#yarrow celfie
windy-trickster · 3 months
༄ Yarrow Judgements ༄
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New sprites for the big buff cat lady! Come see what she thinks about you :3
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
It Happened So Suddenly (Part two)
Part one
Part three
It’s been six perigees since the night you allowed the cloaked stranger to stay with you. She told you her name was Yarrow Celfie, and she actually wasn’t a bad hiveguest. She only stayed with you about a week that night you met her, but every few perigees she shows up again. Thankfully she doesn’t come in through the window anymore (Which you now check at least three times a night to make sure it’s locked).
That first week, you and your lusus made sure at least one of you was watching her at all times unless she was using the bathroom. You’re extremely relieved she figured out the toilet on her own. You also showed her how the shower works, which she was absolutely floored by. It was actually kind of funny seeing her reaction.
Then she asked if you were going to join her since in her clan everyone bathes together, and you got embarrassed and sputtered that city trolls don’t do that. Which she thought was funny, so you’re even.
She kept writing in some kind of journal, but when you asked about it or tried to sneak a look she immediately hid it. Word of what happened that night spread through the fanbase like wild fire, and there were already memes filling your reddit and twitter feed only one night later.
You were relieved when she eventually went back to her clan. Having another person in your hive to keep an eye on wreaked havoc on your schedule, and she was all anyone wanted to talk about even a week after she left. Eventually, though, things went back to normal, and you all but forgot about her.
Then she came back for the second time two perigees later, though this time she knocked on the window. You were editing the latest “Try Not to Laugh” video you finished recording about half an hour ago. When you heard her at the window, you were surprised to see her again. You decided to let her in but told her to knock on the front door next time. You didn’t want your neighbors gossiping about you letting people in through the window.
Your lusus was practically glued to her much like he was the first time she stayed, but you were a little more lax. You even invited her to say hi to your fans, which she declined. You didn’t mind much, but your fans were disappointed.
That time around, you taught her how to use your old palmhusk. The bottom corner or the screen was cracked, so you couldn’t trade it in when you bought your new phone. It still worked, so you just had the number on it changed and gave it to Yarrow since apparently she was going to be a recurring guest.
She didn’t understand how any of the apps worked, but texting and calling went much better. By the time she was ready to leave again, she was basically a pro at it! ... Well, sort of. Okay not really at all, but she was getting there.
Now it’s her third time visiting, her last visit having been four perigees ago, and you find yourself actually looking forward to seeing her. This time around she actually joins you in a video, and your fanbase goes nuts. Within the hour there’s shipping art and memes with the two of you. Yarrow asks you what they mean, but you simply tell her your fans are being dorks.
Unlike the last two times, however, she doesn’t simply leave after about a week or so. She wants to take you to her home in the forest since you’ve been so nice teaching her about the city.
This is not a request. You’re going.
You spend the next two weeks roughing it in the middle of nowhere, and it’s easily the worst two weeks of your life. You spend the whole time sweaty and dirty and jonesing for internet access like an alcoholic going through withdrawal. There’s so many bugs, and every night you wake up with something crawling in your clothes whether it’s ants or a beetle or, on one occasion, a snake. Washing up in the lake is disgusting. All you can think about is all the fish poop and animal backwash you’re wading in.
Oh God, and the undead are worse out here than in the city. Yarrow’s cave is dank and dark, but the undead don’t go near it for whatever reason so it’s the best place to be. You can’t sleep well out here, and waking up during the day and hearing the groaning and shambling of the mindless undead is incredibly unnerving.
In short, you hate it here.
“You need to toughen up, Hyleem! You’re as soft as a newborn wriggler,” Yarrow teases as she guts a large creature she hunted. You can’t bear to watch, so you stand several feet away with your back facing her. Sure, you know where meat comes from and all, but you prefer it already butchered and neatly packaged so you don’t have to think about where it comes from.
“I’m not soft! I’m plenty tough! This place just sucks!” you complain and grumble under your breath. On paper it makes perfect sense she’d want to show you how she lives since you showed her how you live. However, you live surrounded by convenience and ease, and she lives completely off the land with all the difficulty that comes with it. You miss your hive.
“You should be watching so you can learn better survival skills,” she chides. You look back at her and shudder.
“Noooo thank you! Even getting over how disgusting that is, do you know how hard it is to eat something after seeing it alive first?? I might do the vegan thing after this,” you whine, but you know you’re still going to eat it. Honestly, fresh meat tastes better than the stuff in the store, but the trapping, killing, and carving you have to do to get it isn’t worth it.
Once your impromptu camping trip to Hell is over with and you’re back home, you pray she never makes you do that again.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Yarrow Judgements!!!
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So what a big sweet nomadic lady thinks about you <3
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windy-trickster · 3 months
Angsty headcanon: Hyleem helped Yarrow bury her fallen clan members, and sometimes Yarrow will visit their graves and tell them about how things are going
But yeah... Absolutely. The fact I could also see Hyleem doing it without Yarrow asking him for his help just shows how much he cares about her and understands that she basically, y'know, lost her whole fucking family. Trolls she loved so so so dearly and will never get to see again.
And Yarrow absolutely visits the mass gravesite to talk to their spirits and let them know she's never forgotten them and that life for her is still wonderful.
