gender-jargon · 4 months
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[Image ID: The Miderix flag created by coiner Gent of Gender-Jargon, 2023. The flag consists of three vertical stripes and one central, horizontal stripe. From left to right, the vertical stripes are brick red, coral and peach. The central stripe is light blue-green. /.End ID]
Miderix: Describing a Non-Miderian individual that finds a midbinarine gender attribution befitting and considers it an essential facet of their gender identity.
A sibling term of Mascix, Femix, Gynandrix, Neuix & Aphorix.
Miderix was created to mirror the paradigm used for Mascix. Femix, Gynandrix and Aphorian.
From English, “Mider” from “Miderian” + “-ix”, an neologistic suffix used by other terms in this genus, originally based upon Apathmascix and Apathfemix coined by user Cybertroniancoining. Miderix was coined by Gent of Gender-Jargon, 2023.
Miderix is a complex and potentially contradictory identity in which one’s gender is not miderian, but has midbinarine traits attributed to them nonetheless, and this attribution is not only considered to be fitting by the individual, but an integral part of their overall gender experience.
More simply, a Miderix individual:
Has a gender identity that they consider to be Non-Miderian.
Has traits of midbinarinity attributed to them by other individuals.
Considers having traits of midbinarinity attributed to their person to be agreeable and in a few, multiple or all manners at least part of the time.
Considers this attribution to be an intrinsic part of their experience of their gender as a whole.
A Miderix individual is not apathetic to a midbinarine gender attribution, but instead enjoys, appreciate, entertains, welcomes or otherwise freely accepts midbinarine traits being attributed to their person. Furthermore, this attribution is a fundamental aspect of their gender experience.
The Miderix flag was created to match the Mascix, Femix, Gynandrix, Neuix and Aphorix flags. The flag consists of three vertical bars and a central, horizontal bar, forming a tri-color flag with a median line. At the left is the darkest shade of pink-orange, becoming lighter as it moves right. The median stripes is a light blue-green in color. The colors have the following meanings:
The Dark orange, coral and peach stripes represents midbinarine gender attribution.
The light seafoam stripe represents not being Miderian.
The Miderix flag was created by Gent of Gender-Jargon in 2023.
Note: Gender attribution is not necessarily based upon one’s expression, but is more frequently an assumption made about an individual’s gender identity without their input. Being an assumption, it is not always correct, good, wanted or warranted. Affirming attributions are congruent with one’s perception of themselves. Incorrect and undesired attributions are incongruent with this perception and are often distressing. Miderix should not be used to describe anyone who does not like midbinarinity being attributed to them, as it would be misdenoting on multiple levels
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outherworldlycoining · 6 months
[PT: miderian]
[PT: definition]
A monolexic term for midbinary, mainly, but not only, for those who do not like to describe their genders using a word that contains "binary" in it.
The counterpart of aphorian.
[PT: flags]
The diagonal flag.
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[ID: A flag with thirteen diagonal stripes. In total it has seven colours. From the outermost stripes to the innermost one, these are: light read (2 stripes, one on the upper left and another in the lower right), right next to each there are two (one on each side) dark pink/magenta stripes, followed by a pair of lavender stripes. Next to each, there are two dark blue-violet stripes; beside them, nearing the middle, a pair of light blue stripes can be found, followed by a pair of dark turquoise stripes. Finally, the last and innermost stripe is a pastel teal one./END ID]
2. The five horizontal stripes flag
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, each of a different colour. These, from top to bottom are: magenta, cyan, purple, blue, and pink /END ID]
How do I see and experience midbinary genders? A graph.
[PT: how do I see and experience midbinary genders? A graph]
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[ID: An image with a transparent background and a trapezoid in the middle. Inside the trapezoid there are five shades, from bottom to top they are: In the lower left there's another trapezoid inside it, pink in colour with the number one written in the middle. In the lower right a third trapezoid, this one blue with the number two in it, can be found. Between the pink and blue trapezoids, a purple figure occuping the void space between the two + some space in the middle appears, containing a number three inside. Above it, there's an irregular cyan rectangle with a four inside. Latly, in the uppermost part of the trapezoid there's another one. This one is a pastel magenta and has a five inside it. /END ID]
As it can be seeing in the graph above, I would divide miderian/midbinary qualities into five primary categories:
1- Feminine genders, regardless if they are related to fiaty/lierinity or not, and fiagenders/lierine genders, regardless if they are related to femininity or not.
(Fiaty and lierinity are both terms to describe genders that are female or related, proximal, similar, derived or somehow connected to femaleness. Including woman, qupha, caiene, mione, juxera, erasque, etheria, etc)
2- Masculine gender, regardless if they are related to miaty/virinity or not, and miagenders/virine genders, regardless if they are related to masculinity or not.
(Miaty and virinity as both terms to describe male genders and genders derived, similar, proximal, related or somehow connected to maleness. Including (wer)men, terine, valene, proxvir, viresque, etherio, etc.)
3- Genders that are in between (without being the combination of) feminine and masculine genders, or between (without being a combination of) fiaty/lierinity and miaty/virinity. Mainly othergender androgynous or ambiguine genders.
(Examples: some androgynes, some ambiguines, proxangi, ambesque, angiesque, ambix, angix, troigue, etc)
4- Genders relared to epicenity or midbinary neutrality. Genders that feel like they are in the middle of the midbinary spectrum. Being simultaneously all midbinary qualities and neither at the same time.
(Examples: epicene, midbinary ambigue, unigender, juxtene, troicene, pandrogyne (original definition), etc)
5- Brand new midbinary genders that are fully distinct from feminine and masculine and/or fia/lierine and mia/virine genders, and rather than existing in between those dichotomies, exist completely separared from them. Qualities that can be described as midbinary outherinities (itherinities), like for example altraeninity.
(Examples: daen, ambinique, proxaen, trinäq, etc)
This graph doesn't take into account combinatory qualities and genders like, femache, gynx, androx, etc. because it focuses only on primary, non-combined, qualities and genders.
As an amphinitique, I actually experience the combinatory qualities and genders rather than the non-combinatory ones expressed in the graph. The graph, thus, represents the qualities that form the gender qualities I experience, rather than the qualities I experience themselves.
I'm simultaneously both miderian and aphorian, and I see the qualities I experience and the qualities that form them to kinda exist in a mirrorred fashion. For every miderian gender I have, there's an aphorian counterpart, and vice versa.
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