#noga pics
noga-the-cat · 1 year
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Had a bit of trouble finding a good sleeping position
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
The cast just did the final table read of the series, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. I’m so excited for Season 4, but crying at the idea of Nancy Drew ending so soon (When exactly? Who knows?).
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I agree with Noga that the love the cast has for each other shines on the screen - it’s one of the (many) things that makes this show stand apart from the rest. The sheer amount of heart and humanity (and humor) among the ghosts and witches and curses is unparalleled. I’m not expecting to find another show that hits me like this one any time soon.
In filming news this week, the Drew Crew (fictitious and the actual show crew) were filming a spring scene set in May on the beach…in the snow. Riley gave us a nice preview (thank you, sir, but where is that promised photo?), sending everyone in a tizzy about the show finally making it to Spring. Riley walked back a time jump confirmation, but a few crew posts confirmed a spring scene. DM me or comment if you want to see said crew posts and a bunch more from the beach set - including pics that confirm what other classic ND scene was shot on the same beach, and that it might be for a Spring Festival. At minimum I’m manifesting short sleeves for Ace.
Kennedy, who must be in every scene and probably has little downtime, posted a rare S4 hint and then quickly retracted it. “This is Me Trying” happens to be on my The Space Between playlist, as I suspected it would fit Nancy’s mood to ‘T’. Kennedy did confirm a few things - that the painful lyrics about being around the person you love but not being able to have them are accurate for Nancy (see below), and that Season 4 Nace is going to kill us. I look forward to the pain (expecting an eventual HEA for our Nace babies of course).
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If you made it this far, I’ll give you two little bonuses - a fun crew pic in the police station (how I love and already miss Sangalicious and applebananapear’s BTS shenanigans - let me count the ways), and a plot spoiler that no one else has posted as far as I’ve found (you’ve been warned).
Henry Zaga, who we think is a series regular in S4 from a blurry mystery cast member photo seen earlier in the season (not confirmed) posted a pic of a HIGH SCHOOL GYM DANCE on IG. OMG. I confirmed the location from his pics and it was taken in an actual high school gym in Van. Flashback to Nancy & George or Ace’s prom? The Drew Crew crash the 2020/Jesse’s prom? Future prom of Nancy & Ace’s kid (shiver)? I am dying to know.
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That’s it for now. Hoping against hope we get some juicy BTS this week with multiple episodes filming, including the Amanda Row-directed finale (she directed S4 Ep. 1 and many classic ND eps.).
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poshhog · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Duluth Trading Co Size S 29 Noga Pants Flare Leg Yoga Pull On Blue Stretch.
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oritpnini · 3 years
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NOGA EREZ live in Israel 
pics by Orit Pnini 
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adamaskwhy · 4 years
