#none of the hermits are normal apparently 😭😭
arrowheadedbitch Β· 4 months
Okay, I just spent, like over two hours talking about how a Leanna Firestone song (Tourniquet) is perfect for Shawn and I'll be damned if I don't make a post out of it so here we go, buckle up
Okay first of all, here's the song
Enjoy, it is VERY good
So let's get into this, yeah?
This includes my suicide attempt hc that I mentioned in a previous post in it
I have been listening to this song on loop and it's making me go just a touch feral
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
Normally the first person I'd call was my dad"
But im imagining that hc/story we were talking about yesterday, so change the words tooooo.....πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
But, later on, I realised that the song ACTUALLY says "NO POLICE, the first person I called was my dad" NOT normally, which hits different in this context but doesn't actually change much
And like, him yelling it in front of everyoneeeee
Henry is THERE
They're all like....what do you mean by that...
He will not elaborate but now they know that apparently something bad happened to him because he called his dad?
"Shawn, what are you talking about"
Shawn does the dramatic "I said something I shouldn't have" hand over mouth clasp
He freezes, he stumbles over his words, then he makes a run for it
Everyone is just standing there confused as hell
It's such a not shawn thing to yell out and do tho that even Henry is slightly concerned
Or maybe just confused
Or offended at the implication that he somehow hurt shawn so bad with some random phonecall
And now there are a bunch of people needling him to tell them about wtf he was talking about
Pressuring him to tell them about this traumatic event
ESPECIALLY Gus, who would normally be in the loop about something like this so he's extremely concerned and maybe even a little hurt that Shawn won't tell him
Even Henry, who usually doesn't give a shit about this kind of thing, is trying to get it out of him
He mostly just wants to know what the hell shawn is blaming him for this time lol
But he doesn't get how serious this is
None of them do, that's why they keep trying to get it out of him
They just assume it's another one of those silly things he always has going on, not, yknow....SUICIDE
Not even his mom knows, maybe they'd try to call his mom bc he tells her pretty much everything and find out she ALSO doesn't know
Then they're like....Gus doesn't know......his mom doesn't know.....holy shit maybe this is serious
"Some people die before they're dead!
Building collapse, pressure outweighs the pain
I don't feel sad
I don't feel ANYTHING
Only will when the blood returns
But I'd rather be numb then know how bad I'm hurt"
Someone save my boy
He is emotionally constipated
His mom also might fly down to figure out what's happening after she gets that call
So now literally EVERYONE is bugging him about this
Poor Shawn, there's even a THERAPIST needling him about this traumatic event now 😭😭😭
And everybody wants to know
At this pace he's gonna become a hermit so he doesn't have to tell anyone 😭😭😭😭
"So, I'll keep the tourniquet on
I'll block it out and off
Cuz I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone at all
If I keep the tourniquet on"
I think all of this would lead to Shawn blowing up on then, maybe he'd say something that accidentally gives away more of what happened but I don't think he'll be able to bring himself to actually say out loud what happened, at least not to them
Because, well, emotional constipation, anyone?
He wouldn't talk about his feelings at gun point
"Maybe we always start
Back where we end
Don't know if I'm God
Or if I'm sisyphus"
But maybe change to
"I try to act like God
But I'm just sisyphus"
Or something similar
So, this first part has been about Shawn saying the stuff in the song or just really good lines that he would relate to
But this next part is more of an....application for all of this
Imagine with me, if you will
Shawn does a few artsy stuff like....drawing that he doesn't really like to show off a lot, so imagine this,
/Shawn would totally be a good songwriter/
Imagine he wrote a few songs as more of like journal/vent things and he never wants them to see the light of day
This is while him and Jules are together btw
So, Juliet finds out about the songs, he tries to brush them off bc he doesn't like to think about them and he doesn't want her to see them, that kind of thing, but she reads it as insecurity
This is the same woman who went around Lassies back to plan him a birthday party and accidentally invited a bunch of criminals, so, I don't think it's that big a stretch that she would try to do something to make him feel better about his music and go behind his back a little to do it so she can *surprise* him
She grabs the first complete song she can get her hands on, maybe glances through it but makes the mistake of not reading it thoroughly and submits it to a song writing competition, if it loses, Shawn will never know, if it wins, boom! Boost in his self esteem about his songs!
A win-win plan, really
And the song she grabbed was the Shawn version of Tourniquet we've been talking about, obviously
Yeah, it's *her* turn to do something for *him* with good intentions that ends up being awful, she's not gonna be in the doghouse for this one...she's going straight to the pound
The prize for winning the contest? Well, a celebrity sings it of course!
And...well Juliet may have overlooked that it's sung.....on live television...
All classic song writing prizes, maybe you can win a record deal and a bunch of money too or whatever
Not that Shawn would care about any of that
Anyways, her and Shawn go to the place where they're announcing the winners, you know? Big party. Shawn doesn't know what it's about but he's having fun, probably solving a case here too!
But then he wins....
