#nobody harass or yell at the asker here
txttletale · 26 days
about the "people are allowed to be cis" like i kind of get the optics & context but I do think it's important to recognize that a gender journey can end at the same place it started. Often-times it doesn't because the journey starts due to discomfort with one's gender but in my mind it's the same as questioning any other belief, it's good to do it even if you end up still holding that belief.
The 'problems' faced by cis people who have questioned their gender are not nearly as big as those experienced by trans people but it's still something that happens, particularly among people in trans communities. I think this idea also sort of intersects with the idea of people wanting representation, and the idea of somebody questioning their gender sort of implies they're going to be trans so then there can be disappointment.
Some of this is speculative, and i haven't seen the original post so maybe i'm missing something but your post really hit weird because it's not telling people they can be cis it's saying you can dip your foot in the pool of transgenderism and not go all the way in. Like obviously that's less urgent than people shooting at those in the pool but just dismissing it is kind of weird
people are told it is okay to be cis literally from the moment they are born. i dont want to be harsh but literally everything you're saying could be coming out of the mouth of a conversion therapist -- the current term used to sanitize conversion therapy in the UK is in fact "exploratory therapy". "well we shouldn't rush them into transness we should give them time to decide in case they're actually cis after all" is the #1 talking point undergirding the total annihilation of trans healthcare for young people in the UK. trans people are already told at every single step of the way that it's okay to change their minds and be cis. they are told this by parents and teachers and peers who say "it's just a phase". they are told this by media outlets panicking about """rapid-onset gender dysphoria""". they are told this over and over again by transohobic medical systems that tell them that they should think about whether maybe they're just autistic or gay or they need to have more sex. every single part of our brutally transphobic society is already screaming "IT'S OKAY TO JUST BE CIS" in everyone's ears every second they exist in it. there is never a need to add your voice to that chorus.
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dlvampires · 7 years
S and M yandere headcanons?
“I’m the yandere asker. Basically what I’m asking for if for you to describe the boys as yanderes (are they possessive, obsessive, clingy, manipulative, etc.), how did they first “fall” for their lover, and what are they doing to keep their Lovers. A good example would be yandere headcanons from Maridiaraba or Dialalagirl tumblr. Hopefully this makes my ask clear now!“
[MTK: Yandere…! \(♥ ∇ ♥)/It’s a veeeeery long post, but I hope it’s ok.
If you want more headcanon-like details or whatever about yandere, just ask! I We’d be more than glad to answer~!
ATTENTION: Be careful, since it portrays them as yandere, it may mention abuse, blood, death and similiar morbid themes; if you can’t take it, don’t read!]
He noticed you during a lesson in the music classroom, while you were arguing with some classmates about classical music; at first he couldn’t stand your loud voice, obviously, but his interest in you awakened as he listened to your passionate and quite clever speech.
He’d be within your surroundings all the time, apparently asleep; you might think it’s always a coincidence, but, actually, he even makes the effort to move in order to follow you wherever you go, silently and secretly observing you. Isn’t that stalking
When you try and talk to him, he’d always look disinterested and would either reply with a few words or not reply at all; although he’d like to tease you very often and he’d be quite responsive whenever you’re in danger or facing troubles…
… but sometimes you may not notice it, because you wouldn’t think it’s trouble in your opinion; remember the guy you were cheerfully talking to some days before? Well, he disappeared…Do you think Shuu might be involved? Nah, he’s too lazy, or so you thought…
… until he killed a man who was harassing you right in front of your eyes.
You were studying at a public library for you next exam/test; Reiji was looking for some textbooks for a school project and noticed you as you were reading a quite voluminous book about Maths, admiring the resolute and passionate gaze of your eyes.
He’d start frequenting the same library in order to observe you carefully; he’d start glaring at whoever dares to disturb you during your study - and he wasn’t pleased whenever you were together with your classmates, group-studying.
He’d start talking to you by faking to be interested in some of the books you borrowed, casually talking about Maths and, eventually, everything about the both of you; you would appreciate his company, because of his good manners and obvious cleverness (though you’d be a little taken aback by his strictness about your posture and stuff like this - but nobody is perfect…).
And as soon as he joins your study group for the first time, offering everyone a cup of the tea he has brought from home in a thermos, you’ll see your classmates falling asleep (?) one after the one, before you also fall into a deep slumber…
… just to wake up in a dungeon, feeling extremily dizzy.