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This is a pic of my American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) from the last Winter Silhouette show in Kannapolis I attended. Photo by the amazing Joe Noga. #bonsai #bonsaitree #bonsaigarden #bonsaiart #bonsailovers (at Adam's Art and Bonsai Studio and Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCC1a-pg-6o/?igshid=hfuec1ebhbw
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cactusan · 7 years
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Hiii I'm Noga (top pic) and I'm gonna sped this valentines with my gf 💜 (Also this is a VERY old photo of us)
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turbobyakuren · 7 years
ive always thought aoife used to secretly work at mcdonalds for a very short time and she made a big deal out of keeping it secret so shes paranoid people would found out pics of her in the uniform. also, au where theres a maid cafe run only by the uppers
... aoife working at mcdonalds and worrying about people finding out is totally in character. I agree with this wholeheartedly.There is an absolutely similar situation but it's Moriko and Hooters.Also YES I GOTTA DRAW THE MAID UPPERS.... I NEED MY MAID NOGA TLOU!! (AND MAID UNMYEONG PLEASE)
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blueheroin-speed · 4 years
kwiecien dalsze dni 2020
04.04.2020 I będę z ta opalona w czarnych dlugich skarpetkach bo ta blondynka w wawie dlugie nie lubi tatuazy...  Dlatego wiadomo z kim bede 10.04.2020 I dlaczego bylem sam o poranku? Bo chodzilem na dziwki? Nerwica i ból gardła i dlatego sam bylem o poranku.  A chodzilem na dziwki no dobra biore. I co Pajak mi sie chwali ze zarobil ponad 1700 w Cnh w kilka dni a ja caly miesiac w Stalmechu  1300 zl ale jakie to byly czasy wódka była tansza o złotówke... I co ta opalona Ola Z Wiatrakow zajebista była bym ja godzinami lizał i ruchał ale lodzik w gumce...  A JA DUPE SSAŁEM JEJ NO TA Tak sobie mysle ze na tych bóle-okropnosci by zajebiscie sie ruchało bo jakbys przestał ruchac pojawiały sie dalej ból i zmieniał świat zewnetrzny...  Wiec nie chciałbys przestawać. No jak jest BÓL to jest i seks ale jaki ja znam ból? Zadnego. Ale jak waliłem po 8-10 godzin zeby nie bolało!  Przy lapku to co?z którego lecialy uczucia. Np na gadu gadu prawdziwe i wiem ze to Ola w Nirvanie je tak zrobiła. No co? Musiałem... ZEBY NIE BOLAŁO a gdybym ruchał tak 8-10 godzin i tak czy w nocy by wróciło wszystko wiec seks nie uleczyłby...  Bo sprawdzałem na waleniu konia przeciez. TIME LINE Juz to pisałem O TAK Np. Moje rodzenstwo uciekło odemnie tyrana. Haha. A nie moi koledzy co robia to pikus. I moje rodzenstwo nigdy nie probowało narkotykow. Nigdy trawy lub ekstazy. Teraz mam hajs i kupie pakiet sobie. Moje rodzenstwo nigdy nie poznadza smaku alkoholu - najebania czy smaku papierosów i nigdy nie spróbuja narkotykow bo nie będą umieli sie zaciagnac na fajkach by sie nauczyli. NO TAK JA TEN ZŁY. 11.04.2020 Jednak nie wynajełem chaty bo nieaktualne i wyciagnełem te fete i zjadlem kreske a teraz krew z nosa plus dziwnie boli mnie brzuch ciezko było sie wysrac troche. Boje sie o swoje zdrowie..Bys mi pomogła. Plus czaszka tak boli ze chuj kac morderca. Przez te machania głową boli az mnie szyja. Pod prysznicem to az noga mi latała jak głowa!  Kontrola nogi i głowy. Chyba ze wezme relanium 1 i poleze na chaju uspokoje sie. I stracilem stówe. Jaki ja głupi. KURWA Wezme 1 relanium i pójdę spać co Ty na to? To mozna było lyknac? To dobry towar? No powiedz mi kochanie. Rozumiesz ze umieram debilko? A mam kase!  