maiosx · 1 year
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nodoom's new logo, i made it in the morning but didn't upload til now cause i was at church.
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babyawacs · 6 months
@all .@all @world .@thefuture @thefuture @ufo @ufob0t @ayylmaocoin support howm any couldwe save y o u r o c k !!!! thankyou!!!!! dont copycat racism bullshits a nd their segragations but be reliable among certain values toeachother and cover eachother wars are theoppositeofprosperity notpeacethroughstrengthguarding istheop positeofprosperity lets savelives y o u r o c k !!!! positron realms doom shou ld not have defined space the future positrontunnels cool sp aceships e v e r you are advanced forms of this beautiful aw esome globe wecanbe monstrous ingroup outgroup sortings to own letalone to others align onspecific values nodoom! e v e r !
@all .@all @world .@thefuture @thefuture @ufo @ufob0t @ayylmaocoin support howmany couldwe save y o u r o c k !!!! thankyou!!!!! dont copycat racism bullshits and their segragations but be reliable among certain values toeachother and cover eachother wars are theoppositeofprosperity notpeacethroughstrengthguarding istheoppositeofprosperity lets savelives y o u r o c k !!!! positron realms doom…
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zenlossq · 10 months
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I tried asking Steve for J’s number but he didn’t reply and instead forwarded it to Brother Patrick of which he didn’t reply either and told me I had to get baptized first so I did that last week..
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Well anyways… the reason for this is because J said her mom got a tumor and that’s why she has step-parents but she doesn’t say anything about them. I was asking to attend Providence also so I could work on nodoom in the meantime but I am just one gpu upgrade away from being able to from anywhere remotely with Splashtop or another remote client service. Other than that J can’t show any interest in me bc brother Patrick is kinda a gatekeeper and although I see it in her clothing.. I think it’s best for me to just go on my path and she and her sister can figure things out while I work with Arzy and Minx, following my own schedule.
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444namesplus · 1 year
Abfuor Abicim Acisim Aczaun Adesur Adguema Advaim Afalela Afazuna Afiner Afqeem Afvouna Agarima Agbiula Aghuora Agodul Alibor Alonima Amcool Anjiuma Ansoun Apalima Apkoira Apugara Aqjiur Aqveum Arnaar Arrial Ashoera Atnuom Atvial Awerel Awutal Awzael Axceur Axjaoma Axkiol Axneera Azgaina Azixora Aznoer Azsool Baqean Bawoom Bekuira Bienom Bioyula Bonoan Boogal Buutar Buxoora Cabuol Catuen Cecuena Ceusera Covaema Cozuem Cubuin Cuewuna Dabuen Dacoim Dejaona Deraela Deuver Diicur Docaala Doehal Duuhona Duwoila Duyaura Ebbiura Ebohel Eborera Eboyema Ecebir Ecniir Ecroem Edhooma Edxeon Efgoun Efpuor Egaxin Ehhauna Ejebana Ejqiema Ekikena Ekqeuna Elesir Emhual Enfoum Enikul Enteola Epneul Epxaur Epxoal Eqkaana Erziuna Espior Esraina Etitom Evehena Ewguara Ewiqor Ewujana Eyojula Ezupima Faanun Facuoma Fautom Feagola Fefaam Fehuam Fenuina Ferauma Feroora Fiosera Fiqeama Fiutim Foelara Foibam Fomaila Fooyila Fuceal Fuezira Fujair Gaujir Gedoona Giamima Gihoera Gioxom Goakala Goilara Goyean Gukeor Gusuil Guukur Haaxir Haayor Haufon Haxuom Heguela Heofena Hiaqera Hiasama Hiilela Hoerol Ibifama Icimela Icoxila Icuroma Idihem Idijela Idjaala Iffuom Ifilira Iguhola Igyoen Ihbiona Ihepim Ihruam Ihsuuna Ijcain Ikeler Ilovim Imweuna Inamar Inewina Inhuila Inneima Ipagom Ipazim Ipxaan Ipyein Iqalala Iqocora Iqsuina Iqwiula Iriwom Irsoima Isboela Isigam Iskuela Ivelim Ivzaun Iwivin Iwlaar Iwubel Iybiana Iygaana Jaawel Jaheema Jairena Jaovura Jeabora Jeevona Jenaula Jenial Jeohol Jeukel Jifaun Jiluor Jixuin Jueter Kaafil Kaodam Kekiema Kexeila Kigoan Kiifoma Kiofan Kireul Kiunen Koamona Kosoila Kuiwor Kuocuna Laahuna Laavem Laqaer Leocama Liatoma Linoala Liuxun Loreul Lotaur Luemom Lunaum Maewema Mafeil Meafen Micuera Mijiur Moumim Muewema Muibom