imagek · 9 months
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Zipper Pouch - Nondispersal Beadle, Advertise Rodriguez Intergovernmental, Beautiful unclear and many dots multicolor abstract design on plain floor
Abstract designs challenge traditional notions of representation, inviting viewers to appreciate art in a more imaginative and non-literal manner. Abstract designs are artistic compositions that prioritize the use of shapes, lines, colors, and forms divorced from their representational or real-world references. Abstract art is a diverse and innovative artistic movement that prioritizes non-representational and non-figurative forms. Art allows you to explore and express their creativity beyond the constraints of depicting recognizable objects or scenes.
Nondispersal Beadle, Zipper Pouch.
Order available in @Redbubble
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hydronationchair · 2 years
Site Visit: First Process Emissions Trial
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On 17th Oct 2022, Senior Innovation Fellow, David Millar ventured out on site at Scottish Water for the First Process Emissions Trial. Find out more about the trial and what it means in David’s blog. 
My role within the Hydro Nation Chair R&I programme, as a senior Innovation Fellow is to help build the technological capability of Scottish Water so they can transition beyond Net Zero by 2040. No easy task on both fronts. 
Technology is not the only answer to the Net Zero challenge, but it will certainly be a key enabler. 
Behind the scenes I am busy building a transformational start-up support offering which will launch in 2023. This programme aims to support start-up companies and provide the necessary, one-stop shop of resources to help them survive and thrive. However, technological solutions don’t always have to be new, there are many technologies and developments already in existence that can be applied to the water sector and support Scottish Water’s realisation of their Net Zero ambitions. To that end, I have also been busy scouting the globe for existing technology aligned to our four core missions (Process Emissions, Infrastructure Emissions, Circular Economy and Enhancing the Natural Environment). Such scouting activities are called Horizon Scans and involve desktop searches of various resources, such as investor portfolios, conference agendas, personal networks and online platforms that monitor new technology start-ups from around the world. Some good old Google searches also came in useful. 
From my Horizon Scan, I identified and made contact with over 180 technology business, offering an array of technologies that could be useful. Together with Programme Managers from Scottish Water, these 180 opportunities were then rigorously assessed and we have now selected a handful to take to field trial across the Scottish Water network.  
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On 17th Oct 2022, we reached a milestone in this process with our first technology provider, Grandperspective, visiting from Germany to scope out the Laighpark wastewater treatment works near Paisley. The site visit involved Gerd from Grandperspective; Susan Lee (Scottish Water’s Net Zero Progamme Lead); Chris Bonnington (Scottish Water Project Manager); myself and Laighpark Operations technicians and electrician. 
We were met in Paisley with the fairly standard mix of very windy, chilly and wet weather, to which Gerd from Grandperspective noted “you certainly get some interesting weather around here!” 
Most process emissions sensors are based around commonly used Nondispersive InfraRed (NDIR) Spectroscopy. This technology requires the gas needing measured to enter a sample chamber before it can be analysed. For open plan facilities, such as wastewater treatment plants, this methodology can prove difficult to analyse whole site emissions due to the influence of wind, weather and the potential that gases of interest don’t do as their told and enter the sample chambers when needed. To get effective and reliable measurements, you would also require a considerable number of sensors across the site. 
Grandperspective offers something more innovative called Scanfield, which is based upon a different technology called Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).  
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FTIR offers considerable advantages over NDIR – for example, one single device can monitor over 200 substances up to a range of 2km and at concentrations of parts per million (ppm).  
FTIR enables such monitoring by measuring the infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas. A mathematical process called a Fourier transform is required to convert the raw data into the actual spectrum – hence the name Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). 
Pretty amazing technology and exactly the sort we need to better understand the emissions profiles associated with wastewater treatment works. 
The purpose of the visit to Laighhill Park was to identify exact locations and line of sight for the device in order to monitor as much of the site as possible. 
Next steps are to finalise the work packs for the instal and get ready to kick start our first technology trial under the Hydro Nation Chair R&I programme – super exciting stuff.  
This site visit is one of many to come and I hope you will join us on this journey.  
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OMGA-2000 Flue Gas Analyzer is a highly integrated single-flange gas monitoring equipment, of which, core detection module adopts A nondispersive infrared (NDIR) and Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) gas absorption technology with independent intellectual property rights.
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hospitaldirectory · 3 years
CO2 levels inside these expedients that Co2 Incubator manufacturers produce are gaged with accurate ocular nondispersive infra-red (NDIR) antennas. There are two concerns when using an NDIR CO2 antenna: In high-altitude surroundings, the device interpretations must be attuned to the change in atmospheric heaviness.
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isaacathom · 7 years
oh thats how that works. oh. ok yknow what yea i accept that, i guess.
also FUCK NOOOOOOOOO i like antarcticite! ‘theyre gone’ and so is your way out?????????? fuck nooooo i like them!!!!!
i wish the op would update every time phos loses a fucking limb. itd be fun. though given how much she’s iiinnn it, that might be a bit much to ask (even though it should just be some model switches, but the assumption is that they touch up the op a FUCK TON in post to make the models look even better soooo mb thats not remotely feasible)
‘this was due to a lack of caution’ it sure fucking is because im frankly flabbergasted that noone has realised phos is a fucking curse magnet and should probably remain indoors as much as possible. learn a craft. someone teach them to like, sew.
waiiit wait wait wait waiiit no are you sending phos... on their own.... to chord shore..... in winter....... hey guys yall know how bad an idea that is???? oh ok antarcticite is there, thank fuck, i only saw phos and got scared as fuck.
oh good of course. i knew it. when the fuck doesnt this go bad.
also coooulldnt antar have just gone to chord shore and then brought a bunch of shit back instead of bringing the armless phos all that way? that jsut seems an odd choice to make. esp considering antar is probably about to get their shit pushed in by the rare winter lunarian attempting to DEFEND phos because phos cant fucking do anything
ok quick question what the fuck?????? so what, did antar fuck up and accidentally attach some fucking parasitic goldie shit? lads what the fuck is happening
‘i must make haste’ sure looks like it. considering you can nigh teleport at short range with ya Ninja Speed you could be moving a fucksight quicker than THAT. oh this isnt ominous at all. is kongo (??? sensei) actually a gem? like the assumption was that he waaassnt, right? so then he’s.... human, right? so is that why the lunarians are all ‘holy fuck’ like theyre celebbing this guy.
oh fuck great because of the sunlight fuckiinnn antar is weaker so they cracked. great. great. what the fuck. HAVE YOU FUCKERS NOT LEARNT why the fuck would you turn your back to the nondispersed lunarian that you KNOW is dangerous because it nearly fucking cronched Alex into oblivion (at least thats what you think it is) you fucking baboons. oh jesus. oh jesus. oh. oh its a thing. oh thats great. so antar really really cant handle disembodiment. thats. not ideal........ considering theyre lvl 3............... oh dear. oh theyre fucking dead oh god OH JESUS oh theyre ok. for now? ouch. OH. FUCK. THE COMEBACK. THE TRICK SHOT FROM DOWN TOWN. FUCKING OUCH oh yea no eyeballs arent fucking scary oooo boy OOH BOY
‘ive found the courage to push beyond my limits’ right but your torso hasnt
is this the credits. huh? this isnt the ed. whats happening. lads. lads whats going on. uhhh yea no was that the new ed? is there a new ed? lads. please explain why the credits were weird
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dfrobots-blog · 6 years
ESP32 Arduino: Using an infrared CO2 sensor
In this ESP32 tutorial, we will check how to get measurements from a
C02 sensor, using the Arduino core.The sensor used was an Analog Infrared CO2 Sensor from DFRobot. You can find the Wiki page for the sensor here.Note that the code we are going to be developing here is based on the code available on the Wiki page of the product, which I encourage you to check. The tests were performed using a DFRobot’s ESP32 module integrated in a ESP32 development board.
