yunarise · 4 months
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"Make no mistake. While the idiom has proven to hold some merit, I do not live up to its literal meaning." In vino veritas - albeit humerous, the correlation is but a coincidence. Wine is not a vice he is known to overly indulge in.
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abysshearted · 3 months
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@noctuafought: " you can't adopt someone's pain to dilute your own. " let these brothers bond
a scoff slips past his lips, though was there even an attempt to hide it? probably not. then again, diluc is right. kaeya would rather take on the pains of those he wants to than face his own burdens and pain. grabbing the glass in front of him, he lets out a sigh as he sips the red wine.
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"other people deserve a chance of happiness, diluc. i don't care what happens to me... no one realistically does."
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poswiecenia · 5 months
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@noctuafought - care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. // to fremi ! \ actions speak louder than words
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( 🔧 ) HE'S EXHAUSTED. he's exhausted, yet guilty still for the fact that he had obviously delayed the group from getting somewhere more secluded for the evening. the last few days had been . . rough for the shark - hybrid, having contracted whatever illness he had and progressively gotten worse. he had tried to keep it to himself, as to not create any inconvenience as they traveled but . . now he completely placed them all at a stand still.
HE STIRS, EYES lidded as they open, taking in the surroundings with eyes that had grown sensitive to the light long ago. a low rumble of discomfort left him as he pressed his face into the closest thing that would cease the brightness that contributed to his pulsing headache. was warm though. why was it --- oh.
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❝ M . . MASTER DILUC ? ❞
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xamassed · 5 months
⟬ @noctuafought ⟭
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"How do you make the juice taste different?" She couldn't help but to wonder aloud as she sat there, her little feet kicking and fingers tapping along the side of the glass Diluc had presented her. "You grow them all the same, but the juices don't taste the same."
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gonguji · 4 months
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oh,   what   a   delight!   @noctuafought   sure   is   lucky   to   have   such   a   hoard   all   to   himself.   if   being   the   Pyro   Archon   ensured   to   have   so   many   delightful   creatures   around,   Kabukimono   would   gladly   not   mind   being   constructed   by   another.   although   kitsune   &&   tanuki   are   darling   to   have   around,   after   coming   to   Fontaine   his   preference   in   creatures   may   had   shifted.   after   all,   how   could   he   not   admit   to   fall   for   saurians   so   adorable?
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    having   a   natural   bond   between   Electro   &&   Dendro,   perhaps   he'd   get   along   with   the   little   baby   more   easily!   though   unable   to   take   it   with   himself,   the   puppet   chose   this   specific   saurian   friend.   thus   they   will   grow   to   be   best   friends,   hopefully!   ❛   Natlan   is   so   beautiful.   so   warm   &&   friendly   too!   Master   Diluc   must   take   good   care   of   the   nation   therefore   it's   so   lovely   here.   ❜
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glacialswordsman-a · 4 months
∗ 52 // :3 what better way to try and reconcile by sacrificing yourself for your brother ✨
∗ 52﹕ sender  takes  a  [ punch / stab / bullet ]  meant  for  receiver . | what is with y'all wanting to hurt me so bad what did i ever do to deserve this (everything)
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The world stopped in that single instant.
Why was this happening?
Just a minute ago Kaeya and Diluc had been fighting back-to-back, moving in complete synchronization as they fought of some Fatui skirmishers that had made their home at the base of Dragonspine. They had long since known that there were Fatui camping out on the mountain, and said organization hasn’t done anything that would have warranted a visit from the Knights—not until recently, at least. These skirmishers did not take kindly to Kaeya trying to schmooze them so they can spill what the hell they were even doing there.
For some reason, Diluc was there too, having followed Kaeya along yet hung a distance back as to let the Knight do his job (and presumably also to avoid the risk of Kaeya incessantly pestering him).  That’s fine, he can play back-up all he wants.
Though, the sight of flaming hair really set off these skirmishers, recognizing Diluc for who he was: Snezhnaya’s #1 wanted criminal and persona-non-grata. Technically speaking, the Fatui had no right to bring Diluc with them to the Cryo Archon’s lands. They had absolutely no jurisdiction here. Yet, they had enough cojones to try and take care of him themselves.
Thus began the fight between the Cavalry Captain, the Vigilante, and the Fatui.