Nic mi nie będzie? Prosze... NO TAK BO KAZDA MA CHLOPAKA A JA MAM TATUAZ NA STOPIE PIESEK A ZADNA NIE CHCE NAWET W 2 LUB 3 JA. I wracałem z tego tysiaclecia wzialem 2 tabletki max on a nie przyjeły mnie bo niby ze nie byłem autem. Co za chujostwo. TO co ja mam zrobić jak Wiatraki 17 zamkneli przez koronawirusa a zostało mi jeszcze 1670 złoty i np. Tej Oli z Wiatrakow bym mógł dać całość nawet tej białej. Ale jak mam ją znalesc? JAK SIĘ COŚ BIERZE TO NA ZAWSZE. Czyli Wiatraki 17. Jak bym mógł znalesc jakoś te z Wiatrakow na jutro...  Ale jak?  Te Ole białą z taką blondynka Ola Z Wiatrakow 24/7 cały czas. BO JA JESTEM NA CZELE TYCH Z KOLOROWYMI WŁOSAMI CIPEK Z TAKIM TATUAZEM. Co ta kurwa w Nirvanie opalona z jakims łysym miesniakiem?  Przeciwienstwa kurwa. Ale duzo chłopakow w długich włoszech słucha popu. Gnrlies. Ja stoje na czele cipek z kolorowymi włosami bo taki tatuaz róza i takie tez bedzie miała moja dziewczyna badz tez zrobi fioletowe dready -Krolowa dla króla. 12.04.2020 I mieszkanie było nieaktualne i od 10 tego przejebalem juz 450 zł. 100 na dziwke co w chuja mnie zrobila bo mi nie stał a brałem max on ale zmieniałem z fetą i wódka i dlatego nie zadziałał. Teraz mam nauczke. 14.04.2020 DZIS NA DZIWKI 15.04.2020 Zadna nie odbiera z tego roksa.pl 3 dzien szukam dziwki marnuje tylko max on tabletki bo lykam a jak juz jestem to nie chca wpuscic niewiadomo dlaczego a max on drogie!  Stracilem 5 tabletek max on bo przychodze a tu ze nie przyjmie czyli 45 zloty. Zostaly 3. Bo 1 godzine przed trzeba zeby zaczely działać. 16.04.2020 Dala mi kolory fiolet z zielenia ta Ola Z Nirvany a jak cos sie bierze to na zawsze tak jak ja wzialem Wiatraki 17. I nie szukam Jej zeby zapytać jak dała mi te kolory i uczucia!  Zeby miec wiecej!  jakbym zapytał jak! Ja szukam Jej bo ja kocham. 18.04.2020 Krew z dupa. Jak fajnie. NIE MOZNA WYZYWAC LUDZI W INTERNECIE. 19.04.2020 I wtedy wysadzimy pentagon. Mróz w zyłach krwi. I byłem za całe 1500 zł u tej dziwki i nasrała mi na twarz i nasikała az piłem Jej siki a potem sie ruchalismy na rozne pozycje i kurwa.  Normalnie z Nią wypiłem whiski zjedlismy sobie.  Nawet po bakach Jej słodkich Jej ssalem dupe i cipe i potem z ta bita smietana i az krew Jej poleciała a to mowie ze mi tez i mi tez krew poszła... Nie tak sobie to wyobrazałem.  A nawet miała wibrator i mi wsadziła w dupe i sie zabawiła ale to bolało.  Znaczy tak bolało i było troche przyjemnie ale to boli i dlatego po tym wiem ze jestem zwykłym pedałem. Sraja sobie po twarzach i tez poznałem taka fajna panienke całowała się ze mna i przytulała i moze ze mna będzie zajebista była. I kurwa czekalem na Nią wczoraj i podchodzi jakis koles i do mnie Ty jestes Wnuczko? Ja mowie ze tak a on znasz Jacka? Tak znam i do mnie ze ja go na teamspeak wyzywałem jak ja nikogo nie wyzywałem to chyba mnie wyzywali! Ja nawet w necie ludzi nie wyzywam bo to moze komus zadawac bol mnie to mozna wyzywac bo ja nie mysle jak dziecko z przedszkola. I walnal mnie z piesci w nos az mnie odsuneło a potem kopa cały byłem we krwi az mi kapała ta krew i teraz no nosie mam czerwone i jest krzywy do końca zycia. I o co chodziło?  Temu kolesiowi?  Potem poszedlem pic z Jackiem i psy mnie zgarneli i wzieli na myjke. Pamietam co kiedys na podolach podeszlo dwoch kolesi do mnie Jacka i Pajaka i chodziło o jakies 100 zł co Jacek pozyczyl od takiej Oliwi i moze za to ja tez dostałem? Bo to jeden z tych kolesi BYŁ. Czyli co kazdy Jacka znajomy ma dostać?  Chore to. Az tanczyła ze mna ta dziwka a ja klapsy Jej dawałem na pośladki. I mi na twarz nasrała to było piekne spełnienie marzen.  Az Jej kupe trzymalem w reku i po sraniu dupke wylizałem. RAJSKI OGRÓD. TO jak mnie bolało od analu czyli ja tez boli? I tez krew z dupy Oli w Nirvanie poleciała? Po bitej śmietanie? Czy az tak ma rozjebana?