About the sensor
The Analog Infrared CO2 sensor allows to measure the CO2 air concentration in a range from 0 to 5000 ppm (parts per million), with an accuracy of ± 50ppm + 3% of the reading [1]. The sensor operation is based on the NDIR technology (nondispersive infrared) and includes temperature compensation.This sensor can operate with a voltage supply in the range of 4.5 V and 5.5 V and outputs an analog signal between 0 V and 2 V [1].If the analog voltage corresponds to 0 V, it means that an error was detected during the self checking procedure. Between 0 V and 0.4 V, it doesn’t represent any measurement and the values on this range are outputted during the pre-heating phase of the sensor, which has a duration of 3 minutes.During normal operation, the sensor outputs a voltage between 0.4 V and 2 V, which corresponds to concentrations of C02 of 0 ppm and 5000 ppm, respectively. As can be seen in the product Wiki, there is a linear relation between the voltages in that range and the CO2 concentration, so we can obtain the concentration from the voltage using a simple proportion.
Electronic schematic
Since this is a ready to use module, the electronics needed for this tutorial are very simple. As illustrated in figure 1, we just need to power the device with 5 V and connect its data pin to a pin of the
ESP32 that can read analog voltages.
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Figure 1 – Electronic schematic.
Note that the sensor doesn’t have any labels on the pins, so we need to perform the connections taking into account the colors of the wires that come with it. Following the usual color scheme, the black wire corresponds to GND and the red to VCC. The blue wire corresponds to the data signal.Depending on your
ESP32 board, it may be able to provide the power supply needed for the sensor from a power pin. Nonetheless, if you are not sure if it has such pin or if it can provide enough current to the sensor, the best approach is to use an external power supply such as this.
ESP32 Analog readings
As analyzed in the previous sections, the sensor outputs an analog voltage that the ESP32 will need to read. Since we are using the Arduino core, the easiest way of reading an analog voltage is by using the analogRead
function, which is also implemented for the ESP32, as we can see here
.Nonetheless, at the time of writing, the analogRead function is returning inconsistent values on the ESP32 , as can be seen by this
issue. As discusses in thisforum thread, this is most likely caused by the non linearity on the ADC (analog to digital converter) values.You can check at the
IDF documentation more information about this and some calibration methods that can be used.Since these are more complex procedures that are outside the scope of this post, we will assume the linearity of the analog readings on the 0 V to 3.3 V range. Naturally, this will introduce some imprecision on out measurements, but the main focus of the tutorial is how to interact with the sensor rather than how to solve these non-linearity issues.Since the
ESP32 integrates two 12 bits ADCs [2], it means that we can obtain digital values between 0 and 4095 (212– 1) for the analog voltage measurements. Note that we can change the bit width between 9 and 12 bits with the analogSetWidth function defined here , but for this tutorial we will work with the default value of 12 bits.
The code
For this code we will not need to include any library. So, we start by declaring the pin number of the ESP32 that will be connected to the sensor as a global variable, to make it easier to change in the future.
int analogPin = 35;
Moving on to the setup function, the only thing we need to do is opening a serial connection, to output the measurements.
void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200); }
Now, on the Arduino main loop, we will handle the measurements, which will be performed periodically.The first thing we need to do is obtaining the reading from the analog pin connected to the sensor. To do it, we simply call the analogRead function, passing as input the number of the pin we previously defined.
int adcVal = analogRead(analogPin);
As mentioned before, this will correspond to a value between 0 and 4095 (the ADC has 12 bits), which we will need to convert to a voltage. Assuming the linear behavior of the ADC, we can do this with a simple proportion, as can be seen below.Note that we will obtain the voltage in Volts, which is why we store them in a float (to account for the decimal part).
float voltage = adcVal*(3.3/4095.0);
Now that we have calculated the voltage, we will handle the multiple cases that we can find. As mentioned before, if we get a voltage of 0 V, it means that some problem has occurred with the sensor.If we get a voltage greater than 0 V but lesser than 0.4 V, then it means that the sensor is still on the pre-heating process. During this phase we still can’t get any measurement.
if(voltage == 0) {    Serial.println("A problem has occurred with the sensor."); } else if(voltage < 0.4) {    Serial.println("Pre-heating the sensor..."); } else {    // Measurement handling code }
In case we get a voltage equal or greater than 0.4 V then we need to convert it to a CO2 concentration value.First, we need to subtract to the measured voltage the pre-heating threshold, since when the sensor is outputting 0.4 V it corresponds to a CO2 concentration of 0 ppm. Thus, we need to remove that offset from our measurement.
float voltageDiference=voltage-0.4;
Now, since the relation between the voltage measured and the CO2 concentration is linear, we simply need to apply another proportion.
float concentration=(voltageDiference*5000.0)/1.6;
After that we will print both the CO2 concentration obtained and the voltage measured. Note that we are printing the voltage just for illustration purposes and since we are using the print function without any additional parameters, this means that the floating point number will be printed with only two decimal places [3].
Serial.print("voltage:"); Serial.print(voltage); Serial.println("V"); Serial.print(concentration); Serial.println("ppm");
The final source code can be seen below. It includes a small 2 seconds delay between each measurement, to avoid constantly polling the sensor.
int analogPin = 35;   void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() {  int adcVal = analogRead(analogPin);  float voltage = adcVal*(3.3/4095.0);  if(voltage == 0)  {    Serial.println("A problem has occurred with the sensor.");  }  else if(voltage < 0.4)  {    Serial.println("Pre-heating the sensor...");  }  else  {    float voltageDiference=voltage-0.4;    float concentration=(voltageDiference*5000.0)/1.6;    Serial.print("voltage:");    Serial.print(voltage);    Serial.println("V");    Serial.print(concentration);    Serial.println("quot;ppm");  }  delay(2000); }
Testing the code
To test the code, simply compile it and upload it to your ESP32 device after performing all the electronic wiring needed.If you did not power your CO2 sensor beforehand and waited for the pre-heating time, then you should start obtaining the pre-heating message we defined on the code, as illustrated on figure 2.
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Figure 2 – Pre-heating phase.After the pre-heating phase, you should start obtaining measurements, as illustrated in figure 3. The measurements shown here were taken inside a closed room. If you check here, they are near the end of the interval expected for indoor spaces.                                                                                      
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Figure 3 – Measurements taken on a closed room.