One wouldn’t think that they’d work so well in a fight together, that they’d just clash and only make the entire situation worse—but they grew up together. They trained together to become Knights. Diluc would know Kaeya’s movements by heart, and while it took Kaeya a while to catch onto the older man’s style with his claymore, he was quick to learn. And so they fought with everything they got, shifting between each other like water as they swapped sides to land their hits or block some for the other.
Until now.
A pyro gunner had situated himself in the distance, somewhat hidden due to the commotion his comrades were in the middle of. The only reason Diluc had managed to see him was due to the glint of the gunner’s scope. As the last skirmisher (that was in close-quarters) fell, the blazing inferno of a man shoved the Captain away as a loud ‘bang’ rang out through the base of the mountain.
Before Kaeya knew it, he was down on the snow-covered ground, with the young Master’s body slumped on top of his own. The Captain was frozen, unable to even begin parsing what just happened—until he felt warmth seep from Diluc and onto his own clothes.
Sharply inhaling, he moved the man that had once burned so brightly off of himself and onto his back, taking stock of his injury, noting the blood blooming and staining his already dark coat to black. Kaeya looked down at himself and saw the crimson staining his white and blue outfit, a stark contrast on his form.
He had been shot.
“—Diluc. Diluc—answer me… Hey!”
Panic rose within Kaeya as he suddenly felt so nauseous, bile threatening to rise up his throat. He whipped his head around towards the direction he heard the rifle go off, but the Fatui filth had long departed. Damn him.
Damn him!
Looking back down at the man whose life continued to escape him, Kaeya quickly tried to put pressure on the wound after removing his cloak and fur stole. He doesn’t care if it they’ll be unsalvageable, he doesn’t care if the chill of Dragonspine would seep into his bones, he doesn’t give a single fuck! If Diluc can’t be salvaged, then what use were they to him anyway?!
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“Diluc—Luc, please—. Please, Lulu, just hang on. I have you, I do, I promise! Don’t you dare die on me, stupid brother!” he yelled before crying out for someone, anyone to help them. To hear his pleas and to save his brother. Please, not again.
Not again… He can’t lose him again. Not for good.
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ccaptain · 7 months
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@noctuafought: [ BLOOM ] // consider, baby ragbros :3 ( meme source. )
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   the calla lillies that grow around the winery only had a menace- and that one was named Kaeya.
   he had grow fond of the flowers. finges have plucked those out of the muddy soil to gather them into boquets first for his brother, then for adelinde, and then left on Crepus work desk- all eliciting very positive reactions. if it brings a smile on his family's faces, Calla Lillies must be a flower of happiness!
   and so, those become his favorite flower- and Diluc knows.
   as he's pratically showered in these, thankfully dryed, he laughs and stays still to allow this experiment- legs criss crossed on the warm summer grass, and a fond smile on his face. his eyes are sparking, and he wants this happy moment to last forever.
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   ' then it's my turn, 'luc! i got some lampgrass, which are a bit more complicated to braid in- but i'm gonna do my best! '
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a shout-out to all these beautiful dilucs ❤️ (sorry if I miss anyone): @dilucisms @dawnscall @inardescere @resolutepath @noctuafought @dawnsdark @touchofdawn
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viatrixtravels-a · 8 months
"Stumble" :3
Send "Stumble" for your severely injured muse to fall into my muse's arms.
"ーー Diluc!"
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Opening both arms, Lumine barely managed to catch him before his taller frame would hit the ground. The height different made it somewhat tricky, but thankfully she was strong, allowing her to support his weight.
( These injuries...They're serious... )
"Paimon! Go and get help, quick!"
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"...R-Roger! Paimon will be right back...!!"
Once her flying companion had left, the blonde slowly and carefully laid the redhead down, knowing this position would allow her to better check and tend to his wounds.
"First things first..."
She had to find a way to stop the bleeding. However, without a first-aid kit or proper bandages on her, the blonde was left with no other choice but to tear off part of the hem of her dress and use that instead.
"Hey, Diluc? Can you hear me? Keep talking to me, okay...? Help is on the way!"
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diiluvies · 8 months
Ship Bias :gun:
ship bias
wriothesley - wriolette childe - chillette vautrin - vaulette zhongli - zhonglette capitano - capilette
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yunarise · 2 months
[ 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐞 ] + reverse ! / fischl ! <3
@noctuafought / [ 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐞 ] : receiver catches sender as their feet give in.