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caesarpassus · 6 years
In Other Words | במילים אחרות from Tal Kantor on Vimeo.
A brief meeting after many years undermines a father's world and renders his words meaningless.
--- A film by Tal Kantor --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AWARDS:
- Best narrative short film in competition – Moscow Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best Animated Film Award - San Diego Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Short film international competition Winner - Miami Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best film of International Student Competition - Sommets du cinéma d’animation, 2016 - Winner SenEDIT Best Story Award - Contact International Student Film Festival, 2016 - The Film Critics Forum Award - The TLV International Student Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - 11th Athens Animfest, 2016 - 1st place - Animazion Jerusalem animation festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Asif – Animix International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - 3rd place - EPOS International Art Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Beit Alliance cinema award student competition- JFF, 2016 - The Honorable Mention - 19th Brussels Short Film Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - Animasyros 9.0 International Animation Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - FILMS FEMMES MEDITERRANEE, 2016 - The Special Mention - VGIK International Student Festival, 2016 - A Diploma - XIII International film schools festival- "KINOPROBA", 2016
Festival's Screenings - [Official Selection]:
- ANNECY International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - Stuttgart International animation Festival, 2017 - Melbourne International Animation Festival (MIAF) 2017 - Animafest Zagreb, 2017 - Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, September 2016 - Edinburgh International Film Festival - 70th edition, June 2016 - ATLANTA Film Festival, 2016 - Athens International Film and Video Festival, 2016 - RiverRun International Film Festival, 2016 - SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 - Odense International Film Festival, 2016 - 20th Japan Media Arts Festival - Jury Selection, 2017 - Animation Block Party film festival, 2016 - 12th World Festival of Animated Film in Varna, 2016 - ZINEBI - Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, 2016 - Monstra animation film festival, 2016 - 16 International Film Festival of Lanzarote, 2016 - Leiden International Short Film Experience, 2016 - ANIMAC Mostra International animation Film Festival of Catalunya, 2016 - ANIMATEKA – 'Best of the world' program, 2016 - International Animation Festival CHILEMONOS, 2016 - Golden kuker-Sofia International animation festival, 2016 - Future Film Festival, Bologna, 2016 - Backup Short film festival, 2016 - River Film Festival 10th Edition, 2016 - Rabbit Fest, Italy, 2016 - SICAF Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, 2016 - 39th Outdoor Short Film Festival of Grenoble, France, 2016 - Anima Mundi, Brazil, 2016 - Imaginaria International Animation Film Festival, Italy, 2016 - ANIMAZE - Montreal International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - LINOLEUM International Contemporary Animation and Media-Art Festival, 2016 - Olhares do Mediterrâneo, 2016 - International Animated Film Festival “KROK”, (panorama) 2016 - FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, 2016 - Cartoons Underground, Singapore, 2016 - Sapporo short film festival 2016 – (festival favorites program) - Ile Courts Festival, Mauritius, East Africa, 2016 - CutOut Fest, Mexico, 2016 - Manchester Animation Festival, 2016 - Haifa International Film Festival - BALKANIMA, 2016 - Exground Filmfest, 2016 - International Festival of Puppet Theatre and Animated Films for Adults - Animated Film Competition, 2016 - ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival - Armenia, 2016, - ASFF As Film Festival – Rome, Italy 2016 - 29th Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway, 2017 - 27th Washington Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - International Film Festival Zoom - Zblizenia, Poland, 2017 - Be there! Corfu Animation Festival, Greece, 2017 - Northwest Animation Festival, 2017 - Festival Cinema Invisible, NY USA 2017 - Anim!Arte – BRAZIL, 2017 - ShorTS International Film Festival, Italy, 2017 - INSOMNIA Festival, Russia, 2017 - Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan, 2017 - Anibar Animation Festival, Kosovo, 2017 - PIC-NIC Urban Festival, Greece, 2017 - Bengaluru International Short Film Festival, 2017 - Boston Jewish Film Festival, Short Film Competition, 2017 - Reggio Film Festival, Italy, 2017
…. Full festivals list at: talkantor.com/in-other-words
Actors: Yehoyahin Fridlander, Dana Yadlin, Noga Kogman, Edan Fiterman Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Animator: Tal Kantor Original sound and music: Alon Cohen ; Sound recording: Almog Ganot Assistant Director and lighting: Kobi Vogman, Shachar Kantor, Almog Ganot Masking AFX: Assaf Karass ; Backgrounds: Shahaf Ram, Tal Kantor
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aristocratslog · 6 years
In Other Words | במילים אחרות from Tal Kantor on Vimeo.
