mermaid 
King of the Hill (Heero, Relena and Bobby/Mariemaia, and Trowa)
Kinbaku WIP (3x5) by @2pcbart
Relena as John Cena by @farshootingstar
Quatre learning to knit by @farshootingstar
On the Wing by @theboringbluecrayon
Snuggles (3x4) by @circusoftrash
GW Crack by @circusoftrash
Heero EW Redraw by @mei-jimenez-art
Relena FT Redraw by @mei-jimenez-art
GW Kiddo Doodles by @lemontrash
Jellyfish Fic Art (2x5) by @sparkchemy for @lemontrash
Summer (1xR) by @alphaikaros
Zechs and Relena by @alphaikaros
Belated MerMay Relena by @serenestorm
Sexy Trowas (Part I, Part II, Part III) by @serenestorm 
Summer Duo by @owlinpajamas
Relena and Heero by @darksharinganz
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
Duo Maxwell Cosplay (Part I and Part II) by @itsjesskage​
HGAC Wing Zero by @macks-mechas​
Headcanons and Discussion
The Accidental (?) Seduction of Trowa Barton (3x4) by @a-river-of-stars
GoL Thoughts with @kittykatz​
Dorothy and Treize, Cathy and Trowa
Treize and Zechs
Treize, Dorothy, Heero, and Epyon
Lieutenant Trant Clark
Other Fun Stuff
GW Sims 4 Portraits by @eslanes​
Power Stances, with Zechs and Treize by @the-reanimated-bhg​
Quick: look pensive with gloves by @the-reanimated-bhg​​
@incorrectgundamwingquotes​ still making us laugh (example)
Memes and Macros
This is my boyfriend’s boyfriend (Rx1x2 and Hx1x2) by @portrayalmuse​
Dad Jokes Zechs (Part I and Part II) by @bonmotfic
Heero’s Romance Novel by @the-reanimated-bhg​
Coffee Puns with Cathy by @the-reanimated-bhg​
Requesting Leave with HR by @the-reanimated-bhg​
Zechs, the master of pick-up lines by @the-reanimated-bhg​
Spaghetti Westerns by @the-reanimated-bhg
Calendar Events
@gwcocktailfriday​ is back with this week’s prompt!  Be sure to post your responses on Friday (September 17) between 3-5PM EST!
@gundamzine has opened up the mailing list, so be sure to register to get your FREE PDF on October 1!  In the mean time, be sure to follow the account so that you can learn about the stellar 2021 Zine Crew members. Also consider donating to the team’s chosen charity, World Literacy Foundation (donations are optional, but encouraged).  In the meantime, check out some of the previews, with more to follow.
September is National Prostate Awareness Month and @expewrites​ and @boxofhatebrains​ are hosting a GW Prostate Health Event at @prostatehealth-gundamwing​ beginning September 1.  More info is available on the Event AO3 Page but in brief, options are to (1) create something or (2) donate to your prostate health organization of choice.
Sign-ups are officially open for the 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange with @thisweekingundamevents​!  Sign-ups close September 30, and participants will get their assignments in October, followed by the creation period November-December and finally posting in early January 2022.
@/ficwip (Twitter) is hosting a “Rise of the Dead Fandoms” event. Contributor sign-ups end on September 30, so be sure to register soon! Creation period runs September-October; posting will be in November. More info at their FAQ.
The @weedgrandpacookbook is an homage to the fanon of Mike Howard as the Gundam Wing’s chillest Weed Grandpa. Check out the Zine Calendar and  FAQ for more info and be sure to complete the interest check before September 30.
Spooky prompt idea generation for the GW Hallows Event will kick off mid-September, and posting period will happen in October.  Stay tuned to @thisweekingundamevents!
Keep an eye on @gwoc-october​​ while you’re at it for news on the GW Original Character (OC) October Event.  You can expect a prompt calendar to go live in September with posting in October…but you can also just use the month to showcase works with your original GW characters!
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Bedside Stories ch.1 (baon)
Summary:  In the aftermath of Internal Disputes. Everything is going swell.
Tags: Spicyhoney,  Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Hospitals
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
One of the first things Stretch had done when Edge was able to remain more awake was to sign in to their Netflix account on the hospital room television. Or rather, Red’s Netflix account since they still hadn’t bothered to get their own. He suspected Red took some minor glee at allowing others to pirate his account and who was he to steal his brother’s joy. He’d keep his thefts to digital streaming services.
But the television was currently dark, hunkering in the corner and silenced from the bevy of cooking shows played non-stop since that morning, ones like Sugar Rush and Cake Wars. Edge finally snapped on the second episode of ‘Nailed It’ and turned it off to relish the silence. His pain was currently at a tolerable level without any medication and he preferred not to add to it with awful programs.
On the table beneath the tv was a lovely floral arrangement sent by Asgore, one that he’d quite likely made himself and Edge truly appreciated that Stretch only put it where Edge directed and made no comment about who it was from.
It wasn’t entirely a surprise; Stretch had been on his best behavior for the past couple days and if the shrill voices of the hosts from that awful show had grated on his nerves, a well-behaved Stretch was nearly worse. He loved his husband as he was, snark and puns and all. It was nearly better to have him briefly gone, with the hopes he’d be more himself when he returned.