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The sound of her panting is deafening in the now quiet of the clearing, her heart pounding fiercely in her rattling chest. Though she draws more and more air into her lungs, it's as though she still can't breathe. Atop of that, her side aches terribly, wet hot blood trickling from it and painting her hand crimson. Fischl is only just standing now as the world swirls around her in a kaleidoscope of color.
(Usually, she would comment on it, liken it to a traum of the blessed or something similar. Now, she barely knows up from down.)
"Mein Fräulein!" a familiar voice breaks through the pounding in her head, her chest, her heart. "I brought help! Please, mein Fräulein!" Oz soon dashes through the trees, a second figure pushing up right by him.
Relief crashes into her in a very literal sense. All at once, her legs give out from under her, but she never quite collapses to the ground. Strong arms catch her and cradle her close - her vision is cutting out. She doesn't see the person, but she feels safe. They are warm. "Papa," she cries, more to herself than her (possible) savior.
It hurts, so much. But the Prinzessin did her duty. She defended her castle against intruders. She...She had heard the man scream as her arrow pierced him.
The fatui agent's lifeless body speaks of her hard-earned victory.
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devinevirtue · 1 year
@noctuafought // Zhongli
SC // Not Accepting
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      "Do I really look that suspicious to you?" He questions. Drink in hand as a brow slowly raises. "I'm just travelling from Liyue as a friend recommended I should taste the wine here if I had the opportunity." But then he sighs. "What would convince you that I'm nothing more than a funeral consultant?"
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poswiecenia · 5 months
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( 🔧 ) HE LOOKS DOWN at his hands, trying to cease the shaking that enveloped them ; the claws painted red. he did not dare look up, nervous of the punishment he may receive ( or worse ) for being caught. he should have noticed the tail he had on him ; that master diluc would take notice that he was gone and send one to follow him. he swallows, tail curling around the chair as his let out a shaky breath.
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❝ I - IF YOU DISPOSE of me, be a - aware that you will have to . . to do the same to lyney and lynette as well. and . . and . . ❞ his threat runs out of steam, ceasing his words as he bit back a sob. don't cry ----- Father hated it when he cried. he had to be strong.
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@noctuafought gets this from fremi bye
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inyvat · 1 year
When were things ever simple for her? Like truly simple. Like putting a cube in a square hole type of simple. Never. The fact remain that things were not starting to look good in Fontaine. Childe was currently in prison on a false charge… she wasn't exactly talking to the magician twins Lyney and Lynette solely because they'd hurt her when they had lied to her about their true identities. Nuevillette was a very busy man.
Furina… well, she wasn't going to start talking to her anytime soon. Despite the obvious act she was putting on for her people, her personality didn't sit well with Lumine. And she just wanted someone to talk to. So… she found herself back in Mondstadt, the nation of Freedom. Well, more specifically, she found herself at Dawn Winery.
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She was walking through the vineyards happily watching the anemo crystalflies fly around or off into the distance depending on whether or not she drew closer to them. She found it strange that in Fontaine there were as many Abyss Mages or hilichurls as there were in the other four nations. If Dainsleif were there she'd ask him, but he was searching his memories for the person known as "He".
So her best bet was actually Diluc. When she walked into the mansion finally after gathering up her courage to even talk about what she needed to talk about with him, she asked Adelinde to send word to Diluc to let him know that she was there, if he didn't know already. Which he probably did, his information network was truly awe inspiring.
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gonguji · 6 months
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the   visit   in   Mondstadt   hasn't   been   really   pushing   his   quest   forward,   at   least   not   as   far   as   he'd   hope   so!       though   the   first   on   his   road   for   answers,   Kabukimono   finds   himself   utterly   confused   as   to   where   could   he   meet   the   Archon   of   Freedom.   though   the   people   seem   to   be   always   talking   about   praising   the   one   called   Barbatos,   they   aren't   really   keen   on   saying   wherever   should   the   shrine   priest   look   for   him.   &&   no   matter   if   just   common   people   or   the   nuns   at   the   Church   —   both   fractions   seem   equally   unable   to   give   any   real   answers!   after   talking   so   much   about   worship,   Kabukimono   would   never   consider   they   mean   it   ironically.
the   common   people   either   are   busy   walking   around   or   drinking,   the   nuns   have   no   answers   &&   before   he   could   meet   with   the   Acting   Grandmaster,   a   woman   with   very   familiar   aura   came   around   to   pinch   his   cheeks!   with   no   affiliation   to   him   what-so-ever   too!!   so   Kabukimono   did   what   he   had   to   &&   that   was   to   flee   from   the   scene   to   find   the   Anemo   Archon   himself.   though   Creator   never   mentioned   nor   talked   about   Barbatos   before,   the   puppet   is   sure   to   be   able   to   recognize   them   when   in   sight.