A brief meeting after many years undermines a father's world and renders his words meaningless.
--- A film by Tal Kantor --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AWARDS:
- Best narrative short film in competition – Moscow Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best Animated Film Award - San Diego Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Short film international competition Winner - Miami Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best film of International Student Competition - Sommets du cinéma d’animation, 2016 - Winner SenEDIT Best Story Award - Contact International Student Film Festival, 2016 - The Film Critics Forum Award - The TLV International Student Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - 11th Athens Animfest, 2016 - 1st place - Animazion Jerusalem animation festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Asif – Animix International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - 3rd place - EPOS International Art Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Beit Alliance cinema award student competition- JFF, 2016 - The Honorable Mention - 19th Brussels Short Film Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - Animasyros 9.0 International Animation Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - FILMS FEMMES MEDITERRANEE, 2016 - The Special Mention - VGIK International Student Festival, 2016 - A Diploma - XIII International film schools festival- "KINOPROBA", 2016
Festival's Screenings - [Official Selection]:
- ANNECY International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - Stuttgart International animation Festival, 2017 - Melbourne International Animation Festival (MIAF) 2017 - Animafest Zagreb, 2017 - Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, September 2016 - Edinburgh International Film Festival - 70th edition, June 2016 - ATLANTA Film Festival, 2016 - Athens International Film and Video Festival, 2016 - RiverRun International Film Festival, 2016 - SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 - Odense International Film Festival, 2016 - 20th Japan Media Arts Festival - Jury Selection, 2017 - Animation Block Party film festival, 2016 - 12th World Festival of Animated Film in Varna, 2016 - ZINEBI - Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, 2016 - Monstra animation film festival, 2016 - 16 International Film Festival of Lanzarote, 2016 - Leiden International Short Film Experience, 2016 - ANIMAC Mostra International animation Film Festival of Catalunya, 2016 - ANIMATEKA – 'Best of the world' program, 2016 - International Animation Festival CHILEMONOS, 2016 - Golden kuker-Sofia International animation festival, 2016 - Future Film Festival, Bologna, 2016 - Backup Short film festival, 2016 - River Film Festival 10th Edition, 2016 - Rabbit Fest, Italy, 2016 - SICAF Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, 2016 - 39th Outdoor Short Film Festival of Grenoble, France, 2016 - Anima Mundi, Brazil, 2016 - Imaginaria International Animation Film Festival, Italy, 2016 - ANIMAZE - Montreal International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - LINOLEUM International Contemporary Animation and Media-Art Festival, 2016 - Olhares do Mediterrâneo, 2016 - International Animated Film Festival “KROK”, (panorama) 2016 - FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, 2016 - Cartoons Underground, Singapore, 2016 - Sapporo short film festival 2016 – (festival favorites program) - Ile Courts Festival, Mauritius, East Africa, 2016 - CutOut