#nonbinary hiruma
astraeasilvers · 4 months
Deimon Devilbat Headcanons
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Hiruma Yōichi:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay or Omnisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but he couldn't care less about gender norms
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena will always be my main, but I can also see Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: The black around his eyes? Eyeliner. Soon to become a tattoo.
General Opinion over said character: I love this psychotic boy
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Sena Kobayakawa:
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY BOI
Gender Headcanon: Libramasculine (It means to be primarily Agender with some hints of masculine)
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena FOREVER but Shin/Sena, Riku/Sena, Juumonji/Sena and a few other more minor ships (Kakei/Sena and Yamato/Sena) are some casual likes of mine.
A random headcanon: He would 110% be the first out of all them to get a tattoo
General Opinion over said character: Precious cinnamon roll (who is not a cinnamon roll)
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Gen “Musashi” Takekura:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: FtM Trans Icon and you can’t tell me otherwise
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: He is 100% taller than Hiruma. He gives me tall vibes. Also, he can read Hiruma pretty well.
General Opinion over said character: Good Boi
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Kurita Ryokan:
Sexuality Headcanon: He gives me many vibes, but primarily Gay/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Masc Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: I honestly can’t think of a ship for this cinnamon roll. Maybe Kurita/Gaou, but idk
A random headcanon: He’s not as naive or innocent as he looks and when his friends start in on more interesting conversations, he is very much interested in listening LOL
General Opinion over said character: Cinnamon roll
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Raimon “Monta” Tarou:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. That’s all I have to say about him on this front
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but possibly Demiboy
General Opinion over said character: Funny Monkey
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Mamori Anezaki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, possibly Lesbian
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender
A random headcanon: Her type is Milfs and Buff women
General Opinion over said character: Sometimes brothers me, but she’s silly and fun
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Suzuna Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Demigirl
A random headcanon: She has a sixth sense, and knows when her friends start dating/get crushes
General Opinion over said character: Cute, silly, and fun
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Kazuki Juumonji:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, possibly Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Juumonji/Sena
A random headcanon: He would hurt anyone who harasses his friends. Said friends are well aware of him being gay, but since he doesn't want the whole world knowing, they make an effort to make sure people don’t find out (but do a bad job of it)
General Opinion over said character: He protecc
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Koji Kuroki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: He’s cis, but people keep expecting him to come out as something -anything really- at some point
A random headcanon: He’s well aware Juumonij is gay and doesn't want people to know, so he tries to throw people off that thought whenever it’s brought up.
General Opinion over said character: Game Addict (mood)
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Shozo Togano:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A random headcanon: He’s the one that gets the most angry over any bigotry directed at his friends. Kuroki and Juumonji have had to forcefully take the bat from his hands a few times. He's especially bad at hiding Juumonji's sexuality, but that's just because he's a doofus
General Opinion over said character: Manga Nerd (mood)
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Daikichi Komusubi:
A random headcanon: He can speak normally, he just likes to watch people’s confusion when he doesn’t
General Opinion over said character: Mini cinnamon roll
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Manabu Yukimitsu:
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Questioning
A random headcanon: After graduation, he made it a hobby of his to help his friends analyze their matches
General Opinion over said character: Dude, can I have some of that determination? I’ve lost mine.
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Natsuhiko Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: You’ve undoubtedly heard of “Flamboyant Gay” but he somehow accomplishes being “Flamboyant Straight”
Gender Headcanon: Cis, but people wouldn’t be surprised if he came out at some point.
A random headcanon: He’s not good at flirting, simply because he has no idea how to be subtle, nor does he even really know what flirting consists of.
General Opinion over said character: Silly boi lacks braincells
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Tetsuo Ishimaru:
A random headcanon: His soul has withered up long ago. Look in his eyes. You can’t deny that.
General Opinion over said character: Poor bastard just got dragged into this mess and went along with it… Admirable
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Doburoku Sakaki:
A random headcanon: He’s incredibly confused how so many people on the team are queer, but just rolls with it
General Opinion over said character: Drunk but has some wisdom somewhere in that alcohol-clouded brain of his
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nonbayanary · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Mystic DEMONS AU (TMMDemons AU)
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[ Subject MAOU-077. The Titan. The Tank. Middle Sibling. ]
Pronouns: She/Her.