On figure 4 we can check some measurements taken near a very big opened window. As can be seen, the concentration of CO2 measured reduces considerably.
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Figure 4 – Measurements taken near an opened window.As mentioned before, since we are assuming a linear behavior for the
ESP32 ADC and since the non-linearity is not corrected in the APIs, the measured values are not very accurate and can be improved. So, this tutorial illustrates how we can interact with the sensor and how it behaves, but you should not use the code without correcting the ADC measurements if you need accurate readings of the CO2 concentration.
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OMGA-2000 Flue Gas Analyzer is a highly integrated single-flange gas monitoring equipment, of which, core detection module adopts A nondispersive infrared (NDIR) and Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) gas absorption technology with independent intellectual property rights.
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sacademy9 · 4 years
Phase velocity and group velocity
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floratraci · 4 years
Global Capnography Devices Market
The global capnography devices market size was evaluated at USD 426.1 million out of 2018 and is foreseen to display a lucrative CAGR of 17.8% in the forthcoming years. Rising incidence of chronic conditions, for example, malignant growth and diabetes, is making the requirement for effective medication delivery, accordingly driving the development. According to the Cancer Research U.K., malignant growth results in most elevated number of passings globally, which has raised the clinical earnestness to embrace propelled alternatives, for example, capnography gadget. What's more, rising application surgical techniques, for example, hypoventilation, endotracheal tube placement, and esophageal intubation is foreseen to further drive the development.The aforementioned medical procedures are accompanied with better patient outcomes that includes quicker recognition of respiratory deficiency, increased acknowledgment towards because of higher affectability and improved patient security profile. Rising geriatric population being increasingly susceptible towards developing lung disorders is foreseen to drive the demand for capnographs. The aforementioned medical procedures are accompanied with better patient outcomes that include quicker discovery of respiratory deficiency, increased acknowledgment of this technology because of higher affectability, and improved patient security profile. These advantages are relied upon to increase the usage of these gear. Rising prevalence of respiratory diseases, for example, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pulmonary embolism, and asthma that require serious respiratory monitoring, is relied upon to drive the demand. Increasing requirement for capnography in crisis drug, prolonged illnesses, and extended medications related with lung diseases in children and adults is relied upon to drive the market development. Receive free sample copy of the report: http://99-report.com/report/479-global-capnography-devices-market The hospital fragment held the largest market share in 2018. It is utilized as a preventive measure to tackle critical occasions in ICUs. The selection of capnography methodology is increased in hospitals inferable from their upgraded capabilities for calculating patient ventilators estimation, minimally intrusive nature, and simplicity of-usage. The business is relied upon to enlist upward development because of the rising incidences of cardiac capture and in this manner making the requirement for the viable patient monitoring during the forecast time frame. In addition, associations, for example, the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the Uruguayan Society of Anesthesiologists recommended capnography monitoring during soporifics and procedural sedation. These guidelines bolster the significance of capnography gadget in hospital use. Likewise, the high influence of the U.S. healthcare system on global healthcare industry has additionally determined the section development. This gadget has wide application in the treatment of procedural sedation in dentistry and is accordingly expected to enlist a lucrative CAGR of above 19.0% over the forecast time frame. It offers non-obtrusive, real-time, and continuous estimation by creating capnograms, which help evaluate the present status of patient's circulatory and metabolic systems. These advantages are required to increase the appropriation of these devices, in this way giving development to the overall market in not so distant future. Crisis prescription is foreseen to expand at a relentless CAGR during the forecast time frame. Capnographs are increasingly utilized in crisis prescription to improve prehospital ventilation, to handle pediatric emergencies, in ambulatory care focuses, and as a prognostic indicator for pulmonary blood flow. In addition, evolving guidelines and recommendations to include capnography in crisis drug by the American Heart Association (AHA) and European Resuscitation Council to improve patients' chances of survival are fueling the demand. Procedural sedation is foreseen to be the quickest developing fragment at CAGR 19.1% during the forecast time frame. This lucrative development can be ascribed to the rising number of research exercises showing advantages of capnography in sedation methodology. Also, new guidelines relating to procedural sedation by associations, for example, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) to advance capnography in indicative and helpful strategies due to related advantages are relied upon to drive the market. The handheld item portion held the largest offer in 2018 as a result of the increasing reception of the item because of the advantages related with handheld capnographs. These majorly include high portability, facilitation of required oxygen immersion levels in employable methodology, high durability, and low related costs. Multi-parameter section is relied upon to expand at a lucrative CAGR of 19.1% throughout the following seven years attributable to increasing application of the item in crisis drugs and procedural sedation. Besides, progressions in capnographs inclusive of scaling down of sensors and incorporation of multi-sensors in a single gadget to enable simultaneous monitoring of multi-gasses have resulted simple and quicker sample collection and long-term deployment. The aforementioned components are foreseen to propel demand for multiparameter capnographs during the forecast time frame. The side stream technology section held the largest market share in 2018, attributable to the wide usage of the technology in anesthesia monitoring. Side stream technologically enabled devices offer advantages, for example, simplicity of-connection, less problems in sterilization, and help in monitoring of non-incubated substances with the help of nasal connectors. These components are responsible for the development of the fragment during the forecast time frame. Then again, microstream fragment is required to enroll lucrative development inferable from the rising infiltration, ascribed to technological progressions in this field. Moreover, microstream technology can be utilized in intubated and non-intubated patients and patients of all age gatherings. This factor is foreseen to look good for the portion development in not so distant future. OEM modules held the largest market share in 2018. This is a consequence of OEM modules being a critical component for working of capnography devices. Companies that supply incorporated OEM modules are developing in number, in this manner raising the overall competition and giving lucrative development openings. Nearness of broad dispersion channels set up by these companies to market OEM modules is also responsible for the substantial offer accomplished in this section. Besides, infrared fragment is relied upon to observe constant development during the forecast time frame. Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR) sensors measure gas as a component of the absorbance of Infrared (IR) light, which is the most commonly utilized technique for real-time CO2 estimation. In addition, simple availability, portability, and affordability of IR sources are different advantages that are likely to fuel the demand during the forecast time frame. Others include external estimation devices and analyzers, single circuit sheets, thermal CO2 sources, filter finders, connectors, siphons, brushless engines, connector reconstructing firmware, and microchips among others. For example, EMMA Mainstream Capnometer-Portable Real-time Capnometry-launched by Masimo Corporation is a portable standard estimation gadget utilized for momentary monitoring of end-tidal CO2 in adults, neonates, and pediatric patients. This section is anticipated to display a relentless development, as availability of these components facilitates continuous respiratory monitoring, allowing clinicians to perform endotracheal intubation and revival, survey the viability and profundity of compressions, and recognize air circulation. In 2018, North America held the largest market share as far as income. The rising prevalence of respiratory diseases as a consequence of unhealthy lifestyles and high feelings of anxiety are the high effect rendering drivers. Besides, the incorporation of new repayment models for respiratory and monitoring solution methodology and the stringent regulatory guidelines that are pointed towards medical viability, patients' security, and clinical effectiveness are required to drive the regional demand in the forthcoming years. Asia Pacific capnography gadget market is foreseen to expand at a critical CAGR of 18.5% over the forecast time frame attributable to the expeditiously improving healthcare systems and rising healthcare consumption and mindfulness with respect to the advantages of this technology. Some key players are Smiths Medical; Dragerwerk AG and Co. KGaA.; Welch Allyn, Inc.; Masimo Corporation; Philips Healthcare; Medtronic, Inc.; Nonin Medical, Inc.; Nihon Kohden Corporation; CareFusion Corporation; and DiaMedica, Inc. These players are incorporating procedures, for example, item launches, geographical developments, collaborative understandings, and acquisitions, to catch bigger market share. For example, in 2016, Covidien obtained Oridion for the extension of capnography section, which resulted in the sales of USD 100 million out of 2013. In addition, Covidien launched Capnostream 20p, which enabled the company to fortify it. To procure the report/gain in-depth insights, visit: http://99-report.com/sample/479-global-capnography-devices-market