Fest, Mexico, 2016 - Manchester Animation Festival, 2016 - Haifa International Film Festival - BALKANIMA, 2016 - Exground Filmfest, 2016 - International Festival of Puppet Theatre and Animated Films for Adults - Animated Film Competition, 2016 - ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival - Armenia, 2016, - ASFF As Film Festival – Rome, Italy 2016 - 29th Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway, 2017 - 27th Washington Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - International Film Festival Zoom - Zblizenia, Poland, 2017 - Be there! Corfu Animation Festival, Greece, 2017 - Northwest Animation Festival, 2017 - Festival Cinema Invisible, NY USA 2017 - Anim!Arte – BRAZIL, 2017 - ShorTS International Film Festival, Italy, 2017 - INSOMNIA Festival, Russia, 2017 - Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan, 2017 - Anibar Animation Festival, Kosovo, 2017 - PIC-NIC Urban Festival, Greece, 2017 - Bengaluru International Short Film Festival, 2017 - Boston Jewish Film Festival, Short Film Competition, 2017 - Reggio Film Festival, Italy, 2017
…. Full festivals list at: talkantor.com/in-other-words
Actors: Yehoyahin Fridlander, Dana Yadlin, Noga Kogman, Edan Fiterman Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Animator: Tal Kantor Original sound and music: Alon Cohen ; Sound recording: Almog Ganot Assistant Director and lighting: Kobi Vogman, Shachar Kantor, Almog Ganot Masking AFX: Assaf Karass ; Backgrounds: Shahaf Ram, Tal Kantor
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noga-the-cat · 1 year
Regal and gorgeous all the time.
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
Sharing some more wrap up content from Nancy Drew. This is the Wrap Party + Photo Booth edition!
Starting with the Fan sisters (Leah Lewis and Geraldine Chu). Leah looked fierce in her party attire, and goofing around with her TV sister:
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Next we have our showrunners (Melinda Hsu Taylor and Noga Landau) who steered the ship for four years with season/show finale director Amanda Row (who directed the Uninvited Guest from S1 and the Burning Bride in S2 among other classics so bow down for her!), Dee LeBlanc, and a photobomb from applebanannapear. Speaking of him, he wins best caption 😂
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I sorta think we should create a Drewd virtual edition of the ND Wrap Party Photo Booth, complete with creepy logo (I will do a separate post just on that logo). Any talented Drewds with Photoshop skills want to volunteer?
I’ll leave you with two little seen gems - crew member Griffon Burton took some awesome Polaroids including this one with Kennedy looking 🔥, while professional partier and photobomber applebanannapear managed to get both dads in one awesome pic:
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Speaking of dads, I will do a separate post on Riley’s show wrap video because there was SO MUCH to unpack in there (Who’s Your Daddy Edition?). Hopefully everyone from the show has recovered from the party (which looked awesome), and is home for the holidays.
OK, bye!
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poshhog · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Duluth Trading Co Size S 29 Noga Pants Flare Leg Yoga Pull On Blue Stretch.
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rainbowsh7d · 6 years
In Other Words | במילים אחרות from Tal Kantor on Vimeo.
A brief meeting after many years undermines a father's world and renders his words meaningless.