It's the big finale, announce the winner and sing the song on stage and on camera
"And, this song will be our grand finale! The winning song of the song writing contest will be revealed and sung!" So the singer gets on stage and Shawn is all smiles until he hears "And this song is...πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ Tourniquet by Shawn Spencer!"
And Shawn is going through all the stages of grief, he turns to Jules all "What the fuck did you do" (Perhaps first time she hears him legit cuss??) [Ty Luka]
And suddenly Juliet realises that she should have read the lyrics a bit closer before submitting it
It's the first time she's seen him ANGRY because he is about to get angry
They get in an argument, Shawn storms off, she feels bad
But, the song was on LIVE TELEVISION
Everyone saw it! Everyone HEARD them attribute it to him!
And they don't know he wasn't in on it! They have no reason to believe he's upset about winning!
So, when he shows up at the station, everyone is trying to talk to him about it!
Gus is asking about it, but he stopped pretty quick when he noticed how pissed Shawn seemed about it
Henry's been calling him
He's been not answering, obviously
Juliet tries to talk it out with shawn but he's not having it right now, "Shawn, I-"
"You, shut up, you are in the /pound/!"
"*gasp* the pound?"πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜’
And Lassie was gonna give him a hard time and ask questions but he saw that interaction and realised that he shouldn't touch this with a five foot fucking pole
The precinct feels oddly tense today because well....no one's ever seen SHAWN SPENCER so ANGRY
Or really angry at all
He really powers through solving this case and is actually pretty scary the whole time and he won't talk to Jules, they are not in speaking terms right now
Anything that he would normally go to Jules about, he goes to Carlton and acts like she's not even there while he gets Lassiter to do whatever it is he needs
No fun nicknames either, but what really hits? When he HAS to address jules.....he calls her Detective O'hara
So she REALLY knows she's in trouble
Obviously she's gonna do anything she can to make it better, we know Jules
So she asks around for advice on what she should do
Talks to anyone who will listen really, Lassie, Gus, she even goes to Henry
[Side note, I've been imagining she heard the song, like it was playing all throughout so they could hear it a little muffled from the spot they were arguing at, but she probably missed a good chunk because of the arguing and talking, though her not having heard it would be a really interesting turn to take! She doesn't know what was wrong with the song, only the aftermath, that could be interesting]
Anyway, she gets mostly the same advice, let Shawn cool down and then work it out
But, since she talked to Henry, he now knows that not only did Shawn not submit that song, he's pissed that it played at all
Which will affect the way he treats Shawn when they inevitably talk later
Instead of thinking Shawn did this to get back at him, he knows these were private thoughts that were shared against his will, so he'll be a little less defensive and accusatory
Gus doesn't know what exactly the song was about, but he gets to be the most in the know since he's the only person Shawn is really actually talking to right now
A lot of ranting to Gus about this, of course
Lassie has the least know of the situation because an angry shawn is a startlingly untalkative shawn
Shawn takes a week or two to stop being so completely pissed
He talks to Henry at some point, they probably have a moment or something, but he won't tell anyone what the song was meant to be about
Eventually he calms down enough to let Jules talk to him again and she gets to apologize profusely and work her way off the shit list
And now everyone knows about the depth to shawns character that he didn't want them to know about so he'll just have to slowly chip away at that by going back to being the town idiot as usual
Maybe he agrees to sell his songs as long as his name doesn't go on any of them, I dunno
Everything goes back to normal...eventually, but it takes...a while
So shawn ends it just as emotionally constipated as before but now everyone KNOWS he's emotionally constipated
Everyone gets to go "holy shit, this kid actually has emotional depth?!?!??"
And Henry gets to sit and wonder what he did to Shawn that was a "crash", what phone call? What did he do?
And Yeah, most of them forget probably
But also, there's that inkling of.......is he really okay?
Always in the back of his friends minds
They /heard/ the song
Juliet goes over board trying to make up for it in a way that's so endearing shawn can't help but smile
And forgive her, but only after the third pineapple/hj
Gus is a little concerned but he knows Shawn doesn't want to talk about it so he let's it go
Lassie tries not to pry but he's still feeling kind of awkward about it (what is he supposed to do in this situation? Anything? Should he even care? Should be be on O'Hara's side because they're friends? Shawn's side because he was the one wronged? Anyone's side at all? Should he say something? Welp, he just won't do anything, maybe)
Buzz has no idea what's going on but did try to comfort Shawn a few times and it was sweet
Buzz never knows what's going on with the main four but we love him anyway
Henry has the song on loop trying to figure out what he did and if there's something he should do or say about it
And someone should definitely get Shawn a therapist but they don't
And the whole song is soooooo about his dad
So about his dad it hurts
Tho Gus is a little offended at the "I don't need anyone" part and he makes sure his thoughts on that are known
"I spend every night
With the TV on
I can't bear to be
Alone with my own thoughts"
And now you guys won't be able to stop thinking about this either, MUAHAHAHAHA
To the people who talked to me on discord, thank you!
@mores0 @storm-cloud-lightning
And also @j-snapdragon who joined right at the end
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