#nobody cares about your okonomiyaki habits jacqui
wily-one24 · 10 months
Just Because: 5, 21, 22, 40, 46
Yaaaaay. Something to distract me from the monotony of my work day (yes, this is me taking a sneaky five mintues to answer an ask and GET PAID FOR IT in the process. Whooo).
5. How do you like your eggs?
Wow, this answer is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. I don't really like eggs. At least, not straight up eggs on a plate. I might possibly eat them scrambled, if it has lots of cheese and capsicums and tomatoes and other flavours mixed in.
I do like omelettes. Also with lots of stuff added, same as above with bacon. Some spinach.
Quiche and Frittata are amazing. Also with cheese. And bacon. Maybe extra veggies like pumpkin and potato and zucchini.
(I am starting to see a theme here, to be honest).
I've actually been using a lot of eggs lately, but not eating them outright, I've been making Okonomiyaki. It's... one of those things, you know, you get a taste for it and you eat it every day for three weeks and then don't think about it for two years? I'm in the middle of that. I found a good Asian Grocer near me that sells the proper Okanami Sauce and Japanese Kewpie Mayo. So, I just have to make the batter and top it with the sauce. I actually had that for breakfast before work this morning. Mmmmm.
Okay, getting distracted. Moving on...
21. What's your favourite period in art history, your favourite famous work and/or your favourite style of art? If you don't know any, that's ok!
Well, uh, glad it's ok. 'Cause I am drawing a blank. I do love art and going to the art museum, and I know when I am there I have my favourite pieces. But I am drawing a blank right now.
There is one piece in my local art gallery that I know I love, because last time I was there I made a note and then came back and googled it and fawned for a while. But do you think I can remember what it is or who it is even BY? No. NO I cannot. I need to go back. Make a trip into the city and visit the gallery.
But, honestly, why shoehorn yourself in? I like to mosey and wander and keep my mind open and just goggle at all the pieces. Sometimes there are very breathtaking pieces in the ancient art from hundreds of years ago, sometimes a new piece is really thought provoking and makes you go 'woah'.
I went to my sons' art show at the high school last week and some of the work there, from years 7 through to 12, were amazing.
(also, tumblr is being a piece of shit right now and won't let me copy/paste, so i have to type out the questions, which... wtf tumblr?).
22. Iced or hot drinks?
Iced. I mean, I like the occasional hot tea, but only fruit flavoured teas. Very rarely a hot chocolate. But mostly I like cold, refreshing drinks. The colder the better.
I am proudly Australian and often spend my time saying "What the Absolute FuCK, America?!?" but the one thing they do right is the amount of ice they put in drinks. ICE ME UP BABY.
I once said to a guy "I love ice!" but then had to explain I meant the actual frozen water and not, like, meth or anything.
40. What's your favourite kind of tree?
People have favourites? All trees are beautiful.
We used to have this huge wattle tree outside my house as a young kid and i loved that. We had a swing coming down from one of the branches. It was awesome.
But right now?
I have my two baby apple trees which I have nurtured from teeny sapplings for the last two to three years or so. One of which is growing big and flowering heavily this spring. It's a little older. The other is about a year younger and still has some growing to do, but sprouted a few budding flowers. It's too early for the young one, but the older one I am hoping to maybe see fruit from next autumn. That would be lovely.
I also planted a teeny lemon tree and mandarin tree last year. But they are very much babies. Too young to do anything but have leaves and continue to grow.
I also have a pomegranate tree in my yard that has been there since I moved in. I complain about it constantly, because it grows so much, every year it gives bountiful fruits... and I don't EAT pomegranates. Like, everythign I *try* to grow takes so much effort, if it even succeeds at all, but this damned tree, it obstinately grows and flowers and fruits and is the healthiest thing in my yard when I ignore it completely. I complain about, but it's a member of my yard family.
46. What's the last thing a friend recommended to you that you actually looked into and liked?
I mean, is tumblr my friend? Are my followers and the people I follow my friends? Because then Deadloch. I saw a few gifs and many heavy recommendations on tumblr for that and I loved it immensely.
But... in real life? It's complicated. I so very rarely see my actual friends. And work colleagues don't tend to have the same tastes as me.
Nor do a lot of my family.
I have a recommendation that I keep MEANING to check out, but I don't seem to have the energy to do that lately. I am more going to rewatch shows I have already watched to get that easy, sweet dopamine fix without the effort.
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