--- A film by Tal Kantor --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AWARDS:
- Best narrative short film in competition – Moscow Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best Animated Film Award - San Diego Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Short film international competition Winner - Miami Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - Best film of International Student Competition - Sommets du cinéma d’animation, 2016 - Winner SenEDIT Best Story Award - Contact International Student Film Festival, 2016 - The Film Critics Forum Award - The TLV International Student Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - 11th Athens Animfest, 2016 - 1st place - Animazion Jerusalem animation festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Asif – Animix International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - 3rd place - EPOS International Art Film Festival, 2016 - 2nd Prize - Beit Alliance cinema award student competition- JFF, 2016 - The Honorable Mention - 19th Brussels Short Film Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - Animasyros 9.0 International Animation Festival, 2016 - Special Mention - FILMS FEMMES MEDITERRANEE, 2016 - The Special Mention - VGIK International Student Festival, 2016 - A Diploma - XIII International film schools festival- "KINOPROBA", 2016
Festival's Screenings - [Official Selection]:
- ANNECY International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - Stuttgart International animation Festival, 2017 - Melbourne International Animation Festival (MIAF) 2017 - Animafest Zagreb, 2017 - Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, September 2016 - Edinburgh International Film Festival - 70th edition, June 2016 - ATLANTA Film Festival, 2016 - Athens International Film and Video Festival, 2016 - RiverRun International Film Festival, 2016 - SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 - Odense International Film Festival, 2016 - 20th Japan Media Arts Festival - Jury Selection, 2017 - Animation Block Party film festival, 2016 - 12th World Festival of Animated Film in Varna, 2016 - ZINEBI - Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, 2016 - Monstra animation film festival, 2016 - 16 International Film Festival of Lanzarote, 2016 - Leiden International Short Film Experience, 2016 - ANIMAC Mostra International animation Film Festival of Catalunya, 2016 - ANIMATEKA – 'Best of the world' program, 2016 - International Animation Festival CHILEMONOS, 2016 - Golden kuker-Sofia International animation festival, 2016 - Future Film Festival, Bologna, 2016 - Backup Short film festival, 2016 - River Film Festival 10th Edition, 2016 - Rabbit Fest, Italy, 2016 - SICAF Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, 2016 - 39th Outdoor Short Film Festival of Grenoble, France, 2016 - Anima Mundi, Brazil, 2016 - Imaginaria International Animation Film Festival, Italy, 2016 - ANIMAZE - Montreal International Animation Film Festival, 2016 - LINOLEUM International Contemporary Animation and Media-Art Festival, 2016 - Olhares do Mediterrâneo, 2016 - International Animated Film Festival “KROK”, (panorama) 2016 - FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, 2016 - Cartoons Underground, Singapore, 2016 - Sapporo short film festival 2016 – (festival favorites program) - Ile Courts Festival, Mauritius, East Africa, 2016 - CutOut Fest, Mexico, 2016 - Manchester Animation Festival, 2016 - Haifa International Film Festival - BALKANIMA, 2016 - Exground Filmfest, 2016 - International Festival of Puppet Theatre and Animated Films for Adults - Animated Film Competition, 2016 - ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival - Armenia, 2016, - ASFF As Film Festival – Rome, Italy 2016 - 29th Minimalen Short Film Festival, Norway, 2017 - 27th Washington Jewish Film Festival, 2017 - International Film Festival Zoom - Zblizenia, Poland, 2017 - Be there! Corfu Animation Festival, Greece, 2017 - Northwest Animation Festival, 2017 - Festival Cinema Invisible, NY USA 2017 - Anim!Arte – BRAZIL, 2017 - ShorTS International Film Festival, Italy, 2017 - INSOMNIA Festival, Russia, 2017 - Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan, 2017 - Anibar Animation Festival, Kosovo, 2017 - PIC-NIC Urban Festival, Greece, 2017 - Bengaluru International Short Film Festival, 2017 - Boston Jewish Film Festival, Short Film Competition, 2017 - Reggio Film Festival, Italy, 2017
…. Full festivals list at: talkantor.com/in-other-words
Actors: Yehoyahin Fridlander, Dana Yadlin, Noga Kogman, Edan Fiterman Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Animator: Tal Kantor Original sound and music: Alon Cohen ; Sound recording: Almog Ganot Assistant Director and lighting: Kobi Vogman, Shachar Kantor, Almog Ganot Masking AFX: Assaf Karass ; Backgrounds: Shahaf Ram, Tal Kantor
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noga-the-cat · 1 year
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noga-the-cat · 1 year
your rule of no cats on the dinner table means nothing to me
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