Demon Mutant. Half-human, half-demon.
Product of the human experiment, "Project Maou."
Middle Sibling / Second Youngest Sibling.
Scientists in the Deimon facility dubbed Kurita as "Subject MAOU-077."
The only parts of Kurita's body that keep her original skin color are her hands and her head. Her legs, arms, and back, meanwhile, are now a color so dark, that it's even blacker than night.
Kurita's eyes glow red. She has markings of a large, upside-down cross on her chest. On her arms, she also has markings that look like a satanic circle, an acorn, and a star, all intersected by one long line. Her genitals are hidden within a slit in their crotch area (like turtle cloacas). Her hair is literally made out of fire. It never dies out. She also has three tails. All the Maou trio have these specific features.
Kurita's three tails are three additional arms, colored red and gold.
Kurita has four more arms on her upper back. They can transform into demon wings that are strong enough to carry Kurita and her siblings.
So, in total, Kurita has nine arms. Her seven extra arms don't have joints, so they move around like tentacles.
Her four extra arms on her back have the ability to multiply.
She usually makes use of her extra arms to pull her siblings out of danger, or to hold back Hiruma from committing homicide. It basically looks like a mass of tentacles tipped with claws, dragging the selected target towards Kurita, like so:
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Kurita's fears are all centered around her accidentally hurting people, especially her siblings.
She also has sharp, clawed feet that can puncture the ground for further stability. She also has long horns on her head, which Hiruma is dead jealous of.
Sena, Musashi, and Hiruma also use Kurita as a jungle gym, more often than not. It's common to see them climbing up her back, or perching themselves on her shoulders. Kurita is of course, strong enough to carry all her siblings. When she and her siblings are in danger, her number one instinct is to grab all the others and shield them.
She is the number one heavy hitter of the team, and she deals critical hits in one move. This is why Hiruma gives her the nickname, "The Titan," to scare off their opponents.
Kurita loves cooking. She is the chef of the family, and she takes pride in her cooking. Because she's a demon, her spice tolerance is off the charts. The same is true for Hiruma and Musashi. Thus, when Kurita cooks something spicy, she makes sure to be mindful of dialling down on the spice, for Sena's and Doburoku's sakes.
Despite her battle prowess, she is very content to just farm in the fields. When cooking, she puts aside the food waste to be used for fertilizer. Her extra arms are quite handy (LMAO) when it comes to cooking. Anyone who enters the kitchen will see Kurita's extra arms zooming about, busily chopping, putting aside food waste, stirring, and taking ingredients from the cabinets.
Kurita loves bonding with Sena over cooking videos. They love watching Youtubers like Liziqi, or Tiktok channels like The Glam Kitchen.
When Kurita's free, she helps out in either Musashi's workshop, or Hiruma's "Evil Lair." She usually lugs around heavy machinery, so her siblings don't have to strain themselves.
Once a week, Kurita also accompanies Hiruma and Musashi to junkyards for spare parts.
Out of her siblings, she loves training the most. This is also why she has the best stamina among the four. Kurita spends the most time with Doburoku, because she never tires of learning new techniques, both in farming and in combat.
(She is actually Doburoku's favorite kid, but he won't ever tell a soul.)
When Kurita was young, she ran away from her abusive home. Being a little kid, she unknowingly ran into traffickers who took her from the streets, and sold her to a cult organization.
Though she associates bad memories with her birth name, Kurita Ryoukan, she does not want her tragic background to take that from her too. She holds onto that name with a vice-like grip in the hopes that someday, she will learn to love it.
And with the way her siblings fix all the cracks in her heart, she learns to see that she is, in fact, learning to love her name, because she loves the way her family says it. With affection, with devotion, and with love.
Food is the one thing that Kurita associates with love, especially because she wants her family to eat well. Kurita, in particular, was starved when she was still in the hands of the traffickers, which is why she always makes sure to eat a lot.
She loves it when her siblings climb onto her shoulders, because she adores the physical touch, and the amount of trust they put into her to hold them up.
Within the family, she gives the best hugs, because her extra arms will envelop the other person too, and make the hug extra warm!
She is a cinnamon roll who is also not afraid to fuck people up. Growing up with Hiruma and a morally ambiguous Sena means that this version of Kurita is more unhinged as well.
Kurita is the first among her siblings to awaken her mystic powers.