Much as Edge appreciated the current silence, there wasn’t much else to do in the hospital room. There was a stack of books sitting on the side table that he didn’t want to read along with his cell phone which gave him an apologetic message stating that his account could not currently access the Embassy servers, along with a terrible stick figure drawing resembling Janice with a word balloon that said, ‘Get well soon!’.
On top of the books was a rubix cube that Jeff brought in for him, a thoughtful gift that Edge solved in less than a minute, to his laughing dismay.
He was actually starting to reluctantly consider playing Simcity on his phone when a hammering knock at the door almost sent him flying to his feet. Or foot, rather, since one of them was currently firmly encased in a plaster cast.
“Come in!” Edge called irritably. He really could do without anyone testing whether skeletons could have a heart attack for a while.
He wasn’t surprised when the door flew open to reveal Undyne, grinning unrepentantly. She all but slammed the door behind her and flopped down in the chair by the bed, propping her booted feet up on the bed rail.
“Heya, tough nerd, where is your pretty honey bunny?” She glanced around the room as if she expected to find Stretch stashed away in the closet or under the bed.
“Must you call him that?” Edge sighed. The soles of her boots were leaving smudges on his sheets and he reached down to give them a slap, knocking them to the floor. Undyne only laughed.
“Touchy.” She shifted to lean with her elbows on her knees, hands hanging between them. “I’m the one whose knocked up, shouldn’t I be having the mood swings?”
“Thinking of you with mood swings is terrifying. Congratulations, by the way.” Edge knew very little about pregnancy, but he couldn’t really see a change in Undyne. He thought she might be wearing a slightly looser shirt than normal, but nothing else seemed visible, not even the ‘glow’ often mentioned in books and movies.
“Eh, thanks,” she grinned. “But let’s back up a step. I figured that honey of a hubby of yours wouldn’t leave your side.”
“You would be correct, even if I want him to,” Edge said dryly. “Much as I adore him, he was starting to get, shall we say, antsy. I sent him home to check on his chickens and to bring me some clean clothes.” Today was the first day Edge was in a position to despise the hospital gowns and he was, with great distaste.
“Uh huh. When are they springing you?” The way Undyne’s gaze fell over him was familiar, assessing damage and calculating potential weakness. It was automatic and came from a place of concern, he knew, but it was difficult not to bristle.
“Hopefully tomorrow, for a week’s rest and then a walking cast.”
Her eye narrowed, flicking back to his leg. “Bad?
“Not as bad as it could have been. For one, it’s still attached.” Undyne barked a laugh and pounded on the arm of her chair, which was the hoped for reaction. He’d tried that particular gallows humor with Stretch earlier and he had not been amused in the slightest. “It was mostly healed before we even got to the hospital, but the bone needs support until the doctors deem otherwise. Now that we’ve discussed me, can we…?”
“Yeah, sure.” She leaned back in her chair and spread her hands over her belly, pulling her t-shirt taut. That revealed the soft swell of her belly. “Alphys and I decided it was time to have a rugrat to chase, so us and the pop-sicle are on it.”
Popsicle? He didn’t want to know. But he did ask, curiously, “When are you due?”
“‘Bout two months.”
“Two months!” Edge blinked at her in shock. “I thought you’d be...more…” He held his arms out in front of his own empty stomach cavity in a wide circle.
She scoffed loudly and flexed, the firm ball of her bicep popping. “When you’re swole like me, the baby’s gotta fight the abs. And let me tell you, they’re trying.” She smirked then, a fiendish sort of glitter in her eye that filled Edge with equal parts fondness and terror. “You wanna feel the baby?”
“Well, I—”
Too late, she already stood and snatched up his hand, plopped it the slight curve of her belly. It was oddly firm, not at all what he was expecting and before he adjusted to that, there came a wiggle, like a fish was caught in her stomach which it might very well be. Ugh, that was disturbing. He preferred children after the creation process was finished.
She let him pull away and from her grin, she knew exactly how Edge felt about it; some of her glee rather resembled Red’s...or another Undyne, from another world. She flopped back in her chair and gave her belly an absent scratch. “So, when are you and Stretch gonna--”
“Please don’t ask.”
She frowned. “Oh. Sorry.”
It wasn’t her concern or her business, it was private, between him and Stretch, and Edge was as astonished as anyone to hear himself say, “He doesn’t want children.”
“What?” Undyne’s face twisted into disbelief. “Get off it. He loves kids, he’s always getting into trouble with the local ankle-biters. Bet you could talk him into it.”
“I don’t want to talk him into it.” Edge barely kept his testiness down, he knew Undyne, and knew she didn’t mean any harm, and he was the one who’d opened the topic. "I never want him to feel like a child is something he needs to agree to to keep me. I—“ He hesitated, thinking of Stretch, and his irritation faded. His faint smile was automatic, as natural as breathing when it came to thinking about his husband. As terrible as their anniversary had been with him mostly in a drugged sleep and Stretch curled up against him in his arms, Edge would have rather done it that way a dozen times over than to not have it at all. “I love him and I’ve accepted that we won’t have children. That’s our choice.”