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Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2018 - 2026
Water purity is an important parameter for number of processes in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, power generation and pharmaceutical. The presence of organic compounds and other bacteria in the water can result in the failure of storage, filtration, and other components and systems. When this type of contaminated water is left unfiltered, the compounds in the water can create significant challenges right from damaging the industrial system to the affecting product quality, thereby threatening the overall profitability of the organization. Water purity is critical for a number of industries such as pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturing and power generation. TOC analyzer measures the amount of organic carbon present in a water or liquid sample. TOC analyzer equipment also decides the quality of the water. TOC analyzer equipment is one of the important monitoring parameter due to its responding behavior to various types of organic carbon whether dissolved in water. TOC analysis is an analytical technique that helps the organizations to find out quality of water or liquid they are using is pure for their process. The total organic carbon analysis is carried out in three different stages namely acidification, oxidation, and detection and quantification. The acidification process removes the inorganic carbon from the content. The oxidation process converts the rest of sample into carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases. Detection and quantification process is responsible for sweeping the derived CO2 gas through nondispersive infrared detector and conductive detector.
The major driving factor that drives the global total organic carbon analyzers market is the needs to analyze the wastewater from organic matter. The other factors that boosts the growth of the global total organic carbon analyzers is the ability to oxidize efficiently organic compounds, reliability, compatibility and the portability of the equipment. The major restraining factor that restricts the growth of the TOC analyzer market is the high cost of equipment. However, due to the growing investment in the wastewater treatment is expected to drive the growth of the market in future. Also, the TOC analyzer is used in monitoring and control of quality of processed water in the various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, waste water treatment and others, which further is estimated to drive the market.
Brochure With Latest Advancements and Application @  https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=47301
The global TOC analyzer market is segmented into type, technology, end use industry and geography. On the basis of type, the global TOC analyzers market is segmented into portable and benchtop. Based on technology, the TOC analyzer market is segmented into ultraviolet oxidation, ultraviolet  persulfate oxidation, and high temperature combustion. Based on end use industry, the TOC analyzer market is segmented into oil & gas, pharmaceutical, environment monitoring, food & beverage, petrochemical, and others. Geographically, the global TOC analyzer market is segmented into North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Asia Pacific TOC analyzer market is expected to have a significant market share due to the increasing population, and the increasing spending in the wastewater treatment followed by North America with a high growth rate.
Some of the key players operating in the global TOC analyzer market are Shimadzu Corporation, Xylem Inc., Metrohm AG, Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Comet Analytics Inc., Analytik Jena AG, Eltra GmbH, Mettler Toledo, Horiba Ltd. and Hach Company among others.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
Download Report TOC for in-depth analysis @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=47301
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gilberthbolanos · 5 years
Booming Massively Blockchain Event Tickets Market 2019 to 2026 with Top Key Leader-Jumio ...
Booming Massively Blockchain Event Tickets Market 2019 to 2026 with Top Key Leader-Jumio …
source: Block Chain today same now The block chain provides a ticketing ecosystem-level transparency that is hardly visible on sites such as StubHub, SeatGeek, and other nondispersive … Booming Massively Blockchain Event Tickets Market 2019 to 2026 with Top Key Leader-Jumio …
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harshadtmr-blog · 6 years
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Market: Industry Outlook, Growth Prospects and Key Opportunities
Water purity is an important parameter for number of processes in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, power generation and pharmaceutical. The presence of organic compounds and other bacteria in the water can result in the failure of storage, filtration, and other components and systems. When this type of contaminated water is left unfiltered, the compounds in the water can create significant challenges right from damaging the industrial system to the affecting product quality, thereby threatening the overall profitability of the organization.
Water purity is critical for a number of industries such as pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturing and power generation. Total Organic Carbon analyzer measures the amount of organic carbon present in a water or liquid sample. TOC analyzer equipment also decides the quality of the water. TOC analyzer equipment is one of the important monitoring parameter due to its responding behavior to various types of organic carbon whether dissolved in water. TOC analysis is an analytical technique that helps the organizations to find out quality of water or liquid they are using is pure for their process.
The total organic carbon analysis is carried out in three different stages namely acidification, oxidation, and detection and quantification. The acidification process removes the inorganic carbon from the content. The oxidation process converts the rest of sample into carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases. Detection and quantification process is responsible for sweeping the derived CO2 gas through nondispersive infrared detector and conductive detector.
Get PDF Brochure https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=47301
The major driving factor that drives the global total organic carbon analyzers market is the needs to analyze the wastewater from organic matter. The other factors that boosts the growth of the global total organic carbon analyzers is the ability to oxidize efficiently organic compounds, reliability, compatibility and the portability of the equipment. The major restraining factor that restricts the growth of the TOC analyzer market is the high cost of equipment. However, due to the growing investment in the wastewater treatment is expected to drive the growth of the market in future. Also, the TOC analyzer is used in monitoring and control of quality of processed water in the various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, waste water treatment and others, which further is estimated to drive the market.
The global TOC analyzer market is segmented into type, technology, end use industry and geography. On the basis of type, the global TOC analyzers market is segmented into portable and benchtop. Based on technology, the TOC analyzer market is segmented into ultraviolet oxidation, ultraviolet  persulfate oxidation, and high temperature combustion. Based on end use industry, the TOC analyzer market is segmented into oil & gas, pharmaceutical, environment monitoring, food & beverage, petrochemical, and others.
Get ToC Of Report https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=47301
Geographically, the global TOC analyzer market is segmented into North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Asia Pacific TOC analyzer market is expected to have a significant market share due to the increasing population, and the increasing spending in the wastewater treatment followed by North America with a high growth rate.
Some of the key players operating in the global TOC analyzer market are Shimadzu Corporation, Xylem Inc., Metrohm AG, Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Comet Analytics Inc., Analytik Jena AG, Eltra GmbH, Mettler Toledo, Horiba Ltd. and Hach Company among others.