Why were you even wandering around the city late at night?! You saw him as he was flirting with some girls at a pub, where you had stopped to greet some friends; you had gone to the restrooms, only to see him licking one of the girls’ neck and… biting it?! Obviously, he had seen you, and you had seen the blood: you had screamed “I won’t tell anyone!” and run straight home.
Well, he had to check out whether you wouldn’treally tell anyone, right? Therefore, after “dealing” with the pub girl, he’d stalk you and find out where you live; he’d leave you alone for some time, just observing you in the meantime. He’d be surprised that you’re keeping your word, but amused that you’re always looking around you with a concerned and fearful look on your face… something he’d start to really like about you.
He’d finally show himself and reassure you he isn’t going to hurt you, starting flirting with you(and also touching you too much) straight away; you’d be quite uncomfortable and embarassed by his costant perverted remarks, but sometimes you’d find him fun when listening to his complaints about his brothers. Oh, he’d feed on you from time to time, since you still fear him and wouldn’t like to hear his dropped voice again, after trying to defy him once.
Laito thought everything was going smoothly, but… if he was once aroused by the idea of sharing his preys with Ayato, he couldn’t really see you with someone else. He started thinking it’d be nice to have all of you just for himself. ALL OF YOU.You’d wake up feeling dizzy after passing out somewhere, confused about your memories, and…
… why were you shackled to a beadhead, in a green unknown bedroom?
You used to help your parents at their pastry shop; you would always been the one taking and delivering his orders, sometimes even bringing him a bonus or free samples of you father’s creations, since he was a regular customer. Once, you had  given him a little plate of mini cream puffs for Teddy, noticing how much attached he was to it; therefore he started paying more attention to you.
He’d start observing you and later talking to you, from asking to see the kitchen to giving you the permission to fix his Teddy’s ear, apparently ripped off by one of his brothers; he’d glare at any guy too close to you (and those young men would be found later in bloody puddles…).
You’d be quite interested in him because of his unusual personality and let him explore the kitchen or watch you when baking your own first cakes (you were sincerely a bit creeped out when he sucked your blood from your finger after cutting some fruits); he would always stay by your side as much as possible…
… maybe too much; it had become unsettling and troubling, therefore you kept yourself busy in the kitchen and let the other employees handling the customers, including him. And this didn’t pleased him at all.At night, as you and your parents were cleaning and tidying up, you heard your mother’s terrible scream and went to see what was happening: flames were burning your parents to death and…
… he was there, gazing at you with a sinister smile: “You’re mine~”.
Your best friend had managed to get you in her night school in order to see a basketball match between her class and another; he had noticed there was a new smell between his female classmates and wondered why you were here… maybe just to see Ore-sama playing?! If so, then he wasn’t going to disappoint you for sure! 
You’d be fascinated by him; your friend had mentioned him to be the most handsome guy in th school and the best basketball player, after all. He’d purposely look at you whenever he’d scored, making you more and more drawn to him; after the match you’d approach him and enthusiastically praise him, and he’d be very, very pleased by it, so much that he’d tell ou to become his.
You’d naively accept, but very soon find out that you had better not to: he’d always appear beside you when you’d least expect him to, interrogate you about the guy who was talking with you some minutes before (or directly pick a fight with him), scold you if you’d defy him… you’d only be softened a bit by his costant seeking of praise and attention (like a little child).
Wait, were those fangs? You were very shocked by this discovery and having second thoughts; refusing to let him feed on you, the two of you had a fight and you were about to leave him, after telling him that it was too much for you. He stopped you by painfully grabbing your wrist and pulling you to him…
… and God, you were frightend to death by his dark and grim gaze on you.
You were a sacrifical bride and had been sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers; he had warned you to stay away from him, but since you were often taking refuge in the garden from the others, you would meet each other as often, causing to get angry and trying to push you away. 
Since you’d go to the garden in any case, he’d start ignoring you at first, only to begin watching you from afar, wondering why you were there despite his threats; later on he would silently keep you company and sometimes briefly answer your questions (yelling at you to be quiet when tired or bothered by them); he would threaten his brothers not to approach you.
He’d finally decide to make you his, starting to feed on you and always keeping an eye on you wherever you’d go; you’d feel somewhat safe with him and at the same time scared (after all, he was a vampire), longing to get away from there, but bitterly aware you couldn’t: he would have killed you, you were sure about it.
You didn’t know how much possessive he was until one of his brothers had tried to sink his fangs into your neck: he had immediately shoved him off of you and started punching him on the floor; you watched in horror as he reduced his brother to nothing less than a pile of blood and flesh.He had frantically stood up, turned to you and…
… promised you that the others were going to suffer the same fate as well.