For the first time, that honestly felt true. He supposed there was a faint hope lingering after their brief discussion last year, one that nagged at the back of his mind, tugged at his soul. But if he forced himself to truly consider it, Edge was happy with their lives the way they were and that wasn’t simply from Stretch’s preference; if they had a child, he would need to severely limit his other commitments to the Embassy and the Monster community as a whole. Plus there were the children at the Y to consider, children whose home lives were far from perfect, who craved a stabilizing influence.
Those children needed him more than he needed to speculate on an imaginary child. Even the children in New New home, who had loving parents of their own, needed to be protected from a world that was not yet as accepting as they might wish. The glaring white cast on his foot was proof of that.
That little pang he sometimes got when he thought of having a child of his own eased, fading, and Edge was content to let it go.
Undyne was looking at him with unusual shrewdness. “Yeah, I get that. Well, you’ll be a great uncle, both of ya, and I’m betting we’ll be trying to hook you up with babysitting duties.”
“I’d like that,” Edge said honestly. “And all the other neighborhood children seem to enjoy having a spare uncle or two. I’m sure your tadpole will be delighted to join the rest.”
She slapped her knees and stood. “Well, I gotta get back to the shitshow...and don’t even bother asking, I’m not supposed to tell you anything yet, that’s orders from on high. Just wanted to check in on you.” She sobered, and said with unusual softness. “And thank you. If I’d been there--” She shuddered, her hand falling down to rest on the slight swell of her belly.
“You don’t need to thank me, but you’re welcome,” Edge said sincerely.
Her somberness split into another wide grin. “But while I’m here….”
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Sharpie, waggling her eyebrows as she held it up.
Ugh. They’d only put the cast on this morning and thus far, no one else had been around to attempt signing it. Grimly, Edge nodded. This was a bonding ritual of sorts in this world, and he would not be so churlish as to refuse it.
“Nothing obscene,” he warned. Undyne scoffed, but obediently signed only her name, adding in a clumsy sketch of her own face saying ‘get well soon, nerd!’
The door opened as she was finishing, Stretch barrelling inside with several bags in his arms. “okay, i know it’s cold out, but you won’t be able to do any turns on the catwalk soon anyway, so i figured gym shorts would be easier to get on you--hey!” He stopped, outraged. “i was gonna do that!”
“I left you plenty of room,” Undyne snorted.
Stretch harrumphed and started digging through one of the bags. He pulled out an entire package of sharpies in a startling array of colors. “my canvas is the world!”
“Your canvas is on my body,” Edge said dryly. “You may sign your name and sketch a small picture, Van Gogh.”
“salvador dali had a better moustache. and both ears.”
“Considering you have neither--”
“yeah, yeah. hey, undyne, congrats on the bump.”
“Thanks,” Undyne said easily, but Edge noticed she didn’t try to grab Stretch’s hand and drag it over to feel any kicking. Neither did Stretch ask and that seemed best. “See you two nerds around!”
“See ya,” Stretch called even as he plopped down to sit next to Edge’s carefully propped leg. “oh, yeah, here, i got you this.”
From the depths of his bag came a couple of books, not novels, but crosswords and sudoku, both with bright titles declaring them ‘World’s Most Difficult Puzzles’! There were also two metal squares about the size of his fist and when Edge inspected them, he found that they were latticed, dozens of different parts that appeared to be a whole.
“those are supposed to be really tough brainteasers...shit!” Stretch had been struggling with opening the packet of pens and when he finally pried the plastic apart, they fell out in a burst, scattering over the bed. Grumbling, he gathered them up in a messy rainbow pile near Edge’s cast.
Edge added a blue sharpie that had made it all the way up to the pillow to the pile, then set books and puzzles on his other side. “Thank you.”
“sure. i figured you were tired of watching other people baking when you can’t stand up and do it yourself.” Stretch contemplated his pile of pens, his face screwed up comically, and his expression brightened into an ‘aha’ as he picked up one in bright orange. Of course.
“hmm?” he said absently, pen poised over the rough plaster.
“I love you.” Edge said it with all the deep, longing sweetness in his battered soul, the warmth that rose merely from thinking of Stretch, trying in some small way to project the depth of his love.
Stretch blinked and lowered his pen. Undyne might not normally be shrewd but Stretch very much was and his look was assessing. Wondering, perhaps, what happened while Undyne was here.
“i love you, too.” Then his mouth quirked in a lopsided smile. “but you’re interrupting art here.”
Edge smiled back and shook his head. “Far be it from me to play the part of philistine.”
“actually, this might end up more picasso,” Stretch mused, “guess we’ll see.” The tip of the sharpie touched down as Stretch began, but Edge didn’t watch his dubious attempt at art. Instead, he began inspecting the brain teaser his husband brought for him.
As if Stretch wasn’t a walking, talking brain teaser every day.
Edge lightly touched each joint as he contemplated how to begin, listening as Stretch hummed down by his feet, sketching something that would likely be terrible for him to love.
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