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snehasahu-blog1 · 6 years
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer Market: Current Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
Water purity is an important parameter for number of processes in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, power generation and pharmaceutical. The presence of organic compounds and other bacteria in the water can result in the failure of storage, filtration, and other components and systems. When this type of contaminated water is left unfiltered, the compounds in the water can create significant challenges right from damaging the industrial system to the affecting product quality, thereby threatening the overall profitability of the organization.
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Water purity is critical for a number of industries such as pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturing and power generation. TOC analyzer measures the amount of organic carbon present in a water or liquid sample. TOC analyzer equipment also decides the quality of the water. TOC analyzer equipment is one of the important monitoring parameter due to its responding behavior to various types of organic carbon whether dissolved in water. TOC analysis is an analytical technique that helps the organizations to find out quality of water or liquid they are using is pure for their process. The total organic carbon analysis is carried out in three different stages namely acidification, oxidation, and detection and quantification. The acidification process removes the inorganic carbon from the content. The oxidation process converts the rest of sample into carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases. Detection and quantification process is responsible for sweeping the derived CO2 gas through nondispersive infrared detector and conductive detector.
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The major driving factor that drives the global total organic carbon analyzers market is the needs to analyze the wastewater from organic matter. The other factors that boosts the growth of the global total organic carbon analyzers is the ability to oxidize efficiently organic compounds, reliability, compatibility and the portability of the equipment. The major restraining factor that restricts the growth of the TOC analyzer market is the high cost of equipment. However, due to the growing investment in the wastewater treatment is expected to drive the growth of the market in future. Also, the TOC analyzer is used in monitoring and control of quality of processed water in the various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, waste water treatment and others, which further is estimated to drive the market.
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Understanding Emulsion Chemistry And Skin Physiology
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Understanding Emulsion Chemistry And Skin Physiology
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While global market for skincare and color cosmetics runs in billions of dollars and number of new products brought to market continues to expand exponentially, cosmetic chemists are always looking for interesting and exotic ingredients that improve skin’s appearance and health. A vast array of compounds is required to supply these products. Every year hundreds of new ingredients are added to the list of those that have been used for centuries. Some materials used today can be traced to 11,000 B.C.E. in the animal drawings from the caves of Altimira.
The appearance of skin care formulation dates to around 3000 B.C.E. in ancient Egypt. Most concoctions were prepared from natural materials. Cleopatra is said to have bathed in donkeys’ milk to keep her skin smooth and supple. One naturally occurring material used by the ancients was red ochre, or iron oxide. Lumps of red ore were formed when iron oxidized or rusted. The red iron oxide was found in burial tombs in ceremonial lip tints and rouge preparations. It was also used to draw the ancient cave pictures of animals, as seen in Altimira, and is still used in many makeup formulations today. Eye paints have also been found at ancient gravesites. These paints consisted primarily of a copper-based green ore called malachite that was mined from nearby quarries. Animal fat was combined with fragrant substances such as frankincense and myrrh to produce early skin ointments. More sophisticated creams and lotions were fine tuned through trial and error and passed down over many generations.
The majority of creams and lotions are emulsions. An emulsion can be defined simply as two immiscible fluids in which one liquid is dispersed as fine droplets in the other. Homogenized milk is an example of a typical oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion. Milk fat (oil) is dispersed in water as fine droplets by the homogenization process. The reason the fat does not float to the top immediately is due to the presence of emulsifiers; in this case, a milk protein called sodium caseinate as well as several phopholipids. In the case of water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions, water is dispersed as droplets and suspended in the oil phase. The nondispersed liquid or external suspending phase is also called the continuous phase. Mayonnaise, vinegar water dispersed as fine droplets in a continuous phase of soybean oil, is an example of a water-in-oil emulsion. Lecithin from eggs stabilizes the mayonnaise emulsion.
Most emulsifiers can be considered surfactants or surface-active agents. These materials are able to reduce the surface tension of water. What makes an emulsifier surface active is related to its HLB, or hydrophile-lipophile balance. HLB is determined by the size of the hydrophilic (water-loving or polar) portion of a molecule as compared to the size of the lipophilic (oilloving or nonpolar) portion. The HLB system was created to rank the relative polarity of materials. The most polar, water soluble, materials are at the top of the twenty-point scale with more non-polar, oil soluble, materials closer to zero. The HLB of sodium caseinate is assigned a value of around fourteen because of its high solubility in water. Lecithin, being poorly soluble in water, has an HLB value of about six. Both have polar groups. The polar group in the milk protein is sodium. Lecithin’s surface-active component is a molecule called phosphotidylcholine or PC. The polar, or water soluble part of PC is the phosphate functional group. The emulsifiers’ polar groups orient toward the polar water phase. Their lipophilic, nonpolar groups oriented toward the oil phase to form micelles. These spherical structures provide stability to the emulsion through Hydrogen bonding and weak electrical forces.
Skin-care emulsifiers can be divided into two groups based on ionic charge. Materials that can dissociate into charged species are considered ionic while those that do not are called nonionic. Ionic emulsifiers can be further classified by type of charge. Anionics are negatively charged when solvated as in sodium stearate or soap. When fatty acids are reacted with alkali they form soaps. The process of soap formation is called saponification. The negatively charged stearic acid group is the main emulsifying unit of the soap, giving it the anionic classification. Positively charged emulsifiers are called cationic. Quarternium24’s emulsifying unit dissociates into the positively charged ammonium group. Amphoterics are compounds that express both negative and positive charges.
Nonionic emulsifiers are often used in skin-care emulsion for their safety and low reactivity. They are generally classified by chemical similarity. Glycerin, commonly added to cosmetic emulsions for its humectant properties, is the backbone of a class of emulsifiers called Glyceryl esters. Glyceryl monostearate, or GMS, is called a monoester because of its sole ester linkage. The diester is prepared by esterifying two molecules of stearic acid for every molecule of glycerin. Glyceryl mono- and diesters are very effective emulsifiers because they contain both polar hydroxyl (OH) groups as well as non-polar fatty acids. If all three of Glycerin’s hydroxyl groups are reacted, the resulting triester will have little emulsifying capability. Stearic acid is called C18 fatty acid. The fatty acids, present in fats and oils, are classified according to their carbon-chain lengths. Because stearic acid is a major component of many of the fats and oils used in beauty treatments, stearate-based emulsifiers are particularly useful. Fatty acids are key components of many cosmetic emulsifiers due their miscibility in a variety of natural and synthetic oils.
Esters polyethylene glycol or ethylene glycol is called PEG esters. A PEG ester’s solubility is determined by the number of PEG molecules reacted per molecule of acid. PEG 6 oleate for instance has six molecules of PEG reacted with one molecule of oleic acid. As the number of polar, PEG molecules per acid molecule increases the water solubility/HLB is increased; PEG 8 oleate is more soluble than PEG 6 oleate. The cosmetic chemist will often use blends of glyceryl esters and a PEG ester with high and low HLB values to determine the required polarity to emulsify various fats and oils. The many types of emulsifiers are too numerous to list, however McCutcheon’s Emulsifiers and Detergents is an excellent source for a more complete listing.