Along with Hiruma and Musashi, Kurita also has the ability to manifest mystic energy constructs.
Kurita's energy constructs manifest in the shape of her body. She can alter the construct in its entirety to giant sizes.
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Kurita can also independently alter the size of its appendages to take down physically large or exceptionally powerful opponents.
She can add additional limbs to his construct, and form a more traditional energetic shield to block attacks.
Kurita's siblings can also enter her construct. She can shield them within the construct, or combine their moves with hers, like so:
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In a way, Kurita's construct is like a mech, without needing the actual technological components.
Kurita's energy constructs can also grow several tentacle-like arms with clawed hands. It makes her even more dangerous in battle. Hiruma once compared her to Jaegers from the movie, "Pacific Rim."
When one of the four siblings fall unconscious mid-air, Kurita is the one who rushes to catch them.
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Even if Kurita's construct crashes to the ground, the energy coating her acts as a shield, ensuring she and her companions within the construct are safe.
Kurita can also make clones that look just like her, even if they are energy constructs. When fatally harmed, only then do the clones reveal that they are only made of mystic energy, as they glitch, then fizzle into nothingness.
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Kurita's energy constructs, combined with her siblings' powers, make several creative combo moves.
For example, when Kurita's gigantic energy construct is mid-punch, Sena can make a portal so that Kurita can punch an enemy who is quite a distance away. Hiruma can manifest guns that are attached to Kurita's construct, turning it into a gigantic mech that is armed to the teeth with artillery. Musashi can use Kurita's construct as a surface for his transmutations.
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Feel free to write or make art of this AU. But please credit me, and send me the link to what you've made! I'd love to see it!!!
This AU was based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT), and further inspired by RWBY, The Locked Tomb, Honkai Impact 3, Fullmetal Alchemist, Solo Levelling, and Genshin Impact.
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yezielmoore · 7 years
Book design project
Shot out to all tumblr writers!!! Hi! I have a project I would (really) like your help with, so if you're curious and can spare me a moment, please keep reading.
Couple days ago my teacher of "Producción Editorial" (editorial production in English) set us a task: we have to design a publication, either a magazine or a book of some sort. It has to be original in format if not content. Now, there are a lot of ways I could go about this assignment on my own and get a good mark regardless, but the truth is I don't want that. Truth is, the world is a terrifying and deadly place to be nowadays for a lot of people. It makes me wanna grab my kendo equipment and bash some heads until it starts making sense again. I can't do that unfortunately, because my weapon of choice is not the sword but, cliché as it seems, the pen. I tell stories. Or in this case, I help people tell their stories. That's what I want to accomplish with this project.
Another thing before I go any further: I know how creators are with their creations (being one myself). They are our beautiful/ugly/weird babies and we're fiercely protective of them. So I want to reassure you guys that this is a legit assignment (I can probably get my prof to write something to that effect). I'm not going to steal your intellectual property. Each story will be preceded by the name/pseudonym/internet handle you give me. My job here is to compile everything, edit the stories for grammar mistakes and design the book aesthetically (unless I write a story myself, then I'll be included in the list of authors, like all of you).
And at the end of this road I hope to have a pdf or eBook or both versions of this book, that as collaborators you'll receive, and that can be shared around freely and for free.
That said, let's do a Q&A of some of the questions I'd ask if I wanted to join this:
So what, exactly, are you going to do?
As I said, I'm going to design a book as if it were to be printed. Which is the reason I have to use original stories and not, you know, fanfiction (much as I'd like that). I will also have to design the cover, any Notes or Warnings, Table of Contents, edit and organize the stories according to the rules and regulations of formatting we've been learning in class, etc.
Will it be printed? Will you make money out of it?
No and No.
I wouldn't know where even to start with that mess. But more important, this idea began with a class assignment (and still is about that, I want to pass that class) and grew from there. I'm doing this because it's a challenge and because I want to. I want to spread these stories. And I want them to be assessible to everyone. I want variety and diversity because I want so that everyone who opens this book can find at least a kernel of representation in them.
So yeah, this project is non profit.
What kind of stories will you include?