Your father had suddenly lost his job, so you had decided to help your family by applying for some job and you had been assigned one as a housekeeper at the Mukami’s mansion - oh, and you were to start living there, too. You first met him because of this; but, somehow, it looked like he knew about yourself much more than he should have.
He’d make sure his brothers won’t involve themselves with you; unbeknown to you, he’d regularly check your mobile or anything connecting you to the outside world, often deleting messages from friends and those from your family telling you to come visit them once in a while; he’d always keep you busy with chores and sometimes invite you for some tea, talking about books (he’d ban you from touching the ones in his room, though, saying he’s quite fond of them).
Besides the few times you’d do something wrong and get scolded by him coldly (you’d receive lots of rewards too, since you’d be generally hardworking, patient and obedient), he’d be quite kind with you and would help you cooking and hold conversation with you; even though you can’t understand how he can often guess right about your personal traits, you’d think of him the world, probably even liking him!
Until one day, while cleaning the windows in his room, you took a break and looked at his bookcase; you noticed some papers coming out from some books and thought it’d be appropriate to fix them up: you should have never done it all of those these papers were about his plans to get you and monopolize you, even finding out he had cause your father to lose his job. You were very confused about your felings for him; then, the door suddenly opened and your heart began beating…
… and from his victorious smirk, you realized you were his forever.
He was a little taken aback when instead of his autograph you had asked him for a interview; you had explained him you were running a blog about music, J-pop in particular. But what had really surprised him was your inner thoughts: you were totally honest about it and not showing any of the usual fangirls’ feelings; you were very serious about this.
Granting you the permission to interview him, you’d meet in his own house; strangely, his brothers would be absent, a disappointment since you had wanted to meet them too after reading all the things the idol used to tweet about his family; once seated in the living room, the interview would start with your first questions.
He’d very cheerful, but he’d sometimes tease you, however you’d be unflinching and keep on asking further about his carrier and personal life; you would ignore his winking and his mischievous smirks, and “politely” shift away whenever he’d be about to touch you.
Deep down, he was quite annoyed by your attitude, being unlike what he had always experienced with the other girls; he wanted to make you react, he wanted you to feel much more attracted to him than just his idol job and social figure. Therefore, as the interview ended and you stepped towards the exit, you suddenly felt pain in the back of your head and blacked out…
… your blog didn’t update anymore posts.
He was looking for some new gardening tools and you were on shift that day because of your part-time job as the store’s cashier; first, he was taken aback by your strong and brave attitude when facing a customer who had tried to steal something and had feigned to be innocent; after that, the second thing drawing him to you was the radiant and honest smile given to your customers.
He’d spend more time than needed in the store just in order to see you as much as possible, glaring at any guy winking at you (and probably shoving him to the ground, once left the store); he’d manage to teleport inside the staff’s room to see the schedule and know about all your shifts.
He’d always greet or nod at you everytime your eyes meet, cracking a little smirk; you were just amazed by his height but you thought he was a quite nice guy, though you did notice him being a little rude to some poor young men; but you couldn’t think badly of him since he was always behaving fairly towards you (and kind to the granny who had lost all of her groceries on the ground… unless it was just an act…?).
And the day you got a surprise visit from your actual boyfriend, kissing and teasing you jokinly in front of everyone, he realized he had no other choice but to get rid of that annoyance; you were his, he was a much worthy match for you than that guy. Thus, when the two of you were on the way home…
… he just snapped his neck and only then you were scared by his height.
You had just met him out of nowhere, causing you a jumpscare; you had calmed down a bit, creeped out by his costant and silent staring at you, and asked him if he needed anything from you: his answer “You” had been a warning from the beginning, but probably you had been softened (or bewitched…?) by his fair and faint voice.
He’d gradually include his existence in your life, even revealing his real nature and his past to you; at first you’d be scared, but his honesty would appease you once again; the people around you would also stop seeing you, because of his costant eerie presence and also because you’d get so absorbed in him that you’d forget about them.
He’d seem too much clingy, but you wouldn’t mind since you’d think of it as a need of affection, just more fond than usual. He would beg you of cutting him with his knives and this is the only things left making you uneasy about him, but you will accept it as soon as you realize that’s it’s just a consequence of his past and think that you can “resolve” it.
Thus your overly self-confident attitude deceived you when you told him about moving in with him, in order to start living with him and help him overcome his self-harming habit. He was glad and victoriously (?) pleased by this…
… and now you’re locked up in his room for ever.
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