The majority of emollients used in personal care and beauty items are fats and oils, also called lipids. Animal fat or tallow is composed primarily of stearic and palmitic acids with carbon chains lengths of 18 and 16 respectively. Many of the major cosmetic companies are moving away from animal-based materials like tallow to renewable vegetable-based materials. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are often used. Some of the key characteristics required in good emollients are good spreading properties, low toxicity/skin irritation and good oxidative stability. Oleic acid, a major constituent of olive oil has poor oxidative stability due to the presence of its double bond. Fats and oils are considered saturated if they do not have double bonds. Unsaturated oils like olive oil have double bonds that can react with oxygen, especially when heated. The oxidation process can produce off colors and odors in lipids causing them to go rancid and unusable.
Petroleum-based emollients such as petroleum jelly and mineral oil are found in many formulations because they do not contain double bonds or reactive functional groups. Silicone oils such as cyclomethicone, dimethicone are often added to increase slip and emolliency. Oils that contain high levels of essential fatty acids, EFAs, are prized for their ability to replenish lipids (oils) that are found naturally within the skin layers. Linoleic acid is an example of an EFA. Long-chain alcohols, also called fatty alcohols, are useful as emollients and emulsion stabilizers. Their polar hydroxyl groups orient to the water phase with their fatty chains oriented towards the oil phase. Esters of fatty alcohols and fatty acids make excellent emollients because of their low reactivity and good stability.
Lanolin, derived from sheep’s wool, is often called wool grease. Lanolin has been used for centuries due to its unique composition of complex sterols, fatty alcohols, and fatty acids. Cholesterol, a cyclic molecule called a sterol, is a major component. The polar hydroxyl groups of sterols and alcohols enable the grease to absorb and hold water. Skin is primarily composed of water, countless oils and emollients are used to nourish and protect it.
The main distinction between moisturizers and emollients is their solubility in water. Healthy skin requires moisture. Moisturizers are generally polar materials that are hygroscopic in nature; they hold onto water. An important tool to assess the efficiency of moisturizers is the high scope. It measures transepidermal water loss or TEWL. After a moisturizer is applied to the skin, the moisture level is recorded. After several minutes the moisture level will be reduced due to the natural tendency of the skin to release moisture over time. Ingredients that can maintain a high level of moisture in the upper layers of the skin for several hours can reduce the rate at which water is lost. Glycerin is a very cost-effective ingredient used to help reduce TEWL. Sorbitol, sucrose, glucose, and other sugars are also commonly used to hydrate the skin. Aloe, which contains a mixture of polysaccharides, carbohydrates, and minerals, is an excellent moisturizer. As skin becomes drier in the winter months, it may be necessary to incorporate materials that better seal the moisture in the skin.
Waxes are composed primarily of long-chain esters that are solid at room temperature. Some common waxes used in cosmetics are beeswax, candelilla, carnauba, polyethylene, and paraffin. The melting points of waxes vary widely depending on their unique composition and chain lengths. Commonly used in lip balms and sticks, waxes function as structuring agents, giving the stick enough rigidity to stand up on its own, as well as barrier properties. By combining waxes with different properties such as high shine, flexibility, and brittleness, optimal cosmetic performance can be achieved. Often waxes are combined with compatible oils to achieve the desired softness. Compatibility is generally determined by gauging the turbidity and degree of separation of two materials mixed together above their melt points. Waxes are particularly useful in hand creams and mascara emulsions for their thickening and waterproofing properties.
By incorporating enough wax into a thin lotion, a thick cream can be formed. Many thickeners are polymers. Cellulose, a fine powder polymer of repeating D-glucose units, swells in hot water creating a gel network. Carbopol, a polyacrylic acid, swells when neutralized. Bentone clays swell when their structure, resembling a stack of cards, is opened up through mechanical shear. Carrageenan, pectin, and locust bean gum are all examples of cosmetic thickeners that are also used in some of our favorite foods such as jellies, salad dressings, and pie fillings. Materials that work physiologically within the skin or aid in protecting the skin from insult are also called active ingredients. The term “cosmeceuticals” coined by famed dermatologist Dr. Albert Kligman, refers to a product that is in-between a cosmetic and a drug. Although a cosmetic, by legal definition, can only serve to beautify and protect the surface of the skin, many cosmetic products can be shown to penetrate the dermal layers of the skin to exact a physiological change.
Fruit acids are an example of an active material. Also called alpha hydroxyacids or AHAs, they have the ability to penetrate the skin, where they can increase the production of collagen, elastin, and intracellular substances thus improving the appearance of the skin. Thousands of cosmetic actives are used to affect the skin in a variety of ways. They are used to lighten, tighten, and firm the skin. They can be used to suppress perspiration as in the case of aluminum chlorohydrate. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are important ingredients because of their anti-acne activity. Some active materials are added to skin treatments to protect the skin from the environment. Dimethicone and petrolatum are examples of skin protectants.
Sunscreens are a class of compounds that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Wavelengths between 290nm and 400nm are particularly damaging to the skin. Sunscreens’ ability to absorb or reflect these damaging wavelengths are rated by their SPF or sun-protection factor. For instance a person protected with a factor-15 sunscreen will be able to stay in the sun fifteen times longer than if unprotected. Octyl methoxycinnamate, octyl salycilate, titanium dioxide, and avobenzone are some important topical sunscreens. They can be classified as either UVA or UVB sunscreens depending upon the wavelengths they absorb. Benzophenone 4, a water-soluble UV filter, is commonly used to protect the color of cosmetic products.
Pigments and dyes are used in products to impart a color. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a white pigment that is mined. In combination with natural mined and synthetic iron oxides, which range in color from red, yellow, black and brown, depending upon the degree of oxidation and hydration, a range of color can be produced that will be suitable for almost every skin tone. Face powders are produced by blending inorganic oxides and fillers. Fillers are inert, generally inexpensive materials such as kaolin, talc, silica, and mica that are used to extend and fully develop colors. Pressed powders like eye shadows and blushers are prepared by blending additional binding ingredients such as oils and zinc stearate and pressing the mixture into pans.
Eye shadows and lipsticks often contain pearlescent pigments commonly called pearls. Pearls sparkle and reflect light to produce a multitude of colors. They are prepared by precipitating a thin layer of color on thin platelets of mica. Varying the thickness of the color deposited changes the angle of light refracted though the composite, creating different colors. Organic pigments are used to color lipsticks and eye shadows. When organics are precipitated on a substrate they are called lake pigments. The term lake refers to the laking or precipitating of the organic salt onto a metal substrate such as aluminum, calcium, or barium. They are called D&C (drug and cosmetic) and FD&C (food, drug and cosmetic) colors. Dyes are useful in providing tints for lotions, oils, and shampoos.
Most cosmetic products require the addition of preservative to prevent microbial contamination and rancidity. Parabens and ester of parabenzoic acid are by far the most commonly used because of their effectiveness against gram-positive bacteria. Phenoxyethanol is used to protect against gram-negative strains. The cosmetic chemist will generally employ a mixture of preservatives to protect against different bacterial strains as well as yeasts and molds. Antioxidants such as tocopherol (vitamin E) and BHT are also added to prevent oxidation of sensitive ingredients as well as protect the skin from free-radical damage.