I have decided that the theme of this book will be Diversity. Understanding by diversity this: "the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, etc"
Equally important: I want positive (nice or not is optional) and respectful (not optional) snippets or stories about this amazing, huge and diverse thing that is humanity. I won't accept blatant bashing or phobias here. There is a difference between creating a well-rounded interesting villain (grey/sympathetic/evil doesn't matter) and the more common moustache-twirling cackling caricature of a person we normally see as the enemy, that are usually there to demean a character and elevate another. That's lazy writing.
Genre i'll leave up to you. Could be realism, fantasy, sci-fy, humor, anything. Write about pirates, space explorers, elves and dragons, stay-at-home moms, superheroines, uni students, blue collar workers, thieves, assassins, superpowers, whatever, your choice.  
Is there a character limit? Other limits?
Yes! Each story should be in between 500-5000 words. Why so short? Because I want to include as much variety as possible and there is a lot to cover. An example list of the characters I'd like to include off the top of my head:
a gay character
a lesbian character
a bisexual character
a pansexual character
an asexual character
a straight character
a transgender character,
a genderfluid character
a nonbinary character.
a black character,
a Muslim character,
an Asian, Latino, African, etc, character.
also a blind character,
a deaf/hard-of-hearing character,
a paralyzed character,
a mute character,
an autistic character,
a character with depression
a character with anxiety
I want to include one (max two) stories about each of the bolded categories in the example list, or any other topic I didn't think of. Of course, you can write more than one character, but the focus should be on one of them or on a topic, idk, a protest in behalf of transgender people as a whole would go under the transgender character list.
The category I want to write about is not there.
Send me an ask and I'll add it (if it’s relevant to the topic at hand: diversity). The examples are not absolutes, I probably missed a few, some maybe didn't even occur to me. I don't have everything planned out, I'm still sorting out a lot of details in my head, so if I missed something, tell me. This will work only if we collaborate.
Will you include mature themes?
As long as it's not explicit I don't see why not. By explicit I mean, for example, a really detailed sex scene, a torture scene with all the gritty details, a blow by blow account of an abuse scene. You can reference these things and make it tasteful (for a meaning of the word) without getting into it too much. Also, there is a word limit, not really enough space for that kind of thing.
How will you chose which story to include?
First come, first served. Yes, really. I'll make a list of whoever signs up and when.
IMPORTANT: there will be a time limit though. Because I'm not pressed for time just yet, I'll give each person up to a week (7 days) to send me a draft of the story. Once that time is past, and unless you give me a really good reason, I'll liberate that spot and the person in question won't participate anymore.  
How do I sign up?
Send me an ask telling me which category/focus you want and I'll add you to the list.
Can I sign up Anon?
Sorry, but no. If this works I'll probably have to share my email with those that participate in the project, which I accept; that, however, is not the same as sharing my info with the entirety of the Tumblr jungle.
Why did you write "Producción Editorial" in Spanish?
Because physically I live in a Spanish speaking country (Hola!). Most of the time I live on the internet though. Also, the English language is a filthy thief that (after a decade of study, now 15yrs) managed to steal into my brain and rewrote it so now my internal monologue is always in English. Lucky for me my professor says he doesn't mind the language so that's another reason I decided to branch out with this.
I think I covered the basics at least. I'll anwer any questions and edit this as necessary. I hope some of you will want to help me on this. Even if you don't want to or can't maybe you can share this with someone who will. So Thanks!!
 And now, Tag time!
@blackkatmagic, @redhothollyberries, @hiruma-musouka, @araceil, @esamastation, @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon, @roachpatrol, @definitelynotaminion, @tratserenoyreve, @loverofpiggies, @inukagome15
I tagged all of you because you're some of the writers/creators I follow and know best out of everyone around here. I'm not asking you to participate (although I'd be delighted if you wanted to, not gonna lie x3), but I thought that maybe you could share this or spread the word a bit if it's not too much of a bother.
Thanks everyone who reached this far! :D
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nonbayanary · 8 months
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I come bearing memes of my HiruSena fic:
I, Carrion (Icarian)
A HiruSena "God of Arepo" AU featuring a Trans Maou Trio who are also farmers, a nonbinary god!Sena, and Hiruma with ADHD.
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nonbayanary · 1 year
Teenage Mutant Mystic DEMONS AU (TMMDemons AU)
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[ Subject MAOU-001, The Leader, One of the Eldest Twins ]
Nonbinary mutant demon.
Pronouns: They/Them.
