#no wonder luke loves him he doesnt act like a demon whatsoever but the thing is that
3vocatio · 2 years
i woke up today and laughed to myself because the fandom really thinks mephistopheles acts pompous & defensive like draco malfoy, but when has he ever done that? this man admits he doesn't know shit and expects you to treat him with respect regardless, just like how he would for you, if you don't act like a jerk first.
he didn't know what a burger was, and he wondered if the food vendors would be able to survive by making costs so low. he didn't know how to pose in a photo and admitted to mc that he looked at how they smiled for reference. he didn't know how to play a game so he asked leviathan and mc to teach him. he got excited when he went to an arcade for the first time and looked around as though he were in a museum, not feeling embarassed in the slightest. when his little brother worriedly brought him a cat, he immediately tried to find the owners.
i know that he's a noble and people presume he's cocky as a result of his origins, but really...he never views himself above anyone else, with the exception of diavolo for obvious reasons. he hates lying; he seeks the truth, and if he didn't, he wouldn't have shut satan up for trying to coerce him into writing a biased news article on LUCIFER. lucifer, someone he doesn't like! and yet, he still doesn't wish to put him in a bad light if he can't find any evidence that proves otherwise.
tldr; mephistopheles actually forms boundaries and is secure with himself and admits when he's wrong or doesn't know something despite his riches; he's humble.
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