Naupena Neivola Nialem Nimoima Niofuna Noanem Nodoom Noemor Nuokala Obfiem Objuen Obreela Obxiur Ocqoina Odudun Ofodoma Ofucera Ogehela Oguxoma Ohelala Ohhiom Ohzuur Ojkoura Ojowona Ojpuora Ojsiar Okasara Olawara Olvoal Omnien Omudora Opobim Opohen Opxuura Oqonuna Orlail Orohima Orpeola Oruvel Oryeem Osdaur Osleir Osocama Otarara Otfuula Otsuona Otunel Otveim Ovitum Owmeama Owzium Oxbuoma Oyanel Oyozol Ozayama Ozjoil Ozojur Ozoqin Paasira Paoyan Peedina Peotem Pequona Peubema Piheina Piirom Pijiana Piorin Piozila Piunola Pojuel Puliama Qihuila Qimeoma Qiotar Raiwun Razoela Redaul Reipom Rianona Rioxuna Riumala Riusor Rodoana Rogiola Romeir Rouvum Ruiker Rukeura Ruomil Sagoima Siagal Siikama Soesom Suraona Susauma Tepoema Tiamira Tibaina Tiocima Tiupan Toajala Toiwar Tovuum Tuivoma Tunaor Tuogama Tuuxim Ubawema Ubloima Ubokum Uboxur Ucicira Uckuana Udalama Udeboma Ufadon Ufayuma Ufboon Ufqiema Uhtaala Uhteam Uhuvol Ujsuom Ukvaora Uledila Ulenor Ulxuon Umolum Umutun Unbeula Unbuor Unfoira Unroom Upebor Upqaal Upuluna Uqlaol Uqoyima Uqulum Uqyiima Urquel Usjeoma Uspeum Utiror Utisel Utnuuna Utxaal Uvadala Uvazer Uxyeul Uxzuira Uzalil Uzekom Veerana Vepiel Vineima Viuqana Vopiola Votaola Vuixuma Waegan Weukuna Wikiil Woegira Wofael Woixom Wopiil Wovuuna Wuajil Wuaxal Xacuur Xaisora Xearen Xecaem Xeibin Xejooma Xezoom Xidier Xixuuna Xiyiema Xoidira Xojiama Xopeala Xoyaun Xuacam Xucair Xuibela Xutoala Yajoil Yaolor Yaorula Yazoora Yeujil Yifeer Yiqaan Yiyeam Yohiir Yoroon Yudaum Zaater Zapiula Zeulel Zihour Zixuom Zoigera Zoivora Zuojom Zuurel
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phlebasuk · 5 years
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Wonderful little church just off the swcoast path with a view over the Camel estuary to Stepper Point #StEnedoc #SteEnedocchurch #Trebetherick #Rock #Cornwall #Kernow #camelestuary #camelestuaryview #daymerbay #doombar #closestillgettopadstowi season #notabeerinsight #nodoom #nofilters #lovewhereyoulive #swcoastpath #swcoastalpath (at St Enodoc's Church, Trebetherick) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ysl66gUN9/?igshid=b3lmkjy6i8xe
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avalemert · 8 years
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Just because it's rainy and gray, doesn't mean you have to act or dress that way #nodoom #nogloom #happy
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maiosx · 1 year
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made the base, now I need to make the Inner UI and add the database backend stuff to use it.
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babyawacs · 9 months
#nodoom #moreprevention #pontif .@pontifex @pontifex_de @ekd the mildestpart of the power machinery church setup as pimp operation and psychological compensation mechanisms like sexuality:  one ofthe minor causes of abuse ofminors ‎ ‎ ..."
#nodoom #moreprevention #pontif .@pontifex @pontifex_de @ekd the mildestpart of the power machinery church setup as pimp operation and psychological compensation mechanisms like sexuality: one ofthe minor causes of abuse ofminors ‎ ” … like when their mothers teach their daughters fucksleaze is simply teaching indirect power as unequal relationship role howto controlmen with fucksleaze one aspect…
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zenlossq · 11 months
The issue with being paid everyday is that I need to have restrictions on my wallet so I don’t overspend… and they don’t really put any on my app 😕 so I am handing it over to ppl that will freeze it for me and I will only take out when I need it instead of fixing some stupid credit score run by offshore agencies or whatever I will just buy everything with bitcoin from now on.
But the good thing is during the last two days I discovered keratin is good, and plant based silk jackets, and that the travel industry is a pyramid scheme, which puts me in a very very powerful position to really fuck over the entire government, landlords, and travel industry with my nodoom app so artists and teachers can flourish.. and 1984 will no longer exist.