Since they're an orphan, the only name they have in the government records is "Youichi." They don't actually have a last name, so in the years when they suffered experimentation, one of the only things that kept them sane was the mental activity of making a surname for themself. And they chose: "Hiruma."
Scientists in the Deimon facility dubbed Hiruma as "Subject MAOU-001."
In this AU, Hiruma is more playful, as a result of growing up alongside Sena, Kurita, and Musashi as siblings. They are also more open to their siblings, but more wary of strangers. Hiruma becomes the voice of reason whenever their siblings meet someone new, as they caution the others to be wary and observant of new people. The four have already suffered through dehumanizing experimentation and human trafficking. It's better to play it safe, than to suffer the consequences of betrayal and ignorance.
Hiruma has long, sharp spikes on their shoulders and arms, and shorter spikes on their spine. The red markings on their arms are rectangular, almost shaped like pixels and guns.
The skin on their limbs, once pale when they were still human, is now a color so dark, that it's even blacker than night. Red markings shaped like diamonds strung together are what separate the color of Hiruma's limbs from the color of their torso. All the Maou trio have these specific features.
Hiruma's eyes glow red. They have markings of a large, upside-down cross on their chest. Their genitals are hidden within a slit in their crotch area (like turtle cloacas).
They have sharp claws. So sharp that they've accidentally popped or stabbed through objects on more than one occassion.
All of the Maou trio have tails. Hiruma has three red-and-gold tails that are all tipped with eyes. Hiruma uses these eyes as both weapons, and as video recorders. Which means they're recording everything around them at all times.
Hiruma's hair is literally made out of fire. It never dies out.
Musashi and Kurita have horns, while Hiruma doesn't. Hiruma's dead jealous; if they had horns, they would decorate their horns with jewelry. To compensate, Hiruma adorns Musashi's and Kurita's horns with jewelry during special days.
Hiruma is often clothed in red, as it is their favorite color.
When the kids were younger, Hiruma dubbed themself as "The Leader." They usually take charge, along with Musashi. Hiruma and Musashi both look after Kurita and Sena, the younger ones, together.
Hiruma is known by different names. In public, their siblings call them "Hiruma." Hiruma doesn't want strangers knowing their birth name.
When in the comfort of their home, their siblings call them, "Youichi," or "Ichii," when the others are feeling playful.
Doburoku calls them, "Yo-Yo," to Hiruma's chagrin. Although when the situation is serious, he calls them, "Youichi." When Hiruma has cooked up some trouble and Doburoku is pissed off, he calls his kids by their full names.
Of the four kids, Hiruma is one of the two eldest. (Musashi is the other eldest sibling).
Hiruma and Musashi were raised in different orphanages. The two know they were born on the same year, but don't know their own dates of birth.
A year after Doburoku adopted the kids, Kurita had once suggested jokingly that Hiruma and Musashi were "practically twins." At first, the two were both adamant that it was impossible. But then, they grew to love the idea of having a twinship.
Hence, when the others refer to the Musashi-Hiruma duo, they often refer to them as "the twins."
Hiruma likes watching yakuza movies, so the way they speak makes it sound like they're a criminal.
Hiruma's a gunsmith and a weaponsmith. At first, before they developed their mystic powers, they built guns as a hobby. They also have a fascination of guns because they fear for their family's safety.
Hiruma is the one who illegally earns money for the family. They earn even more than Doburoku, the only adult in the family. And to do that, Hiruma hacks ATM's and has several ATM cards connected to billionaires' accounts.
Which means Hiruma is literally stealing from billionaires to fund their family. They buy furniture for the home, raw materials for Musashi, games and anime merch for Sena, and ingredients and cooking utensils for Kurita.
Hiruma also hacks into government servers and CCTV systems for fun, and pirates films and shows for their family to watch. They also record everything, to their siblings' chagrin.
Hiruma was inspired by watching their favorite movie, Megamind. As such, Hiruma cares very much about "Presentation." So, when getting into fights, Hiruma loves to intimidate their enemies by showing the first level of what they call their "Disposal Unit." In battles, this is how Hiruma usually presents themself:
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The first wave of Hiruma's Disposal Unit, or what they call, "Category 1," is only meant to incapacitate a few opponents.
"Category 2," or the second wave, is meant to incapacitate a several groups of opponents.