...   but   whom   he   hadn't   expected   to   meet   in   Mondstadt   was   the   one   carrying   the   Pyro   Authority!   so   mighty &&   strong   the   puppet   was   afraid   of   the   overload   if   coming   close.   &&   that   man   works   with   alcohol   too?!   isn't   that   playing   with   danger??   forget   Mondstadt   being   the   last   place   to   meet   the   Pyro   Archon   at   —   a   tavern   is   the   last   place   he   expected   him   to   be!   honestly! when   the   commoners   told   him   'the   Archon   hides   in   every   drink'   this   is   seriously   not   what   he   had   expected   to   see.    nor   getting   weird   looks   when   questions   with   the   honorific   of   'Pyro   Archon'   dropped.   which   confused   him   even   more!   but   those   were   the   rocky   beginnings   between   the   two.   other   than   to   seek   Barbatos,   Kabukimono   would   never   be   found   any   close   to   wine   or   cocktails.
meeting   @noctuafought   sure   wasn't   perfect   or   planned   so   soon,   but   an   Archon   is   an   Archon!   &&   it's   better   to   find   him   here   than   to   travel   so   far   just   to   leave   with   no   help   nor   conversation   carried   out.   in   the   end   Kabukimono   was   thankful   for   this   encounter   &&   revealed   the   true   reason   of   his   planned   audience   with   the   rest   of   the   Seven.   having   his   love   taken   away   from   him   so   brutally   must   had   left   any   form   of   traces,   so   whole   some   Archon   could   help   solving   the   centuries-old   mystery,   Diluc   was   asked   specifically   what   should   Kabukimono   do   when   encoutering   the   one   responsible   for   Niwa's   murder.   &&   thus   began   their   relation.
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until   one   day,   on   a   day   filled   with   flowers   &&   wine,   would   people   just   start   giving   him   stuff   —   letters   &&   bouquets!   namely   young   women   &&   the   nice   librarian   lady,   some   younger   men   at   the   adventurers'   guild   too!   by   the   dinnertime,   the   poor   puppet   is   already   drowning   in   petals   &&   scented   envelopes.   the   worst   thing   being?   he   cannot   tell   just   why   is   he   suddenly   so   high-regarded   in   Mondstadt!   so   to   seek   answers,   a   local   was   needed.   one   that   Kabukimono   didn't   fear   of   asking.
&&   so   he   comes   in,   dragging   a   fragrance   like   spring   meadows   into   the   house   where   dandelions   rule.   he   looked   quite   pitiful   &&   severely   dumbfounded.       ❛   Master   Diluc—   the   people   are   acting   odd!   ❜       the   beautiful   puppet   reports.   this   seemed   to   have   prompted   the   Archon   incognito   to   move   from   behind   the   counter.       ❛   I   haven't   done   anything   &&   yet   they   seem   to   give   me   many   gifts?   is   that   a   custom   to   welcome   newcomers?   should   I   buy   something   for   them   too?   ❜     then,   suddenly,   as   his   eyes   so   violet   scanned   through   the   letters   pushed   into   his   hands,   fingers   collect   his   chin   &&   pull   it   up.
Kabukimono   was   still   processing   the   kiss   that   was   pressed   just   now   to   his   lips   &&   as   then   given   a   shiny   box   of   sweetly   smelling   treats   crowned   with   one   last   kiss   to   the   cheek?   he   is   beyond   confused   &&   downright   lost.
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reliquiicis-a · 7 months
🍷   to   go   wine   tasting   with   my   muse. // for neuvillette, except diluc is showing him his wine and he's not tasting it himself slkdfjslkj
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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  How Neuvillette found himself at a private wine tasting at the Dawn Winery was still something he didn't quite understand. He barely liked walking around Fontaine, feeling out of place in his own nation, yet here he was sitting with Diluc, a glass of wine in his hand as he lifted it to his nose. "So, you make your own wine?" He asked, looking up from his glass before taking a sip. He supposed that was interesting in itself, but what he was more interested in was the fact that he didn't drink any of the wine himself.
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Still though, despite his nervousness, he figured this was a nice encounter and found himself quite interested in the redhead.
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