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dfrobots-blog · 6 years
ESP32 Arduino: Using an infrared CO2 sensor
In this ESP32 tutorial, we will check how to get measurements from a C02 sensor, using the Arduino core.
The sensor used was an Analog Infrared CO2 Sensor from DFRobot. You can find the Wiki page for the sensor here.
Note that the code we are going to be developing here is based on the code available on the Wiki page of the product, which I encourage you to check.
The tests were performed using a DFRobot’s ESP32 module integrated in a ESP32 development board.
About the sensor
The Analog Infrared CO2 sensor allows to measure the CO2 air concentration in a range from 0 to 5000 ppm (parts per million), with an accuracy of ± 50ppm + 3% of the reading [1]. The sensor operation is based on the NDIR technology (nondispersive infrared) and includes temperature compensation.
This sensor can operate with a voltage supply in the range of 4.5 V and 5.5 V and outputs an analog signal between 0 V and 2 V [1].
If the analog voltage corresponds to 0 V, it means that an error was detected during the self checking procedure. Between 0 V and 0.4 V, it doesn’t represent any measurement and the values on this range are outputted during the pre-heating phase of the sensor, which has a duration of 3 minutes.
During normal operation, the sensor outputs a voltage between 0.4 V and 2 V, which corresponds to concentrations of C02 of 0 ppm and 5000 ppm, respectively. As can be seen in the product Wiki, there is a linear relation between the voltages in that range and the CO2 concentration, so we can obtain the concentration from the voltage using a simple proportion.
Electronic schematic
Since this is a ready to use module, the electronics needed for this tutorial are very simple. As illustrated in figure 1, we just need to power the device with 5 V and connect its data pin to a pin of the ESP32 that can read analog voltages.
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Figure 1 – Electronic schematic.
Note that the sensor doesn’t have any labels on the pins, so we need to perform the connections taking into account the colors of the wires that come with it. Following the usual color scheme, the black wire corresponds to GND and the red to VCC. The blue wire corresponds to the data signal.
Depending on your ESP32 board, it may be able to provide the power supply needed for the sensor from a power pin. Nonetheless, if you are not sure if it has such pin or if it can provide enough current to the sensor, the best approach is to use an external power supply such as this.
ESP32 Analog readings
As analyzed in the previous sections, the sensor outputs an analog voltage that the ESP32 will need to read. Since we are using the Arduino core, the easiest way of reading an analog voltage is by using the analogRead function, which is also implemented for the ESP32, as we can see here.
Nonetheless, at the time of writing, the analogRead function is returning inconsistent values on the ESP32, as can be seen by this issue. As discusses in this forum thread, this is most likely caused by the non linearity on the ADC (analog to digital converter) values.
You can check at the IDF documentation more information about this and some calibration methods that can be used.
Since these are more complex procedures that are outside the scope of this post, we will assume the linearity of the analog readings on the 0 V to 3.3 V range. Naturally, this will introduce some imprecision on out measurements, but the main focus of the tutorial is how to interact with the sensor rather than how to solve these non-linearity issues.
Since the ESP32 integrates two 12 bits ADCs [2], it means that we can obtain digital values between 0 and 4095 (212 – 1) for the analog voltage measurements. Note that we can change the bit width between 9 and 12 bits with the analogSetWidth function defined here, but for this tutorial we will work with the default value of 12 bits.
The code
For this code we will not need to include any library. So, we start by declaring the pin number of the ESP32 that will be connected to the sensor as a global variable, to make it easier to change in the future.
int analogPin = 35;
Moving on to the setup function, the only thing we need to do is opening a serial connection, to output the measurements.
void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200); }
Now, on the Arduino main loop, we will handle the measurements, which will be performed periodically.
The first thing we need to do is obtaining the reading from the analog pin connected to the sensor. To do it, we simply call the analogRead function, passing as input the number of the pin we previously defined.
int adcVal = analogRead(analogPin);
As mentioned before, this will correspond to a value between 0 and 4095 (the ADC has 12 bits), which we will need to convert to a voltage. Assuming the linear behavior of the ADC, we can do this with a simple proportion, as can be seen below.
Note that we will obtain the voltage in Volts, which is why we store them in a float (to account for the decimal part).
float voltage = adcVal*(3.3/4095.0);
Now that we have calculated the voltage, we will handle the multiple cases that we can find. As mentioned before, if we get a voltage of 0 V, it means that some problem has occurred with the sensor.
If we get a voltage greater than 0 V but lesser than 0.4 V, then it means that the sensor is still on the pre-heating process. During this phase we still can’t get any measurement.
if(voltage == 0) {    Serial.println("A problem has occurred with the sensor."); } else if(voltage < 0.4) {    Serial.println("Pre-heating the sensor..."); } else {    // Measurement handling code }
In case we get a voltage equal or greater than 0.4 V then we need to convert it to a CO2 concentration value.
First, we need to subtract to the measured voltage the pre-heating threshold, since when the sensor is outputting 0.4 V it corresponds to a CO2 concentration of 0 ppm. Thus, we need to remove that offset from our measurement.
float voltageDiference=voltage-0.4;
Now, since the relation between the voltage measured and the CO2 concentration is linear, we simply need to apply another proportion.
float concentration=(voltageDiference*5000.0)/1.6;
After that we will print both the CO2 concentration obtained and the voltage measured. Note that we are printing the voltage just for illustration purposes and since we are using the print function without any additional parameters, this means that the floating point number will be printed with only two decimal places [3].
Serial.print("voltage:"); Serial.print(voltage); Serial.println("V"); Serial.print(concentration); Serial.println("ppm");
The final source code can be seen below. It includes a small 2 seconds delay between each measurement, to avoid constantly polling the sensor.
int analogPin = 35;   void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() {  int adcVal = analogRead(analogPin);  float voltage = adcVal*(3.3/4095.0);  if(voltage == 0)  {    Serial.println("A problem has occurred with the sensor.");  }  else if(voltage < 0.4)  {    Serial.println("Pre-heating the sensor...");  }  else  {    float voltageDiference=voltage-0.4;    float concentration=(voltageDiference*5000.0)/1.6;    Serial.print("voltage:");    Serial.print(voltage);    Serial.println("V");    Serial.print(concentration);    Serial.println("quot;ppm");  }  delay(2000); }
Testing the code
To test the code, simply compile it and upload it to your ESP32 device after performing all the electronic wiring needed.
If you did not power your CO2 sensor beforehand and waited for the pre-heating time, then you should start obtaining the pre-heating message we defined on the code, as illustrated on figure 2.
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Figure 2 – Pre-heating phase.
After the pre-heating phase, you should start obtaining measurements, as illustrated in figure 3. The measurements shown here were taken inside a closed room. If you check here, they are near the end of the interval expected for indoor spaces.
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Figure 3 – Measurements taken on a closed room.
On figure 4 we can check some measurements taken near a very big opened window. As can be seen, the concentration of CO2 measured reduces considerably.