The third wave, or "Category 3," is meant to kill a few opponents.
"Category 4," is meant to massacre a wholeass army.
Currently, Hiruma is working on "Category 5," a nuclear bomb that will annihalate supernatural deities or even aliens. After all, Hiruma thinks, they can't be too lax on security. Better to be overprepared than to lose their family by being underprepared for a big crisis.
Hiruma also expands to making more complicated artillery. The type that starts out looking like normal objects, before turning into complex guns. For example, they build a briefcase that transforms into a machine gun, after watching this anime scene with Sena:
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Hiruma makes an artillery-bag for all their family members, just as a failsafe. Whenever the four siblings go out, they always bring one of Hiruma's briefcases, just in case.
Inspired by watching Sena's gameplay, Hiruma loves building intimidating and powerful artillery like this:
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Out of their four siblings, Hiruma has the messiest room. They can't be bothered to clean, not when their brain is fueling them ideas faster than they can make artillery.
Hiruma has their own workshop/laboratory, which is right beside their room. They call their lab, "My Evil Lair," because they're a dork who loves the villain aesthetic.
Hiruma also created and installed cameras around their home's area. They also constantly monitor the CCTV footage, and get notified by their systems immediately when something unusal is happening. Their family may live in a hermit's house in the middle of nowhere, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Hiruma loves wearing dresses and skirts at home, because fuck gender norms. When they go out to roam the city, they prefer wearing pants, just in case they need to fight.
Hiruma's love for skirts and dresses influenced their siblings, and soon, the others started wearing them too. The Maou trio's favorite are mini-skirts and backless dresses, because it gives their tails or their wings free reign.
And of course, Hiruma loves make-up. They love putting on red and black eyeliner, and doing their eyebrows. Hiruma hates lip products because they often get lipstick on their fangs and teeth. It's pretty inconvenient for them.
Hiruma also loves painting the claws on their hands and feet red, though the paint often chips off due to Hiruma's constant work.
All three of the Maou trio can create energy constructs. Hiruma's energy constructs, however, are different from Kurita's and Musashi's own constructs.
Hiruma's mystic powers are all about creating red, semi-transparent constructs of guns and artillery, made out of their mystic energy. It looks like this:
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The gun constructs they conjure vary in size, as it takes great mastery, concentration, and mystic energy to create constructs bigger than their own body.
Hiruma finds their mystic powers very convenient, despite the cost of being drained to exhaustion. They know how long projects can take, and how much determination it takes to finish one, so they like the speed with which their mystic guns appear.
After watching a few episodes of RWBY with Sena, Hiruma starts conjuring mystic nunchuck-guns for close combat after seeing this coolass scene:
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When it comes to making technology, Hiruma has to collaborate with Musashi to make various rockets. The whole process takes time. So when Hiruma discovers that they can bend the physical manifestations of their mystic energy to make anything they desire, they make these for their convenience:
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Hiruma loves making combo moves with their siblings. Sena's portals make Hiruma's artillery unpredictable, as Sena can ensure that Hiruma's energy construct bullets reach the enemy faster.
Musashi's transmutation constructs can prove as convenient surfaces to spawn Hiruma's own gun constructs.
Kurita's bodily energy construct is a gigantic moving warrior that Hiruma can propel in the air with their rocket constructs. Mystic energy makes anything possible.
Hiruma also loves being flashy, so that the enemies' eyes are on them. This ensures that their siblings are a little safer, as long as Hiruma keeps their opponents distracted. Thus, it's not uncommon to see Hiruma doing this:
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Hiruma tries to act as if they're "emotionally unavailable" in public. And yet ironically, Hiruma's mystic energy is heavily influenced by their emotions. When they're feeling manic with energy, their mystic artillery is as lively as they are. But when Hiruma is truly scared, even when they try not to show it, their mystic artillery shows it by glitching, or sometimes even fizzling out into nothingness.
Hiruma is the second person to awaken their mystic powers, right after Kurita did. It was Hiruma's desire to protect their brothers that awakened their power.
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Feel free to write or make art of this AU. But please credit me, and send me the link to what you've made! I'd love to see it!!!
This AU was based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT), and further inspired by RWBY, The Locked Tomb, Honkai Impact 3, Fullmetal Alchemist, Solo Levelling, and Genshin Impact.
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