#non italian
liesmyth · 4 months
best comparison I can think of for the pope thing is. imagine an ESL bishop said the word “dykery” instead of “lesbianism.”
now. as a dyke, I'm not cool with straight people using it. obviously you don't need to be a native speaker to know slurs, but “dykery” is NOT a commonly used word if you're straight and want to insult queer women. it's the kind of derivative word you're way more likely to hear in a queer context. if a straight person randomly said “dykery” in the middle of a serious conversation, and a non native speaker at that, I'd be like... where on earth did they hear THAT from?
that's why I'm laughing my entire ass off at the pope thing. ofc the catholic church is homophobic. fork found in kitchen. but why is the pope using slang from drag race
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posalis · 4 months
challengers twitter pointed out something very cool: art's coach speaking to him in german!
the subs says "just invite her to serve." (which doesn't make any sense? and art doesn't even go to her after that lmao?) but he apparently actually says "wirf den ball etwas höher." which means "throw the ball a little higher.".
so art knows what patrick's house looks like which means he went there, he understands when his coach speaks to him in german and he's the only one who can pronounce "zweig", a german surname, the right way.
art learning german for patrick and spending holidays with him and his family is canon, i don't make the rules.
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girlonthelasttrain · 1 year
There are several NGO-funded ships currently operating in the central Mediterranean Sea with the specific intent of saving migrants from what has been for years one of the deadliest migration routes in the world. Here is partial list:
Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Ocean Viking (SOS Méditerranée)
Aurora, Sea Watch 3 and Sea Watch 5 (Sea Watch)
Life Support (Emergency)
Open Arms and other ships (Open Arms)
Another important resource for migrants in distress at sea is the hotline AlarmPhone.
Since 2016 these rescue missions have become more and more onerous to fund as EU countries have progressively strengthened the Frontex program while at the same time criminalizing NGO-led search and rescue operations. (Italy has been at the forefront of this trend, and a shipwreck on the coast of Calabria in late February this year only managed to strengthen the resolve of the current government to make it even more complex for NGOs to try and rescue migrants.) So while it definitely won't solve the root issue, donating to these NGOs still has a tangible effect.
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mikimeiko · 5 months
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The Expanse | 3x13. Abaddon's Gate
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mossmx · 8 months
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11 febbraio 2017 — 09 febbraio 2024
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stayawakee · 2 months
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aubryjoi · 1 year
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Doggust day 7: Italian greyhound ✨
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girasolealtramonto · 1 month
“Hai presente quando sei in apnea sott’acqua per tanto tempo e poi quando emergi in superficie finalmente prendi una boccata d’aria, come se non avessi mai respirato prima? Ecco, tu sei stato una boccata d’aria per me. In una vita in cui mi sono sempre sentita sbagliata, inferiore, inadeguata, in apnea, tu mi hai fatta sentire giusta, all’altezza, nel posto giusto, perfetta così come sono, me stessa. Tu sei stato una boccata d’aria pura per me. Dopo una vita in apnea, con te sono tornata a respirare.”
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thesoftestcowboy · 1 month
I'm curious about something... (and fucked up the last poll. if u saw no u didnt)
*As in, you enjoy listening to it, like it aesthetically, think of it as attractive, whatever. This is NOT about whether or not you understand the language or if you like whatever you associate with it or whether or not it's "useful" (e.g. If you do not speak a single word of japanese but really love how it sounds, vote for it. if you think italian sounds sexy but don't really care about visiting Italy, vote for it. If you like the look of the hebrew alphabet but not how it sounds, DONT vote for that. It's about the sound.)
Before you come at me: These categories are not perfect. Some of them are sub-categories of a bigger family (Indo-European), some languages are in the same category but sound really different etc etc. I had to leave out or group some of these together in a way that I felt made most sense for what I wanna know & the demographics of this site. I'm not a linguistics expert.
Feel free to share your thoughts in comments or tags! 👍
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hotchocolatelovesyou · 8 months
I'm not sure if you're aware but John Travolta was invited to the Sanremo Festival (a very BIG deal) in Italy and the hosts, Amadeus and Fiorello, made him dance the "qua qua qua" (the chicken dance). He had to wear a chicken hat, but Travolta refused. He also didn't sign the documents that would allow the whole scene to be played again - so the whole chicken dance thing with him will not be shown in tv ever again - and he's been receiving so much shit by Amadeus and everybody else because he obviously knew what was going to happen and he was like super paid for his appearance
and it doesn't stop here lol
The festival lasts a week, and they have guests every night - yesterday night was Travolta, tonight was Russell Crowe. Crowe loves Italy, Italy loves Crowe. Crowe sung with his band (he was great tbh) and he then answered some questions asked by the hosts. He low-key made a joke about the Travolta thing and Amadeus had to high-five him (because how can you not) and now we are all waiting (but not really, the festival is much more important) to see if the fucking festival will make two Hollywood stars fight or not.
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saruzzo · 4 months
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It's always the same whenever someone new comes into his life— Freddie, Fausto, Peter Smith-Kingsley (…) And especially you, of course… and that's only the boys.
ROSARIO FIORELLO as FAUSTO in "The talented Mr. Ripley" (1999) dir. Anthony Minghella
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flowerytale · 10 months
If tomorrow I don't answer your calls, mom. If I don't tell you I'm coming to dinner. If tomorrow, the taxi doesn't appear. Maybe I'm wrapped in hotel sheets, on a street or in a black bag. Maybe I'm in a suitcase or I got lost on the beach. Don't be afraid, mom, if you see that I have been stabbed. Don't scream when you see that they dragged me. Mom, don't cry if you find out they impaled me. They'll tell you that it was me, that I didn't scream, that it was my clothes, the alcohol in my blood. They'll tell you it was right, that I was alone. That my psychopath ex had reasons, that I was unfaithful, that I was a whore. They will tell you that I lived, mom, that I dared to fly very high in a world without air. I swear, mom, I died fighting. I swear, my dear mom, I screamed as loud as I flew high. You'll remember me, mom, you'll know I ruined him when you'll face everyone screaming my name. Because I know, mom, you won't stop. But, for what you want more, don't tie up my sister. Don't lock up my cousins, don't deprive your nieces. It's not your fault, mom, it wasn't even mine. It's them, it will always be them. Fight for their wings, those wings that he cut me off. Fight for them, may they be free to fly higher than me. Fight to scream louder than me. May they live without fear, mom, just as I have lived. Mom, don't cry over my ashes. If tomorrow it's my turn, mom, if tomorrow I don't come back, destroy everything. If tomorrow it's my turn, I want to be the last.
Cristina Torres Cáceres Perù, 2011
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muxas-world · 5 months
Can sobady say to me what is he saying?apart from being super cute and happy in the video im getting nothing 😭
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virsancte · 1 year
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a dream of tartosa . . .
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canisalbus · 10 months
As someone whose entire extended family lives in Sicily irl and they're all super catholic i am delighted by Machete's place of origin??? I literally feel like that meme with the anime girl that's like "(Location) mentioned!!!" anytime it comes up lol
Anyways I love reading OC lore so your blog is always a treat 😎
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stayawakee · 5 months
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