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Figure 4 – Measurements taken near an opened window.
As mentioned before, since we are assuming a linear behavior for the ESP32 ADC and since the non-linearity is not corrected in the APIs, the measured values are not very accurate and can be improved. So, this tutorial illustrates how we can interact with the sensor and how it behaves, but you should not use the code without correcting the ADC measurements if you need accurate readings of the CO2 concentration.
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suzannezehrius · 7 years
Better Protection for Your People
The dangers on your job sites are constant, and staying safe requires more than a hard hat, gloves and glasses. As technology advances, manufacturers are finding new ways to keep workers safer.
Warning lights on hard hats, belt-clip sensors that monitor lifting mechanics, and devices that warn you when entering dangerous work zones are just some of the technologies hitting the market this summer.
“It’s still early days. You’re going to see improvements in the near future with technology and safety,” says Jonathan Horne, vice president of product management for Redpoint Positioning. “I think we’re right at that point where technology is about to start taking off.”
1. Safety badge
Redpoint Positioning is just beginning the commercial deployment phase of its indoor GPS system, which allows contractors to warn workers if they enter a dangerous area.
“If you think about it as GPS, you’ve got satellites that are broadcasting timing signals to the planet, but those signals don’t penetrate buildings or underground,” Horne says. “We go in and install equipment that takes the place of GPS. It’s effectively a wireless mesh network that’s broadcasting timing signals. We install that in the building or underground and it can be extended to a large area.”
Workers wear ID badge-like devices with a display, visual alarm and audible alarm that attaches to a vest or jacket. The badge is how the Redpoint system tracks the employee. The supervisor sets up work zones and dangerous areas using software on a tablet. If an employee enters that zone when they aren’t supposed to, both visual and audio indicators will alert them.
It can be set up on a credential basis too. If there is a confined-space work zone, only properly trained workers will be allowed to enter that area. If a worker without qualified training passes into that zone, the badge will alarm.
“At the end of the day, we’re really hoping that we can make a difference in the safety aspect of construction sites,” Horne says.
2. Disposable monitors
Sticking with devices that can attach to your vest, technical advances have made H2S monitors easier to use and more reliable, according to Patti Dutton, marketing supervisor for Gas Clip Technologies.
“We offer a single-gas ‘disposable’ H2S monitor, the Single Gas Clip, that is relatively inexpensive up-front, extremely rugged, never requires battery changing or calibration, and is disposed of at the end of its two years of operational life.”
The Texas-based company also has a multigas clip monitor used for general field operation or confined-space entry that provides two months of continuous runtime. “One employee can wear it all day long and then hand it off to another employee at the start of the next shift,” Dutton says. “This can be repeated day after day for two months without having to take valuable time out to recharge the battery.”
In the case of multigas monitors, there are two basic kinds of technology for detecting combustible gases — catalytic bead sensors and nondispersive infrared sensors (NDIR). Catalytic bead sensors were developed in the 1960s, while the new version of NDIR sensors using a low power photodiode/LED source are more recent, says Bryan Bates, Gas Clip’s president and chief executive officer.
Gas Clip Technologies uses the infrared technology for several reasons, including its ability to operate in low-oxygen environments — something the traditional catalytic bead sensors cannot do.
Managing hazardous gas exposure is essential for ensuring continuous protection, which is why Gas Clip Technologies’ monitors also serve as a mini “black box,” recording various information and data that can later be downloaded and analyzed.
3. Proper lifting
Poor lifting mechanics are one of the most common workplace injuries. According to a study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 36 percent of the injuries involving missed workdays were the result of shoulder and back injures. Overexertion and cumulative trauma were the biggest factors in these injuries.
Both Caterpillar and StrongArm Technologies have developed tools to help the workforce with its lifting problem.
Caterpillar recently debuted a small belt-clip device that will detect when an employee performs a high-risk lifting motion and provide immediate feedback in the form of vibration. “This feedback allows employees to self-correct behavior, save their back from accumulated stress, and keep safety top of mind,” says Cody Renshaw, strategy and analytics manager for Caterpillar.
During testing at a large construction site, the crew wearing the device experienced a 46 percent reduction in high-risk postures after three weeks of use.
StrongArm Technologies is aiming to help the workforce with lifting power with its V22 ErgoSkeleton. The V22 is an external spine that attaches to your back using a belt across the worker’s waist. Hand effectors attached to ropes coming from the shoulder area attach to the worker’s middle finger and ring finger on each hand.
The ErgoSkeleton integrates with the worker’s musculoskeletal system to improve lifting dynamics, safety and efficiency. “The hand effectors have strings that transfer the load you are lifting from your hands, across your shoulders, down the spine and around your iliac crest,” says Mike Kin, chief technology officer for StrongArm. “So you kind of have strings attached from your hands all the way down to your waste.”
The ErgoSkeleton directs 80 to 90 percent of the load force to the strong muscles in a person’s buttocks and legs over the span of the lift. It concurrently transfers 50 to 75 percent of the force from the weaker tissues and muscles in a person’s hands, arms and lower back.
“The V22 is very specific to certain job functions and tasks, it’s not one solution for all lifting tasks,” Kin says. “If you’re lifting anything above your shoulder, we don’t recommend you use a V22 for that, but if you’re lifting something that’s over 15 or 20 pounds and you’re carrying it over a long distance, those are the kind of things we recommend.”
4. Lighting the way
Your work regularly exposes you to traffic, and visibility is critical for safety. Many contractors rely on safety vests and lights from the nearby work trucks to light them up.
Illumagear introduced a new way to keep workers safe with its second Halo product in March. The Halo is an LED light ring that clips securely around any hard hat.
“It uses spring-tension clips and you press it down,” says Andrew Royal, president and chief product officer for Illumagear. “It works like a Chinese finger trap where the more you press down, the harder it is to come off. It’s important it stays on the hard hat, but at the same time it’s also important that we don’t invalidate the ANSI rating of the hard hat, that’s why it will slide off with the right motion.”
Unlike the first Halo model introduced three years ago, the newest version isn’t tethered to a battery pack worn on a belt. The new version holds the battery right on the Halo.
The Halo has four modes. The first mode puts out 276 lumens in 360 degrees. The second mode still has all of the lights on, but they are rotating around the hard hat. The third mode is the task mode, where most of the power is pushed to the front where you can see what you are working on. The fourth mode is a dim mode for when people come to talk to the worker.
A single battery charge can power the Halo for 5 1/2 hours.
Connecting it all
Royal is excited to see where safety features are heading in the industry and expects to see manufacturers working together in the future to improve upon their effectiveness.
“We don’t think of personal active safety systems as an Illumagear thing, we think of it as an important construction industry thing and we just want to be a part of that,” Royal says.
“We see other companies doing things with regard to GPS tracking, monitoring of proximity to danger, things like that. All those things we’re looking into as well and working with other manufacturers.”
from Cleaner Magazine | For Drain and Pipe Cleaning, Inspection and Rehabilitation Services - Editorial http://ift.tt/2qczRz1
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