#no that isnt Harvax LOL
faecaptainofdreams · 8 months
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~Through the Nomad’s Eyes~
“It's not terribly often.
A few times a month, I'd say -- sometimes less.
Depends how much trouble I get in.
Day is dark with smoke, my vision is full of embers.
My eyes burn, the fires are hot.
Birds chirpin', people talkin' is replaced with screams.
Tall, proud buildings are suddenly collapsing.
I hear children cryin'...
I see dirt roads and pavement painted red.
Stalls and homes fall to stone and ash.
The smell is...indescribable.
Those screams...
It's unbelievable, what...godless sounds come out of a person, when they're bein' burned and mangled...
Or shot...
Or trampled...
Or crushed by debris...
The ground shakes, glass shatters.
It's pure chaos, but it's only a second.
Then, I blink my eyes...
And it's all over.
And my heart stops racin', and the ice in my veins melts.
'N I'm okay.
This doesn't usually happen when I'm somewhere peaceful.
Naw, it's usually when I'm gettin' myself into trouble helpin' folks.
Wherever there's a fire, when I hear screamin', when there's panic.
It affected me worse when I was younger, but I've learned how to push through it now.
It helps to remind myself that it's over, but...I know it'll always be with me.
I'll always be haunted by that day.
By the screams, and...by them gettin' quieter...
By the blood.
By the ash, the flames, the rumblin' of the earth.
By the empty vessels I climbed over -- bodies, people.
People someone loved.
I'll always see those faces; sometimes when I close my eyes, they're lookin' back at me, hollow.
I knew some'a them...
People who took care'a me.
That day is the reason I look back, why I can't stay out'a harm's way.
Because I know what happens when hearts grow dark, what hurt and twisted people do to other people.
Maybe I can make a difference, maybe I can't, but I gotta try.
I want to prove that love, that patience and time, can change fate, can tame temper.
I know what it means to be helpless, and when I see someone else livin' that, it makes me ill.
I know that hurt people hurt people, that someone failed them, too.
When I see disaster, I gotta run to it.
I'm sorry...
But I gotta.
Because if I do nothin' even though I had the chance, then it's my fault.
It's not rational, but don't ask me to change...'cos I can't...
Don't feel sad for me, now.
In my heart, I really feel...good.
Yes, I hurt a lot, and I feel guilty.
I punish myself when I can't save somebody.
Sometimes I don't love myself like I should, I don't take care'a me.
Sometimes I think, "It shoulda been me."
Sometimes I feel...worthless...but I really know better.
If I didn't, I wouldn't feed and take care'a myself like I do, and play and have fun, right?
I like livin', I like bein' happy.
If I run into danger, and someone comes out alive or better off on the other end because of it, I've succeeded.
If I run into danger and all that happens is I got a whoopin', well...reckon I had it comin'.
Who am I to say what's what?
But yeah, generally, I feel good.
Minus the memories, the nightmares sometimes, I often sleep real good at night.
I can smile, and laugh play and sing and see what's beautiful in life.
This life is painful, and scary, but it's also miraculous.
We're all here on a whim; the odds of us existing are so against us, and yet here we stand.
A universe, cold and empty and quiet, full'a nothin'...
It's such a divine gift to be here, to learn and think and share life with others.
To make new life, to lay down past life, to cry and grow and nurture.
All from the same place, from dust to dust, to one day all return to that same place.
Ooh, it makes my hair stand up!
Doesn't it you?
I see fire...
I see blood...
I see death...
But when that passes, I see joy, and nature, and all of us together.
I see life blooming, new beginnin's unfolding.
I see us learning from what we live through.
The past haunts me, but I won't live in it.
I'll just look back at it -- and that's okay.
It's okay to look back.
I'll just let it inspire me.
Don't try to turn my head when ya see me lookin' over my shoulder.
It'll release me when it's done."
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