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windy-trickster · 10 months
⏰ + laughter for my girl Yarrow
"Come on, Hyleem! It isn't that scary!" The Greenblood smiled and erupted with laughter as her Highblooded moirail was gripping onto her arm for dear life. The pair had came across a river and Yarrow managed to kick down a dead tree, making some sort of bridge for the two to cross over. This was the first time said Highblooded moirail was out and about in the wilderness and it clearly showed, Yarrow being quite amused by his actions and hesitation with the smallest of things. "C'mon on! We'll make it over this river together!" Her voice coming out in a natural roar as she grabbed the Indigoblood, tossing him over her shoulder effortlessly. Hyleem just sputtered and made a whole slew of surprised noises from being so suddenly hoisted off the ground. Normally Hyleem would have no reason to ever set foot in the wilderness of Alternia, knowing VERY well that several things could and would kill any poor unsuspecting troll. But he didn't feel much safer knowing someone like Yarrow was around. Also, he just... Couldn't deny seeing her so happy. After all of the shit she had been through, it was the least Hyleem could do. And he could tell Yarrow appreciated it more than she could ever express.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Who would willingly eat one (1) crayon with me? This is a very deep question.
Oh Jesus. Lemme just: - Sejcei - Sherco - Psiloc - Kyykel - Yarrow - Heebie Jeebie/Jeebs
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Active Fantrolls/Muses:
There are other active fantrolls like Delson, Gozzie, Caisre, etc etc. But their introduction posts need to be remade and such, they're still open as well to talk to <3
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Yarrow's clan was so innocent and peaceful. But even the most peaceful of groups aren't safe from a corrupt world.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Introduction: Yarrow Celfie
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-> You're a little nervous for this. You've never had to introduce yourself to anyone before.... But here you go. Your name is YARROW CELFIE. You are a VARIANT of an Olive blood, your blood being named JUNIPER. -> You have a variety of interests you've collected over the many years of your nomadic life, but your biggest ones are CAVE DRAWING, PLAYING THE FLUTE and HUNTING. -> For as long as you've been alive, you've wandered the vast landscapes of Alternia with a clan of other Olive caste trolls. Some were pureblooded Olives, others were variants just like you and a couple were mutant blooded Olives. You're all a very CLOSE clan, considering each other and each others' lusii to be family. -> Despite how big and intimidating you look, you're actual quite the sweetheart and don't super want any problems with anyone, but sadly problems just seem to find your little clan. Your clan is basically WANTED because you don't agree with the Empress's ways of life. You're targeted for being a PEACEFUL clan that just doesn't want to follow the Empress's rule. -> You uh.... Admittedly know nothing of how modern Alternia is. How technology and machines and stuff like that work, but luckily you have a HIGHBLOODED friend who's been teaching you. Yarrow is open for asks and judgements!! [Original adopt ref in the undercut - Adopt by @ase-trollplays ]
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windy-trickster · 17 days
8, 11, 16, and 19 for Yarrow
8. When was the last time they got really angry? A: Uhhh... Hm. Good question. Yarrow isn't the type of person to get angry super easily! Yes she'll get AGGRESIVE, but not super angry. I mean I think the last time she was super angry was back when she was younger and someone was being insensitive towards one of the elders. 11. Do they prefer being barefoot or covering their feet? A: She prefers barefoot, but she'll put on shoes if asked to. Or socks if shoes aren't available. 16. Where is their dream vacation destination? A: Somewhere in a nice deep forest... 19. Are they the type to fight when tickled? A: Absolutely. She will win that tickle fight.
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windy-trickster · 5 months
I'm giving the Most Attractive OC trophy to Yarrow
Woooo! Yarrow! ....I still need sprites of her. Someday!
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windy-trickster · 6 months
🎄 Yarroooowwww
Since this is like... I suppose the first "proper" 12th Perigee Yarrow's ever celebrated, she's having the time of her life getting to see how "city trolls" celebrate the holidays with her moirail!" And of course she's got her new squishy friend with her as well! <>
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windy-trickster · 7 months
🩸 Purple Yarrow!!
Big and nasty, really. A feisty woman and HATES being made a fool off. She's a subjug, but not a clown. She wasn't one for the traditional clurch, but lived within a group of nomadic Purplebloods much like her Olive variant original. She isn't really classist against Lowbloods or anything, but she also doesn't really like being around other Highbloods as well. She feels a general disconnect from her caste and prefers to either be on her own or w/her quadrantmates.
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windy-trickster · 10 months
A TWOFER? MY LUCKY DAY Yarrow - Goddess of the Hunt, the NORTHERN wind and forest. Deffo someone you'd want to pray to if you wish for a fruitful hunt and clear skies. Sherco - God of Wind, Exploration and Adventure. A god who needs no offering to provide people with good fortune for their travels :>
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windy-trickster · 11 months
You already know that I love Yarrow 💚 but I also really adore Sherco!
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The Sherc <3333 And the YarYar will eventually get sprites I prommy Ase-Trollplays Breath-Bound lover confirmed
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windy-trickster · 11 months
📋 for Yarrow
Age: 10 Sweeps [23] Height: 6'2 Weight: Carrying: Several sharp objects, dress from her moirail, snack packets Last thought of: Taking a nap Current Job: N/A Main Goal: Surviving in a world that's mistreated her for sweeps Favorite Item: Dress from her moirail Love Anyone?: Wodruf Cresil Pale For?: Hyleem Merker Ashen With?: N/A Hate Anyone?: N/A If you could do one thing right now, it would be: Go out into the forest and just... Be one with nature.
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