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zenlossq · 11 months
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Maps running an image for an item location in the aespa shipping app.. 😮 it means my app nodoom can in fact run today!!!
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maiosx · 11 months
Roadmap for nodoom.app
File and social networking is powered by a webkit tab, so you can use any social network, but by default I will be placing maiosx on the tumblr network, and similar to fetcherx’s file finder you can alternate between them. It brings along 5 years of development from maiosx to nodoom for it’s launch.
The scheduling for masterclass and artist events is going to be powered by zencal and make api’s, it will also have an ai to navigate current and friends events and see them on a map calendar so you can change the date of the map to see them.
The masterclass events and artist integrations for vehicles will be custom code for Apple’s CarPlay 2 and matter enabled vehicles.
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maiosx · 1 year
YO SOMEONE MAKE A SOCIAL NETWORK THAT HAS DOORDASH/UBER AND TICKETMASTER BUILT INTO IT SO WE CAN GO ON AESPA TOURS WITH THEIR LOGO DISPLAYED ON THE SCREEN OF THE BACK WINDSHIELD OF CARS AND GIVE MUSICIANS AND ROCKSTAR DEVS FREE PROMOS. ELON DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS FUCK OFF FOR LIKE 3 YEARS UNLESS NOBODY DOES IT. THAT IS NODOOMS FOCUS FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS BUT IF ANYBODY CAN DO IT BEFORE ME I WILL RECOMMEND YOU ON THIS SITE FOR INFINITY YEARS. actually if tesla's become exclusive tour vehicles for artists that would be pretty dope. ya see why project titan was important... and it wasn't just about the ai... it's much more. hopefully someone realizes apps can airplay logos and videos onto screens cause that feature is unused by many.
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maiosx · 1 year
music and games have been my number one focus for years and now i want to make them into a healthy industry, so that the art gets better, and the music does too. like 3D MMDs are peak but they could be a lot better with teams of people working on projects instead of only just two or one. There's no reason mmd models should only be doing 30 second shorts on youtube. You should be able to interact with them with like steam vr but like with other people as well inside of hotels for like not pax events. it should be common to say hey wanna boot up vrchat and have a music/memes session anytime. the current apps and their distribution pipes don't have that and we need to have like the ability to manage vr app concerts or gatherings through tickets but on discord. if discord or twitter get a ticket sales feature instead of like subscription tiers that would help so many artists and people like me. for example i wanted to watch chloe's asmr the other day but i didn't cause youtube doesn't have a rent a livestream feature for only that specific performance and twitch has subscriber only modes so you have to pay 6 totally to do that and then 6 only for the entire month is not enough for a creator so fuck google and twitch. i see why discord and twitter are better and in 5 years i hope nodoom can do all of that.
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maiosx · 1 year
The Wave Industries Pipeline
Masterclass Living Estates with Restaurants or event hostess on top powered by Doordash AI, Ticketmaster alternatives and Apple’s LiDAR sensors for flying and self-driving vehicles, 2-7 years to go.
Nodoom / a social networking platform designed to focus on life - 5-10 years to go
Titanium iPads, MacBooks with FaceID mmorpg api’s powered by M3 with Ray Tracing - 1-3 years to go
Apple Vision Pro and Pixar AR object formats- Completed Project - 5.5 Years to make. Time to complete 45 + years
iPhone 15 Pro in Titanium - Completed Project - Announced in 2013, 10 Years to make.
GTAVI - Rockstar Games - 1-3 years to go.
Apple’s Project Titan - unknown time frame. 2-7 years.
GTAO - Completed Project - 10-15 years to make.
maiOSX Snow Leopard- Completed Project - 4 years to make.
macOSX Sonoma - Completed Project - 10 years to make.
Generated GDP - 40 Trillion USD
Wars and Events during timeframe - Russia vs Ukraine, Covid, Riots, Unionizing.
Predicted Events - Homicides, Aerial deaths and canabilization of airlines. .5 trillion gdp growth year over year, apple -.3 trillion yoy until FaceID mmorpg api/project titan
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maiosx · 1 year
today is Saturday and I’m pretty tired. Woke up and drank some dark chocolate mint cocoa and I wanna work on nodoom but I don’t have an ide setup.
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maiosx · 1 year
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chatgpt says if i want to make a php connection to nodoom i have to get hosting for it and like i only found dreamcompute but im pretty sure im gonna need more than 512mb of ram. this is probably why apple has never put apps on appstore.com
running them over the web costs 48 a month and instead they just host them. weird tho considering they have a bunch of solar panels.
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