#nolana meadza
windy-trickster · 10 months
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WOOOOOO. Nolana finally has some sprites! Some actual sprites!!! Took me long enough to make these... Also decided to redesign her as well. One of my many Rainbow Drinkers <3 Reblogs appreciated!
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windy-trickster · 2 months
★★★ for Nolana? :0
★ - Nolana has SERIOUS mama bear energy ★ - She's slept around w/quite a good amount of people before settling down after getting some quadmates ★ - Nolana was one of the first of her old cloister to leave the caverns [After Gochov and before Aressa]
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windy-trickster · 4 months
I just realized like- NONE of the Jades/Jade variants on my blog are Cloistered/Cavern workers Rho: Far too anxious to be a Cloistered Jade, would prolly end up being more of a hazard than anything. Hexa: Was SUPPOSED to be a cavern worker, but deemed a "hazard" bc of his condition Aressa/Nolana/Gochi: All former cavern workers that left for various reasons Celest: Was never brought back to the caverns after lusus took her.
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windy-trickster · 5 months
Nolana - 🌈☁️🌠
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? A: In short, "Never give up" ☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon A: Nolana loves cuddling up in a bunch of soft pillows when she's had a stressful night. SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? 🌠 A: Nolana genuinely wishes she could go back and change certain actions in her life...
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Nolana Judgements <3
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Come down to Nolana's cave and see what she thinks of you~
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windy-trickster · 1 year
I bring chaos ★★★★★★★★★★★
★ - Cervin has a natural resistance to psionics/psionic electricity sinc bismuth is non/low conductive material ★ - Amdala sadly has extensive trauma related to the Clurch, most of it revolving around men ★ - Cervin is one of the VERY few men Amdala trusts/feels comfortable around ★ - One of Sherco's childhood nicknames is "Little monkey" :) ★ - Alephe's blood was made of a mixture of mutant red and indigo ★ - Biologically, Mori is actually neither male or female! I have an HC that grubs can be born gender-neutral :) ★ - Anahit has a slight accent, but no one has been able to figure out what accent it is ★ - Azamuk's third eye actually blinks/moves independently from her other eyes ★ - Gochov and Nolana are from the same Cloister ★ - Gochov has a slight French accent ★ - Ninara and Selbec share a troll in their respective quadrants. Quison, a male Jadeblood, is Ninara's matesprite and Selbec's kismesis :)
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Listen if anyone has any ideas like- Godtier wise for my undetermined babies I would be very happy to get whatever help I can. The undetermined are the following: Eskker "Eskie" Krohnn - ??? of Heart Clivus Tyrpao - ??? of Doom Nolana Meadza - ??? of Space I'm willing to toss some ideas for Rosnix, but they'll never have like- An actual GT or anything. I'll toss out they might either be Breath, Space or Time [Considering their creator was a Time-Bound]
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Blorbo Bleebus sheet for Nolana? :0
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Beloved woman <3
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Active Fantrolls/Muses:
There are other active fantrolls like Delson, Gozzie, Caisre, etc etc. But their introduction posts need to be remade and such, they're still open as well to talk to <3
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windy-trickster · 1 year
🎧 for Nolana? :0
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Oh god a Five Star Free For All!!! Let's do this: 1. A lot of people don't know this, but Nolana is actually a Rainbow Drinker/Daywalker 2. Some parts of Rosnix's body will shift colors depending on their mood 3. Anatae is the oldest female clown in her Clurch and tends to treat all of the other clowns like they're her children despite some of them being close in age to her 4. Jeebs in INCREDIBLY fucking innocent. Like if you tell her a dirty joke, she won't get it. Even if you explain it to her. 5. Sejcei has eyes on everyone. And I mean everyone. You just don't know he's watching you :)
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Nolana ★★★ :0
Nolana Meadza:
1. Anything inside of Nolana's cave hive is made by hand, using materials and fabrics she's found in nature
2. Nolana is a lesbian
3. Nolana has several tattoos hidden under her clothing. Only one troll has been lucky enough to see them
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windy-trickster · 1 year
New character drop!!! Introduction post for her <3
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-> Seems you've decided to come out of your cave, literally, to meet some new people and see who's there to meet. Your name is NOLANA MEADZA. You're a troll under the Jade caste, your blood color being Peacock. -> You were once a Cloistered troll in the Brooding Caverns until you decided to say "Fuck that" and left without even alerting your ex-Cloister leader about it. You didn't want to be stuck in some stuffy, dusty caves. You didn't mind taking care of the little ones tho. They were the only good part of the job. Or well, ex-job. -> Nowadays you live in your own cavernous hive, decorating it to your bloodpusher's content with silky curtains, beaded decorations and plush, lovely throw pillows. You have all sorts of furniture as well. -> MANY trolls have been to your cave hive. And you've had a lot of... "Adult fun" with some of them as well, nothing has ever turned into a serious relationship for you yet and you didn't super mind. You just enjoyed helping others feel a little less lonely regardless of it was sexual, platonic or in a motherly manner. [You make sure it's never a combo of two] -> You have a younger troll that you take care, she doesn't live with you, but you do come out of your cave to see her. You love her dearly and act as her lusus. You're a mama bear and you make sure others know it. [Nolana's sign is the alchemical sigil for Radon] [Nolana is open for asks/judgements!!!]
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windy-trickster · 4 months
so many choices, but i think i gotta give it to Nolana 😳😳😳😳
Oh look. The local woman kisser is back! Point and laugh /j Nolana is quite pretty so like. FAIR.
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windy-trickster · 5 months
💫 Nolana? :0
Nolana makes all of her own jewelry
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windy-trickster · 1 year
📂📂📂📂📂 ! :0
📂 - Jeebs is allergic to coconut 📂 - Jeebs can move her ears independently from each other 📂 - Nolana's got nipple piercings 📂 - Kyykel can touch his eyeballs with his tongue 📂 - Kyykel is double jointed in many places
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